Economist's resume in English. How to write a resume in English: guidelines and examples. Extracurricular Activities - hobbies

Surely you have met two terms: resume and CV [from lat. Curriculum Vitae - life path]. In our country, they are used interchangeably to define the concept of "resume on English language". In Europe they use the term CV, in the USA - resume. Recently, the shaky border between these concepts has completely blurred, and the terms CV and resume can be regarded as identical.

Structure of resume or CV in English

Each document has its own structure, which must be adhered to. We will tell you in detail how to write a resume or CV in English. Typically, the sections are in this order:

1. Personal information In the upper right corner at the beginning of your resume, you need to place a good quality photo of yourself. To the left of the photo, enter basic information about yourself. This section consists of the following items:

Name Name and surname in English. If you have a passport, write out this data from it letter by letter.

Address The address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country. Example: 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia.

Phone number Phone number. Enter your number in the international format, because the employer can call you from another country.

Marital status Marital status: married, single, divorced.

Date of birth Date of birth. We recommend that you write the month in letters, as abroad there is different formats writing dates. To avoid confusion, write, for example: 25th July 1985. Remember, the names of months in English are written with capital letter.

Email Address Email: [email protected]

In the same section, you can optionally indicate your citizenship (Nationality), and after e-mail write other communication methods: Skype, social networks, etc. We offer an example of this part:

Personal information

Name Ivan Ivanov

Address 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia

Phone number home: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX

mobile: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX

Marital status Single

Nationality Russian

Email [email protected]

2. Objective

At this point, you must indicate the purpose of the resume - the competition for the position for which you are applying. In this case, you can not only write what position you are interested in, but also briefly justify why you should take it, what your qualities will help you to successfully realize yourself in this place.

Examples of writing a goal on a resume in English:

Sales manager. Sales Manager.

An office accountant position in the Name company. The position of the chief accountant in the company "Company Name".

A general office position with a focus on wholesaling. Office employee position with a specialization in wholesale trade.

To contribute professional skills to achieving your company's goals as an accountant.

To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. Get a position in customer support that will leverage my communication skills and knowledge of the English language.

I am employment seeking with a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am interested in employment in a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the ability to apply my knowledge of English.

I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am looking for a promising and competitive position where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the ability to apply my knowledge of English.

I am seeking a position in the banking sector focusing on microcredit. I am looking for a position in banking with a specialization in microcredit.

I want to obtain a position as an accountant in your company. I would like to get a position of an accountant in your company.

I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company. I am looking for a sales manager position at a distribution firm.

3. Education

In this section, you need to write what kind of education you received after school and where exactly. That is, you need to indicate the full name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and your educational qualification level.

If you graduated from several educational institutions, list them in reverse chronological order - from the last to the first. See an example of how you can indicate your education in your resume if you, for example, studied at a college or university:

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics department, Master's degree in Marketing (2001-2006) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, Master's degree in Marketing (2001-2005)

Krasnodar Marketing College Krasnodar Marketing College

Marketing analyst - basic Junior Marketing Specialist

There are several more options for how you can indicate your education in a CV in English. They are all correct, you can use any of them:

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2001-2005) Moscow State University instrumentation and informatics, faculty of informatics and computer technology, bachelor's degree in computer science (2001-2005)

Department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in Computer science Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow

Master's Degree in Computer science Master's degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master's Degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master's Degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001-2006 Degree in Computer Science and computer facilities Master's degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001-2006, diploma in computer science and computer technology Master's degree in Computer Science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, PhD in Computer science (2006-2009) Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Science in Computer Science (2006-2009)

Please note: educational qualification degrees in our country and abroad are different. To figure out what degree to write on your resume, check out the article.

4. Qualifications (additional qualifications)

In this section you can specify all professional courses that you studied or are learning from. If you also attended training seminars or conferences, be sure to indicate this fact:

September - December 2014; Programming in Java courses at the Solution Training Center, Moscow, Russia September - December 2014; Java programming courses at the Resolve training center, Moscow, Russia

Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2014 up to present Marketing Specialist courses, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2014 to the present

Certificate in Accounting Certificate of an accountant (if you received a certificate outside the university)

5. Work experience

At this point, you must provide the potential employer with information about your professional experience. You need to list all places of work in reverse chronological order, that is, from the last to the first, indicating the period of time when you worked in these firms. Also, indicate your job responsibilities. This way, your potential employer will see what skills you have acquired at previous locations work. Job responsibilities we advise you to describe using a gerund, for example: writing program codes for mobile applications, preparing business plans, etc.

For each job, you must indicate the full name of the company and your position. Also indicate in which country and in which city you worked. You can also indicate the type of business of the company and the name of the department in which you worked.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

In the same section of the resume in English, you can specify your own professional achievements(Achievements). This should only be done if you can concretize your successes. For example, if you managed to increase sales by 2-5% or attract 100 new customers, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. To describe the achievements, we recommend using the Past Simple time, for example: attracted 100 new consumers (attracted 100 new customers). Let's give an example of this CV item.

Company Name 1, 2012-present Moscow, Russia Financial analyst

  • Preparing business plans
  • Planning investment activities and budget
  • Analyzing data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts
  • Preparing reports for the board of management

In order not to miss new ones useful materials,

First, I’ll say a few words about the difference between the terms. Resumé and CV (Curriculum vitae). Resumé Is an American term, and CV used by both British and Americans. For the British CV is a simple resume with well-known sections. For Americans, however CV is a more complete document compared to Resumé and in addition to the classic ones, it includes such sections as Awards(Awards), Publications(Publications), Research experience(Research experience), Memberships(Memberships in associations / organizations) etc. How do you name your resume? If you are applying to a UK or European company, please select a term Curriculum vitae... If in the American - then, of course, Resumé... Well, if you just post your resume on job sites, it will again be Curriculum vitae since you are in the European part of the world.

Let's move on to the sections of the resume. Standard resume, as mentioned in the article "", includes the following main sections: Personal information(Personal information), Work experience or Professional experience(Experience), Education or Educational background(Education), Additional skills(Additional skills and abilities) and References(Recommendations). Optionally include sections Objective(Your goal, i.e. the job you are aiming for) and Interests... Personally, I also recommend the section Personal qualifications(Personal characteristic) in which you can give short description yourself as a person and your style of work.

Personal information

The fields to be filled out are as follows:

  • Name(first name, and then last name. Indicate them, if possible, as they are written in your passport).
  • Birth date.
  • Nationality(optional).
  • Marital status(optional, but better specified).
  • Address.
  • Phone number.
  • Email.

Personal qualities

Next, I recommend continuing with the section Personal qualifications, in which you should briefly describe yourself as a person, your strengths and your style of work. Some expressions that can be used in this section:

  • Motivated individual who demonstrates...
  • Results-oriented professional with a successful record of...
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Able to work efficiently both individually and in a team
  • Major strengths include...
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Competence in...
  • Punctuality
  • Respect for...
  • Computer and Internet literate
  • Strong persuasion skills
  • Conflict management skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Strong analytical thinking
  • Impressive computer skills including...
  • Superior presentation skills
  • Creative
  • Flexible
  • Eager to learn

Work experience

The next section should go Work experience or Professional experience which can also be called Work history or Professional career. Work experience and Work history contain all your work experience and Professional experience or Professional career include only those that are directly related to your profession. In the latter case, after Professional experience / Professional career if necessary, the section follows Additional work experience, which includes work experience that is not relevant to your professional activity(for example, if you are a financier, then additional work experience- this is the experience of working as a nanny, tutor, waiter, etc.). When describing your last two jobs, include a description Key responsibilities(main responsibilities) that you had / have. Employers are interested to know what exactly you were responsible for in your positions. In addition, in the description of the last place of work, it would not hurt and Highlights(major achievements).

Key phrases of the section:

  • Position.
  • Years employed.
  • Responsibilities / Key responsibilities.
  • Highlights(optional).

When drafting this section, remember that it is important to maintain the same formatting of all points and, if possible, use the same parts of speech to describe your key responsibilities at this or that place of work. For example, my Key responsibilities at the penultimate place of work:

  • .
  • Teaching Russian as a foreign language.
  • Devising various teaching materials, OHTs, visual aids.
  • .

As you can see, I also used it to describe my key responsibilities. The WRONG layout would be the following:

  • Teaching English as a foreign language.
  • Taught Russian as a foreign language.
  • Devised various teaching materials, OHTs, visual aids.
  • Participation in composition and publishing of methodological ELT editions.

Here we see an unacceptable mixture of nouns, in and gerund. Of course, all these forms can be used when describing Key responsibilities / Highlights, but I recommend using nouns and gerunds for Key responsibilities, a Past simple- for Highlights... You also need to pay attention to. When listed, a semicolon is used at the end of each item, and the next item begins with a lowercase letter.

Some expressions to help you compose Key responsibilities and Highlights(verb / gerund or noun):

  • To implemen t / implementation.
  • To develop / development.
  • To design / design.
  • To devise / devising.
  • To participate in... / participation in...
  • To assist smb in... / assisting smb in...
  • To represent smb or smth / representing smb or smth.
  • To monitor / monitoring.
  • To supervise / supervising.
  • To create / creating, creation.
  • To compile / compilation.
  • Successfully.
  • Effectively.


A fairly easy section to list only your postsecondary education with relevant degrees and certifications. Key section expressions:

  • Years attended.
  • Bachelor's degree in...
  • Master's degree in...
  • PhD in...
  • Certificate in...
  • Specialist's diploma in...
  • ... (e.g. English philology) department.

Additional skills

This includes language skills (language: level; for example, English: Advanced level), driving license, etc. Key phrases:

  • Language skills.
  • Elementary.
  • Pre-intermediate.
  • Intermediate.
  • Upper-intermediate.
  • Advanced.
  • Native.
  • Driving license (BrE) or driver's license (AmE).


If you would like to include this section in your resume, a short listing of the main interests is sufficient, for which a gerund can be used. For instance:

  • Traveling.
  • Learning foreign languages.
  • Dancing.


Do not include the names and phone numbers of people who can give you referrals if you post your resume on the Internet or with an employment agency. Use the phrase instead available upon request... When you apply for a specific vacancy, it is advisable to provide contact information two or three people who can recommend you. Of course, these people should be aware that they can call and ask about you, and you should be sure that they will give you a positive response. Example of registration References.

Over the four years of work, we have reviewed several thousand English-language resumes of both Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers. Based on this experience, we decided to compile for you detailed instructions on how to write a resume or CV in English, what phrases to use for this and what rules to adhere to. At the end of the article, you will find a sample resume in English, as well as a large vocabulary list to describe your personal qualities and skills.

Surely you have met two terms: resume and CV (from lat. curriculum vitae- life path). In our country, they are used interchangeably to define the concept of "resume in English". In Europe they use the term CV, in the USA - resume. Recently, the shaky border between these concepts has completely blurred, and the terms CV and resume can be regarded as identical.

Structure of resume or CV in English

Each document has its own structure, which must be adhered to. We will tell you in detail how to write a resume or CV in English. Typically, the sections are in this order:

1. Personal information

In the upper right corner at the beginning of the resume, you need to place your photo of good quality. To the left of the photo, enter basic information about yourself. This section consists of the following items:

NameName and surname in English. If you have a passport, write out this data from it letter by letter.
AddressThe address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country.
Example: 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia.
Phone numberPhone number. Enter your number in the international format, because the employer can call you from another country.
Marital statusMarital status: married, single, divorced.
Date of birthDate of Birth. We recommend that you write the month in letters, as there are different formats for writing dates abroad. To avoid confusion, write, for example: 25th July 1985. Remember, the names of the months in English are capitalized.
EmailE-mail address: [email protected]

In the same section, you can optionally indicate your citizenship (nationality), and after e-mail write other communication methods: Skype, social networks, etc. We offer an example of this part:

Personal information
NameIvan Ivanov
Address201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia
Phone numberhome: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
mobile: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
Marital statusSingle
Date of birth25th July 1985
Email[email protected]

2. Objective

At this point, you must indicate the purpose of the resume - the competition for the position for which you are applying. In this case, you can not only write what position you are interested in, but also briefly justify why you should take it, what qualities will help you to successfully realize yourself in this place.

Examples of writing a goal on a resume in English:

Sales manager.Sales Manager.
An office accountant position in the Name company.The position of the chief accountant in the company "Company Name".
A general office position with a focus on wholesaling.Office employee position with a specialization in wholesale trade.
To contribute professional skills to achieving your company "s goals as an accountant.Contribute to the development of the company using the professional skills of an accountant.
To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.Get a position in customer support that will leverage my communication skills and knowledge of the English language.
I am employment seeking with a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.I am interested in employment in a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the ability to apply my knowledge of English.
I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.I am looking for a promising and competitive position where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the ability to apply my knowledge of English.
I am seeking a position in the banking sector focusing on microcredit.I am looking for a position in banking with a specialization in microcredit.
I want to obtain a position as an accountant in your company.I would like to get a position of an accountant in your company.
I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company.I am looking for a sales manager position at a distribution firm.

3. Education

In this section, you need to write what kind of education you received after school and where exactly. That is, you need to indicate the full name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and your educational qualification level.

If you graduated from several educational institutions, list them in reverse chronological order - from the last to the first. See an example of how you can indicate your education in your resume if you, for example, studied at a college or university:

There are several more options for how you can indicate your education in a CV in English. They are all correct, you can use any of them:

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2001-2005)Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, bachelor's degree in computer science (2001-2005)
2001-2005; department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in Computer science

2001-2005; Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow

Master's Degree in Computer science,

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow
2001-2006 Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master's Degree in Computer science2001-2006 Moscow State University of Instrumentation and Informatics, Master's Degree in Informatics
Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001-2006
Degree in Computer Science and computer facilities

Master's degree in Computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, 2001-2006, Diploma in Informatics and Computer Engineering

Master's degree in computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, PhD in Computer science (2006-2009)Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Science in Computer Science (2006-2009)

Please note: educational qualification degrees in our country and abroad are different. To find out what degree to write on your resume, check out our teacher Anastasia's article "English Abbreviations: Degrees in North America."

4. Qualifications (additional qualifications)

In this section, you can indicate all professional courses in which you studied or are studying. If you also attended training seminars or conferences, be sure to indicate this fact:

September - December 2014; Programming in Java courses at the Solution Training Center, Moscow, RussiaSeptember - December 2014; Java programming courses at the Resolve training center, Moscow, Russia
Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2014 up to presentMarketing specialist courses, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2014 to the present
Certificate in AccountingAccountant certificate (if you received a certificate outside the university)

5. Work experience

At this point, you must provide the potential employer with information about your professional experience. You need to list all places of work in reverse chronological order, that is, from the last to the first, indicating the period of time when you worked in these firms. Also, indicate your job responsibilities. This way your potential employer will see what skills you have acquired in previous jobs. We recommend that you describe your job responsibilities using a gerund, for example: writing program codes for mobile applications, preparing business plans, etc.

For each job, you must indicate the full name of the company and your position. Also indicate in which country and in which city you worked. You can also indicate the type of business of the company and the name of the department in which you worked.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

In the same section of the resume in English, you can indicate your professional achievements (achievements). This should only be done if you can concretize your successes. For example, if you managed to increase sales by 2-5% or attract 100 new customers, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. To describe the achievements, we recommend using the Past Simple time, for example: attracted 100 new consumers (attracted 100 new customers). Let's give an example of this CV clause:

Work experience

Company Name 1, 2012-present
Moscow, Russia
Financial analyst

  • Preparing business plans
  • Planning investment activities and budget
  • Analyzing data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts

Company Name 2, 2007-2011
Krasnodar, Russia
Assistant manager

  • Providing main office with office supplies
  • Analyzing large data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts
  • Preparing reports for the board of management

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

If you call your failures experiments, you can add them to your resume and call them achievements.

6. Personal qualities (personal qualities)

This section of your resume might seem to be the easiest to deal with, but in reality you will need to find a balance between praising yourself and being overly humble. Our advice: try to put yourself in the shoes of the employer and think about what qualities the candidate should have for this position. For example, initiative and ambition are indispensable qualities for a development manager, but for an accountant, attentiveness and perseverance are more important.

At the end of the article, we presented phrases to describe personal qualities and skills in English with translation into Russian, which can be reflected in your CV. For example, you can note the following qualities:

Personal qualities

  • Dependable
  • Determined
  • Initiative
  • Versatile

7. Special skills

This section can include several items. Despite the fact that it appears almost at the end of the resume, employers study it just as closely as the paragraph on work experience. It is in this section that you have the opportunity to open up and show yourself with better side thanks to additional skills.

What to write about at this point:

  1. Language skills (knowledge of languages). List all languages ​​that you speak or learn. At the same time, to describe the degree of language proficiency, you can use the standard gradation:,. Or you can use the following words:
  • Native - native.
  • Fluent is fluent.
  • Good reading and translating ability - I read, translate with a dictionary.
  • Basic knowledge - basic knowledge.
  • Computer literacy ( computer literacy). At this point, list the names of the programs that you know how to work with.
  • Driving license If you have a driver's license, mention it on your resume.
  • Hobbies (hobbies). You should be careful with this point. The main mistake is to tell a potential employer about all your hobbies on 10 pages. Briefly mention 2-3 of your hobbies, write about your achievements in this field, if any.
  • Let's give a small example:

    Special skills

    • Native Russian
    • Fluent English
    • Working knowledge of German (Basic knowledge)
    • Driving License (Category B)
    • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C: Enterprise)
    • Hobbies: foreign languages, chess

    8. Awards

    This item is optionally included in the CV only if you have any significant awards. Here you indicate all the certificates, awards, grants, scholarships that you received during your studies at the university or during work. In doing so, list your achievements in chronological order.

    If your awards are directly related to professional activity, you can write this section above, after work experience.

    9. Research experience (scientific activity)

    This item is also optional. In the section, you indicate in which field you have carried out scientific activities and what achievements you have in this field. If you've never spent research work, did not participate in scientific activities, this item can also be skipped.

    10. Publications

    One more optional item. Here you write the title of your publications, the year of their release and the name of the publication in which they were published. If you do not have such jobs, skip this point.

    11. Memberships

    This item is included in the resume in English, too, only if you are a member of any organization. In it you indicate in which professional and public organizations you are. In this case, it is enough to indicate only the name of this organization, for example: Russian Managers Association (Association of Managers of Russia).

    In this section, you should indicate the contacts of people who can recommend you as a good specialist. You can write this way:

    Petr Petrov, Company Name, xxx-x-xxx-xxx-xxxx, [email protected](name and surname of the contact person, company name, contact telephone number, e-mail address of the contact person).

    If you do not want to provide contacts of your former employers or do not want to overload your resume, write the phrase available upon request (available upon request). Try to take recommendations from any place of work. A letter of recommendation can always be attached to a resume, if necessary.

    At the end of the article, you will find an attached sample CV in English, which you can download for free. We also encourage you to view sample resumes in English at,, and

    And before introducing you to 13 tips for writing a competent CV in English, we suggest you digress a little and see an example of an alternative resume for creative people:

    13 tips for writing an effective resume in English

    1. Correct CV design

    • Use a standard font

      Use one of the standard, legible fonts when writing your resume. Ornate letters can tire the reader of your document and decrease your chances of finding a job. Choose Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, these are commonly used in business papers. The font size of the headings of the resume paragraphs should be slightly larger than the font size of the content of these paragraphs. At the same time, check that the font is the same in all parts of the document.

    • Don't overdo it with formatting

      Bold the heading of each of the CV items. Do not bold or italicize text within sections, as this will only worsen its readability. Underscores are also undesirable. Leave blank lines between sections to improve readability. The margins on the right, bottom and top must be at least 1.5 cm, on the left - 2 cm.

    • Use PDF format

      Write your resume in English in Microsoft Office Word and format it correctly. Then export your CV to PDF format. To do this, click "File" - "Save As" and select the PDF format. This way you can be sure that your resume will not be formatted and that it will go to the employer in the form in which you sent it.

    2. High-quality photo

    Be sure to place your photo in the upper right corner of the document. You need to choose a high-quality picture, you must be dressed in a business style, without hats and sunglasses. Some employers don't even consider a CV without a photo, so take the time and get a quality photo for your resume.

    3. Links to profiles in social networks

    Today, almost every employer checks the profiles of a potential employee in in social networks... Therefore, it makes sense to include them on your resume so that you are not confused with someone else. At the same time, we recommend that you view your page and, if necessary, edit it so that it looks presentable. Also abroad (and recently in our country) the network of professional contacts Linkedin is very popular. Create a profile in it and provide a link to it in your resume.

    4. Optimal volume

    Curriculum vitae in English is not an essay in free topic so be concise. Try to write each paragraph concisely, as a rule, the resume should be no more than 2 pages.

    5. Perfect spelling and punctuation

    No matter how great a professional you are, it may not make it to the interview if the HR manager finds mistakes in your resume. Therefore, re-read the document several times after writing it, and also find someone who speaks English at a high level to check your literacy. You can also use spell check services. However, keep in mind that they can only check your spelling and, at best, punctuation, not collocation.

    6. Compliance

    Some employers in the requirements for a vacancy ask to attach a document to the resume: test, a full-length photo, a copy of a diploma, etc. Fulfill this requirement exactly - increase your chances of getting the desired position.

    7. Targeted resume

    If you are going to submit your resume to several different companies, write a separate document for each of them, or do not forget to change the purpose in each resume sent. First, it helps you write the Objective section correctly, since firms probably need different people. If you submit your CV with the wrong purpose, the company may think that you are an inattentive person and will not consider your CV at all. Secondly, you will be able to write the Personal qualities and Special skills sections to match the image of the ideal employee. specific employer... To do this, study the information about the company and look in the advertisement for the search for an employee what kind of person the company is looking for. Build a resume based on this information.

    Resume: a written exaggeration of only the good things a person has done in the past, as well as a wish list of the qualities a person would like to have.

    A resume is a written exaggeration of all the good things a person has done in the past, as well as a list of qualities that he would like to have.

    8. Nothing personal

    CV in English is written in a formal style, and this style implies "depersonalization". That is, try not to use the words "I", "mine", "me", etc. Write dryly and to the point. Read ours, it will help you find the right words.

    9. Nothing more

    The resume should contain only the information that applies to this vacancy. That is, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it is not necessary to write about your hobby for cutting and sewing. If you want to work as a designer, then this item must be indicated in the appropriate section.

    In addition, "superfluous" means other documents that should not be sent along with the resume. Of course, everyone wants to show off to the employer a certificate of knowledge of English or a diploma from an international conference. However, if the announcement does not indicate whether the company needs these documents, you should not attach them to the resume. In this case, do not forget to indicate in the CV itself what certificates and diplomas you have.

    10. Correct email

    Most employers prefer to send a response to a resume by email. Just specifying an email address is half the battle, and there are still some nuances that need to be taken into account. First, the email address must match business style... What do we mean? Make sure that the address does not look frivolous, for example karinka_malinka, otherwise you will come across as a frivolous person. It is best to indicate an e-mail box containing your first and last name in its title. Secondly, we recommend that you play it safe and start your mail on Gmail. Emails sent using domestic postal clients sometimes do not reach overseas employers.

    11. Lying does not paint a person

    This advice will seem banal to someone, but still, let us remind you once again: you cannot indicate false information in your resume. More often than not, job seekers try to distort data about their work experience and this only aggravates the situation. In the age of information technology, it is difficult to hide the truth. Even if the company is foreign, employees of the HR department will easily find a way to find out all the ins and outs of the applicant. And to check whether a person worked in a certain company is as easy as shelling pears. If a potential employee is caught lying, his roads to almost all foreign companies will be closed, because blacklisting of employees is a popular phenomenon even in our country. Consider whether it is worth risking your reputation.

    12. Cover letter

    Our school constantly receives letters with resumes from native speakers. And every email must have a cover letter. In our country, such a document is not always written, but if you plan to work for a foreign company, be sure to write a cover letter. It should indicate why you are interested in the vacancy and why you consider yourself a suitable employee for this position. We advise you to read the article by our teacher Svetlana “Cover Letter. Writing a cover letter in English ”, you will learn how to create an attractive document for an employer.

    13. Accuracy

    If you are sending your document in hard copy, make sure it looks neat. The sheets should be free of stains and creases. Attach the printed document to a file, this will help keep the document in good shape.

    Sample CV in English

    Now you know how to write a resume or CV in English to keep a potential employer interested. To make it even easier for you to write this document, we include a sample CV in English, as well as a list of useful vocabulary for describing personal qualities and skills:

    (* .pdf, 167 Kb)

    (* .pdf, 227 Kb)

    Is your resume ready? Then it's time to get ready for the interview. We have developed an article "" for you, in which you will find the 10 most frequently asked interview questions and ready-made successful answers to them in English.

    And if you would like some help to check your resume and prepare for the upcoming interview in English, we invite you to. An experienced teacher will help you prepare so that you can pass all stages of the interview successfully and without nerves.

    We all want to have a good and interesting job in which we can prove ourselves and realize our ambitious plans. But before you get this very job and start conquering the world, you need to be interviewed for the desired position. And even before meeting with a potential employer, we will need to send our resume to an open position.

    A good resume can be difficult to write even in your native language, and in English it can seem like an impossible task at all. But this is not at all the case. As in any other business, it is important to know the basic rules and some "tricks" that will distinguish your candidacy from others and help to interest a potential employer.

    In this article, you will learn how to write a CV (resume) in English, how to talk about past work experience, education, basic skills, and how to write a good cover letter.

    Rules for drafting and formatting a resume in English

    Your resume is yours business card... The employer will use it to evaluate you and your skills for the first time even before a personal meeting. A well-written resume increases the chances of being invited to the next stage - the interview. But we'll talk about it a little later.

    Before you start writing your own resume in English, it is worth remembering that there is no one-size-fits-all perfect resume.

    Tip: Write a new resume and cover letter for each position you are applying for.

    First of all, the employer wants to see a living person behind the soulless text, because it is he, and not his flawlessly composed resume, who will take a vacant position in the company.

    Different jobs may need to highlight different aspects of your career and past skills acquired. This is why it is recommended that you update your resume regularly and review it carefully each time before submitting.

    If you are submitting a resume to a job search service, it should be detailed and detailed in order to present you well from different angles.

    However, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

    • Keep your resume short and concise
    • Highlight the most important aspects of your past career, but do not get carried away with writing. Anything you would like to say or emphasize in excess of the information specified in the resume - write in your cover letter. The best option is 2 A4 pages.

    • Your resume should make a good impression on you.
    • Indicate the merits or achievements in past jobs - this will be your advantage. If you are a beginner specialist, please tell us more about what skills you acquired during your studies and what internships you took.

    • The resume should be written in a business tone
    • Avoid slang and informal phrases. From the very first lines of the resume, it should speak of you as a professional.

    • The resume must be readable
    • Take the time to write your resume. It should be written in a consistent style, broken down by major topics, and easy to read.

    • The resume must be literate
    • Spelling mistakes on your resume is a surefire way to get rejected. Before sending, it is worth re-reading the text several times. Better yet, check it out using special services. You can also share your resume with a friend or family member. A fresh look from the outside will not hurt.

    Resume or CV?

    In Great Britain and Ireland, the use of the term CV is widespread, which was then borrowed by many other countries. CV is an abbreviation for the Latin expression Curriculum Vitae, which translates to "the course of life."

    In the United States, however, a resume is denoted by the word résumé [ˈrezəmeɪ] that we understand. CV is not so widespread in America and is used more in academia and in the niche community than in job recruiting.

    The summary is divided into main sections:

    • Personal information
    • Objective / Professional Summary (Vacancy you are applying for or desired field of activity)
    • Work experience / Employment history
    • Education
    • Personal qualities
    • Special skills
    • Interests
    • References

    Let's consider each of them in more detail:

    Personal information

    This section is the "header" of the resume, which contains standard personal data: name, surname, address, phone number, email and other ways to contact you. Whether to provide more detailed information (age, marital status, nationality) is up to you. The employer should consider the resume without any prejudice and evaluate you only as a specialist.

    Name: Petr Sinichkin
    Address: 20 Lenina Street, apt. 34, Moscow, 215315, Russia
    Phone number
    - home: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
    - mobile: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
    Date of birth: 15th December 1990
    Email [email protected]
    Social Media:
    - Facebook:
    - LinkedIn:

    Objective / Professional Summary

    At the very beginning of your resume, you can identify the area in which you want to work by identifying your key skills. Don't write too much - leave the details for your cover letter. One or two sentences are enough. For instance:

    I am seeking a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English - I am looking for a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and apply my knowledge of English.

    Work Experience

    This is one of the most important points in a resume. Work experience should list any previous vacancies that you have held or where you completed an internship.

    Places of work are listed in descending order. That is, starting with the most recent one on which you worked or are working now. The last 3-5 jobs will be enough.

    For each of them, indicate the position held and the responsibilities that you performed on it. If there are good indicators that you are proud of, be sure to indicate them too and pay attention to the wording. Compare the two sentences:

    Significantly increased income and the client base between 2006 and 2008 - Significantly increased profit and customer base between 2006 and 2008.

    Increased income from $ 750,000 in 2006 to $ 3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15,000 to 30,000 - Increased profit from $ 750 thousand in 2006 to $ 3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15 thousand to 30 thousand.

    The second sentence presents the candidate in a more favorable light because it relies on quantitative facts and impressive metrics. At the interview, you will likely be asked to talk about your accomplishments in your previous job, so why not include them on your resume.

    It is also worth mentioning in this section your main responsibilities in the previous position and the key skills that you gained in each of the past positions. Use a bulleted list for decoration. For instance:

    Company Name,
    2016 - present
    St. Petersburg, Russia

    Financial analyst

    Preparing business plans
    - Planning investment activities and budget
    - Analyzing data
    - Preparing financial forecasts
    - Preparing reports

    Name of the company
    2016 - present
    Saint-Petersburg, Russia

    Financial analyst

    Preparation of business plans
    - Investment planning and budgeting
    - Data analysis
    - Preparation of financial forecasts
    - Preparation of reports

    Advice: if a resume is drawn up for a specific vacancy, in your work experience, pay attention to those points that are more suitable for the desired future position. Draw the employer's attention to the experience, qualifications and achievements that will help you in the position for which you are applying.

    If you volunteered or took work internships - be sure to indicate this in the section work experience.

    Better to avoid large time gaps between jobs. If you have been traveling for some time, receiving treatment or caring for a relative - briefly indicate this in your resume. This will help you avoid awkward interview questions.


    In this section, list all places where you received your education. It could be a university, college, additional courses etc. Likewise with the work experience section - indicate educational institutions in reverse order, starting with the last one. Be sure to include the year of graduation or the date of the course.

    All seminars, trainings and other courses that you took are indicated here. If you have verified certificates of further education or awards that you consider necessary to tell about - write about them in the section education.

    You can specify the places of study different ways... Here are some common options:

    South Ural State University, Marketing department, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

    South Ural State University, Department of Marketing, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

    September 2007 - June 2012
    Moscow State University
    Advertising specialist

    Additional qualifications and courses are listed in the order they are listed. For instance:

    Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2016 up to present- Courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2016 to the present

    Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018 - Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018

    Personal Qualities

    For many, this section becomes a stumbling block, because in it you need to describe yourself from the outside and indicate your best qualities. It is important to find a balance between bragging and being overly modest.

    Tip: put yourself in the employer's shoes and think about what personality traits are right for the desired position. For example, the ability to find a common language with people and high stress tolerance are suitable for a sales manager, but attentiveness and the ability to repetitive work are more positive qualities for an editor or accountant than for a creative specialist.

    In the resume, you can indicate such personal qualities as proactive(initiative), communicative(communicable), organized(collected, organized) and others. For a complete list of qualities and skills, see this article below in the Resume Vocabulary section.

    Special Skills

    In the same section, you can indicate your special skills that will help when applying for a job or any other additional information(additional information) that may be helpful and present you in a favorable light.

    Among the main special skills, you can indicate the knowledge of foreign languages. For instance:

    Native Russian - Native Russian
    Fluent English - Fluent English
    Basic (knowledge of) German - Basic knowledge of the German language

    Knowledge and skills in other areas, for example, computer literacy(computer literacy) is accompanied by a listing of the mastered programs (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C, Adobe Photoshop, etc.), and the presence driving license(driver's license) must be indicated with the category (category B).

    For key skills it will not be superfluous to indicate the level of proficiency: beginner (beginner), intermediate (intermediate) or expert (expert).

    Knowledge level (background) in a particular area can be expressed using phrases:

    in-depth knowledge of ... - deep knowledge in ...
    well-developed skills in ... - well-developed skills ...
    with broad experience in… - with broad experience in…
    in-depth understanding of ... - deep understanding ...

    excellent written and verbal communication skills - excellent written and oral communication skills
    speaking in public - the ability to speak in front of an audience
    solve technical problems easily - easily solve technical problems
    read and write in English fluently - I read and write fluently in English
    and others.

    Tip: list the main skills, no more than 10. Do not overload your resume with unnecessary information.

    Interests and Achievements

    In this section, do not write about how you like to read books or cook dishes from around the world. This is unnecessary information for the employer.

    But if you have personal achievements or hobbies that you are proud of - indicate them in this section. A hobby for sports or art will make a good impression. If your personal interests will be useful in the vacancy for which you are applying, it is better to tell about them.


    This section indicates the contacts of people from whom the future employer can find out about you and ask various questions regarding your personality and experience. Therefore, in this section it is worth indicating people who will talk about you from a positive side.

    If you have no work experience, you can indicate the contacts of a teacher at the university or a person under whose guidance you did your internship.

    In addition, these people should be aware that you include their details on your resume and should be ready to receive a call from the employer. Usually 1-2 contacts are indicated.

    If you do not want to disclose this data to unauthorized persons, you can limit yourself to a standard phrase that the recommendations available upon request(available upon request).

    Cover letter for resume in English

    Cover letter(cover letter) is just as important as the resume itself. Many job seekers do not submit any additional information beyond their resume, but all HR managers(HR managers) argue that the cover letter has a positive effect on the image of the future employee. The main purpose of a cover letter is to help you get an invitation for an interview.

    A cover letter makes it possible to more clearly define your position and explain why you are interested in this vacancy and stimulate interest in your candidacy from a potential employer.

    The cover letter should be in a neutral business tone. Emphasize the aspects of the job posting, but do not overload the letter with emotion. Everything that is indicated in the cover letter should be relevant to the position(apply to the position) you are applying for.

    Although cover letters are written in free form, the following rules for composing a cover letter can be distinguished:

    Structured information
    - No more than one printed page
    - Brevity and professionalism
    - No grammatical errors
    - Includes key job and job skills

    Cover letter sections


    At the very beginning, indicate how you learned about the vacancy and what position you are interested in.

    For instance:

    I am looking for a part-time job at ...- I am looking for a part-time job in ...

    I would like to find out about employment opportunities in the finance department mentioned on your website- I would like to inquire about vacancies in finance department mentioned on your site

    Main part

    In the main body of your letter, include your reasons for being interested in the position. Your motivation can attract a potential employer. Also, highlight the skills that will help you get the job. For instance:

    With my educational background and a strong interest in business I think I will be a great asset to your company. I speak German and Japanese and am at ease in a multicultural environment. My career aim is to work in the HR department - Due to my education and interest in business, I believe that I will become a valuable person in your company. I speak German and Japanese and feel good in a multicultural environment. The goal of my career is to work in the HR department.


    In the last part of your cover letter, indicate that you are interested in the interview and leave your contact details.

    For instance:

    I will be glad to discuss my experience during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me by phone: +1 893 65 67 89- I will be happy to discuss my experience in the interview with you. If you need more information, please contact me at +1 893 65 67 89.

    And of course, don't forget to check your letter for grammatical and stylistic errors.

    Resume vocabulary

    Personal qualities

    • Approachable - Meeting-going, responsive
    • Articulate - Able to articulate and articulate his thoughts
    • Attentive - Attentive
    • Broad-minded - Broad-minded
    • Calm - Calm, balanced
    • Capable - Capable, skillful
    • Cheerful - Cheerful
    • Committed - Committed
    • Communicative - Sociable
    • Confident - Confident
    • Conscientious - Conscientious, conscientious
    • Cooperative - Easily collaborate with other people
    • Courteous - Polite, courteous
    • Creative - Creative, inventive
    • Dependable / Reliable - Reliable, trustworthy
    • Decisive - Decisive
    • Determined - Purposeful
    • Diligent - Diligent, diligent, executive
    • Eager to learn - Ready to learn new things
    • Eloquent - Eloquent, Persuasive
    • Energetic - Energetic, active
    • Enthusiastic - Enthusiastic, enthusiastic
    • Flexible - Flexible, able to adapt
    • Hard-working - Hardworking
    • Honest - Honest
    • Independent - Independent, independent
    • Proactive - Proactive
    • Inquisitive - Inquisitive
    • Insightful / Astute - Insightful
    • Meticulous - Meticulous
    • Open-minded - open to new, unbiased
    • Optimistic - Optimistic
    • Organized - Collected, organized
    • Persuasive - Persuasive
    • Positive - Positive
    • Punctual - Punctual
    • Self-motivated - Self-motivated, not needing additional motivation
    • Versatile - Versatile


    • Ability to work efficiently both individually and in a team - Ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team
    • Ability to work under pressure - Ability to work in stressful situations
    • Business communication skills - Ability to communicate in a business environment
    • Communicative skills / Social skills - Good communication skills
    • Conflict management skills - Ability to resolve conflict situations
    • Creative thinking skills - Creative thinking
    • Critical thinking skills - Critical thinking
    • Decision making skills - Decision making
    • Effective listening skills - Ability to listen to the interlocutor
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Excellent speaking and writing skills
    • Good sense of humor - Good sense of humor
    • Multitasking - Ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time
    • Organizational skills - Organizational skills
    • Positive attitude - Positive thinking
    • Problem-solving skills - Problem-solving skills
    • Quick learning skills - Rapid learning
    • Resourcefulness - Resourcefulness, resourcefulness
    • Risk taking - Willingness to take risks
    • Sales Ability - Ability to work in the field of sales
    • Strategic thinking - Strategic thinking
    • Strong analytical thinking
    • Time management skills - Ability to manage time
    • Willingness to learn - Willingness to learn

    Sample and sample resume in English with translation

    Today many programmers are looking for work abroad. So, as an example, consider the resume of a programmer in the gaming industry.

    James blake

    123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

    Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000

    [email protected]

    Professional Summary

    Extremely efficient Game Programmer seeking a position in which my creative skills and programming knowledge can be used as an asset to the company.

    Core Qualifications

    • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to designing and programming
    • Great understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
    • Work ethic and determination needed to focus and accomplish the task at hand
    • Ability to work as part of a team to meet a common goal
    • Great capacity for learning and implementing new types of programming
    • Great analytical and problem solving skills


    Game programmer
    8/1/2010 - Present
    Welsh Developers
    Indianapolis, IN

    • Write code to determine the mechanics and gameplay of the new software
    • Program many aspects of video games such as graphics sound interface scripts etc.
    • Research the statistics relating to the game to determine type of the gameplay to use
    • Oversee the testing of the game to determine whether it is up to standards

    Game programmer
    12/1/2005 – 8/1/2010
    ChildÕs Play Inc.
    Chicago, IL

    • Develop and program games and gaming systems for children
    • Work with game designers and developers to release the most beneficial games for kids


    Bachelor "s Degree
    2000 – 2005
    Programming University of Illinois
    Chicago, IL

    • Knowledge of C ++, C, and other programming languages
    • Specific platform experience (PlayStation, Xbox)
    • Good understanding of game industry
    • Highly organized
    • Good communication and teamwork skills
    • Work to deadlines
    • Creative approach to work

    James blake

    123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

    Home: 000-000-0000 | Mobile: 000-000-0000

    [email protected]

    Professional goal

    A qualified game programmer is looking for a job at a company where my creative skills and coding knowledge will come in handy.


    • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to design and programming
    • Excellent understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
    • Work ethic and ability to focus and get things done
    • Ability to work in a team towards a common goal
    • Great potential for learning and implementing new types of programming
    • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills


    Game programmer
    August 2010 - present
    Welsh Developers

    • Writing code to define mechanics and gameplay for new software
    • Programming various aspects of video games, such as graphic and sound scripts in the interface, etc.
    • Examining statistics related to the game to determine the type of gameplay
    • Monitoring game testing for standards compliance
    • Development and programming of games and play systems for children
    • Working with game designers and developers to create useful games for kids


    Bachelors degree
    2000 – 2005
    Chicago Programming Institute,


    • Knowledge of C ++, C and other programming languages
    • Experience with platforms (PlayStation, Xbox)
    • Good understanding of the gaming industry
    • Organization
    • Good communication and teamwork skills
    • Compliance with deadlines
    • Creative approach to work

    Now you know how to properly compose and format a resume in English. Good luck with job hunting!

    "How to write a resume in English?" - this question worries many job seekers looking for a job. We will tell you about all the subtleties and nuances of this process in this article.

    To begin with, the word "resume" can be translated in two ways. In the UK and other European countries, it is customary to use the term CV (from lat. curriculum vitae- life path), in the USA - resume. Accordingly, when choosing the most correct option, focus on the company where you want to get a job.

    In order for a resume to “shoot” and be liked by a potential employer, you need to know a few things. First, it is important to understand how and in what style you should express your thoughts. Second, you need to be able to properly structure your resume.

    Let's take a look at the first point.

    Basic principles of resume writing:

    1. Brevity is the soul of wit. Don't write too much, try to limit yourself to 1-2 sheets of a Word document. Include only the most important information, leaving out any unnecessary details and details. It is unlikely that a human resources employee will spend a lot of time on one resume. Your goal is to present the material as concisely, succinctly and informatively as possible, so that anyone can quickly grasp the very essence.
    2. Literacy. This is very important aspect, on which depends what impression you make on a potential employer. When writing a resume in English, use words and phrases that you are 100% confident in. It is also not recommended to use overly complex constructions, especially if your level of language proficiency is far from perfect. And, of course, forget about slang and colloquial expressions! Choose neutral words or professional vocabulary. After writing your resume, be sure to check it several times.
    3. The photo. According to statistics, most HR employees prefer to invite candidates who have added a photo to their resume for an interview.
    4. Directionality. Before applying for a vacancy, study the requirements for the candidate. With these considerations in mind, make some edits to your resume.
    5. Structuredness. A resume is not just a document listing all your credentials. Any well-written CV should have a clear structure. Which one? We will talk about this in the second part of our article.

    Resume structure

    1. Personal information - personal data

    A person is greeted by his clothes, and the applicant's resume is greeted by his photograph. Typically, the photo is inserted in the upper right corner of the document. To the left of the picture is information about yourself:

    Name Name and surname in English. Be extremely careful! We advise you to check the correct spelling in your passport.
    Address The address is in English. Most often it is written in the following order: house number - street name - apartment number - city - postal code - country. Example: 15 Pushkina Street, apt. 5, Moscow, 205637, Russia.
    Phone number Telephone. It is advisable to indicate the number in the international format, starting with the country code.
    Marital status Family status. There are several options here: married (married), single (not married, not married) and divorced (divorced).
    Date of birth Date of Birth. Please note that the name of the month is capitalized. For example, you can designate a date like this: 12th November, 1990.
    Email E-mail address. The best international postal service considered gmail.

    Optionally, you can also enable nationality and additional communication methods (such as Skype or Facebook).

    2. Objective - the goal

    In this section, it is necessary to formulate the purpose of the resume - to indicate what position you want to take. Many experts advise not only to indicate the position you are interested in, but also to very briefly explain why you are the right candidate.

    Here are some examples:

    I am looking for a position as a procurement manager for a distributive company. I am looking for a position of purchasing manager in a distribution company.
    I want to obtain a position as a marketing assistant in your company. I want to apply for the position of Marketing Assistant in your company.
    I am seeking a position as a sales manager in a large fast growing company. I am looking for a job as a sales manager in a large fast growing company.
    I would like to get a position of translator to use my professional skills and advanced knowledge of English and German. I would like to get a job as a translator to be able to apply my professional skills and advanced knowledge of English and German.
    Hard working business management graduate with proven leadership and organizational skills seeking to apply my abilities to the position of junior assistant to the CEO at…. Hardworking Business Management graduate with good leadership and organizational skills would like to get a job as a junior assistant in the company….

    3. Education - education

    At this point, you need to write where and when you studied after school. Indicate the full name of the institution in which you studied, faculty, specialty, your educational qualification level and years of study. If you have a diploma with honor, make the necessary note in your resume.

    If you graduated from two or more educational institutions, list them in reverse chronological order - from the last to the first.

    Below are some examples:

    In the event that the study has not yet been completed, the following expressions will come to the rescue:

    4. Qualifications - additional qualifications

    This section is intended to indicate the various courses, special seminars and conferences that you attended for the purpose of professional growth and professional development.

    For instance:

    5. Work experience / Employment History - work experience

    Perhaps this is one of the key sections of the resume. It is very important to present your experience in a positive light, to describe it in such a way that the HR employee wants to invite you for an interview.

    Be sure to include the position you previously held, as well as your job responsibilities. Do not "pour water" - no one is interested in reading long stories about what you were doing. Write clearly and as briefly as possible. For example, you can describe your responsibilities using the gerund: monitoring the market - monitoring the market, communicating with our suppliers - communicating with suppliers, preparing business plans - preparing business plans, etc.

    What if you are a yesterday graduate or you do not have an official place of work? In this case, you can write about an internship at a university, an internship at a company, tutoring, or fulfilling orders on a freelance exchange.

    In the same section, you can focus on your achievements. Please note: all wording must be extremely clear. Be specific about your successes. Let's say you managed to attract 50 new customers, you exceeded the KPI plan by 2 times every month, or wrote 100 articles for large company... It would be appropriate to use the Past Simple time here, for example: wrote 100 articles for a large company.

    So, when filling out this item, indicate the name of the company, the country and city where it is located, the time period when you worked there, as well as the name of your position. Next, list your responsibilities and what you think are the most important accomplishments. It is best to list all jobs in reverse chronological order, that is, from last to first.

    Here are some examples:

    Company name, Moscow, Russia
    Sales manager
    2015 - up to now
    • Managing the sales cycle from inception to execution
    • Writing formal responses to RFQ / RFPs
    • Building and retaining long-term friendships / relationships with customers
    • Negotiating contracts from year to year etc.

    Key achievements:

    • increased sales by 10%
    • won the Rising Star Award (date)
    • attracted 25 new clients
    • Won Top Seller Prize for two consecutive months, securing 155% and 203% of monthly targets
    • Achieved record-breaking sales of… rubles. Consistently brought in half of the overall monthly sales target
    Company Name, Moscow, Russia
    • Performing administrative duties such as scheduling, typing, photocopying, etc.
    • Speaking with clients on the phone
    • Arranging the details of special events
    • Booking tickets
    • Managing capital purchases
    • Maintaining a clean and safe environment in the office, etc.

    6. Skills - special skills

    This section is another chance to tell a potential employer about your competitive advantages, that is, special skills that you possess:

    1. Ability to solve any complex issues. For example, to complete several tasks at the same time (multitasking) or always deliver work on time (ability to meet deadlines).

      Typically, job seekers appeal with the following expressions:

      • Strong time management skills - excellent time management skill (the ability to plan your working hours)
      • Willingness to learn - desire to learn
      • Ability to work efficiently in a team - the ability to work effectively in a team
      • Good at quick decision making - the ability to make quick decisions
      • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - excellent speaking and writing skills
      • Problem-solving skills - the ability to solve problems
      • Analytical thinking - analytical thinking
      • In-depth knowledge of ... - deep knowledge in ...
      • Have broad experience in ... - I have extensive experience in ...
    2. Knowledge of foreign languages. To describe your level, we recommend using the terms of the international CEFR scale: beginner (A1), elementary (A2), intermediate (B1), upper-intermediate (B2), advanced (C1), proficient (C2).
    3. Computer literacy. List the computer programs that you own. For example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Outlook Express, Adobe Photoshop, 1C: Enterprise, etc.
    4. Driving license.
    5. Hobby.

      Let's give an example:

      • Strategic thinking, quick learning skills, ability to work under pressure
      • English - upper-intermediate (B2)
      • French - elementary (A2)
      • Computer literacy - Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop
      • Driving license - category B
      • Hobbies - traveling, reading, boxing

    7. Personal qualities - personal qualities

    It would seem, what is difficult here? However, for many, listing their positive qualities presents a certain difficulty. It’s very difficult to present your strengths in a way that doesn’t go into boasting and bragging rights.

    Before writing this paragraph, carefully study the vacancy and especially the requirements that apply to the candidate. Do you need an energetic and friendly person? If you consider yourself such, write that you are active, sociable and know how to find a common language with any people. And vice versa: if you are applying for a vacancy that does not involve teamwork and communication with clients or partners, then you should indicate completely different qualities inherent in you.

    We've compiled a topical list of adjectives that you might find useful:

    Active Active
    Adaptable Easily adaptable to circumstances
    Ambitious Purposeful, ambitious
    Articulate Articulate
    Calm Calm
    Collaborative Able to work in a team
    Communicative Communicable
    Confident Confident
    Cooperative Helpful / able to get along with people
    Creative Creative
    Decisive Decisive
    Determined Purposeful
    Detail-oriented Attentive to the details
    Devoted Dedicated
    Diligent Diligent, diligent
    Diplomatic Diplomatic
    Energetic Vigorous
    Enthusiastic Passionate, working with enthusiasm
    Flexible Able to adapt to circumstances
    Focused Purposeful
    Hard-working Hardworking
    Industrious Hard-working, hardworking
    Initiative Taking initiative
    Insightful Shrewd
    Meticulous Scrupulous, pedantic, thoroughly doing his job
    Open-minded Open-minded, open-minded
    Optimistic Optimistic
    Patient Patient
    Persuasive Able to convince
    Positive Positive
    Practical Practical
    Punctual Punctual
    Rational Rational
    Reflective Reflective, able to analyze
    Responsible Responsible
    Self-motivated Interested, motivated
    Sociable Communicative
    Stress-resistant Stress-resistant
    Technological Tech savvy
    Versatile Diversified, broad-minded

    Moreover, if you wish, you can include the following sections in your resume:

    References–Recommendations (contacts of those people who can give you a positive recommendation)
    Awards- awards
    Research experience- scientific activity
    Publications- publications

    So, now you know exactly how to properly compose a resume in English. If you want this process not to constitute you special labor, sign up for classes at Wall Street English. We teach a "live" spoken language, which will definitely come in handy at the workplace, during business trips abroad, on vacation and, of course, will help you in writing a competent resume in English.