Psychological test for a leadership position online. Test to identify the manager's organizational skills test on the topic. Block "Social sensitivity"

Many people think that when a new manager is hired, he can only be assessed after an interview and a trial period, but for a manager of any level - from a department head to a CEO - hiring tests can be even more relevant than for an ordinary employee.

Surveys of HR leaders conducted in 2018 showed that 72% of companies in Russia with more than 100 employees use testing when hiring. It is estimated that by 2020 this number will reach 85-87%.

And the higher the position for which the company is looking for an employee, the more likely it is that psychological tests and assessments will be used for the initial assessment of applicants.

According to SHL 2017, hiring tests are used globally to select candidates for 60% of initial positions and 75% of mid-level management positions, ranging from department heads. For senior management positions, this figure is 81%.

In Russia, this distribution is slightly different: in our country, tests are more used to assess entry-level positions and positions at the level of department heads, while companies rely more on traditional recommendations, personal connections and business intelligence for the selection of senior management. In Russia, hiring tests are used:

  • for 66% of positions at the starting level (most of all in the banking sector - 81%);
  • for 83% of positions of entry and middle management level;
  • for 61% of senior management positions.

Thus, the chances of testing and an assessment center are highest if you are applying for the job of an entry-level or intermediate-level manager - this is a large number of positions, they are fundamentally important for companies and they have the highest competition.

In this article, we will take a closer look at tests for just such positions - middle managers.

Test objectives for executives

Companies use tests to match managers with the experience and skills needed to fulfill specific job responsibilities and quickly weed out the wrong people.

In addition to employers, tests for the competence of managers in Russia are now actively used by state competitions for managers. The most famous and popular among them is the Leaders of Russia competition. Read more about the Management Capability Test Phase of this HRLider competition:

What can you do to successfully pass these tests, get the job you want, and the ability to grow rapidly in your career?

First of all, do not try to trick them by trying to adjust. You still won't be able to do this. But it is worth getting to know such tests in order to better understand their format and, in general, to increase your chances of passing them.

If you have done such tests before, then you are more likely to be able to prove yourself with your best sides... Also, according to the proposed tests, you will be able to better assess your potential job - this is a valuable source of information for a competent candidate.

Employers take hiring tests very seriously, and you need to take them seriously too.

What do executive tests measure?

The first mentions of examinations for candidates for officials - prototypes of tests for leaders - are found in ancient China of the Han Dynasty. The most famous developer of ancient hiring tests is Confucius and his followers in the Imperial Chancellery of the Celestial Empire. Intelligence, knowledge and moral integrity were sought in the leaders of that time with the help of many tests.

Tests modern type were introduced for the selection of officials and commanders in the military departments of the United States and England during the First World War, and after the Second World War, this process became widespread in private business to assess leaders at all levels.

Currently, hiring tests are an integral part of the HR process in most large companies... The use of tests allows you to significantly save time and resources for the initial assessment of applicants. It is a fast, accurate and objective way to screen a large number of candidates.

When evaluating jobseekers for leadership positions, companies first test three key qualities required for success: competence, work ethic, and emotional intelligence. While employers primarily look for these qualities in resumes, referrals, and interviews, they need Additional Information for a hiring solution. The success of the entire company depends on the quality of the selection of employees for positions in management, and a resume and interview alone is not enough here. Testing makes it possible to make a much more accurate forecast of the future success of a manager than an analysis of his education or experience.

Let's take a closer look at these three qualities that leaders need.


Competence is usually tested by intelligence tests, which are multiple choice questions or problems. These are the so-called aptitude tests, which are designed to assess the general level of mental ability of a candidate. They can be both well-known IQ tests and highly specialized tests for certain knowledge and skills, but in general they are tasks to determine what you know, can do or will be able to do in the future.

The most common types of such tests are numerical, verbal and logical tests. For employers, these tools are a great addition to a resume, especially when all candidates share similar characteristics.

An important part of aptitude tests for you as a candidate is that you don't have to practice them to perfection. Companies rely on them just to make sure you have the right intelligence - you just need to get to the top of the best candidates. To do this, it is enough to gain 80% or more correct answers, which is quite achievable results after 3-4 days of preparation.

A relatively new trend is the use of psychological tests to assess candidates for leadership. Other names for these tests are situational or behavioral. Like intelligence tests, situational tests offer you a certain problem but the answers represent several possible options its decisions and among them there are no unequivocally right or wrong. The criterion of correctness of the answers is determined by experts or representatives of the employer - they themselves determine which answers are valuable and which are not. Behavioral tests for managers are usually not limited in time and focus more on experience and knowledge than on general intellectual ability. In addition, in situational tests, their content is associated with the implementation of a specific managerial role, whereas in aptitude tests, roles are not prescribed.

To prepare for the situational tests, you will need to study the values ​​and principles of the company you are applying for - this is the same preparation that should be done before the interview.

Work ethic

Most companies are looking for executives who are ambitious, reliable, and trustworthy. These qualities of a middle manager determine not only his success in performing the assigned tasks, but also how well he will fit into the structure of the company and how well he will interact with other employees of all levels. To determine these qualities, questionnaires or questionnaires are usually used, such as psychological tests, which allow you to clarify the patterns of behavior typical for the applicant in a particular situation. Such tests can show how a person will behave in a difficult work situation that requires choice. For example, as in the task below - intervene or pass by - something that is very important for most employers to know.

I wrote “majority” because there are companies looking for a more specific set of work ethic qualities. For example, Reckitt Benckiser, a well-known manufacturer of FMCG goods, to promote many of its brands, for example, Durex, is looking for people who are “cool to the point”, so much so that they can even behave in a defiant way. This example is a reminder that different companies and different departments in the same company may be looking for different people for different tasks.

Since psychologist Daniel Goleman introduced this concept, companies around the world have begun to pay great attention to this quality and it is well-deserved attention. Many studies show that emotional intelligence is closely related to overall work performance, entrepreneurial potential, and leadership talent. For managers of all levels, the importance of emotional intelligence is even higher, because a manager is someone who constantly interacts with different people.

Employers routinely measure emotional intelligence in job interviews, but a growing trend is the use of psychological tests for executives. Such behavioral tests can be in the form of personality questionnaires or situational tests with a detailed scenario and answer options. Your choice of answers can create a very accurate and objective picture of your most likely lines of behavior when dealing with other people, for example, in interpersonal conflicts. The main purpose of psychological tests for emotional intelligence is to determine how much you are able to empathize and understand the feelings of others.

Situational tests for executives can include a wide variety of variations. They usually assess your ability to make decisions under emotional pressure or in a situation of choosing the answer that is most appropriate within the framework of work etiquette.

Some companies have gone even further in applying situational tests for executives. For example, Heineken use them in real life when interviewing in the form of unexpected or uncomfortable situations. This can be in the form of a welcome handshake that becomes too strong and intrusive, or in a situation where the interviewer who meets you is late for the meeting, and then pretends not to notice you and passes by. These situations are actually situational tests designed to assess your emotional resilience, communication skills, and team spirit.

While some of the behavioral test scripts for executives may seem overly simple and even silly, they allow employers to create a fairly accurate picture of the applicant's emotional literacy and responsiveness - qualities that are vital in certain roles and organizational cultures.

Types of situational tests for managers

There are several basic types of behavioral tests for managers of all levels.

Most and least effective answer

In a psychological test of this type, you are given a scenario describing the problem and 4-5 answers suggesting your answer to this scenario. You are required to identify the most and least effective answer.

See the end of the article for the answer and explanation of this test. Try to find the answer yourself first.

Rating questions on the performance scale

In these questions, you need to rank all the answers from most productive to counterproductive. Sometimes the same rating can be used only once, and sometimes more than once.

Rating questions that require you to rank the answers in terms of effectiveness from 1 to 5

Where 1 is the least effective and 5 is the most effective. Sometimes the same rating can be used only once, and sometimes more than once.

Most and least likely answer

The variation of the test with the most and least effective answers is the test with the most and least likely answers. They ask you to identify the answers that you are most likely to do and which you are least likely to do.

Tests with one correct answer

The main type of behavioral tests for managers remains the test to determine one correct answer - your first answer, your best answer, and so on.

See the end of the article for the answer and explanation of this test. Try to find the answer yourself first.

Once you understand the types of executive tests and the qualities employers are trying to identify, here are some tips on how you can improve your ability to quickly and accurately solve executive behavioral tests.


In preparation for the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren solve hundreds of training tests - this is The best way come to the exam and pass it successfully. The same applies to applying for a job. Taking exemplary behavior training tests can give you a significant advantage.

According to our data, approximately 50% of job seekers prepare for tests or assessments in one way or another. And this is the right tactic: after high-quality training, the average score rises by 20% - usually this is more than enough to successfully pass the testing stage even for high-level managerial positions.

If you are applying for leadership position then it is highly likely that you will have to pass psychological tests for managers. On HRLider you can prepare for all the major types of executive tests currently used by companies in Russia.

An American study of 50 scientific papers with 130,000 participants showed that pre-workout improves the performance of any type of test for four reasons:

  1. It reduces anxiety. The more practice tests you have passed, the more familiar they are for you and the more confident and calm you will feel during the next test, even though the stakes are increasing.
  2. Pre-training helps to identify weak points in order to pay attention to them in advance and improve performance.
  3. Practice reinforces proven test-taking tactics such as skipping and returning to difficult issues... You will learn to ignore irrelevant information and avoid mistakes in understanding tasks. This significantly increases the speed of passing behavioral and any other types of tests.
  4. Pre-training allows you to enhance those specific qualities that employers need. This is the most valuable result of the practice of situational tests for managers.

Of course, practice will be more effective if you know exactly what types of tests your employer uses. Feel free to ask about this and ask for sample tests from the HR representatives of the employer or other people from this company. Recruiters are paid for successful applicants, and in most companies (Sibur, Gazprom and Gazpromneft, etc.), existing employees are rewarded with bonuses for recommending new candidates.

Taking into account personal characteristics

A 2016 American Psychological Society (NCBI) study shows that personality type, daily activity rhythms, and stimulant intake significantly affect mental performance. This also applies to behavioral tests for managers at all levels.

For example, tidy and non-conflicting people do better on tests in the first half of the day and should avoid taking stimulants, nootropics, even coffee, since at this time they are already at the peak of their physical and mental activity. For creative extroverts, the opposite is true: they need time and coffee to swing in the morning, but after lunch and late in the evening, they have a rise in activity and stimulants can put. So, if you can choose when to take your tests, consider your personality type and be smart about your diet and stimulant choices.

Be yourself (within reason)

This recommendation is most suitable for psychological and personality tests for the competence of a middle manager. Do not lie - sometimes it can partially increase your chances of getting a job, but it is not a fact that such a job will be right for you. Qualitative tests have mechanisms for recognizing abnormal or fake responses, and experienced HR people quickly notice mismatches between test responses and actual behavior. However, during the passing of tests and assessment, it is still better to be the best yourself - to clearly demonstrate your strengths and not to expose your weaknesses.

For example, in most cases, you should show yourself to be a passionate, passionate person, but not to the point of criticizing others or acting unethical. Literate employers tend to look for executives with a moderately high score for ambition, or with a combination of high ambition and altruism. When something becomes too much it often leads to negative consequences.

Most large companies test candidates for leadership using already proven competency models. This is a set of skills, qualities and values ​​inherent in their best already working employees (for example, heads of departments) according to the criteria of which new candidates for the same positions in management are assessed. Before taking the tests, you should carefully study these values ​​and priorities of the company before employment and try to follow them in tests and assessments. Typically, this data is widely covered on corporate websites and other open sources.

Since employers find managerial behavioral tests to be a valuable source of information about executive job seekers, you must be prepared for all types and types of such tests. Most companies use simple questionnaires with 4-5 answer options, but more and more sophisticated situational tests on managerial competence are appearing on the market. For example, with elements of gamification (games), where you need to earn points or chips. Some companies study and use data from your social networks and create tests based on it. The tests are expected especially for experienced professionals and leaders will become more sophisticated and innovative.

An important tip: When preparing for psychological testing, consider tests not as a way to beat secret confessions out of you, but as a way for you to learn more about your potential employer. Behavioral tests for executives can provide you with valuable information about the company you are interested in - how it does business, how the criteria for success are defined, which traits are most valued. Tests give you an opportunity to assess the expectations of an employer, which can be very useful in your career.

Last tip from HRLider: Remember, preparation is the key to success. If you're going to be testing that includes behavioral tests for executives, start your training session without wasting time. On our site you will find all the main types of tests for beginner and intermediate managers. Give yourself an edge - get ready.

Answers and explanation of tests:

  1. You are the head of customer support at a large call center. You just heard your employee tell a client on the phone that he "takes everything too close to his heart" and then that he "needs the help of a psychiatrist." You do not know what the conversation was about, but the employee ended the conversation and you can come up and talk to him.

The strategy of answering tests, where it is required to find the most and least effective answers, is, first of all, to determine the generally positive and negative answers.

In this task, answers 2 and 3 are positive. Answers 1 and 4 are negative. Out of positive answers, 2 is clearly better, since answer 3 - an order to call back the irritated client and apologize to the problem, most likely will not solve the problem. In some cases, this answer could even be attributed to negative answers.

Of the two negative answers, we need to choose the worst one. In this test, this is not as easy as it seems. In these responses, there is clearly a different direction of development of events. Answer 1 - The threat of dismissal of an employee for some employers, where team spirit and team relationships are among the highest priority values, may be the least acceptable scenario and will be considered the worst response. But if the company's priority is first of all the quality of customer service, then the worst answer would be answer 4 - ignoring the employee's rudeness towards the client.

So the best answer (most efficient) is 2, the worst is 4 (least effective).


The LeaderChart technique is designed to diagnose management capacity and allows you to identify the general level of readiness to lead people in a team, as well as a range of individual psychological characteristics associated with success in management and leadership potential.

This is a unique and innovative technique that includes:

  • solution of management cases with unique sets of answers;
  • management of real teams, deployed in time;
  • comprehensive coverage of intellectual, motivational and personal spheres;
  • projection of results to key management functions;
  • recommendations for an ideal substitute who can most effectively compensate for the respondent's weaknesses and support him in management work;
  • the possibility of customizing the methodology in accordance with the model of effective leadership of the successful leaders of your company.


  • Evaluation of managers (evaluation at the early stages of selection of candidates for managerial positions, to screen out those who are clearly not suitable for leadership)
  • Formation of management teams: "assistant - leader" pairs


The LeaderChart test consists of five blocks (five subtests).

Test execution time is about 60 minutes.


There are three options for the report:

business report (assessment of the respondent's managerial potential);
for a specialist (detailed psychological portrait of the respondent);
for the respondent (soft feedback).

"Report for a specialist" and "Report for the respondent" contain the respondent's assessment on the following primary test scales:

Block "Case solving"

  • Success in solving cases(assessment of the correspondence of the respondent's answers to the answers of successful managers)

Block "Intellectual abilities"

  • Intelligence(assessment of intellectual potential)

Block "Personal qualities"

  • Isolation(isolation, restraint in communication) - Sociability(active position in communication, contact)
  • Passivity(self-doubt, indecision) - Activity(energy, initiative, determination)
  • Distrust(severity, rigidity) - Friendliness(responsiveness, willingness to empathize)
  • Independence(independence, striving for self-affirmation and domination) - Conformism(the importance of the opinions of others, the desire to be accepted by the group, the willingness to give in)
  • Moral flexibility(freedom from moral standards, focus on personal gain) - Morality(striving to adhere to moral, ethical norms)
  • Impulsiveness(flexibility, restlessness) - Organization(discipline, accuracy, accuracy, desire to follow plans)
  • Anxiety(caution, tendency to fear) - Equilibrium(calmness, stress resistance, mental endurance)
  • Sensitivity(aesthetic view of things, sensitivity to beauty, shades in relationships) - Insensitivity(functional view of things, practicality, straightforwardness)
  • Intellectual restraint(selectivity in relation to new information) - Curiosity(openness to new knowledge, information, willingness to learn new things)
  • Tradition(focus on preserving and maintaining traditions, classic solutions) - Originality(the need to stand out from the crowd, the desire for everything unusual)
  • Concreteness(sensory type of perception and processing of information, accuracy in details) - Abstractness(intuitive type of perception and processing of information, the desire to highlight the main thing)

Block "Motivation for leadership"

  • Motivation for leadership(readiness for leadership)

Block "Social sensitivity"

  • Social responsiveness(the respondent's ability to correctly understand and evaluate the motives behind the behavior of the people around him, and adequately respond to them)

The "Business Report" is the main one and contains an integral indicator of the potential for leadership and a forecast of the success of individual management functions:

Block "Potential for leadership"

  • Leadership potential(an integral indicator that allows building a forecast of the respondent's success in a leadership position)

Block "Manager's functions"

  • Making decisions(the ability to choose the best alternatives from the existing ones, take the initiative; responsibility and determination)
  • Strategic thinking(the ability to set long-term goals, predict the consequences of their actions and the actions of subordinates, anticipate the final result of the efforts made, promptly process large volumes of information, including conflicting information)
  • Influence(the ability to influence the behavior, feelings and thoughts of other people, to use one's own authority to achieve the goals of the organization, to show a personal example to subordinates, to use a variety of persuasion tactics)
  • Delegation(the ability to transfer to subordinates part of their own functions and powers, optimally distribute responsibility between subordinates)
  • The control(the ability to control subordinates, check the quality of their work, maintain executive discipline in the team)
  • Organization(the ability to carry out administrative functions in relation to the work of the team, coordinate employees, determine the necessary resources and provide them with subordinates, evaluate the result of the work)
  • Leadership(the ability to infect others with an attractive vision of the future, arouse employees' interest in achieving common goals, using new opportunities, unite the team around common important tasks, increase and maintain engagement)
  • Communication(the ability to communicate competently, be sensitive to the context of various communication situations, manage formal and informal contacts between subordinates, correctly convey information to employees and top management)

A unique feature of the LeaderChart test is the presence of a special section "Ideal Deputy": depending on what personal characteristics the respondent possesses, it is recommended to "supplement" him with a substitute with certain character traits. Strengths deputy will help to level out possible shortcomings of the respondent as a leader and help the latter to achieve the maximum result. This block is especially useful in the formation of a personnel reserve and there is a need to build several levels of management in a particular company.


"We used this methodology to assess the leadership potential of our leaders who are in personnel reserve to higher positions. The test helped us to get acquainted in more detail with certain characteristics of employees, such as: motivation and readiness for leadership, skills in making managerial decisions in a short time (using case studies).

I would like to note the convenience of using the online platform, the form for adding participants and sending invitations - everything is very clear and accessible, and it works flawlessly. What is especially nice :) The employees also did not have any questions about using the platform - an intuitive interface, clear instructions for the user greatly facilitate testing.

Thanks a lot for an interesting and useful tool. "

Vasyanovich Alexandra Vitalievna
Personnel evaluator
Urban Group Personnel Assessment Department


The first version of the LeaderChart test was released in 2014. Authors of the development: Altukhov V.V., Belorusets A.S., Portnova D.S., Rybnikova M.K.

In May 2014. A.S. Belarusian and M.K. Rybnikova created the first research version personality block test... This subtest was notable for the content of the test items: all statements outlined the respondent's behavior in work situations and did not relate to other areas of life, but were an expression of the general properties of temperament and character inherent in humans.

Development of case block was multi-stage. In February 2014. V.V. Altukhov and D.S. Portnova analyzed the main theoretical principles of management psychology and the methodology of case tests (situational judgment tests). As a basis for building the block, the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model and the Dressler-Sibbet team creation model were taken, which make it possible to reproduce in the test the development of the team in dynamics and build a sequence of problem situations related to leadership that would be as close as possible to real management practice. Also, the block included a model for consistent assessment of the candidate's behavior as a leader in connection with the expansion of managerial activity in time.

After that, preliminary versions of 4 mega-cases were created, each of which consists of 10 mini-cases - ten problem situations within the framework of managing one team, interconnected and sequentially unfolding in time.

Variants of solving each of the mini-cases (the most successful and unsuccessful actions) were proposed by experts in the field of management (from 4 to 10 people for each of the mega-cases) in a free form, the realism of the cases was also assessed and their adjustments were proposed. Subsequently, the most significant actions were identified from the experts' answers by means of content analysis, the final formulations of the cases themselves and their solutions were approved. Initial testing took place on a sample of volunteers (119 and 74 respondents in two series) with different experience in managing in a client's situation. The procedure for assigning keys in the final version of the case block was also multi-stage and took into account both the number of references by experts to a certain action during the collection of free-form answers, and the results of approbation: now the choice of the respondent of average successful and unsuccessful actions, and the lack of a choice in favor of the most successful and unsuccessful of them, and election errors.

The keys were later tested on another sample of successful executives. As a result of the check, it turned out that the reference answers formulated by experts from the first sample, in the overwhelming majority of cases, coincide with the election of successful leaders from the second sample, which indicates a good performance of the cases.

The next stage of approbation was carried out in volunteer companies to obtain data on the external validity of the methodology when testing in a situation of expertise. A total of 137 people took part in the re-approbation. Based on this material, a recalculation of test norms was carried out, as well as a check of the distribution of points on test scales for normality.

In addition to the principle of constructing a case block and calculating keys, the form of presentation of mega-cases has no analogues: each of the respondents is presented with one of the four existing cases in a random way, in order to eliminate the differences between the respondents in terms of their experience in managing specific teams or the lack of this experience as such.

The basis intellectual unit the tasks of the standardized test of intellectual potential "Business IQ" were laid, the content of which was recognized as the closest to the practice of leadership (scales of Calculation, Vocabulary, Erudition, Information Processing, Spatial Thinking, Abstract Logic). The block uses an extended (threefold) bank of tasks, equalized according to the degree of difficulty, their presentation is random, however, each of the unique testing sessions contains questions from all the above areas.

Motivational block is a questionnaire that allows you to collect biographical data about the respondent and assess his general readiness to carry out managerial activities.

The section of the business report “ Ideal deputy»: It is based on the results of a special compatibility study carried out by employees of the R&D Department of the Humanitarian Technologies Laboratory in 2013-2014.

The second version of the LeaderChart test, consisting of four blocks, was prepared in November 2014 and launched for secondary approbation at volunteer companies to obtain data on the external validity of the methodology when testing in a forensic situation.

In 2016, the third version of the methodology was released, consisting of five blocks. At the same time, the personality block was replaced by the 11LF test, which showed itself better in practice, and a case block for the diagnosis of Social sensitivity was added to the methodology (the scale of the same name from the EmIQ test - Emotional IQ - Humanitarian Technologies Laboratory).


You can read more about the psychometric parameters of the personality and intellectual blocks of the test in the annotations to the 11LF and Business IQ methods, respectively.

1. Criteria validity of the test

The criterion validity of the methodology was assessed by comparing the test data with external criteria for the success of the test participants in the guideline. The first series of studies involved more than 400 respondents with varying degrees of success in management experience and experience (about 40% had no experience in leadership, about 60% had management experience of varying degrees of success). Self-report data were used as success criteria; the study was conducted in the format of voluntary self-knowledge testing.

In 2016, a validation study was conducted on a group of bank executives. As a result of the study, significant differences were found between the groups of successful and unsuccessful leaders on the Social Responsiveness scale. Successful leaders score higher on this scale: 65% of successful leaders scored above average. While unsuccessful leaders rarely get a high score.

In addition, a connection was found between the success of leadership and such personality traits as: Sociability, Moral flexibility, Curiosity, Originality, Abstractness.

2. Representativeness of the test

Initially, the test norms of the personality and intellectual blocks of the methodology were calculated on a gender-equalized sample of about 200 people, the age of the respondents was from 17 to 73 years (the median is 30 years). The test norms of the case and motivational blocks are calculated on samples of about 150 people, the age of the respondents is from 18 to 56 years (median - 34 years).

The test norms were updated in the summer of 2015 on a sample of about 500 people who were tested in a situation of expertise. The age of the respondents is from 23 to 59 years (average age 38), women - 46%, men - 54%. Management experience of respondents:

  • no experience - 8%;
  • less than 2 years - 16%;
  • from 2 to 5 years - 28%;
  • more than 5 years - 48%.

Age and gender norms are not provided for in the methodology due to its more frequent use for the purposes of professional selection, and not career guidance, development or self-knowledge. Within the framework of professional selection, it is more important to be able to accurately compare one candidate with another (without taking into account gender and age), rather than identifying the age or gender characteristics of each candidate.

3. Connection of test results with personal data

Based on the results of the secondary approbation in the situation of the examination, the connections between the data of the motivational and self-assessment questionnaires with points on the test scales were analyzed. The following results were obtained:

A. Results for all scales of the Business Report (except for the Delegation scale) were associated with responses to the motivational questionnaire. Highly automated respondents receive significantly higher scores on secondary scales.

B. A number of interpreted relationships of indicators on secondary scales with management experience were identified. In general, respondents with more experience and a large number of subordinates receive higher scores on secondary scales.


Test method training is available as a distance learning course. It is also possible individual (or in small groups) full-time training under the program of individual user support. Designed by Toolkit which is supplied free of charge to all test users.

Managerial Assessment Test

Instructions: Below are a number of statements with an indication of the answer options. Select and underline your answer option in the questionnaire itself.

1. I tend to build my relationships with subordinates rather on a) the basis of trust; b) the basis of control.

Answer options: a), b).

2. The basis of my good relations with people is rather a) regular communication with them; b) the presence of community


Answer options: a), b).

3. If a subordinate does not work well, then I usually tend to a) get rid of him as soon as possible; b) teach him to work well.

Answer options: a), b).

4. When producing various products, one should strive for a) their maximum durability; b) their durability, limited by a predetermined period.

Answer options: a), b).

5. It is impossible to produce low-grade products, even

if it has sales.

Answer options: "you can", "you can't", "in some cases

it is possible, in others it is not possible. "

6. When speaking to an audience, I rely more on a) preliminary preparation for the report; b) that I can find the right words in the process of the report itself.

Answer options: a), b).

7. I rather a) trust my first impression of a person, b) do not trust.

Answer options: a), b).

8. I am more inclined to a) independently put things in order in my business papers; b) entrust this to the technical

the secretary.

Answer options: a), b).

9. Which expression do you think is more correct: a) bureaucrats are generated by a certain type of managerial

systems of society; b) they become bureaucrats due to a certain psychological makeup of the personality. Answer options: a), b).

10. Before solving the problem of selling goods, these goods must be produced.

Answer options: "agree", "disagree".

11. I like the beauty of a) panthers b) gazelles. Answer options: a), b).

12. I tend to rather a) eliminate the risk of being late by arriving early and losing some time; b) arrive on time, with some risk of being late.

Answer options: a), b).

13. To a greater extent, I tend to strive for a) a variety of hobbies; b) "deepening" of the same hobbies.

Answer options: a), b).

14. I tend to rather a) do the necessary things in advance; b) do the necessary things when "time is running out."

Answer options: a), b).

15. The basis for effective team management is rather a) a well-thought-out system of job descriptions; b) the authority of the team leader.

Answer options: a), b).

16. When making a report, I keep in my head rather a) a general holistic idea of ​​the topic of the report; b) detailed understanding of the topic of the report.

Answer options: a), b).

17. When I want to convince someone that I am right, I rely more on a) a small number of "main" arguments; b) a large number of arguments that make it possible to comprehensively substantiate the idea.

Answer options: a), b).

18. I prefer rather a) to develop my opinion on a particular problem only after I have studied it enough; b) immediately work out my opinion about the problem, given that in the future, with a more detailed acquaintance with it, I can change this opinion.

Answer options: a), b).

19. I would prefer to have an assistant (deputy) who would rather a) be capable of jointly finding solutions to managerial problems; b) would be able to work on the implementation of my decisions.

Answer options: a), b).

20. If a subordinate commits an unjustified blunder, then I tend to rather a) express to him my attitude to this in "strong" (even non-literary) expressions; b) hold back.

Answer options: a), b).

Answer options: a), b).

A quantitative indicator that assesses the level of development of managerial qualities is the coefficient of development of managerial qualities (KRUK). KRUK values ​​are less than 40 st. units, correspond to a low (weak) group of subjects; KRUK values ​​falling within the interval from 40 to 60 st. units, correspond to the average (normative) group; and KRUK values ​​exceeding 60 Art. units correspond to a high (strong) group of subjects.

Managerial qualities are the realization of managerial abilities. It may also be that managerial qualities are high and managerial skills are low. In this case, managerial qualities are a "trace" of the realization of some other, non-managerial abilities.

Managerial qualities determine the effectiveness of activities in standard, typical situations, as well as the ability to use the accumulated (by yourself or others

people) management experience, use it to solve current problems.

KRUK determines the degree of responsibility, punctuality, the ability to keep your word, speak on the phone, fulfill your obligations, as well as the ability to plan your working day, maintain order in business papers, etc.

If managerial skills are needed in order to come up with something new, difficult or fundamentally not replicated, then managerial qualities are needed to implement the decisions already made.

KPUK does not reflect the level of development of managerial abilities.

The art of communicating with the boss
1. Provide explanations for your messages.

Bosses are always very busy and have more than one subordinate under their command. Don't expect your boss to understand everything that happens in your area. Start each conversation with something like, “I’m going to study a situation that arose on Friday at a seminar. Last week you asked me to revisit my communication skills so that I could focus more on interpersonal conflicts.
^ 2. Be direct, decisive and concise.

Bosses won't want to play puzzle games with you. Use clear language. Save on words. Shorten your presentation, throw away everything unnecessary. Don't sound overly carried away or indifferent when you speak.
^ 3. Provide questions and information needs in advance.

Good conversations will answer most of the questions. If you've studied your boss, you know what the questions might be roughly. Prepare your answers and then you will look great.

^ 4. Learn your writing style and relationships with other people. Simulate this when you communicate (especially when you write) on his behalf. Sketch the draft letters so that the boss can only sign them without correcting them.
^ 5. Take criticism calmly.

Don't defend yourself; rather, show your willingness to use his criticism to improve your work.

6. Take the praise calmly.

Accept the praise you deserve calmly, with dignity, without displaying insincere modesty or denying it. A simple "thank you" is enough.
^ 7. Correct your boss tactfully.

Don't challenge, threaten, or criticize. Do not say: "You are wrong" when you can say: "It would be better if we (not you) take a different look at the solution ..." Do not agree on everything, but do not always make excuses.
^ 8. Praise but don't flatter.

Bosses need friendly help from time to time. If what the boss has developed is bad, don't be afraid to say so. (“I think the decision to hire a PR manager was wrong.”)
^ 9. Don't make unnecessary promises to win favor.

Broken promises are a recipe for failure.

To keep any boss happy
^ 1. Do the job well.

Make sure everything you do gets done on time, on budget, on demand, and with a sense of pride in the craftsmanship.
^ 2. Be a leader.

Try to keep your people happy, qualified, and act in a way that doesn't sit around your neck.
3. Save the organization's money.

Every boss at every level is under constant pressure from material resources. Your help in cutting costs will be remembered.
^ 4. Make money for your organization.

If you find unrealized revenue potential in your sector of the organization, suggest to your boss to use it, and then your boss will be nice to you.
^ 5. Find out what really matters to your boss.

Demonstrate that the same things are important to you.
6. Examine the boss's expectations.

Not all bosses express their expectations directly and definitely. However, they hope that you will meet their requirements. If your boss does not talk about his requirements for you, do not show your displeasure, and on occasion, find out what he wants to get from you. Phrase: "Did I give you enough details in my report for the month?" better than, "I'm not entirely sure what you expect from my report?"
^ 7. Ask for opinions on your work.

Find out how well you are doing. Some bosses hold back on praise, perhaps because you're not receiving them too kindly. Others don't like to criticize, perhaps because you immediately become defensive. Ask for his opinion without embarrassing or looking insecure.

^ 8. Make sure that most problems are resolved before they get into the boss's field of vision.

But don't go beyond reasonable limits.
9. Make sure that both good and bad news come from you.

Keep your boss as informed as he / she wants. Don't make your boss be surprised by news received from a third person. Both of you can get into a quandary because of this.
^ 10. Agree to difficult and unpleasant tasks.

You will only benefit if you take a step forward to help your boss. And if you succeed where no one else can, you will become a rising star.
^ 11. Advertise only worthwhile ideas.

If your boss rejects most of your suggestions and requests, then you may look like a frivolous person. The secret to success is advertising an idea that raises the profile of the entire organization and your boss especially. If this idea does neither one nor the other, this idea is not worthwhile.
^ 12. Don't ask for unnecessary directions.

Many bosses are more informed about what you are going to do when they fix your plan.

It is better to say, "Here is my training plan. If I understand your instructions correctly and you have no objection, I will send it to the printer by Friday" than: "Let me know which form of training you prefer."
^ 13. Don't complain about others.

When things go wrong, accept your share of responsibility and don't shift the blame onto others. Most bosses, however, want not so much that you admit your mistake, but that it doesn't happen again.
^ 14. Be self-critical.

Your boss is going to tell you that you are doing badly. It is better to know how you work yourself, so be fully aware of your actions. Watch the attitude of employees towards you, listen to their opinion. Always work on yourself.

How to get rid of time wasters

Below is a list of the "time wasters" that you have to deal with. In order for the reader to analyze their own "time wasters", we offer possible reasons for their appearance and advice on how to get rid of them. This is done in order to help establish a diagnosis. The reasons and decisions for each person may be different, at the same time, the "time wasters" themselves are the same for everyone.

Time waster

Possible reasons


Lack of planning

Failure to see its benefits.

Action orientation

You must understand that planning takes time, but in the end it saves you.

Think about the results, not the activity itself.

Lack of order of affairs, depending on their importance

Lack of long-term and short-term goals.

Write long-term and short term goals... Discuss with your subordinates how to do things according to their importance.


Broad interests. Confusion in the order of doing things, depending on their importance.

Inability to establish the order of affairs depending on their importance.

Say no. Do things first.

Develop your own "philosophy of time". Relate the execution of tasks, depending on their importance, with the events that occur.

Management in a crisis.

Lack of planning.

Unrealistic estimation of time.

Problem orientation.

Reluctance of subordinates to break bad news.

Use the same techniques as without planning.

Plan more time for each task separately. Schedule time for possible work breaks.

Focus on the available opportunities.

Convince subordinates to pass information to you faster, as this is the only way to fix something in time.


Impatience with details.

Take on everything urgent.

Lack of planning for the future.

Trying to do too much in a very short amount of time.

Do your best to do everything right. This will save you time spent on rework.

Distinguish between urgent and important.

Take time to plan. It will pay you a hundredfold.

Try to do less. Leave more work to others.

Paper work, reading.

Information explosion.

Passion for the computer.

Inability to weed out the unnecessary.

Read selectively. Learn to read quickly.

Use computer data only in exceptional cases.

Remember the Pareto principle. Assign reading to your subordinates.

Business as usual and routine.

Lack of order in the execution of cases, depending on their importance.

Too much control over the activities of subordinates.

Inability to transfer things to other people; feel safer when doing small things.

Set goals and focus on achieving them.

Assign things to subordinates, and let them do them completely themselves. Look at the results, don't go into details or working methods.

You must understand that without giving anything, it is impossible to get others to do something.


The pleasure of communication.

Inability to say no.

Communicate elsewhere. Meet visitors at the door of the office. Offer to have lunch together, if necessary. Have stand-up meetings.

Weed out visitors. Be unavailable. Remove the "open door" policy.


Lack of self-discipline.

Striving to be informed and included in all matters.

Weed out and group phone calls. Be short in conversations.
Do not get involved in any business other than those that are critical. Intervene only in exceptional cases.


Fear of taking responsibility for making a decision.


Too many connections.

Poor conduct of the meeting.

Make decisions without arranging meetings.

Make a decision even if you do not have any facts yet.

Don't call meetings that are unnecessary. Arrange only those that are really needed.

Plan your agenda ahead of time. Stick to the topic of the meeting. Prepare short notes as soon as possible.


Uncertainty about the accuracy of the facts.

If you insist that all the facts be collected, then this paralyzes the possibility of analyzing these facts.

Fear of the consequences of a possible mistake.

Lack of ability to make rational decisions.

Improve the system for collecting and clarifying facts.

Take risk as inevitable. Decide without all the facts in front of you.

Along with transferring the case to another person, transfer to him the right to make mistakes. Use mistakes as an opportunity to learn from them.

Gather facts, set goals, think through all possible solutions and undesirable consequences, make a decision and carry it out.

Inability to delegate things to others.

Fear that subordinates will not be able to handle it.

Uncertainty about the competence of subordinates.

Overworked subordinates.

Train subordinates. Let them be wrong. Change them if necessary.
Hand over cases completely. Trust your subordinates. You will ensure the growth of your corporation if you give your employees a chance.
Balance your workload. Increase the states. Reconsider the order of the tasks, depending on their importance.

The ideal leader

As shown by American and Japanese management studies, firms in which a calm moral and psychological environment reigns achieve stable success. Her statement is possible in that labor collective where managers are respected and credible. Based on the results of these studies, an "ideal" type of leader was constructed. Its characteristics are recognized:

firm but flexible at the same time;

serious but humorous;

friendly, but knows how to keep his distance;

devoted to his work, but does not lose his head with successes and failures;

dreamy, but with a highly developed will;

ready to take risks, but thoroughly calculating everything.

We add to this from ourselves that the "ideal" manager makes significant efforts to equip his office. Both in terms of its technical equipment and considering the ergonomic and aesthetic requirements. The author's personal experience in advising business people on how to arrange an office, an office, testifies that such steps are taken by those who understand how everything should be in place in offices. The state of the office is a clear evidence of the culture of a business person. Compliance with it always brings civilized business people closer together, makes them more open to each other.

Ergonomics of offices, their designs today - actual problem... However, her solution is not always successful. In some cases, there are not enough funds to invite the appropriate specialists. In others, the customer's bad taste and his underestimation of the rules of work organization ruin the matter. As a result, the professional image suffers. How not having a business card is a non-compliance business etiquette in communication, and a primitive, and even more so sloppy appearance of the office and office rooms, it is difficult to repair damage to the corporate reputation. Better not to let this happen. It is rightly noticed that the miser pays twice. When it comes to personal prestige or corporate honor, such miscalculations should be minimized.

Various barriers inevitably arise on the way of establishing the image of business people. A lot of time and effort is spent on overcoming them. It is humanely insulting when, having mastered difficult problems, they admit the most elementary breakdowns due to the fact that they did not take into account the psychological nuances of communication. As you know, many reformers died at the hands of the crowd they wanted to enlighten. Let's remember Danko, who tore out his heart to light the way for people. Then these same people trampled on his heart, for they did not bother to look at their feet as they walked. For all the allegorical example, business people should study the weaknesses of people well and be patient with those with whom they work and communicate, not getting angry with them, not despairing, even when faced with ingratitude and betrayal. Do not burn the bridges of communication - this is the motto of the "ideal" leader. Always strive to reserve the opportunity to continue and renew contact with people. Achieving this is an excellent guarantee of an attractive personal image.

Imaging is a series of deliberately built patterns of behavior. One of the purposes of professional training of modern leaders consists in possessing the special knowledge and experience necessary for this. Their personal capabilities are crystallized in the image. Here is the following fact. In mid-1992, a little-known businessman from Dallas, Perot, gained national fame in three months through two dozen television interviews. For some time he was the leader in popularity among all candidates for the presidency.

How did he do it? Let's turn to the next digest to find the answer.

According to most observers, the main trump card that Perot played in the first phase of his campaign was simplicity. In his speeches, speaking in a simple and at the same time figurative language, he constantly argued that simple solutions should be sought for any problems. Lashing out at Washington politicians, "he accused them of" these guys in crocodile shoes "forgetting about the needs of ordinary Americans. Even outwardly, a new candidate devoid of metropolitan gloss, with a face that seemed weathered and" non-aristocratic ", appeared to provincial voters much more "own" than refined George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

As some journalists believe, in the minds of many Americans, Perot has become something like a character from cowboy stories, who, strictly following his own

"code of honor" comes to "put things in order" among corrupt politicians.

Such an image in modern conditions looked very profitable: for many Americans, distrustful of the political establishment due to ineffective economic strategies and incessant corruption, the way out seemed to be a return to the healthy conservatism and traditional values ​​that Perot personified.

Ultimately, in the competition for the presidency, Perot lost, but those who are closely acquainted with the technology of his image assertion have a lot to learn. First of all - - accurate calculation of the models of their behavior, their skillful demonstration to the public. Let's give him his due. With his billion-dollar fortune, naturally, without acting artistry, playing the role of an ordinary American who sincerely wants to help all ordinary Americans is by no means easy.

A useful example to think about! Why do the voices of leading businessmen and managers sound like a mosquito in our political life? Not because they have nothing to say. To reach a mass audience, you need to master the technique of self-control and the ability to behave with dignity. And, which is important, while maintaining the ability to say what is needed and how. It takes years to create entrepreneurial capital, but you can lose it overnight when you face people. Here it will be appropriate to refer to the statement of Jean de La Bruyère: "Many people have no other virtues than a name. You look at them up close and you see how insignificant they are; but from a distance they inspire respect." one

A great tip for business people. No matter how great your achievements are, no matter how you are superior to people economically and powerfully, do not disappoint them in face-to-face communication. Without human recognition, no riches will brighten human life, will not bring true satisfaction from the possession of them.

^ Test "Check what kind of leader you are"

Organizational skills test.


Determine your organizational skills, i.e. the ability to actively influence people. To do this, answer quickly, without hesitation, to the questions below. Answers should only be affirmative (yes) or negative (no). When answering, try to reproduce your real behavior in a particular situation.

1. Do you often manage to win over most of your comrades to your side?

2. Do you know your way around a critical situation?

3. Do you enjoy doing community service?

4. Do you easily deviate from your intentions if there are some obstacles in their implementation?

5. Do you like to invent or organize various games, entertainment?

6. Do you often postpone for other days those things that would have to be done today?

7. Do you strive to ensure that your comrades act in accordance with your opinion?

8. Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because of their failure to fulfill their promises, obligations, obligations?

9. Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?

10. Is it true that you usually do not know much about unfamiliar surroundings?

11. Do you get irritated if you can't finish what you started?

12. Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with your friends?

13. Do you often show initiative when solving issues that affect the interests of your comrades?

14. Is it true that you rarely seek to prove yourself right?

15. Do you take part in community work in the school (class)?

16. Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

17. Are you willing to start organizing various events for your comrades?

18. Are you often late for business meetings and dates?

19. How often do you find yourself in the spotlight?

20. Is it true that you do not feel very confident in the company of a large group of your comrades?

After you answer the proposed questions, calculate the amount of points earned. Please note that each answer in the affirmative to odd questions and negative to even questions is estimated at 1 point.


15 points or more indicates a high level of organizational skills;

13-14 points - about the average;

below 13 points - about a low level of development of organizational skills.

If your level is low, do not despair, if you wish, you can develop your organizational skills.

The key difference between managerial responsibility and executive responsibility is that the executive is responsible for the results of his own activities only, and the manager is responsible for the results of the work of the entire unit.

The higher the level of management, the higher the level of executive responsibility. The head of the department should take managerial responsibility for the actions (or omissions) of all employees in the department. The head of the department - for the actions (or inaction) of all employees of the department. General Director - for the work of the entire organization.

Managerial responsibility: tasks of the leader

  • form and consolidate agreements;
  • foresee possible risks and think over ways to minimize them;
  • control and analyze the results obtained;
  • provide options for correcting the situation in case of failure

It is for this difference in responsibilities that managers are paid an order of magnitude more performers. Managerial responsibility is a high level of qualifications and professionalism.

What kind of leader are you?Management responsibility test

This project is for Managers who want to see the management capabilities of all their subordinates in a completely transparent business environment; Executives looking for unclaimed talent; Company leaders who want to understand who actually generates effective solutions, and who will simply join or sabotage)


From 30 to 24 points inclusive: Glad for you! you are veryresponsible leader.

When setting the task, you clearly record the agreements with the employee, and by controlling the execution, you directly point out his personal shortcomings. At the same time, we are ready to admit our mistakes and take responsibility for our own actions and decisions. Even if some issue requires approval from the higher management, and the document bears his signature, you do not disclaim responsibility for the ideas you proposed. You understand that there are no objective reasons for failure to complete tasks, there are only ill-considered risks and poorly planned actions to minimize them. You are proficient in constructive ways intangible motivation employees and technicians to develop responsible behavior. You respect subordinates who openly declare their disagreement with your decisions, and are ready to discuss with them the most effective ways to develop the situation in order to achieve common goals.

From 23 to 11 points inclusive: We will be glad to see you! You still have a lot to learn.

It is important for you that in conditions of uncertainty “at the top”, long-term goals are clearly and clearly defined. Otherwise, you will shift the responsibility for complex and risky decisions to the higher management. In relation to subordinates, you have a fairly democratic leadership style: you are ready to discuss in detail with the employee the ways to achieve the goal and possible difficulties, as well as provide assistance and support in difficult situations for him. However, in the event that an employee suggested a path with which you disagree, then, most likely, shift the responsibility for the lack of results to a subordinate. In problem situations, you devote a lot of time to discussion, help the employee to cope with the task, but, perhaps, the subordinate expects from you not explanations, but concrete and decisive actions. Your employees often manage to evade responsibility for unfulfilled tasks, especially in cases where they have well-developed communication skills and can convince you that they did not have the necessary resources to cope with the task. At the same time, you do part of the work that subordinates should do on your own, thus leaving them unloaded.

From 10 to 0 points: Are you really a leader?

You enable employees to avoid personal responsibility for the results of their work, since you do not demonstrate, by personal example, your readiness to admit your shortcomings and mistakes. In difficult situations, you prefer to justify the lack of results by the actions of other people or circumstances that are difficult for you to influence. You do not form clear agreements with the employee about what you would like to see as the final result. In this connection, it is difficult for you to call him to account if the plans were not fulfilled, since he can always say that he did not understand the task, or you did not give clear instructions on what and when to do. You rely too much on material methods of stimulating staff, spending budget funds where additional costs could be avoided. In order to cope with employee resistance, you often use authoritarian management methods, thus making it impossible for them to take the initiative and take responsibility for the results.

Training goal:
Participants acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in using tools for cause-and-effect analysis, collecting information, generating ideas, assessing alternatives and risks to a level that allows them to independently develop and offer ready-made solutions to higher management.