How to awaken interest in knowledge of the teenager. How to instill with a child sincere interest in study. Focus on the strengths

Our reality is such that most children are pathologically do not want to learn. The thoughts of the modern schoolboy occupy computer games, street, television, but the study most often goes to the back plan. And only their parents understand that good grades are the key to a successful adulthood. How to instill a child to learn?

First, stop making your child to learn well. The more you require - the worse there will be a result. Even if the estimates are good, you should weaken the control, as two will begin to appear in the diary, if the child does not like to learn independently.

Do not use various kinds of punishment for bad studies. Very often, as a punishment, parents deprive their child with the ability to view the TV or limit access to the computer. These inefficient methods are only angry the child, and it can easily fill in their friends and visiting his friends.

To instill a child to learn, try to act on the other hand using the Principle of Gingerbread, and not whip. For example, if your child is a pupil of junior classes - brought the first twice, do not scold him. On the contrary, you can organize delicious twice movies from the diary, saying to the child, so that he studied well, because in the diary can no longer store bad grades. A child surprised by your non-standard reaction will try to learn well in order not to bring you in the future.

Also, to instill a desire to learn, you can take advantage of your child's beloved - computer games. Choose a variety of simulators for those subjects that do not like most of all. It has long been proven that, playing, the child perceives complicated information better. Woining curiosity to school subjects, you will give the child to understand that the lessons can also be interesting.

For high school students, an incentive for good studies can be a promise to buy him a thing that he dreams about. No matter how sad, but money is increasingly becoming the most efficient motivator in the modern world.
So that your high school students began to learn better, do not forget to remind him periodically that his future depends on his relationship. Most teenagers dream of fashionable clothes, a cool car, chic dacha and other benefits that are popularized in the media as signs of a successful life. So tell me that it is not possible to achieve without study. Create examples of your friends and relatives who have achieved material well-being due to their knowledge gained at school and institute.

Create a desire to learn to a child - The process is complicated, but, no matter how difficult it was, remember that not only the future of your favorite children depends on your efforts, and perhaps your future.

Take the wall to not lose.

Children who love to learn show high results at school and in later life. This is a well-known fact. The best thing we can give to your children is to cultivate interest to them.

Remember: Baby is born to learn. Just think how many things the child is studying in the first two years of his life: get from adults desired, walking and talking, smile and frown, sleep at night and play in the afternoon, clap your hands and play games, keep a spoon, give and take. By 4-5 years, most children already know colors and numbers, knows how to ride a three-wheeled bike, handle complex toys and communicate with no less complex people. If the family speaks in other languages, a child can master them at the carrier level.

Every new day for the child is full of new things that need to learn. If the child is not isolated from the world, every day he learns something new and rejoices new achievements. Watch for the child who decided to succeed in something - and you will realize what this persistence is. Parents do not need to specifically vaccinate the child to learn. It is only necessary to make sure that no one has disabled this desire.

How to keep the child's interest in school

Tip number 1. Love learn yourself

Interest in new knowledge, like much more, the child adapts to the parents. If you like to find out something new, find a solution various tasks, develop new skills - your children will also love it. Interest in new knowledge is infectious. Show your delight from new discoveries. Tell about cases when you managed to solve some difficult task. Let the children watch your efforts when you create or repair something and joy from achieving the goal.

Tip # 2. Explore with children

Children are curious from nature. Develop this curiosity in them, showing an example. Express your surprise as to how in nature everything is arranged. Seriously treat issues that children ask: look for information in books or on the Internet. Look together with the children of popular travel transfer on TV and discuss seen. Cut at home experiments. On the Internet you can find many examples of interesting experiments - how the volcanic eruption occurs as with food products can be observed for chemical processes, etc. Dedote this a couple of hours on weekends and the child will always be interested to learn something new.

Tip # 3. Read along with the child

The child's performance at school largely depends on interest in learning and reading skills. . Read individual pages together or in turn. Find a book with an exciting story, which will encourage you to read chapter for chapter. Write down the children to the library, and take new books every week. When children can read on their own, it will be the opportunity for them to learn something new and excellent entertainment. Children who know how and love to read, is easier to study in junior classes, where most tasks are associated with reading.

Tip # 4. Training Letters Skills

Letters skills are no less important for child performance than reading. Parents always pay attention at the time when their child learned to write his name. But do not stop on this. Develop the skills of letters from an early age as well as reading skills. For example, when the child is still small, ask him to tell you what is drawn in his drawing so that you can make a signature. Ask him to dictate to you that a good happened to him in the day, and write it in a diary. When a child learns to write letters, offer him to fill this diary. So you analyze the events that have happened per day, and give them value, recording them. In addition, these diaries in the future can be a valuable memories of childhood.

Tip # 5. Inspectorate that the child takes place at school

Children in all take an example with us. If we are expressing sincere interest in the fact that the child teaches at school, his interest will appear. Clear a little time to talk to him about the lessons. Interest, but do not criticize. Discuss together your homework. Ask, as a child is going to perform it. Specify questions that require a detailed answer. Do not task for it - just wonder and support.

Tip number 6. Organize the child a place to study

It does not matter where the child teaches lessons - in the kitchen or in her room. It is important that he has enough space and time to make tasks, and so that everything is necessary for this. If you highlight the child a place and determine the time to perform homework, it starts to perceive the studies seriously. When he teaches lessons, TV and mobile phone must be turned off. From time to time, control the process: Keep the baby and praise it for the work done. The interest and support of parents is important for him more than words.

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The academic year began, and many parents are already beginning to look for useful literature and advice? Today is an important topic - we will discuss what to do if the assessments of your schoolchild leave to desire the best. How to save your nerves and inspire a student.

Many children by 12-14 years begin to lose interest in their studies. And even if in primary school You were just a motivate or make all the necessary tasks and learn well, now the child is more interesting to spend time with friends or in gadgets, linger on walks or "hang" with a TV. So the children's body is arranged, that by virtue of age and immaturity, the schoolboy himself still does not understand the importance of education. Therefore, the task of the parent:

Show all pros and benefits of good studies. Explain the child about the future career opportunities and wealth, as they depend on the quality of education and knowledge.

Pay attention to the hobbies of your schoolchildren, detect interests and talents, see what causes the greatest pleasure to the child. Encourage diligence in non-school interests and hobbies.

From an early age, instill love for study. It is impossible to do at the age of the teenager, the responsibility develops over the years.

Do not use blackmail. You like a parent should clearly understand that the blackmail methods give the opposite effect. "Three will not get a new phone." Of course, I want a phone, that's just a study begins to cause more and more disgust, as it is perceived as a barrier between the desired and reality. Communication with adolescents is a very subtle and delicate topic.

Baby confidence

Conquer confidence and respect is not easy, and even easier to lose it. If the child lives in constant fear and hears the threats and blackmail, then you are unlikely to build trusting relationship. If you have this problem, you eradicate it as early as possible. Communicate with the child, more talk about interests, find out what items cause joy, check and understand what items do not like and why. Do not impose your opinion, listen. It is important for the child to see that you are next to him, on his side, and not against.


It loves everything. Check the achievements of a schoolboy, encourage them, praise. In the elementary class it is enough to instill love for study. At any age, any person will appreciate her affection and praise! A win-win.

Hobbies and Teen Interests

Each child is talented. No time - excuse. Despite your employment, you pay time to hobbies. Find out what your child likes. In addition, often hobbies of a teenager can be associated with school objects, for example, your daughter can love books (literature, Russian, history), fond of computer (informatics, English), good dancing (physical education) and so on. Son play a lot? Talk to him about the process of creating games? What knowledge can be necessary for this? Informatics, programming, design and so on.

Children - our reflection

Best upbringing is your own example. Deeply convinced that if the mother and dad work and constantly recognize the new, improving and attentive to the child, it will also reach the whole new, to show interest in learning. Share your emotions and reasoning. Were at an interesting conference - share the impressions of the family dinner. Received new project - Tell me about this, rejoice with the whole family. Success is infectious.

Knowledge everywhere

To give a child to school and be sure that there must be learned everything there is a mistake. Education in Russia is far from excellence. In-depth study, circles for interest, access to additional literature - provide the child with the opportunity. Spend your time on additional education Schoolchildren.


Very useful quality! Liability depends on it and safety is closely related. Communicate, tell a teenager about the need to be responsible. Whether it is a qualitative performance of homework without the supervision of parents or behavior on changes and along the way from the school home. Build parallels between successful school school and admission to university.

Money motivation

An excellent way to give the child the opportunity to show its positive qualities and earn additional pocket money. Think the score of the promotion. It is worth limiting the spontaneous shopping "Wishlist". Let your teenager himself will work for the desired thing.

"Labor will make a person from you"

In the running situation, it also works well. If laziness is a teenager head satellite, then work on it with difficulty. You can limit pocket money and allow small earnings, for example, for vacation time. Low-paying work and schedule "on the legs" will help to understand all the delights of low-skilled labor. And in the contrast you can talk about the prestigious work in office centers, walking by them.

Choose suitable recommendations for yourself and try to gradually enter them. For example, you should not immediately come to a teenager with rates for study and offer money. Praise individual achievements, encourage them, gradually offer them to systematize.

The rules of communication if the teenager does not like the subject of study in principle.

Transitional age is a difficult satellite of the adolescence. It is now that there is a risk of losing credibility in the eyes of a teenager. A sharp condemnation by parents and constant conflicts lead to the rejection of study, the child can start walking the lessons. Want to prove something! What - not always and know yourself, but it really wants to do it very much. Feel at adults.

Rules that will help communicate with a teenager:

  • Respect the identity of the child, talk with him on an equal footing, do not humiliate and do not call him.
  • Install certain rules of behavior. What you admit, and what is categorically prohibited in your family.
  • Listen to the child, ask leading questions, get arguments. The dialogue will always be beneficial in building relationships. But solid notations - on the contrary, stand between you the wall.
  • Do not deny the criticism immediately in your direction. Find out the situation. Try to put yourself in the place of the child and understand.
  • Explain the importance of obtaining education, the need for school knowledge for further life.
  • Sincerely ask the child about school matters. Chat with him. Indeline and template questions give rise to the template answers "Normally".
  • Be pride the achievements, mark progress, do not skimp on praise.
  • In the case of difficulties with homework or school program, try to help, explain, ask the teachers to help or even hide the tutor. Invalid material today entails big problems in the future.
  • Dips happen. Do not dwell on condemnation for bad marks, support a teenager. Think together how to fix the situation.
  • Speak about goals. A teenager should understand what he seeks what you want to achieve and what knowledge he needs. Determine the tendency to the sciences.
  • Encourage and praise for specific progress. Meet your expectations with the real features of the child.
  • Do not compare marks and achievements with peers, do not discuss classmates.
  • Love your child.

Every parent in the power to instill his child's love for study. Do not ignore the tips above. Consider them and try to apply in practice. Motivation is important for the development of purposefulness and responsibility.

The awareness of the need for education comes over the years. At the initial stage, children learn for the sake of recognition of parents and praise. It is important for them to know that Mom and Dad are proud of them. And only in this case, the desire to move forward and develop, when the child knows that he is appreciated, and he will not let down. "

Do not make a cult from study. Do not learn for days and do not read permanent notations. Rely on the interests and talents of the child, and then the study will be in joy and pleasure.

We hope that our tips, how to motivate a teenager to study were helpful to you! We wish your kids success in school! Share in comments by your experience and stories!

What is motivation? Motivation is a combination of factors that encourage us to anyway. It is built around the needs of a person, seeking to satisfy which he is engaged in certain activities. Those. Waking up in the morning, almost every one of us has some motivation, for example, to acquire knowledge, earn a lot of money and become rich, enjoy, etc. And it is under the influence of these forces that we go to work, to study or, on the contrary, we stroll classes. Without motivation, activities will be unfinished and passive.

Motivation for study

Having understood what motivation is very easy to understand what value it has in human life and how important for successful learning. If the child does not have motivation to study, it will attend classes with reluctance, lazy, fulfill the tasks after the sleeves. And worse, if there is a negative motivation, i.e. Will strive for all possible ways to avoid learning (walking).

To avoid this, you need to keep up the child to study. And for this it is important to know what motives learning activities exist. They can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Social. These motives can be directed to some ideals and values \u200b\u200b(for example, it is good to be an excellent student, because it makes it possible to enter the university, and it is prestigious), to interact with the surrounding people (I can make new friends at school), for collective Activity (together to solve problems easier, in the team you can learn a new idea).
  2. Cognitive. In this group of motives, the highest value acquires the knowledge: obtaining new information, the development of new ways to solve problems. Of interest can call both the learning process and its end result.
  3. Creative. Here, the main stimulus is the possibility of obtaining knowledge / skills / ways to solve problems that can be useful in any individual activity.

Meeting motivation to study

All familiar "I do not want to learn ..."

Of course, much easier and more efficiently, when you do not need to force a child to go to school, and the homework does not perform from under the stick, but by own willing. Yes, and students, and adults, too, sometimes do not hurt motivation, especially when a session is ahead or a professional development is required. There are several different ways and techniques how to melt the child (and an adult too) to fulfill the training activities.


Promotions can be absolutely any, depending on what is important for a student who motivate. it positive assessments, praise, insignia signs (for example, letters), small gifts (computer game, chocolate, new toy, etc.), resolution of some action (go to disco, go on a tour and other).

For junior schoolchildren, it has great importance to praise, as well as the approval of parents, teachers, classmates. The desire to deserve them will be excellent driving power learning. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it, and the child's praise is really for business. In this case, a student of any age will be aware of the understanding of what encouragement he gets for his real knowledge / skills / efforts, and the desire to develop them and improve them.

IMPORTANT! Punishment and excessive rigor do not have the same effect as encouraging. Having experienced the fear of the anger of parents, the child will not seek to go to school so much and go well how much to try to hide bad marks from them, comments in the diary, etc. Surely everyone familiar stories with tightening sheets from the diary, his "loss", etc.

Perhaps not the best reception training motivation.

Study - exciting game

It often happens that a 6-7-year-old child is not yet ready for learning. It is difficult for him to concentrate, for a long time to perform the same activity, be attentive and diligent. If you leave a child in the kindergarten, there is no possibility for a year, you can turn learning for him into an exciting game.

For example, performing homework, it is necessary to use not only the material of the textbooks, but also colorful illustrations, various toys. To teach arithmetic, you can create sheets of colored paper, figurines of trees and a person, use real fruits and vegetables. In this case, the child will be easier to understand and learn the numbers, and it will be much more exciting to work with them - an interest in learning will appear. Tasks that cannot be directly associated with objects (writing letters, reading, etc.), it can be included in the gameplay, for example, during the game of Mother's daughter to ask to read the tale doll.

Study and real life

Children of older age, teenagers and senior schoolchildren often have problems in educational motivation arise against the background that they do not understand how it is related to their real life. In this case, it is necessary to show that training will be able to help them in the future, whatever way they have chosen.

Tasks should be directly related to life (for example, the calculation of interest on bank deposits), any abstract concepts must be accompanied by examples (chemistry is important to know because it is inseparable from ordinary life: medicines, detergents, cosmetics, etc.).

Looking at the university more difficult than at school. Therefore, it is better to get used in advance.

Senior schoolchildren expedient to motivate for the future - to explain how important studies are important for admission to the university and building a career. Excellent will help in this visit to open lectures at the university, where the child plans to act, conversation with the people of those professions that he is interesting, etc.

Search for interesting topics

Any activity will be performed with pleasure if there is interest to it. And learning is no exception. To interest the child of any age in learning, it is necessary:

  • Make sure the load gained to him. If a schoolboy constantly doesn't work out something, then sooner or later it will stop attempts and will lose all interest in this activity. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the level of complexity of tasks, consult with the teacher if necessary, to assist the child in mastering the material.
  • To understand which items are interesting to him. A child can have a technical warehouse of mind, humanitarian or creative. Therefore, some items can be given a learning worse, and some are better. It is important to understand what the child is strong, and send the maximum forces to it. However, about other areas (items) forget also do not need: they need to be developed as far as possible (classes with tutoring, additional study, etc.), but at the same time not to demand more than it can.
  • Focus on the needs of the student. Tasks must be adequate to these needs, which are different at different ages. So, the younger students dominate self-esteem, reflection, fastening of knowledge, theoretical explanation of the phenomena, which they observe. The child of this age must be explained that and why it happens (why the sun shines, why birds fly south, etc.), constantly supply it with new interesting information, to give the opportunity to think about some phenomena. In adolescence, play a leading role played Requirements for society (to the world of adults), in self-affirmation as a person, in self-education. Therefore, for adolescents, it is important that the activities they perform, giving the skills necessary "in the adult world," allowed to assert themselves in one way or otherwise. Tasks for adolescents should give them a spacious for creativity, must be associated with ordinary life, with themes that are relevant to them.

Parents and child - excellent tandem

Personal example is the best motivation. To interest the child in learning, parents themselves must be interested in it and should give it to understand. For this you need:

  1. Together to perform tasks, assist if necessary
  2. Interested in the fact that the student is in school in this moment
  3. Together to study some interesting topics / questions / aspects
  4. Discuss important issues, always interested in the opinion of the child and not laughing
  5. Support and encourage child hobbies, its research and cognitive activity

A few words finally

Poor academic performance and reluctance to learn are not always talking about the lack of motivation. Sometimes the reason may be in too heavy load or bad relationship with the teacher and / or with classmates. To exclude it, talk with the teacher, look at the setting in the classroom, talk to the child. If there are no problems in these aspects, we can conclude a lack of learning motivation and proceed to its formation.

Source of the title picture -

It can be resorted to the power of the mind. The mind is all at least some and do not want to apply it to themselves. It is better to take the Lodody to the attack when he will once again lose his job, which he did not bring any special money. Hint that having received education (or continued already begun), the person himself discovers many doors for himself: education is the connection, it is prestige, it's a habit of work. This is, in the end, a diploma or certificate. Education is confidence that at least some kind of work can you find: the employer will rather take a person with education than without.

Little to motivate a person to receive education. It is important and how he will receive this education. Now it's not a secret for anyone that many students learn from a bribe to a bribe, seeking only for a crust with stamp, but not to knowledge. You need to give a person to understand that education is in the head, and not in the diploma. It is also important to give him to choose exactly the path that most matches his inclinations and it. If a person will learn not where he needs, if he won't like there, he is unlikely to receive a full-fledged education in this institution.

If we are talking about children, then interest also plays a key role. Children so far do not explain that they need education. Remember yourself at school: Was there something in these lessons, besides the bought a meal every day, spend their precious time on them, which in children, like, so little? Did you with a big hunt sat for mathematics or Russian? Baby must be interested. If this is a botany, leave him in the park and study it in the field. If it is a mathematics, come up with a kind of quest in which the child, gradually solving a challenge for a task, the child comes to the cherished surprise.

Another way to cause interest in learning is to make participating in various competitions, competitions and competitions. Of course, to move your loan to such a feat will also be quite difficult, but there is also a serious motivation - a valuable prize. You probably know the person who are trying to cause interest in learning. Follow it wondering what he loves what would like to get. Maybe he dreams of a trip abroad? Then look for contests, where such a ticket protrudes as the main prize. You will not have time to look back like your ward will already be diligently learn.

Disgust to study - how bad habit. You can only help a person from it to get rid of it, but all the basic work will still remain for him. Even if all your works do not bring fruit, and the person continues to sit at the computer games, do not worry - life will teach. Someday he will still appreciate the importance of knowledge - maybe it will be late maybe, and no; Your task is to push it to this, gently and unobtrusively.