Survey on satisfaction with living conditions in the company. Employee survey. I want to be in the bosom of nature

Personnel surveys are effective tool, with which you can identify problem areas and make the necessary changes. By improving the situation in key areas, the company can significantly increase business results and the level of employee loyalty. In August, a third-party organization Hay group (the company conducts employee opinion research programs tailored to the needs of a particular organization, helps to increase the level of employee attraction and retention, improve motivation and loyalty indicators, increase productivity, effectively manage changes), an employee satisfaction survey was conducted bank various aspects of their working life. For the survey option, see Appendix 4. We have selected questions that indicate the level of employee loyalty. The subject of the study was the satisfaction of the personnel, since According to the theory of Meyer and Allen, employee satisfaction is correlated with loyalty, i.e. the connection is two-way: on the one hand, job satisfaction contributes to loyalty, and on the other hand, the presence of loyalty increases satisfaction. The following areas of staff satisfaction were considered:

Satisfaction with wages. This is one of critical factors the emergence of a sense of devotion. With the help of financial payments, the company informs the employee about his value and what prospects he has. Interruptions in wage payments depress workers. They feel they are being used and yet they do not want to pay. In response, some employees may commit malfeasance, theft, etc. The pay level, in order to be minimally satisfactory, must meet the requirement of the model of fairness formulated by Stacey Adams. Equity theory states that employees tend to judge management actions as fair if the equation is equal to or close to equality.

Contribution of the employee Contribution of other employees

Employee Pay = Other Employee Pay

It is important for the employee that his contribution is assessed fairly. For loyalty to be shown, wages do not have to be the highest possible; they have to be fair. Company employees need to know for sure. Which of their actions will lead to an increase in remuneration, which - to a decrease.

Satisfaction with leadership. This is one of the most important factors in the emergence of loyalty. Loyalty arises from respect for your leadership. The fairness of assessments, the absence of pets, the adherence to the rules by the leader himself, consistency in achieving goals, clarity in setting goals, clarity of criteria for assessing work, the ability to constructively criticize, the ability to express gratitude evoke respect.

Satisfaction with working conditions. First of all, it is the ecology and ergonomics of the workplace. Recently, more and more people have begun to pay attention to working conditions, which, in one word, can be described as environmental. Now employees are interested in the radiation level of the monitor, the quality drinking water etc.

Satisfaction with the intensity of work. For many people, the intensity of the work is important. For some, it is very important that work gives a sense of life, movement, change; for some, on the contrary, medium and low intensity of work is more preferable.

Satisfaction with the content and result of the work. For some employees, it is important that what they do is meaningful. It is important for them to understand the value of their work in achieving common goals for the whole company.

Satisfaction with career and development and self-satisfaction. One of the most important factors in the formation of employee loyalty. For many employees, career prospects, professional development, and training are very important.

Satisfaction with the environment. Man, being a social being, cannot but take into account his environment. It often affects mood, ability to work, the desire to keep a job, or the desire to quit so strongly that social factor is increasingly taken into account.

Now let's look at the structure of the sample of respondents. A total of 987 respondents took part in the survey.

Table 2.2 Age structure of the sample

Table 2.3 Structure of the sample by education

Figure 2.5 Structure of the sample by length of service at the Bank

According to the theory, M.I. Magura sources of loyalty formation are the individual characteristics of employees and the main characteristics of the work and work environment, therefore, it would be advisable to construct the data analysis as follows:

analysis individual characteristics workers, their motives for work, values;

analysis of employee satisfaction with various aspects of the working environment and work;

The first question related to the study of workers' motives for work and their value system is the question of a person's perception of work in general. The following answers were given to this question ("In your opinion, work is ..."):

q An important part of my life

q Forced necessity

q A process that gives me pleasure

q A person's debt to society

q Way of self-realization

q Communication with colleagues

Table 2.4 Attitude to work

Thus, referring the first 2 statements “… an important component of my life” and “… a process that gives me pleasure” to the affective component of loyalty, we get that, on average, 19.62% of employees initially have a disposition to affective loyalty. Referring the statements "work is, first of all, communication with colleagues", "... a person's duty to society" to the normative component of loyalty, we come to the conclusion that 20.64% of employees have a predisposition to normative loyalty. Considering the statements “Forced necessity” and “Possibility of self-realization” as components of continued loyalty, we come to the conclusion that 35.19% of employees are initially predisposed to continued loyalty.

Consequently, based on the analysis of the attitude of employees to work, there is initially a tendency towards continued loyalty, which implies a comparison of benefits and losses from leaving the organization.

The next question was directly related to the attitude of employees to their work. To the question “What attracts you to your work, the following answers were offered:

q Communication with the team

q Remuneration

q Growth prospects

q Implementation of your ideas

The results of the questionnaire are presented graphically (see Figure 2.6.).

Figure 2.6 Answers to the question "What attracts you to your work?"

Thus, in spite of the fact that initially the staff has a focus on continued loyalty in the process of working in the bank, the normative one is implemented to a greater extent (“communication with the team” - 68.46%). In this case, and taking into account the analysis of the answers to the previous questions, we come to the conclusion that the majority of employees are not loyal to the bank as such, but to the team of their colleagues.

What are employees focused on in employment, for this we turn to the questionnaires of employees when hiring (Question: "Rate the value of each of the listed factors when choosing a place of work on a 7-point scale. 7 points is the maximum score, 1 is the minimum").

Figure 2.7 Job selection factors

The graph shows the average score given to each factor. It can be seen that for employees at this stage, the most important is wages, bonuses (average score 6.4), therefore, at the moment they are not at all inclined to show loyalty to the bank and are ready to leave it when offered a higher salary.

It is also important for employees social package(average score 5.7). The bank is a responsible employer, creating decent working conditions and a full social package (a voluntary medical insurance program is provided, including dental services, partially compensates for the cost of vouchers for children health camps, the cost of subscriptions to gyms). In an effort to improve the social security of its employees, the Bank carries out additional payments(for the birth of a child, in connection with the 50th anniversary, in extraordinary circumstances, in the event of the death of a close relative, in connection with retirement).

The next parameter considered is “advancement, career growth”. Among the researchers of the phenomenon of loyalty, there is an opinion that an employee who has worked in an organization for many years and has gone from a lower position to top management positions is the most loyal. Accordingly, if employees want and see opportunities for their advancement and career growth in the organization, they will be more loyal. In our case, there is disappointment in the opportunities for one's career growth, but insignificant. The results are presented graphically.

Figure 2.8 Coefficients of realization of expectations based on the motive "Career growth"

Employees with up to 3 months of work experience very negatively (below the average for this group) assess the possibilities of their career growth, however, the second group (with work experience of more than 3 months to 1 year) sees a more promising situation for themselves. Such results are most likely due to poor informing of employees about their career prospects during admission and during the adaptation period.

The situation is more complicated with the most problematic third group (with work experience over 1 to 2 years). It is assumed that this group is already well aware of career opportunities and some representatives of this group are included in different kinds reserve (in this commercial bank there is an operational and prospective reserve, a reserve of managers of internal structural units, a reserve for filling vacancies of business units). Thus, it can be assumed that in this commercial bank there is insufficient work with the reserve and the reserve itself is partially formal in nature. However, it should be noted that the latter group (with more than 2 years of work experience), although it is slightly disappointed about their career plans, sees very clearly the prospects for career growth.

Now let's consider what the staff at the Bank values, i.e. what is the motivation for the staff to work in this bank. The following answer options were proposed:

q Reliability and stability

q Wage level

q Growth prospects

q Professionalism of managers

q Team relationships

q Social benefits

q Modern technologies at work

q Attitude towards employees

The results of the survey are presented graphically:

Figure 2.9 Motives for working at the Bank

Table 2.5 Motives for working at the Bank

It turns out that the most common motive for working at the Bank is its level of remuneration (35.5%), as well as reliability and stability (30.4%). A high percentage of "Reliability and stability" can characterize these employees as loyal. It should also be noted that such parameters as “attitude towards employees” (12.6%) were not highly rated, which in general negatively characterizes the management system in general and the personnel management system in the Bank in particular. Such a parameter as "relationships in the team" received a fairly high assessment - 21.6%, which indicates the loyalty of employees, primarily in relation to their team.

The evaluation of such a parameter as " modern technologies in work ”, only 8.1% of respondents indicated these parameters as their motive for working in a bank. It turns out that we can conclude that the Bank either does not adhere to new styles and does not respond in a timely manner to changes in the surrounding economic and social environment, or does it insufficiently adequate and acceptable for its employees. I would like to emphasize that the end of 2011 was associated with the introduction of a new software, which entailed additional labor costs. And also the introduction of a grading system, which affected the remuneration of the Bank's employees.

The next question identified the staff's motives for moving to another organization. It was proposed to select from the list the following reasons for a possible transfer to another organization:

q Closer to the place of residence (more convenient to get to)

q More convenient working hours

q Less physical and psychological stress

q Comfortable working conditions

q Best technical equipment workplace

q Good social and psychological climate in the unit

q Understanding with management

q Prospects for professional and career growth

q Prospects for training, professional development

q Higher wages

As a result, the following results were obtained (Figure 2.10):

Figure 2.10 Motives for moving to another organization

Here we can observe that 50.7% of employees are ready to change jobs when they are offered a higher salary. Thus, we come to the conclusion that most of the employees are not loyal to the bank at all.

So, based on the analysis of the individual characteristics and motives of staff to work, we came to the following conclusions:

Initially, most of the interviewed bank employees have a focus on continued loyalty;

Employees are strongly dissatisfied with the wages in the bank and are ready to change jobs when offered a higher level of wages;

Employees are not fully satisfied with the style and methods of work of the bank's management;

Most of the employees are loyal not to the bank, but to the team of their colleagues.

Now let's turn to the analysis organizational environment bank, or rather to the analysis of the perception of this environment by personnel (Figure 2.11).

Figure 2.11 Employee satisfaction with various aspects of working life.

The questionnaire examined the following aspects of employee satisfaction with their work life:

Moral and psychological climate in the team

Distribution of rights and responsibilities in the team

Opportunities for showing initiative

Using your prof. potential

Labour Organization

Work and rest mode

Mental stress

Pace of work

Organization of the workplace

Physical exercise

Career prospects

Social security level

Developing your personality

Legal security

Wage level

Nerve stress

It is necessary to evaluate these parameters on a 5-point scale (5 - completely does not satisfy, 1 - completely satisfies). As a result, the following answers were received (see figure 2.12).

On the graph we see that the following factors cause the greatest dissatisfaction: nervous stress (average score - 3.75), the level of wages (3.62), legal protection (3.11). As a result of the research, it was revealed that nervous stress is associated with excessive workload of staff, work with money and a high level of mistrust on the part of the department (checks, new rules for working with a client, mystery shoppers). The level of remuneration and the system of distribution of bonuses also causes great dissatisfaction, there is no clarity of the process.

Analyzing the results, one can single out other factors of increased staff dissatisfaction. If 5 points equated to the statement “complete lack of satisfaction”, it is logical to assume that all factors with an average score of more than 2.5 are problematic and require attention from the personnel service and managers. These factors include: work and rest mode, mental stress, work pace, workplace organization, physical activity, career prospects, and the level of social protection. Thus, we can talk about insufficient attention to the needs of personnel and the ill-conceived and ineffectiveness of the personnel management system as a whole.

Now let us turn to the question of personnel's assessment of the relationship between the contribution of their personal labor and the amount of remuneration. For 50.7% of the interviewed personnel, this relationship is not clear enough or does not exist at all. On average, this relationship was rated at 3.4 points (1 - a high degree of relationship, 5 - complete lack of relationship) Thus, here we find another serious barrier to the formation of staff loyalty - the absence of a clear and fair remuneration system.

The next question was related to the employees' vision of their career growth in this branch of the Bank, in the Bank's system as a whole and in other organizations similar in profile. The most favorable from the point of view of loyalty to this bank would be a combination of answers “Yes-No-No” and “Yes-Yes-No”. Let's consider the obtained results. (see Table 2.6.)

Table 2.6 Employees' vision of career opportunities in the Bank and similar organizations

Thus, we see that the most common answer is “No-No-No”, which means that a person does not see a career opportunity for himself at all. This indicates a low level of self-esteem among their professional qualities, i.e. by and large a person is forced to work in a bank. Moreover, this answer was given by completely different age groups... It should also be noted here that 80% of those who chose this combination of answers were trained within the Bank. Hence, we can conclude that the training of employees is insufficiently effective.

The second most frequently answered combination was “No-No-Yes”, i.e. employees do not see career opportunities for themselves, but they see it in other organizations with a similar profile. Thus, it is possible that they consider work in the Bank as temporary, and therefore do not feel loyalty to the bank and may leave the bank in the near future.

Also, from the point of view of the organizational environment of the bank, the question of the awareness of employees about moral rewards... According to the results of the survey, it turns out that 68% of employees do not know anything about moral incentives in their organization. Although officially, according to the regulation on internal work schedule per conscientious observance job responsibilities, increasing labor productivity, improving the quality of work, a long and impeccable work activity and for other achievements in work, the following types of moral incentives are applied:

ь announcement of gratitude;

ь awarding the prize;

ь rewarding with a valuable gift;

ь awarding with a badge of distinction, etc.

Incentives are announced in the order for the branch and for the Bank. They are brought to the attention of the employee and entered in his work book.

Thus, given the fairly wide range of the sample (more than 50% of all bank employees participated in the survey), we come to the conclusion that these employees were not subjected to any of the above methods of moral encouragement, and therefore the bank pays little attention to this area of ​​increasing loyalty and motivation. staff.

As a result of the analysis of the organizational environment of the bank, the following problems were identified:

employees are dissatisfied with the salary system in the bank, nervous stress and their legal protection,

most of the employees are not informed about the relationship between the contribution of their labor and their remuneration,

employees are practically not informed about the system of moral incentives existing in the bank.

Thus, in the course of the study, a rather low level of loyalty of employees of their organization was revealed:

50.7% of employees are ready to leave the bank when they are offered a higher salary;

employees are loyal not to the bank, but to the team of their colleagues.

TO positive aspects analysis of the research results, it is possible to attribute the fact that most of the employees value reliability and stability in the Bank, and this factor is the dominant motive of their labor activity in this bank.

Thus, summing up the results of the study of staff loyalty and satisfaction, we identified the following obstacles to the formation and maintenance of required level loyalty:

lack of clear, fair and competitive remuneration;

dissatisfaction of employees with many aspects of their working life (legal protection, nervous stress, level of social protection, career prospects, organization of the workplace, etc.);

lack of a clear system of material incentives for employees;

the bank does not meet the expectations of the newly hired employees.

As a result, we see a lack of proper attention to the problems and needs of personnel and the need for urgent (given the positive dynamics of staff turnover) and comprehensive measures to increase the level of loyalty of the bank's personnel and build an effective mechanism for forming loyalty.

We invite you to take part in the research, which is carried out in order to optimize the company's activities. Please answer the questionnaire.

1. What is the meaning of the company?

Formulate the mission of the company in one or two phrases.

3. What will our company be like in 20___?

4. What, in your opinion, is the most relevant for our company at the present time (define the commercial goals of the company)?

5. What, in your opinion, is the most relevant for our company at the present time (define the non-commercial goals of the company)?

6. Our company is attractive to employees because:

7. It is accepted in our company:

8. It is not accepted in our company:

9. What is our company's success based on?

10. What is the main reason for failure?

11. Name the main, from your point of view, problems the company faces today:

12. From the following, highlight those factors that are not yet sufficiently used to improve the efficiency of the company:

- personal initiative of employees;

- willingness to take responsibility;

- the creative potential of employees;

- education;

- discipline;

- compliance with the deadlines for completing tasks;

- the presence of a team spirit;

- availability of information necessary for work;

- an effective system of remuneration;

- the clarity of the tasks and deadlines;

- mentoring;

- openness, transparency of the processes taking place in the company;

- something else (write)

13. Name the most effective, in your opinion, methods of punishment for mistakes made in the work:

14. Name the most effective, in your opinion, ways to improve discipline in the company

15. What, in your opinion, can the company's management do to achieve greater employee loyalty?

16. Name the most effective, in your opinion, ways to reward for the success achieved in work

min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 max

25. What annoys you at work?

26. Which of your job requirements are the most important? (rank):

- favorable working conditions;

- high level of salary;

- interesting job;

- dependence of earnings on labor efficiency;

- opportunity for career growth;

- the possibility of professional growth;

- training, professional development;

- the opportunity to show initiative and enterprise;

- solving ambitious and complex tasks;

- highly professional environment;

- the popularity of the company in the market;

- high quality products (services);

- a good, friendly team;

- the opportunity to earn trust and respect by honest work;

- recognition of the employee's merits by the management and the team;

- avoiding excessive pay differentials different categories workers;

- a benevolent attitude of managers towards subordinates;

- taking into account opinions labor collective when making decisions;

- the possibility of an individual work schedule;

- availability of an attractive compensation package;

- the possibility of obtaining a loan;

- convenient location of the office;

- something else (write)

27. How many years are you willing to work for the company?

- less than six months;

- six months to a year;

- one and half year;

- 2-3 years;

- 3-5 years old;

- another option (write)

And in your current position?

28. What does not suit you in interaction with other divisions of the company?

29. Which of the following situations are typical for your department:

- the necessary information is basically missing;

- information arrives late;

- information comes with errors;

- information is lost;

- it is not known where to go for this or that information;

- information is always reliable;

- information is not lost;

- information arrives in a timely manner;

- the sources are known to which one can turn for the necessary information;

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% More than 100%

31. Do you think that due to workload it is not 100% necessary for you to expand the range of responsibilities?

32. What should be the motivation for you personally for this increase?

33. When did you start your work in the company?

Your gender M / F Your age ____ years

FULL NAME. (optional)

Department, position (optional)

More on the topic Questionnaire "Assessment of employee satisfaction with work in the company" (Salnikova N.I.):

  1. Questionnaire "The attitude of employees to the corporate culture of the company and the organization of holidays" (Salnikova N.I.)
  2. Article 19.3. Disobedience to a lawful order of a police officer, a soldier, an employee of the bodies for control over the turnover drugs and psychotropic substances, employee bodies federal service security, an employee of state security bodies, an employee of bodies authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration, or an employee of a body or institution of the penal system Commentary to Article 19.3
  3. 3.2.2. Psychological assistance to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who take part in rescue operations
  4. QUESTION: My example is from modern times, from Russian reality. When we had a situation with the YUKOS company, there was a statement from the country's leadership that everything would be in order with the company's management, as a result, YUKOS shares soared and investors made money on it. After that, the company practically collapsed, the management was imprisoned - was it politics?
October 10, 2018 HR station wagon. IP Khramtsova P.V.

Staff satisfaction survey questionnaire

The purpose of this survey is to determine your satisfaction with work in the company. Survey anonymous, its results will be used in a generalized form to draw up a program for the development of a personnel management system.

Carefully read each sentence in the “Terms of Service” column, select one of the most appropriate answers in the columns to the right (from “Not at all satisfied (not satisfied)” to “Very satisfied (completely satisfied)”) and tick the appropriate box. Fill out the answers to the questions on the second page and give the questionnaire to an employee of the HR Directorate.

Date of filling: ____ ___________ 20__

Working conditions

not satisfied

(not satisfied)

A little


Difficult to answer (neutral)



Very satisfied (completely satisfied)

Labor organization (standardization of work and rest time)

Labor safety (provision of protective equipment, overalls)

Team relations (with management, colleagues)

Wage level

Additional payments (for an absent employee, for work on weekends, etc.)

Incentive system (the possibility of receiving bonuses, distribution of bonuses in the team)

Level of social benefits and guarantees

Leadership style in your department

Organization of training, the possibility of advanced training

Career prospects and opportunities

Provision of the necessary materials and tools for work

Recognition of your merits, attention to you from the management

Administration work (registration of reception and transfer, consideration of applications)

Please answer a few questions on page 2.

What can increase your satisfaction? ______________________________________________________________________

Do you consider it possible and realistic to change the current situation? Choose one of the answer options:

I also want to say: ______________________________________________________________________

Please answer a few questions to process the survey results:

Your age:

Over 50 years old

Work experience in the company:

Up to 0.5 years

More than 1 year

General work experience:

Over 10 years

master (senior master)

head of the production department (site, shift, workshop)

employee, specialist

supervisor administrative unit(bureau, department)

Please return the completed application form to an employee of the HR Directorate.

Thank you for taking the survey!

Recently, a large company held a tender to select a contractor to conduct a corporate survey at their company. The fact itself is remarkable. If a few years ago corporate polls were conducted only occasionally by individual companies, either especially advanced or experiencing some particular difficulties with personnel, today the practice of corporate surveys is becoming very popular. This article will focus on what kind of corporate polls are, how best to organize them in companies of different sizes and profiles.

Why conduct corporate surveys

From the very name of corporate surveys, it follows that they are conducted within the framework of one company, and the respondents (i.e. those who are interviewed) are employees of the company. What and why can companies ask their own employees?

The most popular survey is to determine the level of employee satisfaction with work. Why find out? Is it not clear whether the employees are satisfied or not? Despite the almost rhetorical question, it often turns out that even in small companies, managers and owners are often mistaken about own staff... In large companies, the management is not just not personally acquainted with each employee, but often very approximately imagine how many and what kind of employees generally work in the company. As a result, various problems with personnel (for example, increased turnover, unwillingness to take the initiative, ignoring corporate events, sabotaging innovations, etc.) often come as a surprise to the employer. It is in order to better understand what the staff really thinks and what to expect from them, and work satisfaction is studied. The technique we use is in Appendix 1.

In addition to job satisfaction, employers can use surveys to find out:

  • staff loyalty
  • attitude to upcoming or incipient innovations
  • level of commitment to the company (willingness and desire to work in the company for a long time)
  • the level of awareness of staff about the life of the company
  • the level of personnel involvement in solving corporate problems
  • the level of tension in the team

The purpose of the polls can be very varied. The main thing is to remember for what purpose the survey was conceived and what result we would like to get.

For example, our company has conducted several surveys on how to celebrate the company's birthday. Our task was to find out what the majority of employees want and to make a holiday that would be remembered for the whole year. All ideas about the format and venue of the event were previously collected, and then a questionnaire was drawn up, which was filled out by everyone. Thus, not only the preferences, but also the initiative of the employees, as well as their willingness to participate both in the event itself and in its preparation, were found out. Such a seemingly funny questionnaire, in addition to its main tasks, provided the management with a lot of seemingly secondary, but nevertheless useful information about their own staff.

In other words, the tasks of the survey may include not only obtaining information on any issue, but also:

  • Team building, improving mood and tone. The “fun questionnaire” about the celebration of the company's birthday, presented in Appendix 2, is also aimed specifically at raising the mood, general tone of employees, and team building.
  • Informing about something. An example of a questionnaire aimed at informing staff about development projects corporate culture presented in Appendix 3. The purpose of this questionnaire is not only to reveal knowledge about projects and willingness to participate in them, but also tells about these projects. By filling out the questionnaire, employees thereby learn a lot of new things.
  • Motivation and involvement in solving corporate problems. Questioning can be one of the ways to convey to the personnel the priorities of the company's development and involve them in solving the key tasks for the company. Appendix 4 provides an example of a questionnaire aimed at informing staff about new goals in a simple and accessible form, as well as encouraging staff to actively participate in the implementation of the set goals.

Thus, before conducting corporate surveys, it is very important to clearly formulate the objectives of such a survey. Determine what information we want to receive and whether it is necessary to solve any additional tasks using a questionnaire. It is important to understand what results will be obtained and how they can be used. The most common mistake companies make when conducting their own surveys is not understanding the expected results and how to use them. The questionnaire includes all the questions that come to mind, and when a huge array of scattered data is obtained, the "researchers" simply do not know what to do with them.

How to conduct corporate surveys

There are several important points that must be addressed when organizing a corporate survey.

In what form should the survey be conducted?

1. The forms of conducting a survey depend on the objectives of the survey and the options available to the company. This can be a traditional survey, if not all employees of the company have access to the network, or on-line survey, if all staff have computers connected to the network (Internet or local). The survey can also take place in the form of an interview, if experts participate in it and it is necessary to obtain not quantitative data, but to identify the causes of a phenomenon. Those. when it is impossible to immediately formulate clear answer options, but it is just necessary to find out possible options answers. Also, polls can be conducted in the form of focus groups. This is also a way to obtain high-quality information when several experts take part in the survey at once. But it should be borne in mind that qualitative research methods are quite difficult for an untrained specialist. When in doubt, it is best to involve an external expert who will take on some of the most complex functions and help organize the process. This is an order of magnitude cheaper than ordering a study entirely on the side, and at the same time it is a good safety net.

Conduct a survey one-time or permanently?

2. It is important to decide whether it will be monitoring (an annual or more frequent research that is carried out using the same questionnaire to ensure the comparability of data) or a one-time survey for specific tasks. If it is decided to conduct a survey in the form of monitoring, then you need to very carefully formulate the questions, because it will not be possible to change them in the future, even insignificantly.

Who exactly to interview?

3. If the company is small, it is possible to interview all employees. But if the company is large, this is not only impossible, but impractical. For large companies it is necessary to determine the size and composition of the sample. The sample can be randomly selected. For example, an alphabetical list of employees (or a list of personnel numbers), and then every tenth, hundredth or thousandth employee is surveyed (depending on the total number of employees in the company and a certain sample size, the sampling step may differ). Or the sample is formed on the basis of quotas for various parameters (gender, age, position, etc.). For example, if 70% of women work in a company, then 70% of the respondents should also be women.

Who will conduct the survey?

4. Who is responsible for conducting the survey depends on the subject of the survey, but most often it is the personnel management service. It is necessary to appoint a responsible person who would oversee the entire process, as well as form a working group that will participate in the survey. It should include employees who will distribute and collect questionnaires; employees who will enter the data of the questionnaires into the processing program; a programmer who will customize the software; an analyst who will analyze the data and present the results in a visual form. If the survey is carried out in on-line mode, then it is necessary to strengthen the working group with IT specialists.

Is anonymity necessary?

5. When conducting corporate research, the anonymity of the survey is not always necessary. If a problematic issue is being studied, then perhaps the anonymity of filling out the questionnaires is necessary, but experience shows that company employees are happy to answer the questionnaire questions. They view the questionnaire as attention from the management, they like that their opinion is asked. Therefore, when deciding on the anonymity of the survey, it is worth considering how necessary it is. There are cases when, on the contrary, the questionnaires must be personalized. For example, if the needs of employees are studied, which will be taken into account and satisfied personally. If this question is not of fundamental importance, whether to sign the questionnaire or not, it can be left to the discretion of the respondent (as in the example of the questionnaire in Appendix 4).

How to carry out processing?

6. Even if the research is very small and the number of questionnaires is small, it makes sense to carry out processing using software. There are professional statistical software such as SPSS. And if you plan to conduct surveys on a regular basis and select a separate specialist who will deal with data processing, as well as if you have a large organization and the sample is comparable to the all-Russian one (1,500 people), then it makes sense to purchase any professional program and train a specialist. If your surveys are not of this scale, then it is quite possible to get by with standard office software tools.

What to analyze?

7. To analyze the research results, it is necessary to form the analysis sections. First of all, they analyze general research data, for example, calculate the employee satisfaction index with work in the company as a whole. And then the influence of various parameters on the studied indicator is revealed and analyzed. For example, how does satisfaction differ among employees of different ages, whether it depends on the level of education and marital status, position, etc.

The diagrams show examples of the dependence of job satisfaction on the level of education and job title.

Naturally, for this it is necessary to include the relevant questions in the questionnaire (see an example of the questionnaire in Appendix 3).

More complex dependencies can also be identified. For example, in one study, we found that employees who had a mentor and were highly informed about the business were more than 15 percentage points more satisfied than workers who had no mentor during the adaptation period and were poorly informed.

Or, for example, a direct dependence of the level of employee satisfaction on their participation in innovative projects carried out in the company was revealed (there were 7 such projects in total).

Note. The numbers on all graphs are the personnel satisfaction index.

Therefore, when deciding to conduct a corporate research, this issue must be taken seriously. Clearly define the goals and expected results, determine the analysis sections of interest, conduct a pilot study to identify the correct understanding by the respondents of your questions, think over the research organization step by step. This approach will save you a lot of frustration and huge labor costs, which, with a superficial approach, can turn into wasted time.

Annex 1.
Methodology for assessing the level of satisfaction of company personnel.

The technique includes:

  1. Drawing up a questionnaire
  2. Method of processing results
  3. Sampling method
  4. Scale of "lies"

Drawing up a questionnaire

To calculate the satisfaction index, the questionnaire must include two questions with a list of factors of working life, which are determined for each company individually, depending on its characteristics. The first question identifies the degree of influence of various factors on the employee's overall job satisfaction. The second question determines the actual satisfaction with each of the factors.

1. What determines your job satisfaction? How much do the following factors influence your satisfaction? In each line, mark your choice with any sign (tick, cross).

Working life factors Impact on satisfaction
Strongly affects Affects, but to a lesser extent Does not affect I am at a loss to answer
1 Working conditions
2 Work schedule, work schedule
4 Wage level
6 Moral motivation
8 Social package
12 Opportunity for career growth
13 Opportunity to undergo training
Working life factors Satisfied Rather satisfied Rather not satisfied Not satisfied I am at a loss to answer
1 Working conditions
2 Work schedule, work schedule
3 The content of labor, the work itself
4 Wage level
5 Dependence of wages on work results
6 Moral motivation
7 Compliance by the employer with social guarantees provided for by law
8 Social package
9 Transport accessibility, distance from home
10 Direct management attitude
11 Team atmosphere, relationships with colleagues
12 Opportunity for career growth
13 Opportunity to undergo training
14 The prestige of working in the company, its image
15 Corporate culture in the company
16 Politics, ideology, company strategy
17 Other (specify what exactly):

This approach is due to the fact that factors that do not affect or have little effect on a person's satisfaction (in other words, are of little importance to him, are unimportant) cannot fully participate in determining the overall level of satisfaction. Therefore, the weight of such factors is reduced, which makes the calculation more reasonable.

Method of processing results

The results are processed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Answer to the question of the questionnaire "How much do the following factors influence your satisfaction?" allows you to enter a reduction factor (m)
    • In the case of the answer "does not affect satisfaction" or the answer "I find it difficult to answer", the letter "z" is put, these factors are not taken into account in the assessment of satisfaction,
    • If the answer "strongly affects satisfaction" put "0"
    • If the answer is "affects satisfaction to a lesser extent" - "1"
  2. Answer to the question of the questionnaire "How satisfied are you with the main factors of working life?" is called the coefficient of satisfaction (k)
    • k = 3 if the answer is "satisfied"
    • k = 2 if the answer is "rather satisfied"
    • k = 1 if the answer is "rather not satisfied"
    • k = 0 if the answer is "not satisfied"

If the respondent finds it difficult to answer, this item is not taken into account in the overall satisfaction. Satisfaction score for each item. (хij - satisfaction of the i-th respondent by the j-th factor).

Here the coefficient in front of k is intended to reduce the contribution of the decreasing coefficient to overall satisfaction, and the denominator “6” is determined from one hundred percent satisfaction when k = 3 and m = 0.

The satisfaction of each person is determined as the arithmetic mean of the satisfaction for each item, i.e.

where n is the number of factors of satisfaction, according to which the respondent's satisfaction is defined as "s", B is the total number of factors of working life used in the questionnaire (items in the questions about satisfaction)

Overall satisfaction is defined as the arithmetic mean of the satisfaction of all respondents, i.e. where l is the number of respondents.

Sampling method

To calculate the satisfaction index, either a continuous survey (for small companies) or a sample survey (quotas by gender, age, structural unit, position / profession) is carried out.

It is important that the survey is conducted both among employees and among those who quit during the year preceding the survey. The share of respondents who quit should correspond to the percentage of turnover in the company (the percentage of those who quit according to on their own) this year. A survey of laid-off workers is important for obtaining an objective satisfaction index, since laid-off workers tend to have a lower satisfaction rate (firing is a “vote-with-feet”) and as a result, the overall satisfaction rate decreases.

Scale of "lies"

To achieve the reliability of the results, the control question "How do you assess your job satisfaction?" Is introduced into the questionnaire:

How satisfied are you with your job in our company? Rate in% (maximum 100%) _____

Those. the respondent subjectively assesses his or her job satisfaction in general as a percentage. After processing the results, each questionnaire is checked for compliance with the satisfaction index and the respondents' subjective assessment of their satisfaction in general. If the difference is more than 20 percentage points, the questionnaire is rejected. For example, if a respondent rated his satisfaction at 90%, the calculation showed that his satisfaction was 30% (i.e. when answering about satisfaction with various factors, the respondent replies that he is dissatisfied with most of the factors, and all of them strongly affect his satisfaction) ... As a result, the calculation shows that his level of satisfaction as a whole is 30%, and this result indicates that when filling out the questionnaire, the respondent was inattentive or filled it out formally, for show. Or he didn’t understand the instructions and answered incorrectly. In any case, such a result shows a biased assessment and is excluded from consideration.

The technique is universal in nature and can be used for organizations of any profile and of any size. Even for small enterprises, the number of employees is 10 - 20, the results obtained reflect the actual state of affairs in terms of personnel satisfaction and allow us to outline measures to improve the work with personnel. At the same time, there are factors of satisfaction, which, as a rule, have lower values ​​(for example, the level of remuneration, the dependence of remuneration on labor results), while the assessment of other factors, such as the atmosphere in the team, working conditions, working regime, opportunity professional development vary significantly from company to company and satisfaction with them can be both very high and very low. Therefore, a company can not only track its own dynamics of the level of employee satisfaction with work, but also compare its performance with other companies in the labor market.

Appendix 2.
An example of a "fun" questionnaire

Questionnaire for identifying wishes and suggestions of employees for organizing and holding the company's birthday

Good day, dear colleagues, the birthday of our company is approaching, with which we actually congratulate you! Feel free to fill out this form, and we will use your dreams in organizing a holiday. Some questions have answer options - choose what you like best or write something of your own. Suggestions, wishes, initiatives are welcome!

Respectfully yours, committee for the arrangement of the DR.

Get started!

1. Where are we going to celebrate? (Here you need to check the boxes on all the options that you like, and, if possible, rank them. At least you need to choose the three most attractive options. 1 is the most preferable option).

Checkbox here Rank

I want to be in the bosom of nature

To someone at the dacha (write to whom)

To some camp site (if you have any ideas for which - write)

Just in the bosom of nature, in the forest, on the river (if there is a suitable place in mind, write)

I do not want to be in the bosom of nature, I want to be indoors

Movie theater and then a cafe or something

Theater and then a cafe or something like that

The zoo, and then something else.

Sports and entertainment complex (bowling, billiards, Quasar, karaoke)

Directly to a restaurant, cafe, bar, pizzeria, other drinking and eating establishment (if you have any ideas, immediately write which institution you have in mind)


Night club with songs and dances of fashionable groups

Other (specify what exactly)

Indoor office

(for example, I want a masquerade, but I won't go anywhere except the office in this form)

I'm sick of everything, I don't want to go anywhere! (incorrect answer)

5. Other (specify what exactly)

2. What are we going to eat at DR? M?

Checkbox here

Let's bungle something ourselves

personally I will cook ... ( here you need to write what you want to prepare for the common table )

Let's order food

What kind of cuisine? (Italian, Chinese, Georgian, etc.?)

I don't even know ... but I will ... ( here you need to write what dishes you specifically like, want and will eat )

4. Other ( indicate what exactly )

3. What would you like to drink?

Checkbox here

Dairy products

Juicy foods

Brewing products

4. Other (indicate what exactly), here it is necessary to write about alcohol!

4. How will we spend our leisure time? (play, read, count, write, etc.)

6. Do you have any other wishes and suggestions for organizing and holding the company's birthday?

1. Questionnaire survey personnel in order to identify the reasons for the decrease in personnel satisfaction with their work.

2. An expert survey in order to identify the most important demotivators - the factors that most reduce the readiness of employees to work with high dedication in the interests of the company.

For development and implementation effective system motivation, you need to implement three stages: diagnose the company's motivational environment, develop a segmented motivation system, in which to comprehensively apply material and moral means of motivation, regularly monitor and correct the motivational system.

First stage: diagnostics of the system of stimulating conditions. At this stage, implement the following activities:

Develop methods for objective and unambiguous measurement of employee performance;

Make available to employees official information about the desired result (how to work and what results to have);

Assess the degree of achievement of the desired results;

Ensure that there are conditions of motivation common to all: a sound assessment system, clear criteria for measuring results, simplicity and clarity of means for assessing results.

To ensure the connection between the result and the remuneration of all employees in accordance with the results of their work, with an emphasis on quality, stimulation of capable and talented employees.

The second stage in the development of a motivation system is the stage of building a segmented motivating system and accounting psychological characteristics workers. At the second stage, it is necessary to conduct a personal survey of employees in order to identify certain groups and development of a segmented motivation system.

1. Rate the factors that, in your opinion, can increase your productivity on a 10-point scale:

Good odds promotion;

Fixed salary;

Payment related to the results of labor;

Recognition and approval of a job well done by management;

Work that creates conditions for self-expression and makes you develop your abilities;

Difficult and difficult work;

Work that allows you to think for yourself;

High degree of responsibility;

Interesting job that requires a creative approach;

Communication with colleagues, partners and clients.

2. Rate the factors that, in your opinion, make the job attractive, on a 10-point scale:

Work without much stress and stress;

Convenient office location;

There is no noise and no pollution in the workplace;

Working with people that I like;

Good relationship with the immediate superior;

Sufficient information about what is generally going on in the company;

Stable work without the threat of dismissal;

Flexible work time(flexible schedule);

Additional benefits, write what:

Fair distribution of the scope of work.

3. Select the conditions that you do not like in your work and rate them on a 10-point scale:

I am treated unfairly by my supervisor;

My earnings are usually lower than those of other workers in the same job;

I am often assigned to carry out large tasks, to do extraneous and less prestigious work than other employees with similar responsibilities;

I rarely do a job that matches my qualifications;

I am not accepted or invited to participate in social activities after work;

I was not encouraged or allowed to participate in training and staff development programs;

I did not have access to informal channels and additional sources of information that I needed for my work;

I haven't been promoted for a long time;

My salary has not been raised for a long time;

We (in a company or department) have a bad psychological atmosphere.

4. Write what other working conditions are important for you:

At the second stage, conduct psychological testing of employees within each group in order to take into account their expectations and implement an individual approach according to the psychotypes of individual employees. Taking into account the selected groups of workers and data on their individual psychological characteristics, it is necessary to introduce the principle of complexity, i.e. apply not only material, but also moral incentives, which should be based on:

Evaluation and recognition of the personal merits of individual employees: public evaluation at meetings, improvement of the interior of the office of a capable manager, articles in the internal corporate press about achievements, photographs or messages on special stands and the Hall of Fame, honorary assignments from senior management, honorary signs and awards.

Evaluation and recognition of the merits of the unit: informing about the achievements of the unit at meetings and in the internal corporate press, organizing gala dinners in honor of certain employees, sending employees to a certain conference (seminars, exhibitions, meetings), sending a group for training, a group trip on an excursion or in a tourist trip, presentation of insignia.

Personal recognition of the merits of employees from the management: verbal expression of gratitude, gifts, conversation with the manager.

At the third stage of developing a motivation system, monitor and correct. To conduct a survey of employees every six months, to take into account changes in the motivating factors, in accordance with the information received about their attitude to the working conditions in the company.

The study of staff satisfaction with their work is designed to find opportunities to strengthen their motivation and increase their willingness to cooperate with the administration. The results of the survey should be communicated to the personnel, the information received should serve as a basis for actions designed to positively affect the motivation of employees. A formal approach to interviewing personnel, the lack of timely information from employees about the results obtained and the administration's unwillingness to take any steps to resolve the identified problems, negate all the work done.

Determining the degree of staff satisfaction with their work and place of work is the most important indicator of the state labor motivation staff. Key factors of the working environment are presented in table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Personnel survey questionnaire to identify the reasons for the decrease in satisfaction with their work

Key factors in the working environment Grade
Labour Organization 5 4 3 2 1
Labor content (work that has to be done) 5 4 3 2 1
Sanitary and hygienic working conditions 5 4 3 2 1
Wage 5 4 3 2 1
Bonus system 5 4 3 2 1
Team relationships 5 4 3 2 1
Relationship with management 5 4 3 2 1
Management style and methods 5 4 3 2 1
The ability to influence the results of the team's work 5 4 3 2 1
The attitude of the administration to the requests of workers 5 4 3 2 1
Prospects for a professional or job growth 5 4 3 2 1
Objectivity of management's assessment of your work 5 4 3 2 1
Training and continuing education opportunities 5 4 3 2 1
The degree of their awareness of the state of affairs in the company and the prospects for its development 5 4 3 2 1
The degree of provision with everything necessary for work 5 4 3 2 1

It is necessary to start work on strengthening the motivation of employees by identifying factors that negatively affect the motivation of personnel (demotivators), and with the subsequent planning of the priority steps to neutralize them.

In order to better assess the state of affairs in the organization and clearly identify the most important problems that negatively affect the motivation of personnel, people who are well aware of all the details of the situation are needed. A group of experts should be assembled, including representatives of key categories of personnel, including representatives of the management team. The experts are invited to answer in writing the only question: "Indicate the factors that, in your opinion, most reduce the mood of the company's employees to work with high returns?" Independently, without consulting other experts, they must indicate 3 - 5 such factors. Generalization of the received answers makes it possible to identify the most important demotivators, that is, those factors that most destructively affect the motivation of staff.

Among the demotivators most often called by employees, in addition to low wages, most often include such factors as: poor working and living conditions, lack of information on staff, unclear goals set by management, uncertainty about the future, low level of social protection. The list of factors that negatively affect the motivation of personnel may differ markedly across groups of employees. A real improvement in the labor motivation of personnel should begin precisely with the improvement of the state of affairs in those areas that act as demotivators that reduce the mood of employees for high dedication in work. This allows you to solve several problems at once:

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