Autumn Festival in the senior and mixed age group. "Autumn History" Musical director Repina L.V. Scenario of the holiday for children of the senior group of different ages "Hostess Autumn" Scenario of the holiday of the fall in the group of different ages

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 10575 Human

Dear Guys! Autumn has come. Harvested in fields and gardens
harvest. These are the last warm days. But we are not sad, sweat-
that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the courtyard, the leaves turned yellow ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool educational institution "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 7906 Human

1st presenter:
Maples are already blushing autumn,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Yellow aspen tree sounds the alarm,
A leaf fell from the birch,
And, like a carpet, paved the road.
2nd presenter:
The sun is tired
You warm sparingly.
Yellow yes scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd presenter:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 22291 Human

To the music of the song "Autumn" children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look at how smartly our hall is decorated. Please tell me what time of year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: For the autumn! ...

Holiday script "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 21646 Human

To a cheerful Russian folk melody, children of the junior and middle groups enter the hall and sit on the chairs in the auditorium.

Here is an artist so an artist!
Gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been laundered.

Autumn Matinees Scenarios - Meeting Autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 16573 human

Summer is coming out: Hello children! I am summer, did you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed water for you in the rivers, helped to sing delicious and juicy berries. But now three months have passed and it's time for us ...

Script for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 18061 Human

The holiday autumn ball, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of scenes, competitions, theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of scenes and theatrical performances. They usually prepare for the autumn ball ...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 16025 Human

Two children enter the hall to the sound of a waltz
A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
A maple leaf is circling above the ground
Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again I put on a gold outfit.
You bring with you a sad ...

"Extraordinary Adventures of Preschool Children."

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 18153 human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit the fall.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Don't you want to miss us? Strange ... But what about you ...

Autumn holiday scenarios "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19933 human

Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
The cranes are flying by.

Everything is flying, it must be
Our summer is flying away.

Summer flies away, and a golden sorceress hurries to meet it ...

"Autumn sisters" script of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 15813 Human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, branches of mountain ash, aspen, maple.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew away quickly
A migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn spread wonderfully
Fading ...

Autumn Adventures

DOU autumn holiday script


Baba Yaga-

Equipment: Music center, recordings of songs, autumn leaves, cones, attributes for the game "Separate vegetables" (2 baskets, dummies of fruits and vegetables)

Holiday progress:

Summer has passed, has passed, has gone,

The sky is frowning and the rain is drizzling.

Warm days are not enough left

Maybe nature is sad about this?

The forest promises mushroom wealth,

You will collect a handful of the last raspberries.

The sun will bloom the decoration of the forest,

You can call it golden autumn.

Presenter: Autumn has three autumn months - gentle, velvety September, rainy and rainy October and piercingly cold November. Nature is preparing for a long winter vacation in the fall. In autumn everything freezes, trees and flowers, birds fly away to the warm lands, and the low and cloudy sky mourns the past summer with tears of cold rains.

Leading. It is very beautiful in autumn and in the forest. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground. Evergreen trees. Now let's talk about how to behave in the forest.

(Cheerful music sounds, Leshy runs in.)

Goblin. I AM! I know! You can pluck everything, break branches, clog streams, trample mushrooms and berries, frighten everyone! Ooh!

Leading. Calm down, please. Who are you? You didn't even say hello.

Goblin. Is it really necessary to say hello?

Leading. Certainly. After all, the word "hello" means "be healthy"!

Goblin. That's great! Hello! Do you know anything about me? Yes, when I am not sleeping in my hollow, the forest is restless, no one will pass: neither horse nor foot, because I ... that's right, Leshy!

Leading. All clear. Now listen to us.

I'm in a bush, by a spring

Didn't touch the spider's web.

I walked through the forest for a long time

And he didn't scare anyone.

Hasn't muddied the water anywhere -

I just stayed in the forest.

Goblin. So, you need to go to the forest as a visit?

Leading. Of course, Leshy, because the forest is a home for animals and birds.

Goblin. Yes ... And I’m the Goblin because I live in the forest. But it’s boring to live like that. Where can I put my energy? I have how much of it! I just want to do something.

Leading. Find yourself a job. In the forest, animals and birds prepare supplies for the winter from morning to evening. And our children also know how to work. Here are some of the poems they will tell.

1 child:

Autumn, autumn, wait!

And do not write off the rains,

Give us more summer

Sun and light.

2 child:

A crow shouts in the sky: - Kar-r!

There is a fire in the forest, a fire in the forest!

And it was very simple:

Autumn settled in it

3 child:

I walk on the leaves

And they crunch back.

I will pick beautiful leaves -

Mom will have a bouquet!

    In the morning we go to the yard

    Leaves are raining down

    Rustle underfoot

    And they fly, they fly, they fly.

The cranes fly away

Far away, to the ends of the earth.

For the fields and for the meadows,

For tall haystacks.

In a dress of bright gold

Autumn wanders, rustling.

Leaves fly in the wind

They want to catch up with the cranes.

Host: Well done, guys! Now let's play the game "COLLECT THE LEAVES!"

The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, the children collect a piece of paper to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.

(The swift music of flight sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick with a number.)

Baba Yaga. Dryn-melon-melon! Has died out. So! Emergency landing. Hello, good people! Oh, Goblin! You almost without asking again rode on my broom? Here I am!

Goblin. I won't anymore.

Baba Yaga. Okay, well, let's get acquainted! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want - I fly there! What do you have here?

Leading. You, grandmother, got to the autumn holiday and the guys of the middle group want to tell poems about autumn:

1 Spun leaves motley round dance

The first thin ice shone on the puddles.

2.What for the time of year, it is drizzling.

It's just Autumn in a hurry to kindergarten!

3. Autumn rains dripping on the roof.

The rain began to fall harder, and then it became quieter.

4. Here we celebrate a joyful holiday,

Come, we are waiting for you, Golden autumn.

Baba Yaga. What a VOOM kids. Since we have a holiday, let's play!

The game "SCARE" is held (conducted by Baba Yaga)

Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a "scarecrow", come out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If Baba Yaga says: "Sparrow!", Then you have to wave your hands. If the host says: "Crow!" - you have to clap your hands.

Baba Yaga. And now I want to see how your kids work. Now I will scatter the cones, and let the children collect them in baskets. (A game is played, Baba Yaga scatters the cones, and the children of the nursery group collect them in baskets)

Baba Yaga. Oh, how fun! Leshy, what are you thinking about?

Goblin. They advised me to dig up a vegetable garden, plant vegetables. And why are they needed, because sweets are tastier?

Baba Yaga. And I have my own forest garden and different vegetables grow there! Guess which ones!

There a bush grew in the garden. Only crunching and crunching is audible!

In cabbage soup, hodgepodge is thick. This is (... Cabbage)

Himself, like a pig, a tail-hook!

What kind of vegetable (... zucchini)

Drop a little under the bush

Looks out into the light (... _potato!)

Do not be alarmed if suddenly

It will make you shed tears (... onions)

Finally, they found a green one ... (cucumber)

The spine is hidden in red, only an inch is visible from above.

And you will pick it up deftly and in your hands (... carrot)

Baba Yaga (to Leshem). Have you heard?

Goblin. Yes.

Baba Yaga. So much for you, uh-huh! Guys, good fellows. All the riddles were correctly guessed.

Host: The guys have amused you, you have completed all your tasks, so treat everyone with autumn gifts.

(Baba Yaga and Leshy treat the guys with apples)

Nature is beautiful at the end of autumn. Bright red berries adorn the rowan trees, but the calendar is relentless, the bright colors of autumn fade away. Winter is coming soon

Baba Yaga and Leshy: It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye.

"Autumn gatherings".

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the multi-age group of MBDOU DS No. 58 "Rosinka".

Children enter the hall to the music. They stand in a semicircle in the center of the hall.

Host: We've heard a lot about autumn

Beautiful and wonderful words

And so she came, she came

Let's admire her again!

1 child: Autumn is coming,

And I see in the sky

How the birds fly away

To warm lands.

2 child: Cold and damp,

Mom to me again

Jacket with a hood

I began to put it on.

3 child: But it's beautiful in autumn

Yellow, red everywhere

The craftswoman is not lazy

Autumn sends greetings to all of us!

4 child: The rain often drizzles,

The squirrel is in a hurry home

She collected mushrooms

For my son and daughter.

Host: Autumn is a sad time!

But we will not be sad and bored.

We came to the holiday.

And the games are fun to play

We will sing songs loudly

And we invite everyone to see us.

Let's call Autumn

Sing a song to her.

Children sing the song "Autumn has come"

Autumn enters to the music of the waltz.

1 child: what a beautiful autumn!

Autumn: Did you sing about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends!

Well hello! Did you call me?

I came to you for a holiday,

Although business did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And while I was visiting you,
Here's a handkerchief I found.
Multi-colored, painted,
Unusual, challenging!
I suggest you friends
I'll play with the handkerchief!

Let's get acquainted…

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held.
Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely in a circle. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, more calm one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, having spread a large scarf, bypasses the children to light music and covers some of them with a scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, then the handkerchief is raised. The child, under the kerchief, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him.

How glad I am to see you! Let's get to know each other - let everyone say their name.

Well done, what friendly guys!

They sit on the chairs.

Host: Hello, Autumn, how beautiful you are!

What's in your basket?

Autumn: These are my gifts and riddles.

I want for you guys

Make your own riddles.

Riddles are all tricky ...

But you are smart!

I'll tell you a riddle

And I'll show you the answer.

Riddles about vegetables:

1. I grow in the garden,

Red, long, sweet (Carrot).

2. Sitting grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears (Onion).

3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (Cabbage).

Autumn: Oh, what good fellows! But that's not all of the riddles in my basket. I AM

I have a lot of them in store for you.

Host: Autumn, and we know a song about vegetables.

Children perform the song "Garden - Round dance"

ozhzhevelova, assova

Children sit on high chairs.

Host: You, Autumn, were expected to visit,

With falling leaves and rains,

Children rejoice here

And they will read poems to you.

Children read poetry:

1st child: Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves

Circling, circling in the air

Colorful round dance.

2nd child: The sun will only look out,

Will hide again

Long, long sun

We will remember.

3rd child: Cold rain pours and pours.

Doesn't let us walk.

The road called the birds

This autumn has come to us.

Autumn: When the sun shines

You can take a walk

Clap, stomp fun

Play in the kindergarten.

Who will guess the riddle

He will play with me.

Riddle: Little kids

Sit on the branches

In brown shirts

With nuts in the pockets (cones).

Autumn: Disassemble the cones quickly,

Stand with them in a big circle.

And then don't yawn

Collect the cones from the floor.

Game "Bumps".

Music sounds in Shainsky "In secret to the whole world"

Children sit on high chairs.

Host: On wet paths

Boots are marching

They wanted to run a little,

And the autumn rain

Knocks and knocks

And in wet boots

Doesn't order to walk.

But we are not afraid of the rain

We are having fun in the hall.

Whom the music calls

He's going to dance now.

Dance with umbrellas

Children sit on high chairs.

Autumn: I wonder if you guys saw it raining?

Very good! You saw the rain, but heard ....? The rain is small, quiet, quiet, like this!

(He gently claps his hands, the children repeat after him.

music). And sometimes it rains hard, hard, like that!

(Claps her hands harder and faster. Children repeat after him.

The same music sounds, but in a louder performance). That's how

droplets knock hard, make noise!

The game "What rain?" ...

Autumn commands: "Quiet rain!"

"Heavy rain!", "Downpour!"

Children clap at an appropriate pace.
Host: Autumn, and we know a song about the rain! Do you want to listen?
Autumn: Of course I do!

The song "The weather is again outside the window" is being performed

Autumn. Well done! You sing well!

I just remembered that

When I was going to you,

It lingered a little

All worked, dressed up,

I gave out to all the mountain ash

Bright red kerchiefs

Smart, noticeable,

Noticeable from a distance!

And here they are!

And now the time has come

Dance for you kids!

The girls are performing the Ryabinka dance of muses. G. Vikhareva

Autumn: I put it in a basket

Colorful pictures

I will scatter around the hall

I’ll guess a riddle.

Riddle: In summer they grow, in autumn they fall (leaves).

Lead: Leaves, leaflets

Fly and fly

Multi-colored carpet

Will decorate our garden.

Children read poems about leaves:

1 child: Autumn golden

She came to us again.

Let's collect the leaves

And let's go for a walk.

2 child: Yellow leaves

The breeze blows.

Straight to the track

She throws the leaves.

3 child: Many leaves fell

On the track.

We will collect all the leaves

Little by little.

4 child: (Picks up a piece of paper)

Oh, how beautiful

I have a piece of paper.

Dance with me

Little yellow friend.

Children perform a song - a dance with leaves.

"Dance of Autumn Leaves" music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Makshantseva

They sit on the chairs. (?)

Host: We both sang and danced

And the poems told everything

We were very tired in autumn.

So tell us a secret

Do you have any gifts?

Autumn: I have gifts.

Very tasty friends!

Guess the riddle

And receive gifts!

Riddle: Touch your finger - smoothly,

And bite off - sweet (apple).

Autumn: It's fun to play with you,

Songs to sing and dance.

I thank you for everything

I give apples to children! (Gives the basket to the presenter).

Host: We thank you,

We'll give everyone an apple.

And we'll take the autumn leaves

Let's take it to our group.

We will decorate the group,

Remember you, Autumn.

Autumn: Goodbye kids!

Children: Goodbye, Autumn.

Autumn leaves with music.

Apples are distributed to children.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end.

Thank you all for your attention.

And we, children, will once again walk through the elegant hall

And let's say goodbye to the guests.

Children follow the leader to the group accompanied by funny music.

The scenario of an autumn holiday in a group of different ages

"Autumn Sorceress"

Target: creating a festive mood.

Tasks: to form in children an interest in natural phenomena; foster a respectful attitude towards nature; develop musical and rhythmic skills, creativity; to familiarize with musical culture.

Holiday progress

Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall together with the presenter.


We gathered in the hall today
to joke, laugh and dance.
We called dear guests
celebrate the autumn holiday!
My dear guys, guess the riddle:

Reb . Here is an artist, so an artist!

Gilded all the forests!

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been laundered.

We ask you to guess the riddle,

Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn.
Leading ... Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...

2nd child.

Admire - the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit

He took off the green one, measures the new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child. Autumn walks through the gardens

He walks, smiles.

Exactly in a fairy tale, here and there

All colors change.

4th child Autumn drops gold

Autumn drives away birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!


Summer flashed quickly
Ran through the colors
Walks over the mountains somewhere
And he misses without us there.
Birds rushed after him
To a land where it is hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking at our door,
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Autumn enters the hall with a palette and a brush in hand, paints the leaves.

Autumn exit.
Leading ... Look what kind of guest we have - in a golden outfit, in her hands she has paints and a brush, she paints the leaves in golden color. Did you find out who it is?
Children: Autumn!
Autumn (turns to children):

I am Golden Autumn. I came to you again,
I will paint with red, yellow paint.
I walk along the paths, I walk slowly.
And the golden leaves fly, fly, whirling.
Leading - We are very glad to see you beautiful Autumn at our holiday. Sit down and listen to what song the guys have prepared for you.

Children sing the song "Autumn"

1 The wind is blowing,

Blows out, blows out,

Yellow leaves

Tears off the tree

2 And the leaves are flying,

Circling along the path

Leaves are falling

Straight to our feet

Child . Golden leaves are falling, flying.

The garden is covered with golden leaves.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a nice bouquet of them.

We will put a bouquet in the middle of the table,

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

Leading. In our hall we will arrange
Real leaf fall.
Let the leaves swirl
And they fly, they fly, they fly.
Come on, children, come out. And dance with the leaves.
DANCE "Autumn Leaves"

Leading (listens) Someone is still running to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us ...

We clap, we stomp better,

Let him find us soon!

Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and a Cloud runs into the hall, holding two sultans from the New Year's "rain" in her hands.


I am an evil cloud, thunderous,
I don't like to have fun
Let's pour cold rain on everyone.
I take the golden autumn from you,
And I leave the autumn rain for you.

A cloud grabs Autumn's hand, and it breaks out.

Autumn: We don't need rain or clouds.
You better not torture me
And let the guys go -
Why rains on the holiday?
Cloud : (pulls Autumn behind her): I don't want to hear anything,
And I take the golden autumn with me.
Leading. Well, how is it, Cloud. We can't live without Autumn, we prepared, tried, we dressed up all morning. Have you come and want to ruin our holiday?
Cloud: Well, okay, okay, they lamented. I felt sorry for you. Here, guess my most difficult riddles, then let go of your Autumn!
Leading : Are you guys ready?
Children: Yes!
The cloud makes riddles to children.
Rises at dawn. Sings in the yard.
There is a comb on the head. Who is this? (cockerel)

Every day he hums: "Moo-moo."
Who does not understand this? (cow)

Shaggy, mustached, with scratches on her paws.
Drinking milk, singing meow-meow. (cat)

And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under a birch and under a tree,
Round and round and in a row
Good fellows stand. (mushrooms)

Leading: Well that's enough?

Cloud: Well done, guys, well, I will not offend you, and I will let your Autumn go. (turns to Autumn) I let you go, what smart friends you have.
Leading: Cloud, but our guys can become your friends. If you don’t misbehave anymore?
Cloud: I really want to make friends with someone. I have no friends at all. As soon as I go outside, everyone immediately opens their umbrellas and scatters to their homes.
Leading: So, so, Cloud, stay with us on the holiday, and we will read poetry for you and sing songs. Do you want to listen
what do children know about rain?
Children read poetry.
The rains are knocking harder and harder
Along the branches and along the tropics.
We will not interfere with him.
The earth and people need rain.

Rain, rain. All day.
Drum in glass
All, earth, all earth
Soaked from the rain.
And we will take umbrellas
Let's go for a walk under the umbrella!

In the pouring rain
The mushroom opened like an umbrella.
I would hide under it
If I could fit!

Dance "I walk on the water"

Children, together with Autumn and Cloud, perform "Autumn warm-up" to the melody of the r.n.p. "I will sow my sorrow"

They jump into the autumn meadow like bunnies

Bunnies galloped up.

High high

Bunnies began to jump.

They go to the autumn meadow like chanterelles

The fox came up.

Spun on tiptoes spinning

Red-haired sister.

They run scatteringly on tiptoes to the autumn clearing and

The birds flew in. flap their arms like wings

The birds flew in

They flapped their wings.

Clap their hands in the autumn meadow

The kids came running.

The kids came running

They began to clap loudly.

They waddle to the autumn meadow

A brown bear came out.

He began to stomp his feet, stomp his foot.

Teddy bear.


We played very cheerfully

They showed their dexterity!

Leading ... The harvest in the forest is ripe

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect

You have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under a birch, and under a tree,

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!

Autumn: Look, guys, honey mushrooms here, boletus here ...

Cloud. And here it is in the meadow Poisonous toadstools!(Points to the fly agarics.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud. Well, everything is ready! Here are the glades, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are here too.

Autumn. It's time to go mushroom picking! The game is being played"Gather mushrooms."

Blindfolded children gather mushrooms in baskets while the music is playing. As soon as the music dies down, mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who has collected the most mushrooms, in whose basket there will not be a single fly agaric or the number of them will be the smallest.

Autumn: Oh, what great fellows you are and play and sing together! I have prepared a gift for you. But I'll give it up if you can guess my riddle!

Take a look into the autumn garden

Miracle - The balls are hanging.

Red-skinned sides.

Yellow, green!

Sweet Sour, slightly

Not salty!

Aromatic and tasty.

Tear off with a tail!

Full of vitamins -

Strength is increasing!

Often, birds bite them -

Sparrows and finches ...

Guess who they are, kids,

It's apples.)

Children answer: Apples !!!

AUTUMN: Right! Here is my present for you!

AUTUMN takes out a basket of apples and treats the children (gifts are being handed out)

Autumn and cloud ... Goodbye, guys!

Leading. The holiday is over, it's time to say goodbye
But we have to part for a little while.
We will wait for everyone on the New Year
We will meet again!

Holiday "Hello, Golden Autumn!" for children of different age groups from 3-7 years old

Material description: I offer you a script for an autumn holiday for children of a different age group. This material will be of interest to educators, music directors of the kindergarten.
Target: Creation of conditions for emotional relaxation of children.
Tasks: To develop the creative abilities of children, through the participation of pupils in competitions, emotional mood, a sense of joy. To foster a sense of beauty, friendly relations with each other, a culture of behavior at the holiday.
Good afternoon, dear guys and guests!
Today our holiday is dedicated to the beautiful,
gentle and sad season of the year-autumn.
With the arrival of autumn, the days are getting shorter and the nights are longer
One after another, golden candles light up at the edge of a birch.
Fog floats in a soft blanket in the morning.
Pictures of autumn are surprisingly changeable.
2 Lead:
Attention! Attention!
Today we invite all children and guests to the holiday.
Attention! Attention!
Queen Autumn herself will arrive for the holiday.
Children walk in dancing to the music "Autumn Dream". Dance "Autumn Leaves".
Editing: Children read poems about autumn
The song "What will autumn bring us?" (Middle group)

Leaves, leaves, leaf fall-
The forest and the garden fall asleep,
As if gold is spinning
And lays down like a carpet
Harvest fruits in the fall.
There is a lot of joy to people after all the hard work.
And we meet autumn with a rich harvest.
The song "Harvest"(children of the younger group put on hats of vegetables, the rest are singing)
1. We carry baskets, sing a song in chorus.
Harvest and store for the winter.
Oh yes, collect and store for the winter.
2. We guys are great, picking cucumbers.
Both beans and peas, we have a good harvest.
Oh yes, and peas, we have a good harvest.
3. You, pot-bellied zucchini, lay a barrel for yourself!
Don't be lazy, don't yawn and get into the basket.
Oh yes, don't yawn and get into the basket.
4. We are going, we are going home in a truck.
Open the gate, the harvest is coming from the field.
Oh yes, open it, the harvest is coming from the field. (2 times)
Staging "Vegetable Dispute"(children of middle, senior and preparatory groups participate)
Your harvest is good, it was born thickly: carrots, potatoes, white cabbage,
The eggplants are blue, the red tomato starts a long and serious argument.
Which of us, from vegetables, is tastier and more necessary?
Peas popped out - well, a braggart!
Polka dots:
I'm such a pretty little green boy!
If only I want, I will treat everyone with peas!
Let me say a word! Listen first!
Beets are needed for borscht and for vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself. There is no better beet!
You beets, shut up! Cabbage is used to cook cabbage soup.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
You will be very pleased by eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And as a fresh cucumber, everyone loves it ..., of course!
I am a ruddy radish, I bow low to all.
Why praise yourself? I am already known to everyone.
The story about me is short. Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and gnaw on carrots.
Then, my friend, will you be strong, strong, dexterous!
Don't talk, carrot, nonsense! Shut up a little!
The most delicious and enjoyable, of course, tomato juice!
There are many vitamins in it, We drink it willingly!
I am a seasoning in every dish and always useful to people.
Have you guessed? I am your friend, I am a simple green onion!
I, potato, are so modest, I didn’t say a word.
But potatoes are so necessary for both large and small!
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy ...
It's time to end the dispute
It's useless to argue!
Someone seems to be knocking.
This is Doctor Aibolit!
Well, of course it's me! What are you arguing about, friends?
Which of us, of vegetables, is the tastiest and most important of all?
Who will be most useful in all diseases?
To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables
All without exception! There is no doubt about that!
There is also a taste in each one, and I don’t undertake to decide,
Which of you tastes better, which of you is more important.
Vegetables are all healthy and tasty, they are especially good when grown with your own hands. The village workers have finished harvesting, and now they can have a rest. In the villages and villages, traditionally, a harvest festival is held. People are having fun because they are happy with the results of their work.
Game "Know by touch"(with children) Blindfolded, recognize a vegetable or fruit by touch or taste.
A rich harvest of potatoes is harvested in autumn. And Antoshka, apparently, did not really want to work ...
Staging song "Antoshka"
Let's invite Queen Autumn together.
Queen Autumn! You are welcome to visit us!

Yes, there she is. Meet the music! Music sounds, Autumn enters
Hello dear guys. I am autumn. That very time of year
which is customary to talk about - damp, rainy.
But there are other words about autumn: golden, crimson.
The green forest is dazzling all around,
Autumn maples are already blushing
And the spruce forest is green and thorny.
Yellow aspen tree sounds the alarm,
A leaf fell from a birch tree
And, like a carpet, paved the road.
Hello, autumn!
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, Autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?
I brought you flour.
Means: there will be pies.
Brought you buckwheat.
The porridge will be in the oven!
Brought you vegetables!
And for the soup and for the cabbage soup!
Are you happy with pears?
We will dry them for future use.
And apples, what honey!
For jam and compote.
Brought you honey.
Complete deck. Good weather
Brought us as a gift?
Are you glad for the rain?
We don’t want to, don’t! (a cloud child runs out, everyone scatters)
Play with parents "Theater of impromptu" - fairy tale "Turnip" (7 people participate)

To play a fairy tale here, we need to distribute the roles.
Whoever guesses the riddle, he immediately gets the role.
Hard-working, albeit gray, guess? This… (grandfather)
And my grandfather has a girlfriend - very nice ... (old lady)
The beautiful woman, not a scoundrel, lives with them ... (granddaughter)
And the granddaughter has a friend - very nimble ... (puppy)
Stretched out on the window and purrs sweetly ... (cat)
It grows in the garden, although it is not in fashion nowadays, it is round and strong - yellow ... (turnip)
And a tailed rascal, this is a gray one ... (mouse).
Roles and words are assigned
REPKA:(spreading his arms to the sides, jumps from foot to foot) "Here I am!"
GRANDFATHER:(rubs his palms) "So, sir!"
Babka:(bowing) "Phew! Well you! "
GRANDDAUGHTER:(waves his hand) "Oh, la-la!"
Mouse:"Yes sir!"
The presenter reads the text of the tale; when he mentions the name of the hero, he has to play his part.
Is there a ball without guests?
The ball with guests is, of course, more fun.
So let's call them soon!
Say, guests, come,
We are waiting for you!
Scene "Slush and Kholodryga".(Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"), Slush and Kholodryga enter, sing.
Only autumn comes
It's our turn
And Slush with Kholodryga comes.
And no one is waiting for us
And on the contrary,
And we are always scolded and scolded.
I am Slush, I am all around
In galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through the puddles
Damp catching up.
And Kholodryga is a friend,
Everything runs around
Letting in the cold on all passers-by.
Listen, Slush, it was you and me who were invited to visit!
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga! How many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever invited me to visit.
Holodryga: Yes, and I, Kholodryga, are also not very favored.
Well, since it was not us who were invited to visit, then they will all regret it.
Slush: How sorry they will be! We'll ruin their whole ball for them.
Holodryga: Look, here is the queen of the ball: Golden Autumn.
Slush: They rejoice, because they sing songs to her, and read poems, and dance for her!
Holodryga: Yeah, kids love her.
Slush: And we don’t ... (crying).
Holodryga: Why did you spread the slush here? Don't roar, but rather let's think about how we can teach Autumn a lesson so that she doesn't get too arrogant.
Slush: And I have already thought of it. We will conjure and she will fall asleep. This is where we will dissolve such slush!
Holodryga: Let’s let this cold in!
Slush: That it will turn from gold ... rainy!
Holodryga: Brrr ...
Slush: Dull!
Holodryga: Brrr ...
Slush: And no one will love her anymore.
Holodryga: Will not be. What if she gets disenchanted?
Slush: What are you? She will be enchanted if she is so cold, rainy, they will still love her. But this will not happen ...
Together: Never!
Holodryga: After all, everyone loves when it is warm, light and ...
Together: Dry!
Music: Slush and Kholodryga approach Autumn and forcefully give her Balsam. After drinking it, Autumn becomes sad and quiet.
Autumn, Autumn, what's wrong with you?
Where is your radiant look?
Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Everything around has faded.
Look, Holodryga, you and I have succeeded, Autumn is no longer golden, but gray, rainy.
Holodryga: Well, now we are here with you to manage.
Kholodryga runs with a fan, waves at the children. The slush rains down on them from the spray.
Wait, wait, what are you doing?
You came to the holiday.
Well, for a holiday.
They brought gifts to everyone. Get it out!
What's your Snickers?
Slush: Read carefully: "Runny nose." "Bounty?"
Holodryga: Chihaundi.
Together: What you need.
They feed the girl and the boy.
Can we fall in love with this autumn, cold, rainy,
what good is rain and cold?
Slush: Like what? You can sneeze.
Holodryga: You can get sick.
Slush: Walking with wet feet ...
Holodryga:..and with blue noses!
Is the rain bad?
Just put on your boots
And not only on the roads,
And run through the puddles.
How nice in the rain
Whispering with an umbrella together
You can even take an umbrella.
Sing and dance a song.
The song "Leaf Fall".
Cold and Slush:
Don't bother Autumn to sleep.
Well, why do you need it? See what she is
raw, cold and nasty.
Get away from here
Children will not forget autumn.
Go away, we ask you
Autumn will wake up anyway!
We really need autumn
Everyone loves her so much.
Oh, how long I slept.
Where I am? What am I? Understood…
You friends saved me
They helped to return to you.
Is it really, really
Are you tired of the rains?
And despondency and bad weather?
In short, autumn?
Everything: Not!
That's so happiness!
I am grateful to all of you.
We continue the ball, friends.
The song "Leaf Fall".
Autumn is a holiday of autumn. In the autumn mansion, windows and doors are wide open - whether it is raining or the wind is whistling. Come in, good people!
And whose yard is this, copper fence,
Silver collar,
And whose son is this, and whose daughter is this
Yes, he walks around the yard, and carries keys,
Opens the gate, calls the guests?
Today we are honoring the children of autumn.
Happy birthday, we congratulate you,
On an autumn day, we wish you:
So that you grow up as good people,
Were kind and handsome!
May you be healthy and happy
Be cheerful on weekdays and holidays!
Grow like trees, free
Joy to parents, help from power!
Our birthday people in the fall:
Lyuba Fedina - 10 October 5 years
Ksyusha Biryukova - 11 October 5 years
Artem Shevchenko - October 14 4 years
Sonya the Holy Spirit - October 14 5 years
Masha Abdulloeva - 15 October 5 years
Denis Kogevin - 15 October 6 years
Masha Belogolovtseva - October 20 3 years
Anya Kharitonova - 30 October 5 years
Dima Kochegarov - 29 November 4 years
Autumn holds a quiz with birthday people(distributes autumn leaves with assignments to children)
We clap our hands seven times
And we stamp our feet seven times,
Birthday congratulations
And we will make you dance for us!
Children stand in a circle, sing: "We baked a loaf on the autumn name day ..."
Well, guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you and get ready for the forest.
See you next year. I wish you good mood, health and happiness.
Each of you has already done a good job, and we have seen what
beautiful crafts you made. (Crafts presentation on screen)
Now is the time to reward you for your active participation.
The holiday ends with a general tea party.