How much does it cost to open a karting club. Prospects for the karting business in Russia. Technical equipment: machines and equipment

Go-kart is not just a race in which teenagers participate. Regular customers of such centers are wealthy people who have an acute lack of adrenaline.

That is why karting as a business should be built taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

If everything is organized correctly, then the profitability of entrepreneurial activity will be approximately 50 percent in one year. This review will consider an approximate business plan for a karting club.

What needs to be considered when designing routes?

The track is what any go-kart center should have. The unity of opposites must be embodied in it. From one position, the track should be organized in an interesting way, and from the other, no one should be hurt during the races. Sharp bends, bridges, narrow turns - with the help of all this, you can make the route more fun and interesting.

But do not get carried away with extreme sports during the construction of the route. You will need to provide everything so that potential clients do not get hurt. It is also worth considering that the angle of elevation of such a structure on a route as a bridge should be about five degrees.

On the highway, they usually accelerate in a vehicle up to 70 kilometers per hour. But it should be understood that the spirit of competition, as well as the power of a steel car, can be a good incentive to achieve higher speeds. Therefore, when designing a karting center, it is necessary to make sure that there are no too long straight sections on the tracks. All this must be taken into account when drawing up a karting club business plan.

How much will the equipment cost?

An important role in the proper organization of your business in the field of karting is the selection of equipment. With its help, potential clients are able to turn into racers of an international level. The price for one set of uniforms can reach one and a half thousand rubles.

You will have to spend about 450 rubles on a helmet. Naturally, it is necessary to purchase equipment of different sizes so that each client can choose a set for himself in size. For example, if there are about 8 karts in stock, then you will need to purchase twice as many jumpsuits in 6 sizes. There should be exactly the same number of helmets, only 4 different sizes.

The spirit of competition must be maintained

According to experts, the chronometric system is an important component in the organization of karting. It should be understood that such a center is entertainment on the verge of sports.

Any person will be interested in winning, overtaking, etc. Accordingly, the first and last participant will be determined based on the readings of the chronometric system. The price of such equipment will, on average, reach 150 thousand rubles.

However, when drawing up a business plan for a karting club, it must be taken into account, regardless of the high cost. In addition, all expenses will pay off quickly enough later.

Purchase and maintenance of cars

The cost of a karting card will be from 70 to 150 thousand rubles. Many entrepreneurs opt for Czech cars. There is an opinion that it is they who have the optimal ratio of quality and cost. In the event that the track area reaches three thousand square meters, then ideally, you will need to purchase eight cars. If there is a large initial capital, then you can purchase children's models. With the help of such a step, it will be possible to attract the attention of parents to the institution.

Using one car will cost about 15 thousand rubles per month. The main costs will be spent on rubber maintenance. The cost of one set will be about 3 thousand rubles. Replacement should be done about two times in one month. In addition to tires, regular costs also relate to the purchase of fuel (gasoline 95 brands), as well as spare parts and repair kits.

Cars break down quite often. Moreover, in most cases, customers are to blame. But it should be understood that the repair will have to be dealt with directly by the entrepreneur. These are the unwritten rules of this field of activity. Therefore, the business plan of the karting club needs to be designed with this in mind.

The staff must be highly qualified

First of all, you need to find a good administrator who has a calm and balanced character. The task of resolving conflict situations with clients falls on his shoulders.

The administrator who will calmly communicate with people is able not only to resolve all kinds of conflicts, but also to maintain the reputation of the club at a sufficiently high level.

Don't forget about hiring mechanics. The search for specialists who will be able to service the cards is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Naturally, absolutely every mechanic can deal with maps. However, you need a specialist who has quite a lot of experience in this area.

A professional will be able not only to repair the car, but also to adjust the engine, the quality of which will affect fuel consumption and ride comfort. The owners of karting tracks have one thing in common: for the specialists not only to work with high quality, but also to hold on to their place, it is necessary to make sure that the salary is competitive.

Advertising campaign plays an important role

At the stage when the indoor go-kart is just open, you will need to responsibly approach the promotion of the institution. The most effective advertising will be the one that will be delivered through radio and men's magazines. Another good advertising ploy will be the organization of various competitions and championships. It will not be possible to get a lot of money from these events, but a professional movement will be formed. Accordingly, the company will be provided with a large number of potential clients.

Finding a room for a go-kart center

Indoor go-karting cannot exist without appropriate premises, which will ensure the relevance of this institution even in winter. An open area will be required for racing in the summer. Setting up a covered organization will become more costly. It is because of this that many entrepreneurs very often rent factory workshops and arrange tracks there.

Formation of the cost of services

It will be necessary to form the cost of using the karting track. Kart rental should be approximately three hundred rubles per ten minutes. On holidays, prices can be increased. For their money, potential clients have the right to receive full equipment, as well as statistics on the passage of circles. In one hour, the karting track can accommodate about 25 clients.

Creation of a ventilation system

When organizing indoor go-karting, you will need to design a ventilation system. It is necessary so that exhaust gases do not linger in the room. Its purchase will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

What is the end result?

Several possible options for the design of the karting track should be cited as an example. They are as follows:

  • Small organization. It will be necessary to lay 300 meters of asphalt, purchase three not entirely new maps, spare tires, and a uniform. You will also need to pay wages to the mechanic and build a small "shed" for the building for the administration. Total: the initial capital must reach 120 thousand rubles at least. At the same time, the area of ​​the premises will reach 3 thousand square meters.
  • Medium organization. You will need about 400 meters of asphalt road, a modest building for the administration, ten cars, not too large staff. This option implies the presence of an initial capital of 900 thousand rubles.
  • Organization of a sports level. It is necessary to build a 900-meter track and an administration building. You will also need to purchase a timekeeping system, hire mechanics and workers who will perform go-kart maintenance, design a shower, put a fountain in the hall, etc. In this case, the initial capital should reach several million rubles. At the same time, the area of ​​the premises can reach 40 thousand square meters.

There should be a lot of potential clients

For absolutely all investments to be fully justified, it will be necessary to constantly expand the client base. For this it is necessary to organize additional sources of income.

For example, very often you can see a bar in go-karting centers. Naturally, a drunk client cannot be provided with access to the card. However, after one glass of beer it is quite possible to do this, since the traffic police will not be on the highway. You can also open sections in your company.

For example, for children. Numerous corporate parties will provide a large profit to the karting center. With their help, it is possible to purchase about 6 thousand rubles in one hour.

However, there is one very important factor to consider. For corporate clients it is necessary to provide a very high level of service. The staff should be polite, and the restaurant on site should be clean. In this field of activity, you will also need to get acquainted with event agencies. With their help, it is possible to ensure the holding of show programs and various events on the territory of the karting center. Also, with their help, a script will be developed for all sorts of holidays.

With the proper organization of business, the opening of a karting club will pay off in about one and a half or two years.

Nuances that should not be forgotten

When creating your own karting center, you need to take into account some subtleties. They should be listed:

  1. To maintain interest in the karting track, the shape and configuration of the tracks will need to be periodically changed.
  2. It will be more profitable for an entrepreneur to assemble cars with his own hands, rather than purchase them. If there are qualified employees, the initial capital required to open a center will decrease by an amount equal to approximately 30 thousand rubles per card. Cars are not subject to certification. Based on this, we can say that there will be no claims from government agencies.
  3. The cost of karting can be reduced in the event that some of the materials are produced independently. For example, a comforter, which some clients constantly take to their home, is invisible to the administration.
  4. In order to get rid of the possibility of losing helmets for 2 thousand rubles, you need to purchase them for 500 rubles. In this case, at the exit you will need to plant a guard. It is he who will make sure that no one steals anything.
  5. The resource of one card reaches 500 hours. After the end of this resource, the car will need to be sold. Otherwise, the cost of its maintenance will increase.
  6. Car tires. This material is perfect for designing fenders. In addition, in most cases, they can be provided absolutely free of charge by the owners of repair companies, since disposal will be more expensive.

Taking into account all these points, as well as showing your imagination and organizational skills, you can create a highly profitable entrepreneurial activity, from which everyone will receive only positive emotions. We hope this review helped you figure out how to open a go-kart club.

The Russian people are very fond of the sense of speed and the feeling of extreme. And those who at least once put on a special protective overalls and a helmet, and then got into the kart and experienced the pleasure of the roaring engine, will want to regain these pleasant sensations and the adrenaline rush from the breathtaking speed.

Karting club for Russian people.
Karting for many turns into one of the most favorite forms of entertainment. Only very few manage to make a business out of this entertainment that brings income and profit. So why don't you try and become one of the elite in this business?

Today karting clubs are no longer an outlandish innovation for big cities. And yet the market is not yet saturated with this type of entertainment. If you have already decided to build your business at the opening of a karting club, then you need to turn your attention to schemes that offer three options for developing events.

The most important step for starting any business is a business plan, which needs to be thought out and worked well on it.

An economical option for opening a karting club.
The most economical option will be the option in which you will need to invest up to 15 thousand dollars. Also, it is this option that is considered the most quickly implemented, because the organization of the go-kart track will take place in the recreation park. The construction of such a route will need to be coordinated with the local authorities. It will also be necessary to fence a 250-300 meter section, old car tires are perfect for the role of such a fence. It will take you about 2-3 days to build such a track. The necessary tires can be found completely free of charge. To build a go-kart track, you will need about 3 thousand of these old car tires. Let's talk about cards, you don't have to buy new cards. A supported type of karting will cost $ 800-900, while completely new karts will cost from $ 4,000 to $ 5,000. Professional cards will cost you $ 8,000. To begin with, you can get by with only 5 cards, for the maintenance of which you will need only 2 mechanics. Also, there will be no problems with spare parts for cars, because there are a lot of different spare parts for karting cars on the markets today.

The real annual income will be from 7 to 8 thousand, so you can return the money spent on such a business within several years.

Another format for this type of activity is bypassing an asphalt road and a fenced off site. The dimensions of such an area will be 30 meters by 40 meters, and such an area will be quite enough to ensure safe driving on 5 maps.

Medium investment option for building a karting club.
The average option for such a go-kart business would be the construction of an open area and additional infrastructure, which includes comfortable showers and changing rooms. The cost of this type of complex is estimated at 150 thousand dollars, and such an investment will pay off within 6-7 years. But the income of this option cannot be compared with the income from the economical option.
And the last option for the karting business is the elite option. Here it will be necessary to build an indoor karting center, where there will be a special track coverage, telemetry systems, a modern karting park of 10-15 cars and, of course, an exceptional infrastructure that will include all the necessary possible benefits. The cost of such a construction of a karting center can reach 500 thousand. In addition, you should not count on a quick payback of such an option, because for this you will have to wait about 10 years. Basically, such karting centers are built to satisfy their own ambitions.

Where will it come from?
All karting club revenues will be aggregated from three main sources. Firstly, it is a kart rental. Secondly, corporate events. Thirdly, these are training courses. It must be remembered that there will be a lot of amateurs and those who want to steer. The standard rate for one minute on the card will be 20 rubles in the regions of the country, for the capital the cost can rise to 45 rubles.

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Reviews (15)

We offer a business plan for a karting club so that you can start a business related to sports car racing. Go-karts are popular among teenagers and older people; in go-karting clubs, those who appreciate justified risk and love to feel like driving a sports go-kart are a real lord of a high-speed vehicle, a racer. Therefore, it will be very far-sighted to have at hand a detailed planning of this undertaking, both in a metropolis and in a small city.

This document on the organization of karting is intended for those who seriously decided to take up this business, because for the introduction of karting, one should think about the selection of an appropriate room, solve the issues of acquiring a fleet of karts, and also build tracks, taking care of the safety of their customers. It is preferable to buy equipment that is produced in Italy, however, some models of Chinese karts have proven themselves quite well, and their cost is quite acceptable. You should also think about providing the technical component of the future club, you need specialists who will be able to troubleshoot the karting machines and maintain the park in proper form.

Having studied the finished document, you will gain confidence in your guesses and with the help of methodological calculations, you will be able to determine both the size of the future club and estimate the cost items that will be impressive at the first stage. You also need to purchase appropriate protective clothing for your future visitors and the age characteristics of the customers should be taken into account. Do not forget that on weekdays you can reduce the prices for sessions, and on weekends and holidays set an increased rate, while the flow of visitors will not decrease. This is a forward-thinking and profitable business for entrepreneurs, see for yourself by studying the financial document.

The roar of engines, the screeching of brakes, the enthusiastic hubbub of the crowd - if a person wants to get an adrenaline rush, he goes to the karting track. The opinion that only teenagers are regulars at go-karting centers is fundamentally wrong. If you have an idea to open your own karting club or center, keep in mind that the main audience that will visit it is young wealthy people aged 20-35. Some like to watch the races, others - to take direct part in them.

When planning to organize a go-kart center, take care, first of all, of the availability of a high-quality track, which is a key factor in the success of such a business project as go-kart. It has to be both exciting and safe, and this combination is very difficult to achieve. Only a competent and experienced specialist will be able to correctly calculate all turns and turns, assess their safety.

Do not forget about the appropriate equipment, which allows every visitor to instantly transform into a real racer. You can lend out disposable karting suits, or arrange for regular suits for rent.

The main expense item when opening a karting track is renting land for go-karting. When choosing a site, in advance take an interest in the possibility of placing such a structure on it. It is advisable to conclude a contract for a long time, so that your hands are free, and you can actively develop your karting business, while receiving good income. The purchase of karts is also expensive. The cost of one car ranges from 2 thousand to 5 thousand dollars. In order to organize a full-fledged business - an attraction with carting, you will need at least 8 karts. And don't forget about children's cars, which are also in high demand.

The payback of a karting club depends on how popular your karting track will be. Organization of kart rental is the main source of profit. The more clients, the higher the income. Therefore, the competent promotion of your own business is of great importance. When starting a kart rental business, think in advance about how you will be able to attract customers. These may be special conditions for regular visitors; it will not be superfluous to organize kart rental for corporate events. In this case, tents should be provided at the karting track, in the shade of which visitors can calmly rest between arrivals, have a cup of tea or coffee.

If you do not have experience in such a business, it will be much easier to open a go-kart track, guided by the advice of professionals, which are contained in a competent example of a business plan for opening a go-kart club with ready-made calculations. This document contains a detailed description of all the intricacies of the business, including the very definition of the karting track. Opening a go-kart will not give you serious problems if you follow the advice of the professionals. Thus, you will minimize all possible risks and easily cope with any difficulties that may lie in wait for you along the way.

In our country, karting as a sport ceased to exist around the end of the 70s, having revived only two years ago thanks to the keen interest of compatriots in Formula 1. Now in Moscow there are about a dozen private karting circuits (outdoors and indoors). And this is not the limit: in America, for example, there are hundreds of them.

A ten-minute ride on the smooth surface of the karting track costs from 250 to 400 rubles in the capital. More entrepreneurs see karting as profitable and relatively affordable business.

Depending on which customer you expect to attract, the initial investment in this business will vary significantly. The most economical option looks like this. In order not to finance the construction, businessman rents an already asphalted site and covers it with old tires. Without taking into account the lease of land, this will cost about 2 - 3 thousand dollars. Then you need to buy a few used cars - and you can invite customers. The price of the old card is about $ 700, sometimes less. When the property of the karting track in Lyubertsy was sold, the kart cost only $ 300.

According to the administrator of the "10" club, Daria Lutseva, it is best to look for a place under the karting track in some industrial zone with a large number of industrial premises and warehouses. There are open and closed areas. The club "10" itself is located in one of the shops of the former plant "Stankolit". Daria considers an area of ​​3-4 thousand square meters to be ideal. m: this is enough to lay a track length of 600 - 700 m - with the right angles, turns and straight sections for acceleration.

According to Sergei Kirillov, press secretary of the Pilot Russian karting school, almost all Russian karts are equipped with Honda motors, since only this company sells them. Interestingly, they were designed for lawn mowers and generators. The first time customer is offered a kart with a Honda 200 engine (6.5 HP). For a long track and high speed, the Honda 270 is more suitable. There is also a Honda 340 engine (13 hp), but it is considered to be in short supply and is rare.

A new car costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars, and with a powerful engine - 1-2 thousand more. However, the age of the card is short-lived, so cars and spare parts will have to be bought regularly. The same "Pilot" bought twenty cars by the time of its opening in October last year. Since then, only three of them have remained, and they are assembled from parts of other karts - this is a common practice.

Kart frames are produced in Russia by only three companies: one in Moscow and two in St. Petersburg. They are not very popular among professionals. In the club "10 inches", to example, buying domestic frames is considered a waste of money: local karting drivers prefer to shop at the Danish company DINO.

With the change of parts, the situation is worse. In our country, the karting industry is just beginning to develop. Some parts are not on sale, others are of poor quality. However, parts can be ordered from any metal processing plant: enterprises very interested in this. Wholesale buyers are entitled to discounts.

The best place to look for mechanics is among kart athletes. Car mechanics with experience in repairing domestic cars are also suitable. Specialists in foreign cars are not suitable here: we need people with ingenuity and confidence that most parts can be found worthy replacements. The starting salary for such a master is $ 300 - $ 400.

In addition, the staff must necessarily have track workers who are responsible for the safety of customers. It is not recommended to save on them (about $ 100 each): the image of the institution suffers. It is also advisable to establish cooperation with an insurance company. Although karting injuries are rare, the worst case should be considered.

Additional expenses include the purchase of workwear - summer and winter overalls for customers. It is sold in the eponymous store and is inexpensive: 50 rubles for a summer (disposable) overalls and 500 rubles for a winter one. Helmets are also required. Here you have a choice: Chinese for 500 rubles or Italian - for 60 dollars.

Track, coverage
A trail of about 300 m is considered short; the optimal length is over 700 m. However, both options are found on the market. The first one can be seen in the covered two-level kart-center located under hotel"Russia". It was personally designed by Nariman Babayev, the owner of the center, a builder by education. A similar complex (with billiards, restaurant etc.) is intended primarily for a comfortable pastime. As a rule, over time, regular customers appear who are more pleased to sip cocktails in the club's lobby than at home.

Another example- School "Pilot" (the length of the track is 976 m, the area of ​​the karting track is 40 thousand sq. M). To match the scale of such a complex and the cost construction- about 80 thousand dollars. An experienced owner can eventually hope for a monthly income of 40-50 thousand dollars, two-thirds of which will have to be spent on repairing the vehicle fleet.

Great value for this business has a track coverage: the worse it is, the faster the tires wear out. Sometimes three hours are enough for final wear.

Any self-respecting kart track must have an electronic timing system. Sensors determine the speed of movement, and the scoreboard displays the results of each race. If you tell the client about this, he will probably want to improve his performance. So, it will return. The timing is not cheap - about 5 thousand euros (more information can be found on the website It is better to purchase it in advance, before you start paving asphalt, since the sensors roll right into it.

The ventilation system is necessary only in an indoor karting track, where there is no outlet for exhaust gases, and you will have to pay about 10 thousand dollars for it.

Total (excluding rent)
Micro-karting track: 300 meters of "alien" asphalt, three old cars, tires, uniforms, a salary for a mechanic, a shed instead of an administrative building - at least 3-4 thousand dollars. As an advertisement - an iron shield at the entrance. Of course, in this case, the profit will only be enough to ensure the life of the rental itself. The recommended area is from 2.5 to 3 thousand square meters. m.

Medium-level karting track: 300 - 400 m of the track paved by you (the total area of ​​the karting track is about 3 thousand square meters), a modest administration building, a dozen cars, a small staff. This option will cost 25 - 35 thousand dollars.

Sports track: 900 m, an office building, a timekeeping system, several mechanics, a dozen workers, showers, a fountain in the lobby - Thousand 100 dollars.

How it was with them ...

It is believed that the invention of karting is the merit of American pilots who enjoyed themselves in this way between flights during the Second World War. Hastily welded pipes, small wheels, engine - and machine ready.

Then no one could have imagined that after a few years, the fun of aviators will turn into a popular form of motorsport, which will give the world many great racers.

The initiative came from Art Ingels, a mechanic for the Curtis Craft Company, which made racing cars in Indianapolis. In August 1956, Ingels built the first kart - a simple, tall one with a primitive hand brake. The role of the power plant was played by the engine from the West Band lawn mower with a power of 1.84 kW.

The rapid development of karting in Europe began in 1958 - after five karts were brought to England. Immediately, a lot of companies specializing in the production of karts appeared, special kart circuits began to be built, and discussions arose about the rules. The rate of development of karting and its enormous popularity is evidenced by the following fact: in 1960, in England alone, there were 120 companies that issue karts. Karting has become not only entertainment, but also a sport.

In the USSR, the beginning of the development of karting as a kind of motor sport is considered to be December 3, 1960, the day of the approval by the USSR Motor Sports Federation of the rules for holding competitions, classification and technical requirements for micro-cars of the "Kart" type.

Karting competitions were held in different cities of the country mainly on bike tracks and stadiums running tracks, the sports geography was constantly expanding. In 1962, the first All-Union karting competition took place. Beginning in 1963, the championships of the USSR, the union republics, the cities of Moscow and Leningrad among adults and youth were held annually (in summer and winter). Since 1964, Soviet karting drivers have taken part in international competitions, and since 1966 - in multi-stage international competitions for the Friendship Cup of the socialist countries.

In the 70s, karting in the USSR reached its peak of popularity and became the most popular type of motor sport.

Karting is a great learning tool
All over the world, karts can be rented on special go-kart tracks for a small fee. Visitors get acquainted with the basics of driving, as well as with the design and operation of the engine and chassis. True, such cards do not develop high speeds, but at the first stage of acquaintance with the technique it is not so important.

Some characteristics
The maximum length of a kart without a gearbox is 1.5 m, with a gearbox - 2.5 m.

Track width: minimum - 8 m (in some cases 6 m is allowed, but only for tracks built before 1992), maximum - 13 m.

Slopes (maximum): longitudinal - 5%, transverse - 10%; Reverse cross slopes are not allowed.

Length of straight sections: for karts without a gearbox - 170 m, with a gearbox - no restrictions.

The permissible number of karts on the track: with a length of up to 1000 m - 26 (in training - 40), with a length of up to 1500 m - 34 (in training - 51), with a length of more than 1500 m - 60.

Coverage: asphalt along the entire length of the track, laid in accordance with the requirements for a category 4 highway. Changes in the quality indicators of asphalt when cornering and in braking zones are not allowed. It is recommended not to use the track earlier than a month after the asphalt was laid.

Bends can have a constant or increasing radius. On the inside of the bends, it is recommended to install concrete curbs with a slope of 15% at a length of 25 cm and a horizontal part 25 cm long.

Shoulder: on straight sections, it should be at the level of the track bed. The shoulder can be made of sand or fine gravel, it is also allowed to sow it with grass. Within 6 - 10 m (safety zone), no local obstacles, trees and structures, a sharp change in the surface profile are unacceptable. If this area is less than the specified size, protective devices should be installed made of lightweight and durable material - bales of compressed straw, blocks of foam, foam rubber or stacks of car tires. This protection is enhanced when cornering and in places where oncoming traffic lanes are less than 10 m apart. The use of car tires to separate oncoming traffic is prohibited. Seats for spectators are located at least 10 m from the edge of the track. If these places are opposite to the rounding of the track or at a distance of 6 - 10 m from it, it is necessary to provide for an effective protection (bump wall) with a height of at least 1 m. The edge of the track, as a rule, is marked with a wide (10 - 20 cm) white line.

Today the go-kart club is not only a popular place for visitors, but also a profitable business for entrepreneurs who have decided to do this business. Almost every city has a go-kart club, but the demand is still quite high. But karting club opening -the idea is not simple, as it requires significant investments, a structural analysis of the entertainment market in your city, a well-thought-out and drawn up business plan.

First of all, you should decide on the size of the future karting, since the amount of capital investment and the concept of organization will depend on such a decision. If you plan to open a club with high-quality road surface, expensive cars and developed infrastructure, you will have to invest about 500 thousand dollars. But in this case, do not count on high profitability - the payback period for such a project will be 4-5 years.

But if your capital does not allow you to organize such a large-scale and expensive project, you can open a go-kart club much cheaper. Let's consider a more economical option.

Karting: business plan

Preparation of the area

In order not to spend extra money on the preparation of the track, it is better to rent an asphalt site. Along its perimeter, it is necessary to install tires, carefully level the surface and eliminate all flaws. Preparing the track will cost you 2-3 thousand dollars (excluding rental fees). It is better to choose a place for a karting club outside the city or in industrial areas, where large industrial warehouses have remained since Soviet times.

The site can be either open or closed. In terms of quadrature, such an area varies from 3000 to 4000 m² - this will make it possible to build a track of 600-700 meters, which will be equipped with correct corners, flat areas for acceleration and sharp turns. Fans of karting consider a 300-350 meters long track too short, but 700 meters is just right.

A prestigious karting club must have a timing system - special sensors that determine the participant's speed, and the results are displayed on the scoreboard. A client who sees his achievements at the end will definitely come back to you to improve his results. The cost of such a system is 5-5.5 thousand dollars. The installation of such sensors will distinguish you from competitors, distinguish you from many types of entertainment, so it is recommended not to save on this article. It is better to buy a timing system right away, since it is installed at the time of laying asphalt and designing the track. If you have chosen a closed room, you should take care of the ventilation system, which will cost you 8-10 thousand dollars.

Purchase of equipment

The next stage is the purchase of cards. Whether you choose trendy new cars or old used ones will tell you the level of your investment. New cars cost $ 1,500-2,000, cards with a powerful engine $ 3,000-4,000... A used car will cost you $ 500-700. If you manage to find special sales and order multiple copies at once, save up to $ 300 on each machine.

Staff recruitment

Kart parts are produced by only a few manufacturers, so getting them is not easy. Replacing them is even more difficult. To solve this problem, it is better to hire a qualified turner.

Also, the main staff should be a mechanic (a car mechanic will be suitable for his position), workers on the track that will monitor the safety of the participants.

Financial aspects in the business plan of the Katring club

On average, cost items for organizing this business are as follows:

  • rent of area (asphalt) - $ 500
  • purchase of 4 used cars - $ 3,000
  • costs for overalls for staff, helmets for participants - $ 600
  • salary for employees - $ 1000 per month.
  • rent of administrative premises - from $ 500

As you can see, you need $ 6,000 to organize such a karting club. To make this business more profitable, it is recommended to open a go-kart with an area of ​​at least 3000 m², and equip a fleet of vehicles with at least 8-10 cars. To implement such a plan, you will need from 30 thousand dollars.

To organize a more prestigious karting track, where the tracks exceed 800 meters, equipped with an electronic timekeeping system, equipped with showers, you will need at least 150 thousand dollars.

About income

Karting as a business can bring several sources of profit at once:

  • per ;
  • for training or conducting master classes;
  • for organizing corporate events.

To increase your income, you can organize a member training school. Holding corporate events for a large company also brings good income. Renting a track for a full day costs about $ 500 on a weekend and $ 300 on a weekday.

The profitability of a small karting club is 2-2.5 years, larger projects pay off in 5-6 years.