Typical job description of the controller otk. Quality control inspector: functions and responsibilities of the employee. Responsibilities of the quality controller of product processing

Quality control inspector is an employee who ensures product quality control, compliance technological process its production. These workers are involved in various fields production activities, provide internal supervision over the compliance of products with established norms and standards. That is why their specific rights and obligations are determined depending on the chosen field of production, type of products. The general rights and obligations of this category of workers are enshrined in their standard job descriptions, the content of which is often duplicated in the texts of labor agreements.

What rights does the QCD controller have?

The inspector of the Quality Control Department has the right to monitor the timely and complete fulfillment of production tasks by the employees of the enterprise. This right also implies the ability to report to direct management on violations revealed during the inspection of compliance with the production process, product quality control. Also, this employee has the right to report to the management about the distinguished workers, to present their candidacies for encouragement. In the process of performing his activities, he has the right to give instructions binding on his subordinates, other persons whose activities are under his supervision. For the optimal implementation of its own functions, the QCD controller has the right to interact with other services and departments of the company, to request from other departments Required documents and information, send them the information received.

What are the duties of the QCD controller?

The main job responsibility of the QCD controller is to oversee the implementation of the technological process. At the same time, the specified obligation applies to a specific production area for which this employee is responsible. The control is carried out on the basis of the results of analyzes, readings of the instruments that carry out the control and measuring activities. In addition, this employee is obliged to monitor the proper technical condition of the equipment directly involved in production activities. For the purpose of analysis, these workers are often required to directly take samples of products or to ensure that the specified sampling is carried out correctly and in a timely manner. Finally, the QCD inspector is obliged to be directly involved in the acceptance technical means and equipment after repairs, replacements, cleanings and other similar procedures.

Quality Control Department is a department that is engaged in quality control of products at the enterprise. The tasks of its employees include screening out rejects, reconciling finished products or parts with drawings, requirements of GOST or other standards, finding out the reasons for poor quality and proposing the necessary measures. The controller (or controllers) of the Quality Control Department is engaged in all this.

As in relation to other employees, in order to consolidate the main points regarding work in this position (rights, duties, etc.), an appropriate job description can be introduced at the enterprise. There is no single standard for its development, although in practice a certain template has already been developed, according to which the instruction usually includes 4 parts:

  1. General Provisions.
  2. Responsibilities.
  3. Employee rights.
  4. A responsibility.

Requirements for qualifications, job duties, rights and responsibilities of the QCD controller

Now let's take a quick look at the content of each section of the job description.

Don't know your rights?

The first, concerning general provisions, contains the following information:

  • general description of the position;
  • the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of the controller;
  • requirements for the qualifications and length of service of the employee;
  • regulatory and methodological acts that the controller should know.

The second section is a list of job responsibilities of the QCD controller. In particular, it states that he is obliged:

  • check the quality of products;
  • keep a marriage register;
  • participate in the consideration of claims and complaints for the delivered goods.

The section on rights describes the additional rights that the controller is entitled to. For example, it may be said there that he has the right to report to the management about the current situation, give instructions to subordinates, etc.

Finally, the last section sets out the responsibilities of the controller in connection with the job in this position. Usually it simply states that he can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and civil liability in accordance with current legislation.


OTK masters


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the master of quality control department "___________" (hereinafter - "Organization").

1.2. The master of quality control department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The QCD Master reports directly to the ________________ Organization.

1.4. A person who has ______ is appointed to the position of a master of quality control department. professional education and work experience in the specialty ____ years (without presentation of requirements for work experience).

1.5. Quality control department master should know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological and other materials on product quality management;

Technological processes and production modes;

Basic technological and design data of manufactured products;

Technical and economic requirements for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products;

Industry and enterprise standards, specifications, regulations quality indicators, technological instructions;

Systems, tools and methods technical control production;

Rules for acceptance and storage of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, sampling methods, the procedure for labeling and packaging products;

Regulations on trademarks and codes;

Quality certification procedure industrial products;

Types of manufacturing defects, methods of preventing and eliminating them;

Rules for testing and acceptance of products;

Registration procedure technical documentation certifying the quality of products (works, services);

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization, Production and Management;

Internal labor regulations;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the master of the quality control department, his duties are assigned to ____________.


2.1. Quality control department master carries out:

Taking measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet the established requirements, identifying the cause and culprits of the marriage, organizing the registration of marriage.

Work on the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (passports, certificates, etc.).

Participation in the delivery of finished products, completed works (services) to customers.

Verification of compliance with instructions and techniques for technical control at workplaces.

Quality control of containers and packages at workplaces, technical condition of equipment and means of transport, storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products.

Study and improvement of technology for control of products, materials, components.

Participation in events related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, technical conditions, standards, quality indicators and instructions.


The master of quality control department has the right:

3.1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the master of quality control department.

3.2. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the master of the Quality Control Department.


The QCD master is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to enforce labor discipline.


5.1. The mode of work of the master of the Quality Control Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, the QCD foreman is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions _______________________ / _____________________ (signature)

Regardless of the products manufactured, there is always an employee at the production site who constantly monitors technical process and its compliance with GOST. This profession is called OTK controller. He oversees all stages of production, from the supply of raw materials to the storage of finished products. Any employee who is responsible for supervision and quality control can be called a controller.

Obligations of the controller

The main task of the controller is to prevent production defects, therefore he is obliged to regularly monitor:

  • for the quality of raw materials and production recipes;
  • check the quality of production equipment;
  • monitor the quality of work of employees;
  • timely stop the process during the release of defective products;
  • eliminate the causes of its appearance;
  • monitor the correct operation of the equipment;
  • compliance of production with technical documentation and state standards.

The QCD inspector is personally responsible for low-quality products, for their return to the factory. That is why highly qualified people who have received the appropriate education are hired for this position. Experience, personal qualities and good knowledge of the entire process of manufacturing goods allows you to simultaneously monitor several processes and minimize the presence of defects.

What should the controller know?

The work of the QCD inspector is very responsible. In addition to controlling all processes at the factory, he must know all the technical documentation so that the products fully comply with it. Knowing what causes can lead to marriage, an employee of the technical control department is engaged in prevention and elimination. After the product has been released, he checks it for suitability. If there is a defective product, an appropriate form is filled in, which spells out the reasons for its appearance, those responsible for this, and the write-off of the goods is drawn up. Here are some other responsibilities of the QCD controller that he should know:

  • standards for raw materials, finished products;
  • types and sizes of semi-finished products and finished products;
  • technological process;
  • the ability to use measuring instruments;
  • safety regulations, sanitary standards;
  • organization of work in the workplace;
  • types of marriage and methods of its elimination.

All this allows the employee to visually see during the production process how the products comply with the standards.

Personal characteristic

Physical activity during the work of the inspector of the Quality Control Department is insignificant, but the presence of other important personal qualities is required. He must have good memory and vision, be collected, attentive. Professional quality:

Important factors when hiring

To obtain the position of a controller of the Quality Control Department, you need:

  • availability of higher specialized education;
  • experience in the field production control;
  • excellent knowledge modern technologies;
  • the ability to use a computer and electronic documents, programs;
  • drawing up production plans, documents;
  • endurance and the ability to perform several tasks at the same time, monitor several processes;
  • responsible attitude to the performance of basic work duties.

Job responsibilities will depend on what field of activity the employee specializes in.

Relationships with other departments

The quality controller actively cooperates with all departments and workshops of the factory. Revealing the causes of marriage is carried out together with the heads of the shops. Upon receipt of raw materials, the supply department informs the quality control department about this, providing documents from the supplier for control. All products in the warehouse, their import and export are controlled by the quality department and drawn up by the relevant acts. Work orders are also signed by a specialist, on the basis of which the accounting department is charged wage... Everything that the QCD inspector does is interconnected with the work of all production departments.

Profession benefits

The main advantage is the demand for specialists in the labor market. Supervisors are needed everywhere, and areas of activity are constantly expanding, new specializations appear. The work does not require physical training, so people of any age can master it.


You can study for the profession of a controller at a vocational school or another educational institution corresponding to the field of activity in which the employee will work. After completing training at a vocational school, a graduate receives a 2-3 grade and the opportunity to continue his education or get a job. In some industries, individual training courses are organized with the opportunity to undergo practical training at their factory.

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1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the master of quality control department "___________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. The master of quality control department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The QCD Master reports directly to the ________________ Organization.

1.4. A person with ______ professional education and work experience in the specialty of ____ years (without presenting requirements for work experience) is appointed to the position of a foreman of the Quality Control Department.

1.5. Quality control department master should know:

- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological and other materials for product quality management;

- technological processes and production modes;

- basic technological and design data of the manufactured products;

- technical and economic requirements for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products;

- standards in force in the industry and at the enterprise, technical conditions, quality indicators, technological instructions;

- systems, means and methods of technical control of production;

- rules for acceptance and storage of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, sampling methods, the procedure for labeling and packaging products;

- provisions on trademarks and codes;

- the procedure for certification of the quality of industrial products;

- types of manufacturing defects, methods of its prevention and elimination;

- rules for testing and acceptance of products;

- the procedure for registration of technical documentation certifying the quality of products (works, services);

- fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;

- internal labor regulations;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the master of the quality control department, his duties are assigned to ____________.


2.1. Quality control department master carries out:

Taking measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet the established requirements, identifying the cause and culprits of the marriage, organizing the registration of marriage.

Work on the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (passports, certificates, etc.).

Participation in the delivery of finished products, completed works (services) to customers.

Verification of compliance with instructions and techniques for technical control at workplaces.

Quality control of containers and packages at workplaces, technical condition of equipment and means of transport, storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products.

Study and improvement of technology for control of products, materials, components.

Participation in activities related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, specifications, regulations, quality indicators and instructions.

The master of quality control department has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the QCD master.

3.2. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the master of the Quality Control Department.

The QCD master is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.


5.1. The mode of work of the master of the Quality Control Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, the QCD foreman is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).


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Job description of the supervisor of the technical control department

[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the director or other official authorized to approve the job description]

Job description supervisor of the technical control department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing employment relationship In Russian federation.

I. General Provisions

1.1. The control foreman of the department (bureau) of technical control in his activities does not depend on the management of the shop and is directly subordinate to the head (bureau) of technical control (senior control foreman).

1.2. The control master is guided in his work:

- regulations on the department of technical control;

- this job description;

- the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Persons with higher technical education and work experience in production for at least 1 year or with secondary specialized education and work experience in production for at least [meaning] years are appointed to the position of control foreman.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1. Organize the work of inspectors and control the quality of products and services, the completeness of manufactured products at a fixed production site.

2.2. Ensure control over the observance of technological regimes at all stages production process.

2.3. Take measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet the established requirements, identify the causes and culprits of marriage, organize marriage registration.

2.4. Carry out work on the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (passports, certificates, etc.).

2.5. Participate in the delivery of finished products, completed works (services) to customers.

2.6. Check compliance with the instructions and techniques for technical control at the workplace.

2.7. To control the quality of containers and packages at workplaces, the technical condition of equipment and means of transport, storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products.

2.8. Monitor the implementation of the schedules for checking the accuracy of production equipment and tooling, the technical condition of the control and measuring instruments, their availability at workplaces and their timely submission for state inspection.

2.9. To study and improve the technology of control of products, materials, components.

2.10. Participate in activities related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, specifications, quality standards and instructions.

2.11. Perform work related to product certification.

2.12. Monitor the observance of labor protection rules, safety regulations, industrial and labor discipline, internal labor regulations by the workers subordinate to him.

III. Rights

The supervisor of the department (bureau) of technical control has the right to:

3.1. Determine the quality of products manufactured at the production site.

3.2. Require production foremen to stop work when a defect or defective product appears, as well as in cases of work on faulty equipment or when using poor-quality material and stop accepting products if these requirements are not met with immediate notification of this to the senior supervisor or the head of the Quality Control Department (BTK)

3.3. Identify the culprits of the marriage, what to reflect in the primary documents.

3.4. Do not accept the products presented by the shop (section) in the absence of the established documentation for the work performed and in the absence of the stamp of the production foreman on his acceptance of the first part.

3.5. Participate in the work carried out production foreman meetings on product quality.

3.6. Prohibit the use of instrumentation that gives incorrect readings, pending troubleshooting or replacement with good ones.

3.7. Submit controllers subordinate to him for rewards or penalties.

IV. A responsibility

The control master is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Job description of the inspector of the turnkey production department

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The inspector of the Quality Control Department has the right to monitor the timely and complete fulfillment of production tasks by the employees of the enterprise. This right also implies the ability to report to direct management on violations revealed during the inspection of compliance with the production process, product quality control. The job description of the inspector of the quality control department (technical control department) is a document that records the rights and obligations of this employee, as well as the requirements for his qualifications. Let's figure out what such an instruction contains.

Working instructions for the inspector of materials, metals, semi-finished products and products

To become a controller of the Quality Control Department, it is enough to get a secondary technical or higher specialized education. Knowledge of production processes is also required, since the specialist communicates with technologists, designers, foremen, bosses production departments and the sales department. Knowledge of production often comes with work experience either as a technologist or as a technical control inspector.

N 906n "On Approval of the Model Norms for the Free Issuance of Special Clothing, Special Shoes and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Chemical Production Workers Employed in Work with Harmful and (or) Dangerous Working Conditions, as well as in Work Performed in Special Temperature Conditions or Associated with Pollution ", The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2009. Service instructions are developed on the basis of management functions, qualification handbook, regulations, regulations and employee surveys. This document should be developed separately for each position that is provided staffing table... Any instruction includes several main sections: general provisions, directions, duties, privileges, responsibilities and relationships. Upon admission to work, the employee must be familiarized with the job description against signature.

Responsibilities: 1. Incoming control of raw materials and materials. 2. Control of products during the production of paintwork materials. 3. Output control of products. 4. Checking raw materials by indicators (harmfulness, grinding, dry residue, shine, drying, etc.). five.

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For the optimal implementation of its own functions, the controller of the Quality Control Department has the right to interact with other services and departments of the company, request the necessary documents and information from other departments, and send them the information received. The QCD controller is granted the right to sign documents on issues that are part of his functional duties. The HR world is filled with lots of fun and interesting stories, facts and statistics: from unexpected facts and figures of job search, funny mistakes in the resume - to shocking stories of interviews - every HR manager at least once faced this…. 6 cases from companies that really work on an employer brand. At all stages of selection. This love from the first resume is very rare. Trying to test their feelings, recruiters and HR's give difficult tasks, send test tasks, and sometimes they just drag on for a long time ... The personnel crisis that threatens the world economy will lead to a large-scale shortage of specialists in Russia, experts from the Korn Ferry Hay Group found out.

Requirements for the QCD controller

The control master is guided in his work by: - ​​regulations on the department of technical control; - this job description; - the charter of the enterprise; - the legislation of the Russian Federation. 1.3. Persons with higher technical education and work experience in production for at least 1 year or with secondary specialized education and work experience in production for at least [meaning] years are appointed to the position of control foreman. II. Job responsibilities 2.1. Organize the work of inspectors and control the quality of products and services, the completeness of manufactured products at a fixed production site. 2.2. Ensure control over the observance of technological regimes at all stages of the production process. 2.3.
Monitor the implementation of the schedules for checking the accuracy of production equipment and tooling, the technical condition of the control and measuring instruments, their availability at workplaces and their timely submission for state inspection. 2.9.

The technical control department is designed to detect timely violations during production. The person who is engaged in identifying defects and checking products to ensure that they comply with standards is the QCD inspector. The job description of the controller helps the employee to comply with his duties, informs about responsibility.

The main requirements for the QCD inspector are as follows:

  • Secondary technical or higher education.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • Knowledge of production technology, GOSTs.
  • Ability to read drawings and project documentation.
  • Controlling skills of instrumentation.
  • Attention to detail.

Have a general knowledge of steel and iron casting. Periodically control the quality of molding, take the finished casting according to the drawings. Donate samples to the laboratory. Keep a register of swimming trunks. Draw up rejection certificates. Interact with machining shops.
Quality Control Department is a department that is engaged in quality control of products at the enterprise. The tasks of its employees include screening out rejects, reconciling finished products or parts with drawings, requirements of GOST or other standards, finding out the reasons for poor quality and proposing the necessary measures. The controller (or controllers) of the Quality Control Department is engaged in all this.

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Finally, the last section sets out the responsibilities of the controller in connection with the job in this position. Usually it simply says that he can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and civil liability in accordance with applicable law.
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This type of document makes it possible to expediently distribute the range of responsibilities, increase the efficiency, reliability of the execution of orders, improve the relationship between the employees of the team, and determine the relationship of one employee with others. Also, the job description clearly defines the rights and obligations of employees, is able to increase responsibility in the team, stimulate employees, and distribute responsibilities evenly.

Request from structural units and employees of the organization information necessary for him to carry out his job duties. 3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

Service instructions are used at various stages of attracting an employee:

  1. It is used in the selection of personnel at the time of recruitment.
  2. When acquainting a new employee with his duties for faster adaptation at the enterprise.
  3. Used when evaluating work.
  4. For effective management the activities of the employee.
  5. When certifying employees.
  6. To identify the need for employee training.

Participate in activities related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, specifications, quality standards and instructions. 2.11. Perform work related to product certification.

The section on rights describes the additional rights that the controller is entitled to. For example, it may be said there that he has the right to report to the management about the current situation, give instructions to subordinates, etc.
The quality controller actively cooperates with all departments and workshops of the factory. Revealing the causes of marriage is carried out together with the heads of the shops. Upon receipt of raw materials, the supply department informs the quality control department about this, providing documents from the supplier for control. All products in the warehouse, their import and export are controlled by the quality department and drawn up by the relevant acts. Work orders are also signed by a specialist, on the basis of which wages are calculated in the accounting department. Everything that the QCD inspector does is interconnected with the work of all production departments.

As in relation to other employees, in order to consolidate the main points regarding work in this position (rights, duties, etc.), an appropriate job description can be introduced at the enterprise.
You can study for the profession of a controller at a vocational school or another educational institution corresponding to the field of activity in which the employee will work. After completing training at a vocational school, a graduate receives a 2-3 grade and the opportunity to continue his education or get a job. In some industries, individual training courses are organized with the opportunity to undergo practical training at their factory.

Sometimes a specialist may be required good vision and excellent coordination of movements as well additional education(depends on the specifics of production).

What are the official rights and responsibilities of the controller

Also, this employee has the right to report to the management about the distinguished workers, to present their candidacies for encouragement. In the process of performing his activities, he has the right to give instructions binding on his subordinates, other persons whose activities are under his supervision.

The duties of the QCD controller include:

  • Output control of finished goods.
  • Reconciliation of the actual parameters of the manufactured products with the reference indicators specified in the technical documentation, drawings, GOSTs.
  • Registration of accompanying documentation - certificates, defective lists, quality passports.
  • Checking the quality of the raw materials used.
  • Identification of technological inconsistencies and causes of marriage.
  • Putting forward ideas for the modernization of production.

Monitor the observance of labor protection rules, safety regulations, industrial and labor discipline, internal labor regulations by the workers subordinate to him. III. Rights The control foreman of the department (bureau) of technical control has the right to: 3.1.

Responsibilities: 1. Ensures strict implementation of operational control in the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures and their compliance with regulatory documents, enterprise standards and working drawings. 2.