Advantages and details of cooperation with the company managing commercial real estate. Commercial Real Estate Management: Features, Pros and Minuses Who acts confidential controls

Activity trade enterprise does not proceed independently. It is sent by people, regulated by them and is managed.

Control system commercial activities Enterprises - this is a system-oriented system that means not only the organization of the interrelated structure of the enterprise processes involved in it, but also their combination with all external factors.

Commercial activities management puts its immediate task to make a certain order of commercial and trade processes, organize joint actions of workers involved in these processes achieve consistency and coordination of actions. At the same time, the Office is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieving the end goals of the enterprise.

Commercial activities of various trading enterprises have a lot in common. However, specific management decisions developed and implemented by one trading enterprises cannot always be used by other enterprises. This is due to changes in the environmental factors. In addition, the conditions for the functioning of the trading enterprise itself are rapidly changed. Consequently, the control process must be determined by the parameters ambient And their variable values \u200b\u200bwithin the commercial enterprise.

Commercial activity management is based on general principles and management methods.

The fundamental principles of building the management of commercial activities of the trading enterprise are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Basic principles for building management of commercial activities of the trading enterprise

Ensuring consistency between divisions (services). Each unit (service) of the commercial enterprise is characterized by a certain intended function and performed functions, i.e. they have in one degree or another autonomy. At the same time, their actions should be coordinated and agreed in time, which causes the unity of the management system of the trade enterprise.

Ensuring the interaction between commercial activities and goals of a trading enterprise. Commercial activities are formed and varies in accordance with the interests and needs of production. Consequently, commerce management functions are implemented taking into account the goals of the commercial enterprise.

Ensuring the hierarchy of the management structure. Characteristic sign Management is a hierarchical rank. The organization of commercial activities should be focused on vertical and horizontal connections.

Security comprehensive approach in management. From the position of complexity, all factors affecting managerial solutions of commercial activities are taken into account. The relationship of commercial processes of a trading enterprise with the subjects of the external environment is also envisaged.

Ensuring an unavailability in the management structure. Under malozven It is understood by a simple management structure. But the stability and reliability of commercial management should be achieved.

Ensuring the adaptability of the management structure. The internal and external environment is subject to constant changes. This is especially manifested in the period of birth. consumer market. Therefore, the flexibility and adaptability of the management structure of commercial activities towards changes and environmental conditions is essential.

Providing executive information. Development and adoption management solutions Based on executive information. It includes obtaining source information, processing, analysis and issuance of the results of the impact manager. This task is performed using modern technical meanshaving to automate the process information support.

The management of commercial activities cannot be separated from the management system of the trade enterprise, which also performs the functions related to technological, economic and financial activities. Consequently, when constructing the management structure of commercial activities, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and cooding of all the mating elements that have a complete system of management of the trade enterprise.

Management methods are methods of impact on the management of commercial processes and activities. They are divided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative methods Determined by the scope of activity and specific conditions of the trading enterprise. Incidentally take into account alternative control options, the choice and the implementation of which is determined by the foreseen of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical construction of the management system and the content of management functions largely depend on the leadership of the trading enterprise. There are various compromise solutions here.

Organizational methods based on organizational, organizational, organizational, organizational, metropolitan and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodical nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials, which are prerequisites for the formation of management decisions. As market relations are developing, the role of organizational methods regulating the impact on the management of commercial activities will increase.

Economic methods In its definition, they are based on the course and economic strategy of the commercial enterprise, its potential resources, economic position of the market. The combination of economic elements is the initial position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. The impact of economic methods is predetermined by the environmental environment.

Legal methods focused on the use of the legal mechanism, which is based on adopted legal and legislative Actscorresponding to standards and positions. Legal methods consist in legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the targets of the trading enterprise.

These management methods do not exclude each other and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions for the functioning of the trading enterprise and the market environment. In addition, the organization of commercial activities includes methods such as planning, an analysis of the enterprise.

In the conditions of the market, the need for expanding management tasks, the development of new techniques and methods of management suitable for various forms of ownership and the development of commercial activities of trade enterprises. In other words, it is supposed to be a constant search for ways to improve management. The process of managing a trade enterprise should be based on market principles and methodologies modern control. Foreign science management has passed a long path of its development. Prerequisites for this were:

  • - economic laws of the market;
  • - dynamism of the consumer market;
  • - hierarchical construction of the management structure with the focus on the strategic course in the activities of the enterprise;
  • - the organization of the enterprise, determined by its integration and adaptability to changes in the external environment;
  • - Source and resultant parameters.

A. Fayol created the theory of public production management, in which the principles of management based on the use of potential resources of the enterprise are formulated. He allocated five source functions in management: planning, organization, managing, coordination and control. The objective need to create a management system consisting of interacting processes is disclosed by MK. Mescon in the work of the "Basics of Management": "Management is a process, because work on achieving goals is not a one-time effect, but a series of interrelated continuous actions. These actions, each of which in itself is a process, are very important for the success of the enterprise. They are called managerial functions. Each managerial function is also a process, because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. The management process is the total amount of all functions. "

These theoretical provisions provide an idea of \u200b\u200bapproaches to managing the commercial activities of the enterprise in the market conditions. The management-oriented control system means not only the organization of the structure and the interconnected set of enterprises involved processes, but also their combination with all external factors. Commercial activities management puts its immediate task to make a certain order of commercial and trade processes, organize joint actions of workers involved in these processes achieve consistency and coordination of actions. At the same time, the Office is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieving the end goals of the enterprise.

In modern conditions, the activities of the trading enterprise are related to entrepreneurship, commerce, econometric, economic cybernetics and computer science. This determines the new qualitative level and economic growth of the market. Must be built accordingly and organizational structure Management of trading enterprise.

Many managers and senior managers came to be convinced

on the need to introduce a fundamentally new approach to the management of commercial activities. This can be achieved by introducing marketing services (or at least their main elements) at each enterprise. Since marketing is a purely market concept for managing the commercial activities of the enterprise, it will allow the most harmonious to combine the market interests of the enterprise and the consumer. Practical marketing will bring real benefit to the company only in the case when its application will be implemented qualified professionalsHolding knowledge in the area market Strategy and tactics.

Marketing service adequately meeting market requirements

only originate. Its development is constrained by the lack of funds from enterprises, specially trained personnel and methodological developmentsadapted to local conditions. Marketing is one of the most important enterprise management functions, along with such as finance, accounting of economic operations, selection and placement of personnel (personnel management).

Economic content, manifold of organizational and legal forms, multifunctionality and polyppermability of the structure, complexity and systematicism of the organization, the diversity of the coverage, the global focus of the development and growth of commercial activities in the conditions of a dynamic external environment and an up-to-date trend in specialization and integration economic activity Subjects based on the exchange of created values \u200b\u200bdetermine and claim the appropriate approach - logistics in all its manifestations: as thinking, the concept, as a general strategic goaling, as an integrative organization, as a functional management, as a resource-saving algorithm - as a systematic factor in increasing competitiveness and economic development not only Individual business entities, but also the whole national economy.

Competent, professional management described above commercial processes is key to the successful functioning and development of the organization as a whole. Exactly successful work Directly with the market gives meaning to all other processes of production and economic activities.

Commercial activity as a system consists of managed and control subsysteminterconnected by channel transmission channels.

As managed subsystem Speaker a combination of commercial processes, the implementation of which ensures the sale of products, goods, the performance of services. This circumstance requires divisions of the managed system in accordance with the nature of commercial operations in the enterprise.

Control subsystem represents a combination of mutually related methods for managing commercial activities implemented by people with the help of technical means to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.Management activities include: planning, regulation, control, accounting, stimulation (motivation). The control functions are carried out by a special organ - the commercial department of the enterprise.

The organization of commercial activities is carried out by organizational design, reorganization or elimination of existing systems, rationalization of management.

Elements of commercial activities in the prescribed manner are combined with certain bonds providing their systemic integrity, by their organization, ordered and are organized into a commercial system. The full ordering of the commercial management system can be achieved by the integrated application of organizational management methods: regulating, rationing, instruction, control.

Improving the organization of the management system of commercial activities involves:

  • - clear formulation of commercial activities;
  • - establishing the consistency of the evaluation criteria of the results obtained, improving the effectiveness of incentives encouraging coherent actions;
  • - the choice of rational forms of management, improvement of the structure commercial system, distribution of duties, rights and responsibility;
  • - development of effective methods that ensure high quality commercial solutions;
  • - introduction of commercial information processing processes, document management based on the use of modern computer and office equipment;
  • - establishment of a scientifically based labor regime of the administrative and management apparatus, an increase in the culture of management.

L. P. Dashkov- Honored Worker of Higher School of RF, Doctor of Economics, Professor;

O. V. Pambukhayan- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.


O. A. Novikov- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;

I. M. Sinyaev- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

© Dashkov L. P., Pambukhchyanz O. V., 2015

© UTK Dashkov and K ° LLC, 2015


Trade - View business activitiesrelated to the acquisition and sale of goods. The main social goal of trade is to provide consumers with a wide range of goods available at the price of proper quality.

Depending on the purpose with which the goods are purchased, trade is divided into wholesale and retail.

Wholesale - type of trading activities related to the acquisition and sale of goods for use in entrepreneurial activities (including for resale) or for other purposes that are not related to personal, family, home and other similar use.

Retail - Type of trade activities related to the acquisition and sale of goods for use in personal, family, home and other purposes that are not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

Being one of the basic sectors of the Russian economy, trade plays a significant economic role in the life of the country. In recent years, this sector of the economy has developed intensively, ahead of many other industries in the rates of growth. Leading positions occupy trade in deposit in Russian GDP. It provides approximately the tenth of all tax revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Trade is a leader among all branches of the Russian economy in the number of jobs created. Essential importance in the development of small business. About half works in this area

small enterprises in Russia. More than 70% of the turnover of small enterprises in the country accounted for trade.

At the same time, it should be noted that factors that impede the more rapid development of trade, in particular, are uneven distribution of trade enterprises in the country, insufficient use of modern technologies, low labor productivity, lack of highly qualified personnel.

The efficiency of the work of trading enterprises largely depends on how correctly their commercial activities and trade and technological process are built. Merchargeds are important in the organization and management of them, the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of which includes including organizational and managerial functions related to the purchase, storage and sale of goods in the field of trade.

The study of these issues and is devoted to the discipline "Organization and management of commercial activities", the subject of which are commercial and technological operations carried out with goods in the process of moving them from the sphere of production to end users through wholesale enterprises retail.

Section I.
Basics of the organization of commercial activities in trade

Chapter 1
Fundamentals of the organization of execution

§ 1.1. The concept and essence of the ship

Grade this is a trade and technological process of bringing goods from the sphere material production The scope of material consumption through wholesale and retailers.

In trade enterprises, the process of circulation of funds invested in produced consumption objects is completed, there is a transformation of the commodity form of value into monetary and created economic foundation To resume the production of goods. Therefore, the rational organization of the broadcasting process is one of the important functions of trading. For this purpose, the most favorable flows and directions of movement of goods must be determined, more economical types of transport for the transport of goods from the places of production to the consumption places, as well as to create an appropriate network of warehouses and bases.

On how rationally organized the process of broadcasting, largely depends the quality of the population, as well as the time of turnover of commodity material values. Therefore, the handoff involves the creation of a technological chain capable of timely and uninterrupted to bring goods from production to consumers in the required quantity, a wide range, high quality, with minimal labor costs, material tools and time.

The main links of the technological chain of the broadcast are industrial and agricultural enterprises that produce consumer goods, wholesale bases, shops and other items of retail sale of goods.

The basis of the organizational and economic side of the broadcast process is commercial activitycarried out by the links involved in it - wholesale and retail trade enterprises. It includes the study of consumer demand, identifying the range and quantity of purchased goods, research market research and identification of the most favorable suppliers, establishing household connections with them, implementation advertising activities and other operations that are not related to the physical impact on goods.

The greatest costs of living and extractable labor comes to the material, or technological, side of the process of broadcast. Its foundation is made technological operationsassociated with the continuation of the process of production in the field of circulation. These include the transportation of goods from production to the wholesale trade warehouses, their intrastore movement, acceptance and storage, retail transference trading network, Intra-Magazine operations, vacation goods to buyers and providing them with additional services.

In the practice of the organization of allocations, two forms are used. Form of grades - This is an organizational reception, which is a kind of ways to promote goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Distinguish between transit and warehouse forms of ship.

For transit form of grades The goods will be delivered to the retail chain network directly from production enterprises, bypassing mediators, warehouse - Through one or more warehouse intermediaries.

The use of one or another form of timing depends on the complexity of the range of goods, conditions and terms of their storage, the frequency of acquisition. Thus, the transit form of broadcasts is used mainly for the goods of perishable, with a simple assortment. The use of warehouse form is necessary for a complex range of goods requiring preliminary subsideration in a warehouse plant, seasonal production or consumption.

When warehouse, goods can be held through one or more warehouses of wholesale businesses (warehouses). The number of warehouse links through which the goods passes when it is progressing from the manufacturer to the consumer, is called calling the range. The rational organization of the broadcast process implies the passage of goods through as few units as possible. To determine warehouse, the coefficient is used, which is calculated by the relationship of the wholesale and warehouse turnover to the retail.

§ 1.2. Factors affecting the process of broadcast. Principles and conditions for rational construction of the process of product

The process of broadcast is carried out under the influence of industrial, transport, socio-economic and trade factors.

Of production factors The following are the greatest impact on the organization of the broadcasting process: the placement of production, specialization of industrial enterprises, seasonality of the production of individual goods.

Thus, the excessive approximation of industrial enterprises to sources of raw materials can lead to uneven distribution of them in the country, to removal from consumption areas. All this causes the need to transport goods over long distances, requires the participation of wholesale trade link, which leads to a slowdown and complication of the process of broadcast.

The specialization of production enterprises on the production of a comparatively narrow range of goods has a great influence on the organization of the process of broadcast. This is especially true of goods with a complex assortment that cannot act in small shops Without pre-subscribe in warehouses of wholesale businesses. Therefore, the specialization of production leads to the fact that most of the goods before entering the retail trade enterprise, it takes pre-through one or more wholesale links.

Separate types of food products (fruits, vegetables, sugar, etc.) can be prepared or produced only at a certain time of the year. The trade assortment of many products (shoes, clothing, etc.) varies significantly depending on the season of the year, which also causes a pronounced seasonal nature of their production. Therefore, appropriate adjustments related to the need for long-term storage of goods should be carried out into the organization of the broadcast process.

To the number of main transport factors The status of transport routes and types of transport used for the transport of goods should be attributed. That is, in order to ensure the uninterrupted and economical functioning of the process of broadcast, it is necessary to have a well-developed transport network, as well as the optimal structure of the park vehicle (A certain amount of specialized transport, vehicles of various carrying capacity, etc.).

Basic socio-economic factors are the settlement of the population, its composition and level of money income. Taking into account the influence of these factors, it is similar to the organization of commercial services for residents of cities and rural population. From them, the intensity of the broadcast process depends largely. So, with a low density of the population, it is more difficult to organize the delivery of goods to consumers than in areas with high population density: to transport them over long distances and, as a rule, they pass through a larger number of units.

The following main impacts on the process of broadcast provide trade factors: types, sizes and accommodation of trade enterprises, the degree of complexity of the range of products sold, their physicochemical and biological properties, the level of organization of the retail chain network, the qualifications of trade workers applied by the sale methods of goods and so on.

In order to provide rational organization The process of broadcasting, the following basic principles must be observed:

Apply the shortest ways to promote goods;

Reduce the link;

Widely used centralized, i.e., carried out by the forces and means of the supplier, delivering goods to the retail chain network;

Choose rational vehicles (depending on the number and properties of transported cargo, transportation distances) and efficiently (taking into account the carrying capacity) to use them;

Develop the use of container equipment and means of mechanization of loading and unloading, intrastore and intra-magazine cargo movement;

Constantly improve and optimize the technological chain of shipping, using the flowing processing of goods, in which each previous operation is simultaneously prepared for subsequent.

One of mandatory conditions Enhance the efficiency of the process of broadcast is the use of achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The most important directions of scientific and technological progress in trade are:

The creation and implementation of investment projects related to the construction of new trade infrastructure facilities and optimizing the placement of trading facilities;

Mechanization and automation of labor-intensive work;

Widespread use of package and container cargo processing systems of commodity flows;

The use of computer equipment and software that allows you to conduct automated accounting of goods on the entire pathway;

Introduction of progressive sales technologies;

Automation of control and cash operations and the introduction of shop plastic cards in calculated operations;

Automation of goods sale processes.

Chapter 2.
Entity and content of commercial activities in trade

§ 2.1. Essence and objectives of commercial activities

The word "commerce" comes from Latin sothesegitWhat "trade" means. Therefore, often these words are used as synonyms, and the concept of "commercial activity" in a narrow sense is interpreted as activities related to trade, buying goods.

Thus, from the point of view of civil law, any legitimate activities aimed at making a profit is commercial. However, in practice, commercial activities are more often considered as a kind of entrepreneurship carried out in the field of circulation of goods and services. Therefore, in the future, in the textbook, it will be about commercial activities in trade.

Commercial activity in trade includes:

Study of demand and identification of goods in products;

Identification of suppliers of goods and establishing household connections with them;

Organization of the wholesale of goods;

Organization of retail sale of goods;

The formation of the range and management of inventories;

Provision of trade services.

Hence, commercial activities in trade are a combination of consistently performed trade and organizational operations, which are carried out in the process of selling goods and the provision of trade services in order to obtain profits and meet the demand of buyers.

To act as subjects of commercial activities, that is, to carry out it, both trading organizations (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs. Carrying out commercial activities, they should:

Take effective commercial solutions that make it possible to make a profit necessary for the further development of their activities;

Improve the quality of customer service;

Strictly observe the current legislation.

Compliance with the above requirements contributes

successful implementation of tasks facing commercial services of trade organizations. The main tasks are:

Improving the work on the study of market opportuncture based on marketing research;

Timely decision-making, relevant situation in the market;

The formation of mutually beneficial relations with partners (suppliers and wholesale buyers);

Strengthening the role of contracts and the strengthening of the contractual discipline;

Establishment of long-term household connections with suppliers;

Improving the efficiency of commercial activities through the automation of individual operations related to the conclusion and execution of contracts, inventory management, etc.

Products and services are performed as the main objects of commercial activities.

Product - This is produced for sale a product of labor. They may have any thing that is not limited in the turnover, freely alienated and turning from the seller to the buyer under the contract of sale.

Depending on the purpose of acquiring goods can be divided into two groups:

Common consumption goods;

Production goods.

Common consumption goods Designed to sell the population for the purpose of personal, family, home use, that is, not related to entrepreneurial activities.

Production goods Serve to implement various organizations or individual entrepreneurs to use their use in economic activity. Such goods are, for example, technological equipment, Construction and Road Technology, Transport Machines common use, Fuel and commodities, etc.

All goods have consumer properties, i.e. the ability to satisfy certain consumer needs. The combination of consumer properties of the goods is determined by its quality.

Since the quality of the goods is a measure of its utility, then one of the main tasks of trade is to provide consumers with such goods. To this end, commercial services of trade organizations must constantly interact with manufacturers of purchased goods, to influence them so that they improve and update the range of their products.

In addition, to preserve the quality of goods, it has great importance proper organization Such technological operations such as transportation, acceptance, storage, etc. contributes to this and the use of modern equipment for moving, storage, preparation of goods for sale.

Service It is the result of the direct interaction of the performer and consumer, as well as its own activity of the Contractor to meet the needs of the consumer. The services provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural services.

Material services Satisfy material and domestic needs. They provide restoration, change or preservation of consumer properties of products or manufacturing new products, as well as movement of goods and people, creating conditions for consumption. Therefore, material services are in particular domestic servicesRelated to the repair and manufacture of products, services catering, Transport services.

Social and cultural services Satisfy spiritual, intellectual needs and maintain the normal life activity of the consumer. With their help, spiritual and physical development is ensured, raising professional skill, maintaining and restoring personal health. Medical services, services of culture, tourism, education, etc. can be attributed to socio-cultural.

Trade service is the result of the interaction of the seller and the buyer, as well as its own seller's activities to meet the needs of the buyer when buying and selling goods.

Trade services can be divided into two groups:

Wholesale services (rendered by enterprises of wholesale trade);

Retail services (rendered in stores and other retailers).

The main sale service is the implementation of the goods. However, in order to profitably sell the goods, it is necessary to implement a whole range of activities related to the purchase of goods, their storage, delivery of wholesale buyers, pre-sale preparation In retail trade, etc. That is, it is the provision of various services preceding the sale of goods and related to it, forms the basis of the commercial activity of any trade enterprise.

Services both wholesale and retailers are inherently mediated. Moreover, given the diversity of such services, some of them belong to the material (for example, transportation of goods, their storage, preparation for sale, and so on.), And part - to socio-cultural (for example, providing advice to customers, information Services and etc.).

The effectiveness of commercial activities of trade organizations largely depends on how much the set of goods and services offered to customers is consistent with their needs. In the context of competition in the market, the right choice of commercial objects plays a special role.

The success of commercial activities of trading organizations largely depends on the state of their logistical base, the level of competition in the market and other factors. A lot of important role Plays and level qualifications management personnel, as well as employees of commercial and other enterprise services, their attitude to the work performed, interest in the results of their work.

Commercial activities carried out by trade organizations can be divided into several stages, on each of which certain commercial operations are performed (Table 1).

It should be borne in mind that commercial activities in wholesale trade is largely different from the commercial activities of retailers. This is especially characteristic of operations related to the formation of the range and sale of goods. Thus, the nature and content of the operations performed in the exercise of commercial activities will depend on the elected form of product promotion and the stage of the process of broadcasting, on which this product is located.

Table 1

Operations performed at various stages of commercial activities in trade

Effective conduct commercial work It is possible only in the presence of full and reliable information about the market conditions, i.e., the socio-economic, trade and organizational and other conditions for the sale of goods established during a certain period of time and in a particular place. To obtain such information, a collection of information is required both about the product itself and its manufacturers.

It is also important to own information on social, economic, demographic and other factors that determine the demand for goods and the purchasing power of the population. Along with this, it is necessary to have reliable information about the possibilities of the alleged competitors, which will allow to take faithful commercial solutions and take their own niche in the market.

The information obtained allows you to determine the possible amount of sales of goods on the market, justify the range necessary goods, i.e. calculate the need for them.

In addition, information on the state of the market contributes to the establishment of rational economic relations. For

this must be studied potential suppliers and choose those of them that will be most beneficial in the current conditions. At the same time, attention should be paid to the placement of suppliers, the range and quality of the goods offered by them, the terms of delivery, prices, etc.

At this stage of commercial activities, contracts are concluded with suppliers of goods. It is very important to coordinate all the conditions of the future contract: a well-compiled agreement will allow not only to take into account the interests of partners, but also to avoid in the future disagreements related to the insufficient study of its individual provisions.

After signing the contract becomes mandatory for the parties. Therefore, trading enterprises and organizations must implement constant and effective control over the execution of the terms of the contract.

Following the operations on wholesale purchases of goods, a number of technological operations are performed associated with the receipt of goods, unloading vehicles, acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, their storage, packing, etc. The listed operations are performed both in wholesale and in retail Trade. Along with the technological, commercial operations continues in these links.

commercial activityin wholesale enterprises As the following steps includes:

The formation of the range of goods;

Commercial activities on the wholesale of goods;

Providing services to wholesale buyers.

Formation of product range It implies the creation of such an assortment that would most correspond to the demand of wholesale buyers. Taking into account their requirements, it is necessary to constantly update the range of goods in warehouses. To solve this task, commercial services of wholesale trade enterprises should actively participate in the formation of a range of product producers.

Commodity Management Wholesale trade is to normalize them, operational accounting and control over their condition. Maintaining inventories at an optimal level contributes to the uninterrupted supply of wholesale buyers and speeds up the turnover of goods, allowing you to reduce the costs of storage.

At the wholesale stage of goods, the important role is played advertising work . A well-organized, based on reliable information and a timely advertising campaign contributes to an increase in demand for certain goods, has a positive effect on their implementation.

One of the key stages of commercial activities is wholesale of goods. At this stage, the search for buyers of goods, in the role of which, as a rule, are shops, small trade enterprises, etc. Then the work should follow the harmonization of the conditions and conclusion of the contract, in accordance with which the goods will be sold. Effective work wholesale enterprise At this stage it is impossible without the organization of control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

An important place in the commercial activities of the wholesale link occupy services for the provision of services. Wholesale trading enterprises offer their partners with services whose implementation is impossible in retail or difficult. For example, they may be intermediary (search for suppliers of goods), advertising (holding advertising campaigns in the retail chain network, and others), information (collection and analysis of information on market conditions, carrying out marketing research, etc. .), Advisory (acquaintance of employees of retail enterprises with new goods, rules for their operation, etc.) and other services.

The role of trade services is especially large in the presence of competition: wholesale buyers are interested in addressing that the seller who, along with high-quality goods, is able to offer a set of services to the greatest extent that meet their requirements.

Commercial operations at retail enterprises have their own specifics. First of all, this is due to the fact that the consumer of goods and services here is the population.

It is the requirements and requests of the population that are decisive in the formation of an assortment at retail enterprises. From services that can be a trading enterprise are selected only by demand buyers. The interests of buyers take into account and when choosing methods for selling goods.

It should be noted that, carrying out commercial activities, retail enterprises can to a certain extent form the needs of the population. To this end, buyers are offered new products and those of them who will meet consumer approval, are included in the range of retailers.

When controlling in stocks, they are primarily based on the fact that they are stored in retail trade enterprises in significantly smaller volumes and less long time.

First of all, its own features related primarily with the choice of types and means of advertising has both advertising work in the retail chain.

Commercial activities in trade should focus on the interests of the end user, otherwise it is impossible to count on a successful commercial result. At the same time, it should be taken into account that many factors are directly or indirect influence on commercial activities, the main of which are:

Legal base of commercial activity;

Level of competition in the market;

State of the material and technical base of the trading enterprise;

Financial condition of the enterprise;

The qualification level of commercial workers;

Assortment of goods and a list of services provided and other trading enterprises must build their work with

by consideration of these factors, responding in a timely manner to the changes that is happening, without which it is impossible to ensure the high efficiency of their functioning.

A physical or legal person is entitled to acquire commercial real estate, investing in her personal or statutory capital. It does not oblige the owner to conduct a business independently. Revenues from the enterprise can be obtained by transferring the acquired object to the trust management of an entrepreneur or company providing these services.

What is trust management of commercial real estate

Trust management is a handover to a third party of own powers relating to the organization and business of business with its own real estate, which previously investing the owner of capital was invested. When there is a commercial real estate, the trust manager is transferred to the authority to shopping buildings, premises or pavilions. Sometimes they are industrial premises that are used for business, including storage of products.

In any case, only areas are transmitted to trust management, which are officially derived from turnover as residential premises and belong to a non-residential fund. This fact should be recorded in the Unified State Real Estate Register (EGRN).

Features of trust management of commercial real estate

Real estate management has similarities with intermediary activities of proxies. Nevertheless, the managing activity is different:

  • provision of a full package of services;
  • official registration of the contract, and not just a power of attorney;
  • obligatory receipt of remuneration for the services provided;
  • approved by the rules of work;
  • the reporting of the manager before the owner for the effectiveness of activities.

Such office has the kind of hiring a competent specialist or management company To fulfill the duties established by the Service Agreement.

I worked in the company that was engaged in commercial real estate. You conclude a contract, and you monthly transfer money for the delivery of the apartment for the minus of the Agency Commission specified in the contract.

double mom

Naturally, if such a contract is not concluded, the owner of commercial real estate performs responsibilities for renting the area for rent independently. And when making a power of attorney, a trustee fulfills them in part, without the regulations of the requirements for it.

Shopping Square can be transmitted to control without furniture and equipment

Who acts in confidence

Subjects of trust management are the parties to the contract in fact:

  • the owner of the real estate transmitting it to the manager;
  • manager accepting commercial real estate from the owner.

In legal terminology, they act under the following definitions, which is governed by the relevant articles Civil Code (GK):

  1. By general rule The founder of trust management (Article 1014 of the Civil Code) is the owner of the property transmitted to management. At the same time, the form of property is not - property can be in private ownership (citizens or legal entities), municipal or state (subjects of the Federation, Russian Federation).
  2. As a trust manager (Article 1015 of the Civil Code), either an individual entrepreneur or a commercial organization in the form of economic society (partnership) or production cooperative. State and municipalities unitary enterprises Consistent managers cannot be trust, since they themselves are not owners of property, but possess property on the right of economic management and operational management. Can not act as trust governing bodies of state and local government.

The owner or the performer of services-individual acts on its own behalf, identifiable by a civil passport. On behalf of legal entities, only managers appointed by the founder are entitled to operate. In both cases, the parties can use trusted persons.

If representatives of interest are from one of the subjects or on both sides, the subjects of trust management do not change, and the formulation is made to the contract, indicating in whose interests the attorney is valid. In the advantage of legal entities always act under the auspices of the authorized representative, which is proxy from the organization. And individuals are obliged to provide their trusted persons notarized by attorney.

How to choose a trustee and what functions it performs

First of all, it should be decided in the volume of real estate that goes the manager. This depends on the package of the necessary services that will be required of it. When it comes to large volumes and extensive squares of commercial real estate, managers or representatives of large alliances are selected. When choosing a company, you need to pay attention to the attractiveness of the proposals provided by it and the list of basic services. The functions of the manager necessarily include the following:

  1. Monitoring the real estate market, analysis of the situation.
  2. Planning the effectiveness of real estate operation.
  3. Classified ads and other advertising to search for tenants, conducting hits of commercial or industrial space.
  4. Conclusion of contracts with tenant objects.
  5. Payment of utility services.
  6. Getting payments from tenants.
  7. Provision of services for the preparation of leased areas to operation.
  8. Real estate insurance and work with insurance companies when an insured event occurs.
  9. Improving the characteristics of the premises, their modification.

The list of services of the management company can be seen on the site in public access or ask to send

However, some subjects are distinguished by the specifics of the service package or geography of their provision. Maximum full package of services are offered representatives of world leaders who have spread their influence and in the domestic market. Among them are as follows:

  1. CB Richard Ellis is the largest alliance whose leadership has spread all over the world. In the Russian Federation, his representative offices opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Owners of commercial real estate living in these cities can contact there if they wish to withdraw their business to the international level. They will be offered a full package of services: from the development of a business plan and design documentation before proposals for business expansion. Accordingly, it is advantageous to contact only the organization of large enterprises.
  2. Nai Becar is a network of organizations that have spread not only in the metropolitan metropolis of the Russian Federation, but also in 20 other millionnist cities. Her advantage is that it is accessible to a greater number of citizens. But the representative offices also attract only major projects, that is, it is advantageous to contact them if there are ownership of extensive commercial areas, where the company unfolds business on the company's logic project.
  3. Colliers International FM - distributed its representative offices in almost all edge and regional centers of the Russian Federation. Unlike CB Richard Ellis and Nai Becar, this firm is taken for the work of any volume and any complexity. It will provide trust management services not only by commercial buildings, where you can organize the activities of shopping and entertainment or shopping centers, but also organizes rental of warehouses and other non-residential premises. Here you can contact if the property has landed plans and orientation to a stable business.
  4. Sawatzky Property Management - This company stepped even further. She starts cooperation with investment in business. That is, the potential property owners at first are invested in the construction of shopping centers, after which they repurchase the built-in building, draw up them on themselves and transferred to the company's trust management. Accordingly, it is advisable to contact such a company when there is money for investing, but there is no time for paperwork on the sale and sale of commercial areas.

In my opinion, the appeal to such companies makes sense if you correctly choose a commercial offer. But we should not forget that the payment of their services reaches 15% of the total rental cost, and this for many investors is considered an unprofitable investment. I believe that it is often more profitable to contact local firms offering similar services. They are less known than world authorities, so payment of their services is mainly 10%, and sometimes it reaches 7%.

Information about them can be obtained from both the company managers and forums, where the results of the appeal of citizens in a particular company are discussed. For example, there you can get certain recommendations, although not uncommon and sharp statements to the management of firms.

Why pay damages? From problems you are unlikely to abstract ....\u003d96&i\u003d654529&t\u003d654529.

In my opinion, negative statements cannot be discounted, if there are no other reviews.

The company's reliability can be traced in the following indicators that can be obtained on its official website:

  • the presence of a valid (not overdue) license;
  • the total volume of statutory documentation of the company;
  • period of work in the real estate market of 5 years;
  • the number of satisfied customers who left their feedback.

According to the portfolio of the management company, it can be understood how large-scale tasks it is capable of performing

Personal experience and experience of my clients suggests that the following information about the company can be detected when searching for creating the most objective picture:

  • approximate amount of displeased customers;
  • at a minimum - the presence of persons dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided;
  • the presence of arbitration or civil processes with the participation of the company (depending on what capacity it performed).

If the official site is absent, we can make a completely defendant conclusion about the possible fraud of the service provider. In order not to become a victim of a group of persons acting on fake documents, you should request an extract from the Unified state registry legal entities (register) on registration of the company as a legal entity. The same applies to subsidiaries, whose immediate belonging to an alliance or major service company is declared on their part, but not clearly traced. There are no unconditional trusts, since at any moment there may be fraud with real estate and stop their existence.

Analysis of supply and demand in the real estate market

The concept of analysis includes the monitoring of the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of commercial real estate. The manager estimates the situation:

  • with rental pricing;
  • with a planned profit from rental;
  • with the demand of the area of \u200b\u200bthe existing segment.

The trustee analyzes the situation in the market for the rental services and conducts comparative analysis According to the following parameters:

  1. Selects successfully leased premises and the percentage of those who are not demanded by the tenants of objects that are empty.
  2. Considers and checks the characteristics of those and other objects.
  3. Takes examples of successful delivery to the tenant of similar objects for the sample to managing its own actions.
  4. It provides for the permissibility of risks and ways to change them to zero.

It may also be considered and offered to property owner options from profit alternative wayif it seems the most efficient. For example, instead shopping center Use the building under the shopping and entertainment center. Thanks to the analysis, the maximum efficient option is selected.

Search for tenants, advertising

The function of the management company includes the task of delivery of the room:

  • in the shortest possible time, without downtime;
  • at the most efficient prices.

According to my data, it is common that the maximum period allowed for real estate downtime can be no more than two weeks. To solve this problem, putting on a timely deadlines, one can exclusively with an integrated approach that generates rental pricing in accordance with the terms of the market. Therefore, to apply for the rental of real estate for rent is appropriate only after the completion of analytical calculations and monitoring.

  1. Hire professionals: rave billboards Or stretch marks, connect local media.
  2. Constrictly ourselves to its own resource: to search for tenants by applying announcements, post an ad on the wall of the proposed object.

The announcement of the lease can be executed in the original style.

Here you can reveal the difference:

  • cash costs for advertising and search for tenants;
  • return from the submitted advertising.

Accordingly, when involving specialists and with independent search for tenants, the return will differ in favor of attracting advertisers. Therefore, many companies make advertising services to the basic list, which is included in the package of services. In other situations, advertising algorithm must be coordinated.

Required documents

For the procedure for the preparation and conclusion of the contract of services, the owner of real estate - an individual - is obliged to submit a package of documents, which certifies its identity and property ownership. Legal entities necessarily impose a permission of co-founders for trust management, except when real estate is part of the property to whom the owner is authorized to dispose personally.

Since co-founders merge their capital, each of them has the right to use that part of the property at its discretion, the value of which does not exceed the volume of the investment contribution. In this case, instead of permission from co-founders, a certificate is made, resolving the use of the established share of commercial real estate at its discretion. This certificate can be received by the Contractor of the company's accounting department.

I pay attention to one nuance. I have noticed that when checking the documentation package and the conclusion of the Service Agreement requires advisory services of a lawyer. The benefits of their advantage are provided free of charge, as indicated in the company's price list. IP may require payment legal services from property owner.

Payment of utility bills and repair work, charging rent

The manager is responsible for cooperation with communal services, including the following:

  • timely payment of services they provide;
  • correctness of charges of payments from housing and communal services or housing
  • preventing the appointment of penalties and fines for the delay in payment.

The same applies to charging and providing the rental owner. The managing must:

  • to receive and transmit rent in a timely manner;
  • require penalties for late payment;
  • receive an advance when renting a lease to avoid damage;
  • require the repayment of losses in case of early termination of the lease agreement.

As the tenant is required to provide fully prepared for operation shopping Square or other commercial premises, the duties of the manager include their preparation for use for its intended purpose. When new problems occur, the tenant refers to the manager to correct them. These actions are required, their conduct does not entail increasing the rent.

Manager can make repairs and re-equip the room for its efficient use.

The manager has the right to coordinate with the owner or due to its own powers specified in the contract, to modify the rented premises. Modification is the introduction of inseparable improvements that qualitatively change the parameters of the commercial real estate used. These include only those improvements that appeared after the lease agreement. For example:

  • heated floors;
  • more modern or designer wall design;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • installation of refrigeration showcases;
  • update and designer design of the facade;
  • a significant improvement in the inside of trading or other commercial premises taking into account their targeted use.

An increase in the rent for the enhancements provided is due to the fact that they allow attraction of additional profits.

Commercial real estate insurance

For rental, commercial buildings and premises must be insured, since when using them, circumstances may occur, leading to an unforeseen damage of the facade or the inside of the building. Registration of legal nuances and all issues with insurers are delegated to the manager, which issues real estate insurance from money received from the owner of the property.

In the event of an insured event, the payment of commercial real estate owner is also involved in the authorized employee or company. Insurance cases may include fires, floodings and other forms of destruction or damage to the building (premises) transmitted to the responsible management.

Insurance protects against damage caused by unforeseen circumstances

The procedure for registration and concluding a contract of trust management of commercial real estate and its sample

Depending on which areas of real estate are transmitted to the manager and who acts as parties of the transaction - individuals or legal entities, formed by the algorithm of the procedure. Large companies Contributes such contracts in the office of the owner or management company. In other cases, the parties are entitled:

  • use the money of the owner to draw up the contract by a lawyer;
  • conclude a contract in the notary and certify it notarially;
  • make the text of the contract independently with a notarized ID without it.

The document is compiled in free form. The main thing is that all the information made in the contract corresponded to the documentation package and introduced without technical and legal errors.

What documents will be needed for the preparation and signing of the contract

The package of documentation on the basis of which the trust management is drawn up, consists of the following papers:

  • civil passport with registration;
  • a guide document for commercial real estate;
  • references from Rosreestra about the absence or presence of arrest and encumbrances.

Owners-legal entities represent:

  • statutory documents;
  • properties for real estate;
  • an extract from EGRN on the ownership form of a legal entity;
  • power of attorney at the operating representative of the company;
  • decisions of the meeting of founders on transfer to responsible management;
  • voting protocol general Assembly founders with a positive result;
  • help from Rosreestra about the absence or presence of arrest and encumbrances.

If confidential office is issued on the recommendation of legal authorities, such documents may be required as the petitions of interested persons from among creditors, the court decision or the prescription of the bailiff. Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude an independent appraiser for setting the cost of rent.

Service providers are imposed:

  • package of constituent documentation;
  • license to resolve this type of activity;
  • power of Attorney for Representative, Passport.

In addition to the documentation, the service provider must have a package with a commercial proposal that describes in detail the composition of the services obtained by the client, which may later be included in the contract.

The manager concludes a lease agreement as a representative of the company and its authorized person. Commissioners for the design and signing of the Agreement. Representatives must make a power of attorney compiled and certified by the notary.

The owner is obliged to transfer the managing power of attorney, listens to all its powers

Drawing up a contract, significant provisions and sample

The parties to the Trust Contract Agreement are its subjects: the owner of commercial space, which is called the founder of the Office, and the Manager, which enters into trust management of real estate. The subject of the contract is determined by commercial real estate indicating its characteristics, technical parametersAddresses and locations in the building. Commitable details of the contract will be:

  • definition of the sides;
  • address of the object, its cadastral and specifications;
  • target object;
  • services provided by the Management Company;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • responsibility of the parties.

The contract must be signed by both parties.

After signing paper by the parties, the document must be transferred to Rosreestr to register real estate registration in trust management. This procedure requires payment of state duty in size:

  • 2 000 rubles - for individuals;
  • 22 000 rubles - for legal entities.

The compiled treaty will take effect only after the registration of the transmission procedure for the transfer of authority to the manager and the information specified in the contract will be included in Rosreestr.

Drawing up an act of receiving commercial real estate

The act of trust management should be attached to the act of acceptance of commercial real estate, which goes into trust management. This procedure occurs as follows:

  1. The parties are found on the territory of the real estate object passing into management.
  2. The manager checks the technical condition of the object and reveals breakage, damage the inside of the room or the outer part of the facade. Determines the quality of the repair.
  3. The parties constitute the act in which they indicate that the owner conveyed, and the manager accepted the specified building or room.
  4. Includes information about the property, including its location, cadastral and specifications.
  5. Describe the essential characteristics of the room, make information about the existing shortcomings.
  6. Put their signatures and the date of drawing up the act.

The act can be compiled by sample.

Independent force without the presentation of the Act Agreement does not have. It is needed to fix the characteristics of the object turning into control.

When the manager will return the property to the owner, the state of the object will be compared with the primary. In case of discrepancies, information may arise, the solution of which is allowed in court.

Taxation of trust management of commercial real estate

The tax is subject to profit received from the management of commercial real estate, in accordance with the provisions of Article 276 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This includes:

  • remuneration of the management company;
  • profit received from the rental of the owner.

For the owner of the area transferred to the Office of Square, there is a tax rate of 13% of the total income received. Until the end of 2018, the amount of the tax rate will not increase.

Tax requirements for the company depends on installed system taxation. They may be below 13%, if the Firm-founder of the Office or the Company carrying out confidential administration is registered with the tax authority on the preferential tax system.

To pay tax amounts, you need to file a tax declaration. The report for it gives out once during one tax period. The tax period is the current calendar year. Reporting information for the past calendar year is submitted until April 30 of the next year. The tax base does not include incurred costs. Tax bid is charged exclusively from the amount net profit. In order to calculate it, you need from a total profit from the rental of commercial areas to subtract the sum of the costs. The residue will be subject to taxation on the established regulation.

Both parties must pay a tax on the income and report on paying the tax authority.

Each party submits its tax return on its own. When the manager receives the tax duties of the property owner according to the officially fixed terms of the contract, he has the right to submit a declaration on the profit of the property of property management. For this, a notarized power of attorney should be obtained from the founder's owner.

The procedure for changing and termination of the contract

According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the contract is a document that the acquisition by its parties has certain advantages caused by the preparation of the contract. The advantages are expressed in the provisions of the contract and are connounced in points and subparagraphs. Therefore, they are subject to mandatory execution by the parties. In case of non-fulfillment, according to the norms of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contract is subject to termination. In addition to the fact that this article of the CC is the rules of termination of an unpleuing contract, a separate provision on the responsibility of the parties should be made in the body itself. In this position, conditions may be included, which allow the counterparty and fines to charge for the poor quality of services or delay in payments. Other conditions under which the contract may terminate:

  • by agreement of the parties;
  • unilaterally.

If the parties terminate the agreement on agreement, the agreement is drawn up in which they state the fact of voluntary termination of the previously established mutual actions. From the moment of signing such an agreement, the delivery of real estate management services is terminated.

If the initiative of the breaking of the relationship stems from one side, and the counterparty refuses to terminate the interaction, the termination of the contract can be carried out in court if the claim is filed.

Sometimes the previously established agreements lose the relevance and cease to be effective, therefore the change in individual provisions is provided. Making such changes can occur only on the basis of mutual consent. Agreement is drawn up and an agreement with the mandatory compliance with the following rules is compiled:

  • specifying the details of the Trust Management Agreement;
  • specifying points and subparagraphs that are subject to change;
  • introduction of new provisions instead of replaceable;
  • specifying points that terminate their action;
  • making new items that have not previously existed.

The signed agreement is transferred to Rosreestr to make changes to the information bank of the registering authority.

Pros and cons of trust management of commercial real estate

Positive moments provided by the owner of commercial areas by hiring the manager are expressed as follows:

  • the work of the manager will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the contract, which will give management controlled in nature;
  • the owner can completely eliminate the process of organizing a business;
  • the manager has extensive experience and competences than the owner;
  • a day will be obtained in the appointed agreement;
  • at the first request of the owner should be a report on work;
  • the owner of the object has the right to schedule new types of services from the manager.

With a simple mediation by proxy of such powers, the owner has no owner. Also listed amenities are absent if the owner of the real estate will cope with the rental area on their own.

Property transfer to management carries and minuses:

  • payment of services will be required even in the absence of profits;
  • in case of ineffective work, a contract will be terminated;
  • if the manager turns out to be unfair, you will have to go to court;
  • profit profit depends on the actions of the manager.

My personal experience Indicates that the situation with the hiring of the manager can turn around differently. Therefore, I strongly recommend contacting the proven options for hiring specialists or companies, and before signing the papers - weigh all the advantages of the contract and provide for possible risks.

Age 54 years, a former teacher of the university, a scientist, a candidate of philosophical sciences. I am writing on legal, philosophical topics. I achieve a high unique text, I write without water - a clear concise style.

Not delighting into the general essence of the work, you might think that the commercial departments fully follow the staff principle. It is not one. The fact is that its functions are divided into autonomous components, but at the same time they possess the same value. Single common goal It is considered to make buyers acquire some kind of goods.

It is worth noting that each component in the Commercial Department works independently. At the same time, all parties to activities bring their small contribution to the success of the entire enterprise as a whole.

What are the commercial departments of enterprises?

Distinctive features in any field of activity acts the presence of its directions and the organization of basic tasks to achieve the required vertices. So what does the commercial department do in the enterprise? The purpose of the commercial department is the acquisition of legal accounts as individuals of the proposed goods and services on the market or exchange of them on alternative items to mutual benefit. It is interesting to note that the elements used by marketing are also operated by the subdivision under consideration.

The organization of this structure is quite complicated, but at the same time gives him the opportunity to perform many various tasks. The main objective in this case is the creation of a certain system of all kinds of events, which will be aimed at regulating the sales process, and at the same time on the satisfaction of the main demand and profit.

Structure of a commercial department

The structure along with the staff of the considered department is approved by the Director and his deputy for commercial issues. Immediately the composition includes all sorts of structural units with groups of specialists and so on. The boss of such an organization is distributed to the obligations between all available employees and their job descriptions are approved. Below we will look at the functions and tasks of the Commercial Department.


In order to deal with the commercial department, it should be denoted its production plants:

  • Drawing up a long-term strategy of activity and financial plan Enterprises.
  • Acceptance of participation in the compilation of current and perspective plans Production along with product sales.
  • The use of the necessary measures to the timely conclusion of economic and financial documentation with suppliers and all sorts of consumers of products and raw materials in combination with the expansion of direct and long-term economic coupling.
  • Exercising control over the sale of products, material technical support of the company, economic and financial indicator activities, and at the same time properly existing current means.
  • Taking participation in fairs, exhibitions, auction, stock exchange for advertising and selling products.
  • Analysis of the market environment for products manufactured by the enterprise.

Functions of the department in the organization

The functions of the commercial department of the enterprise are usually the following:

  • Ensuring the financial and economic activities of the company in the field of material, as well as technical supply. At the same time, the storage of raw materials is carried out, sales of products in the markets and under the contract of delivery, transport and administrative business.
  • Implementation of a contractual obligation to supply products (on nomenclature, quantity, quality, assortment, timing and other delivery conditions).
  • Taking participation in the development of standards for the material technical support of commodity quality, along with the organization of storage and transportation of raw materials, as well as sales finished products.
  • Timely payments of wages of employees of the enterprise.
  • Conducting the development of measures for the integrated use of material resources.
  • Improving the rationing of raw material consumption, working capital, materials and stocks of values.
  • Improvement economic indicator and the formation of an enterprise activity indicator system.
  • Improving production efficiency along with strengthening financial discipline, prevention of education and the destruction of excessive stocks of commodity and material values, and in addition, with the overspending of financial resources.

What other tasks are assigned to commercial departments?

The wide field of all sorts of responsibilities involves the implementation of additional production work, they are as follows:

  • Organization of warehousing activities along with the creation of conditions for proper storage, and at the same time preservation of finished products and material resources.
  • Implementation of the rational use of all varieties of transport in combination with improving the loading and unloading work, taking measures to maximize this service with the necessary devices and mechanisms.
  • Organization of activities for use, and at the same time on the implementation of secondary resources and side products of production.
  • Timely preparation of estimated and financial documents, and in addition, all sorts of calculations, established reports on the implementation of plans for the sale of finished products.
  • Provision of financial statements, material and technical supply.


What is the commercial department, now it is known. However, attention should be paid to some of the features of this division:

  • Commercial departments are independent structural units.
  • It is created and eliminated on the basis of the order director of the company.
  • This element of the institution submits directly to the Deputy Director responsible for commercial aspects.


He is headed by the head appointed by the order of the director of the company on the representation of the deputy gene. Director for commercial issues. The management of the enterprise department necessarily has its substituents.

What does the head of the commercial department do? As mentioned above, the duties of the department's leadership include the distribution of responsibilities between all the available employees and approval of their job descriptions.

Responsibilities of substituents

Responsibilities of deputies determine their chiefs. Deputy and heads of structural departments in the composition of the department under consideration, as well as other employees, are prescribed or exempt from those by the director's order.

Advertising department of the company

In another other, it is also called the advertising service. In this case, we are talking about the structural division of the organization whose task is to conduct activities in the field of marketing communication and the implementation of the chosen economic strategy. Advertising departments in many structures are often connected to the PR department.

But it is worth noting that the feasibility of such an association directly depends on the tasks that are delivered to the company, and at the same time from the business niche. Depending on this, the function of advertising departments in commercial structures may differ. Allocate two common situations with the responsibilities of this share of the enterprise. In the first case, the company's advertising is carried out by the forces of its employees, and in order to conduct PR events, third-party specialists are invited.

In the second version, the situation is completely opposite. Specialists of the advertising department are organized by the organization and public relations, and the PR-activities itself entrust the hired agency (it remains under the supervision of full-time employees). What is the commercial department at the factory or any other industrial enterpriseIt is important to find out in advance.

This approach is very convenient. True, against the background of the growth of the business and the feasibility of holding advertising and PR events, regular appeal to services of other people's specialists is unnecessarily costly. Such a need is a need for advertising policies within the Company's activities, and, accordingly, in the study of the issue of duties and functions of the department and on its management.

What are commercial departments in construction companies?

As a rule, their work is as follows:

  • Search along with the involvement of new volumes of engineering and construction services.
  • Development of project, construction and other activities of the organization.
  • Commercial negotiations in the field of supplied and sales policy.
  • Business correspondence With customers in the interests of the enterprise.
  • Analysis competitive environment Engineering market and construction services.
  • Formation of the plan for the sale of services of the General Contracting construction enterprise and ensuring its implementation.
  • Organization of activities in the preparation of competitive documentation and participation in relevant events.
  • Preparation and calculation commercial offers Along with the conclusion of contracts and interaction with tender committees.
  • Managing the activities of the enterprise structural divisions along with the supervision of current projects.
  • Control over the quality of the quality of work, ensuring the implementation of its obligations.
  • Conduct control over the execution of graphs of construction and design.


In order to understand what the commercial department is engaged in construction organization, It is necessary to designate its powers:

  • The requirement of submission by divisions of the company materials, reporting, applications, information necessary for its direct activity.
  • Providing instructions structural divisions on issues that are included in the competence of the department.
  • Control over the right spending of working capital and targeted use of bank loans, as well as over the cessation of production production, which has no marketing.
  • To reflect on behalf of the company in various enterprises, institutions and organizations on issues related to the management of the department.
  • Monitoring compliance with discipline as part of the fulfillment of tasks and obligations to supply products and its compliance with economic documents.
  • The requirement from the heads of all divisions of the timely provision of securities and materials that are necessary for normal operation.
  • Submit to the leadership various proposals for the promotion of employees.
  • Providing information on the plans of the department and reporting on actual implementation.
  • Conducting certification of employees.

In the article, we dismantled in detail than the commercial department is engaged. Denote the main functions, tasks and structure of such divisions that are an integral part of each enterprise, allowing the required tasks for the success of the company.

Commercial activities of enterprises of different forms of ownership and different species Activities does not proceed by itself. For commercial activities in order to meet consumer requests, it is necessary to manage it to manage the enterprise. Studying and improving the management of commercial activities is the permanent task of the head of the organization.

Commercial activities management can be considered as a management system.

The control system is a set of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes providing specified (targeted) carrying out commercial activities.

For the commercial management system, it is necessary:

Develop goals of commercial activities;

Distribute the production and management of commercial activities;

Distribute tasks between employees;

Establish the procedure for the interaction of workers and the sequence of functions performed;

Purchase or modernize the production technology of products, trade and technological process;

Establish a system of stimulation, supply and sale;

Organize production and trade and technological process.

The management structure consists of four subsystems: methodologies, process, structures and management techniques, which are presented in Figure 27.

Figure 27 - Structure of the elements of the management system of the organization of the organization

To perform commercial management functions in each organization is created managing system - manadgement Department. Under the structure of the control apparatus is understood as the number and composition of links and control steps, their coodes and mutual relationship. The structure of the control apparatus actively affects the process of functioning of the enterprise development management system.

In turn, the structure of the control apparatus depends on the following factors:

The nature of the production and its industry features (composition, scale, level of technical equipment);

Forms of management organization (linear, linear-functional, matrix);

Degree of compliance structure of the management apparatus of the hierarchical structure of the enterprise;

Relations between centralized and decentralized management forms;

Relations between industry and territorial management forms (by product; in the region);

Mechanization and automation level managerial work, qualifications of workers, the effectiveness of their labor.

The management methodology includes goals and objectives, laws and principles, functions, means and methods, school management. The methodology for managing commercial activities is based on theoretical provisions and methodology of management.

The commercial management process is part of management activities, including the formation of the communication system, the development and implementation of management decisions, the creation of an information support system.

The management structure is a set of sustainable bonds of objects and subjects of the management of commercial activities implemented in specific organizational forms. The management structure includes functional structures, organizational relationship schemes, organizational structures and training system or staff training.
Technology and management technology include computer and organizational equipment, office furniture, communication networks, document management system.
The methodology and management process are characterized as a process, and the structure and management structure - as a phenomenon. All elements included in the control system must also be professionally organized for efficient work Companies in general and achieve their goals.

The main elements that make up the commercial management system are: goal, management process, method, communication, task, law, principle, organizational relations, function, technology, solution, characteristics of information support, document management system, organizational structure.

The relationship of the control system elements is schematically portrayed in Figure 28.

Figure 28 - Interrelation of control system elements

The organization of commercial activities includes the following main elements:

Establishing commercial purposes;

Task development;

Definition of functions (works) in individual units, respectively, tasks;

Building an organizational structure that provides the ability to adapt to changes in the terms of production and commerce;

Distribution of responsibility for commercial activities;

Creating a system for transmitting information that ensures the effectiveness of decision-making, control and coordination.

The objectives of the commercial activities of the organization (enterprise) are divided into groups of specific tasks that are united by the field of activity:

Purchase of goods (resources);

Organization of their storage;

Organization of sales (sales), etc.

To solve problems, a set of functions or operations that must be executed. So, to solve the tasks for the purchase of goods (raw materials, materials), it is necessary to perform the following functions: the search for suppliers, the establishment of contractual relations with them, the accounting of contracts and the control of contractual work, the choice of delivery methods, etc.

To solve a number of different tasks, the same functions may be required. Therefore, the entire set of functions is analyzed, grouped and then a functional structure of a commercial department is compiled. Depending on the operating conditions of the company, the process of performing functions can be cyclical and one-time, continuous and discrete, consistent and parallel.

The selected process diagram determines the priority of certain organizational relations. Based on the functional scheme, the process and organizational relations, determine the composition of personnel in numbers and qualifications. This data is enough to construct an organizational management structure (linear-functional, hierarchical, matrix, etc.).

Knowing a list of all positions performed by functions and subordination, it is possible to calculate the technical equipment of the workplace of the personnel. After that, in accordance with delegated authority, employees can develop, coordinate, accept, assert and implement decisions. In addition, the laws and rules (principles) of professional activities are applied to all elements.

The following fundamental principles presented in Figure 29 are based on the construction of organizational structures of the commercial service and management of commercial activities.

1. The presence of a clearly formulated goal of commercial activities of the enterprise.

Objectives in the formation of a structure can be formulated on the basis of the internal foresight, determined by the enterprise and external factors. Goals should be sufficiently detailed. Their effectiveness can be achieved if they are compatible with each other, and do not contradict the main goal of the enterprise.

Commercial service objectives can be: an increase in product sales, for example, by 10%; the increase in the number of buyers through the transition to new market segments; an increase in sales coming to one order; Reducing the cost of purchasing material resources.

Figure 29 - Basic Management Principles

commercial activity of the trading enterprise

2. Ensuring the interaction between commercial activities and the objectives of the enterprise.

Commercial activities are formed and varies in accordance with the interests and needs of production. Consequently, commerce management functions are implemented taking into account the goals of the enterprise.

3. Ensuring consistency between divisions (services).

Each division (service) of a production or commercial enterprise is characterized by a certain intended function and performed functions, i.e. they have in one degree or another autonomy. At the same time, their actions should be coordinated and coordinated in time, which causes the unity of the enterprise management system.

4. Ensuring the hierarchy of the management structure and single subordination. Clear distinction of functions between individual links in control.

A characteristic sign of management is hierarchical rank. The organization of commercial activities should be focused on vertical and horizontal connections. It is that one should not allow the presence of two managers who have the same powers. Failure to comply with this principle leads to duality of subordination and violation of the procedure in work.

5. Ensuring an integrated approach to management.

From the position of complexity, all factors affecting managerial solutions of commercial activities are taken into account. The connection of the commercial processes of the enterprise with the subjects of the external environment is also envisaged.

6. Ensuring an unavailability in the management structure.

Under malnobility is understood as a simple management structure. But the stability and reliability of commercial management should be achieved.

7. Ensuring the adaptability of the management structure.

The internal and external environment is subject to constant changes. This is especially manifested during the emergence of the consumer market. Therefore, the flexibility and adaptability of the management structure of commercial activities towards changes and environmental conditions is essential.

8. Providing executive information. Developing and making management decisions are based on executive information.

It includes obtaining source information, processing, analysis and issuance of the results of the impact manager. This task is performed using modern technical means, which have to automate the information support process. The company should organize an effective communication system that ensures the transfer of information and having feedback. This system is provided by modern computer science systems and the use of computing technology.

9. Flexibility, i.e. adaptability to changing market conditions.

Commercial activity management cannot be separated from the management system to all the enterprise, which also performs the functions associated with technological, trade, economic and financial activities. Therefore, when constructing the structure of commercial management, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and coodes of all setting elements that have a complete system of enterprise management.

Commercial Management Methods based on general management methods adopted in management. Management methods are methods of impact on the management of commercial processes and activities. They are divided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative methods Determined by the scope of activity and specific conditions of the enterprise. Incidentally take into account alternative control options, the choice and the implementation of which is determined by the foreseen of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical construction of the management system and the content of management functions largely depend on the position of the organization's position. There are various compromise solutions here.

Organizational methods Based on organizational, organizational, organizational, organizational, metropolitan and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodical nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials, which are prerequisites for the formation of management decisions.

Economic methods In its definition, they are based on the course and economic strategy of the commercial enterprise, its potential resources, economic position of the market. The combination of economic elements is the initial position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. The impact of economic methods is predetermined by the environmental environment.

Legal methods Focusing on the use of the legal mechanism, which is based on adopted legal and legislative acts, relevant standards and regulations. Legal methods consist in legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the targets of the trading enterprise.

These management methods do not exclude each other and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions for the functioning of the trading enterprise and the market environment.

Planning is one of the most important functions of managing the commercial activities of a manufacturing or commercial enterprise. Planning purchases, stocks and sales is associated with the dynamics of production and trade processes and contributes to the achievement of the enterprise's goals. Procurement and sales plans usually contain indicators that must be achieved as a result of their implementation.

The plans reflect the content of the work, the personal responsibility is established for their implementation, the time is scheduled and the methods of controlling and analyzing the effectiveness of tasks are determined.

The essence of the organization as the management functions is to streamline, coordinate, regulate the actions of the performers involved in the processes of procurement, sales and promotion of goods to consumers. The management organization also includes the operational regulation under which the current management decisions, instructions, orders, orders, instructions generated and adopted by the subjects of the Office in accordance with a specific market situation are implied.

Accounting as a function of managing commercial activities is documenting revenues, acceptance, sales of goods and their movement in the trading enterprise. Due to the accounting, material values \u200b\u200band funds are ensured, monitoring trade processes and commercial results.

Control is meant to actively track management impacts, checking compliance with documents regulating the commercial-business activities of the trading enterprise. Control along with regard to informs the guidance on the effectiveness of trading processes and serves as a means of corrective impact on the part of the management bodies on those who should be executed.

In large trade enterprises in the process of managing commercial activities, such management functions are being implemented as an economic analysis of commercial performance, forecasting and sales.

Commerce functions are due to interaction with markets, consumers, competitors and other elements of the external environment. The initial data obtained from internal and external sources is transformed into information on which commercial activities are carried out in a trading enterprise.

Russian experience Work commercial organizations It has shown that their construction must be carried out taking into account the following factors:

The number of management and personnel apparatus;

Activities (production, procurement, sales, intermediary);

Volume and nomenclature of manufactured, purchased or sold products;

The number of suppliers and buyers;

Conditions of delivery of raw materials, materials, products, goods;

Availability of the necessary transport;

Presence of buildings, warehouses, etc.

Organizational management structure - This is a combination of departments and services engaged in the construction and coordination of the functioning of the management system of commercial activities, the development and implementation of management decisions.

In foreign practice there are two aspects of commerce:

One is associated with the activities of the Commerce Service,

Other - with the provision of mutual interests between the structural divisions of the enterprise and the commercial service.

As part of the first aspect, the commerce service is focused on one of the following options: goods; functions; commodity markets and buyers; goods and functions; Functions and commodity markets. From this list, options for goods and functions are dominated.

Consider the management structure of the commercial division in these two versions.

Figure 30 shows the management structure of the commercial service, which includes commercial groups specialized by the trading basis. In each group, a certain nomenclature of goods is concentrated. These groups are purchased and selling goods taking into account the needs of buyers and reduce the costs of circulation.

Figure 30 - Commercial Service Management Structure

by travelers

Figure 31 presents the management structure of a commercial division acting on a functional basis. The entire product circulation is represented by four blocks, each of which is endowed with the functions peculiar to it, including commercial. The first block provides procurement of raw materials for the manufacture of products in its enterprises, which then goes on sale. The second block carries out direct purchases of goods from manufacturers for subsequent implementation. The third block is associated with the promotion of goods, accompanied by storage and storage. The fourth block performs operations for the preparation of goods to sell and submit to the place of sale. All goods entering the sale are grouped by a homogeneous basis. Commercial activities are coordinated and controlled by a commercial director who submits to the head trading firm (Companies).

for groups of homogeneous composition

Figure 31 - Commercial Service Management Structure

by functional sign

An important condition for the effectiveness of commercial management is its location and interrelated action in the organizational structure of the trading enterprise. These signs are determined by the scope of the enterprise, its strategic course and the volume of product sales.

There are several types of organizational structure of a trading enterprise:




Linearly pile,


Matrix, etc.

Usually small trading enterprises start their activities with a simple linear organization, in which the distribution of authority goes from top to bottom. Linear Control Structure -the management structure in which the necessary separation of the control system into components is carried out on the basis of the production feature, technological features, the breadth of product range and other signs. .

standardization, formalization and programming The processorine organizational structure of management is implemented by the principle of unity and centralism, it provides for the implementation by one head of all management functions, submission to him on the rights of all the lower divisions. In the linear management structure, each subordinate has its own boss, and each boss is several subordinates. Linear organizational management structure has both the advantages and disadvantages that are presented in Table 6.

Table 6 - Advantages and Disadvantages of the Linear Control Structure

Unity and clarity High requirements for the manager who should be prepared comprehensively to ensure effective management on all control functions
Consistency of actions of performers No decisions planning and preparation links
Easy control (one communication channel) Overloading of medium levels due to multiple contacts with subordinate and higher structures
Clearly pronounced Difficult communication between units of one level
Resolution efficiency Concentration of power in the control tip
Personal responsibility of the head for the final results of the activities of its division

Functional control, widely used in medium-sized enterprises, is the management of individual functions (marketing, finance, sales, frames), in which higher link Manages the low-level staff, but only within the same function. Linear links differ from the functional integration of object control functions, a set of powers and responsibility. The execution of individual functions on specific issues are assigned to specialists, i.e. Each control authority (or a separate performer) specializes in performing separate species management activities.

In organizations, as a rule, specialists of one profile are combined into specialized structural units (departments), such as Commercial Division, Marketing Department, Planned Department, Accounting, Supply Department, Sales Department, etc. The fragment of the functional structure is shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32 - Functional structure fragment

The functional structure implements the principle of separation and consolidation of control functions between the structural divisions, provides for the subordination of each linear unit of the lower level to several supervisors to the superior level, implementing the management functions. The advantages and disadvantages of this management structure are presented in Table 7.

At large and medium-sized businesses applicable linear functional structure, the fragment of which is presented in Figure 33. The basis of linear functional structures is the so-called mine principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the main functions.

For each of them, the hierarchy of services for levels (mines) is formed, permeating the entire organization from top to bottom. Linear functional structures are most effective in conditions of use by the control apparatus of a certain given algorithm when solving typical tasks. However, with a linear-functional control, constantly changing internal and external conditions for the activities of the trading enterprise are poorly taken into account, the irrational distribution of information flows is allowed, the rules of manageability are exceeded, especially among senior managers.

Table 7 - the advantages and disadvantages of the functional structure

High competence of specialists responsible for performing functions (high professionalism) Excessive interest in the implementation of the goals and objectives of its own divisions
Liberation of line managers from solving some special questions Difficulties in maintaining constant relationships between different functional units
Standardization, formalization and programming of processes and control operations The emergence of trends of excessive centralization
Exception of duplication and parallelism in the execution of management functions Duration of decision making procedures
Reducing the need for specialists wide profile Regarding frozen organizational form, with difficulty reacting to changes
Centralization of strategic solutions and decentralization of operational The complexity of the separation of power (multiplicity of subordination)

The long-term use of linear-functional management structures in Russian organizations showed that they are most effective where the control apparatus solves routine, often repeated and rarely changing tasks. Their advantages are manifested in managing organizations with mass or large-scale types of production or maintenance, when the company is less susceptible to progress in the field of science and technology. With such a management organization, the enterprise can successfully function only if changes in all structural units occur evenly.

At today's conditions of conducting production and commercial activities, it is very often necessary to make quick and extraordinary decisions on changes that are caused by the external environment. With a linear-functional system of enterprise management and its commercial activities, there is a loss of flexibility in the relationship between employees of the management apparatus. As a result, the transmission of information, speed and timeliness of the management decision is hampered and slowed down.

Figure 33 - Fragment of the linear functional structure

The main disadvantages of the linear and functional management structure of the commercial activity of the organization can be partially eliminated by the creation of a staff or linear storage structure.

Staff structure managementthe management structure, which, at the level of senior managers, formed special services (headquarters), carrying out management decisions in the competence of the relevant leader.

The essence of a linear-staff organizational structure is that with a linear manager, a group of specialists, the so-called headquarters, or an operational analytical department is created to help him. His task includes: obtaining and analyzing information about the external and internal environment; monitoring; preparation of draft decisions; Current informing and counseling of management. With the headquarters of the management team, the highest level of managers is largely released from auxiliary, secondary functions in the management process. This type of structures contributes to high professional specialization, standardization, formalization and programming of management processes.

The divisional organizational structure involves the division of an organization on elements and blocks by types of goods or services, buyers or geographic areas. The development of such a structure is caused by the expansion of enterprises, diversification of production and changes in the external environment. The divisional control type is the horizontal integration based on the position that the best service of consumers can be achieved only under the condition of teamwork inside the organization by creating divisions (commands) in the context of certain managed objects (for example, goods, services, markets, segments, segments, regions). In this way, divisional control structure The organization is an integration group of homogeneous structural links inside it, which is organized on the principle of unity of the purpose and object of management, as presented in Figure 34.