What is the provision of the structural unit definition. Regulation on the structural unit. Interaction in the coordination of applications for the technological capabilities of common areas of stations





Northwest District Branch

LLC "IC" Consent "

General Provisions

1.2. The purpose of the Department is to monitor and evaluate the volume, terms and quality of medical care in the event of an expert case, in accordance with the terms of a voluntary medical insurance contract, interact with medical institutions on the conclusion of contracts for the provision of medical services to the insured, prepare financial documents for payment invoices issued by medical institutions and branches of Soglasie Insurance Company LLC to the North-Western District Branch (hereinafter - the North-West Federal District);

1.3. The department reports directly to the Head of the Department of Health Services.

1.4. Management of the Department is carried out by the Head of the Department, appointed to the post and relieved of duties by the Director of the Branch.

1.5. The department in its work is guided by:

Applicable Legislation;

Orders and orders of the General Director of Insurance Company Consent LLC (hereinafter the Company);

Orders and instructions of the Branch Director, including Order of the Director of the North-West Federal District No dated “On the Implementation of the Detailed Model of Business Processes in the Personal Insurance Department”;

Branch internal regulations;

These Regulations.


2.1. The structure and staff of the Department is approved by the General Director of the Company on the proposal of the Director of the Branch.

2.2. The Department includes:

Head of department -1 full-time unit;

Medical Examination Team

Doctor-expert -4 full-time units;

Dentist-expert-1 full-time unit;

Health Care Unit

Chief Specialist -1 full-time unit;

Leading Specialist-1 full-time unit.

2.3. Responsibilities and responsibility of the Head of the Department and
other employees of the Department are established by job descriptions,
approved by the Director of the Branch.

2.4. The staffing of the Department is prepared by the Head of the Department in agreement with the Head of the Department of Medical Support and approved in the manner prescribed by the Company.

2.5. Documents on personnel issues are prepared and executed in
established by the Branch order.


3.1. Implementation of the strategy of the Company and the Branch in working with medical institutions in the Russian Federation, including St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, in terms of expanding the range and improving the quality of medical services provided to the company’s clients on voluntary medical insurance.

3.2 Tactical and strategic work with medical institutions aimed at reducing the financial costs of the Company when servicing VHI agreements.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Department performs the following functions:

4.1. Functions of the Medical Examination Group:

4.1.1. Implementation of medical and economic control of bills issued by medical institutions to the SZOF LLC "Insurance Company" Consent "

4.1.2. Implementation of planned and targeted medical and economic expertise of medical care directly in a medical institution with a mandatory analysis of primary medical documentation. A clear statement of the goals and objectives of the upcoming examination, as well as the formation of an expert assessment in accordance with the identified defects and the execution of the “Act of medical and economic examination”;

4.1.3. The selection of cases of medical care subject to examination of the quality of medical care. Preparation of documentation required by a freelance expert to conduct an independent examination of the quality of medical care;

4.1.4. The application of financial sanctions to a medical institution on the basis of a contract for the provision of medical services under voluntary medical insurance;

4.1.5. Advisory and informational and methodological assistance on the issues of conducting medical examinations to VHI units in the branches of IC Soglasie LLC involved in servicing the clients of the North-West Federal District. Conducting selective periodic examinations of payment and settlement documents paid by the branches independently with binding recommendations.

4.1.6. Introduction of the results of the examination of accounts in the database;

4.1.7. Analysis of the activities of outpatient and inpatient treatment facilities, determination on the basis of this analysis of the list of measures aimed at improving the quality of medical care, reducing the cost of paying for medical services provided by medical institutions;

4.1.8. Consideration of complaints and grievances received from insurers on issues related to the quality of medical care for the completed case;

4.2. Health Care Unit Functions

4.2.1. Interaction with medical institutions on the conclusion and maintenance of contracts for the provision of medical services to insured under VHI programs with mandatory visits to health facilities. Establishing the causes of violations of the terms of contracts for the provision of medical care and taking measures to eliminate and prevent them;

4.2.2. Joint development and adjustment of medical programs of the Insured with the representatives of the medical institution; development of interaction algorithms between dispatch services aimed at reducing the waiting time for insured medical assistance and coordination of services;

4.2.3. Discussion with the representatives of the medical institution on the most favorable conditions for cooperation, by agreeing on price lists, introducing preferential conditions for the provision of medical services, including using an advance policy;

4.2.4. Accommodation of medical institutions by price categories, organization of informational and analytical work on medical institutions, replenishment of the information base on medical institutions;

4.2.5. Updating information on new health care facilities. Assessment of the infrastructure of the market for the provision of medical services (the emergence of new medical services, the level of organization and quality of medical care provided to healthcare facilities, fluctuations in the cost of medical services);

4.2.6. Continuous monitoring of medical and insurance (general and special) legislation;

4.2.7. Work with complaints of the insured regarding the organization of medical care in health facilities;

4.2.8. Attendance at presentations of health care facilities, conferences (meetings) devoted to issues of interaction between insurance companies and medical institutions;

4.2.9. Accounting and registration of incoming documentation from medical institutions (contracts, additional agreements, price lists, newsletters, etc.);

4.2.10. Implementation within its competence of paperwork, the formation and sending / receiving of correspondence and other information through electronic communication channels.

4.3. General functions of the Department

4.3.1. Participation in the development of new and adaptation of the existing insurance products in the Company and the Branch to the requirements of policyholders and the economic interests of the Company;

4.3.2. Providing within its competence the protection of information constituting a trade secret and other information of limited distribution. Prevent the disclosure of information constituting a medical secret and made known to him during a medical examination, as well as the results of the examination, except for cases established by law;

4.3.3. Implementation in accordance with the regulatory acts of the Company and the Branch of the work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the department;

4.3.4. Implementation of reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.3.5. Providing practical and methodological assistance to other structural units of the Department of personal insurance on medical issues.

4.3.6. Continuous monitoring of medical and insurance (general and special) legislation;

4.3.7. Providing the necessary reporting in the prescribed forms on time;

4.4. In the absence of any of the above functions in these Regulations, use the “Detailed Model of Business Processes in the Personal Insurance Department”;

4.5. Assignment of functions to the Department that are not related to the functions of the Department is not allowed.


The department for the solution of the tasks assigned to it has the right:

5.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents (information) related to the issues of the Department, including: orders and other administrative documents; information about insurance products; accounting, accounting and reporting and monetary documents; statistical reports on insurance activities, etc .;

5.2. To resolve claims require timely submission
documents and information from units of the Department of Personal Insurance and the Branch;

5.3. Engage in relationships with third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues of health insurance, as well as other issues within its competence;

5.4. Submit proposals to the Head of the Department of Medical Support for improving the work of the Department;

5.5 .. Organize meetings and meetings on matters within the competence of the Division.


6.1 In the process of production activities, the department interacts with the following structural units:

· Department of coordination of medical care;

· Department of accounting of accounts and the formation of payments to health facilities;

· Center for underwriting and legal support of contracts;

· Sales department;

· Department of technical support of VHI agreements;

· Department of personal insurance;

· Department of Administration and Control.

6.2. A detailed description of the interaction between divisions is reflected in the “Detailed Model of Business Processes in the Department of Personal Insurance”.


7.1. In accordance with the distribution of rights and obligations established by these Regulations and Job Descriptions, the Head and employees of the Department are responsible for:

· Improper or untimely performance of functions and solving tasks provided for by these Regulations;

· Compliance of the documents drawn up by them with the regulatory acts of the Branch and the Company;

· Losses caused to the Branch as a result of their actions or inaction;

· Failure to comply with the instructions and instructions of the Director of the Branch, orders and instructions of the senior management regarding the activities of the Department;

· Disclosure of trade secrets;

· Disclosure of confidential information that has become known in the course of performance;

· The inaccuracy of the information provided at the request of the management of the Branch;

· Loss or damage to documents passing through the Department;

· Damage to the property of the Branch transferred to the Department.

7.2. The Head of the Department bears the entire responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department by these Regulations.

7.3. Responsibility of the employees of the Department is determined by Job descriptions.


8.1. Timely and high-quality performance of tasks.

8.2. Timeliness of medical and economic examinations of bills for the provision of medical services from health facilities;

8.3. The tendency to reduce unprofitability in servicing VHI agreements is determined: due to the introduction of preferential conditions for the provision of medical services for medical facilities, the number of effectively conducted medical and economic examinations, including the validity of the appointment of medical services for medical institutions on the occasion of

8.4. Implementation of the results of medical examinations and agreements reached with health facilities in the work of the Department. The presence of dynamics in the elimination of defects in the maintenance of the Insured;

8.5. The prolongation of VHI agreements as evidence of the quality service of the Insured and the proper organization of work with health facilities;

8.6. High-quality performance of functional duties.

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"___" _____________ 2011

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When “local battles” take place within the same service, the issue of responsibility distribution is decided by the immediate supervisor. But what if disputes erupt between units? Find a way out of this situation can be a specialist in personnel.

From this article you will learn:

  • what is the regulation of interaction of structural units
  • the most convenient form of regulation
  • what nuances should be taken into account when preparing the regulation of interaction between structural units
  • how to implement the regulation of interaction of structural units

In order to determine all interactions in the company and thereby increase the efficiency of the personnel, HR Specialists of SpecialPolymer developed and introduced the Rules for interaction and workflow. This helped the organization get rid of many problems. Of course, such a document is not a panacea for all ills, but it brings clarity and certainty to the activities of the enterprise, greatly facilitates the work of not only HR managers, but also management.

The company SpetsPolymer was established in 2003. It develops and produces protective polymer coatings based on polyurea and polyurethanes in Russia, and provides coating services for all types of surfaces. It has 6 branches. The number of personnel of the management company is about 50 people.

A regulation is usually created if the company:
many business processes;
they involve more than two links (several employees or structural units).

The objectives of creating regulations for the interaction of structural units

The goals of creating a regulation of interaction and workflow:

1. Keeping and maintaining order in the paperwork, compliance with the proper interaction of business units.

2. Avoiding conflicts in the team: they simply will not arise if you determine in advance the responsible, executors, terms and fix them in a common document.

3. Definition of the labor functions of employees: the regulation indicates who contacts with whom at work, what is the share of participation of each employee in a particular process.

4. Facilitation of entry of newcomers into the company: the regulation helps to understand the structure of business communications, indicates which documents and services a person has to work with, what are the deadlines for completing tasks.

5. Control of processes and performance discipline.

6. Facilitation of the transfer of cases from one employee to another, for example, in a situation of going on vacation or dismissal.

7. Exclusion of situations related to the organization of labor that could lead to the loss of financial, temporary and human resources.

See the video for a more detailed explanation:

The structure of the regulation of interaction of structural units

It is most convenient to work with the regulation when it is made in the form of a table (see table). Let's pay attention to some of its columns:
“Form No.” - both standard and company-accepted forms of documents may be indicated;
“Contractor” - an employee who performs an action or prepares and accompanies a document;
"Date / time" - the exact date of preparation of the document;
“Responsible” - an employee who oversees the preparation of a document, is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in it, as well as for meeting deadlines (usually the contractor or its leader).

If some link is not provided for in a specific document, a dash is put. For example, the clerk secretary prepares and submits for approval to the head of the personnel management service a list of employees' birthdays next month, however, approval of this document is not provided, and in this case there will be a dash in the “Signature, approval” column. Actions on specific documents are described in the regulations line by line.

Documents can be grouped either according to the similarity of processes, or by the services to which they relate. Therefore, it makes sense in the regulations to allocate the appropriate blocks: by processes (for example: receipt / shipment of goods, etc.) or by services (commercial department, production service, etc.). If a large company has complex processes of interaction, then, perhaps, in addition to the general rules for all, it will be necessary to develop those for each of the departments.

The nuances of creating regulations for the interaction of structural units

The nuances of creating regulations depend on the characteristics of the company and the type of its corporate culture. In any case, it is necessary to enlist the support of management and arouse interest among the heads of structural divisions. Work on the creation of a corporate document can begin with the creation of Regulations for the personnel management service. For HR, this is quite simple: all processes are well known to him, and it is not difficult to motivate subordinates to implement the Regulation. After such testing, it becomes easier to “show the heads of other services” as a living example, how the Rules help in the work, which is necessary for its creation and effective operation.

So, having received the approval and support of the management, the personnel manager must collect all the information about the internal processes and documents. To do this, it is best to identify those responsible for each block of processes (usually these are heads of services and departments). The methods of data collection depend on the characteristics of the company: you can make a newsletter on the internal network with a form of regulation and an example of filling in or find out the necessary information in a personal conversation with everyone.

The information received on all processes and documents in the company is recorded on paper.

Implementation of the regulation of interaction between structural units

It is important to coordinate the created document with all employees. It is advisable to mass-mail the new regulations on the internal Internet network with a call to make suggestions and comments (the deadline for considering the submitted comments should be indicated). If electronic distribution is impossible or not all employees have access to a computer, each structural unit must be provided with a paper copy of the document. After all approvals, you can issue an order approving the Rules and its mandatory execution by all employees.

In order for the regulation to work, it is necessary from time to time to evaluate its implementation and make timely amendments and additions. If the salary of employees has a variable part, you can make the execution of the regulation one of the criteria for its payment.

No. p / p Document / Information Shape number Executor Reconciliation Signature, approval To whom is transmitted Date Time* Responsible
1. HR Management
1.1. Personnel accounting
1.1.1. Staffing / staffing changes Unif. form T-3 / Order for core activities CFO Approval by order, signing - Head of Human Resources, Chief Accountant Head of Human Resources Not later than 2 days after the approval of org. structure / decision making Head of Human Resources
1.1.2. Statements Employee General director HR Inspector Prior to personnel action (dismissal, vacation, etc.) Employee
1.1.3. Employment contract UP-1 HR Inspector Before work Head of Human Resources
1.1.4. Agreements, additions to employment contracts UP-2 HR Inspector Head of Human Resources, Legal Counsel CEO, employee 1 copy - Personnel Inspector, 1 copy - employee 2 months before the change Head of Human Resources
1.1.5. Worker functions UP-3 The direct manager of the employee Head of Human Resources, Legal Counsel CEO, familiarization - employee 1 copy - Personnel Inspector, 1 copy - employee, 1 copy - direct supervisor 5 working days before signing the employment contract / add. employee agreement The direct manager of the employee
1.1.6. ...
1.2. Personnel Management
1.2.1. Org structure UP-11 Head of Human Resources Corporate Policy Director General director Head of Human Resources, at see - on the corporate server Within 1 day of the decision to amend Head of Human Resources
1.2.2. Budget of expenses of the UP service for the year (with appendices) OF-7 Head of Human Resources Corporate Policy Director, CFO General director 1 copy - Head of Human Resources, 1 copy - financial director Until December 15 of the previous calendar year Head of Human Resources
1.2.3. ...

* If the deadline falls on a weekend or non-working holiday, it is postponed to the next working day after this date

The list of issues and units with which the enterprise interacts.

The definition of official relationships or interaction schemes of structural divisions is a rather labor-intensive business at a newly formed enterprise. Over time, communications are “polished” and corresponding changes and additions are made to the regulations on structural units. Of course, you can limit yourself to the phrase "The unit interacts with other units of the enterprise." But when the relationship begins to form, it turns out that it is not known in which direction the units are interacting, how often, at what level (at the level of managers or at the general level). Therefore, this section should be closely monitored.

As a rule, interaction between departments can be expressed in the following:

1. In a joint action. For example, collegial development of draft documents, carrying out research work. For this, workers are allocated from each unit and they jointly perform certain work.

2. In the execution of concerted actions. For example, a draft document is developed by one structural unit and transferred to other structural units for approval.

3. In counter actions. For example, one unit (business unit) presents to another unit (office) material assets (stationery) at the disposal and use. Counter action of the office will be the submission to the economic department of a report on the use of material values.

4. In the commission of actions due to the functional characteristics of units. For example: providing the financial department with reports on the expenditure of funds allocated for the maintenance of the unit, the planning and economic department - the information necessary for the preparation of production plans, the main accounting department - the documents and materials necessary for accounting; receiving from the office of instructions on the requirements for paperwork, from the marketing department - documents and materials for participation in exhibitions and fairs.

If in the section "Relations (official relations)" the questions of "receipt" and "provision" are reflected, then the questions of "joint development (work, conduct)" can be made out as separate decisions of the heads of structural divisions. In order to avoid duplication and "parallelism" of functions, the provision on the structural unit in which the performance of certain functions is connected with other units should be sighted by the heads of the respective structural units. And not just to endorse in a fact-finding manner, but with a full and detailed alignment of the texts of the provisions. Of course, this is a certain amount of time.

However, this achieves the main goal of enterprise management - a clear regulation of the functions of each unit. In the examples of provisions cited in the publication, we tried to fully reflect the relationship of units at the level of information and documentation flows. But the company may not have production and technical units (for example, enterprises providing financial services). Therefore, in the provisions on units common to all sectors (human resources department, office, etc.), relations with production and technical units are not “painted”. In the event that a regulation is being developed on the structural unit of a unit, the procedure for determining relationships is more complex. This is due to the fact that the head of, say, the department must know what is going on in the bureau of the department. It is easier to determine the relationship within a unit between linear units than to envisage an interaction scheme, say, of an investment bureau in the financial department with the economic planning department. Such interactions are defined in the regulation on the investment bureau, and the procedure for coordinating "external" actions with the head of the financial department is also reflected there.

Along with the information and documentation flows in this section, it is possible (and in some cases - should) reflect the frequency and timing of the submission of information, documents, material values. It does not hurt to determine the procedure for resolving disagreements arising between units.

For example:

  • On issues related to computer technology - with the IT department
  • For delivery - with courier service
  • For questions of receipt of payment - with the department of receipt of payment as part of the accounting department.


A structural unit is a part of an enterprise or organization whose employees are engaged in a certain type of work. The unit may be detached or internal. For the first type of structural units, there is a generally accepted name - a branch. The name of the internal units is given taking into account the direction of their activities and in accordance with the traditions that have developed in a particular professional field.

The specialization of structural divisions necessitates the coordination of their actions. The larger the enterprise or organization, the more important and complex this problem becomes. Since the members of the organization must be connected by a common goal, they need to have constant information about the content of the work and the achievements of their colleagues. The implementation of this is becoming increasingly difficult, since as the number of structural units grows, the network of communications between them becomes more complicated. At the same time, it is important to avoid any uncertainty as to which work should be done by a particular structural unit and who should carry it out. It is recommended that departments be structured based on several fairly clear criteria. It is believed that, at the same time, uncertainty cannot be avoided to one degree or another, but it is necessary to try to minimize it.

The concept of "separate units" is currently being disclosed in both civil and tax laws. Civil law distinguishes only two varieties of separate divisions: a representative office and a branch.

When forming the structure of the enterprise, it is necessary not only to determine the functions of each structural unit, but also to fix them in the corresponding document.

The regulation on the structural unit is precisely the document determining:

The procedure for creating the unit;

The legal status of the unit in the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Tasks and functions of the unit;

Division Rights;

Relations with other departments of the enterprise;

Responsibility of the unit.


1.http: //www.hr-portal.ru

2. Vinokurov V., Vinokurov A. Management quality as a factor in strengthening the market position of the enterprise // Standards and quality. - 2005, - №12

3. Tsvetaev V. M. Personnel Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. –S. 127.

5. Larin M.V. Document management and new information technologies. - M., 1998, p. 5-6.

6.http: //www.uvolneniy.net

7. Malenkov Yu.A. Modern Management SPB Publisher: Ekonomika, 2010

Appendices A.

Example of registration “Regulation on the structural unit”

Appendix B.

Sample staffing

Appendices B.

Job Description Fill Template

“I affirm”
General director
Rotarin A.N. Rotarin
____ / _________ / 2009

The document, which defines: the order of creation (formation) of the unit; the legal status of the unit in the structure of the organization; division structure; tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the unit; the order of interaction of the unit with other structural units of the organization.

The procedure for developing this document is similar to the procedure for developing job descriptions. Therefore, in this section we restrict ourselves only to the consideration of position models and give recommendations on the development of some sections.

One of the simplest is a layout in which sections are highlighted:

1. General Provisions.

2. The main tasks of the unit.

3. Unit functions.

The following blocks can also be found in position mockups:

1. The organizational structure of the unit.

2. Rights of the unit.

3. Relations (service relationships) units with other units.

4. Responsibility of the unit.

Now briefly on each of the sections.

Section 1. "General Provisions"

The place of the unit in the management structure of the organization

Indicate whether the unit is independent or part of another unit

The procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of the unit

It is determined: who (the body or official) creates the unit, with what documents; who decides on the reorganization or liquidation of the unit


It is indicated to which of the management (the head of the organization or his deputies, other senior employees) an independent unit is subordinate. Subordination is determined by the structure of the organization.

Division Management

Fundamental legal documents that guide the unit in its activities

It is indicated which official manages the activities of the unit, in what order is the appointment and dismissal made, qualification requirements for him

Division activity planning

It is indicated according to what plans the unit is working

Division reporting forms

Here you can specify in what order the unit reports: presents a written report once a month (quarter, year); the head of the organization hears the report of the head of the unit; other forms

Explanation of Terms Used

Provided if the units perform specific functions and are characterized by special terminology

Section 2. "The main tasks of the unit." The main tasks of the unit, as a rule, are determined on the basis of the distribution matrix of management functions. If an organization does without it, the basis can be taken from the provisions of the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees. If the unit includes structural units, then a breakdown of tasks is recommended in the same areas.

Section 3. “Unit functions”. In developing this section, the distribution matrix of control functions is also used. If there is none, then you can use the Qualification Directory of the posts of managers, specialists and other employees - to "derive" functions from the duties of the heads of the respective departments. It will help to determine the functions of the structural unit and GOST 24.525.5-81 “Management of a production association and an industrial enterprise. Resource management. The main provisions "*.

* M .: Gosstandart of the USSR, 1981.

The structure of the section “Unit Functions” can be presented in the form of text or tables, diagrams. For example, for a provision on the legal department:

III. Functions

The tabular form is convenient. The only difficulty is that the document is not the result of any function, therefore, dashes will be put in front of individual functions.

In order to ensure that the same functions are not duplicated in the regulations on different departments, you can use the method that is used in the development of job descriptions (see recommendations for the development of the “Job responsibilities” section of the job description in paragraph 3.1 of paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 61 ) But, in principle, the use of a matrix of the distribution of control functions should exclude duplication.

Section 4. "Organizational structure of the unit." The name of this section may be different, for example, “Structure” or “Structure and staffing”.

Proposals for the structure of the unit are developed by the head of the unit together with the department of organization and remuneration. As the unit operates, the structure may change.

The structure of the unit may be given by a simple enumeration, for example: “The personnel department includes: the reception sector, the dismissal sector, the accounting sector, and the employee counseling sector.” The structure can also be represented in the form of a diagram, for example:


Reception bureau (sector, group)

Bureau (sector, group) of accounting

The scheme may be more complex - to reflect the relationship between the structural units that make up the unit.

In the section "Structure" should also determine the procedure for approving the provisions on the structural units of the unit.

In small organizations, units may not be structured into smaller units. In this case, the groups of specialists performing work in certain areas, or in general individual specialists, are indicated, and it is also determined in what order the job descriptions of the unit’s specialists are approved.

This section also indicates the staff size of the unit. It can be driven in the position itself or executed as a separate application.

Section 5. "Rights of the unit." Before developing this section, we recommend that you pay attention to the procedure for developing the “Rights” section of job descriptions (see paragraph 3.1 of paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 66). In contrast to the job description, the provision on the unit gives the rights not to the individual employee, but to the entire unit. If you want, you can "paint" the rights of workers. But it is best to give a list of rights common to the head of the unit and its employees and to allocate the rights of the head in a separate block. Giving the latter rights, preference should be given to functional rights, since his labor rights are the same as those of the employees of the unit.

We give a very general example of the section “Rights” of the provisions on the personnel department:

1.1. To control on issues within the competence of the department, the activities of the structural divisions of the organization and individual specialists.

1.2. Request information, documentation and materials from structural divisions necessary to resolve issues related to the implementation of tasks assigned to the department.

1.3. Invite representatives of third-party organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the department.

1.4. Submit, through the Deputy General Director for Human Resources, for consideration by the General Director, proposals on issues within the competence of the department.

3. The head of the department has the personal right:

3.1. Participate in the selection of department employees for vacant positions.

3.3. To represent, by proxy, the interests of the organization on personnel selection in employment services, recruitment agencies.

3.4. To participate in the preparation and coordination of the organization’s plans regarding personnel.

3.6. By agreement with the Deputy General Director for Personnel, involve experts, specialists in the field of personnel management of third-party organizations for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

5. The employees of the department are entitled to:

5.2. Require officials of the organization to comply with labor laws and eliminate violations of labor laws.

In developing this section, one should take advantage of the recommendations given in paragraph 3.1 “Job Descriptions” of this book, as well as analyze the following options for provisions.

Section 6. “Relations (official relations) of the unit”. All recommendations on the preparation of the section of the same name, but only job descriptions, are given in paragraph 3.1 "Job Descriptions" of this book. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fact that the interaction of units, rather than individual employees, is “signed”. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to focus on official relations between heads of various departments, and secondly (if there is a need) - on coordination of official relations between ordinary employees of divisions (i.e., to determine whether to obtain consent from the head of his division, to coordinate their actions with the head of another unit before interacting with its employees).

The design methods (text, diagrams, tables, etc.) can be the same as those specified in clause 3.1 “Job descriptions” of this handbook.

Section 7. "Responsibility of the unit." The procedure for developing this block of provisions is also largely similar to the procedure for compiling the section “Responsibility” of the job description (see paragraph 3.1 of paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 69). Meanwhile, there are features. So, it is desirable in the position, along with the responsibility of the whole unit, to highlight the responsibility of its head, since, as a general rule, he is guided by the situation in his activities and in most organizations job descriptions for him are not developed.

It is possible to divide responsibility into personal (for example, department head) and collective (employees of the unit).

If the developer of the above sections is not enough, we recommend the following text structures of the provisions on units:

1. General Provisions.

2. The main goals and objectives.

3. Functions.

4. Rights and obligations.

5. Interaction.

6. Responsibility.

7. Promotions.

8. Property and means.

9. Organization of activities.

10. Labor relations.

11. Structure and staffing.

Regulations on structural units are drawn up by the organization and remuneration department or the labor organization laboratory (bureau). If there are no such units, you can assign this function to the legal department or the personnel department. The development can be entrusted to individual specialists, for example, an engineer for the organization of production management.

General control and management of the development of regulations on structural units is carried out by the deputy head of the personnel management organization.

The regulation on the structural unit must contain the following details:

1. Name of organization.

2. Name of the document.

3. Date and number.

4. Title to the text (name of the structural unit).

5. The stamp of approval.

7. Signature of the developer.

8. Visa approval (if the provision is subject to external approval, then the stamp of approval).

The list of persons who must apply for visas is usually determined by the head of the organization in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties, as well as on the basis of operograms. In order to avoid inaccuracies and duplication of individual functions, official relationships, and, consequently, subsequent disagreements between the heads of various units, it is practiced to sight the situation of a particular unit by the leaders of those units with which it interacts. If the number of visas is more than 3, then they are issued on a separate page or in the form of a separate “Approval Sheet”.

A number of organizations provide for the endorsement of provisions on divisions by the head of the legal department or the organization’s lawyer.

The head of the organization approves the regulations on structural divisions. Other leading employees (for example, deputy heads of the organization, supporting the activities of groups of divisions) can be granted the approval right.

The position should be familiarized with the employees of the unit. This can be a column on familiarization or a column on bringing the situation to the attention of employees. In this case, signatures are affixed in order of precedence (first the head of the unit, then all the rest). To fix the familiarization with the situation, the method indicated for job descriptions and consisting in the compilation of the familiarization sheet can also be used.

The basis for amending the regulation on the structural unit is the order of the head of the organization. The procedure and methods for its execution are similar to the order of execution of the order on amendments to the job description. However, it should be borne in mind that the amendment of the regulation on the structural unit may, and in some cases should lead to a review of the job descriptions of the employees of this unit.

In order to show different position models, the samples below are designed for one department - the personnel department. Samples of provisions for other units (over 60) are given in the practical manual “Personnel of the enterprise. 60 sample regulations on departments and services ”*.

* Schur D.L., Trukhanovich L.V. Personnel of the enterprise. 60 Model Provisions on Departments and Services: A Practical Guide. 2nd ed. - reslave. and add. - M.: Publishing house "Case and Service", 2002.

CJSC "Alkotrade"

I affirm

(name of company)

General director


O. A. Onufriev


(full name)


№ 2

About HR

(name of unit)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The personnel department is an independent structural unit of the organization, subordinate directly to its head.

1.2. The personnel department is headed by a chief.

1.3. The appointment and dismissal of the head of the personnel department is made by order of the Director General.

2. The main tasks of the personnel department

2.1. Organization and conduct of work on the selection, placement and training of personnel.

2.2. The study of the qualities of workers in their practical activities.

2.3. Creating a reserve of personnel for promotion to leadership and financially responsible positions.

2.4. Organization of all types of accounting and reporting on personnel.

3. HR functions

Human Resources Department:

3.1. Develops proposals on the nomenclature of positions of employees appointed and dismissed by the Director General.

3.2. Together with the heads of the concerned departments, it selects employees and makes appropriate proposals for their appointment to these positions, draws up the necessary documentation for this.

3.3. Together with the heads of departments, studies the business and moral qualities of workers in the process of their practical activities and makes proposals on the movement and nomination of workers.

3.4. It provides certification of employees, carries out constant monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations of the certification committee.

3.5. In accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, with the participation of the heads of departments, he makes proposals on the release and movement of workers and makes the necessary registration.

3.6. Taking into account the development of the organization, it determines the need for specialists and workers in the mass professions, and determines the sources of staff replenishment.

3.7. Takes measures for the placement of young professionals and ensures their proper use.

3.8. Considers complaints and applications of employees on the issues of admission, relocation and dismissal, violation of labor laws, makes proposals for resolving these complaints.

3.9. Keeps records of employees of the organization, in the prescribed manner draws up and stores their personal files and other documents on personnel.

3.10. It receives, fills, stores and issues work books.

3.11. It monitors the timely provision of regular leave to employees.

3.12. Together with the legal department, it controls the correctness of the organization and the application of liability to the employees of the organization.

3.13. Together with other departments, makes proposals and prepares relevant documentation on employee awards and other incentives.

3.14. Prepares reports on personnel in approved forms.

3.15. On behalf of the organization, he represents human resources issues in state and municipal bodies, organizations, enterprises and institutions.

The personnel department, within its competence, has the right:

4.1. To request the necessary data about employees in the structural units, and when hiring and moving employees, the opinion of the heads of the respective structural units.

4.2. Require the submission of relevant documents and materials (work books, copies of education diplomas, etc.) when hiring and in other established cases.

4.3. To monitor compliance with labor laws in the structural units, as well as the procedure for providing the established benefits and advantages.

4.5. To make proposals to the organization’s management on work with personnel, including on improving the work of workers.

5. Leadership

5.1. The department is headed by the head of the personnel department.

5.2. Head of Human Resources:

Organizes the work of the department;

Takes measures to improve the work of the department;

It provides interaction with other structural units.

5.3. The head of the personnel department is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

5.4. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of personnel department personnel are established by job descriptions.

Familiarized with the provision

Head of Human Resources

VK. Smirnova



(full name)



(full name)

CJSC "Alkotrade"

I affirm

(name of company)

General director

(director; deputy director for personnel; other official authorized to approve the job description)


O. A. Onufriev


(full name)


№ 2

About HR

(name of unit)

I. General Provisions

1. The personnel department is an independent structural unit of the organization.

2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the general director.

3. The department reports directly to the CEO *.

* May also report to the Deputy General Director for Human Resources.

4. The department is headed by the head *, appointed by order of the Director General.

* The head of the personnel department may be the deputy director for personnel.

5. The head of the department must have a professional education and experience in organizing personnel management in engineering and management positions for at least 5 years.

6. In its activities, the department is guided by:

6.1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law.

6.3. Charter.

6.4. Staff Regulations.

6.5. These Regulations.

7. The work of the department is carried out according to annual and quarterly plans.

8. The head of the department once a quarter * submits to the general director a report on the work of the department.

* Other regularity may be indicated.

II. Structure

1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the Director General, based on the conditions and characteristics of the organization’s activities, on the proposal of the head of the personnel department and in consultation with the organization and remuneration department.

2. The human resources department includes structural units (groups, sectors, bureaus, sections, etc.) according to the scheme below *.

* Other structural units may be formed in the personnel department, for example, a bureau (sector) for applying for pensions, for monitoring the state of labor discipline, etc.


Reception bureau (sector, group)

Dismissal bureau (sector, group)

Bureau (sector, group) of accounting

Bureau (sector, group) of employee counseling

3. The distribution of duties between employees of the bureau (sectors, groups) is carried out by the head of the personnel department.

4. The main specialists (managers) of the bureau (sectors, groups, etc.) as part of the personnel department, other employees of the department are appointed to posts and dismissed by order of the Director General on the proposal of the head of the personnel department.

5. The employees of the department in their activities are guided by job descriptions.

III. Tasks

1. Selection, placement and training of personnel.

2. The study of the business and moral qualities of workers in their practical activities.

3. Accounting personnel.

4. Ensuring the rights, benefits and guarantees of employees of the organization.

5. Monitoring the state of labor discipline in the organization.

IV. Functions

1. The development of personnel policies and organization strategies.

2. Development of forecasts, determination of the current need for personnel and sources of satisfaction based on the study of the labor market.

3. Ensuring the organization of human resources for workers, employees and specialists of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the organization, changing the external and internal conditions of its activities.

4. Formation and maintenance of a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel.

5. The selection and selection of employees together with the heads of interested departments and making appropriate proposals on their appointment to these positions, execution of orders for hiring and other necessary documentation.

6. Development of proposals for admission to the competition in accordance with the procedure established by law, preparation and organization of work of the competition commission.

7. Informing employees of the organization about the available vacancies; using the media to hire workers.

8. Establishment of direct links with educational institutions and employment services.

9. Registration of the reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the Director General.

10. Accounting personnel.

11. Issuance of certificates of the present and past employment of employees.

12. Reception, filling, storage and issuance of work books.

13. Maintaining established personnel documentation.

14. Preparation of materials to present staff for incentives.

15. Preparation of materials on bringing employees to material and disciplinary liability.

16. The placement of personnel on the basis of an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities.

17. Control over the correct placement of workers and the use of their labor in the structural units of the organization.

18. The study of professional, business and moral qualities of workers in the course of their work.

19. Organization of certification of employees of the organization, its methodological and information support, participation in the analysis of certification results, continuous monitoring of the implementation of decisions of the certification commission.

20. Preparation of relevant documents on pension insurance and their submission to the social security authorities.

21. Issuance of certificates of work in the organization, position and salary.

22. Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of retired workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations.

23. Scheduling vacations, accounting for employees using vacations, issuing regular vacations in accordance with the approved schedule and additional vacations.

24. Registration and accounting of business trips.

25. Time records.

26. Monitoring the state of labor discipline in the organizational units and compliance with the internal rules by employees.

27. Analysis of staff turnover.

28. Development of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, control over their implementation.

29. Consideration of complaints and applications of employees on the issues of admission, movement and dismissal, violation of labor legislation.

30. Taking measures to identify and eliminate the causes of complaints of employees.

1. The personnel department, in order to fulfill the functions assigned to it, has the right:

1.1. To supervise in structural divisions the observance of labor legislation in respect of employees, the established procedure for providing benefits and advantages.

1.2. To request the necessary data about employees in the structural divisions, and when hiring and moving employees, the opinion of the heads of the respective structural divisions.

1.4. To give binding instructions to heads of structural divisions on issues within the competence of the department

1.5. Correspondence on personnel selection issues, as well as on other issues falling within the competence of the department and not requiring coordination with the general director.

2. The rights granted to the department are exercised by the head of the department, as well as employees of the department in accordance with the distribution of duties established by job descriptions.

3. The head of the personnel department is vested with the following rights:

3.1. Submit proposals to the Director General on issues within the competence of the department.

3.2. Make suggestions on the activities of other parts of the organization.

3.3. To represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the organization on issues related to the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal bodies, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions, including employment agencies and employment services.

3.4. Participate in the preparation and coordination of the organization’s plans regarding personnel.

3.5. Give subordinate employees mandatory instructions.

3.6. By agreement with the General Director, to attract experts, specialists in the field of personnel management from external organizations for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

3.7. Dispose of allocated labor, material, financial and technical resources and distribute them among structural units.

4. The head of the personnel department signs (endorses) documents related to the selection and movement of personnel, accounting forms.

5. The personnel department employees are entitled to:

5.1. Visit the organization’s departments to monitor the state of labor discipline, compliance with the labor rights of workers.

5.2. Require officials of the organization to comply with labor laws.

5.3. Set deadlines and monitor compliance.

5.4. In case of violations of labor legislation, draw up acts, memos, reports and submit them to the legal department for legal analysis and subsequent referral to the Director General for prosecution.

5.5. Attend meetings and participate in the discussion of issues within the competence of the department.

VI. Relationships (official relationships)

To perform functions and exercise rights, the human resources department interacts with organizational units according to the following scheme:

Division Name

Documents and Information


Provides (directs)

All structural units

Applications for workers and employees

Employee Promotion Decisions

Promotional Submissions

Extracts from orders (copies of orders) on personnel (at the request of unit heads)

Characteristics per employee

Approved vacation schedule

Materials for bringing employees to disciplinary and material liability

Copies of orders on the encouragement of employees, on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions

Explanatory notes from violators of labor and production discipline

Instructions for eliminating labor law violations

Draft vacation schedules by unit

Certification Commission Decisions

Materials on business travelers

Copies of business orders

General accounting

Salary certificates for registration of pensions

Materials for issuing certificates to employees about work in the organization, position and salary

Draft orders on the admission, dismissal and movement of financially responsible persons

Information on financially responsible persons

Draft liability agreements

Time sheets

Vacation schedule

Temporary incapacity for work certificates

Information on changing the name of the employee

Orders on business trips, other documents for payment of business trips

Court writ for deduction from wages of employees

Department of organization and remuneration


Information on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees

Schemes of official salaries, surcharges, allowances to wages

Information on the payroll number of employees

Labor Standards

Staff turnover certificates

Staff Regulation

Reports, statements on the state of labor discipline

Regulation on material and moral incentives for employees

Discipline Statement

Regulations on structural units of the organization

Payroll and headcount calculations

Calculations of the need for workers and employees

Training department

Schedules of sending executives and employees to educational institutions for advanced training

Calculations of the need for qualified personnel

Training plans, retraining, advanced training

Information on the qualitative composition of workers and employees

Information about student performance and terms of study

Employee lists

Results of final exams, qualification tests, professional skills contests

Draft employment contracts with teachers and instructors

Proposals for the composition of certification commissions

Information on candidates for the posts of teachers and instructors

Legal department

Information on changes in labor legislation, social security legislation

Draft employment contracts with senior employees of the organization

Labor regulations

Applications for the search for the necessary regulatory legal acts clarifying the current legislation

Clarification of applicable labor law and its application

Orders for sight

VII. Responsibility

1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for by these Regulations lies with the head of the personnel department.

2. The head of the personnel department shall be held liable for:

2.1. Inadequate organization of the department to carry out tasks and functions assigned to the department.

2.2. Untimely and poor-quality preparation of documents.

2.3. Inadequate record keeping in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

2.4. Providing inaccurate information on issues within its competence.

2.5. Non-observance by employees of the department of labor and production discipline.

2.6. Failure to take measures to eliminate large-scale violations of labor discipline in the organization.

2.7. Failure to preserve the property located in the department and non-compliance with fire safety rules.

2.8. Inconsistency with the current legislation of the draft orders, instructions, regulations, decrees and other documents endorsed (signed) by it.

2.9. Irrational use of labor and material resources.

3. The head of the personnel department for committing offenses in the course of his activities shall be held liable in the manner prescribed by labor, administrative, criminal legislation.

4. When assessing the business qualities of the organization’s employees, employees of the personnel department are required to proceed only from officially obtained data and materials and are not entitled to disclose available data about the personal lives of employees.

5. The responsibility of employees of the personnel department is established by their job descriptions.

* Visas of heads of structural units with which the department interacts, other officials.

Familiarized with the provision

Head of Human Resources

VK. Smirnova



(full name)



(full name)

* Positions, signatures of the remaining employees of the personnel department, dates of familiarization.

CJSC "Alkotrade"

I affirm

(name of company)

General director

(director; deputy director for personnel; other official authorized to approve the job description)


O. A. Onufriev


(full name)


№ 2

About HR

(name of unit)

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the personnel department of the closed joint-stock company Alkotrade (hereinafter - the joint-stock company).

1.2. The personnel department in its activities is guided by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the joint-stock company, the Regulation on personnel, rules and standards of documentation support, other regulatory legal and regulatory and methodological documents on personnel work.

1.3. The personnel department is an independent structural unit of the joint-stock company and is subordinate to the general director.

1.4. The staffing and structure of the department are determined by the general director of the joint-stock company.

1.5. These Regulations determine the procedure for the selection, placement and training of personnel, personnel records, management of labor discipline in a joint-stock company.

1.6. Direct management of the work of the department is carried out by the head of the personnel department, whose position is appointed by order of the general director to a person with a higher professional education and experience in organizing personnel management in engineering and technical and managerial positions for at least 5 years.

1.7. For the period of absence of the head of the department (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), his duties are assigned to the senior human resources engineer, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment of duties.

2. The main goals and objectives of the department

2.1. The main goal of creating a personnel department is to implement a personnel policy in a joint-stock company.

2.2. The main tasks of the department are:

Selection, placement and training of personnel;

Registration and personnel records;

Ensuring the rights, benefits and guarantees of employees of the joint-stock company;

Monitoring the state of labor discipline in a joint-stock company.

3. Department functions

To solve the tasks, the personnel department performs the following functions:

3.1. Develops a personnel policy, as well as a set of measures for its implementation.

3.2. Makes up the need for personnel and determines the sources of its satisfaction on the basis of the study of the labor market.

3.3. It provides the joint-stock company with personnel of workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and subject of the joint-stock company.

3.4. Forms and maintains a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel.

3.5. Together with the heads of structural divisions, it selects and selects employees and makes proposals on their appointment to positions.

3.6. Informs the employees of the joint-stock company of the available vacancies.

3.7. Establishes links with educational institutions, employment services, recruitment agencies for the selection of personnel, as well as the media for posting job advertisements.

3.8. Executes the reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor laws, regulations, instructions and orders of the General Director of the joint-stock company.

3.9. Keeps records of personnel, established personnel documentation.

3.10. Issues certificates of labor activity of employees, position held and the size of wages.

3.11. Carries out the reception, filling, storage and issuance of work books.

3.12. Prepares materials to represent employees for incentives, to bring employees to material and disciplinary liability.

3.13. Together with the heads of structural divisions, he arranges personnel based on an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities.

3.14. Organizes the certification of employees of the joint-stock company, its methodological and information support.

3.15. Analyzes the results of certification.

3.16. In accordance with regulatory legal and methodological documents, organizes checks in the units of the joint-stock company:

Compliance with the correct use of labor in structural units;

States of labor discipline;

Execution of decisions of the certification commission.

3.17. Carries out the accounting and analysis of the results of inspections and, if necessary, the intervention of the General Director informs him of the violations and how to eliminate them.

3.18. Prepares documents for registration of pensions and submits them to the social security authorities.

3.19. Provides social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of retired workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations.

3.20. Draws up a vacation schedule, keeps records of employees using vacations, draws up vacations in accordance with the approved schedule.

3.21. Draws up business trips and keeps records of business trips.

3.22. Provides maintenance of personnel records.

3.23. It develops measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, and monitors their implementation.

3.24. Considers complaints and applications of employees on the issues of admission, movement and dismissal, violation of labor legislation.

3.25. Takes measures to identify and eliminate the causes of complaints of employees.

4. Rights of the department

4.1. The personnel department has the right:

To request the necessary data about employees in the structural divisions, and when hiring and moving employees - the opinion of the heads of the respective structural divisions;

To monitor the activities of any structural unit of the joint-stock company in compliance with labor legislation, the Internal Labor Rules, as well as on other issues within its competence;

Participate in the work of the commissions, which consider personnel issues, as well as hold meetings on issues within the competence of the department;

Introduce proposals, acts, and conclusions on holding managers of structural divisions accountable for violations of labor laws that they have made to the management of the joint-stock company.

4.2. The specific rights of the head of the department and employees of the department are established by job descriptions.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The human resources department is collectively responsible for:

The quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions assigned to the department, as well as for the full realization of the rights granted to the department;

Compliance with labor law requirements;

The correctness, completeness and quality of measures to implement the personnel policy in a joint stock company.

5.2. Individual (personal) responsibility of department employees is established by job descriptions.

6. Interaction

6.1. The personnel department carries out its functions in close contact with all structural divisions of the joint-stock company on the issues of personnel placement, the preparation of personnel documentation, the application of incentives and penalties to employees, certification, vacations, and labor discipline.

6.2. To perform its functions and exercise the rights granted, the human resources department interacts:

With the main accounting department on the exchange of information: on the wages of employees; staff size; time tracking; financial support for vacations, business trips, dismissals; other objects and objects;

With the department of organization and remuneration on the exchange of information: on the management structure; staffing table; salary schemes; payroll; labor standards; personnel requirements calculations; hiring, moving and firing workers; staff turnover; other objects and objects;

With the personnel training department on the exchange of information: on the needs for qualified personnel in certain positions, specialties, and professions; high-quality staff; the procedure for sending executives and specialists to educational institutions for advanced training; lesson plans information about student performance and terms of study; results of final exams, qualification tests, professional skills contests; composition of certification commissions; other objects and objects;

With the economic department for the provision of office equipment, stationery, as well as for repairs in the premises assigned to the personnel department.

6.3. Interaction with the structural units of the joint-stock company should not go beyond the competence of the personnel department, and also lead to the fulfillment of the functions of the personnel department by other departments.

7. Logistics

7.1. The material and technical basis of the department’s activities is made up of the premises assigned to it, furniture, office equipment, computer equipment, software, documents necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to the department.

7.2. Employees of the department bear individual and collective responsibility for the safety of property and funds assigned to the department.

8. Organization of work

8.1. The work of the personnel department is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

8.2. Department plans are drawn up by the department head.

8.3. The instructions of the department head are mandatory for subordinate employees.

8.4. Department employees perform the functions assigned to the department. It is prohibited to require employees to perform duties not specified in the employment contract and not specified in the job descriptions.

8.5. For high-quality and full performance of functions in the department, groups of employees are created that are responsible for the following areas:

2) dismissal;

3) moving, vacation, business trip;

4) the study and evaluation of personnel;

5) the state of labor discipline;

6) registration of pensions.

8.6. The staff of the department is 12 people.

9. Changes

Changes and additions to these Regulations are agreed with the head of the personnel department and are made to the Regulation on the basis of the order of the general director.

* Visas of heads of structural units with which the department interacts, other officials.

Familiarized with the provision

Head of Human Resources

VK. Smirnova



(full name)



(full name)

* Positions, signatures of the remaining employees of the personnel department, dates of familiarization.