Organizational technological scheme of work production. Organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility

TO Category:

Mechanization of earthworks


Basic technological schemes of work production

The main schemes for the production of earthworks with single-bucket excavators. Excavation schemes performed by single-bucket excavators are divided into two main groups: non-transport and transport. Non-transport schemes are called work production schemes in which an excavator, developing the soil, puts it in a dump, cavalier or earthen structure. Non-transport schemes for the production of work can be simple and complex. With a simple non-transport scheme of development, the soil is placed in a cavalier or embankment without its subsequent transshipment (overexcavation). With a complex non-transport scheme of development, the soil is laid by an excavator in a temporary (primary) dump and is subject to partial or complete re-excavation.

Transport schemes are called schemes in which the soil is loaded by an excavator into dump trucks and transported to a given place. At the same time, various patterns of movement of soil transport are possible: for example, when working with a straight shovel - dead-end and through (dead-end - in which dump trucks approach the excavator and return along the same path; through - in which dump trucks approach the excavator without maneuvering and leave after loading the soil along the road, which is a continuation of the entrance route).

The choice of the scheme for the production of work depends on the specifics of the construction. So, in the water management, oil and gas pipeline and transport construction, non-transport schemes of work prevail, and in industrial and residential construction - transport.

The development of the soil is carried out by head-on or side penetrations. Side penetration is called one in which the axis of movement of the excavator coincides with the axis of the earthen structure or is located in the area of ​​its section.

Side penetrations are of two types: - closed, in which the axis of movement of the excavator passes along the side of the section of the excavation. Moving, the excavator develops three slopes of the excavation - two side and end; - open, in which the excavator, moving along the strip, develops the side and end slopes.

Trenches with movement along the axis of the trench are developed by frontal driving.

The main schemes for the production of work with single-bucket excavators are given in table. 22.

Work with a straight shovel. When working with a straight shovel, only transport schemes are used, since due to the small linear dimensions of the working equipment, the excavator cannot provide a sufficient volume of the blade for normal operation. Working equipment, a straight shovel is used in the construction of cut and pioneer trenches in open pits, in the development of large pits and excavations in road and hydraulic engineering.

Front shovel excavators mine the soil with frontal and side penetrations, depending on the operating conditions. In narrow frontal passages, to reduce the time for maneuvering vehicles, intermediate entrances are arranged. In wide frontal penetrations, the excavator moves short distances to the right and left sides of the face during operation. Dump trucks come up alternately along both slopes of the cut.

When working with side driving, the excavator is installed so that it excavates the soil in front of it and on one of the sides. On the other side, land transport routes are arranged.

22. Schemes of work of single-bucket excavators with various working equipment

Fig. 16. Development scheme for deep excavation
1 - transverse penetrations of the scraper; 2 - longitudinal penetrations of the scraper; 3-excavator equipped with a straight shovel; 4 - an excavator equipped with a dragline; I ... XII - sequence of penetrations

The most common type of side penetration is a face where the transport path and the excavator are located at the same level. When constructing deep excavations in hydraulic engineering and road construction, the design depth of excavations can significantly exceed the technological capabilities of an excavator. In this case, deep recesses are divided into ledges and tiers, the height of which must correspond to the capabilities of the excavator (Fig. 16). The upper part of the excavation is developed with bulldozers, then part of the excavation is developed with scrapers, and the remaining part is divided into tiers and developed by excavators equipped with a straight shovel. The remaining part of the soil and slopes are finalized with draglines.

Backhoe work. When working with a backhoe, transport and non-transport development schemes are used. In this case, the soil is developed by frontal and side penetrations, in which the axis of the excavator's working stroke is shifted towards the approach of the vehicles. Side penetration when working with a backhoe can be open and closed.

With a closed side penetration, the soil is developed according to the scheme in Fig. 17, a and b. With an open side penetration, one of the sides of the workplace remains free of soil (Fig. 17, c). With closed and open side penetrations, the parameters of the structure under development will be different. So, with closed side penetration, the steepness of both slopes of the excavation can be set the same, but it can be different. Moreover, in the second case, the possible development depth can be increased by 1.6 times. When excavating a cut with an open side cut, the depth of development can be increased by another 20%.

Fig. 17. Diagram of the development of excavations with a backhoe

Fig. 18. Scheme of development of excavations by dragline
a - closed lateral penetration with the same slope steepness; b - lateral closed penetration with different slope steepness; c - lateral open penetration

Fig. 19. Scheme of erection of an embankment from reserves

Fig. 20. Simple stripping schemes
a - one penetration; b - two penetrations; c - two penetrations into a one-sided dump; d - four passes

However, with such a scheme, the possible volume of the dump and the distance between the dump and the notch are reduced by about 10 times. With such a scheme of work (side open penetration), it is necessary to use the loading of soil into the transport.

Dragline work. Excavators equipped with a dragline can excavate the soil into a dump or with loading into a vehicle. In either case, a frontal or side penetration is used (Fig. 18).

Compared to working equipment with a backhoe, dragline equipment has a larger digging radius and a large dumping height, which makes it possible to use them when performing work on large objects.

When developing narrow trenches and excavations with a dragline, the excavator is installed along the axis of the earthen structure and the excavated soil is laid on the right or left side of the excavation. In road construction, dragline is often used to erect embankments up to 3 m in height. In this case, the work is carried out in this sequence. First, with an excavator installed along the / - / axis (Fig. 19, a), the left reserve is developed, laying the soil layer by layer into the body of the embankment. Then the excavator moves to the other side of the embankment and from the // - // position (Fig. 19, b) lays the soil into the second half of the lower part of the embankment. Then the excavator from the position /// - /// (Fig. 19, c), while developing the soil, increases the reserve and lays the soil layer by layer into the upper part of the embankment.

The most widespread are the options for non-transport schemes of dragline operation: performance of work with one longitudinal penetration with one-sided placement of the dump (Fig. 20, a); two longitudinal penetrations with the placement of dumps on both sides of the excavation (Fig. 20, b); two longitudinal penetrations with one-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, c), four longitudinal penetrations with two-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, d).

In the practice of stripping operations in open pits, several options for joint work of a dragline and a bulldozer are used. Schemes are used in which the development and movement of overburden is carried out by a bulldozer, and the laying of soil into a dump is done by an excavator (Fig, 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator (Fig. 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator, and soil transfer to the dump is carried out by a bulldozer (Fig. 21, b). In fig. 21, c shows a combined scheme of operations.

Fig. 21. Schemes of stripping operations with an excavator equipped with a dragline
a-laying the soil into the dump with an excavator; b - laying the soil into the dump with a bulldozer; в-soil transfer with an excavator and leveling with a bulldozer; 1-3 - excavator penetrations

According to the first scheme, stripping works are performed in the following order. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden from the entire area of ​​the site and moves it outside the developed area directly to the dump. With an increase in the depth of excavation and if it is impossible to transport the soil outside the site, the bulldozer moves the overburden to the boundaries of the contour to be opened along its entire length. Further, the soil is moved to the dump by an excavator, which is installed outside the area to be opened. Moving along the axis parallel to the border of the site, the excavator dumps the soil moved by the bulldozer into the dump. Then the excavator is installed on this dump and, moving along the axis, moves the soil delivered by the bulldozer to the dump. Further, the excavator, moving along the axis located directly at the border of the area to be opened, moves the soil remaining in the excavation to the dump.

With such a work organization, the bulldozer is forced to transport the soil to the border of the section to be opened, overcoming long steep climbs, which reduces its productivity. This scheme finds application in the development of areas 50 ... 60 m wide with a depth of overburden 3 ... 4 m.

In the second scheme, using an excavator for the development of overburden, and a bulldozer for dumping, the section to be opened is divided into penetrations of the maximum width for a given excavator. Excavating the soil with side penetrations, the excavator moves it to temporary dumps. The bulldozer transports soil from temporary dumps to permanent ones located outside the area to be opened. From the last pass, the excavator moves the soil to a permanent dump. A significant drawback of this scheme is an ineffective method of dumping with a bulldozer, since the bulk of the soil in a permanent dump is located over a large area. The bulldozer, as in the first case, is forced to overcome long and steep climbs, moving along the loosened soil, which reduces its productivity.

The third scheme of stripping operations (combined) is as follows. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden and transports them outside the area to be opened to a permanent dump. Then an excavator is put into operation, which, moving along the slope of the working, moves the soil, delivered by the bulldozer to this slope, into the dump. The excavator makes the subsequent movement of soil into the dump, moving along the dump. A high level of excavator parking will increase the volume of the dump. If it is impossible to put all the soil into the dump, the bulldozer will carry out further movement of the soil to the dump.

The combined scheme of earthworks is used in the development of sections with a width of 30 ... 40 m with an overburden thickness of 4 ... 5 m. With this scheme, high productivity of both machines included in the set is achieved, since the bulldozer moves the soil over a relatively short distance without large rises, and develops loosened soil.

Fig. 22. Diagrams of application of the equipment of the grab on the rope suspension
a - sinus filling; 6 - development of a pit for a sinkhole; 1- soil for filling the sinuses (blade); 2 - elephant soil, compacted with rammers; 3 - sleeper cage; 4 - embankment

An example of the use of combined stripping schemes is the construction of the Severny Donets-Donbass canal, where almost all excavation in the sections of the canal with sandy soils was carried out by draglines.

Work with a grab. Excavators with clamshell working equipment are used for loading and unloading loose soils (sand, slag, crushed stone, gravel), as well as for digging wells, foundation pits for freestanding structures, power line supports, silo towers, cleaning trenches during the construction of trunk pipelines. In the complex of earthworks in the construction of residential buildings and in industrial construction, grab equipment is used for digging various depressions, pits of a complex profile and for backfilling foundations. The excavator also breaks off all the depressions and pits provided by the project in the areas developed by the dragline.

The scheme for performing work with a grab when backfilling soil into the sinuses of the pits and behind the walls of the foundations is shown in Fig. 22, a. These works are performed as soon as the foundations are ready. An excavator equipped with a grab, moving along the edge of the pit along the perimeter, picks up soil from the dump and lays it evenly in small layers in the sinuses or behind the wall of the foundation. The height of the soil layer poured with a grab should not exceed 1 ... 1.5 m. This soil is leveled using bulldozers (in cramped conditions - manually) and compacted with ramming plates, pneumatic rammers or in another way.

Excavators equipped with a grab are the leading ones in the sets of machines that perform excavation work on the construction of pits for sinking wells in the construction of metallurgical enterprises. Thus, the construction of the skip pit by the sinkhole method was carried out in the following order (Fig. 22, b). A well in the form of an irregular hexagon 11 m high and weighing 1200 tons was installed on the ground. Next to it, on a dirt cushion and a sleeper cage, a place was prepared for the installation of an excavator equipped with a grab. The excavator grabbed the soil inside the well and poured it into the dump. The loading of soil from the dump onto the transport was carried out by a second excavator equipped with a straight shovel. As the soil was excavated inside the well, the latter sank under its own weight.

The most effective use of a grab for the construction of a pit for sinking wells in the presence of groundwater, since the design of the grab bucket allows you to develop the soil under water. Hydraulic excavators equipped with a grab successfully excavate free-standing support.

Work with excavators with telescopic equipment. The use of telescopic equipment makes it possible to perform leveling work on the slopes of embankments and excavations, working from bottom to top or from top to bottom, as well as to perform work in confined conditions.

Basic concepts

Control questions

1. What is displayed on the organizational structures of management.

2. What are the connections between the elements of organizational structures.

3. Name the main types of organizational and technological documentation and their purpose.

4. Initial data and composition of PIC development.

5. Initial data and composition of PPR.

6. What are the similarities and differences between PPR and PIC?

7. What are the main project documents developed in the PIC and PPR?

Lecture 3. Scheduling of construction

3.1. Basic concepts.

3.2. Organizational and technological schemes of work execution, and determination of connections and durations.

3.3. Automated calculation of scheduling in project management programs.

3.4. Algorithm for calculating work schedules by the critical path method.

A calendar plan is a design and technological document that determines the sequence, intensity and duration of work, and their mutual linkage (topology, organizational and technological scheme), as well as the need (with distribution in time) of labor, material, technical, financial and other resources required for construction.

Schedules are drawn up in the interests of various management entities at the stage of work planning. Also, according to the calendar plans, an operational record of the work performed is carried out and the operational management of the construction progress is carried out. Scheduling is the main function of all computer-based project management programs such as Microsoft Project (MR), which is the leader in terms of sales. Program type MR allows:

· Develop separate schedules for construction projects;

· Combine individual schedules into multi-projects;

· Regulate the distribution of resources in the schedule;

· Conduct budgetary and functional cost analysis;

· Keep records of actually completed work;

· Analyze the characteristics of the current schedule in comparison with "reference" and actual schedules;

· To present schedules in various forms of reports, for example, resource schedules, movement of workers and cash flow;

· To carry out various technical and economic calculations according to individually entered formulas.

Organizational and technological construction schemes are the basis for scheduling. They determine the technological and organizational sequence of work. For example, in accordance with the accepted work technology, it is necessary to perform foundation work, and then proceed with the construction of the above-ground part. Or, when cutting a pit (trench) in conditions of an elevated groundwater level, it is necessary to provide for works associated with dewatering. Before finishing work, it is necessary to mount internal engineering systems, which must provide the necessary thermal and water conditions in the premises.

Based on the presented examples, the following generalization can be made. Each work in the calendar schedule can be represented by two events, the beginning and the end, and between these events for any pair of works, a link can be established, showing the relationship between the selected events. Moreover, if two adjacent works are performed by a common resource, then the connection between them is called resource or, in other words, organizational connection. If the sequence of related works is determined by technological dependence, then such connections are usually called technological or frontal connections.

In project management programs, all jobs are presented in the form of a list and, therefore, and the "physical" order of their following is determined by the corresponding numbers in the list. To determine the connections, the condition is accepted that the work, on the event of which the event of another work depends, is preceding. Work, the event of which depends on the event of the previous work, is considered a follow-up. Purely formally, between the previous work, which we denote by the index i, and subsequent work, which we denote by the index j, the connection may be absent, or there may be one of 4 varieties: the final-initial connection OH, the initial-initial connection NN, the finite-final connection OO and the initial-final connection NO. As a result of establishing connections between two events of the preceding and subsequent work, the following inequalities can be established

t Ojt Hi± t ij

t Ojt Oi± t ij(1)

t Hjt Hi± t ij

t Hjt Oi± t ij

In particular, the last inequality shows that the beginning of the subsequent work ( t Hj) must be greater than or equal to (≥) the end of the previous work ( t Oi) with the additional allowance for the positive or negative time lag (± t ij) defined for this link. As an example, let's take two sequentially executed work processes: concreting a structure and subsequent stripping. Obviously, the beginning of the stripping process should take place no earlier than the end of the concreting process, but to this it is necessary to add the time required to gain a certain strength of the structure. Thus, based on the analysis of all the work combined into a single calendar schedule, its organizational and technological scheme is determined.

After the formation of the organizational and technological scheme, they move on to determining the main quantitative characteristics of the work, which include labor costs - q, duration - t and labor and machine resources - r that define the appropriate duration. The relationship between these characteristics is described by the following equation

q = r t(2)

Each of the quantities included in equation (2) can be defined as a function, argument, or as a given parameter. For example, according to equation (2), the duration of work is most often calculated, that is, it is a function, while labor costs appear as a given parameter depending on the physical volume of work, and the value of labor resources is an independent argument that ultimately determines the desired duration. Labor costs of work are determined either by production (ENiR, RATU, etc.), or by estimated standards (FER, FER, etc.).

It should be noted that those resources that determine the duration of the work are called leading resources. However, there are also driven resources for which the duration is determined by the leading resources. For example, the duration of erection of brick walls of a building will be determined by the number of masons, and the duration of a tower crane, as a driven resource, will depend on the duration of the work of the leading resource, that is, masons. Thus, for the slave resource, the duration will be a given parameter, the amount of the slave resource will act as an argument, and the labor costs will be defined as a function.

To take into account this kind of circumstances, in project management programs such as Microsoft Project, is used as a hierarchical scheme for representing the work of compound work, and the definition of the calculation structure for simple work.

In the organizational and technological schemes, the optimal solutions for the sequence and methods of construction of objects should be determined.

Organizational and technological schemes include:

    spatial division of the building (structure) into seizures and areas;

    the sequence of the construction of buildings and structures with an indication of the technological sequence of work on seizures and areas;

    characteristics of the main methods of building objects.

Organizational and technological schemes for the construction of building structures include a brief description of design solutions for the production of work.

Design solutions should contain basic data influencing and justifying the choice of technology for the construction of a building (structure), and, in particular, include: building parameters; step of supporting structures; characteristics of structural elements; the maximum weight of the mounted elements; design of nodes, connections and joints.

Technological solutions for the production of work are the main part of the organizational and technological schemes and in their composition should provide for: the breakdown of the building into seizures; methods of assembling structures; basic machines and accessories; quality control requirements.

When choosing the main machine for construction in the process of developing technical solutions, one should take into account:

    volumetric planning and design solutions of the facility under construction;

    the mass of the elements to be mounted, their arrangement in the plan and along the height of buildings or structures;

    methods of organizing construction;

    methods and methods of installation (device) structures;

    technical and economic characteristics of assembly cranes, concrete pumps, etc.

Methodology for determining the required parameters of a set of basic machines and equipment for the production of work (Appendix E).

Organizational and technological schemes for the production of basic works are the basis for designing a schedule.

4.2 Construction schedule

The purpose of the construction scheduling is: substantiation of the specified or identification of the technical and resource-possible duration of the construction of the projected facility, as well as the timing of individual main works; determination of the volume of construction and installation work in certain calendar periods of construction; determination of the required number and terms of use of construction personnel and basic types of construction equipment.

The initial data for the development of the schedule are:

    project materials (master plan, construction and estimate parts);

    standard or specified duration of construction of an object or complex;

    conditions for the implementation of construction;

    volume of work;

    estimate documentation;

    decisions taken on the methods of organizing construction.

The estimated cost, the volume of construction and installation work, the need for building structures, semi-finished products and basic materials are taken on the basis of aggregated indicators of the estimated cost and the current consumption rates of building materials for structures and types of work (Section 5 "Estimates").

The statement of the scope of work is drawn up in the form of table 4.2.1. The definition of the scope of work is carried out on the basis of the architectural and construction and design and construction parts of the project.

An indicative list of works on the example of the construction of a residential multi-storey building with monolithic load-bearing structures is given in Appendix D.

Table 4.2.1 - Bill of quantities

Name of works

Scope of work


After drawing up a statement of the amount of work, a construction schedule is built in the form of Table 4.2.2 and Appendix B.

Table 4.2.2 - Construction schedule (form)

Continuation of table 4.2.2

The complexity of the work (column 5 of Table 4.2.2) and the cost of machine time (column 7 of Table 4.2.2) in the scheduling is determined on the basis of the estimate documentation (Section 5). In local estimates (form No. 4) - column 11: the numerator is the labor costs of workers, the denominator is the cost of machine time.

In justified cases, labor intensity can be determined by ENiR, GESN, TEP, SNiP, specially calculated calculation or specific production in physical, cost or volume-structural dimension (section, floor, building). However, when standardizing according to ENiR, many ancillary works are not taken into account, and the calculated labor input turns out to be 1.5 ... 2 times less than according to other regulatory sources. The most reliable results are obtained using costing data or unit production, but finding the results in this way is a complex and time-consuming process. In exceptional cases, when determining the labor intensity of work, the norms for which are absent in these documents, you can use the ENiR (with the introduction of the appropriate coefficient 1).

The practice of organizing work has revealed a number of patterns that should be taken into account when designing construction and installation works. Before the start of the zero cycle, all preparatory work must be completed (clearing the site, breaking down the building, transporting materials, etc.). The above-ground cycle is performed after the erection of all supporting structures of the zero cycle. Finishing work can begin before the end of work on the erection of the supporting structures of the aboveground part of the building. Special installation work is carried out with a corresponding division into three parts (device of inputs, laying of networks, installation of sanitary, electrical and other fittings).

The value of the duration of the preparatory period for the construction of the facility in the WRC is determined by the specific conditions for the implementation of construction and is adopted according to SNiP 1.04.03 - 85 *, or for approximate calculations, by the decision of the section consultant, equal to 10 ... 20% of the total standard construction duration. The complexity of the preparatory period is taken according to aggregated indicators (Appendix E).

Duration of mechanized work (column 8 of Table 5.2.2) in the schedule T fur, days, is determined by the formula

Where T machine-cm - costs of machine time, man-days;

n mash - the number of cars;


The required number of machines depends on the volume and nature of construction and installation work and the timing of their implementation.

Work carried out with the use of basic construction machines (bulldozers, excavators, construction cranes, etc.), in order to reduce the cost, it is advisable to carry out in two shifts.

Duration of manual work t p (column 8 of Table 4.2.2), days, is determined by the formula

, (4.2.2)

Where Tр - labor intensity of manual work, man-days;

n h - the number of workers in the brigade;

m- the number of work shifts per day.

The number of workers per shift is determined taking into account the composition of the links recommended by the ENiR for the corresponding work.

In the production of manual work, the number of shifts per day depends on the total volume and scope of work. With a significant amount of work and a small front, two-shift work is assigned. With a small volume and a sufficient front, one-shift work is accepted. In some cases, the technological conditions of the work (for example, concreting of structures in which working seams are undesirable) necessitate two- and even three-shift work.

The design of the production of special works (sanitary, electrical, etc.) is carried out in conjunction with general construction and finishing.

The labor intensity of the production of special works is taken in accordance with Appendix E.

In the WRC, when scheduling, it is necessary to provide for unaccounted works. Unaccounted for works are accepted in the scheduling, upon agreement with the section consultant, within up to 20% of the labor intensity of construction and installation works.

The calendar dates for the performance of individual works are established on the basis of a strict technological sequence, taking into account the submission of the work front in the shortest possible time for the implementation of subsequent ones.

The technological sequence of work depends on specific design solutions. The technological sequence of performing a number of works also depends on the period of the year and the area of ​​construction. For the summer period, it is necessary to plan the production of the main volumes of earthworks, concrete works, in order to reduce their labor intensity and cost. If the finishing work falls on the autumn-winter period, then the glazing and the heating device must be completed by the beginning of the finishing work. If external and internal plastering can be performed in the warm season, then first of all, internal plastering is performed, as this opens up the front for subsequent work. But if during this period it is impossible to complete the external and internal plastering, then before the onset of cold weather work on external plastering is forced, due to which conditions are created for performing internal plastering work in the autumn-winter period, etc.

The main method for reducing the construction time of objects is the parallel-flow and combined execution of construction and installation works. Work that is not related to each other must be carried out in parallel and independently of each other. If there is a technological connection between the works within the common front, the areas of their implementation are accordingly shifted and the work is performed combined.

When drawing up a schedule for the implementation of construction processes, the expediency of uniform consumption of basic resources, primarily labor resources, due to the consistent and continuous transition of working teams from one work site to another, is taken into account.

After drawing up a calendar schedule, a graph of the need for workers is built by summing up the number of workers every day at all jobs.

The quality of the construction of the schedule is assessed by the coefficient of unevenness of the need for workforce

, (4.2.3)

Where N max the maximum number of workers per shift in construction;

N cf - the average number of workers equal to

, (4.2.4)

Where W the amount of labor costs for construction, man-days;

S- the area of ​​the constructed schedule of the need for workers, man-days;

T- duration of construction according to the schedule, days.

If there are sharp changes in the graph of the demand for workforce or TO n does not satisfy the boundary conditions, then the schedule is corrected.

The alignment of the need for workforce across the facility as a whole can be carried out by reallocating the start and end dates of work, especially unaccounted or special ones. This alignment is relative and is performed only within a rational workflow.

15. Technological schemes of PPR - work production projects and technological maps.

15.1. In accordance with the requirements of MDS 12-81.2007 "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work production project", the work production project should include technological schemes for performing certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes, a description of work production methods, an indication the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

15.2. The technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an enterprise (queue, start-up complex) establishes the sequence of construction of main facilities, auxiliary and service facilities, energy and transport facilities and communications, external networks and facilities for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply, as well as landscaping depending on the technological scheme of the production process of an industrial enterprise, the features of the construction solutions of its general plan (the nature of the distribution of the volume of work depending on the type of object - concentrated, linear, territorially disparate, mixed) and space-planning solutions of the main buildings and structures (homogeneous, heterogeneous objects), as well as the accepted method of organizing construction.

15.2.1. Technological schemes for the construction of main buildings and structures establish the sequence of erection of individual buildings (structures) in their parts (nodes, sections, spans, cells, tiers, floors, production areas, workshops, etc.), depending on the technological scheme of the production process placed in this building (structure), or other functional diagram, space-planning and structural solutions, as well as the accepted methods (technological schemes) of work.

15.2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, it is necessary to take as general principles:
- completeness of a separate technological cycle in the general technology of industrial production;
- constructive completeness of the allocated part of an industrial enterprise or a separate building (structure);
- the spatial stability of the allocated part of the building (structure);
- parallelism (simultaneity) of the construction of individual objects as part of the enterprise and the construction of parts of buildings (structures), as well as direct flow (excluding redundant, distant, return, counter and other irrational directions in organizational and technological schemes).

15.2.3. The choice of organizational and technological schemes should be made taking into account the complexity of the construction of facilities (industrial enterprises, individual buildings, structures).

15.3. Technological schemes for the construction of residential and civil buildings should determine the optimal solutions for the sequence and methods of construction of objects (complexes). Technological schemes include:
- spatial division of a building or a complex into areas and areas;
- the sequence of erection of buildings and structures with an indication of the technological sequence of work on seizures and areas;
- a description of the main methods of building objects.

15.3.1. To organize the construction flow, individual objects and the complex as a whole are divided into areas and sections, which can be the same and different in size and scope of work. In this case, one should strive for the same or short amount of grabs and sections.

15.3.2. Within the site, all specialized streams that are part of the object stream are interconnected. The sizes and boundaries of the plots are set on the basis of the conditions of planning and design solutions, taking into account the requirements for ensuring the spatial rigidity and stability of the erected parts of structures (at individual facilities), the possibility of temporary suspension and subsequent resumption of work at the boundaries of the sites, the possibility of commissioning individual structures of the complex.

15.3.3. Parts of structures with repeating identical complexes of construction work (processes) are accepted as captures, within which all private flows that are part of the specialized flow under consideration develop and are interconnected. The dimensions of the grips should be assigned in such a way that the duration of the execution of individual processes on the grip corresponds to the rhythm of the flow, and the location of the boundaries of the grips corresponds to the architectural, planning and structural solutions and can be clearly established in nature. In addition, it should be possible to stop and resume work at the boundaries of the seizures without violating the requirements of SNiP, as well as the possibility of performing other processes on adjacent areas.

15.3.4. The technological scheme for the erection of the underground or aboveground part of the building includes the necessary measures for the safety of the existing underground communications of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the ruptured pits in accordance with the technical solutions provided for by the project, the placement of lifting machines, the boundaries of hazardous zones and zones of movement of goods by cranes , horizontal and vertical binding of hoisting machines, appropriate measures to ensure the safety of people from the action of dangerous factors.

15.4. Technological schemes for the reconstruction of industrial enterprises can be presented in the following versions:
- extension of new production buildings to the existing workshops (option 1). In this case, the duration of the reconstruction is determined by the duration of the extension work;
- extension of new production buildings to existing workshops in combination with the reconstruction of existing workshops or separate technological redistributions (option 2). Provided that the reconstruction is carried out without stopping production in the newly constructed workshops, a technological line is installed, which organizes the release of products similar to those previously produced by the second workshop (section). After the technological line is put into operation, the reconstruction of the second workshop (section), then the third, etc .;
- temporary production is organized for the release of products with the subsequent reconstruction of existing workshops in sections (option 3);
- the reconstruction of the sections is carried out (subject to the partial stop of the main production for certain technological conversions) in accordance with the sequence of releasing the sections from technological equipment (option 4);
- are carried out (subject to a complete stop of production, when production stops at all reconstructed technological stages, shops), first of all, all dismantling works, and then the installation of newly installed technological equipment and building structures (option 5).

15.4.1. The choice of technological schemes and methods for carrying out installation and dismantling works should be made on the basis of comparing the technical and economic indicators of technologically possible and safe options for mechanized execution of the specified amount of work in a timely manner.

15.4.2. Variants of technological schemes should take into account the conditions of tightness in the production of work, the placement of mechanization means, the direction of technological processes and the tracing of access roads. At the same time, the external constraint of the object is characterized by the adjoining of the reconstructed spans to the existing ones, the distance to the existing buildings, structures and communications; in-shop tightness of the object is characterized by the occupation of the work area with foundations, basements, technological equipment and building structures. In addition, technological factors influence the choice of organizational and technological schemes: the nature of internal constraint in terms of plan and height of the premises; restrictions on the operation of mechanization equipment near existing workshops; the presence of underground structures, structures and communications; explosion and fire hazard, etc .; the degree of physical deterioration and reliability of supporting structures; presence near power lines; the physical condition and nature of the structures to which the buildings are attached or overbuilt; the presence of overhead cranes; specificity and mode of operation of the workshop.

15.5. When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:
1) the preparatory period includes work on the organization of the construction site: clearing and preparation of the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures; laying of underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation works; supply of electricity and water to places of consumption;
2) the process of erection of agricultural buildings (the main period of construction) is divided into four technological stages: erection of the underground part of the building; erection of the aboveground part of the building; roofing device; post-assembly work;
3) agricultural buildings according to their saturation with underground facilities (manure trays, canals, etc.) are divided into three categories: without underground facilities; with a poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

15.5.1. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work is taken at each technological stage. For buildings without underground facilities:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; underfloor preparation device;

3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and canals; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and a device for preparing under the floors;
2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;
3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fence machines; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with a highly developed underground economy:
1) erection of the underground part of the building: earthworks for foundations and manure trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the subfloor; installation of manure trays and ventilation ducts with the device and overlapping of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;
2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; the device of partitions made of bricks;
3) roofing device;
4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

15.5.2. Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction works, and their technological sequence will be different.

15.6. In the organizational and technological schemes, it is necessary to provide for:
- performance of work by industrial methods using the most advanced types of machines and mechanisms that ensure high labor productivity, excluding manual unproductive labor of workers;
- organization of continuous production of works using high-performance machines and mechanisms;
- the maximum possible combination in time of production of related works;
- the possibility of year-round production of construction and installation works;
- observance of the rules of labor protection and safety measures.

15.7. Technological schemes, depending on the complexity of the object, are performed on a scale of 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200.

15.8. In the technological scheme, a cross section (if necessary, in some cases, and a longitudinal section) of a building (structure) under construction is given, while the cranes are shown when the boom is positioned above the building (structure) at the maximum required working outreach and a dotted line - when the boom is turned by 180 °.

15.9.1. The connection of the crane to the building is carried out in accordance with the dimensions of the approximation, taking into account the possible deviation from the vertical of the rotating tower of the crane according to paragraphs. 4.1 - 4.12 and Figure 1 RD-11-06-2007 "Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work by lifting machines and technological maps of loading and unloading operations."

15.9.2. The section shows:
- marks of the top of the building (structure), parapet, lanterns, elevator engine rooms and other maximum protruding parts of the building;
- the mark of the crane hook at the maximum lifting height at the maximum working outreach;
- mark of the bottom of the counterweight for cranes with an upper counterweight;
- the dimensions between the most protruding parts of the building (structure), stacks of cargo or other objects and the most protruding parts of the crane;
- dimensions from the base of the pit slope to the base of the ballast section of the rail crane track or to the nearest support of the self-propelled jib crane;
- underground communications;
- the cross-section of the crane rail track and the base for the crane;
- equipment, means of paving for construction and installation works;
- position of structural elements, products with maximum weight and elements closest to the crane. Above the centers of gravity of the indicated elements, the outreach (R), the carrying capacity at this outreach (Q), the weight of the load (P) and the mark of the lifting height, taking into account the maximum dimensions of the load, are shown;
- the position and dimensions of the outrigger platforms (assembly, cargo receiving).

15.9.3. If, as the building (structure) is being erected, it becomes necessary to build up the crane tower, replace the crane or replace the crane boom, then it is necessary to make a new section or show several positions of the crane in one section.

15.9.4. With an attachment crane, the sections show all the positions of the crane with the corresponding arrangement of fasteners and the height of the building (structure) up to the mark corresponding to this position. The number of cuts corresponds to the number of positions of the attachment valve.

15.10. The technological diagram shows the existing and projected underground communications and structures, power transmission lines, overground communications, trees, nearby existing and projected buildings (structures) and other objects that fall into the hazardous area of ​​the crane.

15.11. On the technological scheme, the element-by-element layout of materials, products and structures is performed.

15.12. The placement of lifting machines is carried out in accordance with the requirements set forth in RD-11-06-2007.

15.13. In the technological scheme, the technological sequence of the construction and installation works is solved.

15.14. The technological diagram shows remote mounting platforms, their location and sizes, scaffolding and other means of paving. The list of necessary fixtures, implements, means of paving is given in the form of a table.

15.15. Mounting equipment for temporary fastening and alignment of building (structure) structures must meet the requirements of GOST 24259-80. Scaffolds and other devices (scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders, ladders, ladders, bridges, canopies, assembly sites, etc.), ensuring the safety of work, must meet the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87 and GOST 28012-89.

Organizational and technological construction schemes are the basis for scheduling. They determine the technological and organizational sequence of work. For example, in accordance with the accepted work technology, it is necessary to perform foundation work, and then proceed with the construction of the above-ground part. Or, when cutting a pit (trench) in conditions of an elevated groundwater level, it is necessary to provide for works associated with dewatering. Before finishing work, it is necessary to mount internal engineering systems, which must provide the necessary thermal and water conditions in the premises.

Based on the presented examples, the following generalization can be made. Each work in the calendar schedule can be represented by two events, the beginning and the end, and between these events for any pair of works, a link can be established, showing the relationship between the selected events. Moreover, if related work is performed by a common resource, then the connection between them is called resource or, in other words, organizational connection. If the sequence of related works is determined by technological dependence, then such connections are usually called technological or frontal connections.

In project management programs, all jobs are presented in the form of a list and, therefore, and the "physical" order of their following is determined by the corresponding numbers in the list. To determine the connections, the condition is accepted that the work, on the event of which the event of another work depends, is preceding. Work, the event of which depends on the event of the previous work, is considered a follow-up. Purely formally, between the previous work, which we denote by the index i, and subsequent work, which we denote by the index j, the connection may be absent, or there may be one of 4 varieties: the final-initial connection OH, the initial-initial connection NN, the finite-final connection OO and the initial-final connection NO. As a result of establishing connections between two events of the preceding and subsequent work, the following inequalities can be established

t Ojt Hi± t ij

t Ojt Oi± t ij(1)

t Hjt Hi± t ij

t Hjt Oi± t ij

In particular, the last inequality shows that the beginning of the subsequent work ( t Hj) must be greater than or equal to (≥) the end of the previous work ( t Oi) with the additional allowance for the positive or negative time lag (± t ij) defined for this link. As an example, let's take two sequentially executed work processes: concreting a structure and subsequent stripping. Obviously, the beginning of the stripping process should take place no earlier than the end of the concreting process, but to this it is necessary to add the time required to gain a certain strength of the structure. Thus, based on the analysis of all the work combined into a single calendar schedule, its organizational and technological scheme is determined.

After the formation of the organizational and technological scheme, they move on to determining the main quantitative characteristics of the work, which include labor costs - q, duration - t and labor and machine resources - r that define the appropriate duration. The relationship between these characteristics is described by the following equation

q = r t(2)

Each of the quantities included in equation (2) can be defined as a function, argument, or as a given parameter. For example, according to equation (2), the duration of work is most often calculated, that is, it is a function, while labor costs appear as a given parameter depending on the physical volume of work, and the value of labor resources is an independent argument that ultimately determines the desired duration. Labor costs of work are determined either by production (ENiR, RATU, etc.), or by estimated standards (FER, FER, etc.).

It should be noted that those resources that determine the duration of the work are called leading resources. However, there are also driven resources for which the duration is determined by the leading resources. For example, the duration of erection of brick walls of a building will be determined by the number of masons, and the duration of a tower crane, as a driven resource, will depend on the duration of the work of the leading resource, that is, masons. Thus, for the slave resource, the duration will be a given parameter, the amount of the slave resource will act as an argument, and the labor costs will be defined as a function.

To take into account this kind of circumstances, in project management programs such as Microsoft Project, is used as a hierarchical scheme for representing the work of compound work, and the definition of the calculation structure for simple work.

3.3. Automated calculation of scheduling in project management programs

The interface of the project management programs like Microsoft Project divided into two main blocks. The first block is a spreadsheet, the second block is a graphical display of the calendar in the form of a Gantt chart, network graph or traditional calendar. The most used form is the Gantt chart, since it largely corresponds to the linear calendar schedule traditionally adopted in the Russian Federation. The construction of a calendar schedule is based on the input and (or) calculation of characteristics for two main interconnected objects, namely: for resources and for tasks (work) performed during the construction process.

All work and resources used for their execution are entered in a list, i.e. line by line, while they are divided into simple and compound work. Composite jobs can include both compound and simple jobs. Simple jobs do not include any other jobs and determine the duration, complexity and cost of the corresponding complex jobs. Thus, works can be structured in a hierarchical manner. The duration of a compound job is determined by the difference between the maximum end and the minimum start from the entire list of incoming jobs.

Time restrictions for the work performed are determined by two parameters: the type of restriction and, if necessary, the date of the restriction. For simple tasks, 8 types of restrictions are used:

1) as early as possible;

2) as late as possible;

3) start not earlier than on a certain date;

4) finish no later than a certain date;

5) start exactly on a certain date;

6) finish exactly on a specific date;

7) start no later than on a certain date;

8) finish not earlier than on a certain date;

For compound jobs, only the first three constraints can be used.

In a program like MR a list of all resources used in the construction is formed. For each resource, a schedule of their maximum number (machines, workers, etc.) is determined, i.e. a dynamic limit set by the user is determined, which must not be exceeded in the schedule. If the resource exceeds a certain limit, then a resource conflict will arise, usually displayed in the program in red. The resource conflict is eliminated by the user based on the content of a specific task. For a quantitative assessment of the maximums of the resources used, the corresponding calculated characteristic is used, which determines the peak load of the resource. If a specific resource “goes red”, then from this column you will see its excess over the maximum. The occurrence of a conflict is also influenced by the determination of the moment when the resource is ready, which is set either at the beginning of work, or at its end, or for the entire duration of work.

The user defines the time-based payment for the resource per unit of labor intensity of the work performed as standard and overtime rates and a one-time payment for each resource unit for each assignment. For the resources used, the labor intensity is calculated with the dimension in days. The product of the labor intensity of a given resource by the time wage rate determines the total time wage. The total one-time payment is calculated as the product of the corresponding tariff by the amount of the resource used and by the number of its assignments in the commercial proposal. The sum of the time and one-off costs determines the total cost of the resource used. The work schedule of each labor resource can be organized taking into account either a standard or an individual calendar.

In addition to labor (machines and people), the program uses material resources. The total cost of labor and material resources determines the direct costs.

The costs of work are determined by the costs of the resources used and fixed costs, while the latter can determine some fixed costs (the cost of equipment, furniture, etc.). Thus, the estimated cost taken into account in the program is distributed over time, that is, dynamically, and it determines the investment cash flow.

3.4 Algorithm for calculating work schedules by the critical path method.

To calculate the work schedule shown in Fig. 2, we describe its organizational and technological scheme.