How to conduct business negotiations with partners, investors, clients. Business negotiations - rules, ethics, forms, features of conduct and organization Where to start negotiations on cooperation

The demand for people who know how to negotiate is growing all over the world, including in Ukraine. How to develop negotiation skills?

We are talking about this with Oleg Demchik, President of the Club of Professional Negotiators.

Oleg, how did you come to the topic of negotiations?

In 2004-2005, I was the marketing director at a research and production company and communicated a lot with my Western colleagues. I was amazed by the huge difference in communications between top managers of international companies and ours. I began to bring literature on negotiations from business trips and study it. After work, we stayed with our subordinates to practice this knowledge. In 2006, our Club entered an open format.

How in demand is negotiation skill in the labor market?

The demand is huge, because the ability to negotiate is a competitive advantage. Moreover, it is universal – both in business and in politics or the social sphere.

Those who know how to negotiate get what they want.
Those who don’t know how are left with nothing.

The question is that the employer cannot always correctly formulate his requirement for the vacancy. Often this skill sounds like non-conflict, the ability to find mutual language with the client, sales skills.

Where can this skill come in handy? What does it give in life?

There are huge benefits to being able to negotiate. The negotiator does not waste his nerves and time on unconstructive conflicts, but immediately sees what needs to be done and how to resolve this or that life situation in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

Example 1.

A group of young people talk loudly in the courtyard late at night, young people are having fun. Because of this, the residents of the house cannot sleep: first they toss and turn in bed for a long time, then they go out onto the balcony and begin to aggressively shout at the company. Accordingly, they receive retaliatory aggression from the company, and the scandal only flares up. In such a situation, the negotiator comes out to the company and calmly asks them to communicate more quietly or to move to the nearest public garden, so as not to disturb the residents of nearby houses to relax. Often, in the absence of aggression, the company fulfills the request and begins to communicate more quietly or moves to another place.

In this case, the negotiator’s rule is triggered, which is called the “interlocutor’s picture of the world.” You need to put yourself in the shoes of these young people and imagine what you wanted at their age. And you will understand that cheerful and loud chatter in the yard is not from hooligan motives. And you will find the right words.

Example 2.

An elderly citizen is traveling in a crowded vehicle and wants to sit down, but the seat is occupied by a young man/girl who is reading something on a smartphone. The citizen begins to be loudly indignant throughout the entire carriage. Typically, the target of a psychological attack withdraws even more and ignores such manipulative pressure. In such a situation, the negotiator leans towards the young man and calmly, without unnecessary emotions, asks to give up his seat because he is tired/his legs hurt/not feeling well, etc. In 98% of cases, the young man will immediately give way to the person asking.

This is where the negotiator’s rule comes into play - to put specific goal in a SMART format and clearly explain to your opponent what is needed from him. The interlocutor should not think out and guess what exactly you want him to do.

Example 3.

At the interview, you are asked why and how the dismissal happened, and you are asked for the boss’s contact information for a recommendation. But you left badly, and your boss won’t say anything good. How to behave so as not to harm yourself and get this job?

Don't try to deceive your interlocutor. Take advantage of the opportunity to tell your vision of the situation before he learns the point of view of your former boss. In this case, it is permissible to briefly convey your vision of the conflict, without labels or emotions.

In this case, you took advantage of the first impression effect.They expressed their point of view on the conflict and explained why the review would be negative if someone decides to call their old place of work for recommendations.

Example 4

A freelance specialist agrees with the customer on a certain amount of work and payment. While working on the project, the customer increased the scope of work. How to properly convey to him that the payment needs to be increased?This is a classic situation that everyone who works in project work faces.

What needs to be done from the point of view of a negotiator is to constantly communicate with the client and do not hesitate to tell him: “We did not agree on this in advance. I can do it, but it will cost so much extra. If you agree, I’ll take it to work. If not, I won’t do it.”

You must have trusting relationship with the client, and all the moments that bother you or don’t suit you should be boldly discussed with him. You should not be afraid to talk to the client, but be friends with him, discussing all the nuances of your project.

What are the benefits of mastering this skill?

Those who know how to negotiate solve the task faster. He doesn't spend years, for example, in litigation or figuring out who was wrong. He can extinguish a conflict in one round, find a way out of the situation and begin to move towards a solution. It is more productive: it will perform more useful tasks in one unit of time.

In what areas and professions can it be used?

Judging by our internal statistics, greatest demand for training in negotiations among IT companies. Especially among those who work for a Western customer or are members of international corporations. In the West, there is a culture of business communication that has been formed over decades, and customers are fluent in it. But Ukrainian managers cannot always adequately defend their interests.

Where and how best to learn negotiations?

If we talk about systematic training, there are structures on the Ukrainian market that methodically teach negotiations and mediation. There are also niche organizations that train only buyers or sales people. The principle of the gym is important here: if you want to be in good shape, exercise constantly, and do not try to lose 20 kilograms a week before vacation.

I am skeptical about this approach - go to a one-time cool training and learn a super-secret technique, a kind of “magic pill”. Episodic training (for example, going to a fashionable trainer) is not effective. Serious negotiations with high stakes are always stressful. You will not learn to fight in a 2-day martial arts training where you will be shown a thousand super-effective strikes. In a real fight, you won’t even remember a single one out of fear.

If you have not developed every negotiation skill to the level of automaticity, you have nothing to do in serious negotiations.

Who is this area suitable for? Are there any contraindications?

Negotiating will be easy for those who have a high level of emotional intelligence and empathy. These are born negotiators.

It is contraindicated to negotiate for those who do not know how to listen and hear the interlocutor. Who is convinced of his unconditional rightness and does not allow a situation of loss. Someone who has high self-esteem does not know how to admit their mistakes.

Whether there is a simple tips that can help our readers improve their negotiation skills right now?

First tip -
Put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor. You need to get into his skin. Look at the situation through his eyes. Feel what your opponent feels at this moment (empathy). Then you can greatly improve your negotiating position, and your arguments will become much more convincing to your interlocutor. By the way, aikido and social dancing (salsa, tango, merengue, etc.) are good for developing empathy. They teach you to feel your partner and understand when it is convenient or inconvenient for him to perform a certain action. And you can apply this in negotiations.

The second piece of advice is to always try to answer the question of what is important to your opponent and what is not. You can use SWOT analysis for this. Make such an analysis for the other party's negotiating position, and you will know everything that he is trying to hide from you.

The third tip is to analyze your condition, feelings and thoughts. If during the negotiations you felt that you were obligated to do something, congratulations - you fell for the bait of a manipulator. Analyze why you had such a desire (feelings of duty, guilt, shame, fear, overflowing with joy, etc.). Under no circumstances take decisive action right now - take a break so that your emotions calm down and you can understand why you should take this or that action. This will allow you to protect yourself from manipulative influence.

Many people believe that negotiators use tough and aggressive method communication. This is true?

No. This is the image imposed by the series “Suits”, “BOSS” and “House of Cards”. Negotiators, like doctors, have their own specialization. There is a dentist, and there is a proctologist. Both are needed, but they are not interchangeable. So it is with negotiators.

There are those who communicate in tough environments, and they must be tough. Usually these are professional purchasing departments in retail, negotiations with security forces and crime, some other areas. There are negotiators who work in sales - they must be flexible, feel the client, be able to identify and realize his needs. Negotiators from conflict resolution services must be stress-resistant. Diplomats are required to know fine etiquette, have charm and rules for lobbying the interests of their state. And so on for each individual area of ​​activity.

What other qualities does the ability to negotiate develop?

First of all, this is a helicopter view skill - they can look at the situation from the outside, from a bird's eye view. At the same time, numerous exit options become visible. This usually comes with years of experience and is called worldly wisdom. But this wisdom can be obtained in a short time. With training comes managerial skills to see the essence of the issue and immediately solve this issue.

Hence the “side” effect of learning to negotiate – the readiness to take leadership positions. And one more thing - a person sees what is wrong in his organization. And he can either change it or change his job :)

I am very pleased that our state has really begun to change, and not only business, but also representatives of government agencies – volunteers, military, security officials, diplomats, lobbyists for Ukraine in foreign markets – come to our Club.

05.07.18 105 039 12

How to win friends and not be a jerk

Moscow, summer, meeting room. A young salesman is fiddling with the wires from the projector.

Tinkoff Business

bank for business

It’s 15 degrees in the room because of the air conditioning, but the young man’s palms are wet from tension, and dark wet spots are spreading from under his arms. A young woman enters the room.

Sorry for being late. My name is Elena, senior specialist in the purchasing department. My supervisor Olga could not come today, so you will talk to me.

He extends a cold, wet hand. Her hand is warm and firm. They sit down, he pushes away the dusty wires lying on the table. Dust rolls up in clumps on wet fingers.

So, you supply exercise equipment for sports clubs. Tell us why we should cooperate with you?

He starts to speak, but his throat is dry. He pours water from a bottle into a glass, his hands shaking.

Sorry, I must warn you that I have 20 minutes for this meeting. If you have some kind of presentation, then let's speed up.

Now he feels beads of sweat on his forehead and the back of his head.

Yes, Elena, very nice. Our company is an exclusive supplier of sports equipment. Since the year two thousand we have been supplying...

She types a message on her phone.

Fine. Do you have any Commercial offer, or presentation, or catalog?

Yes, of course, but I just can’t connect...

Unfortunately, I have to go. Please send your presentation by mail and we will call you back if interested.

And to what address?

On the info dog sportpro dot ru.

She comes out. This company, of course, won’t buy anything, and it’s not because of sweaty armpits. This salesman could be the sweatiest in the world and sell everything if he knew the secret. And while Tinkoff Business is preparing for release, we cut off this chapter on negotiations from them.

Classic sales scheme

Let's start with the classics. You open any book on negotiations - and there they show you approximately the same stages of negotiating with anyone.

Determine the decision maker. Find out who in the company makes decisions on your purchases, contact them and do not waste time on servants. Don't negotiate with a manager who doesn't solve anything.

To set up a contact. Before going on the offensive, you need to defuse the situation. Tell a joke, comment on the traffic. The goal is to relax your opponent so that a more trusting relationship can be established between you. This will make it more difficult for the client to refuse.

Tell about yourself. When the opponent is relaxed and in a good mood, we finally tell him what a wonderful product we have and what his competitive advantages. It is important to show the product in such a light that competitors fade and are embarrassed by their worthless products, and the client, blinded by the brilliance of our offer, asks for dark glasses and a glass of well water.

For this stage, sales people are trained to look expensive, speak confidently, show bright slides and make a small show out of the presentation with storytelling, neuro-linguistic programming and other crypto-hiratomania.

Handle an objection. When the opponent recovers from the shock, objections will probably come to his mind: it’s expensive for us, we don’t need it, we already have it. The classical school of negotiation teaches to ruthlessly suppress these objections with targeted bombing. There are even ready-made techniques for dealing with these objections. For example: “Yes, this is not the most cheap product, but thanks to the five-year warranty, the cost of ownership per year will be only... And this is much cheaper than... ".

The exercise is repeated until the buyer runs out of rational arguments to object to you.

Close the deal. Now it is important not to let the client lose his temper. The danger is that the client may now tentatively agree on emotions, and then begin to think in a calm atmosphere. To prevent this, the client is asked to sign something, make an advance payment, or otherwise secure obligations while it is still warm.

The classic scheme may have variations, but in principle we are always taught logic: get to know the client, show the product, remove objections and sell. And this scheme certainly works: sellers all over the world use it, deals are closed, everyone is happy.

What's wrong with the classic scheme

The classical negotiation scheme has two problems that prevent it from being many times more effective, simpler and more reliable.

Struggle. Classic scheme- this is a confrontation scheme in which you must defeat the client. And good long-term relationships are relationships between partners, not between winners and losers.

Myopia. The classic negotiation scheme is designed to win the client right now, while he is warm in trading floor. The negotiator does not care whether the client is satisfied with the purchase, whether he will regret it later and whether he will return to us. He should sell now and move on to the next client.

This may still work in retail trade: where transactions are completed instantly and often the location of the store, price and assortment are more important than the work of the seller. Even if a person is disappointed in the purchase, he may not stop going to this store - maybe he lives close here.

It's a different matter in corporate negotiations, where deals take a long time and require the efforts of many people. Can you count on normal long-term cooperation with a client who feels that you have caved in? Will such an agreement be approved? Will managers cooperate?

It's much better when your client has a vested interest in the deal.

Camp Negotiations

Besides classical school there is an alternative negotiation - it is called the Jim Camp school, the school of conscious negotiations and various other words. Here are its main postulates in our free presentation.

Conclude long-term deals. All negotiations are aimed at ensuring that the client does not regret the deal, either now or in a year. If we know that the client may regret something, we must warn him. Maybe even dissuade him.

Find out pain. The first question at the meeting should not be “Why should we work with you?”, but “What problems do you have now?” The negotiator’s task is not to sell a product, but to find out the client’s true needs and then figure out how to help satisfy them.

Not “against”, but “together”. The salesperson should take a position similar to that of a partner or coach. The client has a problem, he wants to solve it, and we help him with this.

Take care of yourself, the client and the environment. In negotiations, the context, the situation and the mood of the people are important: are they hostile or friendly? Are they with us or are they on the defensive? Do they want to talk to us or just tolerate us? Do they have time to listen to us or are they in a hurry? And build actions not based on your script, but according to the situation.

No need. When coming to a meeting, the negotiator should not feel the need to conclude a deal. The deal may or may not happen - and that's normal. It is important to think not about the result, but about behavior: does he understand the client’s pain? Does he ask necessary questions? If everything is done correctly, but the deal does not work out, it’s okay, there will be another one.

We will not pretend to explain in detail all the nuances of this negotiation school, but we will reveal something.

Long-term cooperation

Anyone who has calculated a sales funnel will tell you: repeat sales are always more profitable than selling to a new customer. Because you need to attract a new one, it takes longer to negotiate with a new one, new ones more often fall off or ask for a refund. The old one already knows you, comes on his own, communicate with him for a short time, and he is unlikely to return the money.

Therefore, it is wise to structure your work so that clients want to return to you. And for this you need to think about the benefits for them in the long term. If the client thinks that this company has cheated him, he will no longer want to return here purely emotionally.

Good salespeople know: if a client buys nonsense, it is better to stop him and discourage him from this purchase. Just say it like this:

Now you will overpay, because the build quality is at the level of average models, and it costs twice as much. There is a model that is better in quality and costs less.

Of course, I can arrange this tour for you, but there is a very high risk that your vacation will be ruined. Yes, it was advertised on TV, but I was there in person, and I’ll tell you, everything is not so rosy. I advise you to consider...

You will now buy an expensive smartphone, and you Small child. He will break it. Every day we receive three phones from children, replacing the glass will cost 10 thousand. You need to either take a case or take a model that you won’t be afraid to drop. For example…

A client who feels cared for will come to us again.


Consider three concepts: desire, problem and pain. Here's an example of a language school.

Wish- this is “it would be great to learn Spanish.” A person with such a desire most likely will not even appear on the threshold of a language school. And if it does appear, it will be immediately after New Year's holidays, fulfill your goals for the year. On February 1, this person will already quit classes because work is more important.

Problem- this is, for example, “I don’t speak Spanish, but if I did, I would be sent on a business trip to Spain.” That is, the person seems to be suffering, but not much. The person realizes the problem: yes, I’m missing out on career opportunities. But apparently, the situation is not yet so dire that something needs to be done.

Pain is a problem that a person is ready to do something about. For example: “I’m being sent for an internship to Spain, and if I don’t learn the language over the summer, then I’ll be like a cormorant there, I won’t be able to work and I’ll be fired.”

It’s not hard to guess that in negotiations it’s best to recognize the client’s pain and work only with it, and not with wishes or even problems. A typical problem is when a negotiator confuses desires and problems with pain. This is especially clearly visible in active sales.

The exercise equipment salesman asks: “Agree, it’s great to have pumped up abs?” The client answers: well, yes, good. But it is obvious that if a client does not have such abs, then it was not important enough for him to do it all these years. Even if he buys this exercise machine now, he will not use it, the exercise machine will end up under the bed, the client will not show off his new figure to anyone, will not attract new clients and will generally decide that we have fooled him. Otherwise he will return the goods.

If you are asked for a discount in a negotiation, one of the reasons may be that there is no genuine pain. A person who has a headache will not ask for a discount on a painkiller - he will simply pay for it and rather drink it (or even buy the most expensive one, just to be sure). It’s the same with any other purchase: if they bargain, it means either the principle is this - always bargain - or they don’t really need this thing.

Good way check the pain - ask what will happen if the client does not receive what you are talking about. Option - how the client now lives without your product:

Listen, well, what will happen if in a year you have the same figure as now?

Here it is important to ask without pushing, but with sincere interest and care. Because it's really interesting why a client would want to spend on your working together time and effort, if he doesn’t really need it.

There are other ways to learn about pain, but they all start with simple questions: “Why is this important to you?”, “How does this relate to your life, your main job?”, “Why do you want this?”

Here it is important to be sensitive and have enough insight to find inconsistencies in the client’s words. Often the client may begin to invent non-existent pains or problems so as not to seem like a fool, and then it will be difficult to find out the real pain:

Ivan Petrovich, why do you need a website?

Well, clients, attraction...

Sure sure. How do you attract people now?

Through government procurement.

OK. Let's imagine that you have this website, everything according to your instructions. How should it help you sell?

I do not know. Everyone has a website, and I should have one too.

We just found out that the client does not understand why he needs a website. This is a serious problem, we need to dig.

You can do both “wants” and “problems”

There is nothing stopping you from doing projects in which the client has no pain. Pain is only a measure of the client's participation in the project. If there is no pain, the client may not pay attention to the project, which means that we will have to work on it ourselves.

In retail, people very often buy things not because something hurts them, but because they just wanted the thing. But since the item does not require much attention after purchase, this is not a problem.

But if we conduct trainings, make websites, do PR or anything else that requires the client’s attention, the absence of pain can be harmful.

Useful action

There is a concept of useful action - this is the answer to the question “What benefit will our product bring to the client?” The only reason to buy something is if people want the benefits of the product. Low price, good conditions delivery, a system of discounts and bonuses and other nonsense - this is not a useful action.

In negotiations, it is important to find out what useful action the client expects and show the product from this side. Keyword- find out, because the same product can have different beneficial effects for different people. For one, a phone is to call, for another, to give, for a third, to apologize, for a fourth, to be accepted as one of their own. Without finding out the client's expectations, you won't guess.

A typical mistake from the classical school of negotiations is talking about the properties and benefits of a product in isolation from its beneficial effects. And the phone has this camera, and this processor, and it holds a charge so much longer - and it is important for a person that it be red, because red is a symbol of passion.

Conditionally useful action is divided into pragmatic, emotional and social.

Pragmatic- these are all cases when a person solves simple everyday problems. “This car is supposed to take me from point A to point B.” There will be conversations about properties, functions, characteristics.

Emotional- when you like the product externally or have warm memories associated with it: “The most beautiful car in the world.” Here you need to show the buyer pictures of the product and let them touch it.

Social- when a product is bought in order to meet the expectations of others: an expensive suit for meetings, a car “so as not to be ashamed.” It is important to show who is already using this product and how.

People are very social and emotional, so these helpful actions will be most powerful. It is quite useless to tell a person about megapixels if he just needs a smartphone “like everyone else at work.” And often these useful actions work simultaneously: a person wanted a phone because everyone at work had one, but in the end he bought it because it really has good characteristics.


Negotiations are when both parties can refuse a deal at any time and not experience dire consequences from this. If you come to negotiations in need, this is not negotiations, but nonsense.

When an employee, in principle, has enough money to live on, but would like more, this is a negotiation. If the employer tells him to curl up into a pretzel for a promotion, the employee can send the employer away and go back to his business.

It’s another matter when a worker has nothing to eat and if he doesn’t get a salary increase now, he and his family will starve. He has a specific, tangible need, and the employer can take advantage of this. For example, he can increase the salary by a quarter and give twice as much work.

Need has two problems, one for each side.

The party that is in need may agree to unfavorable conditions for itself and suffer from this. For example, a seller in need may give too much big discount, which will eat up all the profit or take a bite out of the commissions of the same seller.

The person on the other side can also get hurt. When his partner realizes that he agreed to a bad deal, he can try to return everything, and if that doesn’t work, put a spoke in the wheels. The seller gave too big a discount, he was given a hat in the company, and now he will impose unnecessary expensive services on the client.

Camp teaches us to take care of our condition and not to negotiate when we are in need: that is, when we cannot help but make this deal. We need to organize things so that we want this deal, but do not need it. This is not a question of negotiations, but of everything in general life path: try not to find yourself in situations where our well-being depends entirely on one specific transaction.


The meeting begins. The salespeople are there, but the client is 15 minutes late. When the client comes in, he says: “We have 15 minutes, let’s start quickly.” If you were the salesperson, would you start the presentation?

Usually the salespeople who have a need will start the presentation. They are confident that now they need to invest in these 15 minutes and they will close the deal. They start jabbering away at the presentation, the client gets bored for 15 minutes, then politely says goodbye.

If the seller does not have a need, he remembers that he is not the only one who wants a deal. The client also wants to get something from this transaction. Experienced negotiators in a rush situation do this:

Ivan Petrovich, we have prepared a presentation, but I have a different proposal. We are unlikely to have time to discuss your task in detail now, but I would really like to understand in detail how we can help you. Therefore, I suggest we start discussing your tasks and agree on the next meeting where we can continue. At your convenience?

That is, he immediately indicates that he will talk about the client’s problems (rather than read his presentation), and immediately schedules the next meeting.

It may happen that the client does not know why he was brought here. He thought about sitting for 15 minutes and leaving to do his own thing. Obviously, you can’t cook porridge with such a client. Then we can honestly say:

An experienced negotiator remembers that he is not here to sell, but to understand the client's needs and offer him a good solution. He won't do a circus act with a power point in 15 minutes. He will make sure that the client himself wants to tell him about his problems. And there's no rush.

Open questions

The main tool of a good negotiator is open questions. These are questions that require a detailed answer. Here's an example.

Closed question Open
Do you want a discount because your competitors are cheaper?Why do you want a discount?
Is 20% off right for you?What amount were you expecting?
Do you have a problem with employees forgetting your instructions?What difficulties and problems do you have with your employees?
You want to leave work exactly at 7 pm?How would you like to change your work schedule?
Do you want to attract hundreds of new clients?What are your goals in attracting clients?
Do you want to have a beautiful slim body?If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Closed question

Do you want a discount because your competitors are cheaper?

Open question

Why do you want a discount?

Closed question

Is 20% off right for you?

Open question

What amount were you expecting?

Closed question

Do you have a problem with employees forgetting your instructions?

Open question

What difficulties and problems do you have with your employees?

Closed question

You want to leave work exactly at 7 pm?

Open question

How would you like to change your work schedule?

Closed question

Do you want to attract hundreds of new clients?

Open question

What are your goals in attracting clients?

Closed question

Do you want to have a beautiful slim body?

Open question

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Closed questions are often not questions at all, but rather statements that your partner can agree or disagree with. We don't really learn anything by asking these questions, even if the other person answers honestly. And if the interlocutor feels from the question that we expect a certain answer from him, he may even lie.

We ask if a person wants to leave work at seven, and perhaps he really does. But we don't know whether it matters to him or not; Is this the main problem for him or so, a background wish. The answer to this question tells us nothing.

We ask: “Do you want to have a beautiful, slim body?” It is obvious from the question itself that the answer is “yes”. Few people will tell you to your face: “No, I want a flabby belly and hanging sides.” But in reality, a person may not be very concerned about his figure, because he is busy with other things. And then to the question “What would you change about yourself?” he would say, for example, “so that there is no shortness of breath” or “so that there is no headache.”

Closed questions are often used in manipulative sales techniques to immerse the reader in the desired worldview. The seller asks several leading closed questions, as if leading the interlocutor to the desired conclusion:

Do you have a cherished dream?

Tell me, would it be great to be able to implement it right now?

Agree, there is no such thing as too much money, right?

And they offer a cash loan.

This, of course, works for some. But at the end of the day, people will feel that they were deceived and manipulated.

Of course, open questions are not always necessary. “Would you like tea, coffee?” or “Let's meet on Monday?” - this could all be closed questions. No need to go to all the trouble.


There is also the concept of luggage - this is something important that everyone knows, but does not pronounce. Camp School teaches that luggage must be unloaded before a meeting. Here's an example.

The danger of baggage is that, if left unspoken, it can influence the decisions of the other party without us noticing. We offer them everything good and at discounts, but they don’t take it. Why don't they take it? What are they not saying? Such things are very harmful for work and negotiations.

The startup travels around Silicon Valley, meeting with investment funds to invest in them. Eight meetings in a row they were rejected. Fund managers have already discussed this startup in secret chats and know in advance that they need to refuse.

And here is another meeting. The founder walks into the room and sees the bored faces of the investors. And he says this:

“Gentlemen, I realize that you probably already know what kind of startup we are. And you probably know that we were denied eight funds. If you already have a ready answer for us, then tell us directly and we won’t waste your time.”

Investors, not expecting such a turn, nevertheless invited the guys to talk and decided to deeply understand what kind of startup this was. Unlike meetings in all previous foundations, they had a meaningful conversation. True, they never gave them any money - but this time they were honestly told why.

Baggage can be anything: you were late for a meeting (and this infuriates the client), the client rescheduled the meeting three times (and this infuriates you), the company works on kickbacks, the director of the company is a friend of the president, asphalt is being pounded outside the window, erotic music is heard from the next room groans - in general, anything that can interfere with work or influence decisions can be baggage. And it needs to be at least commented on so that everyone at the meeting understands that this information exists and it influences decisions. The main enemy is understatement.

Right to no

The magic trick of the Camp school is to emphasize a person's right to refuse. You can say directly: “If this doesn’t suit you, no problem, we’ll look for something else,” “Don’t hesitate to say if you don’t like something or doesn’t suit you,” “If it’s uncomfortable for you, speak up.”

Intuitively, it seems that when you say this, the person is more likely to refuse. But it's a little deeper.

When a person is asked to refuse, he feels that he is not under pressure and has the opportunity to make an informed decision. If he agrees, then this decision turns out to be heartfelt, deep and firm - after all, the person made it himself, without pressure.

And if he refuses, then he, as it were, fulfills the request of his negotiating partner and they maintain a good relationship. Not pressure like “Do it” - “No”, but partnership: “If it doesn’t fit, tell me.” - “Not suitable.” - “Okay, let's look for another option.” The conversation does not end with “no.”

Sensitivity and zombies

People who read Camp's book “Say No First” initially make the following mistake: they take on some individual words and techniques and apply them mechanically, without feeling the situation. Is it dangerous.

In negotiations, you need to very carefully monitor the situation, your own state and the state of your interlocutor: what is on his face and in his voice, what he says, where he reacts poorly, where he opens up. The same goes for yourself: at what moment did it prick you, where did it become hard, where did the internal protest begin. All these observations will tell you what is really happening and how to get out of this situation to the benefit of everyone.

Here's what you shouldn't do.

Follow the advice formally. You cannot insert some “correct” phrase if it seems that it will sound unnatural. This will only irritate your interlocutor. You need to speak naturally, and if you don’t know what to say, be silent.

Think ahead. You cannot build a “conversation map” and think through phrases for your interlocutor in advance. This plan will collapse at the very beginning of the conversation, and we will find ourselves unprepared. On the contrary, you need to come to the meeting with a clear head and prepared for any turn of events.

Press. You shouldn’t push ahead if you see that the person is not ready to talk to you, is closed, has doubts, or is not inclined to make a deal. You can ask for a break in the meeting if you reach a dead end. You can reschedule the meeting. Starving and forcefully starving your interlocutor is harmful.

The main rule of Camp negotiations is to come to the meeting with a sincere desire to help the other person. When we are driven by this desire, gradually everything comes together on its own. When this is a false goal, but inside we really want to make money and sell quickly, then the approach will not work.

All comes with experience

Negotiators who have been trained by Camp say this: “At first you are stupid and do everything inappropriately. Then you work with people for a year, negotiate, and one day it clicks. Then it clicks a few more times, and after a year and a half you begin to understand that the system is much deeper than the techniques described in it. But to do this you just need to talk to people many times, looking at them through the eyes of this school.”

The main thing about negotiations

  1. There is a “siege” negotiation technique: find a buyer, figure out his weak points, conduct a siege, suppress resistance and close the deal. This is a working scheme, but it fails over a long distance: people decide that we deceived them and do not return.
  2. Eat " new school" The main idea is that we do not besiege the client, but stand on the same side with him and look for a solution that will make him feel good. Without infringing on your interests.
  3. People will buy something if they see a benefit in it and it is important enough to them. The negotiator's task is to find out what is important to people and how they can benefit. There is no need to push with discounts and bonuses until we understand what the benefits are for a person.
  4. The new school teaches you to make long-term profitable deals so that your partner feels trust in you and wants to come back. Sometimes this requires sacrificing immediate interests. If we see that a person is now making a mistake when buying from us, we need to protect him from this mistake.
  5. Negotiations should be without haste, need and emotion. If any of these are present, the likelihood of bad decisions is high.
  6. In negotiations, both parties have the right to no. It is useful to tell your partner that he has the right to refuse us, so that he can make informed decisions that are beneficial for himself.
  7. You need to be sensitive to another person, catch his emotions, react to the situation. You don’t have to be a sheep who reads routine phrases from a piece of paper.

Are you going to a meeting with a business partner? Don't want to miss out on a big client? Or maybe you are looking for an investor for your online store? Then read our article and be fully armed!

In this article we will tell you how to prepare and negotiate with partners, investors and clients. These are completely different situations in which we advise you to choose certain tactics of behavior. And only one thing remains unchanged: impeccable appearance, politeness and professionalism.

Preparing for negotiations

  1. Define your goal what you want to get as a result of negotiations. This could be concluding a deal, a new contract, receiving funds, or a cooperation agreement. During the negotiation process, do not allow yourself to deviate from the goal (minor concessions are possible, but no more).
  2. Prepare several options for developing negotiations- depending on what line the interlocutor will follow (do not forget that he also has his own goal). Practice them in advance to avoid getting into trouble.
  3. Take care of your appearance. The more important the negotiations, the more impeccable you should look. No T-shirts or shorts for men (better business suit or at least a shirt with classic jeans) and a neckline with a mini - for women. The fair sex also requires moderate, discreet makeup: Indian war paint is not suitable. Polished shoes and well-groomed hands will complete your look.
  4. Take with you the necessary attributes: a diary and a pen - for notes, business cards and booklets, a presentation on a laptop - to represent the company, a bottle of water - to wet your throat, contract forms - suddenly they will come in handy! But turn off your phone so as not to be distracted.

Advice: Try to arrange a meeting in your territory: in the office of the online store. This will give you confidence. If the interlocutor insists on neutral territory - a cafe, for example - choose a familiar place. If you have to play on a foreign field, prepare twice as hard.

Negotiations with partners

Your partner could be a new supplier, an entrepreneur from a related field, or simply an interested person with whom you decide to start new project. This is a game of equals - both partners are interested, as they say, “in mutually beneficial cooperation.” This means that no one owes anyone anything, both interlocutors are in the same conditions. You are required to follow the basic rules.

So, The rules for successful negotiations include the following points:

  1. Speak clearly, do not put double meanings into words. Do you like it if your potential partner speaks in hints and vague phrases? That's the same thing. Behave the same way: if you said “A”, it means it’s “A”, not “B” or “C”. Be especially careful to adhere to this rule in written agreements. You can, of course, put asterisks in the contract and write down half the terms in small print, but will they then want to do business with you? Rumors spread quickly in the business environment: do not ruin your reputation.
  2. Be honest. Tell truthfully about your online store, describe the advantages and disadvantages, share your prospects and plans for the future. Tell us everything except the status of your bank account :)
  3. Please check. It happens that the interlocutor himself expresses himself vaguely, leaves something unsaid, or jumps from topic to topic. Feel free to ask again and clarify - perhaps the dog is buried in the details.
  4. Be polite. Even if your prospective partner is inferior to you social status, do not allow sarcasm and familiarity: be emphatically correct. It is unknown how life will turn out in the future: maybe today’s young man will take off like a rocket, but for you, on the contrary, things will not go so smoothly. In a word, remember the Russian proverb “don’t spit in the well - you’ll need to drink the water.”
  5. Don't try to pull the blanket over yourself. There is an opinion that the more boldly one behaves during negotiations, the more actively one “pushes” favorable conditions for oneself, the better. In the firebox of such advisers: this way you will only earn a reputation as a boorish type with whom you can’t cook porridge. And rumors in the business environment... well, you get the idea.
  6. Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is separate. Experienced entrepreneurs say that you need to be the most careful with friends and good acquaintances. It’s true: it’s harder to refuse a friend, it’s easier to give in and rely on his decency. And the result can be unpredictable. Trust but check!
  7. Take notes. This rule, by the way, is also typical for the following sections of our article. Get into the habit of writing down the most important points during negotiations. They will be useful to you after the meeting, when you sum up the results. And at the end of the negotiations, it would not be amiss to discuss the main points and clarify whether you understood each other correctly.

Advice: don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed in finding a reliable partner the first time. People are different: everyone has their own vision of the situation, their own methods of doing business, their own values, in the end. What is normal for your interlocutor may be unacceptable for you. The main thing is to find a person with whom you will be on the same wavelength - they make the best partners!

Negotiations with investors

A completely different situation: you are dependent on the investor, or rather, on his money. We have already written about that. It remains to understand what to talk to him about and how to behave:

  1. Don't boast. Investors are serious guys, they negotiate constantly and are able to see through any lies. Can you imagine how many times they heard speeches that “we have the most best startup”, that “soon we will definitely get promoted” and “break the market”? At best, such conversations will cause a smile, at worst, they will refuse to work with you. You will have to really interest the interlocutor in order to get what you want - funds for business development.
  2. Don't bluff. If you have zero initial capital, there are no like-minded people and partners, there are no other investors - just say so, perhaps your strength lies in something completely different. Remember that all words are checked - no investor will invest money without checking the startuper under a microscope.
  3. Let's be specific. Not “millions of turnover someday later,” but “we will reach such and such a turnover in a year: here are the calculations, here is the business plan.” Not “we have”, but “here is a list of our suppliers: here are the contracts, here are the obligations, here are the guarantees.” Not “we work all over Russia,” but “we are in such and such cities, here is the list.” And so on.
  4. Talk about the benefits of your business. What's the point of crying that business is going badly, taxes are rising - last week five more online stores opened, and all in your niche? Investors know very well how difficult it is to run a small business in our country. Be positive: tell us exactly how your store is different from others and what exactly you do to stay afloat.
  5. Don't criticize your competitors. For you, this company “Horns and Hooves” is a direct competitor, but for an investor it is just another company (and perhaps more: who knows, maybe the investor cooperates with them too?). If you have guarantees that you will remove a competitor from the market, say so, backed by evidence. If there are competitive advantages, tell me what they are. Businessmen operate with numbers, not emotions. Better yet, make friends with your competitors, conduct and tell the investor about it.
  6. Don't fawn. The other extreme is to take an obsequious tone from the very beginning of negotiations and agree with the investor in everything. Even if your interlocutor is much more experienced, behave with dignity. Prove yourself as a real businessman: answer awkward questions with honor, show your competence and knowledge of the market, show loyalty to your competitors.

Advice: Be honest, tell the whole truth- this is better than boasting and an excessive sense of self-importance. The investor may think that he is dealing with a self-confident youth and will refuse to help you.

Negotiations with clients

Hurray, a truck loaded with clients overturned on your street! You have been contacted by a person who wants to buy a large batch of goods - perhaps at a wholesale price. In any case, this cooperation promises benefits, so you need to meet and discuss all the details. To some extent, your position in these negotiations is also dependent: if the client is large and promising, you should not miss him. On the other hand, he himself turned to you, which means he is also interested. This means there will be a big game, and it’s up to you whether you become the winner!

  1. Be polite. Follow the rules business etiquette: This will show the customer that the service in your online store is excellent and they have nothing to fear in the future. And you are a modern, educated leader with whom it is a pleasure to deal.
  2. Tell the truth. Don’t lie, don’t talk about your excess profits and VIP clients if you don’t have any. It is not so easy to verify, but if the deception is revealed, rumors in the business environment spread at the speed of light.
  3. Bluff, but in moderation. Yes, yes, this rule also works in reverse side. Even if you are jumping for joy that you can get a profitable client, do not show it to him. Of course, it’s also not worth saying that there is a line of other people waiting in front of your office: let your interlocutor understand that he is the one and only, at the same time tactfully say that business is going great and there is no shortage of clients.
  4. Find out the client's needs. Find out why he needs this cooperation, what goals he pursues, why he chose you. This will make it easier to build a conversation line and choose a good tone.
  5. Tell us about the operating principles of your online store. For example, you always - even if goods cannot be returned by law, you meet the customer halfway. Or you have another distinctive sign - branded packaging, gifts as a gift with your order. Give complete information to avoid surprises during the work process.

Advice: take care of big clients, sometimes it is on them that the entire e-commerce business rests. Spend, do, to. Don't let your competitors lure them away!

What then?

So, the negotiations took place. You shook hands and agreed (we will not now consider cases when an agreement was not reached). So what's now?

  1. Don’t sign an agreement right away, don’t start new projects - take a little time out to think about everything again. Listen to your intuition - it will help you understand whether you should start doing business with this partner. Involve - make inquiries about the person. But don’t delay it too much - the fuse may burn out, and your partner may change his mind. Two or three days is enough!
  2. Write to your interlocutor email, in which you thank for the meeting, Reflect the main points once again and express your desire to begin cooperation as soon as possible. Just in case, write down the numbers that were discussed during the negotiations (the amount of investments, the number of units of goods, and so on) - what if the interlocutor understood something wrong? If suddenly he doesn’t answer, wait a day or two and remind him about yourself again. If there is silence again, it is better to retreat than to impose. Anything can happen: your interlocutor could change his mind.
  3. When you start working together, keep your promises. It’s not in vain that you took notes: pick them up periodically and do not deviate from the given course. Do not violate the agreement - otherwise rumors in the business environment... and so on.

And finally

Successful business negotiations are only the beginning of a long cooperation. Now everything depends only on you (and also on your partner). Good luck with your promotion!

Business is not only a struggle for the most profitable sales with an emphasis on the emotions of customers. This is also the use of psychological tricks. The one who can speak well is the one who rules. Let's consider practical advice on preparing for negotiations, rules for conducting them in person and by telephone, as well as tricks used by entrepreneurs. This will help, whatever your area of ​​responsibility.

How to prepare for negotiations?

Negotiation skills don't come naturally. It begins with preparation, regardless of the chosen one. This stage includes an analysis of the situation, the opponent’s benefits and interests, an assessment of one’s own strengths and the development of a strategy. Here are a few key points:

  1. Bring your self-esteem to a balanced level. The fact is that low self-esteem and insecurity can lead to an overly defensive position. Then the person will not be able to conclude an agreement. When self-esteem is high, a businessman is too inclined to pull the blanket over himself. Both of these interfere; moreover, a person sees the problem in others and does not notice his own mistakes. But a sober outlook helps to negotiate constructively and more often achieve mutual benefit. How to achieve balanced self-esteem? The answer is ridiculously simple: surround yourself with good friends who are willing to always tell the truth about you.
  2. Find the decision maker (DM). Often in companies, responsibilities are not clearly distributed. Sometimes responsible for making decisions whole group persons You will probably also need to ask a number of clarifying questions to make sure that you have reached the decision-maker.
  3. Prepare for your partner's communication style. In order to negotiate correctly in the future, you need to understand how your partner makes decisions: emotionally or rationally. Based on this, choose your conversation tactics. If there is an emotional person in front of you, then arguments may mean nothing to him. You just need to make the negotiations simple and pleasant, to win them over. And then offer your opponent what he likes. And if you find a partner with a rational type of thinking, rely on numbers and facts - on what is easy to calculate. First there must be indisputable indicators, and only then you can move on to difficult-to-measure ones.
  4. Think about your opponent's possible tactics. If he “attacks,” outline responses to possible reproaches and complaints, often unfair and aggressive. If a business partner is only inclined to defend himself, then you need to try to overcome his passivity and reluctance to act. Your arguments must be structured in such a way as to encourage reasonable activity. For example, you can record joint actions and gradually move towards a common result.
  5. Make a plan of questions and schedule a time to discuss them. Some people make this mistake: they either forget about the total time, or when distributing it they do not take into account the number of important issues. It happens that each party has a different idea of ​​the regulations. First, the total time is determined, and when the deadline approaches, other points are remembered that we did not have time to talk about. There is a rush, or it turns out that the next round is required. So, it is better to schedule a discussion period for each issue, rather than just a general time. If the question is 1, the meeting can last up to 40 minutes, and if 3-5 - about 90. Do not plan more than an hour and a half for one round, otherwise you will get tired of each other.

So, prepare for a battle of wits; strategize based on who is in front of you. And remember the regulations so that the plan does not go down the drain.

How to negotiate correctly?

Most children can learn a lot about how to negotiate. Amazing fact: They act intuitively, but almost always get their way from their parents. Why? Children, firstly, know exactly what they want. Secondly, they make concessions, but not too much. Of course, when large sums of money or business interests are involved, investors are not as willing to show emotions and make decisions more carefully than parents. But still the basic principles can be identified:

  • Determine for yourself what you need to achieve and what you can sacrifice. By separating what is necessary from what is desired, you will determine where concessions are permissible and where you need to insist on your own.
  • Read the terms of the agreement. To do this, you need to understand all the specialized terms and understand the pitfalls - obligations or risks that are not noticeable at first glance. If necessary, clarify with your partner what you mean.
  • Do not allow ambiguity in the interpretation of the situation. The point is to document the agreement reached and make sure you understand it as well as your partner. To do this, for example, you can send after the meeting thank you letter, where the outcome of the negotiations is clearly indicated. Further, if confirmation is received, the contract can be considered valid.
  • Always keep your word. This affects business reputation and business prospects.

Important: remember that no two cases are the same. These general principles should help, but be aware of the differences. For example, negotiations between a startup and an investor will be different from those between the directors of two companies planning mutually beneficial cooperation. They also differ in the way they are conducted - in person and by telephone.

In person

Face-to-face negotiations leave the opportunity to monitor the interlocutor’s reaction: to see his gestures and facial expressions. This is a trump card that is important to use. Now let's formulate 7 basic rules business communication Tet-a-tet:

  • Rely on your own mission. Face-to-face communication allows you to remember your global task. Moreover, it is better that it is focused not only on your interests, but also on the interests of the interlocutor. It was already said above that you need to understand the goal, that is, what you want. But it’s also important to remember exactly how you want to achieve this. This is also part of the mission.
  • Free your mind and avoid speculation. Eye contact also has a downside: you can interpret a nod or gesture the wrong way. Therefore, it is better to ask something again than to draw the wrong conclusion and then suffer.
  • Get rid of need and think about needs. Sometimes we fall into the psychological trap of thinking that we need to make a deal. In fact, it is better to think that we have certain needs, and with the help of a transaction we can solve them. Need allows us to be manipulated, but need and the ability to choose prevent us from being losers.
  • Don’t dominate or tower over, but pretend to be a “felt boot.” People love to feel taller and smarter. You can dress ridiculously and behave absent-mindedly: dropping a pen or folder with papers, not tying a shoelace or putting on a crooked tie. Then the person will probably show all his cards and start showing off. He's in his comfort zone, and that's what you want.
  • Ask only open-ended questions. Their closed type with a “yes/no” answer deprives communication of information content and fetters them. For example, the question “are you sure?” sounds strange, like an interrogation. Open, or expanded, questions will help you get useful information, and they sound more pleasant to the interlocutor.
  • Understand, explain and solve your partner’s “pain”. Face-to-face communication - great way hear a person’s problem and offer a solution.
  • Say “no” whenever an offer doesn't suit you. A “yes” answer ends the negotiations. The word “no” continues them. Don't feel obligated to agree to your opponent's proposal just because of time constraints. It’s better to look for another person who is willing to take your interests into account to a greater extent.

It is better to conduct such meetings in a calm atmosphere and without haste. Their goals may be very different, but it is better not to waste time on trifles, especially when they have planned a large time interval or even several rounds for face-to-face negotiations.

By phone

The phone should help save time and money: instead of long meetings and trips, you can simply solve a certain task in conversation mode “on the wire”. True, this is not usually how large-scale deals are concluded. Rather, it is a way to clarify information and agree on something in advance. Or offer a solution to a client’s problem.

Important: if the interlocutor feels that the phone call takes away rather than saves time, you are guaranteed to lose a client or partner. This is why (especially for beginners) it is so important to familiarize yourself with and take into account ready-made algorithms.

  • To negotiate with a client over the phone, you need to be well prepared and keep a reminder in front of your eyes. The lack of eye contact can also be a trump card, because then you shouldn’t be embarrassed at all about a prepared cheat sheet with a plan.
  • Immediately indicate the purpose of the call. If during a personal meeting you can outline a long conversation plan, then in a telephone conversation there is only one goal, and the interlocutor should communicate it. But the more significant the goal is set, the greater the likelihood of failure. Thus, it is better to set the task simpler: inform, invite, get an opinion, issue an invoice or offer something valuable and free.
  • Instead of immediately asking the person responsible for a certain issue or the director, it is better to use a workaround. Set a problem that only the decision maker can solve. Then the secretary himself will want to switch to the right person. For example: “The Arshin company is holding an investment forum for leading landowners. Who can I coordinate the rider with..."
  • Make sure you meet the “right” person. This doesn't always work out. Repeat the task for the proposed decision maker. The reaction will determine whether to continue the conversation. Let’s develop an example: “This is Andrey Sidorov from the Arshin company. We are holding an investment forum to develop import substitution. Are you responsible for attracting investment to your company?
  • Identify needs. Ask clarifying questions about the plans of the prospective partner at the point of contact with your interests. Next, if interest is visible, strengthen it with 1-2 sentences. First, just the gist. Does your interlocutor have any questions? Great.
  • Give a presentation. Now is the time to tell the details from the point of view of the interests of the interlocutor. This is usually the best time to report. Take a few minutes.
  • Handle objections. If they relate to a product or service in general, pay attention to the purpose of the call. But if the objection is still related to the goal, explain how the proposal solves the mentioned or other problem of the interlocutor. For example, you invited me to a seminar, and in response you heard: “I don’t have time to go to such events.” You can answer: “The seminar will help save time on solving technical issues that arise due to lack of information...".
  • Close the call. If the conversation was successful, you should agree on next action. For example, arrange a meeting to discuss the details. Naturally, this should be directly or indirectly related to your goal.

Useful tricks for negotiating

How correctly and how effectively are two different things. Still, we need to take into account human psychology and the mentality of a particular nation. Even in home business The art of negotiation can be a great help if you take into account some tricks. Their correct application affects income, expenses and the likelihood of achieving the goal.

Trick #1: You should never say “yes” after the first sentence.

If you rush with a positive answer, the interlocutor will have one of two types of negative reactions:

  • "We had the opportunity to achieve better conditions. Since they accepted our first offer, it means we started the bidding incorrectly.”
  • “Most likely, there is something fishy here. Why did they decide to immediately agree after the first proposal?”

Trick #2: You should ask for more than you hope to get.

Here are some reasons to use this technique:

  • Only in this case do you have a chance of achieving what you ask for. If you don't try, you yourself will exclude the possibility of receiving additional benefits.
  • This allows you to create some space for business conversation. The wider it is, the more interesting it is to move towards common interests.
  • If you are responsible for the sale, using this advice can increase the importance of your goods and services in the eyes of the other party.
  • After your concessions, your opponent will have the feeling that he is in an advantageous position.
  • Using this tactic, you can avoid a bad deal.

Among those in the field of international relations, such tactics are cited as the key to success at the negotiating table.

Trick #3: You must show a willingness to change your conditions.

Consider different sides of the issue, do not rush to give in. Don't go to extremes. You must hear the interests of your interlocutor and calmly analyze them out loud.

Trick #4: Choice provides a psychological advantage.

The side that has the choice has more influence. You need to show that you have it and convince it. But do not let your partner understand that he can use such a weapon. Show the benefits and uniqueness of your proposal to eliminate options for your opponent.

Trick #5: Be a reluctant buyer.

If you are a buyer, you can push the seller to the wall using 3 tips:

  • Listen carefully to what the seller has to offer and ask any questions that might come to your mind. Their goal is to show doubts about the advisability of the purchase.
  • Say that they appreciated the time spent on you, but this option did not quite suit you.
  • At the very end, you can casually ask: “Is this the lowest cost for this product?”

Trick #6: Learn the “clamping” technique.

After that Once you listen to the seller’s proposals, hint that there is a better option. Next you should remain significantly silent. The first one to say something after the pause will be the loser. When people hear such a phrase, in most cases they begin to make concessions.

Trick #7: Don't give in too often.

Based on how often you concede, your opponents will create their own image of you. Don't be led by their whims. This way you will prolong the dialogue and take a step towards your interests.

Trick #8: Be patient.

If you hear conditions that are unsuitable for you, do not rush to abandon negotiations completely. Create the impression that you want to move towards a joint goal. If you get the feeling that your opponent no longer agrees with your point of view, that is, he himself is losing patience, find arguments to continue the dialogue.

Trick #9: Don’t delay the final step unnecessarily.

It often happens that the discussion of issues stops at the final stage. If this happens, most likely the other party may agree to your terms, but it will be embarrassing for them to lose. So a simple piece of advice: don’t forget to keep a modest concession up your sleeve for your opponents. Let them know that you will provide it only if the contract is concluded right now.

Trick #10: do not forget about the higher authority.

Don't tell your opponents that you have the right to make your own decisions. It’s better to warn that there is a higher authority who has the final say. You can put serious pressure on your partner without creating conflict situation. For example, like this: “I’m not sure that the director will consider the deal profitable.” This way you don’t blame your management, but simply immediately shift responsibility onto them and at the same time seek concessions.

Trick #11: Don't be the first to compromise.

It’s better to try to force your interlocutor to offer you compromise options. For example, you could start like this: “Our interests are not too different. Which option do you think will suit both of us?” If your opponent decides to voice a compromise, agree reluctantly. This will make it seem like he managed to beat you.

Trick #12: Don't solve other people's problems.

People often blame their problems on others. This is how they get concessions. Because of this, it is important to check the veracity of their arguments. For example, if you hear the phrase “we don’t have enough money in our treasury,” you can check the statement. But don’t act too straightforwardly; it’s better to ask: “Who in your company has the right to exceed the budget?” Now your opponent is proving something and solving his own problem of lack of money.

Trick #13: If there is a deadlock, use the prepared gambit.

When you can’t reach an agreement, try to look at the problem from the outside and offer a solution. If you manage to reach a solution to minor issues, then you will probably be able to agree on a more important point.

Trick #14: when it occurs controversial issues suggest inviting an impartial arbitrator.

If the dialogue reaches a dead end, sometimes only a neutral person can resolve the controversial situation. By offering to call an outside arbitrator, you will be able to assess the willingness of the opposite party to solve the problem.

Trick #15: if you are asked to give in, ask for something in return.

You can say this: “If we agree to your terms, what concessions are you willing to make on your part?” The chance of receiving a profitable bonus with this formulation is very high.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

The thoughts discussed above are a great help in learning how to negotiate. Practice shows that this skill is not always in the blood of businessmen. Some people don’t even know such simple things and, through carelessness, get into trouble. Of course, the secrets, rules and tricks described here should be applied flexibly and selectively, depending on the situation. However, they are time-tested and help you achieve your goals faster and more often.

In contact with

According to international company Miller Heiman Group, which provides services to improve corporate sales, in 2016, only 57% of managers fulfilled sales plans. Apparently, the remaining 43% are not so successful in conducting transactions. A win-win strategy will help you sell in a way that makes both the plan and the client happy.

Why win-win?

In the win-win (win-win) technique, the focus is not on rivalry, but on cooperation: both negotiators end up winning: one sold profitably, the other bought profitably. Hard to imagine?

Oleg Tinkov, businessman, founder of Tinkoff Bank, noted in his LiveJournal:
- Unfortunately, in our country there is no culture of business negotiations. Everyone comes to soak the other side, squeeze something out of it, deceive and leave. This is not always necessary. It is often possible to ensure that both you and your partner receive added value. This is called a win-win situation when both benefit from a business discussion.

The win-win strategy was developed in the 1970s by a Harvard professor Roger Fisher and Dr. William Urey and in a matter of years turned the world of sales upside down. They outlined tips on how to negotiate in your favor in the best-selling book “The Path to Agreement, or Negotiations without Defeat”.

Example: a manager needs a deal for 500 thousand, but the client reports that he can’t afford it now. According to the “win-lose” strategy, the manager will put pressure on the client in order to get as much money as possible. short term. The client may agree, but will remember this experience as negative. As a result, the manager, having won the coveted 500 thousand, loses regular customer. Following the “win-win” strategy, the manager can propose a different approach: enter into a series of 5 transactions of 100 thousand - one per month. The manager receives 500 thousand, and the client remains a winner: such terms of the transaction are comfortable for him.

How to negotiate successfully

David Goldwich, business coach and consultant, created practical guideWin-Win Negotiation Techniques on how to negotiate in your favor. Let's use his recommendations and look at the win-win strategy step by step.

1. Preparing for a business meeting

Negotiations begin before the opponents sit down at the same table. Before negotiating with client or competitor, Goldwich recommends:

  1. Formulate your own interests, desired results and priorities.
  2. Get as much information as possible about your interlocutor. And not only in the context of the issue under discussion, but also about its character, behavior, needs and characteristics of the business.
  3. Formulate your proposals (the main one and several spare ones).
  4. Work through several of the most obvious scenarios for the development of the discussion.
  5. Prepare a negotiation agenda with a list of all issues to be discussed.
  6. Set a deadline to reach an agreement and implement it. Clear deadlines motivate more productive negotiations.

Negotiations with partners And investors have their own characteristics. A deal will become mutually beneficial if you provoke 4 reactions from your opponents:

  1. The investor or partner must believe in the success of the project.
  2. He must believe in the team. The professionalism and commitment of your employees can play a decisive role in the decision.
  3. He must see his benefit. Don't just talk about yourself. Tell him what he will receive upon signing the contract.
  4. He should have a desire to enter the project. This usually happens when the connection between the perspective of the project itself and its own interests becomes clear.

2. Take your time

There is no need to get down to business from the first moments. Before negotiating, say hello and briefly discuss something neutral, such as industry news. Start with the simplest issues that are easiest to reach agreement on. This will create an atmosphere of successful dialogue.


We're not in the world of Harry Potter, and your opponent can't read minds. Express your desires, giving reasons why they are important. The chance that they will be at least partially satisfied is higher than if you remain silent.

David Goldwich advises asking questions as often as possible: this way you will show your interest in the subject of the conversation and quickly understand the position of the interlocutor.

4. Think big

Another secret to successfully negotiating is to look for additional ways to resolve the issue.

For example: advertising agency wants to purchase a building owned by a bank for less than a set price. The owner cannot give a discount. It would seem like a dead end. But the bank can provide an installment plan or a loan, bring the agency large clients who will give it the necessary funds. And the buyer can favorable conditions conduct advertising campaign bank, which will cover the lost profit from the sale. In the end, everyone wins.

5. Bargain

Goldwich advises against accepting the other party's offer without discussion. Sometimes even a short discussion is enough to make the terms of the deal more favorable for you. If you agree too quickly, it may even disappoint your opponent: he may think that he sold too cheap.

6. Don't forget about your interests

Sometimes even in a win-win strategy you have to make small concessions. The main thing here is to remember your priorities. When the other party is not happy with any part of the proposal, report it. Be persistent and don't give in unnecessarily. Let's say until the last. You must know your product well and the demand for it in the market. If you have already set an adequate price, and the client still asks to reduce it, then he is most likely just being capricious. Better offer him a bonus that is not too expensive for you, but valuable for him.

7. Cast a bait for the future

Discuss prospects for further cooperation.

According to international consulting company Bain & Company, retaining an old customer costs 6-7 times less than attracting a new one. At the same time, the probability of selling him a product or service is approximately 60-70% versus 5-20%.

The main thing is not to yell

No matter how well you prepare, the meeting may still not go according to plan. What to do then?

  1. Don't pressure, threaten or be rude. Aggression is the worst enemy of constructiveness.
  2. Don't give in to emotions, they are unproductive. If worries take over your mind, take a break.
  3. Don't get personal.
  4. Do not shift responsibility and key decisions onto your opponent; he will only look after his own interests.
  5. Do not consider yourself obviously weaker than your opponent, he can only appear strong.
  6. Do not make unrealistic demands or give ultimatums.
  7. Don’t lie to your opponent: sooner or later the lie will be revealed.

Once you figure out how to properly negotiate cooperation, learn to see your opponent as an ally. And you will be surprised how much more successful your relationships with your partners will become. And in order to know what to start from, you need to understand what level they are at now. Order an audit from a business analyst, and based on its results, you will receive advice on what needs to be changed in your approach to doing business and what to leave as is.