How to write a cover letter to an employer. For migrant workers. Example of writing a short cover letter for a resume

Enough with unconvincing constructions like “I would be very happy to become part of the company”, “I would be honored”, “I would really like to” - running through these phrases, HR simply wipes away a tear and grabs a dictionary of synonyms. Variety, emotions, stories (storytellers, hello!) and jokes - write interestingly. And you will have a cool job.

Read below about why these letters caught the attention of the employer. :)

// Start your letter with enthusiasm

Sometimes an employer wants not just to see a list of skills that correspond to the stated position, but real love and passion for their work and an incredible desire to work in the company. Agree, this is a much more compelling factor from a human point of view.

1/ If in fact liking trade statistics is wrong, then I don't want to be right. Most of the team at Chartbeat seems to be of the same opinion, so I think that's a good reason why I could be a perfect fit for your sales team.

2/ Since I was 10 years old, I have been consulting my family and friends for free on issues of style and appearance, but for some time I came to the conclusion that it would be nice to get paid for it. That's why I was happy to find a personal stylist vacancy in N...

3/ For about three years I tried myself in different roles, taking part in the creation of startups in N., looking through an endless number of articles and recommendations on the topic “how to find your calling,” and finally realized that it was time to admit to myself and tell my parents that I actually have a job. I tend to think that what I really do best is write quality content and sell it.

4/ When I was a child, my cherished dream was to become one of those street actors who portray living statues on the street. Luckily, my ambitions have expanded over time, but I still love entertaining people and performing in front of crowds - qualities that make me a truly indispensable manager.

5/ After graduating from the University of N. last May, I received what seems to me to be bad advice from my business consultant: “Agree to any job, you’ll figure out the nuances later.” Although I believe that I could gain valuable skills and professional experience anywhere, I would still like to be sure that my first job would give me the opportunity to further improve in my field as a professional and advance in my career. career ladder, and also acquire experienced mentors.

6/ The other day I took a test, according to the results of which it would be ideal for me to work in the maritime trade sector. I'm not sure I even understand what this means, but it got me thinking: It's a dream come true to have a position where I can combine my professional business skills with my passion for the ocean! This is how I found your vacancy in N...

// Start by expressing interest in the company

If you already love this brand, and even want to work there, this is an ideal option for the company, because you are familiar with its product and are ready to sell it yourself!

But it’s better not to overdo it with flattery.

7/ Many candidates try to get into startup projects because they can count on free food, bean bag chairs and no dress code. And although this looks tempting for me, as an employee accustomed to standard office conditions, what attracted me most was the opportunity to work in a close-knit international team.

8/ My golden retriever Rudy was the first to find this job as an Operations Assistant at your company (in fact, he actually dreams of walking me to work every day). But as I learned more and more about N., about your politics and how revolutionary you are trying to change the standard SMS chat, I, in turn, could not help but dream of becoming part of your team from now on.

9/ When I was seven, I wanted to be a GEICO gecko when I grew up. In the end, I came to the conclusion that this was not an option, but you can imagine my excitement when, upon finding a vacancy on the site for a manager, corporate events, I saw the logo of my favorite company nearby!

10/ When I attended the Jane Austen Film Festival for the first time a month ago, I realized that I didn’t want to leave. And I decided that I wouldn’t leave - so I immediately started looking at the vacancies of your company...

11/ If I were able to simplify the process of finding an apartment for rent in N. for at least one person, then I could consider that the nightmare I myself faced during my recent attempts to find housing was not in fact in vain . Where else could I do this if not in N., serving clients every day? Frankly, I don’t see anything that would suit me so perfectly.

12/ I literally grew up with Zoo N., which was located in my backyard, and therefore I know first-hand how you managed to become one of the most popular places for family vacation in N... For 20 years I have followed your success as a visitor in delight, and now I want to delight guests in the same way as you once delighted me when I was a child.

13/ There was only an hour left before my first big dinner party when I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to buy white wine. In a panic, I searched Google for grocery delivery sites, and that's when I first came across N... I've been yours ever since regular customer and I can’t help but think that I could help you attract even more clients - those who are as incapable of planning as I am - through social networks and communities.

14/ Although I enjoy working as a marketing manager in N., however, when I came across a vacancy for a PR director in N., I stopped and thought. I have watched N. closely over the years and have always been impressed by how the company treats its customers, employees and the business community as a whole.

// Start with a description of personal qualities and achievements

This is also very important, we would even call it one of the most honest ways attract the attention of the recruiter - with truth, abilities, achievements.

15/ My last boss once told me that with the way I spoke on the phone, I could even report a hostage situation. I have always been able to connect with different people - both easy and difficult - and I think that this skill could serve me well if I took on the responsibilities of an office manager in N...

16/ Among my colleagues, I am known for my ability to assemble parts into a whole, no matter how many there are. That's why I think I can handle my responsibilities as N's Customer Service Manager with ease.

17/ Last December, I took the place of my competitor - one salesman in our company - and I still occupy it to this day. But this stage has passed, so now I’m ready for the next breakthrough, which means it’s time to try myself for the role of sales manager in N.

18/ After spending three years as a manager internal communications in a company with 2000 employees, I learned to plan a quarterly report and office notes almost in a dream. So what do I want to do next? Well, let’s say I can bring my experience to planning communication strategies in consulting companies.

19/ And although you will not find any indication in my resume that I once worked as an online community manager, I have been creating platforms for people to communicate based on my blog and N for three years now.

20/ If you're looking for someone who can readily follow orders and won't rock the boat, then I'm probably not the right candidate. But if you want someone who can dig deep into data, analyze what specifically works (and what doesn't), and challenge the status quo, then I think we can find common ground.

21/ From the very first day I worked at N. (oh yes, they actually give out free ice cream!) I was determined to career. I had my first internship with a professional soccer team while I was in college. When I graduated, I got a full-time job, and within six months I was assigned to a position in another department. I thought that I wouldn’t discover anything new for myself. However, as I grew professionally, I finally realized... that this is not true at all. Shock, isn't it?

22/ You might be interested to know what the accounting veteran forgot about the culinary startup project N... Although I agree, this is very strange, but I know that you are looking for a smart guy who knows a lot about gourmet dishes and... financial transactions, so I'm definitely the one you need.

23/ Over the past 10 years, I have built my career on one simple principle: work smarter. I monitor ineffective work patterns, correct them and thereby increase the productivity of everyone around me. As a result, I received three promotions in my company and now I am confident that I can handle the responsibilities of an analyst N...

// Start creatively and with humor

Who doesn't love receiving nice and funny letters? It's better than the same type of tediousness. Just check your sense of humor a little - sometimes it actually becomes rather sad.

24/ I am interested in a freelance writing position. But before I list all the reasons why I chose her, I would like to tell you a little about myself: I didn’t grow my hair until I was five, so everyone who saw me lying in the stroller was sure that I was a boy (and my name is N., I think this will lead you to the appropriate thoughts). I hope I deserve your attention (from N.)

25/ Have you ever had your mom contact you five times a day asking how your job search is going, only to grunt suspiciously in the end when you tell her there's no progress? This is exactly how I live now.

26/ But I hope that in the near future I will be given a full-time manager job social networks. By the way, good news: I may be more useful to you than a mother who demands that you account for your actions. Let me tell you more.

27/ Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to try myself as a marketing manager in N.! I happily agree! Ok, okay, I know that you haven’t given me such an opportunity yet. Well, in that case, here are a few ideas I might suggest if that were the case.

28/ You are completely out of it. You have listed all the pros and cons. You've talked to your coach, your hairdresser, every barista you know. Well, in the end, why don't you make a decision already? After all, when you ask someone's advice, it is not quantity that is more important to you, but quality. If you're constantly faced with having to make big decisions, you either need a lawyer, a listener, or a good kick in the ass. In other words, you need to consult with N /the person who wrote this letter/.
At first, I thought that submitting my credit card statement would be a clear indication of how much I love online shopping, but then I came to the conclusion that the best thing to do would be to write this letter and list all the reasons why I could take N.'s case to court. next level.

30/ I never thought that life could change so dramatically if you accidentally dropped your iPhone from a second floor window (by the way, this is a funny story, ask me about it). But thanks to this, I discovered N. - and found my dream job as junior employee companies.

31/ If we were playing Two Truths, One Lie, I would say: I exceeded my sales quotas by at least 20% every quarter this year, I once won a speed pie eating contest, and I have a great job in N. The latter is, of course, a lie. On this moment.

How to achieve this effect? Here are 5 cool life hacks for you.

1. Human factor
Write as if you were a friend. That is, to a friend whom you want to tell about what a really cool candidate you are. Maybe he doesn't know about this story. And he doesn’t know why you want to join the company. You don’t have to imagine Vasya, with whom you sat at the same desk and then grew up together - let it be just a person on the other side of the screen who doesn’t want to read the same letters (like you), is tired of work (like you), wants to be a little happier and more successful (like you).

2. Knowledge of the company, position
We've probably talked about this a hundred times already, but still. If you want to immediately establish yourself as a professional and a person who is not superficial about finding a job and a specific position in the company, then conducting some research is simply necessary.

3. Details
Because they decide and make your “image” a little more complete and human. Your story about your mother / strange boss / interesting situation in which you met the company (this is actually cool, if it’s on topic!) will be counted for you. But don't write a huge letter or talk about your life experiences - don't push the person away. Everyone has their problems.

4. Simplicity
Please note that none of the letters contained abstruse words or long sentences with a lot of phrases - they are completely unreadable. Especially if HR has already opened the 58th letter - he looks at its structure, at the first lines, and opens the resume. And already here his first impression was born. If you were able to formulate it with the subject of the letter, greeting and first sentences, they have already paid attention to you.

5. Aesthetics
Believe me, it is no less important. You just need everything to look neat (stupid word, but!). If in the letter itself different size font, color, strange email, signature, resume attached under the name %#$%@^&!, then it somehow becomes clear that it’s not all that a person seems to need.

We also developed a unique

Covering letter is integral additional part resume for employment in a large foreign or domestic organization with Western principles.

If you are applying for a position in a foreign company with a global brand, then you need to approach writing and drafting a cover letter with all responsibility.

According to generally accepted rules, a cover letter is drawn up:

  • on a separate form if the resume is sent in printed form;
  • in body email, if the resume is sent by e-mail;
  • details, title, date, name and address of the recipient must be formatted in accordance with the rules for writing business letters.

A cover letter for a resume is usually provided on a separate form with the applicant’s details or in the body of an email (message).

Here's an example of writing a short cover letter:

Option 1.

Dear Alexander, in response to your vacancy for “real estate specialist” posted in the “Personnel” newspaper, I am sending my resume. I would be very grateful if you do not ignore it.

Kolesnikov Maxim, phone +7-985-23-56-89

Option 2.

Good afternoon, Alexander.

In the attached resume file. I am applying for a position as a lawyer. Source of information about vacancies Ready to provide any Additional information necessary for consideration of my candidacy.

Option 3.

Dear Sirs,

Please consider my resume for the vacancy of real estate specialist, realtor. I will be glad to receive an invitation from you for an interview.

Sincerely, Maxim Kolesnikov, phone +7-985-23-56-89

A more detailed cover letter is written according to a similar pattern.

For greater clarity, you can familiarize yourself with a sample cover letter for a resume.

Let's highlight the main points that must be reflected in the extended form of the cover letter:

1. The proposed position (as shown in example No. 3, it is possible to indicate two related positions) for which a resume is provided.

3. Offer the employer to consider your candidacy.

4. Briefly, but accurately and meaningfully, make an excerpt from your resume in order to justify the suitability of your professional and personal qualities the position for which you are applying.

5. Be sure to say about your readiness to work with dedication and professional growth, in the direction specified in the vacancy, in this organization.

For example:

Over the past years I have been implementing successful activities in the chosen direction as part of the state veterinary and customs regulatory authorities, I have established connections and experience of cooperation with both the largest Russian enterprises food industry, and with leading foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give you an idea of ​​my professional experience, qualifications and potential opportunities.

For example:

All my experience labor activity, professional knowledge and skills, as well as expectations for further advancement, lie in the areas of active direct sales and customer service (both executive and administrative levels). At the moment, I have more than 5 years of experience in sales on the B2B market in the manufacturing field, as well as management experience in this area during the last year of work. At my last job, as head of the sales department, I was personally responsible for the activities and results of the sales service in the B2B field (medical and cosmetology equipment).

6. Willingness and desire to undergo a personal interview or an interview at a company, during which you will be able to more fully and accurately provide information about yourself.

For example:

I would be happy to accept an offer to meet and tell you a little more about your work experience and possible potential. You can contact me by phone... or email...


If you are interested, I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview. You can contact us by phone. Thank you in advance for your attention and time devoted to my candidacy.


A well-written cover letter is like a movie trailer - it attracts you to your resume and sets you apart from the stream of applicants.
The culture of cover letters came to Russia from Western business ethics, where a cover letter is one of the important elements of a response to a vacancy and initial self-presentation. In my opinion, in Russian realities the need for a cover letter is ambiguous.
Of course, if you send your resume directly to the company (to the email address of the hiring manager or HR department employee), you cannot do without a cover letter.

But is it necessary to send a cover letter along with the response on the site? According to statistics, a recruiter looks at 200-700 resumes every day. With such volumes, 5-10 seconds remain to evaluate one resume: the main attention is focused on experience, and it is not always possible to open the letter.
In addition, 90% of applicants on job sites attach a template letter “Good afternoon, please consider my resume for vacancy X” to their resume, which provides absolutely no information to the recruiter. Which means it's useless.

When applying for vacancies on job sites, a cover letter is important if the vacancy requires experience that is not obvious from your resume. Let's say you are a secretary who is interested in a sales position: in addition to your main responsibilities, you advised clients on the company's products. Reflect this experience in your cover letter, explaining your motivation.

A covering letter is also required for applicants leadership positions(it is important for the employer to clearly present the results of your work) and for those who are planning to change their activity (in this case, you need to explain your interest in another industry, describe related work experience, etc.). In all other cases, a resume is sufficient.

How to write a cover letter:

Follow business etiquette

You don’t know who, when and in what mood will read your letter. It should be sincere and reflect your interest in the vacancy, but it is better to refrain from informal greetings and addresses (replace the phrase “Good day” with the neutral “Good afternoon!”).
At the end of the letter, leave your contacts. Name your resume file correctly - indicate your position and your last name.

Write concisely and meaningfully

The cover letter should be lively and short (maximum 10 sentences). Don't use clichés or copy your resume. Avoid outdated information and details about your personal life.

You don't have to remember:

that you graduated from school with a gold medal,
hobbies not related to professional activity,
reasons for divorce from a spouse and others.

Focus on details

The purpose of the letter is to demonstrate your suitability for the job requirements. Rely on them when composing your text.
For example, you are interested in the position of clinical research coordinator. You have found a vacancy where they are looking for a specialist with at least a year of experience in the pharmaceutical business, medical education, and knowledge of English at the intermediate level.

Example of writing a cover letter

Victor, good afternoon!
I am interested in administrative vacancies in pharma (senior assistant, coordinator, etc.): I have 8 years of diverse profile experience and 2 years of clinical research in company X.
Speak fluently English language and PC. Higher medical education, internship in oncology.
I would be grateful if you would consider me as a candidate!
Sincerely, Alexander.


A cover letter is not always a required element of applying for a vacancy. Sometimes a well-written resume with basic information about experience, achievements, education, and skills is enough.

But in some cases, a cover letter will emphasize the significance of the experience in the eyes of the employer. However, a carelessly written letter can confuse the recipient and reduce the chances of being invited to an interview.

Remember that success often depends on the willingness to fail. The last piece of advice is the most important one. Treat your job search like a job.

Covering letter

Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!

On your company’s website, I learned about an open vacancy for a rail transportation. Your organization has established itself in the market as a reliable, stable and rapidly growing company, so working for you is very interesting for me.

I have solid experience in wholesale sales, for 5 years I successfully sold the products of the companies I worked for, performed planned indicators and actively developed its client base.

After reviewing the requirements for the position of “Logistics Manager”, I came to the conclusion that I can apply for this position and I will be able to work with maximum efficiency.

In the attached file you will find my resume, in which I talk in more detail about my education, experience and professional skills.

Thank you for your attention to my candidacy. I will be glad if you are interested in my resume and will be happy to come for an interview.

Almost everyone knows what a resume is. This document is in modern world necessary for successful employment. However, not many job seekers and even employers know about the existence of such a document as a cover letter for a resume. Why it is needed and how to write it, you will learn from this article.

Imagine that an organization needs to find several specialists for vacant positions. The easiest way to do this now is by posting a job advertisement on the Internet. Applicants will begin to respond to such an advertisement by sending their resumes to the employing organization. Usually they are processed by the HR department or a specially authorized manager. If a vacancy is in demand, then dozens, or even hundreds, of responses may be received. How do you choose among them those sent by people who are really interested in getting this position? It turns out that this is much easier to do if they are accompanied by cover letters. How to write the text of a cover letter for a resume so that the employer pays attention to it? Let's figure it out together.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

We will look at a sample accompanying message for a resume below, but for now we will get acquainted with the main rules that must be followed when writing it, so that the HR specialist quickly receives the necessary information, and the applicant - extra chance occupy a specific position.

It is necessary to tell why your candidacy fits better Total. To do this, it is advisable to carefully study the employer’s requirements and pay attention to your compliance with them. It wouldn’t hurt to show that you have studied the mission of the company itself and believe that this work will be mutually beneficial to both you and the employer. You can do this, for example, like this:

I want to work in your company; I am attracted by its dynamic growth. The company has a team of young and ambitious employees, and I want to be one of them in order to have the opportunity to exchange new experiences with the best sales specialists. I have experience in direct sales, but until now I have not worked in such actively developing teams. Your company will acquire in me an employee who is interested in the result and is ready to constantly improve in the process of work.

It is important to interest the person who receives the message and give him a message to open and study your resume. You also need to remember that the volume of such a message should not exceed a couple of short paragraphs. This will show the employer your ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely, which is important for job prospects.

What to write in a cover letter for your resume

A cover letter is business document, therefore, it is subject to the basic requirements for business correspondence. Its structure should contain the following points.

  1. Greeting (“Dear [name/position]”, “[Name], good afternoon”, “Dear”). The greeting should either be personalized or addressed to specialists in a specific department if the recipient's name is unknown.
  2. The main part is the answers to the questions: what position are you applying for. Explain why you were attracted to this vacancy: an interesting product, new features or challenging tasks; Provide professional experience and a list of projects that are not listed in the resume, but are important for this particular vacancy.
  3. Final phrase. Be sure to thank them for their attention when reading your message and express your readiness to meet for a substantive conversation, interview, and answers to detailed questions.
  4. Farewell (“Best regards”, “With respect”).
  5. And it wouldn’t hurt to have duplicated contact information.

Each paragraph should begin with a separate paragraph.

Sample cover letter for resume

So, first you need to write a greeting. If data from specialists is not publicly available personnel service and its leader, direct appeal by name is best avoided. It will be enough to write something like: “Hello, dear employee"VESNA" company! or limit yourself to an impersonal “Good afternoon!”

I was interested in a vacancy posted on the website “LOOKING FOR_JOB”. I am sending you my resume for consideration because I believe that I can be useful in the implementation of your project.

A complete sample cover letter for a resume (example might look like this:

Typical mistakes:

  1. There is no need to write a message that is too long. It should be short and succinct.
  2. Common words, phrases and patterns should be avoided. The personnel officer must see the candidate’s individuality. All definitions must be proven by specific data, evidence, arguments, for example: not “I experienced specialist”, and “I have been working in this field for more than 5 years.”
  3. There is no need to tell your biography; management is interested in business qualities and professional skills.
  4. A cover letter should encourage you to read your resume, not duplicate it.
  5. IN business correspondence not a place for jokes, puzzles and other wit.
  6. There is no need to brag and list your achievements; it is better to indicate them in your resume.

Important nuances

Before sending, re-read what you wrote and study any example of a response to a vacancy; The cover letter should be convincing and motivate to read your resume. It definitely needs to focus on something. The employer cover letter example above highlights the candidate's managerial experience and technical knowledge, which should entice the employer to review their resume. It is important that this document contains no grammatical or spelling errors and is written business style. All its contents must respond to the most main question, which is asked by a specialist selecting personnel: “How exactly can this candidate be useful to the company?” And if you can answer it in the job application, the next step will be an invitation to an interview.