How to become a copywriter without education. Professional look: who is really hiding behind the mask of a copywriter? Learn the basics of SEO optimization, work on increasing your baggage of professional knowledge

Good day to all who are looking for themselves in a new job, want to change their field of activity or find new and interesting ways of income. For a person who is torn every morning between the desire to take another nap and the need to earn a living, it is not easy to believe that you can work according to your own schedule, choosing interesting topics and at the same time be provided. Oh, how wrapped up!

In fact, it's very easy to get started in writing. I myself dabbled in them for a while while looking for a suitable path where I could direct my efforts. By the way, I am still writing. Not to order, but for yourself.

In this article, I will try to give step-by-step instructions on how to become a copywriter from scratch. For it becomes a real way out of a difficult crisis situation: it gives not only constant and sufficiently high earnings, but also the opportunity to independently plan your working day, the schedule of weekends and vacations.

Of course, today the work-from-home market is constantly replenished with new offers, against its background copywriting is an excellent starting point for beginners. Especially for creative people who have a decent level of literacy and want to learn new things. Moreover, everyone can find something of their own or master several types of work at once.

Step 2. Selecting tools and stock exchange

Of course, the main thing for a creative person, however, like any other, is a bright head and golden hands. With them, you can turn the world around and conquer not only the vastness of the Internet. But the freelancer also has other assistants. The most obvious: Internet access to search and place orders; and a computer or laptop for work.

Typewriter - the prototype of modern laptops

The Internet also allows you to process a lot of information on the topic and keep abreast of all innovations and changes.

The easiest way start writing on the exchange etxt... I myself sat there for a long time and wrote lyrics

The quality of work will be significantly improved by special programs that calculate the percentage of anti-plagiarism, academic nausea, spamming and other things. They can help reduce rework and improve the quality of your work. Moreover, at the stage of verification, customers will definitely check your text.

Step 3. We take orders

So, at first glance, everything is simple - you need to take a topic and write the required amount of text, and then get money and a new order. If the first experience was successful, then the euphoria from money earned so simply goes off scale.

The counter is already working in my mind and it seems that a stable cash flow is guaranteed. However, there are several pitfalls about which the most optimistic expectations can be broken.

  1. At the very beginning (1-3 months), the income will be minimal, and the workload will be like a full day. Orders will most likely be of fairly large volumes, and the payment will be low. Especially if the client base has not yet been developed. This period can be shorter if the first works are of high quality and customers leave positive feedback.
  2. Some clients will demand perfect performance of the work, if paid in a few tens of rubles. You should not go into denial and inflate pride, because gaining experience is the most invaluable gift that can be obtained at this stage. It must be remembered that it is precisely such customers who act as strict teachers, capable of endlessly enduring alterations and suggesting where a mistake was made.
  3. Rarely, but there are sadistic customers who are ready to leave a derogatory review even for one defect. You should not answer with abuse, but if such a review is not justified or is obtained as a result of the customer's dishonesty, then it is worth clarifying the situation. Often a polite explanation or a sincere desire to correct bugs can lead to a cancellation.
  4. Another important point is the rating. It takes an excruciatingly long time: in drops and grains. Since for every 10 rubles earned, only 1 point is given. And serious customers prefer to work with those who have scored more than 1000. But for unfulfilled or rejected work, 100 percent is removed, that is, for 10 rubles, 10 points will be written off. One plus - the customer can restore what was lost, especially since the money was returned to him.
  5. And finally: a well-written application for the execution of an order may be rejected for reasons not related to the copywriter.

You don't have to try to be a pretentious original or a hilarious rake. Ambiguous sentences, phrases from anecdotes and films can cause irritation and seem like a sign of frivolity. Also, moderators can delete such an application and no one will see it at all.

No need to leave a long text listing your own advantages and capabilities - this information should be in your profile. The optimal length is 2-3 sentences of 5-6 words.

You should not leave your opinion in an open application about how and what will be contained in the future text. For example, on the exchange, it happens that they post an already written short text on a topic. This only simplifies the work for competitors.

If you want to show your awareness and readiness, then it is better to do this with the checkbox "hide from other users". In general, making money on copywriting on the Internet in this sense is no different from any other freelance activity. Be sensible in writing applications, customers can feel and see it perfectly.

Step 4. Writing responses to orders

  1. Politeness and confidence come first. Greetings and words signals ("I can write", "I know the topic", "ready to work", "I will take into account all your wishes") increase the likelihood of receiving an order.
  2. Important information - thematic education, work experience in similar fields, experience in writing texts on related topics, experience in the press, etc. must be indicated in the application.
  3. It is worth recalling cases of positive cooperation, if any. Perhaps with the indication of topics or dates.
  4. It is better to end the application with words that aim at action or tune in to working emotions - "I am waiting for an answer", "I hope for cooperation", "I will write it right."

Step 5. Avoid mistakes

As you know, there is no result without errors. They are our engine, pusher and kicker. It is these annoying flaws that make us study the issue in more detail, return to school spelling books, and seek advice from authoritative sources. But, as it is also known, there are working and fatal mistakes.

Workers are corrected by labor and then, and fatal ones lead to the end of the path on a given site or in a certain area. They are a sign that you need to seriously think about changing landmarks.

In the work of a copywriter, these are:

  • Selling or handing over to the customer the texts downloaded from the Internet with minimal editing. These mistakes can put a big cross on your reputation or lead to blocking.
  • The sale or delivery of the same text to different customers can end in the same way.
  • An attempt to earn a lot at once, by taking a huge number of orders into work and, as a result, not fulfilling them, can lead the rating to a big minus. Getting out of this hole is many times more difficult than starting from scratch.

Step 6. We learn from the best and go to stock exchanges

Below I offer a list of resources where you can easily start making money on texts, even for a beginner:

  1. is an old and reliable exchange. At the beginning of my journey, I worked a little there.
  2. advego is also an old and proven player in the freelance market. It is also easy to earn the first money there.
  3. - an easy-to-start platform. I also actively collected my first orders there.

Conclusion and conclusions

The world of copyright is bright and constantly changing, which has everything for everyone. It is this fluidity and dynamism that will not let you get bored.

Working with a printed word can be easy. For some, it will be a help in paying for tuition, for someone as a sponsor for seasonal shopping, and for some it will be a way to postpone for a coveted large purchase. And in any case, freelancing will become an unforgettable experience of earning honest money solely with your own talent.

A kind of "divorce" or a penny extra earnings, which is enough, perhaps, to pay for communication services. Others sit quietly at home and earn money not only to support their families and children, but also for expensive entertainment. It all depends on the attitude and degree of professionalism, because a bad car mechanic is also unlikely to boast a high salary, right? A medium-sized copywriter (not a top one, mind you) can get 30-40 thousand rubles a month, without really straining. But you need to come to this, so today we will talk about how to become a copywriter from scratch, avoid the most common mistakes and reach more or less solid profits as soon as possible.

Copywriter's job description

Initially, back in the pre-network era, a copywriter was a person who deals exclusively with advertising texts. Now, with the dense entry of the Internet into our lives, people who are in charge of text content have begun to be called that. The main task of a copywriter (in professional slang - copy, writer) is to write a text in accordance with the terms of reference. This can be an advertising (selling) text, an informational article, analytical material, and so on. It would be more correct to call this activity web writing, but it stuck that way.

It would seem that what is easier - take and copy the texts already available on the Internet - there are a lot of them. But the main requirement for text content is uniqueness - such an article should not be on any site. Search engines mercilessly ban the resources where the stolen materials are posted, and the main task of the team of specialists is precisely the promotion of web resources.

Promotion is the rise of a site as high as possible in the top of the search results for a specific request in a specific region. A simple example: you want to buy a TV without leaving your home. There is nothing easier: type in the search box "buy a TV in Moscow" (for example) and see the options. You carefully go through the first article, the second, the third, perhaps the fourth and the fifth. Further in the search, only inveterate perfectionists and people with an unlimited reserve of time are taken.

The team's task is to promote the site as high as possible in the search, preferably to the top, to the first page. The number of views of the resource depends on this, and the magical transformation of visitors into buyers (in the professional slang - conversion). The more times a resource is viewed, the more money it brings to the owner in one way or another.

As mentioned above, a copywriter works in a team. Ideally, it should include at least two more promotion specialists: an SEO analyst (in common parlance - SEO) and. The first is responsible for SEO analysis, listing and technical specifications. The second, interacting directly with the copywriter, gives him a technical task, checks the result and puts the content on the site. In practice, however, it is often necessary to interact only with an SEO specialist (this is at best) or the owner of the resource.

So, we figured out the essence of the activity, now let's try to get started. First steps in copywriting look like this:

  • We master the basics of professional terminology.
  • We register on any of the content exchanges.
  • We pass tests (for open exchanges this is not necessary, but it increases the chances of getting a profitable order).
  • We choose an order in accordance with our own abilities and preferences.
  • We write the text and, after accepting it by the customer, we receive the money.

Fundamentals of professional terminology

In order to become a copywriter, you need to master at least basic professional terminology:

Not to be confused with copyright, which is, in fact, only a sign of authorship confirmation! Copywriting is both the process of writing unique text content and the content itself. The article is written based on several sources (more often from the Internet, much less often from print media). Objective: to select the most informative and reliable sources that do not always occupy top positions. Copywriting is most similar to a school essay on a literary work, written with an eye on critical materials.

Author's text... A "purebred" author's text, if we continue the analogy with the school curriculum, is an essay on a free topic, written "out of my head." Examples: storytelling (writing fictional stories), blog posts from personal experiences, storytelling, and so on. This is a very rich field for an advanced mining, and a beginner who is thoroughly versed in some narrow topic can make good money in this direction. The main thing here is to find an understanding customer who is interested in content of the highest standard and is willing to pay well for it.

Remember I already talked about website promotion? So, SEO copywriting is writing a text that is completely focused on promoting a resource. Its main visual feature is the presence of the so-called keywords and phrases selected in accordance with the search query. The selection of these very words is a SEO task that has nothing to do with the direct duties of a copywriter. The terms of reference indicate the number of occurrences of keywords and recommendations for their modification (use in other forms, dilution in other words or punctuation marks). The task of the copy is to "screw in" these very phrases in the required quantity and forms, so that they look natural, and the information content of the text does not suffer.

Text rewriting is a retelling in your own words of an article from one or more resources. That is, it is a presentation that preserves the meaning and structure of the original, but at the same time is unique. Do not confuse rewriting with banal uniqueness achieved mainly by technical means (for term papers and theses, for example). Newbies who are just becoming copywriters often ask how they baffle seasoned mines. Good deep rewriting is actually copywriting, the line is so thin that it actually does not exist. The only difference is in the wording and the resulting remuneration: rewriting is usually priced cheaper.

Not “venal”, as some customers will say it, but the one selling! That is, it is a text directly aimed at selling a specific service or product. Writing working sales texts in modern conditions is a very difficult job. The phrase “buy from us because we are the best” inserted at the end of the article is not enough for it to be considered a selling one. It is necessary to make the visitor's hand reach for the coveted “buy” button, even if he didn’t think about it a couple of minutes ago. This is the highest professional skill, which requires not only experience, but also talent.

TK... An abbreviation that stands for "technical task", which has been repeatedly mentioned above. It is there that it is indicated what the article should be: volume, number of keywords, other SEO parameters, style, recommended services for checks. Advice for beginners: always read the technical specification carefully and to the last word, because at first sight an attractive order can easily turn into absolutely indigestible. And do not be afraid of large specifications: they usually specify the requirements as much as possible, which is tedious to read, but it allows you to avoid wasting time on numerous improvements.

Formatting... As a rule, customers require to submit work in MS Word, so if you decide to become a copywriter, take the trouble to download this program or learn how to use the online version. At the same time, the text must be brought into a "marketable" form so that it can be read and perceived without problems. There are, of course, perfectionists who find fault with the size and type of the font, but usually the requirements are elementary: adherence to the rules for setting spaces, dividing text into paragraphs and semantic parts, using lists, highlighting headings and subheadings using the same MS Word.

Uniqueness... Uniqueness is, so to speak, the uniqueness of the text, expressed as a percentage. Some customers have enough uniqueness in 85-90% (this is quite enough for indexing), but some insist on a clean "weave", so for sure. Serious content exchanges (Etxt,, Advego) have their own uniqueness check services, with different algorithms. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be clarified with the customer is not only the required percentage of uniqueness, but also the resource by which the verification will be carried out.

Nausea... Nausea is the degree of saturation of the text with any words, not always key words. Distinguish between academic and classical nausea, and these concepts were introduced by experts from the Advego exchange and are not used anywhere else. On there is a close concept called "spam", "spam". Adjusting these indicators to the customer's requirements sometimes takes more time than actually writing the text, so you shouldn't take tasks with clearly defined requirements for nausea (spamming) right from the start.

Water... This is an indicator of the correspondence of the text to the topic, as well as its saturation with meaningless words and expressions that reduce its information content. For example, the phrase "according to the general opinion, based on the latest data, it can be stated that ..." entirely consists of water that does not carry any information. This is frank verbal rubbish, from which the texts need to be cleaned with all our might. Is there not enough volume to the amount specified in the TK? Find an interesting fact on the topic and describe it or make a joke if the style of the text allows it - there are a lot of options.

Anchor... Anchor is not a key phrase, as beginners think, but a word or group of words inserted specifically to introduce a link. Have you seen phrases highlighted in blue in web texts? They are clickable: a click of the mouse - and you are already on another page, or even a completely different resource. Usually anchors are thematic, but you may be asked to insert the phrase “buy wholesale chintz robes” into a text about Japanese poetry, so don't be surprised, this is not a mistake, but an anchor.

Semantic core... Let's go a little deeper into the jungle of harsh SEO. A modern website capable of effective promotion is created for a reason: many specialists work, hundreds of parameters are calculated. The semantic core is a collection of all key phrases for a specific site, which are subsequently distributed across landing pages and form the basis of the technical task.

Meta tags... Tags are special markers in the text that help promote the page. We will not go into the intricacies of the Html code - this is a separate topic. In order to become a copywriter, it is enough to know the basic meta tags: these are the aforementioned keywords, Title, Description and title (H). These words, scary at first glance, can come across you even in your first technical assignment, so let's talk about each of them.

Description... Description is a short description of the content of the text displayed on the search engine page. Some SEOs consider the use of "desks" as yesterday, others advocate their high efficiency. The copywriter should be interested in something else - how exactly to write this very description. General recommendations: a couple of sentences that maximize the meaning of the article, 130-160 printable characters with spaces. Just no introductions like "this article will tell you how ..."

Title... The most significant meta tag, the name of the page, reflected in the top line and in the search engine results. It should be as specific, concise and informative as possible, without literary excesses, for example: "Buying a tractor in installments." Fortunately, titles are usually prescribed by SEO or content managers themselves, but sometimes they delegate this honorable mission to a copywriter.

If the aforementioned title is dry and informative, then the headline is an accurate hit on the reader, it should evoke a response from him. This means that the headline can be creative, for example: "The iron horse can come to your fields today." Do you feel the difference with the title "Buy a tractor in installments"? The heading (H1) is the name of your article, which may also contain subheadings of different levels (H2, H3 and so on), dividing the text into semantic parts. So, H1 is the title of the text, and Title is the name of the entire page as a whole, displayed in the search results.

Announcement... The announcement is a kind of prelude to the text, an invitation to read the material in full. Unlike the description, it is not a meta-tag, therefore, it is not subject to strict regulation. Therefore, the number of characters can vary in accordance with the will of the customer, and the form should be close to the selling one - you seem to sell the desire to read the entire text.

The first thing a beginner should do after starting work is filling a portfolio. There the author's finished works are placed either in the form of text or in the form of links to already posted articles. Each exchange provides the ability to create a portfolio, but the condition is usually the customer's consent to the placement of the text there. Veteran copies store finished work in Google Docs or on a Yandex disk, and many create their own business card sites and place the best publications there in the form of screenshots or other means to prevent copying and indexing.

Here are just the basics of the professional vocabulary you need to become a copywriter from scratch. The rest you will master as needed. There is plenty of information on the Internet, just formulate your request correctly. You should be able to do this, because it is the basis of professional copywriting skills.

Requirements for a future copywriter

In order to, from material values, you only need a computer with unlimited Internet access. Limiting traffic significantly reduces the capabilities of the writer, because sometimes you need to watch a video to complete an order, and surfing the network can take many hours. Some beginners try to work with tablets and smartphones, but this is at least inconvenient. If there are no other options, splurge on a full keyboard and pair it with your gadget.

Another point that often leads to missed deadlines and downgraded ratings is the instability of the Internet and the urgent need to leave home for a while. In this case, it is better to have a 3G modem in your arsenal (in common parlance - tridzhik), which allows you not to depend on some external circumstances.

Now let's talk about the qualities that a copywriter should have:

  • Ability to correctly formulate requests... This is the first point to which you should pay attention. To start digging up information, you must first find it. Life hack for beginners: the main key phrase will be the optimal search query, and in its absence - the topic of a future article.
  • Skills for working with large amounts of information and the ability to highlight the main thing. To write a full-fledged article, you need to browse through many sources and choose a couple of, in your opinion, optimal. The use of a dozen or more sources, which some mines are proud of, only testifies to the inability to highlight the main thing and significantly reduces the speed of work and, as a result, earnings. It is very useful for systematization to draw up plans for articles in the form of subheadings, then the text will turn out to be consistent and logical, initially correctly structured.
  • Speech proficiency... The writer must be able to express his thoughts consistently and clearly. If you managed to do this at school, you wrote essays on your own and the process of verbal balancing act gave you more pleasure than annoyance, then you have chosen the right direction of activity. If not, but you really want to become a copywriter, try to read more, and not articles on the Internet, but ordinary fiction. Anything, even fantasy, even detectives - this enriches vocabulary and teaches you to build phrases correctly.
  • Literacy... Literacy for work in the field of copywriting is required to a much lesser extent than proficiency in speech. Of course, if a person makes three mistakes in the word "milk", you should start by studying Rosenthal's textbook. The rest is being corrected: the word will emphasize gross mistakes, there is a Spelling service and a wonderful professional resource Where any difficult writing cases are dealt with. Upon reaching a certain level, you can completely surrender yourself: it is easier to pay him than to spend precious high-paying time on proofreading.
  • Responsibility... Copywriting is not a hobby, but a job that must be approached as responsibly as possible, without making allowances for your own laziness and other circumstances. If you have taken an order, please fulfill it in the best possible way. I do not like? And it was necessary to carefully read the TK.
  • Ability to organize the labor process... The most terrible scourge is the inability to organize the labor process rationally. Many are accustomed to working under compulsion: from call to call. More precisely, going to work. Here, no one forces you and is not worth over your soul, what you catch is what you eat. Therefore, it is highly recommended to draw up a work plan for the next couple of days and stick to it no matter what.
  • Striving for improvement... Learning can and should always and everywhere: fees depend on the level of professional skill. It is best to read professional literature and comprehend what you read in practice. You can, of course, take some copywriting courses, which are now being conducted by all and sundry, but it is difficult to choose a really worthwhile program without experience. As a last resort, watch free videos from professional copies - there will definitely be no harm from this, and no costs.

I would like to say about creative thinking and the accompanying inspiration. You should not confuse literary activity with copywriting: for all the external similarity, these are fundamentally different types of activity. If you decide to become a copywriter, forget about waiting for inspiration and the appropriate attitude. A reiter is a hard worker who must do the job, regardless of his own laziness, external circumstances and other factors. When regular customers appear, you will be able to afford some whims, and at first the client's desire is the law, and the deadlines are above all.

Description of the most popular content exchanges

At the moment, it is most convenient to start professional activities by registering for any of the. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is protection against fraud. The system guarantees the purity of transactions: after the receipt of the order for work, the money is blocked on the customer's account, after the delivery and acceptance of the order, it goes to the account of the contractor. Disputed cases are dealt with by Arbitration (the name may be different), and it does not always appear on the customer's side.

On the exchanges, you can both take orders and write texts on a specific TK by the deadline, or sell ready-made articles. The first option is preferable for good earnings, but the second allows the contractor to work calmly in his schedule, without regard to deadlines.

Rates for copywriting for beginners start at about 25 rubles per thousand characters without spaces, for rewriting - from 20, but you can find orders and 10 rubles per thousand. The bulk of customers in the lower price category are so-called "outbid", which are engaged in the resale of articles or take orders at a high price, and then distribute them to newbies for a penny. Nobody should be worried about this: this is a necessary stage in the growth of skill. It happens that these same outbids act as class teachers for novice copywriters, helping them to comprehend the secrets of mastery in practice. True, there are real penny princes who are ready to remove a copywriter from work for a couple of mistakes in a cheap text. Well, a negative experience is also an experience, it is difficult to become a good copywriter without a lot of bumps.

If you don't want to write for a penny, try to get tested and get access to more expensive and pleasant in all respects orders placed by reputable web studios or directly by resource owners. Pay attention to your own rating: it is accumulated with blood, sweat and sleepless nights, and flies away in an instant, for delays and withdrawals from orders.

The most honored and largest content exchange, a pioneer in this field. It has very good services, although the uniqueness check on Advego is the toughest.

The main competitor of the aforementioned Advego. There are always many orders, but the prices are not the most impressive, especially for beginners. Very fair Arbitration. Often the host of the performer.

A very good exchange, although it has been gradually losing ground to the first two lately. There are orders, but there are fewer of them than on the flagship exchanges. But the uniqueness check on is the most popular.

Not a bad exchange for beginners: many inexpensive, simple orders, simple interface. You can earn decent money by writing articles for sale.

Among the advantages of the exchange, it is worth noting very good functionality and the ability to withdraw funds directly to the card. There is an opportunity to receive money not only for web writing, but also for completing microtasks.

Quite a good exchange for the average. There are good starting prices, but not too many orders. There are practically no expensive ones, over 150 rubles per thousand signs.

How is wage paid

On content exchanges payment is accepted for the volume of text, that is, for one thousand characters or symbols without spaces (as the writers say, "per kilogram" or "kilogram"). The character counter in MS Word is located in the lower left corner. Click on the tab "Number of words" - and the counter of characters opens, you do not need to perform mathematical operations manually! Free-handed copywriters agree with the customer on the form of payment and methods of transferring funds. Often, especially in the case of selling texts, payment is made for an article, regardless of its volume. And the pay is sometimes very solid!

After the receipt of the order for work or the purchase of an article, the corresponding amount is blocked on the customer's account. The copywriter writes the text and submits it in the appropriate form, but in no case in personal correspondence. The customer reads the text, accepts it or sends it for revision. After accepting the order, after a while, the money goes to the account of the contractor, and from there they can already be withdrawn.

Reputable content exchanges carry out withdrawals through multiple electronic systems to choose from. It can be, sometimes it is practiced and the transfer of funds to the card. So you will need to study the information on the methods of withdrawing funds and choose the most convenient and profitable for yourself, with a minimum commission.

Legislative basis of activity

Any activity that generates income is taxed and this, if you decide to become a professional copywriter, must be firmly learned. What you deduct to the exchanges is not a tax, but a commission. According to the law, in order to engage in this type of activity, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes to the state. This is theoretically, in practice, the situation is somewhat different.

No one registers an individual entrepreneur from the start, and the legality of transactions is guaranteed by an offer agreement available on each exchange. The state is of little interest in the penny earnings of newcomers, but just in case, you shouldn't dwell on your own earnings, especially in social networks. When you come out with serious money, you will have to think about legalization, because there are always plenty of “well-wishers” who are haunted by other people's earnings.

The taxes levied on individual entrepreneurs in accordance with this type of activity are not so high, so with good profits it is quite possible to give a little bit to the state, at least in order to sleep peacefully. But you can easily advertise your services anywhere, and this is a different level of customer search. In addition, you will be able to conclude contracts with legal entities and demand from them the fulfillment of obligations not according to conscience, but on legal grounds. It is easier for an organization to pay a copywriter to work than to go through a lawsuit.

Independent customer search

Copywriters who have outgrown the level of exchanges usually go on a free float and look for customers on their own, online or in real life. Even while working on the exchange, customers who want to work directly will contact you. There are certain risks here, and this must be taken into account. Firstly, the transfer of contacts is prohibited by the rules of all exchanges, and for this, both parties are banned. True, experienced customers and writers have learned how to painlessly bypass the prohibitions, but at first you definitely don't need it.

The main danger lurking freelancers in free sailing is non-payment for work by the customer. This risk can be minimized by requiring customers to pay at least half of the advance payment. If the customer does not agree to these conditions, but offers a tempting price, you can take a chance, but remember that you may be doing free work. If you are not sure about the client, demand a transfer of funds for each text. Another little trick: you can send your work in the form of screenshots, and in text format - only after payment. In which case, the unpaid, but preserved uniqueness article can be sold.

If you decide to become a freelance copywriter, try advertising on. The analysis of text content on sites also works well: you go to the resource, see that the texts are frankly weak, analyze them and send them back. A smart resource owner interested in promoting it will definitely respond to your appeal.

Communication in social networks can also become productive, especially in thematic groups and on forums where people gather in one way or another related to website promotion. You can post your own ad with a link to the portfolio, or you can simply respond to customer requests.

And finally, as a final gift, I would like to give some practical advice to novice copywriters:

Perform even penny orders conscientiously... It doesn't matter how much the work costs: if you took on it, then the price suits you. Even if you received a better offer while working on an inexpensive order, bring the job to the end, and with a full layout. Reputation is more valuable than money!

Give preference to publications from professional and specialized resources... This concerns the selection of sources. The fact is that professional resources (for doctors, accountants, lawyers) rarely make it to the top, but the information on them is always more reliable. By focusing on them, you will definitely be sure that you did not write nonsense.

Don't take on specific topics, in which you obviously do not understand. There are topics that are easy to understand in a short time. But there are also highly specialized areas that require thorough knowledge in the relevant field. If you do not understand 1-C accounting from the word "absolutely", it is better to find an order on a topic that is closer to you in spirit, even if at a lower price.

Find your niche and professional chips... Each of us received some kind of education, and understands something better than the average Internet user. Carefully monitor the feed and third-party resources in search of your topic: if you find a good customer and show yourself on the good side, long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation is ensured.

Maintain a business style when first communicating with a customer... By default, at first, the customer is a completely stranger to you, with whom you have exclusively business relations. Try to maintain some distance in communication without slipping into familiarity. In the future, this distance, perhaps, will gradually decrease: many customers and copywriters have been cooperating for years, turning into real friends.

Continuously improve your profession... If you want to become a sought-after copywriter, do not stand still, even if you are provided with orders. There is no limit to professional excellence, nor is there a limit to the pay for work. A good sales copy can cost $ 50, $ 100, or even more.

Make at least the simplest brief... The terms of reference is great, but it does not always reflect all the "wishes" of the customer. Make a so-called "brief", that is, a list of questions to which the customer should answer if he wants to get a good text with a minimum of revisions. You don't need to invent anything: there are samples of briefs for text content on the Internet. If the customer flatly refuses to fill out the brief, ask him to at least show you an article on his topic that meets his requirements in terms of content and style. This sample will guide you when writing your own article.

Don't be afraid to ask again... It's better to ask ten times than to do pointless work that will have to be redone. The customer is equally interested in the quality of the article, so do not hesitate to ask questions. This is not a sign of unprofessionalism or obsession, but a normal desire to do the job in the best possible way.

Think of rework as normal work moments... Beginners are often upset when texts are returned to them for revision. Do not be sad: these are normal working moments that even top copywriters have. Just treat the revision responsibly and try to satisfy the customer's claims the first time. If the text comes for the second time for revision, you should already think about it - they can be removed from the order, and the time and nerve cells will be wasted. But there is one point: if the new requirements of the customer contradict the original TK, you can apply to arbitration. Surely the moderators will take your side, and the customer will be forced to accept the text with full payment for the work.

Don't write free test papers... Such requests will come constantly: write the text, and then we will see if you are suitable for us. Such customers should be immediately sent to the portfolio - let them evaluate your professional suitability. If you do not have articles on the desired topic in your portfolio, write a small pilot, no more than a thousand characters. This is quite enough to assess the skill.

Remember a simple rule: one customer left, two others will come... Typically, customers' withdrawals are associated with either the completion of the project or the termination of its funding. But sometimes they leave the "insolent" writer who decided to ask for a pay rise. Do not be discouraged, a holy place is never empty, new clients with good money will come. This rule really works great, but subject to high professionalism and an unblemished reputation. Word of mouth on the Internet works 100%, and people come to a good copywriter on recommendation, and he decides with whom to cooperate and with what order to fulfill orders.

Don't overload yourself with information from the start... Remember the saying about how someone can't see the forest because of the trees? Do not try to grasp the immensity from the start, focus on the main thing, and the rest will come with time. Otherwise, you will get confused, lose heart and decide that you cannot become a copywriter in principle. The information in this article is more than enough for the first steps in copywriting, so don't overload yourself beyond what is necessary.

I hope that this article will be useful not only for very novice copywriters, but also for those who have already tried their hand at writing content, but have not yet gained their own experience. The publication is written on the basis of the personal practical experience of leading copywriters, so you can trust it unconditionally. Look ahead with optimism, do not be lazy, keep your commitments, and regular customers with good pay will not keep you waiting!

Greetings! Since we, dear friends, have entered the deep jungle of internet employment, it would be foolish to stop halfway and back down. This is why I suggest continuing discussion of the most affordable online professions and dedicate today's overview to how to become a copywriter from scratch. We talked a lot about the possibility of earning money by creating text content, weighed all the pros and cons of remote work and, finally, found a suitable profession for a beginner. Today I want to talk with you in more detail about copywriters, tell you who they are and, as well as give answers to all the questions you have accumulated about where to start your writing career at home. I am sure that not all of you have fully grasped the essence of this profession, and therefore it makes sense to dig a little deeper.

Copywriter: who is this?

Without long preludes, we go to our invaluable assistant - the English-Russian dictionary. Let's break down a tricky word "Copywriter" into simple components. "Copy" - text material and "Writer" - a writer. Adding both of these values \u200b\u200btogether, it turns out that copywriter Is the person who writes the lyrics. However, this is a literal translation, which, unfortunately, does not reveal all the versatility and completeness of this profession.

If you go a little deeper, it turns out that copywriters are people who create competent, unique and original texts that clearly convey the essence of the material presented in the article, interest readers and answer questions asked by users. Simply put, a copywriter writes texts on a specific topic to order. The focus of his articles can differ significantly from one another - it can be selling texts, and informational, and specific subtypes of these categories.

Job responsibilities

In addition to writing texts, the list of duties of a copywriter includes the following tasks:

  • rewriting articles;
  • editing text;
  • correcting text (correction of grammatical and stylistic errors);
  • search for thematic images;
  • structuring text;
  • writing headlines and writing slogans;
  • seo-optimization of texts.

A good copywriter must be real versatile fighter - avoid mistakes, know the basics of SEO optimization, be able to concisely and succinctly convey the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text to readers, make an article useful and interesting... Often there are situations when a person seems to write interestingly, his works are read literally avidly, but at the same time they do not carry any informative value, not to mention the sea of \u200b\u200berrors in the text. In this case, you should also find a proofreader who will proofread the work of the copywriter and edit them.

Registering an account on the Etxt exchange

Employee requirements

Nevertheless, even despite the presence of an experienced proofreader on the customer's staff, every self-respecting copywriter who wants to be in demand in the freelance market, should:

Write competently

Nobody says that the author has no right to make small mistakes or write with blots. I myself collaborate with performers who occasionally make punctuation or grammatical errors. However, you should not overuse them, because if typos and terrible spelling mistakes literally fill every word in the text, then you should not count on high fees. Such grammatical weaknesses are forgiven only for those authors who write simply "bombing" texts. If the author's work is interesting to read, and the whole essence of the topic is revealed in it, they can close their eyes to mistakes.

Write a lot

This is the pure truth, which is more relevant to start copywriting career. Even the most interesting high-quality texts will initially be sold for a pittance. Only after you have earned yourself a reputation talented and advanced authorwho knows how to write articles on literally any topic, it will be possible to slow down a little - write less, and earn more.

In my opinion, this is a controversial requirement. Some customers, of course, demand interesting and useful work from the performers, while others do not care at all about this. Once I had a chance to work with one author, the content of the articles of the works was, to put it mildly, delusional. I am sure that if I had entrusted the writing of this review to him, then you would have read an article that “in order to become a copywriter, you just have to want to and do everything possible to make your articles buy”. You would not find any specifics and useful information in this review, but you could note the author's writing talent and his ability to create works of art. Nevertheless, for the project I needed just such texts: they were inexpensive, and the performer was provided with work. Shortly speaking, everyone stayed in positive territory.

Have enough free time

If any of you thinks that working as a copywriter on the Internet requires only a couple of hours a day, then he is deeply mistaken. It takes a full day to create good quality text. Don't think that writing an interesting, informative, literate and marketable article is quick and easy. It is quite possible that at the beginning of your career you will quickly produce good works in the volume specified by the customer. However, over time, this will become more and more difficult. Someone now will definitely ask - " What about experience?". No, experience is, of course, great, but when you have to write 50 or 100 articles on the same topic, your imagination runs out to the last drop, then it will come to you what a copywriter does on the Internet, and how much his work is difficult.

Have a rich imagination and developed imagination

For a copywriter's salary to be enough to pay utility bills, buy groceries in a store, travel on vacation, you will have to write a lot. That's why you can't do without good imagination in this matter... Imagine for a moment that in just one evening, you need to write 10 articles about installing interior doors. The first two or three work will go like clockwork, but with each new proposal of the next article it will be more and more difficult to write, you will get the words out of your head almost with claws. If you can't come up with a new topic, just look at what other authors write about the doors (or what you write about there). There is nothing illegal in this, because you do not steal other people's textsbut simply looking for sources of inspiration and borrowing existing ideas.

Be able to adjust

In general, such a talent is useful in any job. If you've never adjusted to other people, you are unlikely to be successful in your career. In the case of copywriting, you will have to learn to adapt to the requests and requirements of your customers. Indeed, by and large, it is they who provide you with work. Well, if you don't have customers, you won't have money either. When there is a need to revise an article or alter a couple of paragraphs - do not refuse such work, and ideally - do it for free. Only 5-10 minutes of time that you spend on this and do not earn extra 20 rubles will bring you much more. It is possible that you will find permanent customer, which will offer you much larger amounts of work and completely different money.

Be patient and always go towards your goal

Realize that nothing falls from the sky, and success doesn't come overnight... To achieve decent results, you have to be patient and push to work. Place your bet on your image and work hard to earn a reputation as a professional in your field. If you want to make a huge income as a copywriter on the Internet, but do not make any effort to achieve this goal, you can not count on large fees. Money comes only to those who want to work and do it every day. Only the most patient and motivated people achieve what they want. If you are one of those who give up any business halfway through, without even having time to start it properly, give up the idea of \u200b\u200bfreelancing.

Be an excellent strategist

Your writing is your weapon, and all other copywriters are your rivals on the battlefield. Exactly because of this reason do not chase quick moneyby putting cheap and low-grade texts on sale. This will not give you anything good, except for a couple of dozen negative reviews, which will significantly reduce your chances of getting an expensive and interesting order. Most likely, such work will go to copywriters who write efficiently in any situation and care about their reputation.

Why will the profession of a copywriter always be in demand?

I am convinced that the profession of a copywriter is the most important and demanded one on the Internet labor market. Lately, all I do is come across advertisements for this vacancy on fairly large and popular websites and portals. I will try to explain to you what the secret of copywriting popularityand why employers are interested in copywriters. The thing is that the entire Internet is woven from letters and numbers. The sites we visit on a daily basis are made up of headings, sentences, and paragraphs. Every day, more and more posts, articles, news and much more appear on this web.

Since the text today is the only easily perceived source of information for people and the only recognition algorithm for search engines, its relevance is obvious. By the way, it is the algorithms that allow us to get answers to all the questions that interest us, which we now and then ask Yandex and Google. For example, here is the search result for the keywords "yellow color shades":

The internet needs copywriters

If you look at the World Wide Web from a different angle, it turns out that approximately 99.9% of all visited sites are created precisely with the aim of attracting a reader or viewer audience, which in the future can convert to moneyearned from advertising or selling goods and services. Obviously, to attract a huge audience to the site, we need to fill it interesting and useful content... This is where the need to attract copywriting power to projects arises. By the way, some site owners, in order to save the budget for the promotion of their offspring, refuse the services of professional authors and write texts on their own.

Finding a really worthwhile performer is a task uneasy... Some authors are so obsessed with money that they write outright nonsense and utter nonsense. That is why the demand for scarce - high-quality and executive copywriters is growing day by day.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for Newbies

Since remote work for beginners is a real minefield in which every wrong step is fatal, I decided to highlight the most exciting aspects of copywriting for you. To make this review as interesting as possible, and there was a minimum amount of water in it, I suggest blitz poll... From you questions, and from me - answers.

I want to master the profession of a copywriter. Where to start?

First of all, you need to register with several freelance exchanges and get started. In my article "The Best Copywriting Exchanges" you will find a list of portals where you can start building a career as a remote writer from scratch. At first, I will pay you very little, which is not surprising, because you do not have any experience yet. However i don't advise you to write texts for a penny... The adequate price of 1 kilo-sign for beginners is 20-30 rubles. Before you start writing copyright texts, I advise you to read my article "", and first of all master this type of activity.

Do I need to have an education to become a copywriter?

Not, no diploma is required from you... All you need is a desire to work and develop in your chosen profession. Even those who at one time wrote essays for only three, can achieve unprecedented success in the writing business.

Will I be able to withstand the competition, because hundreds of thousands of other authors work on exchanges?

If you are ready to become a professional - write a lot, interesting, informative and high quality, - you are not afraid of any competitors... Every day, more and more new companies are born in the world that create their own sites. Users start personal forums and blogs that require texts. In addition, the number of users of the exchange does not mean anything yet. Many authors either give up this occupation, or continue to write cheap texts literally for pennies.

Why are copywriters willing to work for a penny?

How much does a copywriter earn? Is there a salary ceiling?

Making serious money in copywriting is not a myth. However, if you are applying for large fees, you will have to work tirelessly, work on yourself and constantly improve your professional skills. All copywriters earn differently. It all depends on the volume of work, the number of orders, experience and, of course, author's skill... We'll talk more about money a little further. As for the "ceiling", it does not exist. As you develop, so will your fees. There really is room for growth in copywriting.

Can I become a famous author?

Despite the fact that in the Russian-language copywriting there are authors who have become famous as the aces of their business, no one has yet managed to become famous all over the world. Who knows, maybe you will be able to fix this situation?

Is it true that customers pay several thousand for plain texts? What's the point of this?

Yes, it really is. However, I must say right away that only authors of selling and advertising texts receive such amounts. Their essence is to force the reader to buy a product or use the service referred to in the article. Trust my experience, a company that spent 10,000 rubles on an article can literally make 100,000 rubles in one day for those who read this text and performed this action. Now it's clear what is the point?

Registering an account on the Weblancer exchange

Is there a precise instruction to become a sought-after professional?

Generally, there is no clear algorithm... But we can sketch out an indicative plan of action with you. To make it clear what follows what, I propose to reproduce the following story.

Suppose a guy lives somewhere in the world Semyonwho decided to quit his office job and become a freelance copywriter. He thought a little, found out, registered on a couple of copywriting exchanges, and proceeded to fill low-cost orders. For the first few months, Semyon sold his works for 20-30 rubles per 1 kilogram.

During these months, our hero worked on creating his own copywriter portfolio, read thematic forums, talked with more experienced authors. Literally a month later, Semyon decided that he could also work on freelance exchanges, because this would allow him to collect an even more impressive portfolio and improve your writing skill... It was in this month that the cost of his work increased by 1.5 times and amounted to 40-45 rubles per 1000 characters.

Time passed, and Semyon decided to look for customers on freelance exchanges. Here he scored several projects, which he completed at 50 rubles per thousand characters. For a couple of months he wrote at this price and in parallel improved his portfolio. Literally 2 months later, his articles cost 55-65 rubles per kilo, and his list of contacts already had several regular customers. At the same time, Semyon decided to read several books about copywriting and started creating his own blog.

Several months passed, and our hero was already writing at 70 rubles per 1 kilo-character, the number of regular customers grew steadily, the portfolio became more and more impressive, and other users began to subscribe to the blog. Semyon did not stop developing and read, read, read everything.

He came across books on psychology and several textbooks on marketing. After reading them, Semyon began to write excellent advertising and selling texts. Semyon stopped working on a per-symbol basis. From now on, for one selling text, he took not less than 1000 rubles... Our hero continued to develop and study his favorite business.

In just six months, the cost of the texts has increased several times. Now for our selling text talented author demanded at least 5,000 rubles. His works were in great demand, but even here Semyon did not stop in his development. After another 5 years, Semyon became one of the most famous copywriters and decided to write his own book, which today helps all novice authors. He himself decided to reduce the amount of work, and therefore began to write only 1-2 texts per month. This is enough for him. But even now he does not stop improving and continues his professional development.

I think you get the essence of this story. On my own I just want to add that without investment, you will not reach career heights... Learn to invest in yourself if you want to become a sought-after specialist.

How much can you earn?

I am sure that you have already managed to make sure that writing articles is not an easy task. To gain recognition in this area, make good money, you need to love this job. It's no secret that those who enjoy the process itself achieve the fastest results.

No work experience

I will be honest with you and I will say that beginners with no experience in copywriting who have never written custom texts before can count on 10-12 thousand rubles a month, no more. The average cost of a low-grade text is 30 rubles per kilo character. For almost all beginners, I suggest completing the test task at this price. I also have acquaintances who pay that kind of money for filling sites from A to Z and, I confess, the authors write very well. Most likely, this is due to the fact that some people need 15-20 thousand rubles, the main thing for them is to provide themselves with a stable stream of orders and work at home.

Try the Qcomment exchange with simple tasks

Middle level

Beginners are followed by the middle class of authors who write at 50-100 rubles per 1000 characters. By the way, it is in this price category that one of my friends works. As far as I know, she estimates her work at 60-70 rubles per kilo and writes content for a travel site. On average, the size of one article for this portal is 4-5 thousand characters. She receives assignments in blocks of 5 articles in one bundle. For each such block, it turns out from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. The block is written in just 3 days, and therefore she earns 15-20 thousand rubles a month on only one texts about travel.

In parallel with this, she writes posts for the wedding photographer's Instagram account. The cost of one post is 15 rubles. 5 posts are published per day, and therefore the amount of 2250 rubles accumulates per month. Let's add here also the fact that she has orders from an investment portal, which orders about 20 articles a month, with a volume of 15 kilo characters per piece. Here her income is about 20,000 rubles.

Are we counting? It turns out that for a month her income is about 40,000 rubles... In general, the amount is quite decent, especially considering that the average salary in the regions is 30,000 rubles, and if we talk about Ukraine, even less.


Low start: where to start your career?

I am more than sure that many of you want to receive step by step instructionshow to become a copywriter. I will try to help you, and therefore here is my working algorithm, following which you will definitely achieve your goal:

Sign up to multiple text copywriting exchanges and start writing articles

A banal rewriting of articles will be an ideal start. Here he does not require any special skills, the ability to create copyright original texts. All you need to do is make articles unique... In addition, in the case of interaction with exchanges, you automatically solve the problem of where the copywriter can take topics for writing articles.

After completing a couple of orders, there will be a problem with payment

On the Internet, fees are rarely transferred to bank cards, especially if the performers and customers are located in different countries. That is why you need to create an electronic wallet in one of the systems like WebMoney or Yandex Money.

When you feel like you're ready to write more complex work, move on to mastering freelance exchanges

These sites host a huge variety of job offers for remote workers in various fields of activity. I suggest you check out my list of the best job exchanges.

So, beginner copywriters can safely search for orders on such sites:

  • Turbotext - a relatively new job site, which rather rigidly selects authors for work. To start making money on this exchange, you will have to pass a literacy test and complete a small text writing task.

Start making money on the Turbotext exchange

  • Workzilla - the exchange on which they are collected. Here you can work as a rewriter, as an author of reviews, as a proofreader, and in many similar positions.
  • Advego - the most popular copywriting exchange, where you can write articles on a given topic and sell those already in your arsenal.

Registering an account on Advego

  • Weblancer - a wonderful platform for beginner copywriters who have already managed to get their hands on simple and inexpensive texts and want to look for more interesting and expensive orders, interacting directly with employers.

Registering an account on Weblancer

Learn the basics of SEO optimization, work on increasing your baggage of professional knowledge

Register on forums and read blogs of other copywriters.

Don't be afraid to create your own projects

As you learn to freelance, you will be able to implement your ideas - create websites, landing pages, blog or social network page. Trust me, in copywriting you get invaluable experience in order to get a decent income online.

Why choose the profession of a copywriter?

Unfortunately, many beginners do not fully understand why you need to learn to write texts, and what is the use of copywriting in life. Yes, it is clear that money is paid to fulfill orders. However, how many people think that in the process of writing an article, drawing up its structure, we learning? Yes, yes, we learn to think, search, process and analyze information, express our own thoughts and understand our readers. In this case, we are talking about information copyright.

If we are talking about selling texts, then it is still more obvious here - we are learning to sell. Would you argue with me that the richest people are the ones who know how to sell something? I suppose you won't. The creation of such texts helps us penetrate the psychology of buyers, search for the right words and catch them.

In addition to the fact that copywriting is continuous development, such a profession allows you to work almost anywhere in the world. Today you can blog while sitting at a table in a Roman trattoria and eating a piece of Pepperoni, and tomorrow the sandy beach of the Dominican Republic can become your workplace.

We are engaged in training

Any profession requires advanced training of an employee, and copyright is no exception to this rule. If you really want to become a professional in this field, be prepared to spend money on various courses, seminars and books. I have compiled for you a list of 5 books that are recognized the best copywriting tutorials:

  • Dmitry Kot. " Copywriting: how not to eat a dog". In my opinion, this is the best domestic instruction for writing working selling articles. You can open this book on any page and immediately start putting the author's advice into practice.
  • Denis Kaplunov. " Copywriting of mass destruction". If you want to grab the attention of your readers, then this book should be your handbook for creating sales copy.
  • Alexander Repyev. " Wise advertiser". This is a book that contains several hundred examples of real projects that the author of the textbook gave birth to. If I needed to characterize this work in one sentence, then I would say: “ minimum of lyrics and maximum benefit».
  • Sasha Karepina. " We write convincingly. My own copywriter". This book is for those who want to be able to convince readers whom they cannot see. If you are interested in selling everything that your heart desires in a matter of seconds, immediately go to the bookstore for this masterpiece.
  • Sergey Bernadsky. " Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer". It does not matter at all whether you are new to the world of selling texts or already have considerable experience in this matter - you simply must read the textbook.


In general, that's all I wanted to tell you about copywriters. I hope that after today's review you have no questions or illusions about this profession. On this I say goodbye to you, see you soon, friends!

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Almost every person who knows how to use a computer and a keyboard dreams of becoming a copywriter "on free bread" today. If you can also boast of a "sense of language" and literacy, then you have every chance of becoming a good, in-demand author and write selling texts.

How to become a copywriter and where to start?

Step 1. Register

You do not need to pass any strict exams to work and register on the eTXT Content Exchange. You don't even need to know the principles of the site initially. The main thing is to know what copywriting is and what an author does, and how to become a copywriter from scratch, creating selling texts and getting money for them, we will teach you further!

The main and most simple, the first steps - fill in all the fields of the registration form and select the desired status for further work - the performer. In the additional fields, select what types of work you want to perform (copywriting, rewriting, translations, SEO copywriting) and for what price. If you don't even know who the copywriter is and how to get started, leave these fields blank. You can always change their value in your account settings.

Next, select the topics on which you would like to write expert articles and selling texts (no more than five). A list of topics is displayed on your profile, and customers can see what areas you know best.

After filling out the form, click "Register" and wait for a letter from the administration of the eTXT Content Exchange with confirmation of registration: in a few seconds it should come to the mailbox specified when filling out the form. After that, you will receive a letter in which we briefly talk about what you need to know in the first stages of work, how a copywriter works and how to start your work on the exchange.

Step 2. Profile configuration

Your profile is your face on the Exchange. At the same time, in order to become a good copywriter and a successful author on the Exchange, you need to take your profile as seriously as possible at first. The more, more detailed and better the profile is filled, the more professional you look. A good copywriter must first of all be able to correctly describe and “sell” himself.

Profile editing and settings are available in the user's personal account by clicking on the name:

Fill in all the fields to the maximum. In the field "Additional information" in a free form, indicate your strengths for the job. What it can be: skills, training, experience, why the customer should entrust the work to you.


If you already have articles or selling texts in your arsenal that can be shown to customers as an example of your work, place them in your portfolio. This is important in order to become more competitive when applying for an order fulfillment. At the same time, you can add to the portfolio both the texts themselves and links to the resources where they are published. Showcase the best work, not all in a row: the client must make sure that you are a professional.

The copywriter's portfolio is the most important profile information. It reflects your experience and skills. But if you don't have a portfolio, what should you do?

If you do not have any developments at all, do not despair: you can write a work for advanced training (by type of work). This will kill two birds with one stone: you can add a qualifying article to your portfolio and earn stars of excellence for it. In addition, you will try writing texts and thus, over time, you will understand how to learn copywriting and subsequently how to become a copywriter from scratch on your own without any cost for additional courses.

You can also register on the partner project and place the text there, and from the portfolio give a link to a colorfully designed article.

Do not be lazy to fill out your portfolio - it is easy to become a copywriter on the Internet today, and in order to prove your skills, customers need to show their work.

The "Portfolio" tab is available in your personal account in the "My Profile" section. You can read more about the rules for filling out a copywriter's portfolio in the section.

Step 3. Working with orders

After filling out the profile, proceed to the selection of the first orders. If you are at a loss and still do not know how to write articles or doubt what the author is doing and who the copywriter is in general, you can read the step-by-step training instructions for yourself in ours.

How to choose an order?

If, when registering or editing your profile, you did not specify the minimum prices for your services, you will be able to view all orders of the system.

In your personal account, open the "View all orders" section - you will see the order feed of the exchange. Those orders with which it will be most interesting for you to work, you can find in the search by selecting the necessary parameters.

Newbie copywriters, whose rating is less than 300 units, need to pass a literacy test in order to get access to more expensive orders (from 15 rubles / 1000 characters for rewriting and from 25 rubles / 1000 characters for copywriting). This is important because you first need to show your abilities.

How do I apply?

Did you like the topic of the order, the task is clear, and the working conditions suit?

Fine! Click the "Submit Application" button and wait for the customer to accept it, choose you as a contractor and you will receive your first orders. You can also cancel the reply to the job there. If your candidacy is approved, you will receive a system message and the order status will change to "In progress". The statuses of orders and applications are displayed in the personal account at the top:

Work on the order

Having taken the first orders to work, carefully read all the conditions. You must complete the work in accordance with the requirements of the customer - only then will he accept the material and pay you money.

All requirements for copywriters are indicated in the order card: minimum number of characters, deadline for work, percentage of uniqueness, etc.

Don't forget that your article should be literate and of high quality by default. They will help to test themselves, as well as regular updating of their own knowledge - read books on copywriting, thematic and related blogs on how to write texts, about Internet and content marketing, as well as subscribe to our channels on social networks. All this will help you in how to become a copywriter from scratch.

When the work is ready, send it for review: upload the finished work through the order form or attach a file with text. If the customer has accepted the order, you will receive a system notification and the article will change to the "Completed" status.

For copywriters, payment is credited to the account approximately 3-4 hours after the work is accepted.

The main thing is to work for pleasure.

Once you've decided “Yes, I can be a copywriter,” you need to try yourself. If you already have a portfolio, great. If not, then the easiest way to understand in which direction you should develop is to take, perhaps, the simplest order into work and understand whether it is really "yours".

Work should be fun. It's not about making money, it's about figuring out if you enjoy your job.

Believe in yourself

It may sound trivial, but 100 percent belief in yourself is essential for success. For example, many children are taught from a young age that a career in the creative field is a low-paying job and the impossibility of career growth. Subsequently, they work in the office and do not feel satisfaction from what they do in life.

Show patience and perseverance

Most importantly, if you are serious about becoming a copywriter, stick to your desire and don't give up on it!

It will be very difficult to succeed right away. In the early stages of work, most likely, you will have rejected applications - this is what all newbies face. But remember, competition is okay. Don't give up just because you weren't chosen at first.

The first orders will be inexpensive, but once you understand how to write quickly and a lot, you will gradually increase the price of your work, you will develop and get better.

Successful work on the project! Read our blog to learn how to copy and learn more about how to become a copywriter from scratch.
And join if you are not with us yet!

Anyone who has free time, a sense of responsibility and a desire to improve can be engaged in copywriting. Copywriting seems like a pretty easy undertaking, in fact it is not.

How to become a copywriter from scratch?To begin with, it is important to know what is reality here, and what are the stereotypes of people who are ignorant of this matter.

First, it will take self-organization and self-discipline. In a standard job, for example, besides your salary, you are stimulated by your bosses and colleagues, but here the motivation should come only from you.

The article is required to be submitted on time, to comply with a number of specific requirements for the text. It is important to be attentive to such nuances, or the customer will not accept the text and, therefore, will not pay.

Secondly, there is the myth of a completely free schedule. This type of work is essentially freelance, which does not mean that most of the time the copywriter does nothing.

Some articles require a sufficient amount of time to complete: sometimes it is necessary to study a huge amount of material, try to organically enter keywords into the text, achieve one hundred percent uniqueness, etc.

Requirements are not always easy and quick to fulfill, especially if you lack experience or do not have clear knowledge on a given topic. Also, in order to earn decent money, in most cases it is necessary to write several articles per week.

Sometimes the due date is suitable for several articles at the same time. And if you were not puzzled in writing them in advance, then in one day you will have to work a lot, and this may affect the quality and uniqueness of the articles.

Thirdly, copywriting is a very creative process. This is far from the case, because many articles are on technical, financial, economic and other topics. Of course, you can call the process of acquaintance with new information for the author, a retelling of the material learned, but when this is repeated from day to day, emotional burnout quickly sets in.

Fourth, no matter how many positive aspects this type of profession has, but there is a main disadvantage - the lack of live communication and a sedentary lifestyle. If you devote a huge part of your time to writing articles and often sacrifice leisure time, then be prepared that after a while you will have health problems (visual impairments, persistent headaches and dizziness, back pain - especially in the lumbar and cervical regions).

How to become a copywriter from scratch

To better understand the work of a copywriter from the inside, start with a copywriting exchange. There are a great variety of them, it is important to choose a popular and convenient one in your opinion to use. Why should you start with the exchange?

  • Your relationship with the customer is regulated by the exchange administration: it solves any conflicts, payment issues, etc.
  • Payment for the completed order occurs automatically. As soon as the client approves your candidacy for the position of the author, funds are frozen in his account. When the performer submits the text, the money is automatically transferred to his account.
  • User-friendly interface for optimal work with orders. In his profile on the site, the copywriter can see the texts in progress, completed, job applications, etc. It is convenient to search for an order depending on the category, topic, price and even the lead time.

Register on the exchange and fill out the profile. Before you do this, decide for yourself what texts you would like to write? Is it important for you that the future order coincides with the level of your education, circle of interests, etc.?

Or do you want to become a versatile writer who focuses on different ordering topics? When you have decided on a range of topics - write about it in your profile. Describe your interests, education, work experience.

An important point is the establishment of a minimum wage limit. Before prescribing that you take this or that amount for 1,000 characters, complete several orders so that you have experience and a complete portfolio.

There is one caveat: there are customers who set a very low price for 1,000 characters, for example, 5-10 rubles. Basically, such people, after receiving your article, edit it and resell it at 3-5 times more expensive. Therefore, do not agree to such offers.

Next, in the order feed, choose the order that suits you, pay attention to the delivery time, cost, etc. Start by looking for the information you need, then make an outline of the article. In the course of execution, refer to the text of the order (TOR) all the time.

After writing, re-read it 2-3 times for errors and inconsistencies. Check the uniqueness of the resources specified in the assignment, and only then hand over.

When you have accumulated a sufficient number of orders on certain topics (or on one specific: medicine, design, etc.), go to sites of another direction.

These will no longer be exchanges, but sites selling their services as a freelance copywriter, i.e. you yourself are looking for an order and a customer. In your profile, leave links to posted completed articles, and perhaps the right customer will find you himself.

Conclude a kind of written employment contract and take an advance payment. At this stage, the copywriter may be looking for a customer to work on an ongoing basis, for example, daily writing posts on social networks, or describing goods in an online store, or maybe you will become the author of popular science articles or culinary recipes.

A suitable education will help you eventually get a job as a copywriter, translator, SEO manager in a large company, publishing house or other organization.

Summing up, the following algorithm can be distinguished in how to become a copywriter from scratch:

  • Choose the topic you want to deal with. It is important that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you are writing about, understand the topic;
  • Select a copywriting exchange. You have to register there, fill out a profile and complete a couple of trial orders;
  • Build a portfolio;
  • Go to freelance sites, where you can look for customers yourself and conclude contracts for permanent cooperation;
  • Develop in the chosen direction: read the necessary literature, attend trainings and courses, communicate with other authors and customers.