Effective advertising of a solarium. Effective advertising of a beauty salon: examples Advantages of opening a solarium

At any time of the year, we want our skin to look healthy and beautiful. A tan - The best way get rid of problems and get a uniform skin tone. But, alas, we manage to sunbathe under the sun’s rays only in the summer. And then - changes in weather conditions, difficulties with vacations, crowded beaches greatly hinder us in this. Yes, and tanning can be different. Scientists say that the sun's rays are only beneficial for a couple of hours a day; the rest of the time they can greatly harm our body and especially the beauty of our skin. So the issue of tanning must be taken very seriously. And for those who don’t like to wait, appreciate space and don’t want to depend on vacations, there is Alternative option -solarium !

Even and safe tan quickly

We all know that the body needs ultraviolet rays. This is the best way to stock up vitamin D, which is so important for the beauty of the skin! Ultraviolet light helps to cope with rashes of various types, improves metabolism, dries out small wounds, helping them to heal faster. Some studies show that ultraviolet radiation promotes skin regeneration. A tanned face looks younger. Tanning hides minor skin defects and removes allergic rashes. Tanned legs seem slimmer, and even cellulite under a tan is not so noticeable.

Yes, and medicine confirms: the sun kills many bacteria, strengthens bones, cures depression... The sun's rays also have many, many beneficial properties, but our body is not always ready to benefit from the natural environment. Yes, that’s what we’re talking about – solar activity sometimes exceeds all limits acceptable for our body. It is especially insidious in late spring and early summer. We all know the simple rules: from 10 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon it is undesirable to fry in the “open sun”; it is recommended to wear a hat, dark glasses and use sunscreen... However, dermatologists generally advise to beware of sunbathing at the very beginning of summer, when the sun is at its strongest. actively. And to look the part and keep the situation under control, it's worth choosing a solarium, where the effect of rays is normalized and safe.

Just like in the sun, your skin tone will become darker as the lamps work, but this time it will be completely harmless to you and your skin, you will not risk getting burns or sunstroke. A few visits are enough for the tan to become noticeable to others, after which you can go to the solarium only once or twice a week to consolidate the effect.

Solarium. What is it like?

According to their design, solariums are divided into vertical and horizontal. In a horizontal solarium, you lie on a surface that is wiped each time with a special composition that kills bacteria. Vertical solariums are usually contactless and act a little faster. For tanning in a solarium, special lamps are used, the power of which determines the speed of your tanning, but do not try to choose the most powerful ones, the best option is a gradual tanning, which will not be a shock to the body, which means it will last for a longer time. For the face in a solarium, a separate lamp with a lower power is usually used, which can be turned off if desired.

Nowadays, “turbo solariums”, which are equipped with a ventilation system, are more often used. In such a solarium, the heating of the body is almost imperceptible, and tanning turns into pure pleasure. Lying or standing in such a solarium, you will feel like you are on the warm seashore with a light breeze, and time flies unnoticed.

How to get a beautiful tan in a solarium?

The duration of one tanning session and the number of necessary procedures depends on the characteristics of the client’s skin and the type of solarium. Experts divide skin according to its tendency to tan. Light (white, pale pink and ivory) skin is slightly prone to tanning. This type of people is called Celtic, they usually have blond hair, and their body tends to be covered with freckles. For such people, the May and June sun is generally contraindicated, and the skin can react unambiguously to an hour of sunbathing - with burns. For them, the first session in a solarium should be less than five minutes. To fix your tan, you should use special products.

The next skin type is also not very prone to tanning. Its owners can sunbathe for a long time, waiting for a good result, they are not so susceptible to burns and overheating, but their pigment is not produced as quickly as they would sometimes like, but the tan turns out even and beautiful. Such people can gradually increase the time they spend in the solarium, and then use activators.

If your skin tans well and has a dark tone, then you are most likely a representative of the Mediterranean type, and visits to the solarium can be quite long for you. You just have to remember to at least take breaks 3-4 days between visits to the solarium.

Since the effects of solarium lamps are different from the effects of the sun, you do not need to use any protective equipment while tanning. To improve and strengthen the effect you can use developers (products for initial tanning, they help it appear faster on light skin that is less prone to tanning), activators (strengthen the tan) and fixers (fix the tan, take care of the skin).

Girls are capricious creatures, but demanding and responsible, especially when it comes to their own appearance. The female sex really loves to feel on top in any situation, and therefore beauty salons are thriving. But there is fierce competition among them. How do salons attract their clients? Originality, beauty and freshness of look. In other words, high-quality and unusual advertising for a beauty salon is required. Generations of predecessors developed an algorithm for creating effective advertising.

An entrepreneur's dream

It would be great if everyone knew about the new establishment right away. But, alas, you will have to work hard so that even the neighbors on the street know about the new product. In particular, beautiful advertising of a beauty salon determines the success of the enterprise and its profitability. Most often, such establishments are visited by representatives of the fair sex, and for them the most important thing is the picture. Therefore, they will not go to a salon without advertising, even if the best specialists in the world work there. The logic is simple - without advertising, the audience simply will not know who works here and how. Another thing is that advertising should not be intrusive. This is the beauty industry and you have to live up to it. You will have to tailor the advertising campaign to the chosen name, to the potential audience and to the range of services offered. Can you do it? Decide for yourself, but remember that by refusing advertising, you lose the lion's share of customers.

Photo idea

Start with the simplest thing - establish contacts with the media, photographers and bloggers in your area. This is a really strong channel of influence. With such acquaintances, you can immediately win the population of the city to your side. Talk to local photographers and offer them mutually beneficial cooperation. After all, photographers constantly need clients, reviews and portfolio additions. Offer them the services of your makeup artists and cosmetologists. Such services are paid, but you can order colorful and juicy photographs as payment. It will be best advertising beauty salon, since the plot will focus on your work and real clients. A sincere smile is immediately visible and advertising of this type is attractive and really attracts.

You can also try organizing outdoor photo sessions with the services of a hairdresser and makeup artist. At the same time, the cost of the photo shoot will be higher, but the result will be guaranteed. Do not spare money on a juicy advertising project, and also give your clients professional photographs.

A good idea might be a “star gallery” that will find a place on the walls of your salon. Here post photos of clients in a certain image.

In return, clients will post reviews about the work of the salon and specialists. But be sure to display the backstage from photo shoots on your pages in in social networks.

You can agree with the photo studio on the mutual placement of business cards and advertising. Reinforce your connections regularly and remember your business partners.

What to do to remember?

Advertising of beauty salon services should be visual, and therefore you can get a lot of benefit from good photography. In particular, take care of creating a portfolio. It can be digital or paper, but it is better to present both versions for each service presented. Yes, it can take up a lot of space and take a lot of time, but you won't have to spend a lot of time telling your client how great she will look.

Always keep a camera handy and be sure to take pictures of clients before and after the procedure. Create a beauty wall in your salon with a pleasant background. After the procedures, the woman feels like a queen, and she will be happy to pose for a good shot.

Don’t forget to post the shots you take on social networks and on your website. Best pictures can be used for discount coupons from your salon.

Take entertainment!

Update content on your website and on your social networks more often. Communicate with bloggers and exchange mutual advertising messages. A blogger can pay a visit to your salon, and you, in turn, offer him a tour of your domain. Don’t be afraid to offer discount coupons or take part in city festivals. For example, at one of them, organize an outdoor table for a cosmetologist who will give express advice on the skin condition of eligible women. This is a very effective advertisement for the services of a beauty salon, since you can give business cards to everyone who is interested and offer a list of services that are available in your salon. You can also immediately arrange an appointment for a consultation in the salon. Don’t forget about a photographer who can work for your salon during the event and then post photos with original hashtags.

Watch yourself!

If you need high-quality advertising for a beauty salon, a photo of the owner should be present in it at least sometimes. The fact is that being at the head of such a business is a serious responsibility. You must be an example, a worthy model and practically a style icon. It is not necessary to have a model appearance, but you need to be able to attract attention in your figure and in your image. Down with modesty and universality of appearance! Be creative and constantly improve your image. Well, a client won’t get his hair cut by a hairdresser with an unkempt “bump” on his head! How can you trust a makeup artist with a vulgar tattoo and scary eye makeup? Organize a beautiful uniform for all salon employees, which will differ from the robes of Soviet hairdressing salons. Let it be white dresses or robes with the salon emblem. After all, a beauty salon master is practically a doctor who restores your beauty. So let him look the part. This will greatly raise your status, as you will visually show how important the client is to you.

Establish contact with the client

Effective advertising for a beauty salon is not perceived by the audience as advertising. That's the point main secret. So promote your salon through communication. For example, start a personal blog where you write about work and personal experiences. Also post photos there. Here you can post photos of haircuts and videos from filming. Your blog posts will be personal, yet compelling and relevant. Make regular entries and try to include some zest in the text. You don’t have to think about words and style. Simplicity, sincerity and spontaneity are in fashion. Make plans for mandatory materials on the blog, do not miss holidays and dates that are significant for your salon. When you write about personal things, clients become friends. And we all love to visit our friends. So who will they choose when they want to spruce up their appearance?

Be trendy

Advertising of a beauty salon should correspond to fashion trends. So you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse. Regularly create online competitions for the best model, haircut, makeup artist, manicure and the best salon specialist. Involve clients as judges. Let them rate and give reasons for their opinions. Be sure to award prizes at such competitions. Such beauty salon advertising creates activity around your salon and attracts new customers. By the way, discount cards for new customers can be given as consolation prizes. People naturally love to socialize, so make your salon a social hub to build loyalty and motivate customers.

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Solarium business plan: how to open a solarium from scratch

Opening your own tanning studio today is considered one of the most popular, profitable and promising types of business. And, despite the fact that the market for this type of beauty services is more than developed, it is quite possible for a novice businessman to join it.

This is due to consumer demand growing every day, which does not decline at any time of the year. But, in order to take a place in this type of business, a newcomer faces complex issue- how to open a solarium without the risk of losing your investment and guaranteed to receive income from it?

Where to start opening a solarium

First of all, you need to decide on your financial capabilities, on the basis of which you can draw up a business plan for a solarium. Let's consider two main options.

Budget version

If your start-up capital has a very limited limit, and you don’t know how to open a solarium from scratch, there is a way out - you can purchase one or more ordinary solariums and rent space for them in any beauty salon or fitness club.

In just 4-6 months, financial investments in tanning equipment will pay off, and you will be able to further develop in this area of ​​business. Purchasing a semi-household option will cost on average about 3.5 thousand.

dollars, and the income will be at least $650 per month.

Professional solarium

Here you will need much larger financial costs than when opening a budget solarium, but the expected profit in this case will be much higher. You will have to significantly expand the business plan and include the following points:

  • purchase of modern tanning machines in different variations (horizontal, vertical, breeze-solarium, with aromatherapy, etc.). This will cost you approximately $40,000 - about 10 thousand for one device, but will allow you to attract a wider and more solvent clientele;
  • work on the design of the premises - purchasing furniture and interior items;
  • organization additional services to ensure the comfort of clients while staying in the solarium - this could be the installation of a herbal bar or a massage room.

What you need to open a solarium - step by step steps

Selection of premises

The choice should be guided by two criteria: the size and location of the room.

The dimensions of the room must exceed the size of the tanning apparatus - to install a horizontal solarium, the room must have a width of 1.5 m, length and height of at least 2 m, and for a vertical one, it is advisable to choose a room at least 2.6 m in height.

It is recommended to select a location on the territory of swimming pools and spa salons, health centers, beauty salons - this is guaranteed to save you from a possible quantitative crisis in visiting a solarium. Of course, the best place for quick promotion will be the center and densely populated areas of the city. True, the rental prices here may “surprise” you.

Purchase of necessary equipment

To open a full-fledged tanning studio and provide clients with a high level of service, you will need: tanning equipment (at least 4 devices), washing and drying machines, towels, sunscreen and cosmetic skin care products after sunbathing, eye protection glasses, etc. d.

Expert advice: do not try to save money on purchasing used tanning equipment - the cost of repair and maintenance of such devices often exceeds the cost of a new modern solarium.

Also an important factor in customer satisfaction is the furnishings and interior of your studio. Here you should think through everything down to the smallest detail: from having a large mirror to cozy sofas and bedside tables with flower pots.


The main personnel of the tanning studio are solar consultants. The essence of their work is as follows: meeting the client, assessing the type and condition of his skin, selecting an individual program and caring cosmetics before and after tanning.

Of course, consultations should be conducted with a pleasant smile, a sense of tact and ethics towards the client. In addition, for the solarium to function fully, you will need to hire an administrator, an accountant and a cleaner.

Advertising campaign

During the advertising campaign, you should take care of information signs, submit your ad to the media mass media, order all kinds of advertising leaflets and booklets, and also develop preferential discount systems.

When should you expect profit?

If you opened a professional tanning studio and invested at least $50,000 in it, then with an income of 3,000 per month for a year, you will be able to fully compensate for your investment in this type of business. It is possible to achieve such a payback if at least 5 devices are in operation.

The payback for a budget solarium is as follows:

Investment of approximately 350,000 rubles: purchase of equipment - 320 thousand, rental of premises - 20 thousand, employee salaries - about another 20,000 rubles.

Estimated income - at least 80,000 rubles. per month, taking into account the average client traffic (~20 people per day) and the cost of the service is 10 rubles/min.

Thus, the solarium will pay for itself within 6 months.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a tanning studio

  • Documentation
  • Choosing equipment
  • Location and design
  • Additional services
  • Staff
  • Advertising
  • Costs and profits

The beauty industry has always been and will be a popular business that brings good income.

Moreover, there are many options for activities. For example, many women are interested in opening a tanning studio, as it is always profitable and relevant.


A solarium as a business project requires mandatory registration and collection of certain certificates and permits. In any case, to open almost any entrepreneurial activity You will need the following documents:

  1. Documents confirming the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Permission to use the premises from the SES and Gospozhnadzor.
  3. Documents confirming the registration of the cash register with the tax authorities.
  4. Lamp recycling agreement.
  5. Book of complaints and suggestions.
  6. Charter of the enterprise.

The OKVED code for registration will be 93.04: “Physical and recreational activities” for the procedure itself and 52.33: “ Retail cosmetic and perfumery products” if you want to sell related products.

Also, your employees must include specialists with medical education. Please note that this is an approximate list necessary documents to open the solarium. The relevant authorities will tell you in more detail about the entire procedure.

Information changes frequently, so it’s better not to take risks, but find out the entire list at once.

Choosing equipment

In order to open a successful business, first of all, you need to choose quality equipment. Progress does not stand still and at this time there are at least 4 types of solariums:

  • Horizontal. The most common unit, which has its advantages and disadvantages. Most people choose this option because of its convenience: in a horizontal solarium you can lie down, close your eyes and even take a nap. However, many people do not like confined spaces and naked contact with glass. In any case, this is a standard option that is gradually fading into the background.
  • Vertical. An ideal option for those who want to open their own solarium, but do not have large in cash. A vertical apparatus is cheaper than a horizontal one and takes up less space. The tan will be more uniform, but the radiation will still be greater.
  • Sedentary. The procedure takes place while sitting in a special chair. A convenient option for a beautiful tan of a specific area of ​​the body. It is believed that such a solarium has the strongest radiation.
  • Turbo solariums. The most expensive and elite type of these devices. The client can independently choose the music and aroma; turn on the hydromassage, cooling system; call a specialist using a special button and this is not all the functions of the “miracle machine”.

You can choose one of the suggested options to open, but the ideal option would be to purchase all four types. Especially if you want to open not just a solarium, but a real tanning studio.

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Location and design

You can open your own tanning studio, or you can install a solarium in one of these places:

  1. Beauty salon or hairdresser;
  2. Hotel.
  3. Gym.

We would advise starting with such places, as it is more beneficial for beginners. Women willingly combine several procedures together and will be happy to go to a solarium, especially if you put it in a well-known beauty salon or fitness center.

If you have enough funds, then you can open good studio tanning It is best to rent premises in central areas, especially if you live in a small town. However, before doing so, you should carefully evaluate the competition.

Bad idea There will be a solarium opening next to a similar establishment.

Once you have found the necessary premises to open a tanning studio, you need to carefully consider the design and interior of the premises. Your establishment should be cozy and relaxed.

Buy plasma TVs, designer sofas with coffee tables. Hang it on the walls beautiful pictures or posters.

You can look at the photo for examples of design for a solarium or tanning studio:

Additional services

If you still decide to open a tanning studio, rather than install a solarium in a hairdressing salon, then you better think about additional services that the establishment can provide:

  • sauna;
  • massage room;
  • SPA treatments;
  • beauty salon;
  • herbal bar;
  • sale of skincare cosmetics (scrubs, creams, lotions, etc.).

Thus, you will establish yourself as a successful company. In addition, you can earn much more by opening a solarium. Perhaps at first such an idea will not be “affordable” for you, but in the future, be sure to try to make it a reality.


The number of staff will depend on the scale of the business project, but, in any case, even for a small tanning studio you will need:

  1. Two specialists working in shifts.
  2. Administrator.
  3. Cleaner.
  4. Outsourced accountant (if necessary).

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Of course, in order to open a profitable solarium, you need to take care of advertising. The development methods are quite standard and will not soon lose their relevance:

  • distribution advertising leaflets on the streets of the city;
  • developing a group on social networks and/or creating a website on the Internet;
  • submitting advertisements to various media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television, etc.;
  • Submitting advertisements on specialized websites on the Internet;
  • advertising on public transport, stops, etc.

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Costs and profits

As practice shows, in order to open a good solarium, you will need from 500,000 rubles.

In this amount we included the costs of purchasing two devices (vertical and horizontal types) and other equipment, renting and repairing premises, wages to the staff.

This amount is approximate and in any case, before opening it will be necessary to draw up detailed business- solarium plan.

As for profit, the seasonality of the procedure should be taken into account. Most often, people resort to artificial tanning services in the spring and early summer; the period of least interest among clients is considered to be autumn and winter.

In any case, by providing additional services, you will not be left without income. By opening a tanning studio business, you can receive 100,000 rubles in net income per month (subject to the success of the establishment).

Payback occurs in 0.5-2 years.

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How to open a solarium from scratch - where to start and is it profitable?

Today we will tell you in detail how to open a solarium from scratch. Currently, in the cities of Russia there are already a fairly large number of tanning studios, but this market continues to quite favorably accept newcomers to the business.

Solariums are capable all year round generate income because clients eager to get and then maintain a tan the right level, will be found both in winter and summer. That's why many people want to open their own small business– solarium.

Income, profitability of solarium

The cost of a minute of tanning may vary depending on competition and the region; it is approximately 15 rubles.

Accordingly, in 30 days it will be 90,000 rubles.

Solarium payback period

To do this, you need to calculate all the expenses: renting a room is on average 20,000 rubles a month, it can fluctuate depending on the region. Buying a horizontal and vertical solarium costs approximately 450,000 rubles.

The employee's salary will be 20,000 rubles. Accordingly, expenses amounted to 490,000 rubles. 490,000 rubles / 90,000 rubles = 5.4 months.

That is, a solarium can pay for itself in a period of 6 months to 1 year, since you need to take into account that the lamps need to be replaced approximately every six months.

general information

First of all, it is necessary to purchase the solarium itself. Next comes the interior finishing of the room and its design. After this, you will need to purchase related products and purchase stylish furniture. It is best to organize a herbal bar inside the salon.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of clientele you are counting on.

If you want to open an economy class solarium, it is enough to purchase 2 semi-household solariums, for example, Kettler company, install them in a local salon, sports club or fitness club, beauty salon.

The devices will pay for themselves in a few months. Thus, in order to open such a solarium, you will need 310,000-496,000 rubles.

In addition, solariums usually offer a large selection of different cosmetics: tanning creams and gels. This is a mandatory attribute for any self-respecting solarium.

Visitors can enjoy a herbal bar that offers a variety of teas and vitamin cocktails. In most cases, manicure and massage services are also available.

This not only adds respectability to the establishment, but is also not the last source of income. All features should be included in the solarium business plan.

Where to open

It would be best to open a solarium either in the central part of the city or in the oldest, most populated areas.

The disadvantage of this option is that the prices for renting premises and competition in such places are very high. Difficult to pick at all suitable premises.

On the plus side, it is worth noting that the business will grow faster, due to the fact that residents of central areas are usually more affluent.


When choosing a room, you need to consider which booths will be installed in it, as well as their number.

According to the requirements, the dimensions of the room must exceed the dimensions of the solarium by at least 170 cm in length and by at least 120 cm in width.

For horizontal solariums, the ceiling must be at least 220 cm, for vertical solariums - 260 cm. From the top of the solarium to the ceiling of the room there must be at least 20 cm.

Which solariums are better?

Others want to get a beautiful tan quickly, and vertical tanning beds allow you to tan completely and evenly in just 5-7 minutes.

Many also prefer this particular type of solarium, considering it more hygienic, since there is no direct contact with the glass. The tan you can get in such a solarium is natural and even.

In addition, it usually has more powerful lamps, so tanning time is reduced.

The advantage of such solariums is that they are more ergonomic; due to their compactness, such a solarium saves space in the room, which allows you to save on rental costs.

This model allows you to save time that clients spend preparing for a session.

The solarium is designed for two cabins, so while one client is in the solarium, another client can safely prepare for a tanning session in another cabin.

Such a system allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation of the solarium, so you can serve twice as many clients and, accordingly, receive twice as much profit.

The size of the room should be calculated based on what solariums are installed in it.

The following example can be given: if you install SunFlower Double models, then 6 tanning booths, an administrator’s desk, and a small room with a shield and shelving can be located on an area of ​​approximately 28.5 m2.

Modern solarium devices can cost from 527,000 rubles and more. They have various functions in the form of aromatherapy, massage, and the ability to pour water on the client to create the illusion of being on the seashore. The choice is very large.

It is also worth noting that you should not save on purchasing equipment and purchase used solariums.

Servicing such devices will be quite expensive, since lamps costing 310-465 rubles often burn out.

You should be especially careful when selecting personnel for your tanning studio.

The corporate identity would be emphasized by tanned employees who would be well versed in the issues of healthy and proper tanning, as well as related cosmetic procedures.

It would also be a good idea for the staff who interact with customers to wear branded clothing from your establishment. IN staffing table

In addition to consultants, it is necessary to include an administrator, an accountant, and a cleaner. If your solarium provides additional services, then the staff will need to include a manicurist, massage therapist, bartender and others, depending on the type of services provided.

How to advertise a solarium It is worth noting one more point - catchy advertising will contribute to the success of the solarium.

The cost may be approximately 155,000 rubles.

It is necessary to think over a system of discounts and rewards for regular visitors, for example, after 10 visits, 11 are free.

Regular visitors to the solarium can be offered additional services as a bonus: a massage session or a visit to the manicure salon.

A striking illuminated sign at the entrance, as well as signs on the approach to the solarium will help visitors better navigate. A sign can cost about 50,000 rubles.

Equipment manufacturers and dealers have recently, given the popularity of solariums and the high demand for them, offer their services and assistance in organizing business.

Specialists from such companies can help in opening a salon, for example, with drawing up a business plan, with various types of printed products, such as club cards.


In conclusion, it is worth recalling basic moments things to consider when opening your solarium:

  • competently draw up a business plan,
  • choose a room,
  • purchase the necessary equipment,
  • select personnel,
  • place an advertisment.

All calculations in the material are given in rubles, based on the exchange rate of 1 dollar = 32 rubles. We wish you successful business and good profits!

on this topic:

How to open a profitable solarium from scratch?

Surely after visiting a solarium, you have thought about how to open a solarium from scratch yourself? The idea is good and promising. But you need to weigh everything and decide how profitable it is and whether you can cope with this business.

There will never be seasonal downtime in this business; it operates all year round. This service will always be in demand, because people want to be beautiful, regardless of the season. Despite the abundance of offices with solariums, you can always make your office unique.

How to start everything from scratch?

To start your own business, you must decide on your financial capabilities. If you were unable to attract investors and you do not have a very large amount of money, then you can limit yourself to the budget version of the solarium.

In this case, you can buy a tanning bed, which costs about $3,500, and install it in someone's beauty salon or fitness club.

In this case, the rent is not very large, and the income from one solarium will be approximately $600 per month.

Thus, the cost of the device itself will pay off in 5 months.

If you have the means to open your own personal account with a solarium, then to make it profitable, you need to purchase large solariums, vertical, horizontal, and a solarium with built-in aromatherapy.

Such devices will cost at least $10,000, and you will need about 4 of these devices.

You will also need to work hard on the office space, the design of which must be unique so that people remember it after the first visit. To make the solarium flourish, you can arrange additional services in your office, such as massage.

Step-by-step instruction

So, you decided to open a solarium from scratch. What will be your first step? Second? Please read the instructions below carefully.

Business registration. To register an office with a solarium, you will need to collect a number of documents:

  1. A document confirming that you are registered as individual entrepreneur or what you are legal entity with a legal address.
  2. Permits from the sanitary service for the use of the rented premises.
  3. A document by which you have registered your cash register with the tax office.
  4. Agreement with a company engaged in recycling mercury lamps.
  5. There must be a book of complaints.
  6. Company charter.

Remember, all required documents must be available, otherwise regulatory authorities will be able to close your account at any time and impose a fine, and instead of the expected profit, you may end up in a debt hole.

Choosing a place for a solarium. First of all, the dimensions for the solarium must be correct, namely:

  • room width - at least 1.5 m;
  • length - not less than 2 m;
  • height - not less than 2.5 m.

These dimensions are determined by the dimensions of the device itself.

The location of the office should be in the city center. It is unlikely that anyone will travel to the outskirts of the city for procedures, and your business will decline in such a place.

Therefore, for a solarium to flourish as a business, it is best to open an office on the territory of a water complex or a large swimming pool.

You can open a solarium on the territory of a sports complex, that is, in those places where people will think about the color of their skin. Or just in beauty salons.

Solariums in hotels should work very well, that is, profitably. Any person will be pleased to return home tanned after leaving, even if he never made it to the sea.

Necessary equipment.

In order for the solarium to be popular with customers, you must not skimp on equipment, do not buy used ones, otherwise you will spend more money on repairs than you would spend on new ones. Do not skimp on pleasant little things that will make your office cozy and beautiful. So, you will need:

  1. Solarium - 4 pieces.
  2. Washing machine.
  3. Set of towels.
  4. Set of sunglasses.
  5. A set of cosmetics for tanned skin.
  6. Large mirror on the wall.
  7. Small sofa.
  8. Clothes hanger.

Staff. First of all, you will have to hire an accountant. Then the administrator. And you will also need a cleaning lady. But most importantly, you must have a solar consultant - this is the person who will work directly with clients. He must be polite and correct.

He should also understand cosmetics used for tanning and after tanning. He must understand skin types in order to select individual care programs.

At the same time, it itself should look good, being a kind of advertisement for your solarium.

  1. Place advertisements in newspapers and magazines published in your city.
  2. Make a video for local television.
  3. Start spreading advertising brochures, describing your solarium.
  4. Distribute advertising on social networks.

It will cost from $5,000. Remember, advertising is very important to successfully open a tanning salon.

Additional services. If you manage to open your own large office with a solarium, then it will become a popular place among visitors and bring stable income, it is necessary to introduce several additional services, that is, to expand the range:

  1. Massage services.
  2. Cosmetologist services.
  3. Mani Pedi.
  4. Phytobar.
  5. A store with skin care cosmetics.

Profit, profitability, pitfalls

As a business, a solarium can bring good income if it is organized correctly. It makes sense to calculate costs and profits. You now know what you need to open a solarium.

And it will cost approximately $50,000. If you bought at least 4 devices, then your monthly profit can be about $3,000.

Thus, your salon will pay for itself in about 1.5 years.

If you decide to organize your solarium as small rented premises in gyms, hairdressing salons and hotels, then you will have to invest approximately 350,000 rubles. Such a business will bring about 80,000 rubles per month. This means that this type of business will pay off in six months.

Now you know what to expect from such a business, and if you believe in yourself, then everything will work out for you.

How to open a solarium from scratch

Business relevance

Opening your own solarium is a good business idea; this activity can generate good income, since a light tan is always in fashion.

Despite the large number of different beauty salons, there is still free space in this niche.

This service is in demand not only in winter, but also in summer, which ensures regular profits throughout the year and high business profitability.

Stages of building a business

How to open a solarium from scratch and what needs to be done to ensure that all investments quickly pay off? First of all, you need to decide on the business concept.

You can install one solarium in a beauty salon, or, for example, in a fitness center. Another option is to open a professional tanning studio, which will have several permanent installations.

In order to increase profits, additional services may also be provided to clients in the salon.

Organizing a business includes the following stages:

  • registration of a company in the form of an individual entrepreneur and preparation of all necessary documents;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • searching for reliable equipment suppliers who will subsequently provide high-quality technical maintenance;
  • rental of premises, its renovation and design;
  • personnel selection;
  • advertising, organizing promotions and discounts for regular customers.

Financial calculations

To successfully implement the project, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan for the solarium with calculations. To open it, the following financial costs will be required:

  • purchase of equipment – ​​from 350,000 rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - from 60,000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - from 30,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • premises rental – from 30,000 rubles;
  • utilities – from 10,000 rubles;
  • salary – from 30,000 rubles;
  • advertising – from 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of disinfectants and lamps – from 75,000 rubles.

In order to find out whether opening a solarium is profitable or not, you need to make certain calculations.

If the cost of the service is 10 rubles per minute, with an attendance of 40 people per day, sunbathing for ten minutes, the monthly income will be from 120,000 rubles.

Less total expenses net profit will be from 55,000 rubles.

The information provided in this article is only a brief introduction to the essence of the business. If you decide to proceed with implementation, then you need to download a professional business plan for opening a solarium with detailed calculations:

DOWNLOAD Business Plan

Required documents

One of the pressing issues of interest to budding entrepreneurs is what documents are needed to open a solarium? To organize a business you will need the following documentation:

  • permission sanitary services for medical and health procedures;
  • fire inspection permit;
  • inspection of equipment and premises;
  • employees have licenses to provide these services;
  • staff health records.

Premises requirements

What does it take to open a solarium that meets all the necessary requirements? For this purpose, it is recommended to find a room located in a large residential area or in the city center. The total area of ​​the cabin must be at least 50 square meters. m.

Supply and exhaust ventilation must be installed in the room. In addition, you should take care of one or more shower stalls.

The flooring in the room in which the solariums are located must be hard, so the floor should be covered with ceramic tiles.


In order to ensure a constant flow of customers, it is recommended to purchase solarium equipment of various modifications. There are several types of installations, which can be vertical, horizontal or in the form of chairs:

  • with massage function;
  • with a “breeze” effect;
  • with aromatherapy;
  • solariums for tanning individual parts of the body.

You should also take care of purchasing lamps, the power of which should range from 80 -230 W.


After opening the salon, it is necessary to hire the following employees:

  • several administrators working in shifts;
  • accountant;
  • a helioconsultant who helps clients determine their skin phototype;
  • cleaning lady


Prosperity of business will be ensured by competently developed marketing strategy. Advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio, television and on the Internet is highly effective.

Cons of business

To the disadvantages of this business may include the need for regular maintenance installations, as well as the need for constant purchase of expensive consumables. Otherwise, there may be a risk of equipment breakdown, which in turn will lead to a partial loss of customers and a decrease in profits.

Availability of franchises

Opening a salon from scratch requires quite a significant time and financial investment; in order to quickly promote the project, entrepreneurs can purchase a franchise. The advantages of this solution:

  • famous brand;
  • quick income from commercial activities;
  • possibility of lending and investment;
  • equipment maintenance by the franchisor;


  • regular royalty payments;
  • strict requirements for compliance with standards and regulations;
  • the presence of serious restrictions in the development of commercial activities.

Additional services

You can increase business profits and attract additional customers by selling cosmetics intended for tanning.

If we talk about how much it costs to purchase such products, then a lot depends on the manufacturer.

Cosmetics from American brands that offer both budget products and premium products are now considered very popular.

In addition to selling cosmetics, the salon can provide various related services.

For example, you can set up a massage room in it; infrared sauna; herbal bar, as well as equip a room intended for personal training.

Solarium vending machine:

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Solarium as a business

One of the most popular areas of business today is the beauty industry: there is hardly a person who would not like to look well-groomed and attractive.

Helping to quickly achieve this goal, in particular, is a tan, which can be obtained using special devices– solariums.

Solariums are popular all over the world, and opening a tanning studio is very fertile ground for investment.

Abroad, machine tanning has long become commonplace: solariums are installed everywhere - at home and at work, in beauty salons and health centers, at train stations and airports. Interestingly, even in sunny resorts, many hotels are equipped with solariums for people who prefer a quick, safe tan to staying under the scorching sun.

Factors of business prospects

The prospects for opening a solarium business are determined by the following factors:

  • a small share sunny days per year in mid-latitudes;
  • the presence of adverse consequences for the body due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation - both physical and mental;
  • tanning is an indicator of a person’s status, an important component of his image;
  • tanning in a solarium is less dangerous than under the sun;
  • high demand for services when the market is insufficiently filled.

In addition, a solarium as a business is variable in scale - you can open a small establishment and use only one device, or you can create a whole network of tanning studios with an expanded range of additional services: massage, manicure and pedicure services, spa treatments, herbal bar, etc. In order to minimize the initial investment, we will consider in more detail the stages of opening an economy class solarium.

Client in the process of receiving a service

Registration procedures

Before you open your solarium, you need to register your business. To date, tanning studios are not licensed. Both individual entrepreneur and LLC are suitable as an organizational and legal form.

However, according to general definition, registering a business as an individual entrepreneur is easier, faster, and more profitable.

It is worth noting the following important feature for the case when the owner opens a solarium as an additional service in his own beauty salon, providing licensed (in particular, medical) services:

  • If the salon is registered as an individual entrepreneur, its owner has a medical education and the necessary work experience in medicine, then it is more profitable for a solarium to become part of the salon.
  • If the salon is registered as an LLC (the owner does not have medical education and corresponding work experience), it is more profitable for a solarium not to go “under the wing” of the salon, but to register as an independent individual entrepreneur.

This technique is widely used in the beauty industry, as it helps to optimize both the activities of the enterprise and the taxation system. Suitable OKVED codes will be:

  • 93.04 – “Physical and recreational activities”;
  • 52.33 – “Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes” if the sale of related cosmetics is planned.


Regarding the choice of taxation system, depending on the income of the solarium, UTII or PSN will be optimal ( patent system taxation).

Since April 1, 2011, solarium services are officially classified as hairdressing and beauty salons. household services with the assignment of code OKUN 019339, which means they fall under tax regime UTII.

At the same time, tanning studios can operate on PSN; to do this, it is necessary to purchase a patent for a year costing 54,000 rubles. This is beneficial if the estimated annual income of the establishment exceeds 900,000 rubles (more about the taxation of hairdressing salons and the calculation of PSN).

Obtaining Permits

Due to the fact that solarium services belong to hairdressing and beauty salons, the list of necessary permits for the operation of a business is similar to the permitting measures for hairdressing and beauty salons:

  • the premises, conditions and equipment must comply with established sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety requirements;
  • employees are required to have medical records.

Read more about obtaining permits in the material on how to open a hairdresser.

Men are a gradually increasing segment of artificial tanning consumers

Premises requirements

The room for installing a solarium must meet the following criteria:

  • minimum room dimensions for installing one solarium: length - 170 cm, width - 120 cm, ceiling height - from 260 cm, room area for a tanning salon for 2 units - at least 40 sq.m.
  • room humidity should not exceed 80%, the proximity of pools and ponds should be avoided;
  • close attention must be paid to the organization of supply and exhaust ventilation for the smooth removal of hot air and the entry of fresh air;
  • The electrical wiring must be in good condition, the required voltage is 380 V, a 5-core wire must be installed to the location of the solarium.

The selected premises should be renovated with high quality, carefully considering the design details: this will help clients visiting the solarium to feel comfortable and receive positive emotions, which, in turn, will work to increase traffic to the establishment.

Where to open a solarium?

The best suited for this purpose are premises located in the city center (minus - high rent), on the inhabited outskirts of the middle distance, in newly occupied buildings (plus - there is no competition). At the same time, as practice shows, opening a solarium in very remote urban areas is not profitable.

The return on investment directly depends on the number of visitors. The location of the tanning studio should ensure that it is accessible to at least 10-15 people per day.

If we consider this aspect from a regional perspective, the most favorable place to open a solarium is large provincial cities, especially in the northern direction.

As for the nearby infrastructure, it is good to rent a room next to the cafe, shopping centers, Universities, gyms.

In addition, to accommodate 1 or 2 devices, you can rent part of the premises from a beauty salon or fitness studio, in this case the rental cost will be low - about 10,000 rubles per month.

Necessary equipment

On modern market There is a huge range of tanning machines available - from simple models to powerful solariums, equipped with all sorts of additional functions: music, aromatherapy, massage, sea breeze effect, etc.

Solarium chairs are in great demand, providing tanning only visible areas of the human body - arms, face, décolleté.

To open a tanning studio economy class You will need 2 devices - horizontal and vertical. Over time, you can expand your business; the solarium pays for itself quite quickly. You should not purchase used units - they will cost much more to maintain.

Let's look at how much a solarium costs and, as an example, take the price lists of two suppliers, SolntseVsem LLC and SaunaMaster LLC.

Separately, it is worth mentioning vending solariums - completely autonomous tanning devices that allow you to increase business profits by up to 50% compared to using conventional installations.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will need furniture - a reception desk, a cabinet or rack for cosmetics, a hanger, chairs, a small sofa or chairs for waiting, interior items, as well as household chemicals and consumables - cosmetics, disposable hygiene items (hats, stickies, slippers, napkins), from office equipment - a computer.

If we talk about amounts, then 2 tanning machines will cost approximately 350,000 rubles, furniture - 40,000 rubles, cosmetics and Consumables– 20,000 rubles per month.


A small tanning studio will require a minimum of staff - 2 administrators working in shifts and an accountant (outsourcing or part-time).

You can save on wages if you recruit students for administrator positions and keep your accounting records yourself using one of the special online services (for example, “My Business”).

The use of vending solariums will also allow you to reduce your payroll and do without maintenance personnel.

Employees who greet customers should look good, be friendly and polite, and have competent knowledge of safe tanning.

Properly selected staff is one of the most effective ways to attract customers.

Many entrepreneurs believe that the first thing before starting a business is to organize the activities of a tanning studio, and marketing is an issue that can be resolved after the opening. This approach often leads to unforeseen problems and difficulties. To avoid them, you need to think about advertising a solarium at the stage of selecting a premises, and preferably earlier. Your priority will be to determine the most effective methods promoting tanning studios and eliminating overly expensive or useless options. This article is intended to help make such a classification and develop a competent advertising strategy.

Point design



If your budget allows, you can design showcases, which will also become an element outdoor advertising solarium. As a rule, owners of tanning studios prefer to either leave the windows open (so that every passerby can appreciate the interior design of the salon), or cover them with beautiful patterns, images of luxurious tanned women, etc. In general, both options are winning, the main thing is that the showcases look harmonious with the rest of the outdoor decor elements.

Outdoor advertising


It should be noted that in general, advertising boards, such as billboards and others, can seriously contribute to the promotion of solariums. However, this advertising method is still more suitable for large networks than for small tanning studios, because renting one billboard costs from 10 to 20 thousand rubles per month. However, if you plan to quickly enter the market and build up a good customer base as quickly as possible small town, such spending before the opening or during the period of stunning promotions may be justified. In any case, you will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and decide whether billboards will really help your promotion. If you do decide in favor of shields, remember what more interesting idea and the brighter the slogan, the more likely it is that you will not spend money on advertising in vain.

Advertising banners


Signposts are a mandatory element of advertising for all salons of a similar profile. It is better to place laconic, enticing phrases and slogans on these structures and/or describe attractive promotions and discounts. Remember yours the main task is to get the client interested in your services, while phrases such as “excellent service”, “amazing results”, etc. have long been boring to customers. Abandon them in favor of more creative slogans, or simply indicate basic information about the solarium on the sign.

Advertising in elevators

Advertising in elevators can only be effective if in your studio you can not only tan, but also, for example, get a manicure or haircut. In other words, such advertising is not relevant for narrow-profile studios, but is perfect for salons with a solarium.


Illuminated and regular signs are necessary if your premises are located on the same line with many other shops, salons, and companies. These small, bright structures can be placed on the corners of houses in close proximity to the solarium.

Internet advertising


You need to order your own business card website and optimize it for Yandex and Google search queries. The last task is also best left to professionals. Despite the fact that creating your own resource is not cheap, its availability and proper promotion guarantees that a potential client looking for a tanning studio in your city will definitely see a link to your site.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups on social networks

Unlike a website, groups on social networks do not require material investments (with the exception, perhaps, of advertising the page in larger communities of the city), but can bring a lot of benefits to a business. Active work on such popular resources as Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki will allow you to promote your services and inform clients about special offers and promotions, as well as maintain direct contact with visitors, conduct special surveys, etc. However, in order to retain subscribers, you will need to not only publish information about yourself, but also dilute the content with interesting and educational articles, funny pictures, etc.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

Find all the free sites and forums in the city and use them as free advertising platforms. The more mentions of you that remain online, the better for business.

Printable advertisement


Flyers are the most important advertising tool for tanning salons. Even before opening a tanning studio, you need to order a batch from the printing house. To ensure a serious flow of clients even at the start of your business, make flyer subscriptions - the bearer gets 20-30 minutes free. Set a condition - you will be able to receive the leaflet service only until the end of the month. This way you will fill the studio and secure an initial client base, because some of the people who visit the solarium based on the flyer are guaranteed to return. You can distribute leaflets in places with the highest pedestrian traffic, near sports centers, higher educational institutions, shopping center. It is also worth leaving leaflets in the mailboxes of nearby houses.

Business cards

From the same printing house where you ordered the leaflets, order a batch of business cards. Give them to each of your clients - they will serve as a tangible reminder of your studio. Of course, business cards should include all contact information, as well as the website address and links to solarium groups on social networks.


Discounts and promotions

Try to regularly organize special promotions and give discounts to customers. The reason could be any holiday, the birthday of a solarium, the beginning of autumn season etc. Be sure to hold a promotion that includes a free visit to the tanning studio in the first month after opening. As mentioned earlier, this will allow you to launch your solarium at full capacity and form an initial customer base.

Word of mouth

People are accustomed to not trusting advertising, no matter how competent and creative it is. However personal recommendation from an acquaintance or friend is a completely different matter. If the client leaves satisfied and receives compliments from relatives, friends and colleagues, he will definitely mention your solarium in conversation. In fact, one satisfied visitor becomes a real social voice, which means the quality of tanning, client comfort, and level of service are the first things the owner should think about.

Registration in electronic directories

Posting information about yourself in 2GIS, 2Geo and similar resources is free, but brings significant business benefits. However, when using these directories, remember that you should not place paid advertising in them - most often it shows itself to be ineffective.

What advertising does not work for solariums

  1. Advertising in print media. Despite the fact that newspapers and magazines are still relevant and popular media, publishing advertising modules or articles in them does not make much sense. Such promotion is expensive, and significant benefits are unlikely to come even from advertising in local publications.
  2. Advertising on radio and TV. Unless you are opening a chain of tanning salons, advertising on television and radio stations will most likely simply destroy your budget and not even bring significant benefits. Those who go to the solarium rarely watch local TV, and most drivers who listen to the radio are not always interested in a beautiful tan.

Examples of solarium slogans

  1. The best way to cheer up!
  2. Time to sunbathe!
  3. Islands of your dreams. Near
  4. The sun is getting closer.
  5. Star mood.
  6. Come to us for sun, beauty and a great mood!
  7. Beautiful tan all year round.
  8. A beautiful and healthy tan.
  9. Down with the pale faces!
  10. Tanning rules the world. Do you sunbathe?

A golden tan has long been a trend among women. Regardless of the time of year, the solarium does not lose its popularity among visitors, because it is the most quick way get an even bronze shade on the body. This should provide the owner with a guarantee of stable profits. But in practice, the number of such establishments is constantly growing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract customers.

We have to come up with more and more sophisticated methods to capture the attention of potential visitors.

  • How to not only “survive”, but also succeed in a competitive environment? Standard advertising methods are losing their effectiveness, but you can’t afford a grandiose advertising campaign?
  • Allows you to increase your customer base
  • Saves time and money Will help to establish trusting relationship

with existing visitors

All this and much more has become available to every entrepreneur thanks to the ePochta SMS mass message distribution service.

We have prepared for you ready-made SMS for solarium, which you can send to your recipients today:


Even in cold winter we will give you a golden tan! -30% for 3 sessions!


Victoria, you have a session scheduled tomorrow at 12.00. Look forward to!

8 March uzhe blizko! My darim vam 50% skidki, chtoby byt" samoj krasivoj na prazdniki. U nas leto nezavisimo ot pogody! All podrobnosti sun_bath.com


Hello Alina, PROMOTION! Give yourself a ray of sunshine: 1 hour – 10 rubles.

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Tell us about promotions, discounts, changes in work schedule, congratulate you and much more with ePochta SMS.