Personnel assessment in the organization. Basic methods of personnel assessment The personnel assessment system includes assessment

is a purposeful process of establishing compliance quality characteristics personnel requirements of the position or.

Objectives of personnel assessment

Administrative purpose is achieved by making a well-founded administrative decision (promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, referral for training, dismissal) based on the results of an assessment of personnel performance.

Information purpose is that both employees and managers have the opportunity to obtain reliable information about activities. Such information is extremely important for the employee in terms of improving his activities, and gives managers the opportunity to make the right decision.

Motivational goal is that assessment itself is the most important means of motivating people’s behavior, since adequately assessed labor costs will ensure further growth of workers, but only if a person’s work is assessed according to his expectations.

Personnel assessment tasks:
  • assess the potential for promotion and reduce the risk of promotion of incompetent employees;
  • determine training costs;
  • maintain a sense of fairness among employees and increase work motivation;
  • organize feedback with employees about the quality of their work;
  • develop programs and personnel development.

Subjects of personnel assessment:

  • line managers. As a rule, they are the main actors in the business assessment of personnel. Responsible for objectivity and completeness information base to conduct an assessment, conduct assessment conversations;
  • workers;
  • Colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with those being assessed;
  • persons not directly related to the employee being assessed. Among them are independent experts and assessment centers.

All subjects of assessment are divided into formal and informal. TO formal subjects of assessment include managers and employees of personnel management services. They are the ones who have the right to make an administrative decision based on the assessment results.

Informal subjects of assessment- colleagues, independent experts - only give their opinion, which is taken into account by the formal subjects of assessment when summarizing information for making management decisions.

Recently, in practice, a combined assessment is often used, when the appraiser is not one subject, but several at once.

Personnel assessment object

Object of assessment- the one who is being evaluated. The object of assessment can be either individual employees or a group of employees identified according to a certain characteristic (for example, depending on the level in the organizational structure or according to professional characteristics).

Assessing the results of the labor of workers, especially piece workers, is quite simple, since quantitative and quality results their labor is expressed in the quantity of products produced and their quality.

It is much more difficult to evaluate the results of the work of managers and specialists, since they characterize their ability to directly influence the activities of any production or management level.

Subject of personnel assessment

Subject of assessment The results of personnel labor are the personal qualities of workers and labor productivity.

Classification of factors taken into account when conducting personnel assessment

Naturally biological

  • Age
  • Health status
  • Mental capacity
  • Physical abilities
  • Climate
  • Geographical environment
  • Seasonality, etc.


  • State of the economy
  • Government requirements, restrictions and laws in the field of labor and wages
  • Worker qualifications
  • Work motivation
  • Standard of living
  • Level of social security, etc.

Technical and organizational

  • Nature of the tasks to be solved
  • Difficulty of work
  • State of organization of production and labor
  • Working conditions (sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, etc.)
  • Volume and quality of information received
  • Level of use of scientific and technological achievements, etc.


  • Attitude to work
  • Psychophysiological state of the employee
  • Moral climate in the team, etc.


  • Development of a mixed economy
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Level and scope of privatization
  • Independent choice of remuneration system
  • Price liberalization
  • Incorporation of organizations
  • and etc.

Personnel evaluation criteria

To obtain reliable information, it is necessary to accurately and objectively identify the indicators by which the assessment is made. In this case, it is important to establish clear and thoughtful criteria for evaluating personnel.

Evaluation criterion personnel - the threshold beyond which the state of the indicator will satisfy or not satisfy the established (planned, standardized) requirements.

Such criteria can characterize both general points that are equivalent for all employees of the organization, and specific standards of work and behavior for a specific workplace or specific position.

There are four groups of criteria that are used in any organization with some adjustments:

  1. professional criteria personnel assessments contain characteristics professional knowledge, abilities, skills, professional experience of a person, his qualifications, work results;
  2. business criteria personnel assessments include criteria such as responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;
  3. moral and psychological criteria personnel assessments, which include the ability to self-assess, honesty, fairness, psychological stability;
  4. specific criteria personnel assessments, which are formed on the basis of a person’s inherent qualities and characterize his state of health, authority, and personality traits.

Evaluation of personnel performance

Assessment of labor results must be carried out for all categories of workers, but, as noted above, it is easier to assess the results for the category of workers and much more difficult for managers and specialists.

Two groups of indicators used in assessing labor productivity:

  1. direct indicators(or quantitative) are easily measurable, can be fairly objectively quantified and are always established in advance; on their basis, the degree of achievement of the set goals is determined;
  2. indirect indicators characterizing factors that indirectly influence the achievement of results; they cannot be quantified, since they “characterize an employee according to criteria corresponding to “ideal” ideas about how the job duties and functions that form the basis of this position should be performed.”
List of indicators for assessing labor results for some positions of managers and specialists


List of indicators for assessing labor results

Head of the organization

  • Profit
  • Profit growth
  • Profitability of production
  • Capital turnover indicators
  • Market share
  • Product competitiveness

Line managers (heads of production, workshops, foremen)

  • Performance planned tasks by volume and nomenclature
  • Dynamics of production volume
  • Labor productivity dynamics
  • Reduced production costs
  • Number of complaints and their dynamics
  • Product quality indicators
  • Magnitude and losses from downtime
  • Staff turnover rate

Head of HR Service

  • Labor productivity and its dynamics
  • Decline standard labor intensity manufactured products
  • Share of technically sound standards
  • Wage level per unit of production and its dynamics
  • Staff turnover rate and its dynamics
  • Number of vacant places
  • Indicators for training and professional development of personnel
  • Personnel costs in production costs ( specific gravity and dynamics)

HR Manager

  • Number of vacancies in the organization
  • Number of applicants for one vacant position
  • Turnover rate by personnel categories and departments

Assessment steps:

  1. description of functions;
  2. definition of requirements;
  3. assessment based on factors of a specific performer;
  4. calculation of the overall score;
  5. comparison with the standard;
  6. employee level assessment;
  7. communicating the assessment results to the subordinate.

The main character in personnel assessment is line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the ongoing periodic assessment, and conducts an assessment conversation with employees.

HR task, which evaluates candidates for employment, essentially consists in selecting an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, the admission assessment is a form of preliminary quality control human resources organizations.

Despite the fact that there are a large number of different approaches to assessment, they all suffer from a common drawback - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who he uses as an expert.

Necessary conditions and requirements for personnel assessment technology:
  • objectively- regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;
  • reliably- relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly random);
  • reliable regarding activities- the real level of skill proficiency should be assessed - how successfully a person copes with his work;
  • with the possibility of forecasting— the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;
  • comprehensively- not only each member of the organization is assessed, but also connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;
  • process assessments and evaluation criteria must be accessible not to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to both appraisers, observers, and the appraised themselves (that is, to have the property of internal evidence);
  • conducting assessment activities should not disorganize the work of the team, but be integrated into common system personnel work in the organization in a way that actually contributes to its development and improvement.

Personnel assessment methods

Classifications of assessment methods:

  • employee potential assessment;
  • business assessment.

Methods for assessing employee potential

1. Personnel Assessment Centers. They use complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. Using large quantities various methods and mandatory assessment of the same criteria in different situations and different ways significantly increases the prognosis and accuracy of the assessment. Particularly effective in assessing candidates for new position(increase) and when evaluating management personnel(more details in clause 8.3).

2. Aptitude tests. Their goal is to assess a person’s psychophysiological qualities, abilities to perform certain activities. 55% of respondents use tests that are in some way similar to the job the candidate will be performing.

3. General Aptitude Tests. Assessment of the general level of development and individual characteristics of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Particularly informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

4. Biographical tests and biographical studies. Main aspects of the analysis: family relationships, nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, characteristics of intelligence, sociability. Personal file data is also used - a kind of dossier in which personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. Based on the personal file data, the progress of the employee’s development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

5. Personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or the attribution of a person to a certain type. Rather, they assess a person’s predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential capabilities. 20% of respondents responded that they use various types of personal and psychological tests in their organizations.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about experience, level of knowledge and professional assessment important qualities applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate, which, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

7. Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations are coming from and how they are presented. Well-known and reputable companies are especially demanding in the preparation of this kind of documents - to obtain a recommendation, information is needed from the immediate supervisor of the person to whom this recommendation seems. Recommendations are documented with all the details of the organization and contact details for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from a private person, you should pay attention to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very well known in specialist circles, then this recommendation will be more justified.

8. Unconventional methods . 11% use a polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress test, honesty tests or attitude tests set by the company. 18% use alcohol and drug tests for candidates. Typically, these tests are based on urine and blood tests as part of a routine medical examination when starting a job. None of the organizations surveyed use AIDS tests for their candidates. 22% use some type of psychoanalysis to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations.

Results of comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Methods of business assessment of personnel

Business assessment of personnel in process labor activity can be done using the following methods:

Individual assessment methods

1. Questionnaires and comparative assessments

2. Preset Selection Method— a questionnaire that specifies the main characteristics and a list of behavioral options for the person being assessed. The importance scale evaluates in points a set of characteristics of how the assessed employee performs his or her job.

3. Behavioral Attitudes Rating Scale- a questionnaire that describes decisive situations professional activity. The rating questionnaire usually contains from six to ten decisive situations with a description of behavior. The person conducting the assessment notes the description that most closely matches the qualifications of the person being assessed. The type of situation is correlated with the score on the scale.

4. Descriptive assessment method is that the assessor is asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the employee’s behavior. Often this method is combined with others, for example, with behavioral rating scales.

5. Critical Situation Assessment Method. To use this method, specialists prepare a list of descriptions of the “correct” and “incorrect” behavior of employees in individual (decisive) situations. These descriptions are divided into categories according to the nature of the work. The person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. This log is then used to evaluate job performance. As a rule, the method is used for assessments given by the manager, and not by colleagues or subordinates.

6. Behavior Observation Scale, as a method of assessment for a decisive situation, is focused on recording actions. To determine the behavior of the employee as a whole, the evaluator records on a scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one way or another.

Group assessment methods

Group assessment methods make it possible to compare the performance of employees within a group and compare employees with each other.

1. Classification method: the person conducting the assessment must rank all employees in turn, from best to worst, according to one general criterion. However, this is quite difficult; if the number of people in a group exceeds 20, it is much easier to identify a successful or unsuccessful employee than to rank the average one.

A solution can be found if we use alternative classification method. To do this, the person conducting the assessment must first select the best and worst employees, then select the next ones, etc.

2. Comparison by pairs makes classification easier and more reliable - comparison of each with each is made in specially grouped pairs. At the intersection of surnames in a pair, the surname of the employee who is considered the most effective in this pair is noted. Then the number of cases in which the employee turns out to be the best in his pair is noted, and an overall rating is built on this basis. The assessment may be difficult if the number of employees is too large - the number of pairs will be too large and the questionnaire will become tedious.

3. KTU (labor participation rate) was common in the 1980s. The value of the basic KTU is equal to one.

In the United States, the most commonly used method is the geographic rating scale. Descriptive methods and questionnaires are widely used. The share of other methods is no more than 5%. Classification and comparison by pairs is used by 10-13% of employers.

So, briefly about tasks of personnel assessment in the organization:

  • obtaining information for making management decisions;
  • stimulating employees and “keeping them in good shape”;
  • planning and development of training programs;
  • cost reduction or cost justification.

Personnel evaluation criteria

Based on the objectives, we can formulate the main qualitative criteria for assessing personnel in the company:

  • focus on achieving the strategy and goals of the company;
  • compliance with corporate culture;
  • transparency of procedures and clarity of results for consumers (managers, employees).

If we talk about the criteria by which personnel are assessed, then it is customary to divide into a competency-based approach (and different kinds performance-based certifications. And this correlates with the types of assessment.

Types of personnel assessment

There are two main types of personnel assessment:

  • performance assessment for a certain period;
  • assessment of personal and professional qualities- competency-based approach.

It is important (and this is true for both types) that assessments are carried out regularly.

Evaluation of personnel performance

Assessing the results of staff work is impossible without the existence of a well-functioning planning system in the company. When the goals of departments and employees are linked and digitized. When there are clear boundaries of responsibility. There should also be a system for recording performance results.

The best option would be to implementKPI or similar. Some companies introduce an additional or duplicate system for providing feedback. For example, gamification.

Assessment of personal qualities and skills of personnel

Assessment of personal and professional qualities occurs using different methods. And more on that a little later. But the most important thing in personnel assessment is the presence of clear and transparent criteria - competencies.

It is after determining the evaluation criteria that personnel evaluation methods are selected. For example, in modern world IT employees are especially in demand, so their assessment and selection is given Special attention. At the same time, IT employees have different roles in the company and depending on their role, functional area, corporate culture of the organization, they are subject to certain requirements, which can be formulated in the form of evaluation criteria or competencies. After drawing up the criteria, you can move on to assessment methods, since each method has its own scope, that is, it is intended for assessment in certain situations. You can read more about what is recommended to be assessed by IT specialists and how.

Personnel assessment methods

Our company evaluates personnel based on competencies. The following describes the most well-known formats - individual and group methods assessments. At the same time, the development of technology contributes to the emergence of new forms, for example, we implement.

Individual methods of personnel assessment

The most famous individual assessment methods:

  • interview (competency interview/structured interview/in-depth interview);
  • testing and personality questionnaires;
  • monitoring activities;
  • case methods;
  • 180/360° assessment-feedback.

Personnel assessment interview

Interviews are probably the most commonly used assessment method.

Almost every employee who joins the company undergoes an interview. Also, in many companies we carry out in-depth interviews (study of motivation and attitudes) to assess managers in situations where it is impossible to conduct an assessment center (high-status managers or a small number of employees).

In short, a competency interview takes place in the form of a 1.5-3 hour conversation, in which the consultant learns about the person’s previous experience using special technology that allows obtaining information about the availability of necessary qualities, knowledge and skills.

A large number of mistakes made by interviewers are associated with the apparent simplicity of the method - ask questions and listen. But that's not true. After all, each of us wants to give the most attractive information about ourselves. Therefore, when conducting an interview, a specialist with technology is required (for example,STAR).

Testing in personnel assessment

Testing can be called the simplest and, in some cases, budget-friendly way to evaluate personnel. Having its pros and cons.

Testing is most effective when examining employee knowledge and determining personal characteristics using standardized and proven methods. Many techniques are easy to use, are publicly available and can be used without the involvement of providers. They do not require much time (except for interpretation) and are convenient because they can be carried out remotely.

In some cases, we supplement the assessment center with test methods.

However, there are big limitations of test methods:

  • in some cases, low accuracy;
  • the ability to transfer the key (correct answers) to other employees;
  • limitations in description, inability to predict, etc.

Observation as a method of personnel assessment

Field support, joint visits to clients, listening to calls, monitoring the execution of the technological chain, “photo of the day”... All these are forms of monitoring employees in their activities to assess their effectiveness and behavior. And further provision of feedback.

It is most effective to conduct observation if there is a checklist or other form of recording. In this case, it is possible to provide the employee with structured feedback and compare his actions with other employees. If this method is carried out external consultants without prior notification to the employee, this is often called “ Mystery shopper"or "test purchase".

Group methods of personnel assessment

Group methods of personnel assessment allow you to combine approaches - individual solution cases, modeling of meetings and negotiations, production processes and interactions with subordinates.

Group - variations on a theme business games:

  • assessment center (Assessment Center/Development Center, etc.);
  • light assessment (a business game with rating of participants);
  • modeling of meetings and negotiations.

Assessment center in personnel assessment

(Assessment Center, Development Center - there are a lot of name options) is the most accurate way to assess competencies. According to the data we have, the validity of the classical assessment reaches 85-90%, while the next method - the competency interview - has only 60-70%.

The method consists of a combination role playing games, individual exercises and cases developed for the company’s competencies. This (together with the professionalism of observers) explains high accuracy method.

What is personnel assessment?

Personel assessment– assessment of the existing state of knowledge, skills and abilities by the company’s personnel for the purpose of designing and developing measures to optimize them.

Purpose of personnel assessment at the enterprise - carrying out targeted and coordinated changes in the current personnel management system, which should ensure an increase in labor productivity, product quality, production culture (operation and maintenance of equipment), corporate culture, etc.

Goals of assessment in the “wide” use of the procedure

  • Recruitment, competition for filling a vacant position
  • Formation personnel reserve
  • Personnel rotation
  • Determining staff readiness for changes during reorganization
  • Staff reduction
  • Determination of development potential
  • Determining training needs
  • Formation of a motivation system with encouragement

Objectives of assessment in the “narrow” use of the procedure:

  • Assessing current employee performance.
  • Agreeing on goals for the next period.
  • Staff development.
  • Administrative decisions
  • Help heads of company departments evaluate human resources and the effectiveness of their use.
  • Help employees understand the requirements for their position and get the opportunity to find out exactly where they meet these requirements and what needs to be developed.
  • These assessments are intended to assist in making strategically important decisions, improve organizational structure and make adjustments job responsibilities.
  • The assessment allows you to answer the questions: “What to teach?”, “How to teach?”, “Who to teach?”, plan training for certain employees, identify the most promising of them, in whose development it will be profitable for the company to invest.
  • Conducting an assessment should help make relations within the company’s team more business-like and transparent; eliminate misunderstandings between managers and subordinates.

The introduction of a system of certification and assessment of professionally important qualities is an important mechanism of the personnel management system, allowing to monitor the state of vocational training, functional skills of enterprise employees. The implementation of a comprehensive mechanism for certification and assessment of enterprise employees allows the use of a wide range of tools for material and administrative incentives, professional and personal-social motivation

The assessment of the company's personnel is the basis for:

  • Systems of material and non-material incentives personnel
  • Personnel selection and adaptation systems
  • Personnel training systems
  • Personnel development systems
  • Formation and work with personnel reserve
  • Self-motivation and development leadership qualities personnel
  • Performance Improvement Systems

Based on many years of experience in conducting assessment activities by A-Range Solutions experts, in order to implement a comprehensive personnel assessment system, we suggest that you carry out its clear regulation, providing appropriate procedures and documents, which will minimize personal and subjective factors when assessing personnel. At the same time, it makes sense to immediately develop two areas of assessment: official certification (in accordance with legal requirements once every three to five years) and qualification assessment to determine areas for personnel development and mobilization, analyze the results of their activities, focusing on shortcomings and existing problems (annually). In addition, it is necessary to streamline and regulate the procedure for assessing candidates for vacant positions.

When does it become necessary to evaluate personnel?

Even before the development and implementation of a personnel assessment system begins, in order to clearly measure the quality and quantity of work in the assessment process, it is advisable to answer several questions:

  • How to measure indicators? How to build a rating scale?
  • How to collect reliable information in order to build an assessment?
  • Who will be the appraiser? Are appraisers sufficiently competent to carry out the assessment procedure?
  • What to do with process instability?
  • What to do with the immeasurability of a number of the most important aspects?
  • How to avoid “bazaar relationships, “I love you - I don’t love you”, and being tied to payment for each step?
  • How to link the assessment with the payroll fund in conditions of uncertainty of future payments, from a “pilot project” to implementation throughout the company, avoiding overexpenditure of the payroll?

Most often, an enterprise thinks about developing and implementing a personnel assessment system if:

  • There is a stable staff turnover
  • There is no personnel assessment system in the company at all
  • It is necessary to make a management decision in the field of HRM of the company.
  • Investments are planned in the development of key areas of the enterprise’s activities
  • A change in the company's management team is planned (or has already occurred)
  • A change in the company’s strategic goals is expected (or has already occurred)
  • Formation is necessary project team to solve a strategic business problem
  • The legal basis for relocating employees within the company is a high priority
  • Reduction staffing level, staff structure
  • Introduce optimization processes at the enterprise
  • Enterprise restructuring is being prepared
  • Formation of a company personnel training plan requires an understanding of the level of personnel competence
  • It is required to formulate a personnel development plan and form a personnel reserve at the enterprise
  • There is a downward trend in labor discipline indicators
  • Noticeable decrease in labor productivity
  • There are constant conflict situations
  • Employees' complaints to the inspection authorities were recorded
  • The need has “ripened” to form or change a personnel incentive system at the enterprise.

What methods of personnel assessment are there?

  • Document analysis- study of resumes, written recommendations, reviews, documents on education, etc. The reliability of the presented data (education, qualifications, work experience, responsibilities, functions, achievements) is assessed.
  • Analysis of established standards and regulations— there are certain requirements for processes within the company, such as standards and requirements for product quality, technological schemes production. The company's personnel adheres to established procedures, development and production standards. Standard assessments are being developed to meet these requirements.
  • Psychological testing— allows you to obtain the results of assessing personality traits in quantitative and descriptive form. Quantitative results allow you to compare employees on certain qualities. A specially instructed specialist can conduct an assessment using personality questionnaires, and only a specialist who knows how to use a specific questionnaire can process the results and make recommendations.
  • Work behavior assessment and assessment interview
  • Professional tests— are developed for a specific position and test the key knowledge and skills for it. They can be created by the immediate supervisor to evaluate the employees of his department, as well as external experts consulting companies, specialized specialists.
  • Business essay method - s and for a certain time, the person being assessed must describe a real-life problem and propose an algorithm for solving the problem/task. This method assessment allows us to identify the presence integrated approach to problem solving, strategic vision.
  • Rating scales— characterize the desired parameters of skills and competencies and a description of each division of this scale. Scales are selected according to specific system ratings.
  • Rangingcomparative analysis personnel within a division and between divisions of the company, building a “chain” of ratings according to pre-developed criteria.
  • Competency assessment- kit individual characteristics, expressed in behavioral indicators and determining the quality of work performed in a given position in a given organization
  • 360 degrees- this is obtaining data about the actions of an employee in real work situations and about the business qualities he has demonstrated. In this case, information is received from people who communicate with this person at different levels: boss, colleagues, subordinates, subordinates, clients.
  • Assessment centerComplex method Competency assessment is a multiple-assessment process reflected in 5 core properties: A group of participants perform a variety of exercises under the supervision of a team of trained observers who evaluate each participant on a set of predetermined, directly work-related behaviors. Decisions are made through joint discussion of all received data
  • Management by Objectives(MBO from Management by Objectives) - begins with a joint (employee and his manager) determination of the employee’s key goals for a certain period (from 6 months to 1 year). There should be few such goals and reflect the most important tasks of the employee’s activities for the next period and be: specific, measurable, achievable, significant, time-oriented.
  • KPI(Key Performance Indicators) – assessment by key indicators efficiency - for this type of assessment to work not only to control results, but also to increase the efficiency of employees, it must, on the one hand, take into account strategic goals company, on the other hand, to be clear and understandable for every employee.
  • HR audit— diagnostics of the current state of human resources and the effectiveness of the personnel management system for compliance with the strategy, goals and objectives facing your enterprise, identifying risk areas and development areas
  • Certification- this is a procedure for a systematic formal assessment of the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with the standard of work performance at a given workplace in a given position
  • Test - cases is a structured description of an economic, social or work situation, proposed for its analysis and search for possible solutions for the purpose of training or assessing subjects according to given parameters. Determining the current state of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities in subject area and the level of expression of professional subject competence and personal properties.

How is personnel assessed?

Standard list of work carried out by expert consultants from A-Range Solutions:

  • introductory meeting with the customer. Definition of the problem situation
  • preliminary assessment of the conditions for conducting personnel assessment work: approval of goals and objectives, deadlines, labor intensity of work, as well as the budget and composition of the team of expert consultants. When determining the cost of work, the amount of the project is compared with the expected effect from the implementation of measures to improve the system of selection and adaptation of personnel
  • formation and approval of a work plan, approval of contact persons on the customer’s side
  • determination and approval of the methodological part, including the selection of assessment methods and tools. Includes work on issuing internal regulations, orders regulating this work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personal notification of the employees being assessed before the start of the assessment.
  • obtaining permission from the customer to collect and process information, conducting interviews with enterprise personnel. Collection and systematization of information. If necessary, by prior agreement with the customer, questionnaires and questionnaires are developed by A-Range Solutions' expert consultants.
  • development and approval of a personnel assessment structure. To implement these works, it is important that the customer provides verified, reliable information reflecting the research problem, ensuring comparability of data.
  • carrying out the assessment procedure itself
  • development of recommendations based on the results of the work performed, a preliminary draft report of the work performed is generated for discussion and agreement with the customer.
  • generation of the final report. The entire progress of work on conducting personnel assessment of the enterprise, the results obtained, as well as conclusions and recommendations are described.
  • selection of experts who implement the implementation of personnel assessment results at the enterprise.

What is the result?

Depending on the goals, objectives, issues, you acquire a systematic, structured view of the state of human resources in your company:

  • understanding current state knowledge, skills and abilities of company personnel
  • correspondence qualification level human resources to the strategic and tactical objectives of the company
  • assessment of the professional contribution of the employee(s) to the company’s performance
  • compliance of the qualification level of employees with the level of their remuneration
  • compliance of the employee(s) job responsibilities with the assigned area of ​​responsibility
  • functional imbalance of the enterprise (in terms of human resources)
  • development zones and risk zones of your company’s human resources
  • analysis of the management staff of the enterprise (in terms of HRM)
  • analysis of existing procedures regulating the personnel assessment system
  • description of possible legal risks (emergence labor disputes, penalties from the inspecting authorities) with reference to the regulatory legal act
  • recommendations for eliminating violations
  • priority of tasks in subsequent work with the personnel evaluation system
  • work plan for implementing the results of personnel assessment at the enterprise.

For successful development the organization needs to know its prospects, correct mistakes, and continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved through personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR services to more effectively carry out personnel policy, and for managers to accept competent management decisions aimed at improving staff performance. How to use personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

The assessment is used both for existing employees and for applicants. One of the tools that will help qualitative assessment, is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each department head may have his own ideas about this.

Personnel assessment: why is it needed?

After the manager has decided to carry out a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, on its basis, select the one that will be used. Next, you need to create a working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include developing an action plan for the development and implementation of an assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare the following documents:

Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the inspection process.

a regular interview.

Method No. 4

Paired comparison method

Often used for group assessment. In this case, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are switched and the comparison is made again. As a result, a summary is made for each participant, it is determined how often he was first in his pair, and based on this data a rating of his success is compiled.

Method No. 5

Method of decisive situations

This term usually refers to typical working moments in a particular position. During the assessment process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in a given situation and to evaluate the correctness of the decisions he makes. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the assessment is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Moreover, this can be done even during work hours, without informing the employee.

Method No. 6

Comparison method

Often used in assessments, it is very useful and important when it is necessary to assess how well an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list with the criteria that must be met this employee. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for assessment. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to use a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among specialists for the same position through a simple comparison.

Method No. 7

Observation method

Behavior monitoring may be more effective than other methods of assessing management and ordinary workers. But its implementation requires significantly more resources, since the observer will have to perform this assessment work for a fairly long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that in such a study cases are monitored when the employee’s behavior was specific in some way, and both positive and negative points. The disadvantage of the technique is that it takes a lot of time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of the observer’s attention.

Method No. 8

Situation modeling method

Creating close to real working conditions and management situations, for example, developing draft documents, selecting business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the employee’s ability to organize work and plan. Work style, flexibility, and resistance to stress are also assessed.

Method No. 9

Psychological methods

assessments are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can carry out and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests and exercises, assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in workers. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are assessed here, but the employee’s potential. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

Method No. 10

Situational interview method

Employees are given descriptions of identical situations and then asked questions about how to resolve them.

There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with the help of which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

  1. 360 degree assessment method. The employee must be evaluated not only by colleagues and immediate superiors, but also by clients, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out identical evaluation forms, which are then processed by computer.
  2. Business games method is more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Employees are given a virtual task for which they need to select solutions. This is how a variety of work skills and professionalism are assessed in a playful way.

use the results of personnel assessment?” directly depends on the goals and objectives that the employer faces. As a rule, the primary objectives are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, develop new technological systems, and increase staff motivation. Using the assessment results, you can identify the potential of employees who have the necessary skills and abilities for career growth.

PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

It is possible to promote excellent students based on assessment results. If it is thoughtful and comprehensive

Indeed, during the assessment, the real achievements of employees and their competencies are revealed. When conducting an assessment center, fulfill four requirements. First: establish quality evaluation criteria, link them to strategy and corporate culture companies. Second, train evaluators thoroughly so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it with disdain and will not open up. Fourth: consider people’s personal characteristics. For example, extroverts often have an advantage during business games and group tasks. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which both the employee himself and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist from the HR department, are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of the certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the greatest discrepancies are obvious between the employee and the manager, and make comments and suggestions.

The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or assignment of an allowance is agreed upon.