How to open a cafe from scratch business plan. How to open a mini-cafe from scratch. How to open your own restaurant - where to start

How to open your own cafe from scratch, you will learn by reading the recommendations in this article. The legal aspects of registration of an enterprise are revealed here. Catering that must be foreseen in order to start working correctly.

How much does it cost to open a cafe and how to do it without money?

All calculations for opening an institution are tied to the number of seats. So, in accordance with clause 5.35 of SP 118.13330.2012 * "Public buildings and structures", the minimum area of ​​a dining room in a cafe is calculated from an indicator of 1.6 sq. m for 1 seat for a visitor. From these indicators are calculated:

  • design price;
  • reconstruction cost;
  • the cost of furniture, dishes and technological equipment.

The results will constitute the final cost of opening the cafe.

If there is no starting amount, then this is not a reason to abandon the idea. In this case, the only way out is to draw up a very detailed, competent and convincing business plan. With it, you can contact private investors (these can be relatives, friends, acquaintances), place your offer on specialized Internet sites, or take a loan from a bank.

How to open a cafe: where to start?

It is necessary to find a room. There can be 2 ways here:

  • The easiest one is if you manage to find a variant of the former cafe. Then you can rent it or buy it out, make cosmetic repairs, renegotiate contracts with all supplying organizations (for electricity, heat and water supply, sewerage), bring in your equipment and work.
  • If the premises are for another purpose, then you will have to contact the project company. She must definitely be a member self-regulatory organization(SRO) for exploration and design work... Conventional design firms cannot do this job. It is important. Together with the design and construction (also a member of the SRO, but already at construction works) organizations, you go through all the stages, including:
    • design;
    • obtaining permission for reconstruction;
    • direct reconstruction;
    • obtaining permission to put the facility into operation.

Then in the BTI you need to get a new technical plan for the premises.

Naturally, before this whole long procedure, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for a period of more than 1 year and register it with Rosreestr. This is what you need to open a cafe if you are going to sell alcoholic beverages. It is impossible to obtain a license without documents for real estate.

What needs to be done to open a cafe (establishment of an organization and tax registration)

Stage 1

For cafes, it's better to register entity because only the organization has the right to sell alcohol (with some exceptions). However, some owners are cunning and the cafe itself is registered as an individual entrepreneur (in order to simplify accounting and tax reporting), and the bar - as LLC (See. Which is better - individual entrepreneur or LLC (differences)?).

Stage 2

For registration, you need to prepare and submit to the tax office or the multifunctional center a package of documents:

  • application (if the applicant personally submits, then it is not necessary to certify with a notary);
  • the charter and the protocol on the establishment of an LLC in 2 copies (for the organization);
  • receipt for payment of state duty (individual entrepreneur - 800 rubles, LLC - 4,000 rubles);
  • passport (if submitted by a representative, then a notarized copy of the passport);
  • notarized power of attorney for the representative.

Stage 3

When drawing up the documents, the type of activity is filled in according to OKVED. In this case, these are:

  • 56.10 - activities of restaurants and food delivery services. This is a general block, from which the organization selects a specific code (codes), for example:
  • 56.10.1 - activities of restaurants and cafes with full catering, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service;
  • 56.10.21 - activities of catering establishments with takeaway service.

Stage 4

Decide on taxation. It can be:

  • main tax regime (OSN);
  • special modes: STS, UTII, ESKhN and patent (only for individual entrepreneurs).

There is no point in advising an acceptable system here without specific indicators. However, there are some general trends:

Don't know your rights?

  • If a business brings large profits, then it is easier to go to fixed regimes - UTII or a patent. Since UTII is calculated from the area of ​​the service hall (determined by the BTI passport), and the patent - from the type of activity. And the indicators do not depend on the amounts earned.
  • If the profit is small, then it is more profitable to be on the simplified tax system, because the tax is calculated on income.

The application for the establishment of the selected regime is submitted together with the documents for registration. Otherwise, it will only be possible to change it in a year.

Stage 5

When providing catering services, cafes and individual entrepreneurs may not use cash registers (clause 2 of article 2 of the law "On the application of CCP" dated 05.22.2003 No. 54-FZ), but at the request of the visitor, a receipt is issued (strict reporting form) or a check made using a check printing machine (CHM). It does not need to be registered and maintained.

However, if the cafe sells alcohol, then the use of CCP is mandatory.

Stage 6

After receiving all the documents, you should contact the Rosstat body and receive a notification about the statistics codes. You will need it to open a current account.

You don't need to go to extra-budgetary funds. The tax office will transmit the information itself, and you will receive notifications from them.

Finally, a seal is made (optional) and a current account is opened.

What other documents are needed to open a cafe?

In addition to the above general requirements on the state registration of the organization, the definition of the taxation system, tax registration, there are special issues related to the opening of a catering enterprise.

As a rule, alcohol is sold in a cafe. This requires a license for retail sale alcoholic beverages, which are received in the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (territory, region, republic, etc.), by submitting the following documents:

  • statement;
  • copies constituent documents and originals for comparison;
  • copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • copy of TIN;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a document confirming the availability and full payment of the authorized capital;
  • a document on the premises of ownership or a lease agreement for a year or more, registered in Rosreestr.

The license is issued for no more than 5 years. The amount of the state duty is 65,000 rubles. in 1 year.

In accordance with Art. 8 of the Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs when exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control "dated 26.12.2008 No. 294-FZ, organizations providing catering services are obliged to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the beginning of their activities. The notification is sent to the authority in person or by a valuable letter with notification and a list of attachments.

In addition, the cafe is obliged to conclude:

  • garbage collection agreement;
  • pest control and pest control agreements;
  • a service contract with an organization providing fire safety.

The listed documents are presented at the request of inspectors from Rospotrebnadzor and State Fire Supervision.

Thus, opening a cafe from scratch is a rather complicated procedure. The main feature is to bring the premises in line with sanitary standards and rules. However, these are justified requirements, because the quality of catering services affects the health of citizens, which places great responsibility on the cafe owner.

It should also be noted that on the Internet there is often information about the need to obtain other documents, opinions, permits or licenses that are not listed in our material. This data is either outdated or not confirmed current legislation, or are of a dispositive nature, that is, there is no direct obligation to receive extra papers.

Today, in almost every country there is a great variety of such establishments. As a rule, institutions of interest (for example, sports projects) are considered especially popular either. In this article, you can find the answer to such an interesting question: how to open a bar from scratch. Step-by-step instruction, useful tips and practical situations - the reader will be able to learn about these and other, no less interesting nuances while reading the material.

Bar theme

Of course, to begin with, it would be advisable to define directly such an obsession "I want to open a bar!" - this is not so bad, but when it comes to practice, there are some difficulties and pitfalls. However, with a great desire and a corresponding aspiration in this life, everything is possible.

So, initially you need to choose one of three mutually exclusive paths:

  • An institution of a democratic nature with a small number of dishes in the range (about a dozen) and affordable prices.
  • Large assortment of food and drinks at reasonable prices. It is important to add that the cost of dishes in this case is an order of magnitude higher than in the previous version.
  • Elite bar, distinctive features which will serve as a great variety of dishes in the range and, of course, high prices.

After the issue with the concept of the establishment has been resolved, you need to think about what you need to open a bar? Where do you start? The answer to this question can be found in the next chapter.

Registration type

Opening a bar from scratch is not an easy task. Therefore, in the case of a firm intention to implement this idea, it is necessary to stock up on strength and patience. After the concept is defined, it is necessary to decide what type of organizational and legal registration would be appropriate in this case. How do I open a bar? Today there are the following registration types that are suitable for such establishments:

  • Individual entrepreneurship (IP).
  • Open joint-stock company(JSC).
  • Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC).
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  • Additional Liability Company (ALC).

Immediately after this decision, on which, one way or another, the taxation system will depend (simplified or general), you can further think about the question of how to open a bar in small town or a big metropolis.

By the way, experts advise in terms of the organizational and legal type of registration to choose individual entrepreneurship... Why? The fact is that this option allows you to make taxation easier several times, which means that you can conduct your own business in an independent way.

In the case of choosing a limited liability company, personal property complexes will not be charged directly to the debt account. How do you open a bar under this kind of circumstance? It is important to note that the considered organizational and legal type of registration significantly complicates the work with tax service... In addition, the procedure for recruiting employees in terms of conducting accounting is becoming more difficult.

Required Documentation

How do I open a bar? After the issues of the concept and type of registration of the institution have been resolved, it will be advisable to collect all necessary documentation which includes the following papers:

  • A special authorization document for the opening of the bar. It can be obtained from the Russian Consumer Supervision Authority. To do this, you should provide an opinion related to the supply of raw materials and finished product; a certificate confirming the passage of the stage of state registration of the institution; an agreement on the acquisition of premises or a document indicating its registration for rent, as well as the results medical examination from the relevant specialists.
  • bar? Of course, this requires a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
  • License for the sale of tobacco products.
  • Free retail license.
  • How do I open a bar? The last document required for submission to the relevant state authorities is a patent for doing business. As a rule, this kind of paper is issued by the local administration.

Important comments

Opening a beer bar from scratch or an establishment of a different concept is possible only if all of the above documents are available. It is important to add that this list is complete, but it happens that government agencies additionally require an official confirmation of the presence of a safe in the institution.

If the entrepreneur is sure in advance that he will not be able to overcome the procedure for completing the entire package of documentation, then it is advisable to contact the specialists of the relevant field. They, one way or another, know about all the nuances of the required procedure. It is important to add that the cost of such a service is approximately equal to five hundred dollars. But you will be able to save a significant amount of time on going around the authorities and your own nerves.

Financial question

How many Money needed to open a bar? It should be noted that absolutely all costs can be classified in accordance with three main categories: key, fixed and variable. Of course, an entrepreneur in any case will need funds to buy or rent premises, repair and fit out, supply all communications that are not enough or necessary, purchase furniture products, equipment and utensils, organize advertising activities (which has also cost a lot) , and also for registration of the necessary documentation.

The first stage is finding a room

Having considered all the theoretical issues, it will be advisable to move on to practice. The procedure for finding a room is determined by a number of important nuances. One of the best options is the first floor of a non-residential building. The once popular basement bars are now frightening customers, and they pose many additional problems, such as sewerage or air conditioning. In order to make sure that it is advisable to choose a particular room, you need to check the following nuances:

  • Convenience and safety in terms of access or approach.
  • Quality utilities.
  • Possibility of concluding a long-term lease with a view to making a profit.
  • The existence of some residual rights of the new owner.
  • The presence of additional space directly to bring new ideas to life.

The second stage is recruiting

It is important to note that a bar with 20-25 seats for seating guests needs the following:

  • Hall administrator.
  • Accountant.
  • IT specialist.
  • Manager.
  • Cashier.
  • Several waiters.
  • Security guard.
  • Two bartenders working, usually in shifts.
  • Cleaner.

If the establishment's menu contains hot dishes, this list must be supplemented by the chef and several of his assistants. It is important to note that the recruitment procedure should be carried out as thoroughly as possible in order to avoid staff dishonesty and theft. It should be expected that training and certification of employees will be required from time to time. So, being literate, they will be able to improve the reputation of the establishment, and therefore, attract new customers.

Third step - equipment

To open a bar you will need different categories equipment, namely:

  • Refrigeration equipment (refrigerators, wine display cases,
  • Heating equipment(crepe makers, ovens, stoves, hot showcases, barbecue makers and so on).
  • Bar equipment (blenders, coffee grinders, mixers, toasters, juicers, and so on).
  • Electromechanical equipment (vegetable cutters, bread slicers and so on).

Moreover, do not forget about sinks, trash cans, cabinets, umbrellas for ventilation, scales, distribution lines, shelves, and so on. V general plan for the purchase of the listed equipment for a small-scale bar, you need to spend about 200,000 rubles.

By the way, this list did not include air conditioners, organizational equipment, and dishes. To purchase these items, you will need about 300,000 rubles. In the case of renting premises, the amount is 60,000. It is worth remembering that absolutely all the nuances depend on the region in which the establishment is planned to be opened. In annual terms, this is approximately 720,000 rubles.

Also, do not forget about the salaries of the bar staff, as well as the purchase of alcohol and products. It is important to note that the first month after the opening will serve as a serious reason to spend about 600,000 on these events. At the subsequent stages of the institution's life, about 200,000 rubles will be spent on this.

What risks should be considered when opening a bar?

Like any business, the case in question has its pitfalls, including:

  • A significant level of theft, which often reduces absolutely all efforts of the owner of the establishment to zero. To avoid this, it is necessary to put in order the system of control over the waiters and baristas.
  • The presence of high competition, which is growing every year. It is necessary to determine your own advantages and form a creative concept in order for many guests to come to the bar.
  • Entertainment or business? The fact is that the bar is good entertainment for the clients, but not for the owner. So, you need to take business seriously to ensure big profits.
  • Even during the renovation process, design services should be used so that guests want to visit the bar again and again. It is important to note that the furniture must be consistent with the concept. Plus, no one can argue that people don't like cold walls and poor lighting.

How to open a restaurant from scratch and how much money does it take? Step by step instructions

Despite the vast territory, our country lags far behind the states of Eastern and Western Europe in terms of the number of catering outlets. For example, in Poland the number of such establishments is almost twice as large, and in Spain - almost six times. According to experts, even despite the unstable economic situation, Russian market public catering has a high rate of development and is one of the most promising for business. So, the average payback period in this segment is considered to be 1-3 years, which is an excellent indicator.

In this regard, many of our fellow citizens are thinking about opening their own catering establishments. In this article, we will try to answer the questions about how to open your own restaurant, cafe or bar, where to start and what steps you need to go through to achieve this goal.

I want to open a restaurant: where to start?

It is worth deciding what type of establishment (at least approximately) you are going to open:

  • By format. A bar, a canteen, a fast food, a family cafe, a fashionable restaurant, an establishment "for their own" - the choice is wide. As practice shows, novice businessmen most often “succeed” in classic city cafes, without the difficulties and peculiarities inherent in all target establishments.
  • According to the price level. This criterion is often, but not always, dependent on the previous one. Usually, one of the significant restrictions here is the budget of a novice restaurateur: the higher the level of the establishment, the higher the costs of opening it will be. Experts do not recommend that business beginners start with expensive restaurants - the audience is very demanding, the investments and risks are too high. The optimal solution will be the opening of a democratic casual establishment.
  • By type of cuisine. Usually, both the interior and the desired location of the establishment depend on the type of cuisine. Japanese, Russian, Italian, Georgian or maybe exotic Peruvian? Here, experts recommend not to complicate your task and choose the one that you are good at: concepts of Russian or simple European cuisine are good for beginners.
  • By the maximum number of guests. The cost of setting up an institution is directly proportional to the number of seats. No matter how great the temptation to open a large restaurant at once, it is better to limit yourself to a room for 30–80 guests.

The public catering market in Russia, despite the crises, continues to develop. So, in 2014, its volume increased by 8.3%, and the turnover reached 1.2 trillion rubles. Despite a slight decline in 2015, experts talk about the inevitable further growth of indicators and the achievement of a turnover of 2 trillion rubles by 2017.

So on this moment almost all experienced restaurateurs recommend newcomers to open establishments of the "democratic" cafe or restaurant format, serving local, European or mixed cuisine and alcohol. The hall should be designed for an average number of visitors.

It should be remembered that circumstances can make the most unexpected adjustments to the plans: after calculations, the estimated costs will exceed the possibilities, the rented space will not fit the original concept, but it will be perfect in everything else. Therefore, it is optimal to think over several suitable concepts for the style of the institution and the type of cuisine and be ready to make some changes to the planned menu and pricing policy.

How much does it cost to open a restaurant?

The answer to the question about the cost of opening a restaurant from scratch will directly depend on its features, defined in the previous section.

The total amount consists of several points:

  • rent / purchase / construction of premises... If we consider an institution for 50 seats, then renting a room (supposedly 150-200 m2) will cost from 200,000 rubles a month. In this case, you will have to immediately pay at least two months plus a deposit, that is, from 600,000 thousand rubles. In the central areas of megalopolises and in large shopping centers the amount can increase 3-10 times. Building or buying premises, of course, will cost significantly more, but do not forget that these will not be fixed costs;
  • paperwork- from 300,000 rubles, depending on the specifics of the institution, during the construction of a building for a restaurant - several times higher;
  • design and engineering on average, they will cost about 2,000 rubles per m2, that is, from 300,000 rubles for our premises;
  • repair- costs will depend on the complexity of the design and the initial condition of the premises. On average, about 3,000 rubles per m2, which means - from 450,000 rubles for the calculated area;
  • furniture- the required minimum of chairs, tables, sofas, as well as a waiter's station and a bar will cost from 300,000 rubles;
  • equipment and utensils for the kitchen- to supply the establishment the required amount high-quality professional tools, equipment and utensils for storing, preparing and serving dishes, as well as washing the above, you will need an amount of 1,500,000 rubles;
  • dishes and serving items, designed to serve 50 guests, will cost from 350,000 rubles;
  • primary purchase of food and alcohol usually costs from 200,000 rubles;
  • uniform for staff- not required, but desirable element, part of the corporate identity. When buying a minimum set of clothes for waiters and cooks, you should count on an amount of 50,000 rubles or more.

In total, the total amount of all payments will be about 4,000,000 rubles. If we add to this the cost of special software, installation of terminals for waiters (R-Keeper), printing a menu, creating a company website, conducting advertising campaigns - you can count on an amount of 4,500,000 or more.

In addition to one-time, the restaurateur will have fixed expenses:

  • rent (if the premises are rented);
  • wage;
  • communal payments;
  • telephony, Internet;
  • buying food, alcohol;
  • advertising costs.

What documents are needed to open a restaurant?

The organization of a catering enterprise is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting documents. The list of papers required for the legal functioning of a restaurant includes more than a hundred items, and in different regions the list required permissions may differ. Therefore, in order to save time and money, most entrepreneurs prefer to contact companies that draw up the necessary turnkey documentation.

The first step in opening any type of establishment is to register a legal entity. The most popular and convenient form for restaurants is considered to be the "LLC" form. Full package of constituent documents and lease agreement(or a certificate of ownership of the premises) is mandatory at all stages of further approval.

Also, to open an institution you will need:

  • the conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the institution with sanitary standards;
  • conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on compliance with fire safety standards;
  • the presence of a registered cash register;
  • contracts for pest control, deratization and garbage disposal;
  • agreement on protection, on the connection of a burglar alarm(to obtain a license to sell alcohol).

And this is just a basic package required documents... The owner of the establishment should be aware of many nuances, without which the activities of the establishment may be illegal.

Business plan development: stage 1

As you know, when opening a new business, including a restaurant, you need to draw up a business plan from scratch. This is a kind of "scheme" for creating a future enterprise with the calculation of planned costs and revenues, analysis of profitability and other indicators.

Usually, two types of business planning are distinguished: for external and internal use.

The first is required for those who are going to attract to their enterprise borrowed funds- a loan or investment. In this case, the best choice would be to turn to special organizations: it is quite difficult for a non-professional to convince investors or banking organizations of the return on investment. Those who are still going to create a document on their own should consider that it is better to do this, having already received data on the premises, the number of staff and the size of the salary fund, traffic, and also having finally approved the concept of the institution.

Another thing is an internal business plan, which is necessary for any entrepreneur to understand the prospects for creating a business. Typically, the document contains the following chapters:

  • title and general description of the project: planned concept, area of ​​premises, number of staff, type of kitchen and pricing policy;
  • approximate range of products;
  • preliminary estimate of the cost of opening;
  • approximate monthly expenses (rent, taking into account utilities and communications, salary fund, procurement costs);
  • calculation of time costs for each stage before the opening of the establishment;
  • planned financial indicators;
  • calculation of return on investment.

It makes sense to draw up an initial business plan at the very early stage of opening a restaurant - by analyzing the market as a whole, competitors in a similar format, and statistical data. Then the indicators will need to be adjusted in accordance with the realities.

Selection and renovation of premises: stage 2

Finding space for a future restaurant often becomes a headache. Experts recommend approaching this issue with great care, often citing a quote from the Italian restaurateur and chef Marciano Palli: “First place is place, second is place, third is place, fourth is place, fifth is - kitchen".

The general rule of profitability is as follows: the lower average check cafe, the higher its attendance should be. If the most expensive establishments in the world can afford to stay away from civilization, good gastronomic restaurants - in the courtyards of the central districts of the city, then middle-class cafes should choose busy streets, and fast food should look for places in large shopping centers and train stations.

However, it is not only traffic that is important, but also the correspondence of the potential audience to the level of the institution. This also applies to the pricing policy and the characteristics of the kitchen. So, for example, a vegetarian cafe is appropriate to be located near a large yoga center, and a budget Pan-Asian restaurant - near the market. Because of all these subtleties, experienced entrepreneurs begin to create a restaurant concept after renting a room: there are not so many suitable sites in any city, but an institution of any format can be successful, there would be demand.

After the lease, the question of repair and often redevelopment inevitably arises. Here it is better to trust experienced designers and planners - this will help to avoid many mistakes common to beginners. There is no need to remind that the style of a restaurant should correspond to its concept, and it is extremely rare to create an ideal interior without the help of a specialist.

Purchase of equipment, furniture and utensils: stage 3

As a rule, all the equipment for the kitchen area is selected by agreement with the chef: it is he who orders the tools and equipment necessary for work, taking into account the proposed menu. Furniture and tableware for serving are chosen according to the general concept of style. The number of dishes usually corresponds to maximum number seats multiplied by 2 or even 3, that is, for 50 guests there should be 100–150 plates, cutlery and glasses of each type.

It is better to buy inventory in specialized stores that supply equipment for restaurants: firstly, here all tools and utensils can be purchased at wholesale prices, and secondly, such organizations provide installation and warranty repair equipment, and thirdly, in case of loss or damage to serving items, you can easily buy similar ones.

When arranging furniture, it is better to turn to professionals - designers or suppliers - they will offer a competent and beautiful solution.

Computerization: stage 4

It is difficult to imagine a modern restaurant without production and accounting programs, personnel control. You can develop your own software, but there are a lot of off-the-shelf packages on the market.

The most popular of them are: R-Keeper, 1C: Public catering, POS Sector. They completely coordinate the work in the establishment: the waiter sends the order through the terminal to the kitchen, the chef sees the list of dishes to be prepared on a special monitor, after the calculation, all ingredients are written off from the warehouse according to the calculation card, income and expenses for the accounting department are recorded. And this is only a small part of the possible functions of such software: in addition, many programs are able to accept orders directly from customers' smartphones, collect and store the purchase history of discount card holders, use special controllers to record the number of drinks poured in a bar ... In a word, the cost of programs for a restaurant completely justify themselves, and a novice businessman simply cannot do without special software.

Staff recruitment: stage 5

Of course for hiring the right people it is better to contact specialized agencies, but with a limited budget, you can handle it yourself. When recruiting dishwashers and cleaners, interviews are usually enough, but when hiring buyers, waiters and administrators, it is worth studying their work experience and recommendations, but it is advisable to be convinced of the skills of a chef, cooks and bartenders personally. Chef , as a rule, is chosen at the stage of approval of the final concept of the institution. An essential part of your success will depend on this worker. Not only culinary talents are important, but also understanding target audience, the key idea of ​​the restaurant. Candidates for the position cooks most often personally selected by the chef.

How many workers are needed for the normal functioning of the institution? The answer will depend on the size and format of the establishment. Since we are focusing on a small restaurant of a democratic level, an approximate list of personnel will be as follows:

  • Chef;
  • cook (based on 50 guests per shift, 2–5 cooks will be enough);
  • bartender / barista (for small restaurants, one per shift is sufficient;
  • dishwasher;
  • purchaser;
  • administrator / hostess;
  • waiters - as a rule, one waiter can serve up to 10-15 guests (accordingly, there should be 3-5 such employees in the change of our establishment);
  • cleaning woman;
  • accountant (you can limit yourself to "coming").

A common mistake of start-up entrepreneurs is trying to translate into business their own ideal picture of the enterprise: in the case of a restaurant - service, interior and kitchen. You should not be guided by your own tastes - after all, not only you and your friends will visit the cafe and restaurant.

Menu design and supplier selection: step 6

The menu development phase coincides in time with the final concept approval phase. Usually the chef is one of the main participants in this process: he creates a list of planned dishes, and the owner or manager evaluates them in terms of attractiveness, taste and cost of ingredients.

The selection of suppliers is carried out by the head of the restaurant or the purchasing manager: they analyze the market for goods, choosing in each segment the companies that are the best in terms of price-quality-reliability ratio. Practically no institution is limited to one supplier, usually there are 7-10 of them: firstly, for each group of products, conditions should be considered separately, and secondly, it is better to provide for some kind of “reserve” source, especially for rare ingredients.

Advertising: stage 7

To convey to customers information about their establishment, entrepreneurs usually use a set of measures:

  • ordering a sign that reflects the type and concept of the establishment;
  • accommodation billboards and pointers;
  • website creation and promotion;
  • registration on various specialized portals ("Afisha", etc.) and opening accounts in social networks;
  • advertising in the press;
  • distribution of leaflets, booklets, etc.

The launch of the advertising campaign takes place shortly before the opening of the restaurant or immediately after. The complex of events is selected depending on the intended target audience: for casual establishments, distribution of leaflets and PR on the Internet is well suited, for restaurants of an expensive format - placement of information in specialized publications.

Opening a catering establishment is an extremely difficult task. It is especially difficult for beginners: they have to take into account a lot of nuances and many mistakes happen before they begin to understand the "kitchen" of the kitchen. Therefore, many novice restaurateurs seek help from specialists - companies that are ready to help in creating a successful establishment.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

The catering market today is a tough competition. But there is always room for a beginner in this segment. Taking a niche is not the main problem. It is much more difficult to stay in it and achieve success.

The catering industry today is characterized by high competition... According to 2GIS, the number of catering establishments in 2019 in cities with a population of over one million increased by 15% compared to last year. And even if the growth is mainly due to the addition of mini-coffee houses, coffee houses, fresh bars, pizzerias and others, even the most “heavyweight” segment of restaurants added 7%. A year earlier, the growth in the number of restaurants was recorded at the level of 3%.

On the one hand, such figures indicate the popularity of catering among entrepreneurs and the growth of the culture of eating out of the house among Russians. But by themselves, these numbers do not promise anything. Restaurants remain the leaders in the number of bankruptcies, and most establishments close in their first year of operation. Therefore, the first step in preparing a restaurant project is market research. You don't have to be a marketer or order expensive market analysis. A general assessment will be enough for you.

Questions that marketing research should answer:

    Who are the main market players? Where are they located? Based on this information, you should choose a suitable place for your establishment;

    What is the demand and level of competition in your segment? By answering this question, you will evaluate the success of the business idea itself and understand whether it is worth implementing it at all;

    What is the situation with competitors (menu, quality of service, interior, chips)? Visit the establishments of your potential competitors to take into account their experience, advantages and mistakes;

    Who is your client (budget, interests, preferences, age)? This will help you identify your target audience. It is important to understand the desires of your customers in order to create a popular establishment;

    What is abroad and in large cities? Almost all innovations in the catering market come to us from abroad, and from there they penetrate into Moscow, St. Petersburg and others. big cities... Therefore, new ideas and concepts can be spied there.

The more practical information you collect, the easier it will be for you to navigate the market and avoid mistakes in the early stages. Market analysis that includes assessing competitors, demand and modern trends, is the backbone of your business. From this begins real work on the project: business plan, concept and format of the establishment, menu development, restaurant design, etc.

Market research should be the foundation on which you will build your business.

Choosing a restaurant concept

In a highly competitive environment, you need to stand out. Your task is to offer visitors something that no one else has offered. And here we are not necessarily talking about an exotic menu or spectacular decorations. You can hook a client and convenient service, and advantageous offers, and additional services.

How to choose a concept? There are three key questions to answer

    Who is the visitor to your establishment?

    Where is the restaurant located?

    What can attract your target audience?

The concept of the establishment is as important as the food in it. It includes not only the choice of direction (pizzeria, Chinese restaurant, youth cafe, coffee shop), but also such characteristics as: form style, design project, philosophy of the institution, atmosphere, portrait of the visitor, features that will distinguish your restaurant from many others.

By the way, you can entrust this stage to specialists. Today, the restaurant business has developed a service for developing the concept of an institution. Experts will help you not only to develop a corporate identity and design, but also to solve organizational work for the design, repair and equipment of the restaurant. Such services will greatly simplify the preparation process, but will eat up a large chunk of your budget. On average, a "turnkey restaurant" service for an establishment with an area of ​​100 sq.m. will cost 400-500 thousand rubles.

We draw up a business plan for the restaurant

After you have decided on the idea and concept, you need to draw up a business plan. It will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and mistakes at the start, to estimate the amount of work, to determine the time and financial framework of the project. A business plan should answer the following questions:

    What items will be on the menu?

    How much money does it take to open a restaurant?

    What equipment should be purchased?

    How many employees will you need to hire?

Thus, a business plan is a kind of model of your institution, which will allow you to determine the algorithm of actions for the implementation of the project and the resources that will be required for this. You will calculate the key business indicators:

    Initial investment;

  • Monthly expenses;

    Net profit;

    Payback period.

When drawing up a business plan, one of the most frequently asked questions is how to plan your profit. Calculating costs is a little easier. Practice helps. But the income has to be calculated in advance. And here it is important to get real amounts.

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The catering market is a specific business where it is not easy to calculate the level of income. This indicator depends on many factors. Therefore, the assessment of a restaurant's income is quite subjective and is based on the indicators of other establishments. But for you, these amounts will be a guideline, not a guarantee of earnings. Since planning for profit is akin to fortune telling on the coffee grounds, it is usually customary to draw up three scenarios for the development of events - negative, positive and the most expected.

Profit calculations can be made based on the number of seats, average check, occupancy rate and average length of time a person stays in a restaurant, but the results can be very inaccurate. It is most prudent to visit several competing establishments of a similar price category and count their customers on weekdays, weekends and holidays, in the afternoon and evening, and then display the average. Of course, it is not necessary to be present inside the restaurant for calculations, and even around the clock. Calculations can be carried out, for example, from a car with a calculator in hand and a multiplication table in your head. This research will help you get rid of unnecessary illusions and predict the real numbers.

In the first months, you still won't be able to make a lot, so when planning your budget, be sure to lay a financial cushion to cover running costs at the initial stages. Active and literate advertising campaign will speed up the process of finding clients. Try to launch the promotion in advance so that by the time of opening you will attract the first visitors.

We collect permits

Opening a restaurant is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting documents. Therefore, you need to stock up on patience, strength and money. Budget 15-20 thousand rubles for all paperwork.

First you need to register a business in government bodies... The most convenient and common form for restaurants is the "LLC" form. Type of activity according to the classification of OKVED-2:

    56.10 "Activities of restaurants and food delivery services"

    56.10.1 "Activities of full service restaurants and cafes, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."

All permits should be drawn up. It is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

    OGRN certificate;

    safety journal;

    TIN certificate;

    certificates for finishing with the necessary SES requirements;

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    inspection documents for instrumentation and measuring utensils;

    contracts with SES and fire service;

    conclusion tax office on registration of cash registers

    an agreement with the energy saving and sewer services;

    a contract with a residential complex for garbage collection;

    agreement with the tenant and agreements with employees

    assortment list approved by the SES

    a license to sell alcohol, if it is supposed to be in the institution

Pay attention to the requirements that are specified in these documents. This information useful when choosing a room and organizing a workflow. It is better to take into account all the requirements at once so that you do not have to correct inconsistencies in the future and spend money on this.

Ready-made ideas for your business

An important nuance! If the restaurant intends to include alcoholic products in the menu, then a license is required. The license is issued for a period of 1 year, subject to the following requirements by the institution:

    a room over 50 sq. m .;

    availability of the necessary communications - water supply, electrical wiring, heating;

    distance of at least 100 meters from educational, medical and sports facilities.

According to the changes Federal law dated 03.07.2016 No. 261-FZ, since March 31, 2017, catering establishments selling alcoholic beverages must obtain a license for each type of activity: for retail sale of alcohol and trade in alcohol in the provision of catering services. The total cost of the license will be 130,000 rubles. More about receiving permits for a restaurant can be read.

Search for premises for a restaurant

Finding a suitable premises for a restaurant is not so easy - the complexity is created by many requirements, norms and restrictions that apply to them. Therefore, the search must be started in advance. Try to find a room where a catering establishment was previously located. In this case, you will save on bringing the premises in line with the norms. Moreover, you will save not only in money, but also in time. In addition, such premises are sometimes rented with a piece of equipment: an exhaust hood, ventilation, air conditioning system.

When choosing, you should pay attention to two parameters: the location and the very state of the room.

The place for the future restaurant is chosen taking into account the concept. For example, it is better to place a youth cafe next to educational institutions, and a family cafe in a residential neighborhood. An incorrectly selected location can leave a restaurant without visitors.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Assess the location using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. So you will find out if there are your direct competitors nearby, whether your target audience can be found there, how convenient the transport interchange is so that the visitor can drive up to the establishment.

Evaluate the premises: does it meet regulatory requirements, is there a possibility of redevelopment, does it require repairs, is there all the necessary communications ... Also pay attention to the electricity capacity, because food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

Basic requirements for the restaurant premises:

    area of ​​about 100 sq. m .;

    the presence of artificial and natural ventilation;

    the presence of sewerage;

    availability of additional rooms (storage room, bathroom, staff room).

    More detailed requirements for the premises are set out in SanPiN.

One of the most important issues at this stage is the cost of rent. A restaurant will require a considerable area, and not every entrepreneur has the opportunity to purchase a property. Rents depends on various factors: in which city or district the premises are located, pedestrian traffic, and favorable proximity to other public institutions. On average, renting a room will cost 80-150 thousand rubles a month. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend paying immediately six months in advance - then by the time you make the second payment, you will have time to get started.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

The quality of kitchen equipment and tools determines its production capacity and even affects the taste of food. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the choice. Study in advance the offers on the restaurant equipment market, reviews on equipment and the experience of other entrepreneurs. You can also use the services of firms that organize restaurant business.

Scroll necessary equipment may be different because it depends on the menu. For example, high-quality ovens are important for a pizzeria, a special rice cooker for a sushi bar, and deep fryers for a fast food establishment.

But you can distinguish the main categories of equipment that will be required in each kitchen:

    oven and other equipment for heat treatment: ovens, deep fryers, stoves, etc .;

    refrigerators, freezers, refrigerated countertops and vacuum sealers for storing food. The model of refrigeration equipment must be selected depending on the layout of the kitchen and the list of stored products;

    Dishwasher for process automation and dish disinfection;

    equipment for making drinks: juicer, coffee machine;

    electrical appliances: mixers, blenders, harvesters;

    kitchen utensils and other small equipment (knives, food containers, stands, containers, etc.);

    equipment for dough: kneaders, rolling devices, molds, etc.

Hardware costs can vary too. On average, the basic configuration of an ordinary restaurant will cost 300 thousand rubles. To reduce this list and save money, you can shorten the production cycle and purchase ready-made semi-finished products... For example, bakery products can be purchased from the bakery and cakes from the bakery.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase furniture and other equipment, including a bar counter, tables and chairs, a cash register and a cashless payment terminal, and decor items. And this is about 350 thousand rubles. This amount will increase if it is necessary to install alarm systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems.

It is very important to find qualified employees, because the reputation of your establishment depends on their work. Careful selection should be applied not only to the chef, but to the rest of the staff as well. Restaurant employees must create a coherent system in which each participant has clear responsibilities and areas of responsibility.

Ready-made ideas for your business

We start our search by choosing a chef. Finding a good chef is hard enough because qualified specialists usually busy. It is wrong to advertise on the website and just wait for a good specialist to call you. You need to look for a chef purposefully: in other establishments, at master classes or through a restaurant recruiting agency... If you don't have any food service experience, the chef can also be a key advisor on kitchen furnishings. Often, the very idea of ​​opening a restaurant starts with the chef. It so happens that entrepreneurs "bring" this person from afar, inspired by his cooking on a trip abroad. In this case, you should always remember about your own realities: will this chef also be successful without supplying the freshest seafood and exotic fruits and vegetables.

Waiters are equally important. Good staff it's better to educate yourself, conduct regular trainings for them, send them to master classes, form a team and motivate them for results. Lack of motivation reduces the quality of service, and this will lead to a churn of visitors. So saving on employee salaries can lead to significant loss of revenue.

On average, the salary of cooks is 40-50 thousand rubles. Waiters - about 20-25 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to organize two work shifts in order not to violate labor laws. In a new and not yet promoted establishment, it will be enough to hire two cooks, four waiters-cashiers, a manager and 2 dishwashers and a cleaner. With such a staff, the payroll will be about 250 thousand rubles (including social contributions).

Restaurant menu

The development of the menu is very important stage when opening a restaurant. The menu should correspond to the concept not only in terms of content, originality, but also in terms of price. If you position yourself as a democratic cafe, then the prices should be appropriate.

When drawing up the menu, consider the following nuances:

    provide consumers with variety. Add new items or special seasonal offers to the menu. This will help to retain loyal customers;

    be guided by prices in other establishments. This is perhaps the most important factor in pricing policy. The vast majority of customers care about the cost of food. Today they use the formula “all the best - for a reasonable price”.

    make a technological map for each dish. Be sure to indicate the consumption of products per serving and its volume. These data are needed for SES and the calculation of the required raw materials;

    observe the principle of full and variable use of products. This will reduce the risk of food spoilage if a particular dish is unpopular;

    be sure to consider consumer preferences. Track your order history to identify the most popular and unpopular dishes. For the most popular positions, the price can be slightly raised over time. It is better to exclude unpopular dishes or replace them with an analogue. Also remember that it is advisable to supplement the computer analysis of the demand for many dishes with a visual one - at least occasionally look at the sink to find out what most often remains on the plates.

Procurement and Suppliers

Before you open a restaurant, you must decide on the suppliers and arrange the supply. The main requirement for suppliers is the timely delivery of high-quality and fresh products. Please note that all products must meet the requirements of GOSTs and have quality certificates.

To calculate how many products you need to purchase, you will need routing and sales forecast. You, of course, will not deduce an exact indicator, but in the process of work you yourself will determine the optimal volume of the purchase.

Take your time to conclude a contract and arrange the delivery of products. To get started, carefully study the various cooking technologies, offers from different suppliers, etc.

The list of required products for purchase is individual for each establishment. But there are categories of suppliers that each restaurateur cooperates with:

    suppliers of fresh meat;

    supplier of fresh vegetables;

    suppliers of dairy products (sour cream, cream, cheese, etc.);

    suppliers of various sauces, spices, etc .;

    tea / coffee / beverage providers.

It is, of course, easier to work with a comprehensive set of suppliers that can supply you with all the products you need. These providers offer flexible system discounts, guarantee fast deliveries and, in general, make life easier for the restaurateur, eliminating unnecessary paperwork. But it is not so easy to find a reliable integrated supplier in Russia. A complex supplier is less flexible and loyal to its customers. He cannot adapt to the different requirements of all his customers, and in this he loses to small suppliers.

The main advantage of small suppliers who supply certain products is that they are ready to take into account the needs of each client and work with him individually. Usually small companies monitor the quality of the product more seriously and are well versed in it. And also individual suppliers have more choice of products.

Which supplier to choose - a complex one or several small ones - is up to you. But before making the final decision on cooperation, analyze the proposals. Make a small first purchase, order small lots from different suppliers to compare the quality and choose the most successful option. In the future, make purchases often, but in small batches. This will provide your establishment with fresh food and make it easier to store.

When signing an agreement with suppliers, be sure to read all the conditions prescribed in the documents. For example, transportation costs are usually covered by the customer, that is, you. Therefore, whenever possible, choose those suppliers that are closer to your establishment. This will cut shipping costs. Also, pay attention to what guarantees the supplier provides. Discuss the responsibility of the parties if the delivery time, payment or product quality is violated. You can read more about the practice of relationships with restaurant suppliers in this article.

Restaurant advertising launch

First you need to draw a portrait of your target audience. Based on this, and build an advertising campaign. After all, different audiences need different ads. For advertising to be effective, it must fully meet the needs of the audience. It is important to know the interests of your potential consumers not only in order to choose advertising methods, but also to design advertising material: text, video, flyers, etc.

    Conducting a competition (for example, a repost competition, “mark a friend”, etc.) with a drawing of certificates - 3 thousand rubles;

So, on average, the cost of an advertising campaign will be 73 thousand rubles. The amount of your advertising budget depends on how much money you are willing to spend on it. It is better not to save on promotion, but big expenses are not a guarantee great success... You must have a marketing strategy, according to which you define an effective set of advertising tools and optimize your expenses. Promotion should be especially active in the first months of the establishment's operation, so that you immediately attract the attention of consumers.

But do not forget that word of mouth is the best advertisement for a catering establishment. It's free, efficient, and challenging. After all, in order for your establishment to be recommended, you must provide quality product and service. If the consumer appreciates the food and service, he will want to come back and recommend the establishment to his friends. Also, keep up with food trends and new business ideas on a regular basis. The age of restaurants today is short-lived, any concepts quickly become boring.

How much money does it take to open a restaurant from scratch

The table shows the approximate amount of the initial investment. Please note that the “reserve fund” has been added to the items of expenditure. What it is? This is the amount that will serve as a financial cushion for you in the first months of operation, when the restaurant will operate at a loss. After all, in any case, you will have to pay wages to your employees and cover other costs for smooth operation (utilities, purchasing food, etc.).

Calculation of the initial investment

Thus, about 2 million rubles will be required to open a restaurant.

Restaurant income and expenses

There are no exact figures on the level of profitability of restaurants - there are too many variables. But some guidelines still exist. In most restaurants, more than 55% of the cost of revenue is made up of just three expense items:

    Products. Most often, from 25 to 35% of the proceeds are spent on the purchase of raw materials.

    Rent... For small cities it can be about 15%, for large cities - 20-25% of turnover.

    Staff. Employee costs are usually in the range of 20-25%.

The rest falls on a whole range of costs, including utilities, taxes, equipment repair and maintenance, the purchase of detergents, waste disposal, advertising, software updates and maintenance, and much more. Each of these costs separately does not carry a large financial burden, but together they can eat up the lion's share of income. The entrepreneur's job is to prevent this from happening.

What should be left of the proceeds? In other words, what is the normal profitability of a restaurant? Today, the usual figures are indicators of 10-20%. This means that, for example, with a restaurant's revenue of 800 thousand rubles, “good” net profit- this is 160 thousand rubles, and 300 thousand rubles of proceeds - this is normal with a turnover of 1.5 million rubles. Accordingly, indicators below 10% indicate that the institution is at risk, and more than 20% indicate a more stable source of income. Today it is difficult to call the restaurant business super-profitable.

We analyze risks

Preventing risks is easier and cheaper than eliminating their consequences. Restaurants are among the leaders in the number of bankruptcies. Therefore, be sure to think about what threats are in your business and how you can minimize them.

Let's list the main risks of the restaurant business and how to neutralize them:

    poor choice of location. For a catering establishment, location is both a method of promotion, and part of a concept, and a factor of business reputation. By choosing the wrong location, you run the risk of low revenue. Therefore, be responsible for the analysis of the point of sale and take into account various factors. Check out the specifics of opening a restaurant in a small town and a cafe on the highway separately.

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. This risk can result in increased costs, operational disruptions and a diminished reputation for the establishment. To reduce the likelihood of risk, you should carefully select suppliers, include all the necessary conditions which suggest financial responsibility the supplier if they are not met;

    the reaction of competitors. The foodservice market is saturated enough that the behavior of competitors can have a profound impact on your business. Some will lower prices, others will launch a profitable campaign, and others will copy your idea ... There can be many options, and you will hardly be able to defend yourself against all competitive tricks. But in order to reduce this influence, you need to form your customer base, constantly monitor the market, offer loyalty programs to your customers, come up with unique offers and always work to improve your competitive advantages;

    staff problems(low qualifications, staff turnover, theft among staff, lack of employee motivation). This risk is dangerous in that it entails a decrease in profits, an increase in costs and even the formation of negative image institutions. To avoid this, you should automate all production processes(control of orders, products in stock, etc.), control system, piece-rate payment. It is important to create comfortable, favorable working conditions for staff;

    equipment problems, production downtime. Kitchen equipment breaks down. And if this happens, you must troubleshoot promptly. There should be no production downtime in the restaurant business. To reduce the risk, you need to carry out regular maintenance. maintenance and inspection of equipment, cooperate with a process engineer who, in the event of a breakdown of equipment, can quickly solve this problem;

    spoilage of products due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. Competent planning of the volume of purchases is a very important part of the work. You can lose significant sums simply due to the fact that incorrectly calculated the volume of required products. If you count too many, the food will go bad. If you buy a little, some of the items from the menu will be unavailable, and you may lose part of your profit. Therefore, you need to carefully plan the amount of required products, based on the indicators of past periods, and monitor the condition of the refrigeration equipment.

    decline in the reputation of the institution. Since the restaurant business is highly dependent on word of mouth, you must maintain a good reputation at all times. Management mistakes, poor service and poor quality food can damage your reputation and result in losses. To reduce the risk, establish constant product quality control and feedback from the establishment's customers in order to correct mistakes in a timely manner.

Read more about the pitfalls of the restaurant business.

In custody

The restaurant business requires a lot of time, attention and money. To succeed in it, you need to understand the specifics of the restaurant business and all the nuances. These little things make up the overall picture that the visitor sees. If everything suits him, he comes back to you, recommends your establishment to friends and becomes a regular customer. It is these loyal customers that bring the restaurant the bulk of the profit.

The system is hidden behind the beautiful external picture of the restaurant. complex processes... With a competent allocation of resources and control of all production stages you can build a profitable business.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Becoming an entrepreneur in the field of restaurant business is the key to success in our time, despite the fact that it is a crisis. In this case, the main thing is to find good idea to make it happen. In this article, we will tell you in detail how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch and what documents you need to complete for this. We will describe all the nuances that it is advisable to consider before trying to build your business in this area of ​​activity.

Business specifics

There are a few basic points that you should definitely grasp before taking up such things as a restaurant business, namely:

  • You need to decide on the range of products and the range of services for your future enterprise. This will definitely help you figure out which cafe can be opened specifically in your city with the same amount start-up capital that you have. In addition, you need to analyze the modern service sector in order to understand which cafe is better to open for people to visit. Themed establishments are in special demand today: Japanese, Chinese and Italian restaurants and mini-cafes;
  • You should also figure out where in the city you need to open a mini cafe from scratch or any other catering. It is advisable to choose places where a large number of people always concentrate - near hotels, sports and entertainment centers;
  • Based on the amount of start-up capital, you will need to decide on the form of service in it. In the initial stages, after opening a cafe-bar from scratch, a form such as self-service will suit you. In the future, it will be possible to hire waiters;
  • There is one more thing you need to start a cafe from scratch. You need to decide whether your catering will work seasonally or permanently;
  • You also need to know, if you want to open a cafe, where to start your business - from a mobile enterprise or a stationary one.

In light of the above, one conclusion suggests itself - in order to open your own cafe you need to know that this is a rather complicated and painstaking process that requires special endurance, patience and, accordingly, knowledge in the economic field from a novice entrepreneur.

Activity registration

What does it take to open a cafe from scratch, first of all? An enterprise such as a cafe must be officially registered in state register small business. But in order to open a cafe-bar you need to be issued the following permits:
  • For the location of the enterprise that you have chosen as an object;
  • From the fire department. This is especially true if the premises that you have chosen as a place where to open a cafe was only recently put into operation;
  • The same permission will have to be obtained at the sanitary and epidemiological station. This document is issued 10 days in advance by the chief doctor of the SES, if you take into account a number of other nuances that you need to open a cafe.

We'll have to additionally collect the following list of documents:

  • Lease agreement for the premises in which your catering will be located;
  • Licenses for the products that you will use in your work;
  • Certificate of registration of a private enterprise;
  • Documents confirming that you and your staff have undergone a complete medical examination;
  • You also need to obtain a patent from local governments for trade activities.

You need to know if you want to open a cafe, what you need to determine for this legal form future institution. You can register it like:

  1. Individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur);
  2. JSC (open joint stock company);
  3. LLC (limited liability company).

Facility format and concept

Are you still undecided? Try opening your own cafe. For this, as we mentioned above, it is very important to determine the concept and format of the future establishment. To make you understand more clearly in this area, we suggest that you pay attention to the following classification of catering establishments.

By type of cafe there are:

  • General;
  • Specialized;
  • Baramie.

Each of these catering establishments have their own category:

  • Lux - such establishments have unique buildings, premises and furniture (it is made to order). They are provided for everyone necessary equipment to have the maximum level of comfort;
  • The highest - who have a very high level of service, a complex menu, the premises are decorated at the best level, and the technical equipment is of the highest class;
  • The first - this category is assigned to barbecue, wine and beer bars;
  • The second is assigned to canteens;
  • The third is assigned to buffets located on the basis of public facilities.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of cafe you can open:

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch?

This is the most accessible catering establishment in which people enter with great pleasure, because they can eat quickly and inexpensively (about 100 rubles per person). The menu of such a cafe includes dishes that are prepared on the basis of semi-finished products. Of the alcohol in such establishments, only beer is sold. This catering format is the best way to open a roadside cafe from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch like "Free-flo"?

In such establishments, the menu is dominated by home-cooked dishes, which are prepared after the customer's order. In these cafes, nothing is warmed up. On average, a visitor can eat at the Free-Flo cafe for 150–300 rubles. In addition to beer, you can sell stronger alcoholic drinks here.

In fact, this catering establishment is no different from fast food. Only in them can you get a higher profit. For one visit, people can spend 300-400 rubles on delicious and fresh pizza, as well as on some types of snacks and side dishes. This option is suitable for those looking for a way to start a family café from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch like a "Bar"?

Such establishments sell mainly alcoholic products and simple hot and cold snacks. Usually they are equipped for high-tech style, there is poor lighting, there are quiet and soft areas. It should be noted that such establishments are in fairly high demand, so it is very cost-effective to open them. There are several types of bars:

  • Cocktail bars, where fruit, sweets, and some types of snacks are served with alcoholic beverages. The staff consists of bartenders and waiters;
  • Disco bars, which function during the day as ordinary cafes, and in the evening as a club, where you can not order food, but only have fun. By the way, the menu of such establishments usually includes sandwiches and sweets. They are equipped in a very modern way with backlights, musical equipment, video recorders, light and music;
  • Minibars, which are located on the basis of entertainment centers such as cinemas, hotels. They sell mainly sandwiches, ice cream and other products of this kind;
  • Grill bars are establishments that differ from fast food cafes only in the way they prepare food. Everything is grilled here;
  • Cafe-bars are elegant establishments that are designed for a maximum of 50 visitors. The menu here is very extensive - there are first courses, and second courses, and alcoholic drinks. As for the cost of the dishes, the check of one visitor can be equal to 500 rubles.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch?

This can be a Free-floo type catering establishment, but they should not contain alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is always equipped with various children's entertainment, and the menu includes sweets, dairy desserts and homemade dishes that can be as useful as possible for children.

How to open an anti-cafe?

It should be noted that this format of establishments is very popular today. In them, people do not have to pay for food. They pay for the time they spend in the cafe. Offering coffee, tea and light snacks to people is free of charge.

How to open a coffee shop?

This type of cafe has taken root in Russia quite well. In such establishments, the menu includes various types of coffee, liqueurs and dessert wines. Also included in the list of goods are confectionery.

Location selection

Another question that comes in step by step instructions how to open a cafe from scratch is the choice of the premises and location of the future cafe. Here you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The area of ​​the city in which your cafe will be located should be crowded (these can be residential areas, recreation areas);
  2. The area of ​​the premises for a catering establishment must be at least 70 and not more than 200 m2;
  3. If your cafe is aimed at people with an average income, you can choose sleeping areas;
  4. Do not rent a room for your cafe in the event that an institution of this type was located in it before yours, but it received a bad reputation (your cafe will have the same fame on a subconscious level among visitors);
  5. The premises should be equipped with all the necessary communal benefits - electricity, running water, heating and sewerage;
  6. Carefully study all the documentation for the premises you want to rent. What is meant here - whether it was rescheduled, whether it was registered correctly, whether it is possible to place advertising signs on its facade.


When planning where to start opening your cafe, you need to calculate how much money you need to open a cafe. After all, you will have to purchase expensive equipment to furnish the hall of your establishment and the kitchen. There is a basic set of what you need to buy without fail:

  • Oven (a convection oven is also suitable instead). This equipment must be clearly included in the business plan for opening a cafe from scratch, since it is used to prepare most of the main dishes;
  • Electric multi-burner stove with oven;
  • Refrigerated spacious showcases for ready meals;
  • Dispensing rack;
  • Coffee machine;
  • Frying surfaces;
  • Microwave;
  • Food processor (several is better);
  • Washing.

All of the aforementioned household appliances can be taken new, or you can save money and buy all this from your hands in order to save money. At the first stages of business development, it is quite possible to get by with the used equipment, and after achieving the result, you can already buy a new one.

Financial investments

The most important thing a budding entrepreneur needs to do is calculate the cost of opening a small cafe from scratch. According to our calculations, how much money is needed to open a cafe, you will have to make the following costs:

  • 50,000 rubles - rent of premises for a cafe;
  • 100,000 rubles - purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • 60,000 rubles - for products and advertising (this amount will have to be spent monthly).

Note that the cost of opening a cafe from scratch will largely depend on the form of catering that you choose.


Knowing how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch, logical questions arise - how much you can earn and how quickly. It is impossible to answer unequivocally here, because the profit will directly depend on the attendance of your cafe and the amount of money invested.

If you can organize your business quickly and correctly, then a month you will receive from 100,000 rubles in net profit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out what they are positive points restaurant business:

  • It is an exit niche in entrepreneurship because it is in demand among people;
  • Having your own cafe is not only profitable, but also very interesting. Business in the long term can become a matter of a lifetime and bring high income.

However, as in any business, there are pitfalls in the restaurant business:

  • If people work in your cafe, then it cannot be excluded that they will steal food. To avoid this, you can install surveillance cameras in the cafe, but this is an additional cost;
  • You will definitely need to monitor the cleanliness and sanitation in your cafe constantly;
  • You may be harassed by constant checks by different authorities;
  • It is very difficult to find decent suppliers who become reliable business partners;
  • High level of competition.

Advertising campaign

An advertising campaign is of decisive importance in business development, because the profitability of an establishment always depends on it. You will have to think and choose the appropriate tactics in organizing advertising for your cafe. It shouldn't look like a competitor's campaign. What can you use:

    1. Outdoor advertising (in public transport, for example, or on street billboards), which will constantly flash before the eyes of your potential customers and thereby arouse interest in your institution;
    2. Internet advertising in social networks, online bulletin boards, on sites (including on a personal site). You will have to pay decently for such services. But if they are not used, the risk of losing everything and not achieving anything by investing a lot of money can increase;
  1. Media and radio advertisements that will help inform people about the entertainment programs and promotions of your cafe. With their help, the image of a public institution is formed. It is not easy for visitors to sit in comfortable conditions; the mood and atmosphere that prevail in the institution where they decided to dine, for example, are also important for them;
  2. Printed materials include business cards, logo ballpoint pens, flyers, and brochures. They can be distributed in the metro, at bus stops, train stations;
  3. Event marketing - here it is advisable to think over loyalty programs that always arouse the interest of visitors.

When deciding to become a restaurant entrepreneur, you need to understand that a lot of the success of the business will depend on your personality. It is important to have a lot of patience, energy, knowledge and life experience in order to properly organize your entrepreneurial activity and in the long term to reach a high income.

Do not be afraid of competitors, be afraid of other disadvantages of this line of business. You just need to believe in success and make every effort to achieve it.