Ethical standards of relationships. Business etiquette and culture of behavior. The essence of ethics. ethical standards and principles of business communication Ethical standards and rules

The ability to quickly and correctly determine nationality - psychological

type your interlocutor, then establish trusting relationship and successfully interacting with him will not be difficult for you. Knowing the characteristics of each psychological type, you will be able to control the course of the conversation, reduce the risk of conflict situation.

Psychology of business communication – component complex of psychological sciences, it is based on the basic categories and principles developed by general psychology.

The most important principles that guide general psychology and all its branches are the following:

The principle of causality, determinism, i.e. recognition of the relationship and interdependence of mental phenomena with both other and material phenomena;

The principle of consistency, i.e. interpretation of individual mental phenomena as elements of an integral mental organization;

The principle of development, recognition of transformation, changes in mental processes, their dynamics, transition from one level to another.

Based on the analysis of the psychology of the personality of the work group, norms business ethics, national psychological types solve two main interrelated problems:

Mastery of methods of psychological diagnostics, techniques for describing the psychological states of subjects production activities, individual workers, managers, work groups;

Developing skills and abilities to change the psychological states of a particular subject through the use of special psychological technologies.

Ethics (from the Greek ethos - custom, custom) - the doctrine of morality, morality. The term “ethics” was first used by Aristotle (384–322 BC) to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we must do in order to perform the right, moral actions.

Morality (from the Latin moralis - moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by man. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation public relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc.

In a traditional society (a society of “mechanical solidarity” according to Emile Durkheim), based on a common social life, collective ideas, mythological consciousness and interpersonal relationships, the main mechanism of business communication is ritual, tradition and custom. They are consistent with the norms, values ​​and standards of ethical business communication.

This nature of the ethics of business communication is found already in Ancient India. All human behavior and communication, including in the business sphere, are subordinated here to higher (religious) values. The above is also typical for traditional Buddhist teachings.

The primary role is given to the ethical norms of ritual and custom in business communication and ancient Chinese society. It is no coincidence that the famous Confucius (551–479 BC) puts duty, justice, and virtue in first place in relations between people, subordinating profit and benefit to them, although he does not oppose them to each other.

As in the East, in Western Europe of ancient times, great attention is paid to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication, and their influence on the efficiency of business is constantly emphasized. So, already Socrates (470 - 399 BC) says that “whoever knows how to deal with people manages both private and general affairs well, and whoever does not know how, makes mistakes here and there.”

However, unlike the Eastern, Western European, especially

Christian cultural tradition is more pragmatic. Economic, material interest comes to the fore here, and at the same time, much attention is paid to the status nature of communication. At the same time, the status of the superior is considered as more privileged than that of the subordinate. Hence, ethical norms, such as justice, goodness, goodness, etc., are filled with economic content and also acquire a status character. The criterion of morality in business communication moves to the economic sphere. Therefore, a person with a “market character” (as defined by Erich Fromm) is constantly in a state of contradiction and is characterized by a split consciousness.

An attempt to overcome this contradiction in moral consciousness was made within the framework of Protestantism during the Reformation in the 16th–17th centuries. Protestantism has contributed a lot of positive things to the ethics of business communication and has achieved certain successes in its establishment.

In the era of “wild capitalism” ( Western Europe, USA in the 19th – mid-20th centuries) in the ethics of business communication and, in particular business conversation The thirst for profit began to come to the fore.

In modern developed countries, compliance with ethical standards in business communication and during business conversations is recognized as important not only from the point of view of the responsibility of businessmen to society and themselves, but also necessary for production efficiency. In this case, ethics is seen not only as a necessary moral imperative of behavior, but also as a means (instrument) to help increase profitability, helping to strengthen business connections and improving business communication.

Communication is the process of communication and interaction of social entities: social groups, communities or individuals, in which information, experience, abilities and results of activities are exchanged. The specificity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises on the basis and

about certain type activities related to the production of any product or business effect. Its distinctive feature is that it does not have a self-sufficient meaning, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals. In market conditions, this is, first of all, obtaining maximum profit. Practice shows that in any business, success is more than 50% dependent on the ability to establish contacts and properly build business communication.

Business ethics is also a system of knowledge about labor and professional morality, its history and practice; about how people are used to relating to their work, what meaning they attach to it, what place it occupies in their lives, how relationships develop between people in the process of work, what inclinations and ideals ensure effective work, and which ones interfere with it.

U business people all over the world there is a strict concept of business ethics and commitment. Abroad, partners who have been proven over the years are highly valued, but newcomers are scrutinized with suspicion, often crossing out from their notebooks the names of those who did not behave according to the rules from the first meeting. Therefore, newly-minted entrepreneurs, who with all their behavior violate the elementary foundations of business ethics, cannot hope for success.

Ethics and etiquette of business relations require that a leader possess the following qualities:

Ability to coordinate;

Decisiveness and justified compliance;

Demandingness towards oneself and others;

Ability to work in a stressful environment.

Business relationship - this is one of the types of social relations, such as the relationship between partners, colleagues and even competitors, arising in the process of joint activities in the market and in the team.

At the level of business relationships in a business, employees must be

focused on the partner, on the consumer, which increases interest in the work. In order to successfully carry out any enterprise (conclude a deal), you should strive to understand your business partner. In business relationships, you need to be the master of the situation, take the initiative and responsibility. Participants in business relationships have the opportunity to influence each other’s knowledge, skills, relationships, and feelings. In the research of Professor B.F. Lomov, who paid quite a lot of attention to the aspects of the socio-psychological phenomenon of communication, clearly presented the idea: when we study the lifestyle of a particular individual, we cannot limit ourselves to analyzing only what and how he does, we must also examine with whom and how he communicates. This knowledge of a communication partner is no less important in professional life than in everyday life. That is, the sphere of business relations can reveal the essence of our partner, as well as a business competitor. Business relationships involve many aspects, including communication.

Communication - This is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

Ethical principles - a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

Ethical Standards - a system of shared values ​​and ethical rules that an organization requires its employees to observe.

Psychological norms and principles contain necessary list psychological characteristics business person.

Principles of ethics in business communication is a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

There are six basic ethical principles of business


1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered disrespect for the recipient, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. You should not retell to anyone what you have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Consideration for others (think about others, not just yourself) should apply to co-workers, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view.

Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is

fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing a color scheme that suits your face. Carefully selected accessories are of great importance.

6. Literacy (speak and write in good language). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names must be conveyed without errors. You cannot use swear words; Even if you just quote the words of another person, those around you will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

These principles are present to varying degrees and recognized as valid in various business cultures. The fundamental principles in the business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and social environment; between enterprises; within one enterprise - between a manager and subordinates, between a subordinate and a manager, between people of the same status. There are specifics between the parties to one or another type of business communication. The task is to formulate principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each of its types, but also would not contradict the general moral principles of human behavior. At the same time, they should serve as a reliable tool for coordinating the activities of people involved in business communication.

The general moral principle of human communication is contained in the categorical imperative of I. Kant: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation.” In relation to business communication, the basic ethical principle can be formulated as follows: in business communication, when making decisions about

When deciding which values ​​should be preferred in a given situation, act in such a way that the maxim of your will is compatible with the moral values ​​of the other parties involved in communication, and allows for the coordination of the interests of all parties.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, do it ethically right choice and making an individual decision is often not an easy task. Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time they increase the number of decision options and give rise to a set of moral dilemmas that await business people at every step in the process of their activities and communication.

Despite all the problematic nature and difficulty of choosing a moral position, there are a number of provisions in communication, following which you can greatly facilitate it, increase its effectiveness and avoid mistakes in the process of interaction with others in business. Remember, that:

In morality there is no absolute truth and no supreme judge among people.

When it comes to the ethical failures of others, one should not make “moral elephants” out of “moral flies.”

When it comes to your mistakes, you should do the opposite.

In morality, one should praise others and make claims against oneself.

The moral attitude of others towards us ultimately depends only on ourselves.

When it comes to the practical approval of moral standards, the main imperative of behavior is: “start with yourself.”

Special attention should be addressed Golden Rule communication ethics: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” IN

in the negative form in the formulation of Confucius, it says: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” This rule also applies to business communication, but in relation to its individual types: “top-down” (manager – subordinate), “bottom-up” (subordinate – manager), “horizontally” (employee – employee) requires specification.

Ethics of business communication “top-down”. In business communication “from top to bottom,” i.e., in relation to a manager to a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: “Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by a manager.” The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates. By norms and principles we mean what behavior in the workplace is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms relate, first of all, to how and on what basis orders are given in the management process, how the official discipline that determines business communication is expressed. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a manager and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable and morally unprotected in the team. The attitude of a manager towards his subordinates influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines its moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are primarily formed. Let's note some of them.

Strive to transform your organization into a cohesive team with high moral standards of communication. Involve employees in the organization's goals. A person will only feel morally and psychologically comfortable when he identifies with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who they are.

If problems or difficulties arise related to

dishonesty, the manager should find out its reasons. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate with his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on strengths his personality.

If an employee does not follow your instructions, you need to let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may think that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager has not made an appropriate remark to the subordinate, then he is simply not fulfilling his duties and is acting unethically.

A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Collect all information about this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task; perhaps he will cite facts unknown to you. Make your comments one on one: the person's dignity and feelings must be respected.

Criticize actions and actions, not the person's personality.

Ethics of business communication “bottom-up”. In business communication “from bottom to top,” i.e., in relation to a subordinate to his boss, the general ethical rule of behavior can be formulated as follows: “Treat your boss the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates.”

Knowing how you should approach and treat your leader is no less important than what moral requirements you should make of your subordinates. Without this it is difficult to find " mutual language"both with the boss and with the subordinates. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him an ally, but you can also turn him against you, make him your ill-wisher.

Here are some essential ethical standards and principles that you can use in your business communication with your manager.

Try to help the manager in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team, strengthening fair

relationships. Remember that your manager needs this first.

Do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him. Make your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely. You cannot directly order him to do anything, but you can say: “How would you feel about...?” etc.

If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then the manager must be informed about it. In case of trouble, try to help ease the way out of this situation and offer your solution.

Do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always says yes becomes annoying and comes across as a flatterer. A person who always says “no” is a constant irritant.

Be loyal and reliable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own principles and character. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon; his actions cannot be foreseen.

You should not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. “over your head”, directly to your manager’s manager, with the exception of emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be regarded as disrespect or disregard for the opinion of your immediate superior or as doubting his competence. In any case, your manager loses authority and dignity.

Ethics of business communication “horizontally”. The general ethical principle of communication “horizontally,” that is, between colleagues (managers or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: “In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like him to treat you.” If you find it difficult how to behave in a particular situation, put yourself in the shoes of your colleague.

In relation to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult matter. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within one enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the general management team. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal to each other.

Here are some principles of ethical business communication between colleagues.

Do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another.

Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in performing the overall work.

If your responsibilities overlap with those of your colleagues, this is a very dangerous situation. If the manager does not differentiate your duties and responsibilities from others, try to do it yourself.

In relationships between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your department yourself, and not place the blame on your subordinates.

If you are asked to temporarily transfer your employee to another department, do not send unscrupulous and unqualified employees there - after all, they will judge you and your department as a whole by him. Remember, it may happen that you will be treated in the same immoral way.

Ethical standards are the values ​​and rules of ethics that employees of an organization must adhere to in their activities. The rules provide for rights, duties and liability for failure to fulfill duties or exceeding rights. Ethical standards act as a regulator of business relations. Universal ethical standards represent requirements for communication that are inextricably linked with the recognition of the uniqueness and value of each individual: politeness, correctness,

tact, modesty, accuracy, courtesy.

Politeness - this expression respectful attitude to other people, their dignity, manifested in greetings and wishes, in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions and gestures. The opposite of politeness is rudeness. Rude relationships are not only an indicator of low culture, but also an economic category. It is estimated that as a result of rude treatment, employees lose on average about 17% in productivity.

Correctness - the ability to maintain oneself within the bounds of decency in any situation, especially conflict situations. Correct behavior is especially important in disputes, during which the search for truth is carried out, new constructive ideas appear, opinions and beliefs are tested.

Tact is also one of the important components of the culture of business communication. A sense of tact is, first of all, a sense of proportion, a sense of boundaries in communication, the violation of which can offend a person and put him in an awkward position. Remarks about appearance or behavior, sympathy expressed in the presence of others about the intimate side of a person’s life, etc. can be tactless.

Modesty in communication means restraint in assessments, respect for the tastes and affections of other people. The opposites of modesty are arrogance, swagger, and posturing.

Accuracy is also of great importance for the success of business relationships. Without the exact fulfillment of promises made and obligations taken in any form of life, it is difficult to conduct business. Inaccuracy often borders on immoral behavior - deception, lies.

Courtesy - This is the desire to be the first to be kind, to save another person from inconvenience and trouble.

Man is a social being, therefore, willy-nilly, he has to constantly communicate with other people. And given the fact that all people are different, certain rules were formed to regulate our relationships. These rules are nothing more than centuries-old concepts of good and evil, right and wrong actions, justice and injustice of actions. And every person spontaneously or consciously tries to adhere to them. Depending on what concepts are included in moral norms and ethical rules, and whether they are taken into account at all, each of us can make it difficult or easier to communicate with our own kind. And, therefore, the speed of achieving your goals, the quality of communication and life will depend on this. Therefore, every citizen needs to know at least the basics of ethics. The rules of good manners have never harmed anyone.

What is ethics

The word “ethics” was first used by Aristotle. Translated from Greek, it means “concerning morality” or “expressing certain moral beliefs.” Ethics is the doctrine of the rules of communication between people, the norms of human behavior, as well as the responsibilities of everyone towards other people. And most of us, even those who have not specifically studied the code of etiquette, are aware of the main rule on a subconscious level interpersonal relationships: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” One of the main aspects of ethics is morality. What is morality? This is nothing more than a system of values ​​recognized by man. This is the most important way to regulate relationships in different areas of our lives: in everyday life, family, work, science, etc. In addition to moral foundations, ethics also studies the rules of ethics - etiquette.

Etiquette - a system of signs

Our actions carry some information: when we meet, we can pat a friend on the shoulder, nod our head, kiss, hug someone by the shoulders, or throw ourselves into a hug. A pat on the shoulder indicates familiarity; when a man stands up, if a woman enters the room, this indicates his respect for her. The postures adopted by a person, the movement of the head - all this also has etiquette significance. In phraseological units one can also observe forms of etiquette: hitting with the forehead, bowing one’s head, kneeling, turning one’s back, throwing down a glove, putting one’s hand on one’s heart, stroking the head, bowing, a beautiful gesture, etc.

Etiquette is not only a historical, but also a geographical phenomenon: not all signs of etiquette that are perceived positively in the West will be approved in the East. And some gestures that are acceptable today were categorically condemned in the old days.

Rules of good manners

Every person should know what ethics is and what rules it includes. Below we will present the basic concepts of good manners.

The communication that we allow ourselves at home with loved ones is not always acceptable in society. And remembering the statement that you will not have a second chance to make a first impression, we try to adhere to generally accepted rules of behavior in society when meeting strangers. Here are some of them:

  • in a company or at an official meeting, it is necessary to introduce strangers to each other;
  • try to remember the names of the people introduced to you;
  • when a man and a woman meet, a representative of the fairer sex is never introduced first, the exception being the situation if the man is the president or the meeting is of a purely business nature;
  • the younger ones are presented as the older ones;
  • when presenting, you must stand up if you are sitting;
  • after an acquaintance, the conversation starts with someone older in position or age, with the exception of the case when an awkward pause occurs;
  • finding yourself with strangers at the same table, before you start eating, you need to get to know your neighbors;
  • When shaking hands, look into the face of the person you are greeting;
  • the palm should be extended strictly vertically, edge down - this means “communication as equals”;
  • remember that any non-verbal gesture means no less than the spoken word;
  • when shaking hands on the street, be sure to take off your gloves, with the exception of women;
  • When meeting, the first question after greeting should be “How are you?” or “How are you?”;
  • during a conversation, do not raise questions that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor;
  • do not discuss anything that concerns opinions and tastes;
  • don't praise yourself;
  • watch the tone of the conversation, remember that neither work, nor family relationships, nor your mood give you the right to be impolite with others;
  • It is not customary to whisper in a company;
  • if, when saying goodbye, you know that you will meet soon, you should say: “Goodbye!”, “See you!”;
  • when saying goodbye forever or for a long time, say: “Goodbye!”;
  • at an official event you must say: “Allow me to say goodbye!”, “Let me say goodbye!”.

Teaching children secular ethics

In order for a child to grow into a worthy member of society, he must know what ethics is. The child must not only be told about the rules of behavior in society, at the table, at school, but also demonstrate and confirm these rules by his own example. No matter how much you tell your child that it is necessary to give up your seat to older people in public transport, without setting an example for him, you will never teach him to do this. Not every child is taught the basics at home. secular ethics. Therefore, the school is trying to fill this gap. Recently, the school curriculum has included the subject “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics.” During lessons, children are taught about the rules and norms of behavior in various places, teach culinary etiquette, proper table setting and much more. Teachers also talk about moral principles and discuss what is good and bad. This item is extremely necessary for the child. After all, knowing how to behave correctly in society will make life easier and more interesting for him.

What's happened

There is such a thing as a code of professional ethics. These are the rules governing professional activities. Each profession has its own code. So, doctors have a rule of non-disclosure of medical confidentiality, lawyers, businessmen - everyone adheres to a code of ethics. Every self-respecting company has its own corporate code. Such enterprises value their reputation more than their finances.


A man without etiquette is a savage, a barbarian. It is the rules of morality that give a person the right to consider himself the crown of creation. By teaching your child what ethics is from an early age, you increase his chances of growing up to be a full-fledged member of society.

Communication between civilized people is impossible without ethical principles, norms and rules. Without or without observing them, people would care exclusively about their own interests, would not notice anyone or anything around them, thereby losing their relationship with others. Ethical standards and behavioral rules contribute to the cohesion and unification of society.

What it is?

Ethics is a set of rules that determine the degree of adequacy of behavior during any interaction with another person. Ethical norms, in turn, represent precisely the norms that make human contacts enjoyable for everyone. Of course, if you don’t follow etiquette, you won’t go to jail, and you won’t have to pay a fine, that’s not how the justice system works. But the censure of others can also become a kind of punishment, acting from the moral side.

Work, school, university, shop, public transport, native home- in all these places there is interaction with at least one person or more. The following methods of communication are usually used:

  • facial expressions;
  • movements;
  • Speaking.

Each of the actions is evaluated by strangers, even if they have nothing to do with what is happening. The main thing is to understand that you cannot purposefully insult, humiliate and be rude to others, as well as cause them pain, especially physical pain.


Ethical standards of communication are divided into two types: mandatory and recommended. The first moral principle prohibits harming people. Contraindicated actions during communication are the creation of negative energy and similar feelings in the interlocutor.

In order not to create preconditions for conflict, you should restrain negative emotions and understand that Every person has a personal opinion, and legal norms do not prohibit expressing it. This attitude should concern all people, and especially teenagers, who are prone to excessive emotional outbursts in an argument or quarrel.

  • it is important to remember self-esteem;
  • do not forget about modesty;
  • Always treat people with respect and not even mentally limit any of their rights.

The motives of communication are the determining factor; they can also be divided into several types.

  • Positive: in this case, the person tries to make the interlocutor happier, respect him, show love, understanding, and create interest.
  • Neutral: here there is only information transfer from one person to another, for example, during work or other activities.
  • Negative: indignation, anger and other similar feelings - all this is acceptable if you have to face injustice. However, it is important to control yourself so that such motives do not turn into illegal actions.

Even the last point relates to ethics, like the rest, because everything listed is based on the motives of high morality. It’s a completely different matter when a person is guided by base motives, wanting to commit deception, revenge, or deliberately deprive someone Have a good mood. Such behavior is contrary to ethics, although there may be some exceptions.

Of course, general ethical principles apply to every person, no matter who he is, but the so-called business world has managed to create its own rules of communication, which also must be observed when in the appropriate environment. In fact, they differ only in the presence of constant formality. These standards sound very accessible.

  • There is no absolute truth even in morality, and it is the highest human judge.
  • If you want to change the world, start with yourself. While praising others, find complaints in your own direction. When forgiving the misdeeds of others, always punish yourself.
  • It depends only on the person himself how he will be treated.

  • develop special ethical standards;
  • create personal ethics commissions;
  • properly train workers and instill in them respect for ethical standards and for each other.

Thanks to such decisions, a certain therapeutic effect is created for the entire team, helping to create or improve a moral atmosphere, increase loyalty and not forget about morality. The company's reputation will also increase.

Basic Rules

All self-respecting people should know the concept of “ethics” and its rules. Moreover, the basics of good manners are quite simple - remembering and observing them will not be difficult.

Communication in own home with relatives can be of any character acceptable for a particular family, however, when going out into society, behavior with other people must correspond to generally accepted norms. Many adhere to the assertion that there is only one opportunity to make a proper impression on a stranger, and they remember this with every new acquaintance. For everything to go well, it is important not to forget to follow a few simple rules.

  • It doesn't matter if it happens in fun company or at a formal event, strangers must first be introduced to each other.
  • Names are a very important detail, so you should try to remember each one.
  • When a man and a woman meet, the representative of the stronger sex, as a rule, begins to speak first, but there may be an exception if he is a famous person or there is a meeting of a business nature.

  • Seeing a significant age difference, the younger one should introduce himself to the older one first.
  • If possible, you should stand up when introductions take place.
  • When an acquaintance has already taken place, the interaction continues with the one who is higher in rank or position in society or the oldest person. A different scenario is possible if awkward silence occurs.
  • If you had to sit down with strangers at the same table, you need to get acquainted with those sitting next to you before starting the meal.
  • When shaking hands, your gaze should be directed into the eyes of the person opposite.
  • The palm for a handshake is extended into vertical position edge down. This gesture shows that the interlocutors are equal.
  • Gestures are as important a component of communication as words, so it is necessary to monitor them.
  • You shouldn’t shake hands with gloves on; it’s better to take them off even on the street. However, women do not have to do this.
  • After the meet and greet, they usually find out how the other person is doing or how he is doing.
  • The content of the conversation should not touch upon topics the discussion of which would cause discomfort to one of the parties.

  • Opinions, values ​​and tastes are personal matters and should either not be discussed at all or done so with caution so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.
  • If you want to show your personality with the best side, you cannot praise yourself, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result, since bragging is not encouraged.
  • The tone of conversation should always remain as polite as possible. The interlocutor, most likely, is not to blame for the problems of the other person’s personal relationships, and a gloomy appearance will only alienate and upset him.
  • If the scene of action is a company of three or more people, then you should not whisper to someone.
  • After the end of the conversation, it is important to say goodbye competently and culturally in order to avoid an unforgivable violation.

Not only adults, but also children should, from a conscious age, know the listed rules governing their behavior in the future. Regulating ethics and good manners for your child means raising him as a worthy person who will be accepted into society. However, you should not only tell kids how to behave with other people. It is much more important to show this by example, which serves as proof of correct behavior.

Morals and etiquette

These concepts are a whole science of courtesy and politeness. Morality can also be called a code of morality and decency. All this affects people's behavior, their communication and attitude towards each other. There are many historical examples of governing societies that are particularly concerned with morality.

Established norms included in the concept of etiquette determine the type of a particular person, classifying him, for example, as good or evil, depending on how he presents himself in public.

It is pointless to deny the great influence of moral principles on the culture of the whole world, starting from ancient times. Since then and to this day, unofficial rules have been passed down from parents to children. Something remains unchanged for centuries, while others change when they completely lose their relevance. This means that each time has its own concepts, as well as each individual nation or even an individual family.

Discussions about the correctness or errors in personal judgments by people different in their character and upbringing can lead endlessly, but everyone has their own arguments in favor of one or another principle or, on the contrary, objections.

To learn how to behave correctly in society, watch the video below.

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Civil servants

Russian statehood is currently at a difficult transitional stage of development. On the one hand, democratic transformations are being carried out, economic relations are developing, guarantees of respect for human and civil rights and freedoms are expanding, and on the other hand, social relations are undergoing a transformation, which entails a change in the content of social norms as one of the main means of regulating the behavior and interaction of people.

In such conditions reform takes place civil service Russian Federation, the formation of the institution of public service, which requires the development of new social norms that would correspond to the imperatives of the present time. At the same time, there are a number of problems that require deep understanding. One of these problems is the professional activity of civil servants, in the regulation of which social norms occupy an important place.

Firstly, social norms are the basis for the analysis of social processes both in objects social management, and in its subjects, among which one of the most important places is occupied by the civil service.

Secondly, social regulation is an important factor in regulating the activities of the state apparatus. In recent years, these norms have had insufficient influence on the public service system, which contributes to the development of violations in it in the form of corruption, bureaucracy, oblivion of the interests of the citizen, state and society, etc.

Thirdly, there is a need to study the mechanisms and influence of social norms on the activities and behavior of subjects government controlled for their use in the process of reforming the civil service, developing new legal norms as the most important area of ​​social regulation.

It must also be taken into account that in most countries that have carried out the most successful ethics reforms in the public service, codes of conduct were initially considered as an element of the administrative ethics management system. Therefore, the development of ethical standards has always been consistent with such measures as, for example, the creation of a coordinating body endowed with the necessary functions for the implementation of standards of conduct.

Draft Code professional ethics and rules of business conduct for civil servants of the Russian Federation, developed within the framework of a commission at the Public Chamber, contains the following ethical standards for the functioning of civil servants.

The moral duty of a civil servant should be: good faith performance their official duties, the desire to be diligent, organized, responsible and dedicated to their work, maintaining their qualifications at a high level, knowledge and correct application in the area of ​​their authority current legislation, normative legal acts, moral and ethical standards.

Official ethics prohibits actions that interfere with the corporate performance of government employees. No less significant for the civil service are such qualities of employees as patriotism, citizenship, courage in countering anti-corruption or illegal behavior; loyalty, decency in official and personal relationships, honesty, responsibility, correctness, tolerance for other lawful and moral positions, modesty, the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue and find appropriate, rational solutions, integrity, prudence in choosing those closest to you, moderation in material needs and selflessness .

A civil servant is obliged to share the ethical values ​​of modern democracy: freedom, equality before the law and the court, the understanding that the bearer of sovereignty and the source of power in Russia is its people; comply with the standards of professional ethics regulating the official behavior of a civil servant in the area specified by the official regulations managerial relations, observe state and official discipline.

The moral professional duty of a civil servant is: service to the whole society, each of its members, and not to certain social groups or individuals from the immediate environment; the priority of state interests over personal ones, since a civil servant is endowed with power by society itself, represented by a multinational people, to implement the functions of the state in the interests of society and the state, the welfare of which is the highest criterion of efficiency and ultimate goal official activities of each civil servant.

A civil servant does not have the moral right to contemplate the possibility of ignoring or violating the requirements of the law, norms of public morality, and the interests of people, especially socially vulnerable groups of the population, ethnic communities, the entire society, and the state as a whole. The subordination of state interests to the personal interests of a civil servant, the private interests of other persons, social groups, and damage to public and state interests are excluded at the level of moral prohibitions. The moral duty of a civil servant is to comply with the basic rules of morality.

A civil servant of all types of public service, along with legal responsibility for official omissions and abuse of official position, for violation of business conduct and professional ethics, bears moral responsibility in the form of corporate condemnation of colleagues, up to a negative assessment of the personal qualities of the employee by the manager and exclusion of the possibility of career growth.

The moral and official responsibilities of a civil servant are to achieve such a level of conscientious attitude towards service, professionalism and competence, compliance with the requirements of state and official discipline that ensure the effective implementation job responsibilities as the most important component of the public administration mechanism.

An element of the professional ethics of a civil servant should be a deep conviction that the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms determine the meaning and content of the functioning of all government bodies and the official activities of civil servants.

From the standpoint of professional ethics, the influence of personal, property, financial and other interests in the performance of official duties by a civil servant is unacceptable. Moral basis The official activity of civil servants is the creation of conditions that ensure the quality of life and free development of a person. It is immoral to demand for civil servants a quality of life that is strikingly different from the living conditions of the majority of the country's population.

If there is a conflict situation between the interests of the civil service and the interests of individuals, social groups and structures, the civil servant must be guided by the requirements of the law, socio-political and economic expediency, public interests, and the population’s ideas about social justice and moral values.

A civil servant, by his convictions, is obliged to be an internationalist, to respect and be tolerant of the customs, traditions, and religious beliefs of various nationalities, ethnic groups, and religious denominations; treat with care the state language of the Russian Federation and other languages ​​and dialects of the peoples of Russia, do not allow discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, social status, age, religion.

Moral requirements for a civil servant go beyond the scope of his official activities. A civil servant, both in the performance of official duties and outside of service, must refrain from actions, statements, and actions that are detrimental to his authority. government agency, legal status and the moral character of a civil servant. Every civil servant is obliged to maintain and form in the public opinion of the population the image of a conscientious, humane, competent and honest employee of the apparatus of state power.

A civil servant in any situation is obliged to maintain personal dignity, to represent in the best light the public authority in which he performs job responsibilities, take care of his honor and good name, avoid anything that could call into question his objectivity and fairness when resolving official issues.

A civil servant cannot allow partiality when deciding official matters, be free from the influence of public opinion and other means of influence, from fear of criticism of his official activities, if he acts in accordance with the law, the principle of social justice, recognition and compliance, protection and protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, which is the direct responsibility of the state and every civil servant.

One of the moral duties of a civil servant is political neutrality, which excludes the possibility of influence and influence on his official activities by decisions of political parties, social movements, religious and other public organizations.

A civil servant, vested with organizational and administrative powers in relation to civil servants subordinate to him, bears moral responsibility for their behavior and their compliance with the norms of official ethics and rules of official conduct. He must be a model and role model in relation to service, maintaining a favorable moral and psychological climate, compliance with the requirements of official ethics and etiquette, tactfulness and correctness in communication, courtesy and delicacy in solving private problems of citizens who turn to the organization for help and assistance.

The Code should be based on a spirit of “public service”. And this spirit in itself will serve as a form of control over the behavior of civil servants. For example, taking an oath of allegiance to the principles of this Code before entering public service will warn an official from unethical acts, if not during his entire service, then, in any case, for quite a long time. It is known that such symbols have a significant influence on human behavior.

It should be taken into account that the process of formation of state power structures is always socially differentiated, and involvement in government activities people authorized to implement imperatively state goals, must be carried out efficiently.

The criterion for the “bureaupathology” of civil servants is their attitude towards public control over the activities of the apparatus of executive authorities. According to this criterion, all employees of public authorities can be classified into two groups: employees of the state apparatus of democratic orientation and administrative orientation. Thus, only 14% of employees can be classified as democratically oriented (according to the study). At the same time, among employees of the apparatus of federal ministries and departments, the share of those oriented towards democratic control of society over the state apparatus was 11.5%, and among employees of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation - 15.5%. This indicates that the dominant type of management culture and importance on the scale of values ​​are the interests of the state, departments and the secondary interests of society, the individual, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of the population

Representatives of the “administrative orientation” tend to be closed in the activities of the apparatus, intolerant of the activities of funds mass media to “other people’s” life ideals and opinions, they tend to see the improvement of the work of the apparatus in solving traditional internal issues: planning, financing, reporting control, office work, etc.

The indicated value orientations of civil servants are a legacy of the administrative-command system of administration, and are also reproduced by the everyday practice of administrative management. “Bureau pathology” can be one of the factors in the alienation of power from society and the aggravation of social tension.

The introduction of official professional ethics and rules of business conduct for Russian civil servants will serve the purpose of observing ethical norms and rules in the system of public relations in the civil service.

§4. Codes of ethics and programs of conduct

Civil servants

Ethical standards occupy a special position in the system of social rules and relations. On the one hand, they do not provide such a rigid system social control for legally established norms, such as the judicial system. On the other hand, ethical standards can significantly limit a person’s personal freedom, strictly regulating his actions, thoughts, and feelings. The “engine” of the internal self-control system is such motives as self-affirmation, self-identification, social approval, etc.

IN modern society The role of informal codes based on moral principles and rules is growing. The main reasons are:

1. undermining one of the fundamental foundations of democracy, expressed in a drop in the level of public trust in the state and state institutions;

2. increasing complexity of social life, increasing intensity of changes, resulting in the inability to foresee all the consequences of one or another action in the system of legal norms;

3. a gradual but steady and global shift from primitive social management to a more complex one (from external to internal, from physical to moral and psychological).

Codes (from Latin codex - book, code of laws) - a list of formal rules in society.

Ethical codes are based on specific norms and principles of behavior. The code of ethics has three main functions:

¾ reputational (image);

¾ managerial (organizational);

¾ development of professional culture.

Reputation (image) function code is to build trust in the civil service system on the part of external groups (citizens, organizations, public associations). The presence of a code of ethics in the civil service is becoming a global standard of public administration.

Managerial (organizational) function of the code consists of regulating the behavior of employees in difficult ethical situations. Increasing the efficiency of officials' activities is carried out by:

2) regulation of priorities in interaction with significant external groups (protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, the state);

3) determination of procedures and procedures for making decisions in complex ethical situations;

4) indications of unacceptable forms of behavior that create a conflict of interest.

The importance of the code of ethics for the development of professional culture employees is as follows:

¾ forms a certain image of service in public authorities, distinguishing it from any other, for example, service in business;

¾ is expressed in a sense of community (solidarity) of all workers performing the service;

¾ increases the involvement of employees in the affairs of the service and dedication to it;

¾ strengthens the system of social stability in the organizations where the service is carried out.

¾ is the means by which standards of employee behavior are formed and controlled.

It should also be emphasized the special value of the code of ethics as a document that concentrates the main forms of existence of professional values ​​in the civil service system:

¾ ideals - ideas about perfection developed by the political leadership of the state in various manifestations and spheres of functioning of the public service;

¾ embodiment of these ideals in the activities of the civil service and the behavior of civil servants;

¾ internal motivational structures of the employee’s personality, encouraging him to embody professional value ideals in his behavior and activities.

To implement the designated functions, two versions of the ethical code have been formed in world practice:

2. expanded.

Declarative option ethical code began to be used from the beginning of the 20th century. to present ethical principles to employees of organizations of different scales and profiles of activity. At its core, the declarative option is mainly an ideological part of the code without clear regulation of employee behavior. It is assumed that in a specific situation, employees will be able to figure out how to behave based on basic ethical principles. However, in many cases it is difficult to assess the ethical legitimacy of a particular act based on general principles. Therefore, in order for the code to really work, the organization’s management resorts to constant transmission of these principles through corporate rituals (wearing branded clothing, regular discussion of ethical issues, etc.). The declarative version of the code primarily solves the problem of developing internal corporate culture. Most often, in order to solve specific management problems, in addition to the code, it is necessary to develop additional package organizational and administrative documents.

Expanded version code of ethics has been spreading since the 80s. 20th century in Western countries with detailed regulation of employee ethics. This code set out specific rules of conduct in certain areas where the risk of violations was high or difficult ethical situations arose. In most organizations, such codes are developed not for the team, but primarily for senior and middle management personnel and are not a universal document that unites all employees.

It should be noted that there is no clear methodology for developing a code of ethics yet. Analysis of the content of various ethical codes leads to the conclusion that the basic principles of ethical codes are similar to each other. The content of an organization's code of ethics is determined, first of all, by its characteristics, structure, development objectives, and the attitudes of its leaders.

Typically, codes contain two parts:

Introductory (preamble), sometimes called the ideological part (mission, goals, values);

Normative (list of principles and standards of official conduct).

At the same time, the ideological part may not be included in the content of the ethical code.

Introductory (ideological) part reveals the goals and objectives of creating and adopting a code of ethics. Since these documents define the rules that employees of the organization must follow, the preamble includes ethical values, principles and standards, which are the indispensable goal of the organization's activities. Values ​​characterize the ideal to which the organization strives: trust, loyalty and devotion, respect, the desire to avoid conflicts, as well as innovation in the team, continuous improvement work and meeting the needs of service consumers.

In the normative part of the code of ethics Ethical principles and standards (norms) of employee behavior are being developed.

Under principles the fundamental idea is understood, the initial (guiding) beginning, fixed in the established order.

These principles must be applied in everyday life management decisions by all members of the organization and can be used to regulate behavior in professional activity; accountability; workplace safety; trust in interaction with service consumers; balance between transparency and openness and confidentiality; community relations; participation in political activity; prohibition of harassment and discrimination.

Then norms (standards, rules) of behavior are developed, based on accepted values ​​and principles.

Under standards are understood general rules behavior emanating from an organization or state and protected by them, which provide participants in public relations with legal rights and impose legal obligations on them, in the sense that their execution is mandatory for all employees of the management apparatus, including managers.

At the same time, the most typical issues developed in ethical codes were the responsibility and punishment of employees for the following violations:

1. offer of a bribe and agreement to accept it;

2. advice to give or accept a bribe;

3. accepting expensive gifts;

4. making decisions or participating in decisions that meet personal interests;

5. intransigence in conflicts of interest;

6. personal behavior that caused harm to citizens, organizations, or the state;

7. conducting illegal political activities;

8. direct or indirect use of inside information;

9. unethical behavior.

Codes should reflect as fully as possible the real situation and the specifics of the organization in which they are adopted. According to the research results, it was revealed that the content of most ethical codes can be represented by three main provisions:

1. employees must be loyal to their organization and put its benefit above their personal one;

2. in privacy employees do not have the right to take actions that are potentially dangerous to the organization;

3. Employees must behave in a considerate and ethical manner towards citizens (customers).

Let's consider what has developed in practice general order development and approval of a code of ethics in the organization. This procedure includes three independent stages.

First stage (design). Development of a draft code with a primary focus on the goals and values ​​of management and policy documents, as well as the ethical issues existing in the organization. To achieve this, work is being carried out in two directions:

¾ analyzes the codes of other organizations and the features of their application;

¾ the basic values ​​and goals of the organization and the most relevant areas of application of the code in the organization are determined.

Second stage (discussion). Discussion of the draft code in a team and collection of proposals for improving the text of the code and the system for its implementation. Since the code is a new document for the organization, at the second stage work is carried out in the following three areas:

· explaining to employees the meaning, significance and scope of application of the code;

· involving ordinary employees in the process of creating the code;

· creating a positive public opinion regarding the code among staff;

· training of employees as a resource for introducing the code into the practice of the organization.

At this stage, it is important to provide for all possible procedures that include, if possible, all employees of the organization in the document development process. Only if each employee accepts the code of ethics will it be actually implemented.

Third stage(statement). This stage includes next job:

4. analysis of all proposals received, making changes to the content of the code;

5. development of mechanisms for the execution and implementation of the document;

6. approval of the code in accordance with the established practice of adopting organizational and administrative documentation.

The development of a code is not limited to just writing and approving the text of the document. It is important to remember that getting employees to comply code of ethics Despite the best wishes of management, it is impossible, or at least the effectiveness of ethical standards in a prescriptive manner will be low. Now many organizations have already gone through the process of creating their own code of ethics and are faced with the problem of implementation. In order for ethical standards to become individual life rules of employees, they must deeply enter into the everyday practice of a person’s relationship with the outside world. The voluntary adoption of these standards is based on current human needs.

If the organization's code of ethics defines the ethical principles, norms and rules of business conduct that employees are required to follow, then the system for enforcing these rules should:

1. support and encourage employee behavior that is consistent with accepted ethical principles, norms and rules;

2. prevent deviations of employee behavior from specified ethical standards;

3. help promptly identify facts of conflicts of interest and ethical violations;

4. help prevent and resolve conflicts of interest and violations of professional ethics.

Let us directly consider the process of building a system for implementing the code of ethics in an organization.

The structure of this system consists of the following elements:

¾ promotion of ethical norms (standards) of behavior in the activities of each employee;

¾ training employees in the basics of professional ethics and anti-corruption measures;

¾ collection and analysis of information about ethical problems in the organization, informing management;

¾ responding to existing ethical problems and violations of ethical standards, encouraging positive ethical behavior.

Possible reasons for employees to comply with standards:

¾ fear of punishment or condemnation by members social group, with which a person relates himself and whose values ​​he is guided by;

¾ professional and corporate group affiliation;

¾ internal moral law.

Let us consider the practice of introducing ethical standards not by administrative, but by recommendation. A partnership approach to the implementation of ethical standards presupposes voluntariness and individual employee motivation to comply with them; is based on an understanding of the need for the existence of ethical standards in an organization and the possibility of their coordination with personal ethical principles and interests. Therefore, the organization’s resource becomes voluntary initiative, ethical responsibility and respect for the personal ethical standards of employees.

The basic principles of ethical standards that allow this approach to be implemented:

¾ maximum transparency of the entire process of development and approval of the code of ethics;

¾ voluntary nature of acceptance of ethical principles and standards by employees of the organization;

¾ equality of all employees in the implementation of ethical standards.

Particular emphasis is placed on the actions of managers at all levels - they must set a unique standard of ethical behavior and control the moral “health” of the organization.

Of course, the code of ethics should, on the one hand, limit personal freedom and prevent unethical behavior, on the other hand, set value guidelines and impose standards of professional and corporate ethics. Therefore, the code must combine what is recommended and what is prohibited.

An ethical system must be built on the basis integrated approach and include the following basic elements: guidance (by an ethical system); ethical development strategy; basic standards professional and corporate ethics; internal control system for compliance with ethical standards; management information and performance evaluation; system of motivation, rewards and punishments.

In any ethics program, the basic elements are: a code of ethics; ethics training and education; ethics structures (divisions, commissions); ethical audit. In real practice, any ethical program can become organizational project aimed at improving the system of compliance with ethical standards.

Plays a big role appearance person, but his behavior is more important. Your success in a particular business, as well as your ability to achieve your goals, will depend on how courteous and polite you are with others. In this article we will look at the ethical standards that should be followed.


Ethical standards are a certain set of rules that determine behavior when interacting with other people. The main goal is to make contacts enjoyable and more effective for everyone. Failure to comply with etiquette will not result in any penalties in the form of criminal or administrative liability. However, such behavior will be condemned by others. It is important to remember that all our actions characterize us as a person.

The science of morality is not currently taught in all educational institutions. This is why many young people are rude and tactless and do not know how to behave in various situations. It is important to educate modern youth in accordance with ethical standards.

Compliance with ethical rules can be achieved when everyone submits good example. Remember that interacting with a polite person is fun. Dialogue with a rude person, on the contrary, creates a feeling of rejection, and even discomfort.

There are not many rules regarding the ethical principles of communication: do not raise your tone, do not be rude to your interlocutor, pay attention and listen to the speaker, do not interrupt the person, and others.

The prerequisites for its emergence can be found in the works of Aristotle, who first used the term ethics and also defined morality as a system of values ​​for regulating social relations. Already in those days, people understood the importance and significance of ethical norms and rules of behavior for effective life.

Basic principles:

  • the ability to sacrifice something for another;
  • establish interactions with others in good traditions;
  • self-criticism towards oneself: this means responsibility and fulfillment of moral duty;
  • fair attitude towards your interlocutor and any situation;
  • equality between people: a person who observes ethical standards will not put himself above his interlocutor.

Only with the help of sincerity and openness can trust arise between people, and then communication will move to another, higher quality level.

By building your dialogue morally, you can not only look attractive in the eyes of other people, but also earn respect and trust, as well as establish the necessary contacts.

Important components

We have already figured out that ethical standards are impossible without such important components as morality, ethics, code of ethics (in relation to different professions).

Here we can also note the golden rule: do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. This concept is the basis of all principles of morality.

There are other types of ethical communication depending on the field: medicine, journalism, office work and others. They all have their own content. However, the golden rule is one system, which goes through all the norms and principles.

One of the components of ethical standards is business etiquette. The success of any enterprise will depend on it. Effective and correct interaction of people in business will make it easier to establish business contacts, conduct negotiations correctly and, as a result, conclude important contracts.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules. In any situation, you should always be polite. Regardless of the feelings and emotions experienced, it is important to maintain composure so as not to get into an awkward situation and later regret your behavior. implies compliance with certain rules in clothing, as well as creating a stylish appearance.

Ethical standards are also important in various professions, for example, in medicine. For nursing behavior, one can highlight such principles as humanity, compassion, goodwill, selflessness, hard work and others. Only guided by these components can you conduct effective work activities.

Moral standards of relationships

Moral standards our relationship is not legal. However, this does not mean that they can be easily violated. If everyone starts with themselves, with awareness and improvement of their behavior, then the process of building a harmonious society will become possible.

The main purpose of such norms is to demonstrate kindness in a person. You need to accept the fact that the soul needs to maintain a good internal climate. Such rules are relevant for any human activity; violation of them leads to negative consequences. For example, with an active information component modern world when there is access to world wide web, you can find and get any information. Some unkind action seen by a teenager may be misinterpreted and taken as the basis of behavior.

As a therapeutic measure, you should have regular conversations with your children. In addition, it will be useful to introduce subjects in schools that will help guide the child in the right direction on how to function effectively in society and at the same time comply with ethical standards of behavior.

Ethical standards are a system of shared values ​​and ethical rules that people follow. The main basis should be politeness, correctness, tact, modesty in communication, accuracy and courtesy.

By expressing respect for your interlocutor, you express respect for yourself. It is worth remembering that every person is an individual who deserves attention, understanding, and proper treatment.

Ethics rules

You can win over others with the help of good manners and responsible behavior. Compliance with the norms and rules of ethics will help not only create the right impression when meeting someone, but also earn a reputation as a well-mannered and cultured person. Next, we will look at the basic rules of ethics.

  • Tact or sense of proportion. You must know what to say or do in a certain situation, and what norms of behavior prohibit. In this case it will play important role your modesty. It's no secret that self-centered people always want to attract attention and participate in all conversations. It is worth noting that tact is not learned, but this feeling can be developed. The main thing is desire and training.
  • It is worth noting tact in clothing. You don't have to follow the last one fashion trends. It is important to simply dress tastefully and be neat. This will mean your attention to the interlocutor. People tend to limit their interactions with a messy person.
  • Evaluate your speaking style. You should be attentive and sensitive to your interlocutor, so as not to evoke difficult memories in the conversation or offend him with inappropriate jokes. Also, you should not insult a person. It would be considered indecent to whisper in a neighbor's ear. During an active discussion, you should not gesticulate excessively or splash saliva.

  • It is important to be precise at all times and avoid negligence. You should not ingratiate yourself or be too curious. Remember that it is bad form if you look into other people's documents or eavesdrop on other people's conversations. A person should not point out his shortcomings in clothing or behavior. If something worries you, then you need to express it to him in private. If you were helped or provided a service, then you should thank the person.
  • It is important to be able to control yourself. Appropriate behavior involves remaining calm in any situation. You should not clearly show your delight or dissatisfaction in certain moment. There is no need to demonstratively leave if a person you don’t like comes up. Also, take care of other people and remember that women have an advantage over men, older people over young people, sick people over healthy people.

Society rewards those types of good manners that establish constructive communication options as opposed to negative behavior. This refers to the way one communicates, sits, moves, etc.

Such rules governing behavior are quite effective. Society is interested in every person following them. It is thanks to the rules of behavior that effective management in production, optimal interaction in a team of employees and students ensures high-quality completion of all tasks.

Thus, ethical standards regulate the behavior that allows each person to accept another person, to exist effectively in society, and to achieve goals.

Examples of behavior

Denial of the norms of decency is a common behavior among young people. Of course, this model of behavior does not contain an illegal violation, which means it is not punishable criminally or through administrative fines. At the same time, educational institutions are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the issue of ethical standards.

Young people must imbibe the values ​​that adults pass on to them through their example. This is why it is important for both adults and children to behave in accordance with the norms. Examples of behavior are characterized by great diversity.

  • It is worth remembering that if you are guilty before a person, then you should briefly apologize, saying the word “sorry” or “forgive me, please.” If you need to ask for a favor, then you need to do it politely and courteously. You can say “sorry to bother you” or “be kind.”
  • As for movements, let them be as natural as possible. Walk firmly, measuredly and evenly. Make sure your arms don't dangle lifelessly. Move them naturally and easily. Do not prop them up on your sides or keep them in your pockets. This behavior is unacceptable.
  • By the way a person sits, we can talk about his upbringing. You shouldn’t do this imposingly, casually leaning back in your chair. Never put your feet on the table, swing on a chair, or sit astride it. If you want to cross your legs, this is permissible, but you cannot let your ankle reach the knee of the other leg.