Responsibilities of the concierge in the condominium. Concierge in an apartment building: basic responsibilities. Concierge actions in case of violation of parking rules in the local area

1. General Provisions

1.1. The concierge is professional.

1.2. Qualification requirements: secondary professional education by specialty " Hotel service"without any requirements for length of service.

1.3. The concierge needs to know:
- laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation in the field of tourism and the provision of hotel services;
- rules for the provision of hotel services;
- the layout of the hotel premises;
- organization of the hotel, reception and accommodation services;
- rules and procedures for booking hotel rooms, reception, registration, accommodation and departure of guests;
- service standards;
- rules for using office equipment;
- security measures;
- security alarm systems and rules for working with them;
- foreign language;
- basic norms of international etiquette;
- fundamentals of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.4. Appointment to the position of concierge and dismissal are made by order general director at the suggestion of the head of the reception and accommodation service.

1.5. The concierge reports directly to the reception manager.

1.6. The floor concierge is given the right to sign documents on issues within his functional duties to ensure his activities.

1.7. During the absence of the concierge (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities


2.1. Provides guests with information about the hotel, the services provided, the events held on the territory of the hotel.

2.2. Contributes to maintaining a high level of guest service.

2.3. It monitors the list of arriving guests on a daily basis, highlighting the VIP category (special attention), and provides this information to the interested services.

2.4. Provides verification of rooms intended for guests of the VIP category, meets guests during check-in, accompanies them to the room, informs them about the services provided at the hotel.

2.5. Accepts and fulfills guest orders for booking travel (air, rail, bus, cruise) tickets.

2.6. Receives mail, checks it, sorts it and arranges delivery to guests in the room.

2.7. Receives messages, ensuring the accurate transfer of information to the destination.

2.8. He accepts orders from guests for renting a car, calling a taxi, arranging orders and driving directions for drivers.

2.9. Accepts and fulfills orders of guests wishing to visit theaters, circuses, etc.

2.10. Provides assistance in obtaining information regarding excursions, entertainment.

2.11. Provides facsimile services at the request of guests.

2.12. Provides detailed information on attractions, museums, exhibitions, etc.

2.13. Carries out the instructions of the guest.

2.14. Carries out cash transactions, ensuring the correct maintenance of financial reporting documents.

3. Rights

The concierge has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive from structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for by this job description.

3.2. Take action when disciplinary violations of subordinate employees are detected and report these violations to the head of the enterprise in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.

3.3. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, involve experts and specialists in the field of administrative and economic activities for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

3.4. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for the position held, criteria for assessing the quality of performance job responsibilities.

3.5. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the execution of official


4. Responsibility

The concierge is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

* This job description of the concierge was developed on the basis of the Unified qualification guide of positions of managers, specialists and employees (section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in tourism organizations", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2012, No. 220n).

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Handbook of a personnel officer (book + diskM)

This publication contains practical advice on the organization of the work of the personnel department and HR administration... The material is clearly systematized and contains a large number of specific examples and sample documents.
The book is accompanied by a disk with forms of documents and regulations in the Garant system, regulating various issues labor relations and personnel work.
The book will be useful to a wide range of readers, personnel workers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

The author explains in detail what the labor inspectorate is and what the limits of its powers are, how inspections of compliance with labor legislation are carried out and how they can end, what violations can lead to a fine, and which ones will entail disqualification of the head of the organization. The book provides practical recommendations for employers-organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which will help to avoid the claims of labor inspectors. When preparing the book, all the latest legislative changes were taken into account.
Author: Elena Karsetskaya
The book is addressed to the heads of organizations of all forms of ownership, employees personnel services, accountants, individual entrepreneurs, as well as anyone interested in compliance with labor laws.

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the qualification characteristics contained in Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations according to tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical executors, in the second - job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of human resources and legal services.

A concierge is a house attendant, workplace which is located directly at the entrance, where he must be throughout the entire working day. He certainly looks neat, he performs his duties in accordance with the corresponding job description.

The concierge at the entrance is subordinate to the Chairman of the Board of the ZhSK or to persons who are a certain moment it is replaced. The main duties of the concierge include monitoring compliance with the basic rules of the instruction.

As a rule, his shift is seven days, of which the period from 21:00 to 9:00 in the morning is allotted for sleep. The shift change time ranges from 9:00 to 21:00. Such employees usually dine in the house itself.

The duties of the concierge include:

  • know all the residents of the house;
  • be sure to follow the rules of good manners when communicating with residents of the house, as well as with representatives of various structures, including state ones;
  • monitor the timely transmission of information in the event of a variety of violations, promptly report this to the housing cooperative so that they can take appropriate measures;
  • keep a record of all violations that need to be recorded in a special journal, as well as display all the necessary information in it, which can be useful for residents of the house;
  • if there is such a need, the concierge should be personally present when performing various works carried out by utilities, which should be carried out only upon presentation of a special document (the latter certifies the identity of the employee);
  • react without delay to any offenses and urgently report them to law enforcement agencies, even if furniture is taken out of the house by suspicious persons;
  • if the house is working on loading or unloading something, then it is advisable to control the elevator in order to avoid overloading it, as well as monitor the clogging and damage of the elevators and the entrances themselves;
  • after handing over his shift, the shiftman needs to check the integrity of the locks in the basements, as well as in the switchboard, at the garbage collection points and at the exit to the roof of the house, the results of which should be recorded in the log;
  • if necessary, submit special requests for lamp replacement, both in the corridor and in the elevators;
  • to respond promptly in the event of an emergency system actuation, such as safety and life systems;
  • if the residents of the house have any problems related to the breakthrough of the sewage system, the disruption of the heating supply, water supply, as well as the breakdowns of the elevators, etc., the concierge must take appropriate measures;
  • in the cases indicated above, the concierge must quickly report the problem to the special services and record this fact in the application log;
  • if necessary, assist the chairman of the board of housing cooperatives and bring to the knowledge of the residents of the house all the information they need;
  • closely monitor the timeliness of turning on and off the lighting in the courtyards near the house;
  • monitor the detection, as well as the prevention of violations of parking rules for motor vehicles.

For a more detailed disclosure of this issue, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Violations related to non-observance of the rules of stopping or parking Vehicle:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of stopping or parking, made directly on the sidewalk, as a result of which an obstacle was created for the movement of pedestrians.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules of stopping or parking, made directly on the carriageway, as a result of which an obstacle was created for the movement of other vehicles, namely for garbage collection vehicles or for an ambulance.

What is prohibited for concierges

Concierges are not allowed:

  • disseminate information about the residents of the house;
  • drink alcoholic beverages, as well as use drugs during their duty;
  • The concierge is not responsible for the safety of the property of the residents, as well as for their apartments.

Pass mode

The admission to the house is carried out according to the following regime:

  • the entrance to the house is carried out using a special magnetic key or by calling the concierge;
  • if a visitor comes to any of the tenants, he is obliged to inform the concierge about it. The latter informs the tenant of this visit himself and receives an order whether to let this guest pass or not, which should be recorded in the journal.

The concierge at the entrance must:

  • to closely monitor the safety of the residents' peace of mind, and if violations are detected, take action;
  • make sure that petty hooliganism does not happen at the entrance. These include violations associated with different kinds offenses, such as feces in the house, elevators, yard and in general on the site of the facility, throwing garbage in inappropriate places, breakdown of elevators, railings, children's swings, etc.
  • make sure that alcoholic beverages are not drunk at the entrance or near it. In case of detection of this fact of violation, the concierge is obliged to issue a warning, and as a result of failure to respond to it, call a police squad.

If the concierge does not properly fulfill or does not fulfill his duties prescribed in the job description at all, then he may be deprived of his salary.

If the person on duty at the entrance does an excellent job with his work, then he has the right to receive remuneration, which is charged from the funds of the housing cooperative, based on the monthly results of his work.

It is worth noting that the tenants of the house have every right to refuse the services of the concierge and instead offer their own person for this position, which should take place at a public meeting by voting. We advise you to avoid completely abandoning the door attendant, if you are not satisfied with how he does his job, just change him to another, more responsible concierge.

Of course, the best indicator of the level of performance of your work is directly its results. If the entrance is in perfect condition and everything else is in perfect order, then your concierge, as they say, is in place.


1.1. The instruction is designed to establish uniform order performing actions by the concierge to organize the passage of residents and visitors of an apartment building (hereinafter - MKD), as well as to operate fire alarm systems, monitor the condition and safety of common property, suppression illegal actions in the local area with the participation of representatives of the private security company / VO and / or the police.

1.2. For the purposes of the instructions taken the following concepts:

1.2.1. Dweller at home- A person living in this MKD;

1.2.2. Concierge- the house attendant (hereinafter referred to as the concierge) must be at the workplace (concierge room, hall of the 1st floor) during the shift, in a tidy manner, and perform the duties specified in this job description (hereinafter referred to as the instructions), observe politeness in communication with the residents of the building and representatives of state and other structures, to keep the documentation established by the instructions. The person who passes the residents and visitors to the territory of the entrance of the MKD assigned to him;

1.2.3. Visitor- A person who does not live in this apartment building, who is a guest for a resident of the house, incl. employees of the delivery service, courier, repair, transport service, etc.

1.3. The provisions of the Instruction apply to the organization of admission to the MKD for residents and visitors of the MKD by concierges.

1.4. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements of this instruction by the concierge is carried out by Key People Management Company LLC, MKD Council.

1.5. The concierge is subordinate to LLC Management Company Key People, the Chairman of the MKD Council, members of the MKD Council.

1.6. The duration of the shift is 24 hours. The time for night rest is set from 24 hours to 6 a.m. (???). During the night's rest of the concierge, residents of the house must independently meet their guests. Change is made from __ hour .__ min. until __ hour. __ minutes in the manner prescribed by clause 2.1 of this instruction. Lunch at the workplace.

1.7. The concierge should know:

§ the provisions of this manual;

§ standards of sanitary maintenance of the entrance, cleaning schedule;

§ order of arrangement of apartments;

§ residents of the house, the names of the residents and their telephone numbers (with their consent);

§ phone numbers of the operating organization, home service companies, emergency services, police, ambulance, fire brigade;

§ rules of use and location of fire protection and signaling equipment.

1.8. The concierge does not have the right to disclose information about the tenants to unauthorized persons, and if confidentiality is not observed, he is responsible in the manner prescribed by law.

1.9. The concierge is prohibited from smoking in the workplace, as well as in work time drinking and drinking drugs.

1.10. The presence of unauthorized persons in the concierge room is not allowed.

1.11. The concierge is responsible for the safety of the property in the concierge room.

1.12. The concierge is not responsible for the safety of apartments and personal property of residents.

1.13. The concierge is obliged to comply with the work schedule, and in cases where it is impossible to go to work, agree in advance on a replacement with other concierges.

1.14. To ensure the fulfillment of official duties, the concierge has the right to:

§ require ___________________ to provide the workplace with stationery and household goods, serviceable office equipment, organization of the workplace in accordance with sanitary standards;

§ require the provision of the necessary information about the residents of the house, check the identity cards of visitors (as appropriate, and residents of the house who do not have a magnetic key).


2.1. The concierge, immediately before accepting a shift, must:

§ check the availability of workplace equipment (according to the list), and its serviceability, keys to the concierge room;

§ check the integrity of the common property (including entrance doors, windows, heating system in the stairwell, the presence of lighting in the stairwell, in the elevators), the presence of motion sensors;

§ the integrity of the locks on the doors to the basement / technical floor, distribution switchboards;

§ after completion of the shift handover / acceptance procedure, make an entry in the Register of Remarks and Shift Handover (Appendix A) with the signatures of the shift handler and receiver.

2.2. Provide assistance to the employees of the management company, the Chairman of the MKD Council, members of the MKD Council in terms of bringing the necessary information to the residents. by placing it on special stands installed in the entrance halls; control the safety of information stands, prevent placement without appropriate permission advertisements and layouts of leaflets in mailboxes.

2.3. Monitor the entry by residents of the IPU readings into the Readings Log (Appendix B) on a monthly basis and centrally transfer the IPU readings to the management company no later than the 24th of the current month.

2.4. If necessary, make an application to the Criminal Code to replace burnt out lamps in staircases and elevator cabins.

2.5. At the request of residents, apply for the replacement of lamps, faulty motion sensors in apartment and elevator platforms.

2.6. Observe order and cleanliness in the staircase of the first floor, in the entrance vestibule and elevators.

2.7. Monitor the serviceability of doors and locking devices, technical means security and video surveillance and in the event of a malfunction, take possible measures to repair them in a timely manner.

2.8. Control the use of elevators in accordance with their purpose, and in case of breakdowns, immediately call the repair team and register in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts the downtime of elevators in order to receive compensation for residents in case of excess idle time.

2.9. The concierge, at the request of the master of the housing department, who conducts a control check for compliance with the requirements of this instruction, must immediately:

§ provide for review the Journal for recording remarks and transfer of shifts (Appendix A), Journal for registering visitors (Appendix B);

§ on the fact of fixing a violation of the requirements of this instruction, sign the Act of checking the access control (Appendix E).

2.10. The concierge, in case of detection of attempts by third parties to unauthorized posting of any advertising materials on the entrance doors and internal premises of the entrances, must immediately:

§ Provide possible opposition to unauthorized posting of advertising products by third parties by verbal warning;

§ in the event that third parties continue to unauthorized posting of advertising materials, act in accordance with clause 5.2.


Concierge immediately from the moment a call comes from the street via the intercom system shared use(hereinafter - DSKI) must:

§ answer the call by pressing a button on the remote control;

§ find out who the caller is (house tenant, visitor, service employee).

3.1. If the caller introduces himself as a tenant of the house, for some reason, unable to open the door on his own (lost his keys, no one is at home),

§ ask the surname of the tenant of the house (full name), apartment number of residence;

§ make sure that the information provided is in accordance with the information specified in the List of Residents of the House (Appendix D). In case of discrepancy between the information provided, the caller should be considered a guest and act in accordance with clause 3.2 .;

§ open the front door to the tenant.

3.2. If the caller introduces himself as a visitor of a house tenant, for some reason, unable to get inside on his own (the house tenant does not have an intercom connection in the apartment, does not answer the call, etc.), the concierge must immediately:

§ ask the surname of the tenant of the house (full name), the number of the apartment to which the visitor is sent;

§ ask the visitor to wait on the line;

§ call the apartment indicated by the visitor according to the list of residents of the house (Appendix D) by cell phone and clarify whether they are expecting a visitor;

3.2.1. in the event that the tenants of the indicated apartment are really expecting a visitor:

§ open the door for the visitor;

§ make an entry in the Register of visitors (Appendix B);

3.2.2. in the event that the tenants of the indicated apartment do not expect this visitor, or in the absence of an answer from the tenants of the designated apartment:

§ justify the refusal to open the front door for the visitor;

§ Do not open the door to the visitor.

3.3. If the caller introduces himself as an employee of the elevator service, the concierge must immediately:

§ open the front door;

§ ask the employee for a certificate confirming belonging to the relevant service:

3.3.1. if the documents are presented and confirm belonging to the relevant service:

§ return the certificate;

§ allow to pass;

3.3.2. in the event that the documents are not presented or do not confirm belonging to the relevant service:

§ ask the person who entered to vacate the room;

§ in case of his refusal - to act in accordance with clause 5.2.

3.4. If the caller introduces himself as an employee of repair services performing work for the residents of the house, the concierge must immediately:

§ ask the name of the residents of the house, the number of the apartment to which the repair service employee is sent;

§ make sure that the information provided is in accordance with the pre-filled in the magazine by the tenant of the apartment in which the repair work will be carried out;

§ in the absence of an entry in the journal, call the tenant of the indicated apartment to confirm the fact of calling the repair service employee;

3.4.1. in the event that residents are waiting for a repair service employee at the indicated address:

§ open the front door;

§ ask for a passport or other identity document (in the absence of an identity document, act in accordance with clause 3.3.2);

§ make an appropriate entry in the Register of Visitors (Appendix B).

3.4.2. in the event that the tenants do not expect a repair service employee at the indicated address, act in accordance with clause 3.2.2.

3.5. If the caller introduces himself as an employee of the Management Company. The concierge must promptly:

§ open the front door;

§ make sure ... .. (that it is really an employee)

§ make an appropriate entry in the Register of Visitors (Appendix B).

3.6. If the caller introduces himself as a police officer, an ambulance officer, the fire concierge must immediately:

  • open the front door;
  • make an appropriate entry in the Register of Visitors (Appendix B).


4.1. Upon receipt from the residents of the house of the signal "FIRE (Smoke)" The concierge must immediately:

§ if possible, make sure that something is happening;

§ if for any reason the fire alarm system did not work and automatic system smoke removal (ADS), it is necessary to manually start the ADS. To do this, break the seal on the manual call point, open the cover and press the button. Manual call points are installed at the exits to the smoke-free staircase. With this action, the following occurs: on all floors of a residential building, a system for alerting people about a fire is turned on in the form of a continuous sound signal, a smoke exhaust shaft valve opens (only on the floor from which the ADS was started), exhaust and supply ventilation fans, passenger and freight elevators are turned on go down to the first floor, open the doors and are blocked by the ADS system.

§ report the fire to the fire service dispatcher - 010 (from mobile phone, Beeline - 001) or 01 (from a landline phone), as well as an emergency dispatcher (tel. ______________________);

§ record the applicant's data (full name), the time of receiving the signal, the location of the source of the fire (smoke), the full name of the dispatchers who received the message about the fire (smoke) and the time of information transfer in the operational log;

§ upon arrival of fire brigade employees, inform about the reasons for the call and act according to the instructions received.

4.2. Upon receipt from the residents of the house of the signal "On the failure of the water supply system and the fact of flooding of residential premises" The concierge must immediately:

§ report the established data to the dispatcher using a communication device (tel. ___________________), at the same time record the name of the dispatcher and the time of information transfer in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts;

§ record the applicant's data (full name), the time of receiving the signal, the approximate location of the flood source (apartment number) in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts;

§ wait for the arrival of the emergency team to eliminate the accident and find out the reasons for the flooding.

4.3. Upon receipt of the signal "Hooliganism" from the residents of the house The concierge must immediately:

§ press the panic button;

§ report the established data to the dispatcher (tel. _____________________);

§ record the applicant's data, the time when the signal was received, the approximate location of the source of the violation (floor, apartment number), the full name of the dispatchers and the time of information transfer in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts;

§ wait for the arrival of employees of a private security company (hereinafter PSC) to check the signal.

4.4. Upon receipt of information from the residents of the house about “ Violation of the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises»(Appendix E) the concierge must promptly:

§ if possible, contact the owners of the apartment in which the violation of the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises occurs (Appendix E), and warn the owners of the apartment about the consequences of such a violation, and the measures that will be taken in relation to them in the event that violations of the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises persist;

§ in case of non-observance of the warning within 10 minutes from the moment of the conversation with the owners of the apartment in which the rules for the use of living quarters are violated, press the panic button. Report the established data to the dispatcher;

§ to record the applicant's data (full name). The time when the signal was received, the approximate location of the source of the violation (apartment number), the name of the dispatcher and the time of transmission of information in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts;

§ wait for the arrival of the PSC employees to check the signal.

4.5. In cases of other emergencies The concierge must immediately report the incident to the dispatcher (tel. __________________) and act as directed by the dispatcher.


5.1. In cases of revealing the facts of violation of the Rules for the use of a passenger elevator by residents, homeowners, members of their families, performing work on the repair of apartments, workers of construction and repair teams, the concierge must immediately:

§ report the fact of violation of the Rules for using a passenger elevator to the dispatcher (tel. _____________________);

§ make an appropriate entry in the Journal of Remarks and Transfer of Shifts.

5.2. Concierge in case of presence in the premises of persons who have no reason to do so in accordance with the requirements of clauses 3.1. – 3.3 .; the continuation by third parties of unauthorized posting of any advertising materials on the entrance doors and internal premises of the entrances after a warning by the concierge must:

§ issue a verbal warning about the fact of violation;

§ press the panic button;

§ report the situation to the dispatcher (tel. _____________), recording at the same time in the Register of remarks and transfer of shifts, the name of the dispatcher and the time of information transfer;

§ make an appropriate entry in the Journal of Observations and Transfer of Shifts;

§ wait for the arrival of PSC employees to take measures (actions) to eliminate the identified violation.

5.3. In case of violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the sidewalk, resulting in the creation of obstacles for the movement of pedestrians, or on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles (garbage removal, passage of fire and ambulance vehicles (Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), the concierge must:

§ find out and clarify the owner of the car;

§ take all possible actions to inform the owner and release the passage;

§ in the absence of information about the owner (not in the list of residents), a notice is left on the car (Appendix G);

5.4. In the case of handling at home, the concierge must:

§ control their progress, and, if necessary, prevent overloading of the elevator car, littering and damage to elevators and entrance halls;

§ make sure that the front door is closed, and during loading and unloading operations it is not propped up for a long time with foreign objects;

§ if necessary, hold the door when carrying out loading and unloading operations.

5.5. In the event of minor hooliganism (that is, a violation of public order, expressed in obvious disrespect for society, accompanied by obscene language in public places, abusive harassment of citizens, as well as the destruction or damage of other people's property, article 20.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), the concierge acts in accordance with clause . 5.2.

5.6. When detecting cases of drinking alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs in public places, as well as appearing in public places in a state of intoxication, offending human dignity and public morality, including minors, (Art. 20.20, 20.21, 20.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) - to warn the offender about his violation of law and order, and if he refuses to comply with legal requirements, act in accordance with clause 5.2. (in the case of a minor offender, if possible, inform the parents).

5.7. Immediately report to law enforcement agencies about all suspicious persons in the house, as well as about the removal of furniture and other suspicious activities.


What apartment owners should consider when hiring a concierge to the house

If most of the residents of the house vote positively for such a service, this decision fixed in writing protocol. Next, you need to contact the homeowners' association or management company. They must resolve issues with the search and selection of a candidate, as well as with the allocation and equipment of premises for a new employee. The contractual relationship with the duty officer is documented.

Despite the fact that the concierge in the house is enough good idea, tenants still often face certain problems. This is due to the fact that the person on duty may not always conscientiously fulfill his duties. This is most often caused by the low salary of the concierge in the residential building. That is why elderly people who, due to their age, will not be able to give a good rebuff to violent strangers or unwanted guests, most often go to such a post.

Sometimes homeowners can conflict with the person on duty. To avoid such situations, it is better to try to warn the concierge about the guests you expect, otherwise he will be forced to clarify this information with the people who came to you.

During the move, it is also worth informing the duty officer about furniture or oversized cargo, otherwise the concierge may call security. This rule is no exception for those who rent out their property. In addition, by informing the person on duty about this fact, you will be able to find out who visits those who rented your accommodation, how the tenants behave, and so on.

The concierge is not allowed to engage in extraneous matters at the workplace, to leave it without urgent need, especially for a long time. So that there is no desire to leave the post for trifles, you can set in office space TV and bring interesting books.

It is best to involve in such a case a professional who already has experience in such work. You can really rely on such a person.

Why do you need a concierge in a residential building

Previously, such an employee could be seen in hotels and hotels or in an elite house - the concierge was hired by the owners of the living space who could afford to provide this person wages... Nowadays, this has ceased to be a rarity, and many resort to concierge services in apartment building... Sometimes funds for the payment of remuneration are even allocated from the city budget.

As mentioned above, people often perceive the attendant as an unnecessary unit, considering the benefit of his presence as questionable. However, when selling or buying an apartment, the presence of a concierge in the house is an undeniable advantage that demonstrates the prestige of the property. What is this person's job? What are the rights of a concierge in a residential building and what are his duties?

The duty of the person on duty is to supervise the order in the entrance. For this, a special room is assigned, often equipped with a video surveillance system, and a person must monitor who enters and leaves the house. When strangers visit, the concierge usually specifies which apartment the guests are sent to and for what purpose.

However, more often than not, passing by this employee even in our entrance, we may think, why pay the salary to the concierge in a residential building at all, if his functions consist in such a small set of duties and at the same time he constantly talks on the phone or does his own business. Such a question is logical when the work of this employee is organized illiterately or is not regulated at all.

Concierge salary

Wages paid by the employer.

It can be a group of individuals (residents of one entrance), entity(owner of the premises), HOA. In this case, we are talking about employment contract... If this is an agreement between individuals. persons, taxes are paid by the person who receives the payment. In case the concierge is individual entrepreneur, HOA can conclude a work contract.

Basic duties of a concierge in an apartment building

Since the concierge is a paid post, an appropriate job description is drawn up for this employee, which regulates all the functions, rights and duties of the position. In each specific case, such a document can be developed individually. However, there are a number of basic responsibilities that must be required of the concierge in the home.

  • Know all residents by sight and have a list of them.
  • Behave in a polite and friendly manner both towards homeowners and visitors.
  • Keep order at the entrance.
  • Be aware of things, especially when there are some emergency situations.
  • Promptly inform the relevant authorities about violations that occurred during the shift.
  • Closely monitor the work of utilities.
  • Regularly fill out the registration log, which reflects all incidents and measures taken.
  • Be vigilant and report suspicious persons to the authorities.
  • To act as an intermediary between the tenants and the management company, transfer complaints and wishes of the population to the company or HOA.
  • Make requests for minor repairs of equipment.
  • Monitor the use of elevators, especially during the transportation of bulky items, in order to avoid overloading and breakdown.
  • Eliminate the likelihood of damage to property and the facts of theft.
  • Control the integrity of the locks on the doors in the house.
  • Promptly inform property owners about dangerous situations.
  • Monitor the health of the lighting in the house and in the surrounding area.
  • Walk around the territory before handing over the shift.

Previously, concierges worked in the hotel industry and prestigious buildings, they were hired by wealthy tenants who were able to pay them a salary. Today they are hired by the owners of real estate in apartment buildings, and the duties of the concierge are spelled out in the contract, which he signs when he starts working.

This employee's salary is made up of contributions collected by tenants, but sometimes local funds are provided for this. Some consider such work useless and unnecessary, and the cost of services is overpriced, but, for example, when buying / selling transactions, the presence of an attendant is an undoubted plus, which indicates some elitism of the house.

What are the rights and obligations of this employee? His job consists of carefully monitoring the maintenance of order at the entrance. A special room is allocated for the person on duty, from which he keeps under the supervision of all those who enter and leave. When strangers enter the entrance, the concierge asks exactly where they are going and why.

But often, during fleeting meetings, we wonder why this person is needed, who, moreover, is constantly busy with his personal affairs. This usually happens when he is not instructed on his duties and does not know what exactly he should be doing in the workplace.

Duties of the duty officer

When applying for a job, an agreement is concluded with the concierge, which contains his job responsibilities. These include:

  • knowledge of all residents of the entrance;
  • courtesy when contacting residents, their guests and employees of various government departments;
  • monitoring the order at the entrance and timely notification of violations to the management company so that it monitors the situation;
  • keeping a journal, it contains all the information, including about violations that may be useful to tenants renting a living space in the house;
  • the attendants must be present at all minor repairs and work of utilities at the entrance, before that the concierge checks the documents and permission;
  • immediately report suspicious persons and illegal actions to the internal affairs bodies;
  • when transporting bulky goods in an elevator car, make sure that there are no overloads and blockages;
  • after transferring the shift, check the safety of constipation in basements, switchboards, garbage chutes, attics, about what to make appropriate entries in the journal;
  • engage in filing applications for the replacement of electrical equipment throughout the entrance;
  • quickly react to an alarm if one is installed at the entrance of the MKD;
  • in the event of various problems that relate to accidents in the sewerage system, malfunctioning of the central heating and hot water supply system, as well as malfunctioning of the elevator equipment, the attendant calls the appropriate utilities. All malfunctions and actions taken are reflected in a special log;
  • help the chairman of the board and notify the residents of the entrance about all activities and events;
  • observe the timely switching on and off of lighting devices in the common building area;
  • supervise the observance of parking rules for vehicles and prevent possible violations;
  • monitor compliance with the norms of the hostel, and in case of violations, take the necessary measures;
  • make sure that there are no cases of vandalism at the entrance and that the instructions are not violated. Offenses include actions that are aimed at violating sanitary standards (for example, feces in stairwells, in elevator cabins, in a common building area, leaving garbage in the entrance, instead of a garbage chute, deliberately disabling elevator equipment, equipping playgrounds, etc. );
  • monitoring that alcoholic beverages are not consumed in the jurisdictional territory, and when this is revealed, then warn violators about the unlawfulness of such behavior. When oral influence did not matter, then call the police officers.

Cosierge workstation

Access control at the entrance is carried out in this way;

  • residents enter the premises using a special magnetic key or by calling the attendant on the intercom;
  • if guests are planning to come to the tenants, then they notify the person on duty about this. When a visitor visits, the concierge informs the person to whom he is going about the arrival, after which the tenant orders to let him in or not. A corresponding entry is made about this in the accounting journal.

Improper performance of work, sample contract

When the concierge works poorly, not fulfilling the assigned duties, for which he signed when hiring, then he is not paid a salary. With good performance of their job descriptions, Management Company encourages this, based on the results of his activities and thanks to the residents of the apartment building.

In no case should the attendants:

  • disclose information about the residents of the entrance;
  • drink alcoholic beverages and take drugs while working.

But at the same time, The concierge is not responsible for the property of the owners and tenants of apartments, as well as for living quarters.

Also, apartment owners have the right to terminate the contract with the concierge, and instead recommend another person for this job. This is done on general meeting, the majority of property owners must vote for such changes. In case of poor performance of official duties, you should immediately change the person on duty to a person who is distinguished by responsibility and punctuality.

Concierge services need to be judged on the basis of their performance. If the entrance is clean, the lighting is in order, all breakdowns are eliminated in a timely manner, then the attendant is in his place, and the cost of his work is justified.