Business plan for the center of operational printing. Typography business plan: color and black and white printing. Features of choosing a room for work

♦ Initial investment: 1,300,000 rubles
♦ Business plan payback period: 24 months
♦ Profitability rate: 45%

Every day, more and more private organizations begin to work, which need printing services in one form or another ( advertising newspapers and flyers, menus, business cards).

As a rule, they require a small print run. Therefore, entrepreneurs are purposefully looking for small firms that are willing to work with orders of small volume for reasonable money.

Detailed business plan typography- this is the first thing you need to organize this profitable business.

An ideal option for beginners in this field would be the opening of a mini-printing house.

This option has a number of advantages:

  • payback many times faster;
  • a smaller amount of initial investment than is necessary to open a large printing services enterprise;
  • There is ample potential for expansion.

Typography Business Plan: Planning

Resume for a typography project

This business plan is a project for the creation and development of the printing house N in Moscow.

The organization will be located in the premises at the address: Moscow, X street, 1.

The building is located at a small distance from the central area, which makes it accessible to residents of any part of the city. At the same time, the cost of rent is much lower than for similar areas in the center.

The objectives of the business plan are:

  1. Meeting the needs of customers in obtaining printing services at an affordable price, but at the same time High Quality.
  2. Receiving a profit.
  3. Creation of additional jobs.

It is worth returning to the goals indicated in the business plan of the printing house from time to time to check: are you moving in the right direction?

Printing house services

Basically, the provision of printing services to clients forms three categories:

  1. Newspaper printing and advertising production.
  2. Manufacture of magazine and book production.
  3. Production of packaging products, labels, stickers for goods.

At the same time, such a type of service as printing leaflets and calendars (which is usually referred to as promotional products) is performed in almost all printing houses.

After all, the level of demand for these services is the highest and the population needs to get results as soon as possible.

From this need for urgency, mini-printers can earn extra money. For example, make an extra charge of 10% to the cost of services that must be completed "by morning".

Printing room

There are small requirements for the premises of a mini-printing house, but they are also indicated in the business plan.

Some entrepreneurs manage to simply allocate about 20 sq.m. in an established company.

If you open a printing house from scratch, you will need to find an office for rent with an area of ​​30-40 sq.m. (excluding warehouse). It is brought into line with fire safety and SES requirements in order to obtain permission to operate.

Marketing plan typography

Interesting fact:
The heaviest printed book is considered to be a geographical atlas, which is stored in the British Museum in London. Its weight is 320 kilograms.

The printing house services market, as well as related projects, suffered equally from the crisis of 2008-09. But by 2010, most enterprises reached the pre-crisis level of turnover.

In the future, this direction showed only an increase in indicators.

However, in recent years, some owners of printing houses have concluded that revenues have fallen by 10-15%. This affected, first of all, those projects that provided services of a narrow focus.

It is important for current customers, having placed an order, to immediately get the result. Therefore, enterprises that have sufficient potential to work at such a pace received only an increase in order volumes. While narrowly focused firms lost ground.

In addition, the market is significantly crowding out the spread of digital technologies. This reduced the cost of some services.

Based on these business plan data, we conclude that in order to develop and stay in the top, printing houses should increase the speed of the enterprise and the volume of orders executed. Then the decrease in the average price tag will not affect the size of the total revenue.

Target audience of the typography

The target audience of the printing house N of the current business plan is individuals and legal entities who need printing and copying services (printing leaflets, brochures, special forms, copying various materials different format).

Also, representatives of schools and universities that need a printing service can be connected to the target audience of the printing house teaching materials and educational products.

The predicted ratio of categories in the current business plan is as follows: legal entities make up about 55% of the audience, 35% are individuals, and only 10% are schools and universities.

Printing house advertising campaign

  • Advertising in periodicals.
    The cost of this service is affordable, but it significantly affects the increase in the company's recognition and stimulates potential customers to apply by listing competitive advantages.
  • Printing house advertising in subway cars.
    Allows you to reach the maximum audience of potential customers.
  • It is important to note that the notary's office is located in the neighboring building.
    Its visitors are potential clients of N.
    To attract them, a prominent sign above the entrance to the building and a banner on the wall with a list of services will be used.

Competitive advantages of printing house

The market for printing services is predominantly occupied by large-scale organizations that accept orders only for large print runs or small firms that provide services in a narrow range.

The competitive advantages of the N printing house, indicated in the business plan, are:

  • a wide range of services;
  • execution of orders in a short time;
  • affordable prices;
  • Possibility of ordering printing in a small print run.

Printing house staff

QtySalary (rub.)Total (rub.)
Total: RUB 145,000
Printer1 30 000 30 000
Assistant printer2 22 500 45 000
Cutter1 23 000 23 000
Prepress Specialist1 20 000 20 000
Order collection manager1 27 000 27 000

Thus, the monthly cost of remuneration for the staff of the printing house will amount to 145,000 rubles.

These data will be included in the table of costs for maintaining and developing the project in financial section business plan typography.

The duties of the staff are as follows:

  1. Printer - is engaged in the production of all paper products. Carries out preparation of the machine for printing and post-printing check of the result. Serves equipment and monitors its serviceability. Responsible for identifying defects and delivering orders on time.
  2. Printer's Assistant - provides the necessary assistance and assists the printer.
  3. Cutter - provides services for cutting circulations, installing metal and plastic springs in binding, as well as piccolo rings.
  4. Prepress specialist - checks the layout for compliance with technical requirements.
  5. Order collection manager - controls the acceptance of orders in the printing house, consults customers who have applied and is looking for new ones, accepts payment for services and draws up contracts, monitors the timely delivery of products to customers.

Typography business plan: project implementation

Printing house calendar plan

It is important to describe the plan for bringing the printing house project to life in stages in order to fully control this process. Thanks to this section of the business plan, you can track whether everything is going according to plan, and how much you are investing in the appointed time.

  1. Registration of a company, preparation of a business plan, registration of activity permits, printing order.
  2. Finding suitable premises for the printing house and concluding an agreement for its lease.
  3. Repairs in leased areas.
    To perform these services, it is worth inviting a team of specialists.
    In the process, it is also important to bring the premises in line with the standards of such authorities as the fire safety service and SES.
  1. Purchase of equipment, its installation and connection.
    Since the printing house uses complex and expensive equipment, it is better not to take risks by installing it yourself.
    Of course, if you are not an expert in this matter and are not able to do the work better than any invited master.
    In addition, it is worth considering that when installed by individuals, and not by company representatives, the warranty often ceases to be valid or its validity period is reduced.
  2. Advertising campaign.
    It starts about a month before the opening of the printing house, but continues to be active throughout its existence.
    At the time of reaching financial break even you can stop investing in this direction the same large sums.
  3. Hiring employees, their registration according to labor code, instructing and passing refresher courses if necessary.
  1. Launching the print shop.

Calculation of expenses for opening a printing house

NamePrice, rub.)
Total:RUB 1,300,000
Preparation of documents, business plan15 000
Purchase of premises (area - 20 sq.m)100 000
Purchase of printing equipment480 000
Installation and configuration of equipment10 000
Advertising campaign costs100 000
Financing the project before reaching the break-even point545 000
Other expenses50 000

Opening a printing house N in Moscow requires a capital investment of 1,300,000 rubles.

The entire amount will be covered by the personal funds of the business initiator.

The start-up costs for the project implementation in the business plan included the amount required for current financing until the break-even point was reached.

Typography business plan: financial section

Expenses for maintaining and developing the printing house

Thus, monthly investments in the amount of 525,000 rubles are required to maintain and develop the project.

Printing house payback

To assess the revenue of the printing house in the business plan, an analysis is made:

  • demand for services from similar enterprises;
  • the average cost of providing the most popular services in printing house N;
  • market indicators and forecasts of its growth.

There is also a 10% extra charge for urgent services, which is indicated in the business plan.

Based on these data, the ready payback period for the N printing house project will be 24 months.

Potential Risks of a Typography Business

In order not to burn out, the entrepreneur must evaluate in advance possible risks activities and provide in the business plan a course of action in case of their occurrence.

This list may include the following:

  1. High level of competition on a territorial basis.
  2. Lack of qualified craftsmen who specialize in the repair and maintenance of printing equipment.
  3. The payback period or reaching the break-even level is increased.
  4. Large dependence of the volume of orders on the timing of their implementation in mini-printing houses.

how to open a printing house during a crisis, and is it worth doing it at all:

Now no business can fully function without printing services.

While rumors suggest that the print shop industry is dying out and will be replaced by alternatives, there is still room for growth.

A mini-printing house is enough for the initiator of the project to join this rut. Then the activity will pay off, and will bring a considerable stable income.

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Sheet-fed offset printing at the current stage of development of the industry is at the peak of popularity and is in steadily high demand. This method makes it possible to obtain high quality halftone reproduction and solid tone at a low cost of equipment and consumables.

The business plan of a printing company allows you to carry out economic evaluation enterprises and calculate the payback period of investments.

Analysis of trends in the development of the printing market

When analyzing the market, it is worth considering that this moment more than half of the companies have equipment designed for printing in one way. Another 31% of companies perform work by offset printing and another non-dominant method.

Printing as a type of business has a number of risks that have become clearly visible during the crisis. Companies that specialize in the manufacture of promotional products are facing a decrease in production volumes. During the crisis, the decline ranged from 65 to 93%. Magazine producers have reduced their production turnover by 25-35%.

The largest players in the printing services market are such companies as Pushkinskaya Ploshchad, Almaz-Press, First Printing Plant, MDM-Pechat, AST, and Media-Press.

From the foregoing, we can conclude about the main activities of the printing company, which will have stable demand:

  1. Production on newsprint, which has a low cost. However, it should be taken into account that services are provided by a large number of joint stock and state companies, which allows you to count on only a small rate of return. In addition, a limiting factor is the high volume initial investment and the need for specialized manufacturing facilities.
  2. On the territory of Russia, the market of full-color magazines is quite well developed, but a significant part of them is still printed abroad. The reasons for this situation lie in the insufficient number of Russian printing houses that offer high quality and have a favorable pricing policy, as well as the possibility of exporting capital from the country in the event that the account management plan is implemented by foreign companies.
  3. Book production - promising direction as the number of books published increases every year. The disadvantage of such a project is the need for significant capital investments with the possibility of their return only in the long term.
  4. Advertising and business products have a large range, stable demand, low requirements for investment capital.
  5. Screen printing is a technology that has hardly been affected by changes in the segment. The high cost of production is determined by a large share of manual labor. Together with small circulations, this leads to low efficiency of large investments.

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Investment plan

The investment requirement of the project is 4,538,000 rubles, which, in turn, includes the purchase and installation necessary equipment and replenishment of working capital.

To perform the specified list of services, it is necessary to install the following equipment:

  • hydraulic embossing press model HSH 70;
  • offset machine DH 47 L;
  • digital duplicator Riso CZ 100 A4;
  • plotter SignPal Puma P II;
  • electro-pneumatic dispenser model E36 KIT.

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Sales plan and pricing policy

The activity of the enterprise under consideration will be focused on the production of the following types of products:

  • envelopes;
  • business cards;
  • leaflets;
  • forms;
  • directories;
  • booklets;
  • calendars;
  • magazines;
  • postcards;
  • labels;
  • posters;
  • notebooks;
  • package;
  • POS materials (wobblers, dispensers, shelf talkers, labels, danglers, price tags).

The determining factor in competition is price policy enterprises. It is often possible to come across the opinion that at the initial stages of development, the benchmark should be taken to the low-price sector of the market, but this development path is not a promising strategy. Therefore, from the moment of launch, the company should be positioned as a participant in the medium and expensive sectors of the market, combining activities with a policy of special prices for a number of regular customers, which may include advertising agencies, design studios and corporate customers.

Through long-term contracts with big companies, which provide a full range of high quality services at attractive prices, manage to find a stable source of income.

No less promising is the work with advertising agencies and design bureaus that do not have their own printing facilities. It should be noted that this category of customers is the most demanding, since it is an intermediary between the consumer and the printing house.

The logical continuation of cooperation with design bureaus and advertising agencies is the creation of a design studio that does not require large investments, but is able to provide 10-20% of orders at the initial stage of production development.

The last three months of the year, services for the production of product calendars are in high demand. The emphasis in such orders should be on the efficiency of execution. The production of label products, for example, for soft drinks, also has a seasonal character. Targeted advertising for this group of customers, combined with an acceptable pricing policy can give good results.

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The production cycle depends on the type of product and can range from 0 to 7 days. The duration of the execution is determined technological processes through which the product passes. Packages, postcards and other types souvenir products can be produced in unlimited quantities, their boom falls on 7 days. Envelope production also has no limits and is completed in one day. Booklets printing by offset method in A8-A4 format takes 3 days, catalogs, calendars and magazines - 7 days, business cards - 1 day.

Variable costs:

Name Losses Consumption Price
Packages, postcards, souvenirs
Typographic paint 0 0,004 3,20
Paper 0 0,050 4,00
Foil 0 0,030 3,60
Resin 0 0,001 0,12
Total 10,92
Paper 0 0,001 0,08
Total 0,08
A8-A4 booklets
Typographic paint 0 0,003 2,40
Paper 0 0,050 4,00
Total 6,40
Production of catalogues, calendars and magazines
Typographic paint 0 0,020 16,00
Paper 0 0,500 40,00
Total 56,00
business cards
Typographic paint 0 0,300 240,00
Paper 0 0,200 16,00
Total 256,00

Fixed costs:

  1. Utilities - 2,000 rubles.
  2. Room rental - 35,000 rubles.
  3. Communication - 1,000 rubles.
  4. Delivery of products - 2,000 rubles.
  5. Maintenance and repair of products - 2,500 rubles.
  6. Advertising - 5,000 rubles.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The purpose of the project: Satisfaction of consumers in high-quality and inexpensive services in the field of color printing on modern equipment from the leading countries of the world.

1. Overview

Target characteristic:

Entry into the market of printing services is due to the fact that every day more and more private companies are opening, producing and supplying various goods and services that need advertising in the form of various brochures, booklets and leaflets, which are too expensive to order from a printing house and are not profitable for enterprises, because the print run itself is small, and the well-known duplicating technique is not able to print them in large quantities. Each firm also needs to financial statements which requires a large number of different forms and forms. Therefore, at this stage, when the demand for printing services increases, the opening of our company engaged in this type of activity is justified and expedient, from the point of view of market conditions.

Priority score:

The modern market of printing services in Moscow is characterized by the presence of many small companies that are limited to providing a very narrow range of services, or large publishing houses that produce products in large numbers. This explains the fact that the needs of an entire market segment are not fully satisfied. Spektr LLC plans to meet the demand for this type of service by combining high quality work and relatively low prices.

Ways to implement the project:

Spektr LLC plans to create a mini-printing house based on modern equipment from leading manufacturers.

The required investment for the purchase of equipment is 110,000.0 rubles. (annual interest rate 48%).

As a result of organizing a mini-printing house, the following results can be achieved:

Consumers will receive high quality services;

The number of jobs is increased by 4 units;

Revenue from the sale of services will amount to 724,000 rubles;

The payback period of investments will be 1 year.

2. Description and characteristics of equipment and services provided

Equipment characteristics:

1. Risograph GR2700 - makes it possible to implement complex design solutions and at the same time has ease of communication. Format-A4.

Print speed - from 60 to 130 copies/min.

Designer tablet.

The time of the first copy is 17 s.

Master film life - 4000 to 5000 copies

2. copy machine Minolta EP 1050 Format-A3.

Print speed (for A4) - 15 copies / min.

Scaling - from 50 to 200%.

The time of the first copy is 60 s.

The service life of the photoconductor is from 100,000 to 120,000 copies.

The life of the toner is 3000 copies.

3. Laser epson printer EPL-9000. Format-A3.

Print speed (for A4) - 8 pages / min.

The life of the photoconductor and toner cartridge is 6,500 pages.

4. Computer with Pentium PI66 processor. RAM (Random access memory) - 32 Mb. HDD (Hard disk drive) - 2 Gb.

Monitor 17 RAM (Random access memory) - 32 Mb.

HDD (Hard disk drive) - 2 Gb.

Monitor 17".

5. Computer with 486 DX4-100 RAM (Random access memory) processor - 16 Mb. HDD (Hard disk drive) - 1 Gb.

CD ROW. Monitor 15".

6. Scanner EPSON GT-9000. Format - 216 x 279 mm. Scaling - 59%-200% in 1% steps.

Features - a possibility of direct transfer of the image to the printer; full color scanning in one pass.

This article may be outdated. More relevant articles on this topic:

Own business: book printing house

Characteristics of the services provided.

The intended activity of our company is aimed at providing services to the public in the field of color printing, as well as related services for binding, scanning, laminating, and replicating printed materials both in small quantities, which can be done on a copier, and reproduction of such materials, the circulation of which too large for photocopiers and too small for printers using a risograph. Our company is able to meet the needs in the production of letterheads, forms, bulletins, leaflets, advertising brochures, prospectuses, booklets. As part of the company's activities, it is planned to attract orders from schools and universities for the production of methodological and teaching materials. Thus, we intend to provide services to such groups of consumers as individuals and legal entities, satisfying the needs for the execution of small orders, as well as larger ones, for which a regular publisher is not enough. The equipment available on the balance sheet of our company allows us to ensure low cost of manufactured products, including for large runs, since its operation is characterized by ease of maintenance, no need for highly qualified personnel, unpretentiousness, and environmental friendliness.

Our company also provides a number of related services for binding, stitching and laminating documents. Thermal binding machines will qualitatively bind brochures and booklets and ensure the convenience of their use. And if necessary, using a roll lamination system, the printed products will be rolled up in transparent plastic.

3. Market assessment

Potential consumers of printing and copying services are individuals and legal entities that need to produce forms, forms, bulletins, leaflets, advertising brochures, brochures, as well as urgent and non-urgent copies of printed materials in A3 and A4 format.

Spektr LLC intends to attract orders from schools and universities that need to provide students with methodological and educational materials.

Our firm occupies a favorable territorial position in Moscow. Insignificant distance from the city center makes access to us available to residents of almost the entire city. At the same time, the company's location outside the central part of Moscow allows you to save significant amounts on a lower rent for the premises rented by our company.

The absence of nearby firms providing services of this level will ensure the influx of all potential consumers of printing products in this area.

It should be noted that there is a notary office next to our company, whose client often has to copy necessary documentation. To this end, it is proposed to organize outdoor advertising in the form of a colorful pointer. The advantages of this type of advertising are low cost and coverage of a wide audience of the population.

4. Information about competitors

There are quite a large number of firms replicating printed materials in Moscow. However, few of them offer the population such a wide range of services in the field of color printing, producing printed products in small and medium runs.

Many firms produce printed products of poor quality. Our company guarantees only the high quality of the services provided, which will provide high-quality equipment.

5. Marketing strategy

Replicated products will be made to order by concluding contracts with legal entities and individuals for the production of brochures, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, prospectuses, forms on the terms of cash and non-cash payments. Also making copies in small batches in the presence of the customer.

In particular, today many secondary and higher educational institutions need to publish teaching aids, teaching materials, etc. The head of advertising and sales will act as an intermediary between our company and customers, presenting samples of printed products, focusing on the benefits that the client will bring by concluding an agreement with our company.

Visual samples of products will enable the customer to evaluate the quality of the proposed printed materials.

Being integral part marketing strategy, this method of attracting customers is extremely effective for identifying potential customers, establishing commercial relations, and collecting information about consumers.

As part of our company's marketing strategy, we also plan to organize an advertising campaign as a means of stimulating the impact of attracting customers by placing our advertisements in print publications. Advertising in newspapers and magazines is relatively inexpensive, which does not add much to the cost. A number of printed publications are distributed among the population free of charge, which will allow us to convey information about the activities of our company to the maximum number of potential customers.


*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated information

90 people are studying this business today.

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Profitability calculator for this business

Today it is very difficult to imagine modern world without the presence of advertising. Even though it is actively developing global network The Internet, which, it would seem, has forced all channels of information among the population into the background, but, nevertheless, the printing of newspapers, colorful magazines and books is an invariable component of any organization. Therefore, ready-made and printing houses for the production of printing products will be in demand and will find their target audience no matter what. Every day the number of new organizations and firms is only increasing. All of them need not only the development of high-quality advertising campaign but also in quality handouts.

To stand out from the competition and establish yourself with better side, we need to purchase equipment with high speed printing, and at the same time we must not lose quality. If we consider cities with a total population of 1 million to 4 million, then basically there are already about 270 such organizations there, so the business plan of the printing house will be implemented in a fiercely competitive environment.

Sales market

According to the data provided by the business plan of the printing house, it became known who our main consumers are. All of them need to produce promotional products in a short time. It will also be through educational institutions, where a large number of students are concentrated, who in the process of studying are faced with the need to print or make something. They will help the printing house receive orders consistently.

Our project has both its pros and cons. For example, to strong side we can safely say:

  1. Fast service delivery.
  2. The presence of a system of discounts.
  3. A wide range of services offered.
  4. Opportunity to take on a job large orders, but smaller ones.
  5. High quality equipment.
  6. Weaknesses include:
  7. Non-fulfillment of certain clauses of the contract.
  8. The difficulty of exercising control in the organization.
  9. Key features:
  10. Invite educational institutions to cooperate.
  11. Opportunity to provide services to large companies.
  12. Threats - increase in competitors, the onset of equipment wear.

Sales and marketing

A sample business plan for a printing house is exactly the option that needs to be advertised using the Internet,.

In doing so, the following areas should be taken into account:

  1. Creation of a personal website of the organization. On it, users will be able to find out not only the cost of all types of services provided, but also to calculate the volume that they need to sell.
  2. Create , group to another social network and attract potential customers to it. We will attract new customers through promotions and discounts.
  3. Start collaborating with third parties.
  4. It is also necessary to hire a manager who will carry out sales using phone calls.

Production plan

The business plan for a printing house for the production of printed products includes the main stages that will help you start your own business.

Organization registration

This type of activity is not subject to licensing and does not require any additional work permits. We will choose the simplified tax system with a payment of 6% of total income.

Room selection

To accommodate the printing house, we need a total of 40 square meters, as well as the presence of a hood and the ability to expand the room. All this area must be divided into several zones - a warehouse, staff workplaces and a zone for receiving customers. The cost of such a room will cost us 40 thousand every month.

Purchase of equipment

To do this, we need to purchase:

  • offset typewriter- 680 thousand rubles.
  • Plotter - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Booklet maker - 47 thousand rubles.
  • Laser printer - 37 thousand rubles.
  • Thermopress - 39 thousand rubles.
  • Two cutters - 8 thousand 300 rubles.
  • Two personal computers- 54 thousand rubles.
  • Cutting table - 6 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 85 thousand rubles.
  • And also to buy furniture for employees - 32 thousand 800 rubles.

Thus, the cost of equipment, presented in the column of the business plan of the printing house with calculations, will be 1 million 106 thousand 600 rubles.

Starting a business in the printing industry is affordable with minimal capital: entry barriers are low. The main requirements for an entrepreneur: a general understanding of the field and the presence of a business plan thought out to the smallest nuances of a printing house. The growing number of participants in the printing market confirms the prospects and profitability of such a business.

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The main types of services provided by printing houses:

  1. Printing magazines, newspapers, books.
  2. Release of booklets. The booklet is a single sheet on which the text with illustrations is applied, folding several times.
  3. Issue of brochures. A brochure is a product that has more than four pages and contains certain textual and graphical information. The pages are fastened together with glue, paper clips, springs.
  4. Flyer printing. A flyer is usually one sheet of A5 or A4 format, containing information on both sides or only one.
  5. Create folders. A folder is a product made of either cardboard or polymer, designed to store a small amount of paper. The necessary information is applied to the folder (for example, the logo of the customer's company, advertising text, drawings, etc.).
  6. Release of labels. Labels are usually made on special paper and are intended for further gluing to a specific object. In the classic version, it contains information about a specific product.
  7. Making calendars. For example, print shop specialists can design a calendar for a particular company, containing its company name, logo, etc.
  8. Business card production. Business card- This is a small sheet of thick paper / cardboard on which brief information about the person / organization and contact information is printed.
  9. Printing on A1 and A2 sheets.
  10. Role print.

Additional earning options:

  • binding;
  • scanning;
  • lamination;
  • corporate logo design development;
  • invitation design, greeting cards etc.;
  • issue of business printing (for example, envelopes, notepads, forms, receipts, bulletins, etc.);
  • printing methodological and educational materials;
  • production of color separation photoforms;
  • embossing on paper;
  • printing on T-shirts, mugs;
  • making souvenirs;
  • proofing layouts, etc.

In a mini-printing house, the following distribution of the range of products is usually observed:

  • booklets, leaflets, brochures, labels - about 60 percent of the total turnover;
  • copying documents of various formats - 25 percent;
  • binding of documents (for example, diplomas, term papers, reports, etc.) - 5 percent;
  • lamination - 5 percent;
  • other goods - 5 percent.

Printed materials can be replicated in small batches using copiers, or in large quantities using a risograph. The possibility of producing goods in a small volume will be of interest to numerous small entrepreneurs when ordering promotional products.


The relevance of business in the field of printing is due to the following factors:

  1. In order to open a business, an entrepreneur does not need special knowledge and skills. Both an experienced and a novice entrepreneur can organize a business.
  2. High profitability, profitability and payback.
  3. High demand for printing services from legal and individuals. The growth of small business observed in Russia leads to an increase in the need for printing products, to a greater extent - advertising.

Types of printing houses

Traditionally, printing companies are divided into:

  • bookstores;
  • newspaper;
  • magazine;
  • book and magazine;
  • newspaper and magazine;
  • printing factories;
  • cartographic factories;
  • blank factories;
  • white goods factories, etc.

Classification of polygraphs by specific gravity of one or another type of service in the volume of production (if the value is above 50%, the enterprise is considered specialized):

  • publishing and printing complex that prints newspaper products;
  • a printing company specializing in the printing of graphic products (including label products);
  • a printing house that produces blank products (including ticket products);
  • a printing company producing goods for the blind and visually impaired;
  • a printing company that produces promotional products;
  • a printing house that produces a wide range of all kinds of printed products (universal enterprise).

According to the level of technology and technique used, printing enterprises are divided into:

  • printing houses with offset printing;
  • letterpress printing houses;
  • printing houses with digital printing;
  • printing houses with flexographic printing;
  • screen printing printing houses;
  • printers that use different ways print.

According to the technological specialization, polygraphy is divided into:

  • full cycle enterprises;
  • enterprises producing original layouts;
  • color separation studios;
  • offset printing production, etc.

On the basis of "scale of production", printing houses are classified into:

  • large (more than 200 workers);
  • medium (from 50 to 200 workers);
  • small (from 20 to 50 workers);
  • mini (up to 20 workers).

The video tells about mini-printing houses and the main steps entrepreneurs take to open them. Shot by channel: TemplateMonsterRu.

The Russian printing market is mainly occupied by mini-printing houses, today they account for more than 70%. This is an ideal business option in this area for beginners.

Advantages of mini-printing houses:

  • less volume required start-up capital, compared with large;
  • quick payback;
  • business can be gradually expanded.

Description and analysis of the market

Characteristics of the printing market:

  • high social significance market;
  • reduction in the number of state printing houses;
  • the market is dominated by small enterprises providing highly specialized services;
  • a growing number of market participants working in new formats - digital and "hybrid";
  • high competition;
  • market players are trying to track technological innovations in the industry, modernize their production and produce their own printed product;
  • multi-technological printing enterprises;
  • in recent years, there has been an increase in the production of printed packaging and promotional products;
  • the state is preparing a program to support the printing industry;
  • increased interaction between small print shops;
  • in 2016, the capacity of the all-Russian market for the production of printed products amounted to approximately 50 billion printed sheets;
  • 2016 is considered a turning point for the domestic printing industry, as most of the printing houses are going through a stage of development of business and investment activity;
  • the annual volume of printing in Russia in foreign currency terms will be about 6.5 billion dollars (according to data at the beginning of 2015);
  • in cities with a population of up to 4,000,000 people, there are 230-300 printing companies.

Structure of the Russian printing market by product type in 2016 General release printed products in physical terms according to the nomenclature of Rosstat in the first half of 2015-2016 Distribution of enterprises by form of ownership in Russia (printing industry) The structure of the output of printed products for industrial purposes in the Russian regions in 2016

The target audience

Potential consumers of printing services:

  • commercial organizations who need promotional products, forms, forms, newsletters, labels, packaging, etc. (about 60 percent);
  • non-profit organizations (such as charities) that also need advertising booklets, brochures, folders, notebooks, calendars and other products (about 10 percent);
  • individuals (about 20 percent);
  • schools, higher and secondary vocational schools, etc., which need to publish manuals, textbooks, manuals, etc. (about 15 percent).

Competitive advantages

Success factors of modern typography:

  • performance of the service on time;
  • providing the opportunity to provide services in a shorter period;
  • a wide range of services;
  • providing unique services(for example, spectacular advertising, label and packaging products; the use of the effect of metallization; three-dimensional images; aromatic printing);
  • modern and high-quality equipment;
  • own informative website, pages in social networks;
  • accepting payment in various ways;
  • thoughtful loyalty program;
  • qualified service;
  • the ability to print products in small quantities;
  • reasonable prices;
  • high quality of finished products.

Advertising campaign

  • adding information about the company to reference publications of the city;
  • advertisements in local print media (eg magazines, newspapers);
  • development of a corporate website with the ability to calculate the cost of services of a printing company, taking into account circulation, size, color;
  • opening your own group in social networks;
  • can be carried out at first promotions(for example, a discount on the first order, when ordering from a certain amount etc.);
  • exchange of promotional materials with various companies(for example, advertising agencies, notary offices and courier services);
  • advertisements in public transport(for example, metro and buses);
  • a bright signboard and a banner with a list of services provided;
  • cooperation with advertising agencies, which, working with their clients, will order the production of promotional products in our printing house;
  • an unobtrusive offer of company services over the phone.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a printing house

To successfully launch a printing house, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Analysis of the local market, allowing you to choose the format and direction of activity for the company.
  2. Development of a business plan for a printing house with calculations.
  3. Registration of the enterprise in state bodies.
  4. Search suitable premises, conclusion of a lease agreement (or purchase of a production area) and its repair.
  5. Purchase of equipment in accordance with the planned product range and production technology.
  6. Installation and adjustment of equipment for printing production.
  7. Hiring staff.
  8. Search for partners.
  9. Carrying out marketing activities.
  10. Purchase of consumables.

The documents

Features of printing house registration:

  1. To start the operation of the printing house does not require a license.
  2. The entrepreneur has the right to create entity(for example, LLC) or physical - IP. The second option is relevant for mini-printing, where only one person acts as the organizer. At the same time, it must be remembered that printing houses registered as LLCs are more trusted by partners and customers.
  3. Basic View economic activity(according to OKVED) - 18 "Printing activities and copying of information carriers."
  4. The optimal taxation regime is the STS (scheme: 6 percent of income).
  5. Opening a bank account for non-cash payments with partners, suppliers and customers.
  6. Permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services will be required.

When registering an IP, the following papers are provided:

  • a statement expressing the desire of the entrepreneur to open an IP;
  • a copy of the main pages of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • a copy of the TIN certificate;
  • a statement expressing the desire of the entrepreneur to switch to the simplified tax system;
  • Contact Information.

When registering an LLC, the following documents are provided:

  • protocol from the meeting of the founders or the decision of the founder (if he is alone);
  • a statement expressing the desire of the entrepreneur;
  • company charter;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the fee;
  • a receipt confirming the contribution of the authorized capital;
  • a copy of the main pages of the passport of all founders.

Room and design

Requirements to production premises and its placement:

  • availability of communications: electricity, water, sewerage, heating, ventilation;
  • the premises should be easy for both clients and partners;
  • good access roads and parking;
  • to open a mini-printing house, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 60 square meters is suitable;
  • the possibility of expanding production in the future;
  • the publishing house can be located in a business center, in the office district of the city or near educational institutions;
  • a room in a residential area is not suitable, since the main the target audience These are commercial organizations, not ordinary people.

Distribution of floor space:

  • production room;
  • workplace for the designer;
  • reception room or reception;
  • warehouse of raw materials and finished products;
  • bathroom;
  • staff room;
  • administrative and business premises.

Equipment and inventory

An example of equipping a mini-printing house.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Digital duplicator (Rizograph)340 000
copy machine100 000
Computer (two pieces)40 000
Color laser printer 80 000
Software100 000
stitcher5 000
laminator5 000
Cutter4 000
Office furniture (tables, cabinets, armchairs, chairs, safe, etc.)150 000
Other equipment and inventory26 000
Total:850 000

Digital duplicator (Rizograph) - 340,000 rubles Copy machine - 100,000 rubles Color laser printer - 80,000 rubles Booklet maker - 5,000 rubles

In addition to equipment and inventory, you will need to purchase expendable materials:

  • master film for risograph;
  • additional photodrum on the copier;
  • additional photodrum for a laser printer;
  • paint (color and black);
  • A3, A4 paper, etc.


Mini Printing House Staff:

  1. Manager. The manager of the printing house, in addition to performing the functions of organizing its work, can work with clients (search for customers, receiving and sorting orders).
  2. Cutter. The cutter is mainly engaged in post-press preparation of products (cutting, stapling, packaging, laminating, embossing, etc.).
  3. Maker-up designer. The designer develops the project and prepares it for printing.
  4. Printer (two people). The printer is the main specialist who ensures the workflow of printing production.
  5. Ancillary worker. An auxiliary worker helps the printer, he also carries out loading and unloading operations, purchases raw materials, delivers products to the customer, etc.

Requirements for a designer/coder:

  • special education;
  • work experience;
  • having a portfolio;
  • creative thinking;
  • Knowledge and ability to work with various specialized software.

Requirements for a printer:

  • specialized education;
  • work experience;
  • Ability to work with various modern printing equipment;
  • learnability;
  • accuracy;
  • a responsibility;
  • attentiveness;
  • equilibrium.

Financial plan

Further financial planning is based on the following background information:

  • a mini-printing house is being organized in the city, with a population of about 1 million people;
  • organizational form - LLC;
  • specialization - production of promotional products;
  • the premises are taken on a long-term lease;
  • room area - 60 square meters;
  • location - business center;
  • number of workers - 6 people.

Starting investments

Initial capital for opening a small printing production.

You can determine exactly how much it costs to open your own printing production after:

  • choice of production technology;
  • formation of the product range and the desired production capacity;
  • equipment selection;
  • choice of premises;
  • clarification of current prices for equipment and the cost of its delivery;
  • preparation of a marketing plan, etc.

Recurring costs

Monthly business investment.

ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
Rent25 000
Utility bills, garbage collection15 000
Salary including insurance premiums150 000
Expendable materials90 000
Depreciation15 000
Accounting support5 000
Marketing3 000
other expenses12 000
Total300 000


Financial results:

  • production capacities will allow to receive a monthly gross income of 360-400 thousand rubles;
  • annual revenue in the first year will be at the level of four million rubles, and in subsequent years it will reach five million rubles;
  • profit for the first year will be about 400 thousand rubles, and the second and subsequent - 1,500 thousand rubles.

This state of affairs is due to the need to promote the business in the first year, incomplete loading production capacity and search for regular customers. It is possible to increase project efficiency indicators by expanding and modernizing production, as well as offering a wide range of relevant printing services.

The profitability of the printing business is at the level of 20-30 percent.

Calendar plan

Calendar plan for the opening of a small printing house.

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month
Local market analysis+
Business plan preparation+
Collection of documents for legal registration business+ +
Company registration +
Selection of premises and conclusion of a lease agreement+ +
Premises renovation + +
Procurement of equipment and consumables +
Installation and adjustment of equipment +
Search and recruitment of personnel + +
Search for partners. + +
Marketing events +
Start of work +

From the moment of developing a business plan to the launch of printing production, it will take an average of three months.

Risks and payback

Factors on which the success of the printing house depends:

  1. High competition in the local market. To minimize this risk, an entrepreneur must carefully consider the development of a customer loyalty program. Also, high quality services should be provided at a favorable price for customers.
  2. Low quality of services provided. This may be a consequence of the incompetence of the main specialists of the printing industry.
  3. Economic instability. Financial crises may have a negative impact on the solvency of the main consumer group - commercial enterprises.
  4. Use of outdated equipment. An entrepreneur needs to keep track of novelties in the printing industry and, if necessary, modernize production.
  5. Offering unclaimed services. It is important to analyze the market at the stage of developing a business project and identify the range of services that will be in demand in the local market.
  6. Leakage of valuable personnel. Here the businessman should be interested key specialists good salary, working conditions, etc.
  7. Production downtime due to equipment failure. To minimize such risks, the equipment must be serviced and used by competent specialists, in accordance with the regulations.
  8. Increase in prices for consumables from suppliers. For example, due to the growth of the exchange rate, there may be an increase in prices for imported raw materials.
  9. Failures in the supply of consumables.

The mini-printing house will fully pay for itself in about 19-24 months.