Structure of the assortment of dietary supplements in a research pharmacy. Analysis of the range of dietary supplements in the pharmacy organization 'Melody of Health' (Voronezh). Strategy for forming an assortment of dietary supplements in a pharmacy organization

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1 Vitamin-mineral complexes as sources of natural substances necessary for the body

2 Dietary supplements, their composition, functions and classifications

3 Regulatory framework presence of dietary supplements on the pharmaceutical market Russian Federation




REFERENCES USED INTRODUCTION Relevance of the topic. In the system of market relations, the sustainable functioning of pharmacy organizations and the ability of them to fulfill their social mission primarily depend on trade assortment offered for sale to the public in retail trade, which must meet the expectations and ideas of the target audience and act as a key factor in the competitiveness of an economic entity.

However, maintaining and strengthening positions in the market in conditions of its saturation, constant changes in the assortment, growing customer needs and increased competition both between retail enterprises selling certain groups of parapharmaceutical products and pharmacy organizations force the latter to look for new opportunities for economic development in a competitive environment. One of these areas is the use of marketing in the process of updating, expanding and diversifying the product range. The use of marketing tools in managing the range of products allows pharmacy organizations, taking into account the needs and preferences of consumers, to form sustainable competitive advantages.

Of particular interest here is the management of the assortment biologically active additives- currently, the growth rate of sales of dietary supplements is increasing, however, the issues of managing their assortment are not always sufficiently worked out and customer-oriented in pharmacy organizations.

Purpose of the study: analysis of the assortment of dietary supplements in the pharmacy organization “Melody of Health” (Voronezh).

Research objectives:

Conduct a literature review related to the research questions.

Present the material and research methods.

Process and present the results of your own research.

Provide a conclusion on the research conducted.

Summarize the results of the work and develop recommendations for the study. CHAPTER 1. ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FOOD ADDITIVES.1 Vitamin-mineral complexes as sources of natural substances necessary for the body. Comprehensive nutrition includes a balanced diet of proteins, proteins, fats, minerals and other useful substances needed by our body. In search of these “ingredients” for healthy, and therefore happy life, first of all we turn to food products. In conditions of deteriorating environmental situation, especially in large cities, food products lose their beneficial properties and cannot fully provide the entire range of necessary substances. According to official statistics, 64.1% of citizens of our country do not comply with their diet.

Precisely vitamin and mineral

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Starting the analysis, let’s identify the main dietary supplements contained in the pharmacy’s assortment.

The assortment also includes drugs from such manufacturers as ArtLife, Altai Cedar, AKVION, LEOVIT nutrio, Parafarm, Balsam, Vitalain, Herbs of Baikal, Pharmakor, Fitogalenika.

Let us present below the seasonal sales schedule for dietary supplements for 2013.

Figure 15 - Seasonal sales chart of dietary supplements for 2013

Thus, the highest sales in 2013 were recorded in May, September, October and December. The lowest sales were observed in February, August, and November.

Let us turn to the analysis of the position of a pharmacy organization in the pharmaceutical market of the city of Voronezh.

The pharmacy organization is located in a fairly public place, its customers are approximately 57% regular consumers living or working nearby, the rest are non-regular customers. The pharmacy is part of a pharmacy chain that is very well known in Russia and has a reliable reputation, which has a positive effect on the consumer’s choice of this particular pharmacy.

Sales of a pharmacy organization were analyzed above, without division into assortment groups; let us now consider the structure of the assortment of dietary supplements.

Let us present the assortment of dietary supplements and calculate the indicators of the structure of the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization in the table below.

Table 16 - Structure of the assortment of CJSC Melodiya Zdorovya for 2013.

Product group (by dietary supplement type)

Number of product items

Turnover by product group

Share in turnover, %

For the cardiovascular system




For children

General restorative drugs

For weight loss

For the respiratory tract


Men's health products

100 (current turnover

Pharmacy organization

in 2013 amounted to 56,984 thousand rubles,

Therefore, dietary supplement

They occupy 18.22% of the total turnover)

The table shows that the largest specific gravity in circulation are general strengthening drugs (33%). The smallest share in turnover is made up of drugs for the gastrointestinal tract - 1.5%, as well as hepatoprotectors - 2.8%

The pharmacy organization's assortment of dietary supplements includes 1,800 items.

In 2012 three inspections were carried out by a higher organization (the pharmacy organization is part of the pharmacy chain), which showed that a certain number of goods provided for in the assortment list were not on sale.

Let's calculate the sustainability indicator of the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization.

K y = 1-((12+5+14+10+5+13+21+11+6+9+21)/ 1800*3)=0.79

The stability coefficient is 0.79%, while the average standard value of the coefficient is 0.9.

The purchase of goods is carried out for some assortment groups strictly periodically, for others - as needed, based on the uneven demand for these goods, it is also possible to purchase dietary supplements “to order” with an advance payment made by the consumer. The purchase of goods is carried out on the basis of warehouse data, where computer records of inventory items are kept.

Information base allows you to quickly and accurately reflect the receipt and consumption of drugs in the program, which allows management at any time to receive reliable information about the balance of drugs in the pharmacy and warehouse and make purchasing decisions. Goods are purchased in relatively small quantities, taking into account the expected sales volume and the structure of customer demand.

The pharmacy organization purchases drugs, including dietary supplements for subsequent retail sales at wholesale suppliers, with the exception of the three main manufacturers of dietary supplements (Evalar, ArtLife and Vitalayn). The purchase of goods from suppliers is carried out on the basis of sales contracts, which are concluded in simple written form and certified by the signatures and seals of the parties. The subject of these agreements is the purchase and sale of goods, the parties are the Seller and the Buyer. Standard contract purchases and sales with suppliers for organizations pharmacy chain“Melody of Health” contains the following basic conditions - the moment of transfer of ownership of the goods to the Buyer, the purpose of purchasing the goods, assortment, quantity, price of the goods and payment procedure, quality of the goods and delivery conditions, duration of the contract, as well as details of the parties. When determining the assortment, quantity and price of the purchased goods, the parties to the contracts refer to price agreement protocols. Method and terms of payment: within 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods, but advance payment is also possible. According to agreements with suppliers, delivery of goods is carried out at the expense of the supplier. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For each individual delivery under the contract, the assortment, quantity and price of goods are agreed upon in the Protocol for agreeing on the contract price for inventory items. This Protocol contains the name of the product, unit of measurement, quantity, unit price of the manufacturer, wholesale markup of the supplier, selling price and cost excluding VAT. The goods are released according to goods transport or waybills-TTN-1/TN-2, where the additional amount of VAT and the cost including VAT are indicated. Payment is carried out according to TTN/TN.

Table 18 - Dynamics of the volume of purchases of a pharmacy organization for 2011 - 2013. (thousand rubles)

In 2012-2013, there was a slight increase in the activity of the enterprise; the volume of purchases increased by 6.19 million rubles. (6.32%) in 2012 compared to 2011. In 2013, the volume of purchases increased by 4.98%, and the overall increase, compared to 2011, was 11.61%. The largest increase occurred in purchases from ArtLife: in 2012, purchases from this supplier increased by 19.21%, and over the nine months of 2013 by another 19.13%. This growth is explained by the more convenient and profitable work with this supplier compared to others: a wide range of goods, rhythmic deliveries, pricing policy supplier.

Thus, the absence of violation of contractual obligations, both on the part of suppliers and on the part of the pharmacy organization, indicates a fairly effective conduct of the company’s work on the purchase of goods.

The main intention of buyers when visiting a pharmacy is to satisfy the demand for drugs, taking into account purchasing power. Providing a required and stable range of drugs and dietary supplements, reflecting the needs of customers, is considered a factor that is of paramount importance in trade services, which undoubtedly includes pharmacy organizations. Indicators of the targeted formation of a product range are the coefficient of steady state of the assortment, the growth of turnover and profit.

Uniformity of trade turnover development trading enterprise can be analyzed in more depth using the data in the table below.

Analysis commercial activities pharmacy organization showed that the enterprise is well provided financially - technical base: availability of own retail and warehouse space, retail - technological equipment allow you to organize effective work pharmacy organization. The enterprise management system has a linear-functional structure.

Let us now turn to the analysis of the assortment of dietary supplements based on ABC and XYZ - product analysis.

Products A are the most important dietary supplement items, bringing the first 50% of the results;

goods B are “medium” in importance, bringing another 30% of the result;

goods C are “problem” goods that bring the remaining 20% ​​of the result.

The analysis showed that group A includes dietary supplements for children - 16.5% of turnover, general health supplements - 33%, dietary supplements for weight loss - 19.9%. The fact that these dietary supplements were included in group A indicates customer satisfaction with these assortment groups.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the range of suppliers and manufacturers of dietary supplements sold through the pharmacy chain.
The main objective of the study is to show that dietary supplements are increasingly being equated to medicines, to show the breadth of the range of dietary supplements, to distinguish between indicators of supply and demand, as well as the effectiveness of this type of product for the prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract, digestive organs, excretory, nervous and other systems and organs of the human body.

Introduction 3
I Abstract part 4
1.1. General provisions about biologically active food additives 4
1.2. Grade consumer behavior dietary supplements 9 on the market
1.3. Marketing research of dietary supplement 11 consumers
1.4. Assortment of biologically active food additives 15
1.5. Basic principles of organizing retail sales of dietary supplements in pharmacies. 17
1.6. State and legal regulation of the dietary supplement market 33
1.7. Methodological recommendations on organizing retail sales of dietary supplements in pharmacies. 39
1.8. Leading manufacturers of dietary supplements 47
II Experimental part 50
References 54


2 Dietary supplements, their composition, functions and classifications

3 Regulatory basis for the presence of dietary supplements on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation


Relevance of the topic. In the system of market relations, the sustainable functioning of pharmacy organizations and the ability of them to fulfill their social mission primarily depend on the product range offered for sale to the public in retail trade, which must meet the expectations and ideas of the target audience and act as a key factor in the competitiveness of an economic entity.

However, maintaining and strengthening positions in the market in conditions of its saturation, constant changes in the assortment, growing customer needs and increased competition both between retail enterprises selling certain groups of parapharmaceutical products and pharmacy organizations force the latter to look for new opportunities for economic development in a competitive environment. One of these areas is the use of marketing in the process of updating, expanding and diversifying the product range. The use of marketing tools in managing the range of products allows pharmacy organizations, taking into account the needs and preferences of consumers, to create sustainable competitive advantages.

Of particular interest in this case is the management of the assortment of dietary supplements - currently the growth rate of sales of dietary supplements is increasing, however, the issues of managing their assortment are not always sufficiently developed and customer-oriented in pharmacy organizations.

Purpose of the study: analysis of the assortment of dietary supplements in the pharmacy organization “Melody of Health” (Voronezh).

Research objectives:

Conduct a literature review related to the research questions.

Present the material and research methods.

Process and present the results of your own research.

Provide a conclusion on the research conducted.

Summarize the results of the work and develop recommendations for the study.


1 Vitamin-mineral complexes as sources of natural substances necessary for the body

Comprehensive nutrition includes a balanced diet of proteins, proteins, fats, minerals and other beneficial substances necessary for our body. In search of these “ingredients” for a healthy, and therefore happy life, we first turn to food. In conditions of deteriorating environmental conditions, especially in large cities, food products lose their beneficial properties and cannot fully provide the entire range of necessary substances. According to official statistics, 64.1% of citizens of our country do not comply with their diet.

It is vitamin-mineral complexes that are the only source of natural substances necessary for the body, many of which the human body is not able to synthesize on its own. The key issue here is the individual’s understanding of the value of his own health as a vital capital and the need for personal responsibility for it.

Dietary supplements (BAA), which are controversial in Russia, can play a significant role in helping the population. It is clear that high-quality products of this kind can significantly improve human health and affect labor productivity.

1.2 Dietary supplements their composition, functions and classifications

Biologically active additives (BAA) to food - compositions of biologically active substances intended for direct intake with food or inclusion in a composition food products.

For man in ancient times, medicines were those substances and products that he ate. That is, roots, fruits, bark, leaves and stems of plants, body parts and organs of various animals (including those that, from a modern point of view, are generally considered inedible), soil and minerals.

Information about the therapeutic and health-improving effects of nutrients was preserved in ancient Eastern medicine (ancient Chinese, ancient Indian, Tibetan), which has survived to this day. The formulations of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs of that time had a very complex, multi-component composition and were of natural origin. One of the consequences of this integrative process was the widespread use of biologically active food additives, which are, as a rule, derivatives modern technologies.

Let us turn to what dietary supplements are in terms of their composition, functions and classification.

According to the Ministry of Health, food additives containing biologically active ingredients (BAI), separated in 1994 from medicines into a separate group, they are concentrates of biologically active substances. They are intended for direct intake or introduction into food products in order to enrich the human diet with individual biologically active substances or their complexes.

Classification of dietary supplements:

All dietary supplements existing today are divided into three groups: nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics.

Nutraceuticals are biologically active food additives used to correct its chemical composition.

Nutraceuticals include vitamins, vitamin-like substances, minerals, amino acids or peptide complexes, dietary fiber, etc.

Functions of nutraceuticals:

) quickly and easily cover the lack of vital nutrients;

) make it possible to adjust the individual diet for a specific person with no illnesses, taking into account factors such as his work, gender, age, genetic factors, biorhythms, physiological characteristics (pregnancy or lactation), environmental conditions, etc.;

) increase the resistance of the body in people by enhancing the enzymatic protection of cells to the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, especially in environmentally disadvantaged areas;

) purposefully change the metabolism in the body in order to maximally satisfy the nutritional needs of a person with diseases;

) have immunomodulatory properties, enhance the removal of toxic and foreign substances (radionuclides, various heavy metals) from the body.

Nutraceuticals are divided into the following groups of dietary supplements:

Herbal preparations (diet modifiers).

This group mainly consists of drugs for weight loss. Vitamins, amino acids, and various microelements can be found in their composition. That is, in other words, their composition is not much different from multivitamins and immune support complexes. They assume the effect of losing weight is due to a general improvement in health.

As an example, let’s take the Mega Slim phytoactive complex, which is designed specifically for use in nutritional systems for weight loss (diets). According to the manufacturer - Russian company"LEOVIT nutrio" - it combines the latest scientific developments in nutrition and many years of medical experience. When creating it we used modern concepts about safe and effective weight loss.

Figure 2 - Phytocomplex "Mega Slim"


vitamin premix (vitamins: C, PP, E, B5, B6, B2, B1, B9, H, B12)

L-carnitine, cinnamon, bromelain, guarana extract, zinc sulfate, corn silk extract, sodium selenite, magnesium sulfate, chromium picolinate.

Excipients: starch, talc, aerosil, calcium stearate

Shelf life: 2 years

Storage conditions: in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature.

Before use, you should consult your doctor.


) Body weight control. An increase or decrease in body weight is primarily associated with individual metabolic characteristics. Only by reducing fat mass, regulating carbohydrate metabolism and increasing protein absorption can results be achieved. Corn silk regulates metabolism, having a diuretic and choleretic effect, regulates appetite; Cinnamon increases the effectiveness of fat-burning components; Bromelain helps the breakdown of protein foods and their absorption by the body; B vitamins are involved in the processes of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

) "Fat burning" effect

The components of "MegaSlim" are known for their lipotropic effect - the ability to mobilize fat from fat depots and accelerate its utilization. L-carnitine is a key factor in accelerating fat burning. Helps reduce the accumulation of fat in tissues and reduce body weight by reducing the proportion of fat, converting it into energy. A deficiency of L-carnitine in the diet leads to impaired fat metabolism; Zinc has a lipotropic effect, reducing fat content in the liver, and is necessary for the synthesis of insulin; Vitamin E is involved in the processes of breakdown and synthesis of fat; Vitamin PP takes part in energy metabolism.

Minerals (micro- and macroelements).

1 Macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium, magnesium).

Let's take Magne B6 FORTE as an example. This drug should be used if you have a magnesium deficiency. It is not recommended to use it if you have kidney disease, or if you have allergies.

Figure 3 - “Magne B6 FORTE”

2 Microelements (zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, selenium, copper, iodine, fluorine, cobalt).

As an example, we will use the drug Iodine-Active®.

Figure 4 - Iodine-Active®

Iodine in Iodine-Active® is actively absorbed in case of iodine deficiency, and in case of excess, it is excreted from the body without entering the thyroid gland. This occurs due to the fact that iodine is cleaved from milk protein under the action of liver enzymes, which are produced when there is a lack of iodine. When there is enough iodine in the body, enzymes are not produced and Iodine-Active® is excreted naturally, without being absorbed into the blood.

Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism (including proteins, fats and carbohydrates), the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, reproductive and mammary glands, affecting the growth and development of the child.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.

Sources minerals.

One of the most famous examples of this category - "Hematogen" (for example, the manufacturer is a republican unitary enterprise"Exon", Republic of Belarus). Group: Dietary supplements - sources of minerals Subgroup: Dietary supplements containing iron Recommended as: an additional source of iron.

Sources of vitamins.

One of the most famous examples of this category is VITAMIN C ascorbic acid. Manufacturer HEMOFARM A.D. Composition: ascorbic acid and excipients, depending on the form of release.

Multivitamin preparations (complex).

For example, Additiva Multivitamins. Ingredients: 1 soluble tablet for the preparation of an effervescent drink with tropical fruit flavor contains vitamin B1 3.75 mg, vitamin B2 7 mg, vitamin B6 4.25 mg, vitamin B12 12.5 mcg, vitamin C 187.5 mg, vitamin E 30 mg, biotin 12.5 mcg, vitamin PP 37.5 mg, calcium D-pantothenate 25 mg, folic acid 0.5 mg; in tubes of 10 and 20 pcs., in a box 1 tube. Pharmacological action - multivitamin. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

Monovitamin preparations.

For example, Vitamin E from Zentiva / Slovakofarma, Slovakia. Composition: tocopherol acetate, depending on the dosage of the drug and excipients.

Figure 5 - Vitamin E from Zentiva / Slovakofarma

Sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Example: Omeganol. It is a concentrated source of a number of substances that prevent the development of atherosclerosis: omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, allicin and carotenoids of red palm oil.

Sources of ballast substances (dietary fiber).

An example would be bran. Dietary fiber contained in LITO bran perfectly stabilizes metabolism, removes radionuclides from the body, is a biosorbent of toxins, normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and ensures more complete absorption of nutrients. The intestinal microflora is improved under the influence of dietary fiber, creating favorable conditions for the development of beneficial bifidobacteria.

Each of the additives: fruits, vegetables or herbs, has different properties. Thus, “LITO” bran with seaweed is an invaluable source of iodine for humans, milk thistle in combination with bran provides liver protection, and the product with carrots is recommended for the prevention of colds.

Parapharmaceuticals are a class of dietary supplements that appearance and the action is similar to medications (tablets, capsules, tinctures, etc.). These can be preparations based on medicinal and food plants, bee products, and seafood. Parapharmaceuticals have general health-improving and restorative properties and can be used for prevention and complex treatment of diseases. They usually contain natural biologically active substances of mineral or plant origin.

Parapharmaceuticals include:

Organic and mineral substrates - mumiyo (mountain resin).

Waste products of bees and animals: plant and animal poisons, honey, bile, propolis (a resinous substance produced by bees to seal cracks in the hive), antlers (growing deer antlers).

Herbal teas and herbal infusions.

Plant extracts with a high content of physiologically active substances: eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, golden root - radiola, seaweed.

The main goal of parapharmaceuticals is to activate and stimulate the work of individual organs and systems.

Classification of parapharmaceuticals:


For example, Immunal. Pharmacological action. Immunal is a stimulant of nonspecific immunity. The juice of Echinacea purpurea, which is part of Immunal, contains active substances of a polysaccharide nature that stimulate bone marrow hematopoiesis, as a result of which the number of granulocytes increases by 34 - 89%, and also increases the activity of phagocytes and RES cells of the liver. Immunal has an antiviral effect (influenza and herpes viruses).

Adaptogens (increase the body’s resistance to harmful environmental influences).

For example, Echinabene. The active substance is a liquid extract. Pharmacological action. Herbal immunomodulator

origin. Stimulates predominantly cellular immunity. Increases the number of leukocytes, activates the ability of granulocytes to phagocytose, and promotes the release of cytokines. Indications. The drug is used to increase the body's resistance, for the prevention and treatment of colds, flu, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

3. Tonics (have a tonic effect).

Hypolipidemics (reduce the level of “bad cholesterol” - LDL).

Regulators of body systems and functions.

For example, PLANTEX. Ingredients: fennel fragrance fruit extract with 16% essential oil, glucose, lactose. Plantex is a drug for the correction of digestive disorders in children. The fruits and essential oil of fennel have a digestive stimulant and carminative effect. Stimulate digestion, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and peristalsis. The drug prevents gas formation in the intestines and increases the release of gases and, thus, relieves spasms caused by intestinal flatulence.

Anorexigenic drugs - regulators of hunger.

For example, preparations containing fiber.

Parapharmaceuticals with natural enzymes.

Probiotics or eubiotics are dietary supplements that contain live microorganisms and/or their metabolites (products of their metabolism), which have a normalizing effect on the biological activity and composition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of probiotics

Probiotics mainly improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Classic representatives of probiotics are lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which are constantly present in the digestive tract. Microorganisms that occasionally occur in the human intestine are called transient:

cocci and lactic acid sticks;

gram-negative Escherichia coli and gram-positive Bacillus bacteria;

yeast Candida pintolepesii, Saccharomyces;

mushrooms, including higher ones - Cordiceps, Rizopus, Aspergillus.

Other classifications of dietary supplements are also possible.

According to the form of release, dietary supplements are classified as:

Dietary supplements in food form: lollipops, pastilles, jelly, cereals, pastes, balms, teas, syrups, caramels, meal.

For example, E Tea.

Figure 6 - E Tea

Dietary supplement E tea NSP contains burdock root (Arctium lappa), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), American elm bark (Ulmus fulva) and Chinese rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum) (included instead of turkey rhubarb, which is currently practically not found. properties Chinese and turkey rhubarb are identical). All medicinal plants in the collection have an immunostimulating, restorative, and tonic effect.


Strengthens the immune system

Removes waste and toxins

Has anti-inflammatory effect

Helps normalize the function of the digestive system

Has a general strengthening, tonic effect

Dietary supplements in dosage form: capsules, tablets, pills, tinctures, extracts, powders, granules, mixtures, oils, infusions, dragees, effervescent tablets.

Based on their sources, dietary supplements are divided into several groups, highlighting those created on the basis of:

proteins, amino acids and their complexes;

essential (irreplaceable by the body) lipids;

carbohydrates and sugars;

dietary fiber;

pure substances of macro- and micronutrients;

natural minerals and mumiyo;

food and medicinal plants, including pollen;

processed meat and dairy raw materials, by-products, arthropods, amphibians, beekeeping products;


probiotic microorganisms;

unicellular algae;

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed a classification based on the effect on the body:



For weight control;

For example, the Turboslim line of drugs.

Stimulating the functional activity of individual organs and systems;

For example, Ginkgo Biloba. Herbal product. The action is due to the nature of its influence on metabolic processes in cells, the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, as well as on the vasomotor reactions of large blood vessels. Improves cerebral circulation and supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. It has a vasodilating effect and prevents platelet aggregation. Normalizes metabolic processes and has an antihypoxic effect on tissues. Prevents lipid peroxidation and the formation of free radicals in cell membranes. It has a pronounced anti-edematous effect at the level of the brain and in peripheral tissues. In various pathological conditions, it prevents an increase in the proteolytic activity of serum. Indications: geriatrics for attention and/or memory disorders, mental disorders, feelings of fear, dizziness, tinnitus, sleep disorders, general malaise resulting from cerebrovascular disorders.

Promoting the healing of bone injuries;

For example, “Calcium D3Nycomed”.

Sedative action;

For example, "Persen".

Male (for the prevention of prostatitis, restoration of potency, etc.) and female (for the formation of lactation, during menopause, etc.);

For example, Viagra, Leovit Lactagon.


Various preparations containing Eleutherococcus.

To maintain intestinal function, digestion, bile secretion;

General strengthening;

Eubiotics. For example, "Eubicor".

3. Regulatory basis for the presence of dietary supplements on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 46 of Federal Law No. 184 “On technical regulation", since February 15, 2010, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2009 N 982 “On approval of a unified list of products subject to mandatory certification, and a unified list of products, confirmation of conformity of which is carried out in the form of acceptance of a declaration of conformity.”

According to part 3 of article 20 Federal Law N184 “On technical regulation”, the adoption of a declaration of conformity (declaration of conformity) is one of the forms of mandatory confirmation of the compliance of products or other objects with the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards, codes of practice or terms of contracts.

In their activities, manufacturers inform their clients about the mandatory confirmation of conformity in the form of accepting a declaration for the serial production of their product range. Copies of declarations accompany all shipped products.

The procedure for declaring product conformity is determined by Article 24 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” (as amended on December 30, 2009) and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 1999 N 766 “ The procedure for accepting a declaration of conformity and its registration" (as amended on December 1, 2009). Applicants for declaration of conformity can be those registered on the territory of the Russian Federation legal entity or individual as individual entrepreneur.

Declaration of conformity is a document by which the manufacturer of goods or services confirms that the products they produce or the services they provide comply with the quality and safety requirements established for this product by the current standards and existing regulations.

Products and services that have a Declaration of Conformity have official proof of the appropriate level of quality and inspire consumer confidence.

The declaration of conformity has a validity period and a registration number containing the code of the accredited certification body and the serial number of the declaration itself. Products for which a declaration of conformity has been received are under the control of territorial executive authorities of the Russian Federation as part of supervision over the safety and quality of goods or services.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 988 of December 21, 2000 introduced the “Regulations on the State Registration of New Food Products, Materials and Products”, in accordance with which the procedure for registration of food additives was defined, which meant organic acids and their derivatives used in the food industry , emulsifiers, flavors, acidity regulators, defoamers, antioxidants, dyes, flavor and odor enhancers, leavening agents, stabilizers, sweeteners, thickeners, complex and combined functional and technological food additives, biologically active food additives (nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals, probiotics - etc.) 8), as well as dietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition products (clause 4). Thus, there was a regulatory separation of dietary supplements from the group of food additives, but the clarification of “food additives” was retained in their name.

The most important stage in the development of methods of nutrition correction, including dietary supplements, was the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 917 in August 1998, which approved the “Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2005.” According to this concept, the basis of the ongoing state policy is the development and implementation of comprehensive programs aimed at creating conditions that ensure the satisfaction of needs various groups population in a rational, healthy diet, taking into account their traditions, habits, economic situation and in accordance with the requirements of medical science. The adoption of this program was largely the result of the main violations in the nutritional status of the Russian population proven by many years of research by specialists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

Excessive consumption of animal fats

Excessive consumption of sugar and salt

deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids

· deficiency of complete animal proteins

deficiency of most vitamins

· deficiency of minerals - calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus

· deficiency of microelements - iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc

· pronounced deficiency of dietary fiber (fiber) and starch.

The consequences of identified violations of the nutritional status of the Russian population may include:

· progressive increase in the number of adults with reduced body weight and children early age with reduced anthropometric indicators;

· widespread prevalence of various forms of obesity (among people over 30 years old - 55% of the population);

· frequent identification among the population of persons with reduced immune status, various forms immunodeficiencies, reduced resistance to infections;

· increase in the frequency of nutrition-dependent diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, thyroid diseases, caries, osteoporosis, arthritis;

· an increase in the proportion of people with high risk factors for developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebral atherosclerosis, and cancer.

One of the leading directions of state policy in the field of prevention of nutrition-dependent conditions and diseases is the expansion of the production of biologically active food additives. The “Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2005” must be considered as a leading document that defines the state’s position in relation to dietary supplements as a group of food products and approves them legal status.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN, introduced in 2003, HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION AND CIRCUIT OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FOOD ADDITIVES (BAA) determine that dietary supplements are used as an additional source of food and biologically active substances, incl. h. products that have a general strengthening, mild diuretic, tonic, sedative and other types of effects in various functional conditions, for

· optimization of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and other types of metabolism in various functional states,

· normalization and/or improvement of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body,

· reducing the risk of diseases,

normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract,

· as enterosorbents.

It is necessary to highlight the current trend towards mixing medicines on a natural (primarily plant) basis and dietary supplements. It is associated with the inability of the majority of domestic manufacturers to resist the intervention of imported dietary supplements and medicines on the Russian market, as well as the lack of sufficient working capital for the normal promotion of their developments (on a natural basis) to the medicinal market. Moreover, today the structure of manufacturers of Russian dietary supplements is dominated by small enterprises. For example, structures that produce and sell products worth more than $50 thousand per month account for only 35% of the total number of manufacturers. Therefore, a more liberal approach to regulating the market of biologically active food additives compared to the drug market has pushed developers of natural-based drugs to use the opportunity to register their developments under a simplified scheme, as dietary supplements.

The official definition clearly reflects the legal status of dietary supplements as food products, not medicines:

Biologically active food additives (nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals) are concentrates of natural or natural-identical biologically active substances intended for direct administration or introduction into food products in order to enrich the human diet with individual biologically active substances or their complexes.

Biologically active food additives (BAA) are obtained from plant, animal or mineral raw materials, as well as by chemical or biotechnological methods. These include enzyme and bacterial preparations (eubiotics), which have a regulating effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

In practice, its expanded interpretation has gradually developed, which already allows us to consider dietary supplements as health products. Moreover, many manufacturers of biologically active food supplements have gone even further, omitting the extremely important part of the term - “to food”, and directly positioning them as medicines that provide the possibility of curing a fairly wide range of diseases. As a result of such a substitution of concepts, the conditions were prepared for the penetration of dietary supplements into the drug market, which was fundamentally close, but alien to them.

After such manipulation, manufacturers of dietary supplements were able to form among some consumers of their products the image of a drug that not only improves the quality of life, but also restores health. Thus, along with the possibility of creating a new need among the country’s population, based on the concept of improving the quality of life, manufacturers of dietary supplements did not miss the opportunity to fully use the well-known need for restoring health.

Comparing the above definitions, one can see how the attitude towards dietary supplements is changing - the emphasis on their therapeutic and preventive effect is increasing. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service notes that “the properties of dietary supplements can be divided into three proven actions:

· removal of heavy metal toxins and foreign substances from the body;

· increasing the body’s nonspecific resistance, strengthening the human immune system;

· correction of the deficiency of various microelements, which, taking into account our diet, only dietary supplements can compensate for when used correctly."

It must be emphasized that the use of nutraceuticals is an effective form of primary and secondary prevention of most diseases and their complications, as well as complex treatment of such widespread chronic diseases as obesity, atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, immunodeficiency states, neoplasms, allows:

· it is quite easy and quick to eliminate the deficiency of natural nutrients that are found everywhere in the majority of the Russian population, both adults and children;

· to the maximum possible extent, individualize the nutrition of a specific healthy person depending on the needs that differ significantly not only in gender, age, intensity of physical or mental activity, but also in connection with the genetically determined characteristics of the biochemical constitution, biorhythms, physiological state (pregnancy, lactation, emotional stress, overwork, etc.), as well as environmental conditions of the habitat;

· to satisfy to the maximum extent possible the altered physiological needs for nutrients of a sick or recovering person, as well as, using the principle of metabolic bypass, bypass pathologically damaged parts of the metabolic conveyor;

· increase, by strengthening the elements of enzymatic cell protection, the body’s nonspecific resistance to the effects of adverse factors environment and immunity, especially when living in environmentally disadvantaged regions;

· strengthen and accelerate the binding and removal of foreign and toxic substances from the body;

· Directly change, by influencing the metabolic systems of xenobiotics, the metabolism of individual substances, in particular toxicants.

Independent direction The use of dietary supplements-nutraceuticals is therapeutic and functional nutrition. A special area of ​​functional nutrition is sports nutrition.

Parapharmaceuticals, as a rule, are minor (that is, found in small quantities) food components - organic acids, bioflavonoids, glycosides, biogenic amines, regulatory peptides, oligosaccharides, a number of other components that provide regulation (weakening or strengthening) within physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems, as well as the effect of the body’s adaptation to unfavorable conditions. These features allow parapharmaceuticals to be widely used for adjuvant therapy of various diseases.

The daily dose of a parapharmaceutical (or in the case of a composition, its active principle) should not exceed a single therapeutic dose determined when using these substances as medicines. All plants included in parapharmaceuticals must be approved for use in the food industry or as a component of medicinal teas and infusions in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ( Guidelines on the procedure for preclinical and clinical study of drugs of natural origin and homeopathic medicines, 1994).

The physiological level of the active principles of many parapharmaceuticals in the cells and tissues of the body is not known, just as the physiological need for them in an adult healthy person is not known. Moreover, a fairly large number of such dietary supplements have no identified active components at all (for example, extracts from complex complexes of food and medicinal plants, aquatic organisms). In this regard, in a number of cases there is a need to assess their effect on the body as a whole and its individual systems and organs. The main methods for assessing the effectiveness and safety of parapharmaceutical dietary supplements are reflected in the guidelines MUK “Determination of the safety and effectiveness of biologically active food additives.”

In many countries of the world difficult question legal regulation market of dietary supplements is decided at the most serious legislative level.

There is a worldwide, global document - CODEX Alimentarius, "Food Code", which regulates many aspects of nutrition. It was adopted in 1962 as a result of the joint efforts of the World Health Organization and International organization Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and has since been revised and expanded several times. This code covers some issues related to the regulation of the production and circulation of dietary supplements.

Let's also consider the state of the dietary supplement market in Russia.

The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the ten largest pharmaceutical markets in the world. At the end of 2012, Russia took 7th place. The volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market in 2012 amounted to 921 billion rubles. (including VAT) in final consumption prices, which is 12% more than the 2011 figure. In terms of growth rates, Russia shows the third value. The Russian pharmaceutical market is import-oriented. 76% of drugs in in monetary terms that are consumed by the population are produced abroad. Therefore, the first places in the ranking of manufacturers are occupied by foreign companies: SANOFIAVENTIS, NOVARTIS. In third place is PHARMSTANDARD - the only domestic manufacturer in the TOP-20 leading players in the Russian pharmaceutical market.

In March 2013, 3,301 trade names of dietary supplements were sold in Russian pharmacies, representing 605 manufacturers.

The graph below shows the dynamics of the volume of the commercial dietary supplement market in Russia from March 2012 to March 2013.

In March 2013, the capacity of the Russian dietary supplement market increased in value terms by 9.3% compared to February and amounted to 2.3 billion rubles. In natural units of measurement, the market increased by 11% and amounted to 29 million packs. It should be noted that for the second month in a row, the growth of the commercial dietary supplement market exceeded the growth of the commercial drug market.

Figure 8 - Dynamics of the Russian dietary supplement market 2012 - 2103

We list in the table below the leading manufacturers of dietary supplements.

Table 1 - TOP 10 manufacturers of dietary supplements by pharmacy sales volume (in value terms) in Russia in February - March 2013.

Rating Manufacturer Share in sales value, rub. Share in physical sales volume, unit. %February 2013March 2013February 2013March 2013February 2013March 201311EVALAR ZAO20.41%19.86%14.93%13.71%22RIA PANDA8.82%8.60 %1.94%1.83%33AKVION ZAO4.19%4.51%1.87%1.91%44PHARMA-MED INC3.53%3.17%0.71%0.63%55QUEISSER PHARMA GMBH & CO .KG2.55%2.83%0.98%1.04%86DIOD OJSC2.13%2.44%1.33%1.36%67FERROSAN AG2.47%2.29%0.64%0.58 %158POLARIS LLC1.42%2.12%0.16%0.32%99EKOMIR ZAO2.08%2.05%0.73%0.71%710POLENS (M) SDN BHD2.19%2.02%0, 17%0.16%Total:49.79%49.90%23.46%22.26% Source:

Table 2 - TOP-20 trade names of dietary supplements by pharmacy sales volume (in value terms) in Russia in February - March 2013

Rating Trade name Manufacturer Share in sales value, rub., % February 2013 March 2013 February 2013 March 2013 11SEALEX FORTERIA PANDA4.00%3.99%22ALI CAPSRIA PANDA2.92%2.80%33PHYTOLAXEVALAR FOR O2, 71%. MBH&CO .KG1.10%1.17%98OVESOLEVALAR JSC1.13%1.13%89INDINOL CRAFFLOWER EXTRACTMIRAKSBIOPHARMA JSC1.17%1.01%1210NORMOBACTMEDANA PHARMA TERPOL GROUP S.A.0.94%0.96%1111MAXILACGENEX OSP. Z.O.O0.94%0.89%1312CI-CLIMEVALAR JSC0.94%0.87%1813TURBOSLIM-NIGHT REINFORCED FORMULAEVALAR JSC0.75%0.84%714SUPRADIN KIDSAMAPHARM1.25%0.79%2015ALFAVITAKVION JSC0.70%0.7 8 %1416MOORNOR FORTEEVALAR JSC0.93%0.77%1717OKUVAYT LUTHEINDR. MANN PHARMA0.82%0.76%1518CAMOMILE FLOWKIALTAI-PHARM LLC0.87%0.74%1919BION 3MERK SELBSTMEDIKATION (PRODUCTION DR.REDDY"S)0.70%0.73%2120TURBOSLIM COFFEEVALAR JSC0.68%0, 72%Total:27.22%26.66% Source: Monthly retail audit of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation DSM Group.

The list of trade names of dietary supplements included in the Top-20 at the end of March 2013 remained almost unchanged compared to February. Left the rating of dietary supplement HEPATRIN (EVALAR), newbie became TURBOSLIM COFFEE (EVALAR).

The composition and location of brands in the top three trade names of dietary supplements in March 2013 did not change compared to February. Sealex Forte (RIA Panda) retained its leadership in the ranking; it is worth noting that in March 2013, the market share of this dietary supplement remained almost unchanged (despite an 8.9% increase in sales). Pharmacy sales volumes of dietary supplements ALI CAPS increased by 4.8% over the month. Fitolax secured its place in 3rd place (in the first month of spring 2013, sales of this dietary supplement increased by 0.7%).

The maximum increase in sales volumes among the Top-20 dietary supplement trade names was noted for REDUXIN LITE (+62.1% compared to February sales), TURBOSLIM-NIGHT STRENGTHENED FORMULA (+22.9%) and ALPHABET (+22.2%) .

In March, pharmacy sales of INDINOLE CRUFAFLOWER EXTRACT (-5.4% per month), SUPRADIN KIDS (-31.3%) and CHAMOMILE FLOWERS (-7.7%) decreased.

Having examined the essence and types, chemical content, properties and functions of dietary supplements, let us now turn to how the assortment of pharmacy organizations is formed and what methods and methods of formation, as well as analysis of the assortment, exist.

Planning and assortment formation are the most important business processes of most retail chains. Depending on the market sector, organizing this process requires a different approach. If most of the company’s assortment does not have a pronounced seasonality, it is enough to determine the quantity of goods required to order based on sales for previous periods using the averaging method. However, if the assortment contains more than 30% (by turnover) seasonal goods and/or retail outlets of the network have significant differences among themselves (in format, financial indicators, assortment, etc.), it is advisable to use more advanced methods of analysis.

Describing an analysis method “in general” is a rather difficult task, because when implementing it, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the industry. Therefore, it was decided to present a description of the optimization of the assortment formation process using the example of a pharmacy chain. Why was the pharmacy segment chosen as the basis? Firstly, because most of the pharmacy products are seasonal and therefore subject to significant fluctuations in sales; secondly, for half of the goods (in quantitative terms) demand is formed outside the market (prescription drugs are prescribed by a doctor); thirdly, within even one pharmacy chain there are a large number of different (in format, assortment, financial indicators, etc.) points. All these factors complicate the possibility of “simple” optimization of the assortment formation process.

The current approaches to analyzing and forming assortments in large pharmacy chains can be reduced to two models:

) centralized, when the assortment of pharmacies included in the pharmacy network is formed in the central office, and on its basis, stocks are made in the central warehouse of the pharmacy network;

) decentralized - the assortment is formed directly in pharmacies, inventory at the central warehouse of the pharmacy chain are compiled as a result of monitoring the sales dynamics of all pharmacies.

Each model has its positive and negative sides. With centralized formation of the assortment and placing an order through the warehouse of a pharmacy chain, there is a risk of stock-outs key positions minimal. At the same time, such a system does not provide flexibility in the assortment and leads to loss potential clients. In addition, the form of ordering and delivery of goods with this approach requires large costs for organizing internal logistics.

Decentralized formation of the assortment ensures its flexibility and quick response to changing consumer preferences, however, there remains a high risk of stockouts or overstocking of the pharmacy, as well as the likelihood of forming the wrong assortment.

Efficient system formation and maintenance of the assortment should ensure:

) formation of a flexible and relevant assortment with minimal financial, labor and time costs;

) reduction of financial costs and risk reduction financial losses associated with the formation of the “wrong” assortment (defects or overstocking), the negative influence of the human factor, and the loss of potential customers;

) controllability of assortment policy due to assortment planning;

) maintaining customer loyalty through the presence necessary goods.


Pharmacy "Melody of Health" in Voronezh is part of the federal network of pharmacies with a similar name. On at the moment The Melodiya Zdorovya pharmacy chain has more than 400 pharmacies in 45 regions of Russia.

The company's mission is:

Melody Health is a federal pharmacy chain that:

Satisfies the needs of the country's residents for medicines and goods that improve their health and quality of life.


the most popular assortment

compliance with quality standards

promotion of modern pharmaceutical achievements

Develops open and mutually beneficial cooperation with partners

on the principles of reliability and professionalism in work

striving for technological leadership

Builds its development on the basis

trust in employees and energy, initiative, responsibility of each of them

attention to personal and professional growth

sincerity and friendliness

honesty and fairness in relationships

The Melody of Health pharmacy is located at Voronezh, st. Tsiolkovsky, 125.

The number of staff is 4 people.

Management of the Melodiya Zdorovya chain of pharmacies is centralized according to the scheme - head office - regional offices- pharmacy organizations.

In the pharmacy organization under consideration, the formation of the assortment and ordering of medicines and dietary supplements is carried out by the head of the pharmacy, part of the assortment is formed centrally - through a representative office, the manager makes recommendations for including certain groups in the assortment.

Currently, the sales of each pharmacy organization largely depend on how well its assortment is selected.

As mentioned above, studies of the pharmaceutical market in Russia show that sales of dietary supplements exceed sales of medicines. Consequently, how well the assortment of dietary supplements is formed in a pharmacy organization will largely determine its profitability.

Consequently, the structure of the study, the purpose of which is to optimize the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization in order to improve its activities, should be an analysis of the assortment by groups of dietary supplements, a study of consumer preferences and their impact on the assortment, a study of the opinions of employees and sales results as factors in the formation of the assortment.

Based on the above, the following research methodology was built:

Analysis of the main economic indicators of the activities of a pharmacy organization. [based on sources 26 - 31]

Analysis of the position of a pharmacy organization in the pharmaceutical market of the city of Voronezh. [based on sources 32 - 35]

An analysis of external and internal factors affecting the competitiveness of a pharmacy organization is carried out.

Study of sales of a pharmacy organization. [based on sources 36 - 39]

Studying sales volumes, identifying assortment groups, studying the seasonality of sales.

Analysis of the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization. [based on sources 16 - 23]

Based on the results of the study, it is expected to develop recommendations for optimizing the range of dietary supplements in a pharmacy organization.

Research materials:

Accounting statements pharmacy organization.

Sales data of a pharmacy organization.

assortment food additive


Starting the analysis, let’s identify the main dietary supplements contained in the pharmacy’s assortment.

The assortment also includes drugs from such manufacturers as ArtLife, Altai Cedar, AKVION, LEOVIT nutrio, Parafarm, Balsam, Vitalain, Herbs of Baikal, Pharmakor, Fitogalenika.

Let us present below the seasonal sales schedule for dietary supplements for 2013.

Figure 15 - Seasonal sales chart of dietary supplements for 2013

Thus, the highest sales in 2013 were recorded in May, September, October and December. The lowest sales were observed in February, August, and November.

Let us turn to the analysis of the position of a pharmacy organization in the pharmaceutical market of the city of Voronezh.

The pharmacy organization is located in a fairly public place, its customers are approximately 57% regular consumers living or working nearby, the rest are non-regular customers. The pharmacy is part of a pharmacy chain that is very well known in Russia and has a reliable reputation, which has a positive effect on the consumer’s choice of this particular pharmacy.

Sales of a pharmacy organization were analyzed above, without division into assortment groups; let us now consider the structure of the assortment of dietary supplements.

Let us present the assortment of dietary supplements and calculate the indicators of the structure of the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization in the table below.

Table 16 - Structure of the assortment of CJSC Melodiya Zdorovya for 2013.

Product group (by dietary supplement type) Number of product items pcs. Turnover by product group thousand rubles. Share in turnover, % For the gastrointestinal tract521601.5For the cardiovascular system984204.1Tonic5203603.5Soothing227006.7Immune-strengthening973703.6For children78171016.5General strengthening drugs362343033.0For weight loss360207019.9For the respiratory tract 764404.2 Hepatoprotectors 342902.8 Products for men’s health 1014304.2 Total: 180010380100 (current turnover of the Pharmacy organization in 2013 year amounted to 56,984 thousand rubles. Consequently, dietary supplements occupy 18.22% of the total turnover)

The table shows that the largest share in turnover is made up of general strengthening drugs (33%). The smallest share in turnover is made up of drugs for the gastrointestinal tract - 1.5%, as well as hepatoprotectors - 2.8%

The pharmacy organization's assortment of dietary supplements includes 1,800 items.

In 2012 three inspections were carried out by a higher organization (the pharmacy organization is part of the pharmacy chain), which showed that a certain number of goods provided for in the assortment list were not on sale.

Let's calculate the sustainability indicator of the assortment of dietary supplements of a pharmacy organization.

K y = 1-((12+5+14+10+5+13+21+11+6+9+21)/ 1800*3)=0.79

The stability coefficient is 0.79%, while the average standard value of the coefficient is 0.9.

The purchase of goods is carried out for some assortment groups strictly periodically, for others - as needed, based on the uneven demand for these goods, it is also possible to purchase dietary supplements “to order” with an advance payment made by the consumer. The purchase of goods is carried out on the basis of warehouse data, where computer records of inventory items are kept.

The information base allows you to quickly and accurately reflect the receipt and consumption of drugs in the program, which allows management at any time to receive reliable information about the balance of drugs in the pharmacy and warehouse and make purchasing decisions. Goods are purchased in relatively small quantities, taking into account the expected sales volume and the structure of customer demand.

The pharmacy organization purchases drugs, including dietary supplements, for subsequent retail sale from wholesale suppliers, with the exception of the three main manufacturers of dietary supplements (Evalar, ArtLife and Vitalain). The purchase of goods from suppliers is carried out on the basis of sales contracts, which are concluded in simple written form and certified by the signatures and seals of the parties. The subject of these agreements is the purchase and sale of goods, the parties are the Seller and the Buyer. A standard purchase and sale agreement with suppliers for organizations of the Melodiya Zdorovya pharmacy chain contains the following basic conditions - the moment of transfer of ownership of the goods to the Buyer, the purpose of purchasing the goods, assortment, quantity, price of the goods and payment procedure, quality of the goods and delivery conditions, deadline validity of the agreement, as well as details of the parties. When determining the assortment, quantity and price of the purchased goods, the parties to the contracts refer to price agreement protocols. Method and terms of payment: within 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods, but advance payment is also possible. According to agreements with suppliers, delivery of goods is carried out at the expense of the supplier. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For each individual delivery under the contract, the assortment, quantity and price of goods are agreed upon in the Protocol for agreeing on the contract price for inventory items. This Protocol contains the name of the product, unit of measurement, quantity, unit price of the manufacturer, wholesale markup of the supplier, selling price and cost excluding VAT. The goods are released according to goods transport or waybills-TTN-1/TN-2, where the additional amount of VAT and the cost including VAT are indicated. Payment is carried out according to TTN/TN.

Table 18 - Dynamics of the volume of purchases of a pharmacy organization for 2011 - 2013. (thousand rubles)

Suppliers 2011 2012 2013 to 2010 % 9 months 2011 9 months 2012 9 months 2013 2013 to 2011 % 2013 to 2012 % Evalar37,237,5100,727,928,123,082,281,6Vitaline25,525,09 8,119,118,821,3111,6113,7Purchases of dietary supplements from other manufacturers from wholesale suppliers32,338,5119,224,328,934, 4142.0119.1ArtLife2.93.1106.

In 2012-2013, there was a slight increase in the activity of the enterprise; the volume of purchases increased by 6.19 million rubles. (6.32%) in 2012 compared to 2011. In 2013, the volume of purchases increased by 4.98%, and the overall increase, compared to 2011, was 11.61%. The largest increase occurred in purchases from ArtLife: in 2012, purchases from this supplier increased by 19.21%, and over the nine months of 2013 by another 19.13%. This growth is explained by the more convenient and profitable work with this supplier, compared to others: a wide range of goods, regular deliveries, and the supplier’s pricing policy.

Thus, the absence of violation of contractual obligations, both on the part of suppliers and on the part of the pharmacy organization, indicates a fairly effective conduct of the company’s work on the purchase of goods.

The main intention of buyers when visiting a pharmacy is to satisfy the demand for drugs, taking into account purchasing power. Providing a necessary and stable range of drugs and dietary supplements, reflecting the needs of customers, is considered a factor of paramount importance in trade services, which, of course, includes pharmacy organizations. Indicators of the targeted formation of a product range are the coefficient of steady state of the assortment, the growth of turnover and profit.

The uniformity of development of trade turnover of a trading enterprise can be analyzed in more depth using the data in the table below.

An analysis of the commercial activities of a pharmacy organization showed that the enterprise is well provided with a material and technical base: the presence of its own retail and warehouse space, trade and technological equipment makes it possible to organize the effective work of a pharmacy organization. The enterprise management system has a linear-functional structure.

Let us now turn to the analysis of the assortment of dietary supplements based on ABC and XYZ - product analysis.

Products A are the most important dietary supplement items, bringing the first 50% of the results;

goods B are “medium” in importance, bringing another 30% of the result;

goods C are “problem” goods that bring the remaining 20% ​​of the result.

The analysis showed that group A includes dietary supplements for children - 16.5% of turnover, general health supplements - 33%, dietary supplements for weight loss - 19.9%. The fact that these dietary supplements were included in group A indicates customer satisfaction with these assortment groups.


One of the universal and widespread methods of assortment analysis is the ABC analysis method, which is proposed to be carried out by a pharmacy organization to determine the highest priority positions in the assortment of dietary supplements, identify outsiders in the process and determine the basic assortment. The author ranked the enterprise's assortment according to various parameters and, on the basis of this, made recommendations to the management of the pharmacy organization on adjusting the assortment policy.

Thus, the analysis made it possible to put forward the following proposals for improving the assortment:

Thus, among the criteria that determine the competitiveness of pharmacy organizations, the product is one of the leading ones, since it is the means of the exchange process between the pharmacy organization and the buyer of pharmacy products. In this regard, the formation product range should be one of the priority tasks for both the manager and every pharmacy employee involved in the process of meeting consumer needs.

Answering the question - how much? - a pharmacy organization is faced with two contradictory requirements:

It must ensure the availability of reserves sufficient for sale.

She should avoid excess supplies, which are needed but increase the risk of distraction cash and write-offs.

Accelerating turnover is one of the main factors (along with prices and costs) that directly affect the economic profitability of a pharmacy. The greatest difficulties in optimizing this parameter economic activity Pharmacy organizations experience "manual" monitoring of inventory levels, since other pharmacies face only one problem - the need to deliberately increase inventories for individual assortment items purchased as part of a tender.

To summarize, it would probably be fair to say that so far in practice we know more about how to manage the assortment than we actually manage it. And even the presence of one of the most important conditions for analytical procedures - workplace automation - does not lead to significant advantages in solving this problem. Probably, the motives for assortment management activities should also be added to the conditions.

At the same time, the proven growth rate of sales of dietary supplements in Russian market allow us to emphasize that in many respects the activities of Russian pharmacy organizations depend on the effectiveness of the formation and management of the assortment of dietary supplements.

The analysis made it possible to put forward the following proposals for improving the assortment:

in the group of dietary supplements for the gastrointestinal tract, expanding the range, working with private confectionery shops, increase in turnover for the group by 5%;

for the groups of dietary supplements “Soothing” and “Hepatoprotectors”, develop additional promotional activities: advertising, various promotions such as “buy two units of goods - the third is free”, “product of the day”, other types of discounts;

By product groups Develop dietary supplements “General strengthening drugs” and “For weight loss” promotions such as “product of the day”, “product of the week”, “free tasting” and other types of discounts for the purpose of support, which will help maintain an average growth rate of 4.83% (last year’s average annual growth);

for AH product groups, switch to working with suppliers using the JIT (just in time) system. The average coefficient of variation for the group is 4.4%, therefore, the safety stock can be not 10%, as currently, but 5%, which will reduce turnover in days by 10 days, freeing up 429,750 rubles. (15475000/360*10), which can be invested in the purchase of goods, increasing trade turnover; at the same time, it is necessary to identify a backup supplier so that there is no interruption in goods.

Thus, improving the commercial activities of a pharmacy organization in the field of selling dietary supplements based on assortment management is the most reliable way to overcome difficulties. In this direction, the author proposed four groups of measures to improve commercial activities:

Implementation of wider marketing activities into the commercial activities of a pharmacy organization.

Improving work with personnel.

Development of trade services taking into account the specifics of a pharmacy organization.

Increasing the efficiency of commercial activities based on ABC and XYZ analysis of goods, as well as analysis of goods according to influence parameters, improving assortment management.

The proposed activities for all groups will increase trade turnover by 4.5% and fulfill strategic goal, scheduled for 2010, is to win a 15% market share of the residential microdistrict on the territory of which the pharmacy organization is located.


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