Presentation on the topic of youth problems in the 21st century. Presentation on "youth problems" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Current problems of modern society

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The youth

  • Youth is a special socio-age group, distinguished by age limits and their status in society: the transition from childhood and adolescence to social responsibility. Some scientists understand youth as a set of young people to whom society provides the opportunity for social development, providing them with benefits, but limiting the possibility of active participation in certain spheres of social life.
  • The problems faced by youth are related to the situation of youth in social structure characterized primarily by transition and instability. The social processes that are taking place in modern times only aggravate these problems.
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    Factors influencing youth

    • Economic factors most influence the situation of young people. For the most part, young people are not sufficiently well-off financially, do not have their own housing, and are forced to rely on financial assistance from their parents. The desire to get an education delays the start labor activity to a more mature age, and the lack of experience and knowledge prevents obtaining highly paid positions. Young people's wages are much lower than average wages, the student scholarship is extremely small.
    • If during periods of social stability these problems can generally be solved or mitigated, then during a crisis they become significantly more complicated. In a situation of economic recession, the number of unemployed among young people sharply increases and it becomes increasingly difficult for young people to achieve a state of economic independence.
    • Spiritual factors are no less important. In modern times, the process of loss of moral guidelines and erosion of traditional norms and values ​​is intensifying. Young people, as a transitional and unstable social group, are most vulnerable to the negative trends of our time. Thus, the values ​​of labor, freedom, democracy, and interethnic tolerance are gradually leveled out, and these “outdated” values ​​are replaced by a consumerist attitude towards the world, intolerance towards others, and herdism. The protest charge characteristic of young people in times of crisis is distorted, acquiring cruel and aggressive forms. At the same time, an avalanche-like criminalization of youth is occurring, the number of young people with social deviations such as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution.
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    Current problems of modern society

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    • Now a child, being born, is already surrounded by a massive information field, which one way or another becomes a kind of press that puts pressure on both psychology and social development baby.
    • We constantly hear about different products, services, facts, stories, and not always positive and pleasant ones. On each channel, various talk shows, soap operas, and meaningless series are now popular. And if you think about it, it will become scary that your child is surrounded by “dirt” and “muck” all day long. So do young people, by and large. Modern girls and boys are quite developed, smart and educated people. However, the majority have completely wrong views on history, economics, politics, and all because the information field dictates its own conditions and imposes its own rules.
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    Television, radio and the press, however, are gradually fading into the background, giving way to a more powerful opponent. The World Wide Web, the Web, the Internet, the trash heap - these are all names for the same “collection” of information. Moreover, in some senses, the latter name is completely justified. Just look at what is posted on the Internet. After all, just Wikipedia and social networks Internet is not limited. By and large, you can find everything on the Internet, and not always useful. And no matter how much the government of any country fights with the same, say, pornography, it is full of it. It fills the lion's share of space and is accessible to everyone. And if you look at the younger generation, they are more likely to know what “sadism” is than the details of the Great Patriotic War. Of course, the Internet has its advantages, but there are many more disadvantages. Modern Russian youth are “Americanizing,” which means they are becoming stupid.

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    • If from information and technological dependence The younger generation can be saved by their parents, but it is hardly possible to protect themselves from the government, which means the politics dominant in the country. Of course, in any country there are so-called “right” and “left”, the main government and the opposition. Along with them, the masses are divided into “two fronts” of those who are “for” the existing situation and those who are “against”. This is absolutely normal. But, nevertheless, the country has enough shortcomings that become a disaster for young promising people.
    • One of the main problems of almost all post-Soviet countries is the ability to listen to people exclusively in front of television cameras and cool audiences. On all other days, young families in need (and not always in money) disappear due to the fact that the government simply unsubscribes from them. Moreover, showing a clear reluctance to help understand the problem. And where do we end up in this case? Cruelty, outrage? This is just a tiny taste of what can happen when young people are “pushed to the extreme.” After all, it is known that many radical changes in history were provoked precisely by conscious youth.
    • The topic of politics is a painful and unpleasant one, but it must be covered, because it’s simply a sincere pity when you watch how the most magnificent “brains” go abroad or, worse, drink themselves to death from constant failures due to the selfishness of officials. You look at Western policies and compare them with ours. Only our politicians become generous during elections, and generous only with promises.
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    Alcohol and drugs

    Drug addiction and alcoholism cannot be ignored. As cliché as it may sound, this is “the scourge of our time.” And, if the beginning of the 20th century became a rapid development, then its end turned into a total disaster.

    And what can we say about the attitude of adults towards the younger ones? If teenagers take drugs and die in droves, then the older ones sell them, cover up those who sell them and introduce them to the masses. Exactly like alcohol. But, it’s worth drawing a parallel again and noting that people who profit from someone else’s grief sometimes have worse grief themselves. And it is not realistic for young people to withstand such a circle of temptation without giving in. And such a situation can be cured exclusively by labor. Here, too, it’s worth turning to life, mostly drug addicts are the children of once wealthy parents who tried everything and switched to the “forbidden fruit”; moreover, they never had any hobbies.

    But the problem is common and children are not divided into “us” and “strangers”. As it appears, older generation so mired in its problems that it stopped listening and hearing what young people say. We can say that the problem of “fathers and sons” has always existed, but at the present time it has become especially acute, in some places even critical.

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    • Returning to young families, I would also like to add that even if two people are ready to start a family and have the desire to do so, it is worth talking about one more enemy of young families, which attacks almost everyone - lack of finances.
    • Someone will say that this is nonsense, because there is a mom and dad and they will always pay, give, do. But everyone forgets that creating and maintaining a family is a matter of purely two people. With this situation, another question arises: how to deal with this? The simple answer is – no way. If the older generation does not think about young families and does not begin to help them, then they will collapse like a house of cards a couple of years after their creation. And here everything is simple: there is no money, the husband is trying to earn money, but naturally has no time for his wife and child, hence the discord, scandals, divorce. Or the second option, the husband devotes enough time, has two days off and comes home from work at 19.00 and immediately takes care of the child. Bottom line: there is no normal income, there is no support, and there are two options: forget about the family while earning money, or get a divorce and become a “Sunday” dad.
    • What about living conditions? No matter what government programs, they are all not perfect and not individual, and families cannot be the same. The buzzword right now is “mortgage.” How many young couples has she killed? Banks are happy to hang hopelessness on fragile shoulders, but young people do not understand what to do and, of course, do not argue with financial sharks. But he just quietly folds in the hope that the bank with hellish conditions will go bankrupt. Well, it’s also impossible, where is state protection, why does money play the main role, and not the prospects and future of the country.
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    Assessing the various challenges faced by youth

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    Respondents were presented with a list of ten various problems asking you to rate the severity of each of them on a 5-point scale. Both adolescents and adults were unable to sufficiently differentiate problems by severity and rated the severity of all the proposed problems very highly. The assessment of the proposed problems by adolescents ranged from 3.46 points to 4.76, with smoking in fourth place in terms of severity with an average score of 3.99 on a 5-point scale.

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    Youth status

    Young people, on the one hand, are an unprotected group, which is rather a destabilizing force in society, and on the other hand, they are the generation on which the future of the country depends. This special status of youth gives rise to the need for an adequate youth policy that can solve or mitigate existing problems, as well as channel the creative potential of youth into a creative direction.

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    Youth policy

    Youth policy is a system of state priorities and measures aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for the successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth.

    The youth policy system consists of 3 components:

    1. legal conditions for the implementation of youth policy (i.e. the corresponding legislative framework);
    2. forms of regulation of youth policy;
    3. information, material and financial support for youth policy.

    The main directions of youth policy are:

    • involving young people in public life, informing them about potential development opportunities;
    • development of creative activity of youth, support of talented youth;
    • integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situation, into a full life.
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    Presentation on the topic:

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    Introduction Probably every young person understands, and every adult remembers, how you don’t want to burden yourself with new problems in your youth (it seems like there are plenty of them already), how you don’t want to force yourself to do something through force, just because it’s necessary. Therefore, the process of learning about the world around us and finding one’s place in it can, to a large extent, be carried out through one’s leisure time. You can spend your leisure time “sitting around” at home, in front of the TV or computer, or doing something else that interests you, and this will also be your unique path to understanding the world around you and realizing your place in it. Living now in such a difficult, beautiful and unique time of youth, we, like all young people, are directly faced with the problems of choice life values, your place in the world around you, ways of understanding this amazing world. Therefore, the topic of this work is the most relevant, timely and interesting for us.

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    Basic terms of this work and their definitions. Leisure is the part of non-working time that remains with a person after fulfilling immutable non-productive duties. Free time is the part of non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, a week, a year) remaining with a person (group, society) minus the immutable, necessary expenses. The structure of free time includes active creative (including social) activities; study, self-education; cultural (spiritual) consumption (reading newspapers, going to the movies, etc.), sports, etc.; amateur activities; activities, games with children; communication with other people. Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties determined by both, which are determined by the social system, culture, patterns of socialization, education of a given society. Modern age limits range from 14-16 to 25-30 years, the share of the population is up to 20%. Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and uniqueness. Creativity is specific to humans, because... always presupposes a creator - a subject of creative activity.

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    Conflict and continuity of generations. Society produces itself biologically through younger generations. Young people, in a sense, represent the future of the country, and therefore their moods, behavior and well-being are a kind of barometer that measures the general political and socio-psychological climate in a given society. We can say that youth are a necessary link in the relay of generations, a living connection between the past and the future. Although youth were not always seen as special community group- generation, but the problem of continuity constantly arose in society. As a socio-demographic group, young people are in any case dependent on socio-economic and political relations, which lie at the foundation of society. Indirectly, young people carry within themselves all the contradictions inherent in society as a whole. In the second half of the twentieth century, in connection with the construction of the so-called “technogenic civilization,” the phenomenon of youth culture arose. If previously the culture was not divided into youth and adult, everyone, regardless of age, sang the same songs, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, etc., but now everything has changed. Serious differences appeared between “fathers” and “children” in value orientations, fashion, methods of communication, and often in lifestyle in general.

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    Leisure as a form of realizing freedom of choice for young people. Youth is a period of trial and error, a period of choice. Each of us has the right to choose from the whole variety of moral, political, aesthetic and other values. This diversity is enormous: the multitude of spiritual cultures accumulated by humanity gives everyone an almost unlimited opportunity to choose spiritual values ​​that correspond to tastes, abilities, and living conditions. However, the objective conditions of existence have already placed us in a certain way in a limited range of possibilities, determined by genetic, socio-political, national, economic, and similar factors. Today's times in Ukraine make such a choice quite difficult. On the one hand, several generations of Ukrainians, due to understandable historical reasons, are cut off from the origins of their culture. On the other hand, beautifully packaged surrogates of other cultures, products of mass culture, diverse and often contradictory political, ideological and religious ideas and myths are actively imposed on young people. freedom of choice life path relative. It is limited achieved level social development. The problem is whether the young man is ready to deal with the immeasurably increased variety of choice of products of material and spiritual production. He has to choose among moving values ​​and goals, the number of which is steadily increasing. Thus, the search for yourself, your individuality and social status complicated by the abundance and complexity of choice.

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    Conducting surveys and their results. In order to find out what teenagers actually prefer, we conducted a survey among students in grades 10-11. In total, we interviewed 50 people and received the following data: How do you spend your free time? (Fig. 1) a) I hang out with friends, go to discos (20%) B) I watch TV, sit at the computer (56%) C) I spend a lot of time in the section, circle, etc. (4%) D) I study lessons, do extra work (16%) e) Yes, I would go for a walk, but they don’t let me in, I have to stay at home (4%) Do you attend any sections or studios? (Fig. 2) A) Yes (36%) B) No (64%) If you don’t go to any clubs, then why? (Fig. 3) A) I don’t like it (4%) B) I don’t have time (48%) C) Who needs it (16%) How do your parents feel about how you spend your free time? (Fig. 4) A) I don’t know (4%) B) They’re not happy but they don’t prohibit it (36%) C) They’re against it (8%) D) They’re against it, but who will listen to them? (24%) E) Have a good attitude (28%) How can you characterize today's youth? (Fig.5) A) I don’t know, people are like people (48%) B) Aggressive, I’m afraid to walk down the street in the evening (28%) C) Basically they are not interested in anything at all (24%) What do you and your friends give leisure preference? (Fig.6) A) Beer, cigarettes (36%) B) Discos (20%) C) I really like to read (4%) D) Computer, TV (28%) E) I have no free time at all (12% )

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    Thus, after analyzing all the answers to the questions we posed, we identified the following problems: Many of the guys we interviewed said that they spend most of their time playing computer games. And here it is necessary to remember such a problem as violence in computer games and their impact on the psyche of a teenager. Alcohol consumption among adolescents. Let's take a closer look at these problems:

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    The influence of violence in computer games on the younger generation. Considering this problem, we conducted a small survey among teenagers. We asked them just one question: do you play computer games and, if so, what genre of games do you prefer? In total, we surveyed 100 people, 64 boys and 36 girls, and this is what we got: Boys: RPG genre - 15.6% Action genre - 43.8% Simulators - 25% Strategy - 15.6% Girls: RPG genre - 33.3% Action genre – 11.2% Simulations – 22.2% Strategy – 33.3%

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    In these games, death is shown not just as a process - “you shoot and he disappears”, on the contrary, in this game you can see how the person you wounded, staggering, is still standing, and you can finish him off by pressing a button, There are scenes in which a body is shown being torn into pieces, and these very parts fly very effectively in your direction, and the remains of the murdered person remain on the floor in a pool of blood. And what does someone who has played one of these games for about five or six hours experience, besides fatigue in the fingers and dull, animalistic and low joy? ...And all this rich visual information, in which red color predominates, is perceived by the player’s brain and this information “does not fly away” from the head further - it remains in the brain and accumulates there. Why does it linger in your head? Because our brain remembers everything that is most vivid and extraordinary, something that does not happen every day. But death and murder, which especially occur through dismemberment, breakdown, rupture of the body, etc., cannot be called an ordinary event, and this does not happen every day. And, taking into account the results of the survey that we conducted among students, namely the fact that 56% of respondents most often spend their free time in front of monitor screens, and 55% of them prefer to kill in games, as it is not loudly said, it is not difficult to do the conclusion is that the above problem is truly relevant.

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    I ask you to leave your antagonism and antipathy, hatred and racial contradictions and try to think in terms of one family, one Life and one humanity. Djwhal Khuul

    World Crisis Humanity is experiencing an acute crisis, and its karma weighs heavily on it. Being in close proximity to events, it is not easy for humanity to see their true perspective, and I am writing to you specifically in order to facilitate your vision. A broader vision and a broader horizon can make understanding easier, and it would be helpful to you if I could help you see events as we, the Masters on the inside, see them in relation to their background.

    The Hierarchy notes two circumstances of extreme importance as it observes how humanity is living through the current extraordinary struggle. The first of these is that today humanity as a whole is aware that what is happening is a consequence of its own behavior and its own mistakes. People either feel responsible for what is happening, or openly and consciously place responsibility on the shoulders of others. The Treaty of Versailles is merely a symbol and a practical focal point for these endless centuries-old errors. The second fact is that, despite the war and division, despite the rampant cruelty, passions and selfishness, there is more true understanding, good will and loving helpfulness today than at any other time in human history. I say this consciously, since I have the corresponding hierarchical knowledge. Therefore, do not let the external illusion of war deceive you.

    PROMISES AND DANGERS OF SPIRITUAL CRISIS The Chinese pictogram symbolizing crisis perfectly reflects the idea of ​​​​spiritual crisis. It consists of two main signs, or radicals, one of which means “danger” and the other “opportunity”. So, although going through this type of condition is often difficult and frightening, it has enormous evolutionary and healing potential. Properly understood and viewed as a difficult stage of natural development, a spiritual crisis can lead to spontaneous healing of various emotional and psychosomatic disorders, beneficial personality changes, resolution of important life problems and evolution towards what is sometimes called "higher consciousness."

    Because of the dangers involved, as well as the positive potential of these states, people experiencing a spiritual crisis need qualified guidance from those who have personal and professional experience of non-ordinary states of consciousness and know how to work with them and how to support the person in these states. situations. Diagnosing such people with a pathology and irresponsibly applying various suppressive measures to them, including drug control of symptoms, can significantly interfere with the realization of the positive potential of the process occurring in them. The long-term dependence on tranquilizers with their well-known side effects, the loss of vitality and compromised lifestyle that result from traditional treatment are a sad contrast to those rare cases when a person's transformational crisis is supported and understood and can reach its conclusion without hindrance. Therefore, the importance of properly understanding a spiritual crisis and developing comprehensive and effective treatment approaches and adequate support systems cannot be overemphasized.

    INTERNAL MAPS OF SPIRITUAL CRISIS The range of experiences in a state of spiritual crisis is extremely wide: it includes intense emotions, visions and other changes in perception and unusual thought processes, as well as various physical symptoms - from trembling to a feeling of suffocation. However, we have found that the content of these experiences appears to fall into three main categories. The first group includes experiences that are closely related to the individual's life history - this is the biographical category. Experiences in the second category focus on issues of death and rebirth; Due to the close relationship with the trauma of biological birth, this category is called perinatal. The experiences of the third category go far beyond ordinary human experience and are closely related to Jung's collective unconscious; we call these experiences "transpersonal" because they involve motives and images that have their source outside the individual's life history.

    Biographical aspects of spiritual crisis include reliving and healing from traumatic life history events. Childhood crises, such as physical or sexual abuse, loss of a parent or loved one, near death, illness or surgery, and other dramatic events can sometimes play a role important role in a crisis of transformation. This area has been studied and described in detail by "biographically" oriented psychotherapists and will therefore not be discussed further.

    Modern man is strongly influenced by the scientific paradigm, which is embodied in the form of the analytical and rational mind. We perceive this world, other people, things and nature from the point of view of ideas, concepts, or some mixture of concepts, or from the point of view of images formed in the mind based on significant events of our past experience. Therefore, any change that occurs in us mainly manifests itself at the level of our concepts, ideas, beliefs and mental attitudes.

    Thank you for your attention Completed by Family T.

    • “Youth are happy because they have a future” N.V. Gogol
    Round table program:
    • Who is considered young?
    • What does civil adulthood mean?
    • The process of socialization of youth.
    • Teenager's problems.
    • Youth subculture: to be similar or different?
    Young Citizens
    • Many sociologists consider youth to be a group of people aged
    • from 14-16 to 25-30 years.
    Youth in terms of legal status
    • Minors -
    • Adults -
    • Citizens from 14 to 18 years old.
    • They have partial legal capacity
    • Citizens over 18 years of age.
    • From this age, a citizen of our state can exercise his rights and responsibilities in full.
    How do young people feel about serving in the army?
    • Mandatory -55%
    • Optional -45%
    Paid education in Russia: pros and cons.
    • “for” - 33%
    • “against” -67%
    Teenager's problems
    • Data sociological research show that today's youth expose their health to greater risks than their peers a decade ago.
    Teenager's problems
    • Health problems:
    • Smoking
    • Alcohol
    • Addiction
    • Extremist youth movements and subcultures
    PURCHASE OF INTERESTING 6-8 grades. 9-11 grades
    • PURCHASE OF INTERESTING 6-8 grades. 9-11 grades
    • PROFESSIONS 73% 33%
    • MATERIAL 80% 22%
    • PERSONAL LIFE 7% 0%
    • LACK OF NEW GADGETS 20% 12%
    • EXAMINATIONS 40% 100%
    • OTHER 40% 40%
    • Issues that concern young people
    Youth culture
    • A young person entering adulthood will have to master what was created by previous generations, learn and accept the established norms of social life. However, this process is not simple. Not all values ​​to which the older generation is committed are perceived by the young.
    youth subculture
    • This is partly due to the high criticality inherent in age, the idea that “history begins with us.” It is also reflected in the fact that young people by their nature are aimed at transformation, creating something new.
    The main features of the youth subculture:
    • Challenge adult values ​​and experiment with your own lifestyle;
    • Inclusion in various groups peers;
    • Peculiar tastes, especially in clothing and music;
    • This is more of a culture of leisure than work.
    • Bikers
    • Rappers
    • Goths and Satanists
    • Skinheads
    • Punks
    • Rastafarians
    • Freaky
    • Graffitiers, etc.
    • Bikers– are one of the few for whom the words “one for all, all for one” are not an empty phrase, but a way of life. A biker is a motorcycle driver. They have evolved from wild hordes, dissecting along the rural roads of vast America, to an elite, tough organization dealing with huge amounts of money, a network that has shrouded the planet.
    • Rappers and hip-hoppers
    • Pros: A human rapper not only plays sports (which is already a plus), he expresses himself creatively. And the manifestation of talent always leads to personal growth. This is a huge plus. Minuses: Everything seems to be fine, but there is such a leak as “Gansta”. This is where an aggressive style of behavior is “in fashion”. Such people may own firearms because they believe that the world is cruel and only they can protect themselves. They consider themselves kings and do not recognize anyone or anything higher than themselves
    • Pros: As a rule, goths are people looking for inspiration, which means creative people. And their passion for this subculture is nothing more than just a way to get enough energy. And their appearance (even if frightening to some) is simply a response created in contrast to nothing real glamor, in which there is emptiness behind the picture.
    • Minuses: There are also dangerous leaks here. There are Satanists. Their ideology is a rebellion against the traditionalist church system. It is people from such a subculture who can desecrate church objects, make sacrifices and other actions based on the worship of Satan.
    • Goths and Satanists.
    • Pros: Of course, this cannot be called the main advantage, but the idea of ​​skinheads is that only the strong can live. Therefore, you need to be strong, and not only in body, but also in spirit.
    • Minuses: There are many more disadvantages. They take their idea too literally. It is with skinheads that attacks without causal aggression towards other people are often noticed. They are not at all afraid to kill “not their own”, and even to some extent strive for this.
    • Pros: Personally, as an outsider, I don’t see them.
    • Minuses: Where punks appear, there are fights, robberies, violence with the aim of desecrating a person.
    Rastafarians (Rastafari)
    • Pros: Quite a calm culture and harmless to society. As the saying goes, “no matter what a child amuses himself with...”
    • Minuses: In fact, their occupation is idleness; such a person is unlikely to become someone big in social life.
    • Pros: There is no negative attitude towards the world and towards “not our own”. There is nothing that they vehemently oppose.
    • Minuses: It is their freedom that is their main disadvantage. She gives them everything, while they themselves cannot be influenced from the outside, i.e. if for now it’s harmless and fun, then who knows what it will turn into later... And no one can stop them.
    • Graffiti- Italian, and originally means “scratched”.
    The reasons for the emergence of informal youth associations are:
    • 1) Challenge to society, protest.
    • 2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family.
    • 3) Reluctance to be like everyone else.
    • 4) The desire will establish itself in the new environment.
    • 5) Attract attention to yourself.
    • 6) The area of ​​organizing leisure time for young people in the country is underdeveloped.
    • 7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture.
    • 8) Religious ideological beliefs.
    • 9) Tribute to fashion.
    • 10) Lack of purpose in life.
    • 11) Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.
    • 12) Age hobbies.
    • Homework:
    • Write an essay:
    • "Young people are happy because
    • that she has a future" N.V. Gogol

    Particular attention is paid to the analysis of problems of criminalization of youth, prevention of youth crime, the situation of young entrepreneurs in business, etc.

    The sociology of youth also studies the problems of young families, in particular student families, the dynamics of marriages and divorces, and the reasons for the weakening of the family as a social institution.

    2. Socialization of youth, their value orientations and social well-being.

    Socialization is a long process of assimilation by an individual of the entire set of social norms, values ​​and behavioral stereotypes, as a result of which his social personality is formed.

    The process of socialization continues throughout a person’s childhood and adolescence (primary socialization), and then throughout life (secondary socialization).

    Thus, society, as it were, “adjusts” the individual to its standard throughout his life, forcing the person to master new social roles.

    Socialization of youth

    Thanks to socialization, society is able to reproduce itself in each individual.

    At the same time, each of the young people bears the imprint of his family, social group, to which it belongs, of the entire society as a whole. By looking closely at a person, you can determine what environment he came from, what region or country he came from. Representatives of different generations bear the imprints of the era in which they lived or live today.

    Socialization of youth

    It should be emphasized that in a historically stable society there is no significant difference between chronologically close generations, which indicates the effectiveness of socialization.

    During crisis and revolutionary periods, socialization becomes ineffective, because the new generation begins to deny and critically rethink the norms and values ​​of their parents. A generational conflict arises that can give rise to social upheaval.

    Socialization of youth

    The instability of a transitional society contributes to the widespread crisis type of socialization, which is characterized by an increase in deviations and a discrepancy between the functions and roles performed by the individual.

    In the process of socialization in childhood and adolescence, self-esteem is developed, associated with the attitude towards one’s appearance, one’s abilities and qualities. Inferiority complex, or, conversely, leadership skills, remain with a person throughout his life.

    Socialization of youth

    During early youth, a person tries to determine his place in the “adult world” and has a special interest in “beautiful” people. prestigious specialties, gravitates towards various forms of creativity.

    Having discovered a lack of appropriate abilities, the individual experiences disappointment in himself and life.

    Representatives of the older generation of youth (after 20 years) change the focus of socialization towards self-realization in professional activity and finding a marriage partner.

    Contradictions between increasingly complex contradictory public relations and insufficient resources to ensure normal socialization of young people;

    Instability of economic and political life, crime rate, activation of the shadow sector;

    High level of polarization of society, reduction of opportunities for upward mobility poor segments of the population;

    Increasing the level of society's requirements for personal and professional qualities young people;

    Reduced chances of self-realization, increased social pessimism and apathy.

    Problems of youth socialization

    In recent years, the layer of unemployed youth has continued to increase. About 3% are officially registered at the labor exchange and about 15% are those who are temporarily not working or studying.

    The number of young people in the labor force is sharply decreasing (by 5-6 times). Young people prefer to work in the field of distribution and circulation.

    The basic values ​​of national culture associated with conciliarity are changing, the values ​​of Western culture, which orient youth towards individualism, are strengthening.

    Problems of youth socialization

    High degree of social and legal vulnerability of young people, lack of demand for their innovative potential;

    There is a tendency to compress the time frame of socialization, due to the need to earn early earnings. A teenage labor market has formed;

    Political extremism and radicalism, fascistization of a certain part of low-income and poorly educated youth.

    Value orientations of youth

    Young people differ from the adult generation in that their value orientations have not yet been formed. It is characterized by value maximalism and susceptibility to outside influence.

    Assessment of life situation (7 points):




    To succeed in




    and calm
