Print ip what should be indicated. Do I need a seal for an individual entrepreneur: basic requirements. Registration of a seal for individual entrepreneurs with the tax office

On the path to becoming an individual entrepreneur, the question necessarily arises about what should be on the seal of an individual entrepreneur, whether it is needed and what it should be. The choice is entirely up to the entrepreneur. Signatures on documents can also be placed in pen, but only an imprint with information about the individual entrepreneur will make the documentation more secure from various forgeries (a signature is easier to forge than an imprint), and will give it a certain special officiality, solidity and reliability.


There is no specific example of a stamp for an individual entrepreneur, so the design is a purely individual vision that must be subject to general rules. The visible appearance of the stamp is not regulated in any way legal organizations, and the definition of this requisite is given only in one of the state publications.

The IP seal does not need to be registered, because this procedure is not provided for by law. An entrepreneur is allowed to have not one, but many print options. But there is a case when an entrepreneur’s stamp will be needed. For example, when opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur, information about the stamp will be needed at the bank for documentation and confirmation entrepreneurial activity. If the businessman uses a checkbook, this form of identification will also be needed.

You need to pay attention to what the IP seal looks like. This is a special tool that transfers the print from the cliché to paper and contains certain data. Among the requirements for such a device are:

  • round shape;
  • diameter approximately 38-42 mm;
  • definition;
  • readability of the print.

The product must display certain information that will convey the owner’s basic data.

When ordering a stamp, an individual entrepreneur will definitely be interested in what should be displayed on the individual entrepreneur’s stamp? The main rule here is brevity and informativeness of what is depicted.

The information that is placed on the side of the print must be the easy way entrepreneur identification.

An uninterested person should easily remember the information block presented on the print.

The depicted coat of arms on the IP seal should relate only to individual entrepreneur or to his organization. The country's coat of arms on imprints of printed devices is permitted if they relate to members of the executive or representative authorities, legal entities and organizations. In other cases, it is prohibited to depict state symbols in place of the imprint, since they have no direct relation to the entrepreneur.

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Information on the print

You should remember that you need to indicate the IP seal. Initials (last name, first name, patronymic), location address, registration number information are required details. The phrase “individual entrepreneur” must also be present. In addition, you can add Additional information about the entrepreneur, for example: production symbols, manufacturer’s logo, special information about the company. This is the main thing that should be on the IP seal. The company that officially provides such services is familiar with state requirements and will manufacture the product so that the individual entrepreneur’s seal details will comply with all the rules.

Information about an individual entrepreneur should be placed in such a way that the last name, first name and patronymic are in the center of the circle, and the rest of the required information is placed around the circle of the imprint itself. If an individual entrepreneur wants to depict his family or organizational coat of arms on the print or some kind of drawing related to the activities of the entrepreneur and his organization, it is worth placing it in the center of the circle under the full name.

In addition to information about what should be indicated on the IP seal, you must also remember that there are specific recommendations on the availability of certain data. So, the requirements for IP printing:

  • detailed name, confirmed by relevant documents;
  • confirmation of the form of ownership in organizational and legal aspects (IP, LLC, OJSC, CJSC, NP, Management Company);
  • the city in which the organization is located;
  • OGRN (main state registration number, consisting of 13 digits in a certain sequence).

On this moment The seal of an individual entrepreneur, the requirements for which must be strictly observed, is an indispensable attribute of doing business. This attribute indicates the seriousness and reliability of business relations not only in external activities the entrepreneur and his organization, but also in internal organizational relations. But the law does not limit the number of prints, so a businessman may have several options.

To produce a personal stamp of an entrepreneur, you just need to contact the appropriate company and provide them with a photocopy of the document informing about state registration an individual as an individual entrepreneur. In addition to this document, you need to indicate your preferences in stamp design and pay for the work.

Can an individual entrepreneur work without a seal? General rule says it can. More precisely, none legal act does not directly oblige the use of the individual entrepreneur’s seal, but in business there are many situations when stamps on documents are required.

When you can't do without printing

Here is a list of situations in which the law requires companies and individual entrepreneurs to affix stamps to documents.

  1. If you have . The current instructions for filling out work books (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69) obliges, when entering personnel records, to certify them with the signature of the employer and stamps (of the organization or personnel service). That is, judging by these instructions, an individual entrepreneur’s seal is not required when hiring workers; this obligation is established only for legal entities. However, there is another resolution - the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, and it no longer makes any distinction between an organization and an individual, but uses the concept of “employer”. Paragraph 35 of the Rules approved by the resolution requires that upon dismissal of an employee, all entries made in the work book during work must be certified by the signature of the employee, as well as the signature and seal of the employer. Thus, the obligation to certify entries in work books with stamps is established for all employers, and individuals are no exception.
  2. When registering. Until mid-2019, receipt of payment when providing services to the public can be confirmed not with a cash register check, but by issuing a BSO. The procedure for filling out forms (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 No. 359) requires the presence of a stamp of the executor; without a stamp, the primary document is considered invalid.
  3. When issuing a receipt. PKO is a primary document that confirms the receipt of cash at the cash desk of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise. Unlike an expense cash order, a stamp on the PKO is required.
  4. When participating in a quotation application for the execution of a government order, it must be certified with a stamp; without this, the application will not be accepted.

Do I need an individual entrepreneur seal to open? The instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-I states that a sample imprint is affixed only if it is available. If it is not there, then the bank does not have the right to refuse to open a current account only on this basis. But behind the scenes, bank tellers insist on this condition because the stamp helps identify the client.

What should the print look like?

There are no official 2019 printing requirements for individual entrepreneurs. They didn’t exist before, but that’s if we talk about laws at the federal level. In Moscow, from 1998 to 2005, there was an official register at the Registration Chamber where stamps for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities were registered. Federal tax service recognized the maintenance of the register as illegitimate, but manufacturers still take into account the requirements for the appearance of prints and stamps, provided for by the order of the Mayor of Moscow No. 843-RM.

The rules established three main types of cliche shapes for printing:

  • round - with a diameter from 38 to 42 mm;
  • triangular - all sides are equal length from 38 to 42 mm;
  • rectangular - the size of one side is from 35 to 50, the second - from 70 to 100 mm.

In addition, according to the rules, the individual entrepreneur’s seal had to contain the following mandatory information:

  • full name of the individual registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • indication of the organizational and legal form “individual entrepreneur”;
  • location, i.e. the locality indicated in the merchant’s registration;
  • state registration number OGRNIP.

In 2019, these rules do not apply; rather, they must be taken into account as generally accepted business traditions. To stand out from competitors or reflect the direction of activity, you can place a logo, your own trademark or service mark, photographs, drawings on the cliches. The ban is established only for the placement of the Russian coat of arms, regional and municipal symbols, and foreign logos and signs on cliches.

A sample seal for individual entrepreneurs in 2019, familiar to business in the Russian Federation, looks like this.

Important: facsimile, i.e. a sample of a citizen’s personal signature is not an official symbol of the individual entrepreneur. Facsimiles can only be used with the consent of the parties when signing contracts and for internal circulation.

To make a stamp for an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact specialized organization. Unfortunately, in the absence of control over the production of stamp products, many performers work without a certificate confirming state registration of individual entrepreneurs. You can make stamps not only according to your own, but also other people’s details; for this, a sample of the imprint is enough.

To reduce the risk of counterfeiting, order cliches with protection that uses:

  • guilloche mesh with a thickness of no more than 0.1 mm;
  • special marks (control, chemical, UV);
  • multicolor;
  • engraving of drawings and photographs;
  • special security elements used for coat of arms;
  • two-dimensional barcode.

We do not discuss whether an individual entrepreneur needs a seal in the cases discussed above. In such a situation there is simply no reason to doubt. The answer to the question is, of course, it is necessary. But what if the entrepreneur does not find himself in situations where the IP seal is required? For example, he doesn’t have any employees, and he doesn’t issue strict reporting forms or receipts.

Can an individual entrepreneur operate without a seal if the legal act does not require it? Of course, it may be that many businessmen get along just fine without this attribute. And yet, this symbol, which identifies a businessman, inspires more confidence when drawing up business papers than a regular signature.

Every serious company or organization today works with printing. The seal is an integral attribute and indicator of the seriousness of the company. Various official documents are certified by the seal. But we will look at whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur in our publication today.

In accordance with current legislation, IP can work without printing. However, it should be noted here that very often representatives of large organizations and companies entering into transactions with individual entrepreneurs refuse to deal with uncertified documentation. There are also retail buyers who simply do not know the provisions of the law and believe that an individual entrepreneur needs a seal. To avoid getting into such situations, it is sometimes better to order a seal for an individual entrepreneur.

Having his own seal, an individual entrepreneur can avoid problems or other troubles and difficulties associated with the preparation of a number of documents, namely:

  • invoices;
  • contracts;
  • acts;
  • accounts.

Situations in which IP printing is necessary

Now let’s consider in more detail in what specific cases an individual entrepreneur needs a seal, and in what cases it can simplify his activities:

  1. When using UTII IP on forms strict reporting must be stamped.
  2. The use of a seal in the activities of individual entrepreneurs provides additional protection.
  3. For an individual entrepreneur, a seal acts as a status element that gives credibility to the individual entrepreneur in the eyes of business partners.

Summarize. Organizations and firms are required to have a seal, but whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur depends on his type of activity.

Requirements for IP printing

The requirements for seals of individual entrepreneurs are less stringent than for seals of companies and organizations. The IP seal must contain the following information:

  • the phrase “Individual entrepreneur”;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur;
  • TIN and/or OGRNIP.

The IP seal may contain the following information:

  • name of the enterprise, organization or firm;
  • logo of an individual entrepreneur;
  • additional data (the seal has a purpose: “for documents”, “for invoices”);
  • additional protection of the seal (possibly in the form of an ornament that plays both a protective and decorative function).

A sample of the IP seal is shown in the photo below:

Printing technologies for individual entrepreneurs

There are various technologies that are used to produce stamps for individual entrepreneurs. The most popular technologies for manufacturing seals for individual entrepreneurs are:

1. Rubber stamps.
2. Prints made from photopolymer.
3. Prints made of microporous paint-filled rubber.

The main requirements for the production of stamp cliches for individual entrepreneurs are high quality images and clarity of the seal impression (stamp).

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Why does an individual entrepreneur need a seal? No legal act requires its mandatory use. However, in practical activities An entrepreneur often finds himself in a situation where he needs to put a stamp on a document.

Do I need an IP seal?

At the first stage of registration individual entrepreneurship the question arises: ?

Modern legislation There are no strict requirements for its presence; a signature is enough.

Often an individual entrepreneur needs to put his original stamp on a document

However, formalities may make it possible to invoke the obligation to establish a seal on Civil Code RF (Article 23, paragraph 3).

The rules of this Code, which regulate the activities of legal entities that are commercial organizations, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts or the essence of the legal relationship.

Thus, an entrepreneur who has not bothered with establishing his own press risks encountering various difficulties.

Under what circumstances may an individual entrepreneur need a seal:

  • registration of hired employees (when filling out his work book);
  • signing agreements, contracts (when interacting with partners, any legal or individuals, working under a contract);
  • issuing reporting documents to clients;
  • signing trust documents for your representative;
  • requirements of various financial institutions.

An individual entrepreneur can have any number of seals for different purposes. But their prints must be approved by order. The bank must have one type of seal - the imprint of which is left on the bank card.

Maria Bondarenko

Is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur’s seal, how and where to do it?

Current legislation does not require mandatory registration of the seal with the supervisory authorities. However, registration can be beneficial for law-abiding entrepreneurs. For example, when faced with fraudulent activities. If the individual entrepreneur does not have registered prints, he will be forced to prove his innocence, even in the case where the fake print was externally different from his seal. After all, the regulatory authorities will not know which stamps were issued and in how many copies.

Video: how necessary is it to register an individual entrepreneur’s seal?

A bona fide businessman can go through the registration procedure at the following institutions:

  • at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • in the management of the State Registration Chamber;
  • in the register of an organization for the production of seals and stamps;
  • at the tax office;
  • at the police department.

In fact, all of the listed bodies are equivalent for registration. Only the first point - ATS - has a special feature.

Registration with law enforcement agencies

The laws of states neighboring the Russian Federation - such as Kazakhstan, Belarus and others - require coordination of the facts of production and destruction of stamps with the ATS authorities. There is no such practice in Russia. However, if the individual entrepreneur’s seal is lost, it is necessary to report this fact to the Department of Internal Affairs. And only after receiving a certificate confirming the fact of registration, you can apply for the production of a duplicate.

This is necessary to ensure that unauthorized persons who have the seal in their hands cannot use it.

Tax service

If an entrepreneur decides to play it safe and register a seal, it would be wisest to contact local tax authorities. Upon voluntary application, specialists of the Federal Tax Service inspection will open a special registry file, which will contain:

  • current data;
  • date of production or destruction of the seal (if necessary);
  • impression samples;
  • serial number;
  • IP signature standard.

List of documents required for registration:

  • a document confirming payment for the legal examination and entering a sketch of the imprint into the Register;
  • passport of the individual entrepreneur;
  • seal imprint standard;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • application for registration actions.

Registration can protect against possible fraud. If claims are made against the individual entrepreneur, the expert will have the opportunity to compare prints of the disputed document with what is stored in the tax service.

Registering a seal can protect against its use by unauthorized persons

Requirements for IP printing

What should the seal be like? Inquiries regarding the appearance of seals and stamps of individual entrepreneurs are not very strict. They provide considerable scope for self-expression. It is enough to follow the main rules.

The stamp must contain:

  • the inscription “Individual entrepreneur”;
  • applicant's initials (IP);
  • Name settlement(town, city or region);
  • TIN and/or OGRNIP data.

The requirements for individual entrepreneur seals are minimal: it is enough to indicate the main details

If desired, you can place on the seal:

  • company logo;
  • the name of your business, for example, “tanning salon”;
  • legal address;
  • protection options in the form of ornaments.

The placement of a graphic image of the individual entrepreneur's trademark on the print is permitted if it is documented.

Since there is no single standard for printing, designers from stamp manufacturing companies willingly help entrepreneurs create individual layouts, even including the placement of a personal coat of arms. Such imprints provide maximum protection against counterfeiting of documents.

It is prohibited to place on the IP seal:

  • coat of arms of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and any state symbols;
  • previously registered by other individual entrepreneurs trademarks and logos.

The IP installation data is written in Russian, but additional writing in any foreign language is also allowed.

Manufacturers of seals and stamps offer template prints with the most necessary data. They can add decor, but they recommend not to overload the print with unnecessary images. Especially if the individual entrepreneur’s field of activity requires special restraint.

Template prints allow for decoration, but it is better not to overload them with drawings and patterns

How to get a seal for an individual entrepreneur

To produce a stamp, an entrepreneur needs to contact a stamp and seal manufacturing company that specifically exists for these services. There are such organizations in every region; their addresses are contained in electronic directories. They are private and do not belong to government agencies. Therefore, the seal will be made for money. Cost of services in different cities can range from 500 to 1 thousand rubles.

Companies present several options for prints and give you the opportunity to choose the desired sample.

The terms of production work and the cost of the product can be negotiated additionally. It happens that printing needs to be done urgently, then the cost of services will increase by 40–60%.

To place an order, the entrepreneur will need to provide the stamp manufacturing company with copies of the following documents:

  • passport, identity document;
  • extracts from official registers;
  • individual tax number;
  • certificate from statistics.

If the direction of the individual entrepreneur’s activity requires it, secondary ones can be added to the main stamp. They will be needed for work in certain areas of production.

They may be written, for example:

  • "Stock";
  • "Checked";
  • "Paid";
  • “Invoices”, etc.

Dies for use in individual production areas

Consultants for stamp manufacturing companies recommend:

  • Order two copies of the seal at the same time (one of them will be kept in the office, the second can be carried with you).
  • Take care to record the electronic version of the layouts (it will be very useful when ordering additional stamps in the future, as well as in case of loss of the main stamp).

Types of IP seals

Nowadays, seals in the shape of a regular circle are most often used. This type of print is considered familiar, classic and inspires maximum confidence. Apart from this condition, there are no other restrictions. Many types of seals are classified according to different criteria. It could be cliché material, status, appearance.

Material for clichés

Products are made:

  • using photopolymer;
  • different types of rubber;
  • Other modern materials.

All materials differ slightly from each other in terms of strength, wear resistance, etc.


Depending on the place of use, seals are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Official seal (the main imprint of the company with the name of the individual entrepreneur and an indication of the Taxpayer Identification Number).
  2. Stamps (auxiliary stamps for internal document flow).

Housing material

Based on the materials of the printing bodies, they are divided into:

  • automatic equipment made of plastic;
  • automatic equipment of increased reliability made of metal.

Automatic equipment made of plastic and metal is necessary for convenience

Print colors may vary

In multi-colored seals and stamps, combinations of two or three colors are most often used. Multi-colored seals differ from traditional black and blue ones:

  • maintaining a distance between colors of about 2.5 mm;
  • minimal limitation of a zone of one color (8.0 x 8.0 mm).

Such a stamp will be easy to perceive and remain in memory for a long time.

Entrepreneurs believe that the multi-color option helps them earn additional image bonuses when collaborating with business partners and clients.

The absence of clearly defined legal requirements for the appearance of stamps for individual entrepreneurs gives businessmen the opportunity to experiment with design. But even with a large number creative ideas It makes more sense to choose a print that provides maximum information about the activity.

Since the appearance of the print is not regulated in any way by law, it is difficult to find a strict standard sample of the IP seal. Therefore, you can limit yourself to the basic requirements for content, including the presence of your full name, OGRN and location.

This number of mandatory and additional details must be included in the individual entrepreneur’s seal

How to replace a seal

Since the law of the Russian Federation does not oblige an entrepreneur to register a seal, no formalities for its replacement will be required either. All you need to do is come to the bank where the individual entrepreneur has a current account and re-certify the card with the sample signatures of the persons representing the individual entrepreneur and imprints of the new seal.

The entire procedure for replacing a seal is influenced by the reasons why it is being replaced:

  1. Data such as, for example, TIN, most often remain during the entire period of operation of the individual entrepreneur. But if the seal is changed to increase the number of degrees of protection, you need to start by ordering the work from the company that produces the seals and formalize it.
  2. If the reason for changing the seal is the need to place your logo on it, you need to start with a discussion technical features with the print manufacturer. If it is not possible to provide a logo yourself, you can contact the company itself for help.
  3. Many of them have the opportunity to commission designers to create a new logo from scratch. Of course, such services are usually provided for a fee. After the expiration of the agreed period, a new seal can be delivered directly to the office (for additional fee
  4. ). If accounting for production-related costs is necessary for tax purposes, it is important not to forget to obtain all supporting documents from the manufacturer.
  5. With a new copy of the seal, you should go to the bank branches that hold the current accounts of individual entrepreneurs and carry out the procedure for certifying the updated card. However, it can also be certified by a notary, and then taken to a bank branch, but this will cost more. After all the above steps, you will need to destroy the old seal.

To avoid confusion, it is important not to delay disposal. It is impossible to store new and old seals in one place. Despite the large number of companies that carry out recycling work, it is much easier and more reliable to destroy old prints yourself.

Is it possible to use printing after the closure of an individual enterprise?

After the closure of the individual entrepreneur, the seal automatically loses legal force. The individual entrepreneur indicated on the seal no longer exists, so the seal can be destroyed by drawing up an act, but it can also be kept as a keepsake.

The use of a seal in activities on behalf of an individual entrepreneur that has been liquidated is illegal business.

Using the seal of a closed individual entrepreneur is illegal business

If a seal is used for the purpose of theft or other fraud to obtain rights to someone else's property, the citizen faces Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Fraud committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, Punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages

or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to six years with a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles or the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or without it and with restriction of freedom for a period of up to one and a half years, or without it.

To answer the question whether an individual entrepreneur needs his own seal to operate, you need to take into account the scale of his business, the presence of hired employees and the scope of his activity. However, given the low cost and ease of printing, it can be confidently recommended to entrepreneurs as an integral part of the development of a successful business.

Hello! In this article we will talk about whether an individual entrepreneur can work without a seal in 2019.

Today you will learn:

  • Do I need a seal for ;
  • In what situations is it necessary?
  • What are the main differences between working with and without printing?
  • How to order a stamp and what to do if it goes missing.

Can an individual entrepreneur work without a seal?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not require all individual entrepreneurs to have a seal. If an entrepreneur believes that a personal imprint is not useful in his work, he has every right to do without it. To certify an individual entrepreneur's documents, only a personal signature is sufficient.

An individual entrepreneur without a stamp should be prepared for the fact that counterparties will demand a letter about the absence of a stamp. And they can be understood, because if an individual entrepreneur hides the fact that he has a seal and only puts a signature under the agreement, the document can be considered invalid.

This type of scheme has been used by scammers more than once. A letter indicating the absence of a seal in such a situation provides additional insurance.

It is written in free form and must be supported by the details of the individual entrepreneur:

  • Signature.

The larger the counterparty, the more insistent its requirements for the presence of a seal. In any case, it is possible to make a seal even in a few hours, so an individual entrepreneur can safely start his activities without a seal and order one if necessary.

When is an individual entrepreneur required to have a seal?

In general, an individual entrepreneur can do without a seal, but there are a number of situations in which a seal is required.

An entrepreneur will have to order a seal if:

  1. He has (or will have) hired employees. Sign up for work book without the employer's stamp will be considered invalid.
  2. He prepares waybills and cash receipts.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs deal with strict reporting forms (sales receipts, invoices). Their signing must be accompanied by a seal. Therefore, an entrepreneur who accepts payments from citizens but does not have cash register equipment, you will definitely have to get a stamp.
  4. The bank requires a stamp to open a current account. Not all banks make such a requirement, since it is based solely on their internal rules. But, for example, working with checkbooks is always possible only with printing.
  5. The individual entrepreneur plans to participate in government orders. The application will not be accepted without a stamp.

In some situations, it is not necessary for an individual entrepreneur, but it is desirable to have a seal. For example, when concluding contractual relations with large companies.

The seal is an additional guarantor. Some “senior” partners may even require an imprint under the agreement, since they consider the signature to be insufficient insurance for the execution of the agreement. However, such a requirement is in no way supported by law, because an agreement secured by the signatures of two parties is already considered valid.

Pros and cons of printing for individual entrepreneurs

The advantages of having an individual entrepreneur's seal in most cases outweigh the disadvantages.

Printing requirements

In Russia, the following requirements apply to IP printing:

Our stamp making service specialists can always offer a variety of design options. They must be aware of what kind of seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur, and therefore they themselves provide catalogs with examples of ready-made prints. The entrepreneur can only choose the one he likes the most.

Self-typesetting - a set of symbols, text plates and tweezers. Allows you to change the text yourself.

Where to make a stamp for an individual entrepreneur

Printing can be done in specialized services. You have to choose not only the image for the print, but also the appearance of the print itself. For example, it can be manual or automatic.

The first option is cheaper, this type of printing takes less space(which means it’s easier to carry with you, but also easier to lose). Automatic printing wins in terms of ease of use, especially when it comes to large document flows.

The cost of making a seal: 200-2000 rubles. Production time: 3 hours – 7 days.

Some stamp companies can provide the entrepreneur with such huge selection, which is easy to get confused. Chinese analogues can be tens of times cheaper than European ones, but last much less. Every entrepreneur has the right to make his own choice. The main thing is that the seal should be convenient and suitable in size for the owner.

How to order a print

To produce a seal, the individual entrepreneur will need:

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. Collect a package of documents: passport, TIN and OGRNIP.
  3. Provide all this to the stamp manufacturing company.
  4. Select the appearance of the imprint and seal.
  5. Pay.
  6. Wait for the order to be completed.
  7. Receive the order by presenting a passport or power of attorney (if the individual entrepreneur himself will not receive it).
  8. If desired, register the seal.

When making a new seal, all previous ones remain valid.

Cliche with protection

Once upon a time it was possible to make a seal only in a few specialized offices, but today the choice of companies is very wide, and, unfortunately, not all work conscientiously. If the manufacturer does not ask for the entire package of documents, scammers can take advantage of this.

To avoid stamp forgery, you can order additional protection using:

  • Guilloche meshes up to 0.1 mm;
  • Chemical or ultraviolet tags;
  • Multicolor;
  • Engraving of images;
  • Two-dimensional barcode.

Is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur's seal?

Government agencies are not required to know whether an individual entrepreneur has a seal.

But an entrepreneur can at will register it in:

  • Tax - she does not maintain her own register of stamps, but upon request the individual entrepreneur can record the necessary data;
  • OVD (in Belarus and Kazakhstan it is necessary to register a seal, individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation can do this at their own request);
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Manufacturer's register (many companies conduct this automatically).

Registration of the seal of an individual entrepreneur serves as an additional guarantor in disputes related to forgery of the seal. The state does not know how many seals the individual entrepreneur has, who did not register them, and what they look like. Therefore, even a seal with the entrepreneur’s data that is different from the original is recognized as valid in court.

Lost or stolen seal

No one is immune from various surprises and emergency circumstances. An entrepreneur, or his confidant, may lose the seal or become a victim of a thief. There is practically no difference, because the essence of the problem is that the seal is in an unknown place with unknown persons.

In this case you need:

  1. Write a statement to the police.
  2. Obtain a certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs for the production of a new seal.
  3. If the seal was registered with the tax office and included in the register, contact them to exclude it from the lists;
  4. If you wish, you can post a notification about the theft in the media to protect your counterparties from fraudsters.

Closing an individual entrepreneur

If the individual entrepreneur did not register his seal in government agencies, then there is no need to carry out any special actions with the no longer needed seal. You can keep it as a souvenir.

The registered seal is liquidated by the registration authority together with the enterprise. You need to bring the stamp and a photocopy of your passport to the tax office; the application can be written on the spot. A certificate of destruction of the seal is issued.

Voluntary destruction of the seal

At any time, the individual entrepreneur can refuse unnecessary printing. It is destroyed and an act is drawn up, certified by the signature of the individual entrepreneur.

The bank must be notified of the destruction of the seal if the individual entrepreneur used it for transactions with the current account.