Is it possible to open a beer outlet in an individual housing construction project? How to open your own beer bar from scratch. Beer business requirements

High-quality beer is a popular drink that is loved not only by the male half of humanity, but also by the female half. The beneficial properties of the foamy drink have long been proven; it contains vitamins valuable for the human body, the main thing is to know when to use it in moderation.

Many entrepreneurs were not afraid to delve into the intricacies of opening a store draft beer from scratch, and are now reaping the fruits of their painstaking work, in the form of constant and fairly high profits.

Before investing in this business, you should ask the question: how to open a draft beer store from scratch to satisfy the needs of customers and make money from it?

Proper organization of any business ensures success. You need to take care of the documents and nuances of registering an enterprise. Setting up a business does not require huge investments. If everything is done correctly, your investment in the business will quickly pay off.

Selling draft beer is a seasonal business. Some entrepreneurs close stores during cold weather because they consider the sale of draft beer at this time to be unprofitable.

Before opening a business, you should understand the intricacies legislative framework. The sale of alcoholic beverages has its nuances; failure to comply with the rules and laws will result in heavy fines and closure of the enterprise.

According to the new laws, it is possible to sell draft foamy drinks not only to organizations, but also to individual entrepreneurs. The latter are subject to more stringent requirements regarding opening a draft beer outlet from scratch. Implementation of the above enterprise:

  1. Register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Draw up contracts for the purchase or lease of premises.
  3. Conclude an agreement to purchase a cash register.
  4. Administration representatives must give permission for trading activities.
  5. Take permission from regulatory organizations.
  6. Issue sanitary records for all employees of the enterprise.

Financial difficulties

The price of opening a draft beer store from scratch is high, but a competent approach will allow you to a short time recoup all costs. What to do if there is not enough money to implement the idea? There are several options to solve the problem.

Almost every entrepreneur planning to create a business from scratch relies on a bank loan. You can take on financial obligations if you are confident in the success of the enterprise.

There is support from the state to help young entrepreneurs get on their feet. It is important to comply with all the conditions of the labor exchange and then you will be paid a one-time cash assistance.

To receive money for development, you need to be unemployed. Provide the commission with your business plan, after which it is approved, you will be given money to develop your business.

The best option is to find companions. Find someone who would invest part own money into an enterprise is not so simple. A friend, acquaintance or relative can act as an investor.

Store location

Sales directly depend on the chosen store location. Pay attention to densely populated areas that provide a constant flow of customers.

It’s good if the beer store is located near the market, shopping and entertainment centers and other crowded places. The store area should be at least 50 square meters, where you can install a bar, bottling equipment, a customer service area and a toilet.

Successful entrepreneurs care about the comfort of their visitors. An attractive display window plays an important role; the place for the bar should be accessible to potential customers.

A good bar design has an ergonomic design, the price of the equipment is quite high. It is more profitable to purchase equipment in bulk, then prices will be significantly lower.

Regulatory authorities put forward requirements regarding the arrangement of the interior premises. The SES pays attention to the storage of food and drinks.

Special equipment, according to fire service standards, requires proper operation. According to the rules of the law, it is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages near educational and children's institutions.

Supply and storage of products

After renting or purchasing premises, you should spend time searching for suppliers, selecting assortment and improving the sales system. It is important to find reliable wholesale suppliers beer, which will allow you to manage purchases and vary delivery times.

Cooperation with wholesalers has one significant drawback compared to factory manufacturers. This is a higher cost.

Some entrepreneurs advise beginners to rent necessary equipment to avoid possible risks. Others argue that it is better to immediately purchase all the equipment that will help for the maximum possible cost. short time optimize the process, taking into account the wishes of visitors.

The large store stocks about 20 types of beer. A wide assortment ensures increased rates of supply optimization. Bottling equipment must be of high quality and reliable. A couple of spare lines on the bar will help avoid problems in the future.

Optimizing delivery is important for an entrepreneur, because beer needs to be sold within a few days, a maximum of 3 days. If the drink is not sold within the specified period, it will lose its taste. Markups are 50 or 100%, it all depends on the quality and type of drink.

Retail store equipment

Opening a draft beer store from scratch involves purchasing or renting the following equipment. An entrepreneur should purchase:

  • bar stand,
  • refrigerator display case,
  • defoamers,
  • kegs,
  • coolers,
  • gas pressure regulation reducer,
  • carbon dioxide cylinders,
  • several refrigerators for the utility room.

You need to pay attention to additional equipment that will make the store more attractive to visitors.

An entrepreneur cannot do without: a stereo system, a TV, an air conditioner, disposable tableware, napkins, calculator. Worth purchasing: bags, napkins, plastic bottles and others. There are several ways to resolve the equipment issue.

  1. First way. You can enter into an agreement with one supplier of draft beer. As a result of cooperation, the entrepreneur will be provided with not only promotional materials, but also the necessary equipment.
  2. Second way. You can rent equipment, in which case the lessors undertake to provide maintenance services.
  3. Third way. Purchase of equipment. This method is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who have a significant amount. This method has an advantage if the entrepreneur plans long-term use. You can also rent everything you need with the option to buy it in the future.

You should immediately include in your budget the costs of maintenance and cleaning of equipment. It requires skillful and careful handling.

A little about the range

You can increase the number of potential customers by classifying the drink. The varieties can be: economy class, medium, medium plus, and premium. In each class you need to present several types of drink, ideally 3 or 4 brands.

After six months, you need to analyze the popularity of a particular brand of beer. After that, adjust the assortment.

  • Selecting a room
  • What equipment to choose for a beer kiosk
  • Choosing the right personnel
  • Trade margin
        • Similar business ideas:

Step-by-step plan for opening a beer stall

  • Registration of an enterprise;
  • Selection of premises;
  • Purchase of necessary equipment;
  • Hiring staff;
  • Calculation of trade margins;
  • Financial calculation of business profitability.

Which tax system to choose for business

Only individual entrepreneurs or organizations can sell beer, so when opening a beer kiosk you must choose the organizational and legal form of doing business. Basically, owners are faced with a choice between an individual enterprise or a company with limited liability. Since new laws have tightened the requirements for individual entrepreneurs selling beer, opening an LLC can be considered the best option. In addition, a simplified taxation system was introduced for LLCs, allowing savings on income tax and VAT.

What documents are needed to open a beer kiosk?

Of course, state registration the matter will not end. You will need to enter into a rental agreement for the premises, draw up an agreement with the manufacturer, and obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire safety service and local administration.

Selecting a room

The most successful location for a beer stall is in areas with high traffic. It should also be taken into account that the store should not be opened closer than a hundred meters from educational institutions- that's what the law says. The optimal room option for a beer stall is an area with a total area of ​​50 m² (20 m² - shopping room, 12 m² - warehouse, 18 m² - consumer corner).

What equipment to choose for a beer kiosk

As an option for beginning entrepreneurs, you can consider concluding an agreement with a supplier of beer of a single brand. This will help you save your budget, since in this case you will receive the necessary equipment and promotional materials from the distributor.

When choosing this option, weigh the pros and cons, since in great demand, selling less than fifteen types of beer in one stall is impractical. It is recommended to divide the entire assortment into several categories, which will attract customers from each segment.

So, let's look at what equipment you need to purchase for a beer store. The purchase of equipment for 15 types of beer will require a budget of 150,000 rubles.

  • Rack;
  • Defoamers;
  • Kegs;
  • Trade showcase;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Tables;
  • Air conditioner.

Quite often, manufacturers and large suppliers offer their customers equipment rental at discounted prices. This will allow you to save on the purchase of expensive defoamers and kegs.

Choosing the right personnel

The profit of a beer stall depends not only on the quality of the products sold, the interior and prices, but also on the experience and politeness of the working staff. Therefore, the choice of employees must be taken with special responsibility. For the normal operation of a trade stall, it is necessary to hire at least two people who will work in shifts. You also need to hire a cleaner. In principle, sellers can also perform the function of a cleaner, of course, for additional fee. It is worth paying attention that it is the seller who is responsible for the cleanliness of the bar counter, equipment and containers. In order to avoid theft by workers, it will be necessary to conduct an inventory at each shift change.

It is important that all salespeople need to be trained proper operation. For example, the seller must know that beer is sold only to persons who have reached the age of majority. If the stall operates at night, you should be aware that the sale of some alcoholic beverages is only allowed until 11 pm.

Trade margin

When calculating the trade margin in a draft beer store, it is necessary to take into account the established restrictions:

  • The markup on imported beer is 30% per liter;
  • The markup on domestic beer is from 100%.

The amount of trade markup on one beer keg will be approximately 2,000 rubles. Of course, the addition to the wholesale cost directly depends on the cost of the product and its manufacturer.

How much money do you need to start a business?

A beer stall with an area of ​​50 m² needs a budget of 500,000 rubles. Almost half of this amount will need to be spent on renting the premises. The remaining funds are for the purchase of equipment and advertising. If the supplier provides you with the equipment for free, you will significantly reduce this article costs. Accordingly, the size of the initial investment will be 250,000 rubles.

The cost of renting the premises will be from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles per month. The estimated cost of repairing the premises will be 150,000 rubles. You will need to allocate 100,000 rubles to advertise a beer stall.

To calculate the profitability of this type of business, it is necessary to calculate monthly costs, as well as estimated profits.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 150,000 rubles;
  • Staff salaries - 50,000;
  • Insurance premiums - 12,000 rubles;
  • Commercial expenses - 5,000 rubles;
  • Utility bills - 30,000 rubles;
  • Current working capital- 60,000 rubles.

Total - 307,000 rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a beer stall?

The average monthly income with an assortment of at least 15 types of beer, after paying all expenses, will be 50,000 per month. 50,000 * 12 months = 600,000 rubles per year.

Assessing the results of the calculations made, we can conclude that the average payback on the cost of opening a beer stall is slightly less than a year.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a beer kiosk?

To open a beer kiosk, when registering, you should indicate the main OKVED code 52.25.1 - retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer. You can also use additional OKVED:

  • 23 - trade in fish, crayfish;
  • 25.2 - trade in soft drinks;
  • 26 - trade in tobacco products.

Do I need permission to open a production facility?

To start a business selling beer, you must obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate. These regulatory authorities do not regulate retail sales, but rather the compliance of the premises with established standards. The activity does not require special licensing. If the stall will sell tobacco products, a license is required.

Beer stall opening technology

The beer stall is considered a purely Russian invention. Therefore, the technology of discovery and development is exclusively domestic. In European countries, live beer can only be tasted in special places: restaurants, private breweries. Opening a beer stall is a lengthy procedure, because it is necessary not only to properly organize the sale, but also to obtain many permits. After drawing up a business plan, purchasing and installing equipment, and legalizing the business, you can safely begin selling. The stall's products include draft and live beer. The main task business is the sale of fresh product and the availability of assortment. Any aspiring entrepreneur can open a profitable stall selling beer by developing a concept and strictly fulfilling the assigned tasks.

Technology for opening a beer stall:

  • Concluding agreements with brewers: professionals will help you quickly raise your image and win over consumers;
  • Selection of snacks for beer;
  • Rent of premises, arrangement of a retail outlet.

Beer trade is brisk during the hot season, but in the autumn, consumption decreases significantly. This feature must be taken into account when organizing a business.

Can a person who has never done business start his own business literally from scratch? What does it take to become successful businessman? Is it now possible to find your niche in a market segment that seems to have been filled for a long time?

Our interlocutor, Sergey Rozhnov, owner of a draft beer store in Yekaterinburg, will tell you about this and more.

– Sergey, why beer? The choice of this drink in stores is huge; weren’t you afraid to enter into a confrontation with the giants?

– If you approach the organization of the matter correctly, then there will be no confrontation. Our business, of course, intersects with retail sales, but still these are, as they say in Odessa, “two big differences.”

It may seem that canned or bottled beer and our product are aimed at the same audience. But in reality this is not entirely true. The difference is in the perception of the drink itself.

We offer the product more High Quality. And, naturally, it costs more. Customers specifically come to us not just to sip beer, but to get a drink that is different from the store-bought one.

True, an increasing portion of our sales comes from takeaway sales, but for this we had to work hard to get people to believe in us, to “educate” our clients, to prove our level.

From the very beginning, it was necessary to maintain the brand so that the buyer understood that he was not paying money in vain, and to maintain an image of a certain “luxury”.

How to open a draft beer store correctly?

- How it all began? Where did the idea come from, because to the untrained eye it may seem that the market is full, and it is quite difficult to carve out a niche in it.

– It’s very simple – I love beer, and good beer.

We have a lot of similar points in our city, there is even a whole chain of beer stores.

But there was nothing like this in our area, and it was inconvenient to go somewhere special.

And, in the end, I thought that there are not so few amateurs like me.

I know that, for example, beer stores in Moscow can be found almost every step, which means they find their customers.

Therefore, I began to find out how much it costs to open a beer store, what is required for this, search on the Internet for the interiors of beer stores, information about equipment. All this ultimately ended with the opening of our draft beer store at the beginning of 2014.

– The beer store business, like any other business, requires an initial investment. At first I thought about buying a beer business. There are companies that have been involved in the beer business for a long time.

They have experience, an established supplier base, they offer a business plan for any beer bar, and they train staff. In general, they offer a ready-made beer business. The sale of beer stores brings them their main income.

That’s why I first thought of opening a beer store as a franchise, but in the end I abandoned this idea because I found an option to get a loan specifically for my own business. But, in general, a beer store franchise is a rather interesting proposition.

– Have you invested your funds?

- No, I took out a loan. It turned out that this is not so difficult, but without a well-developed business plan they will not give you money. It is worth considering that a business plan is not just expenses and possible income calculated in a column, but a document with a serious justification, drawn up by specialists.

At first I tried to compose it myself, but I realized that such projects are better left to professionals. As a result, I decided to order a business plan for a beer store and was not disappointed at all.

I received a business loan from a bank, but with a guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Center. Banks approve such financing without any hesitation and do not require collateral.

Photo of a micro-shop on the street. Innovators, Moscow trading network Pint. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

And the rate turns out to be almost equal to the Central Bank refinancing rate. And this, even after its increase, turns out to be very profitable. But, I repeat, I was able to receive such a state guarantee only after I provided detailed business plan beer bar.

Another issue that needs to be resolved when opening a draft beer bar store at the very initial stage is the premises.

There are three options for selling draft beer: your own premises, renting part of the space in a large grocery store or supermarket, something like an “on-site” option - either a stationary stall or a stall “on wheels”, in a special trailer.

I was lucky that at the same time I was looking for a place to rent, a small grocery store closed and the owner was looking for new tenants. The option of renting space in a supermarket was also considered, but at that time the proposed cost per square meter was high for me.

Photo of a micro-store selling beer on Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, of the Litra retail chain. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

Well, I didn’t seriously consider “street” trading. Firstly, from the very beginning it did not coincide with ultimate goal– creation, in a certain sense, of a luxury beer store.

Secondly, the calculation was for a different clientele, or rather, for us to be perceived differently. And thirdly, the beer business largely depends on the time of year, and offering draft beer on the street in winter Yekaterinburg is an anecdotal idea.

In general, location largely determines whether your enterprise will be successful or not. A beer store must be connected to people. Expensive live beer is not only accepted in the bar itself, but is also bought to be enjoyed at home.

One more nuance - not always a large flow of people can give you a potential buyer. For example, the store is located near the metro or in the same shopping center. Yes, a person can come in and drink a glass of beer, but he would prefer to take the bottled beer sold nearby.

But own or rented premises are not always suitable for such a business. Firstly, you must have a second way out - these are fire safety requirements.

And, secondly, the presence of a toilet is mandatory - not only for the sake of the requirements of the sanitation station, but also for the convenience of clients. Otherwise, you also risk becoming an enemy of the residents of all the houses located nearby.

By the way, in the current conditions many, already equipped, outlets will be closed, so I think there will be no special problems with the search suitable premises there shouldn't be. Most likely, the owners themselves will look for tenants.

Beer business – what documents are needed

– How many documents were required?

– When you first encounter such things, everything seems very difficult. In reality, it's not all that scary. You can prepare documents for opening a beer store yourself, or you can contact companies that offer assistance in these matters.

In this case, they will not only draw up a Charter for you, but also go through the full procedure official registration. What is required from the future business owner:

  • Complete the enterprise registration procedure or individual entrepreneur. Here the choice is yours, there are pros and cons in both cases, but it is better to base it on the tax rate. By the way, you can get advice either from the same Entrepreneurship Support Center or from the company preparing the package of documents;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Conclude a rental agreement for the premises;
  • Purchase and register a cash register, enter into an agreement for its maintenance.
  • Get in sales department city ​​or district administration permission to trade;
  • Wait for the visit of firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station and get their signatures on the necessary documents.

Decoration, advertising, design of a draft beer store

– How did you resolve the issue of room decoration and advertising?

– The design of the beer store is very important stage. Simply arranging furniture and making cosmetic repairs is not enough. It is necessary to create a certain atmosphere; not only the comfort of visitors, but also how they will feel in your establishment depends on it.

Again, it is better to turn to specialists. Despite the fact that you will have to pay for their services, a professionally designed interior of a draft beer store will more than pay for itself.

It was a little easier for me in this matter - my wife, a designer by profession, helped. Before that, she looked at how beer store design is most often done; photos can be found in the portfolios of design companies.

The furniture was made to order according to our sketches. Finding a company that manufactures such things turned out to be quite easy, especially since the interior of a beer bar does not involve the use of expensive materials; the main requirement, in my opinion, is naturalness; the interior of a beer store will not require large investments.

You seriously need to think about what the name of the beer store will be. You can also study the signs of beer stores - there are quite a few photos on the Internet. You yourself understand that from appearance The success of your establishment will largely depend on its attractiveness, especially in the first stages.

The most effective advertising ploy is outdoor advertising(back to the same signs) and advertising in the area where the store is located. Thematic design of the external showcase and facade, the memorable bright name of the draft beer store, and bright lighting in the dark are effective.

Immediately after the opening, you can carry out “local” advertising, for example, distributing discount cards to the first visitors or residents of the area. By the way, the issue of discounts can be resolved in different ways.

We do not issue cards based on accumulation a certain amount, but to clients in whom we feel “promising,” thus turning them into regular visitors. You can come up with original name For discount card, for example, “nice customer card... to a good person…" etc. This way our visitors receive not just a small saving, but also a good attitude towards the establishment itself.

The issue with advertising can be resolved with the help of the product supplier. Very often, distributors provide promotional products for free, including ashtrays and mug coasters (of which you need to stock up in large quantities - many visitors take them with them as souvenirs).

So we set up an open area with tables next to the store, and the sun and rain umbrellas were branded, with the manufacturer’s logos. We have exactly the same logos on window awnings and blinds.

By the way, this helped with solving the smoking issue. Many beer bars saw a significant drop in revenue after the ban on smoking in public places - it is customary for us to combine cigarettes and beer.

For us, this did not become a problem, because anyone in the summer can sit in an open area where smoking is allowed, and in the cold season they can simply go out here for a smoke break.

An oldie, but a great example: Miestins beer store chain

Assortment, equipment for a draft beer store

– Speaking of suppliers, where do you buy beer and how do you create your assortment?

– The assortment determines both the clientele and revenue. But, first of all, a lot depends on how much usable space you have. So, approximately, at 5 square meters you can install 6 taps, and on 10, respectively, 12.

Selling 20-25 varieties at one point is considered ideal. However, we settled on a slightly smaller quantity and now offer 15 different varieties.

Enlarge too much trade assortment sometimes it is not profitable. The fact is that we are selling a truly living product that spoils quite quickly.

And if you don’t sell it out on time, you’ll just have to throw out the beer.

Our store offers several domestic varieties, imported beer, with fairly well-promoted brands (many buyers do not want to experiment and prefer what they have heard of).

At the same time, you can buy beer from us that is rarely found anywhere - we found private small breweries and now they supply us with exclusive brands.

But we also have the most ordinary bottled beer, but not as a main product, but as an addition to the draft beer. And, of course, you must have a certain set of snacks.

Naturally, the beer business requires a large amount of equipment: refrigeration units, coolers, dispensers and towers, defoamers and much more.

At first we used the offer from beer suppliers.

They offered free equipment along with their goods. Renting beer store equipment is a good place to start.

But later it becomes not very convenient, since you have to create an assortment based only on what such a supplier offers.

As a result, we decided to purchase equipment for beer stores as our own. This required new investments, so we had to take out a loan again. But the second time the procedure was even easier.

We found a company that supplies any equipment for leasing, again turned to an already familiar company involved in drawing up business plans, and without any problems we received the necessary amount from the bank. Now we decide for ourselves what, when and how much to offer to our clients.

What is the best equipment to buy for a beer store?

– How was the issue with personnel resolved?

– This is one of the difficulties for any beginning businessman. At first it seems that it would be best to hire someone you have known for a long time, friends or even relatives.

But almost immediately you understand that nothing good will come from such an undertaking. Almost every one of these “workers” considers himself entitled to violate discipline, take time off from work, or ask for an increase in salary.

Another problem is the request to hire a son, nephew, son-in-law, or just a good friend. But what about it? If one of your friends or relatives works for you, then why can’t the rest?

At the same time, almost none of those with whom I started knew the specifics of the business, did not know how to communicate with visitors or handle equipment, although working in a draft beer store requires a certain approach.

As a result, almost all the staff changed during the year, and now I have experienced bartenders and waiters. Special advanced training courses are very helpful, in which employees receive necessary knowledge and skills.

Beer store business plan for 2015, is it needed?

I started the business a year ago and, naturally, the prices were completely different then. But you can roughly calculate how much it will cost to open a beer store in 2015. In many ways, the amount of investment depends on the city in which you will open, on the rental price, on existing demand and other factors.

I’ll give you the numbers I came across myself:

Renting the premises cost one and a half thousand rubles per square meter, in addition, we had to invest in turning the premises into a beer store: decoration, signage, etc. - all this cost a little more than 100 thousand rubles.

At first, as I already said, we rented equipment for the beer store from a supplier, but furniture for visitors, a counter, and other parts had to be made to order - about 80 thousand.

It is immediately worth considering wages, you will have to pay it before you receive any income. The staff can be calculated from the available amount. By the way, it’s worth deciding how you will pay your employees and whether their earnings depend on sales volume. Naturally, I did not take into account tips - this is their personal income.

It is impossible to start without goods, and no one will give a trade loan to a start-up enterprise, so, at a minimum, count another 80-100 thousand.

Also, it's better to pay for a business plan, legal services etc. – 25-30 thousand rubles.

Of course, there will be other costs that may seem small, but add up to a significant amount. As a result, opening a business cost me about 500 thousand rubles.

Reading reviews on the Internet from owners of draft beer stores, I found out that in smaller cities it is quite possible to invest 250-300 thousand (with a small area and a small number of staff), and in Moscow it is advisable to have about 1-1.5 million on hand.

Now about what worries anyone who opens a draft beer store – profit

The markup on expensive imported beer is approximately 30%; on domestic beer it can reach up to 100%. On average, the price increase for a beer keg is no less than 2 thousand rubles, and in terms of per liter – 60-250 rubles in income per liter.

Monthly costs are approximately 250 thousand rubles (it is impossible to say exactly, it depends on many factors). That is, in order to recoup the business, you need to earn at least 9 thousand rubles a day. With a minimum order of 300 rubles (and it is usually higher), 30 buyers are enough. This is quite a bit, you will agree.

It’s also worth considering that we are, in a sense, a seasonal business – in the summer people drink more beer. But if you can create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and the drink itself is of really high quality, then the winter decline in buyers will be almost unnoticeable.

– Sergey, as I understand, you are pleased with the result. Is there a desire to expand or, perhaps, new ideas have appeared?

- There are ideas. And I’m also thinking about expanding my business. The plans include creating a small beer restaurant with its own brewery. We ourselves will be able to produce those drinks that will be in demand and create a menu for them.

Another idea is an online store of draft beer. In addition to the fact that this can become an additional source of income, it is also quite possible to create a beer business forum, advertise promotions in draft beer stores, and promote a particular brand. In addition, the forum provides an opportunity to receive reviews, suggestions, etc. for our beer business.

I am sure that I will succeed. In just a year, I gained a lot of experience and learned so much about beer and running a business that it’s just a shame that all this knowledge did not remain unused.

Have you ever thought about opening a draft beer store? The article provides tips and approximate calculations for implementing this idea.

♦ Starting investment in business: 310,000 rubles
♦ Payback period for a draft beer store: 18 months
♦ Business profitability: 45%

For many, selling drinks on tap is associated with beach holidays and cheap prices.

Because such a thought how to open a draft beer store, occurs to few entrepreneurs.

But in vain, because the love of compatriots for beer is only growing. There is also a demand for such services. The business, contrary to stereotypes, is developing and is ready to bring benefits to the owner stable income.

Every year there are more consumers of bottled drinks. According to statistics, since 2004 the business has grown by 55%.

It is quite obvious that entrepreneurial activity, with the market increasing at a rate of 10-20% per year, has begun to attract entrepreneurs.

More than 10 tons of beer can “pass” through one point in a month. At the same time, the culture of drinking the drink is changing for the better.

How to open a draft beer store: planning

To try your hand at this field by opening a store selling draft drinks (beer) from scratch, you need to delve into the topic in detail and move towards implementing the idea step by step.

Documentation for opening a draft beer store

Many entrepreneurs believe that preparing the documentation necessary for a store and obtaining permits is the most difficult thing in any type of business.

Perhaps this is true.

However, in the case described, everything is not as scary as it seems.

The list of documents is standard and only slightly modified, based on the specifics of the activity.

So, you will need to complete:

  • If a draft beer store is located on the street, approval of the activities from local authorities is required.
  • If it is in a shopping center, permission is required from them to sell alcoholic beverages to customers.
  • You need to sign an agreement with the landlord, specifying the terms and conditions in detail.
  • Employees of a draft beer store must have valid health certificates with necessary stamps. Labor agreements are also drawn up with them.
  • Permission to operate is required from the following authorities: SES, fire safety, Gospotrebnadzor.

In addition to the requirements for the premises of a draft beer store, the entrepreneur must have individual entrepreneur documents and officially register the cash register.

Premises for a draft beer store

How many stores that thought of selling drinks on tap went bankrupt due to the wrong location!

You need to look for premises for a draft beer store in places where a large number of people pass by.

These could be markets shopping centers, metro stations and other similar points.

  1. One of the most ideal options is to be based in a large store or supermarket.
    But here’s the thing: it will be almost impossible to get consent for such activities from them.
    After all, most of them already have their own places for selling live beer and they don’t need extra competitors.
    It will also not be possible to organize a business near sports or educational institutions.
    But here the obstacles are posed by laws already adopted by the state against alcohol, including beer.
  2. The location of a store selling draft beer will also be affected by its format.
    People go to the traditional outlet to buy beer to go. This does not require a large working area, therefore, the business will pay for itself faster and does not require a large start-up investment.
    Another option that has a circle of “fans” is organizing a bar-shop. It is larger in area, customers come not only to buy beer, but also to taste it in a comfortable environment.
    Organizing a store will require a significant investment of money and effort. The popularity and, therefore, the level of return on investment of the establishment depends on how comfortable customers feel.
  3. To choose a location, you need to study the area in which you will locate a point selling live beer.
    Unlike many types entrepreneurial activity, this business is more likely to be located in residential areas rather than in central ones.
    It is unlikely that during the lunch break, customers from the nearest business center will line up at the store in order to buy a liter or two of fresh beer for the office.
    But in residential areas there is a high density of residents, with fewer direct competitors such as pubs, cafes, and restaurants.
  4. Should not be chosen for placement basements.
    The nineties are long gone, and you hardly want to become the owner of a pub where local drunks will be on duty.
    Although the main difficulty is not this, but the fire safety requirements. To obtain permission to operate from them, the premises must have two exits.
    There is probably no need to comment on why you should not try to start a business without obtaining the necessary permits.
    Even if opening a store selling draft beer is a start from scratch in the world of business, you yourself must understand the importance of complying with laws.

Advertising campaign for a draft beer store

Historical fact:
Several centuries ago, Czech brewers, who did not know the instruments for determining the quality of the main national drink, determined the suitability of beer using one in a simple way. The brewer tipped a bucket of fresh beer onto an oak bench, and the “jury” in leather pants sat on it. If within half an hour the appraisers' trousers were glued to the bench and they could only stand up together, it means that the beer was a success and can be approved for sale.

If you want your draft beer store to prosper and develop, you need to spare no expense on good, high-quality advertising.

At the same time, what is important is not how much money you will invest, but what it will be spent on.

  • the most important thing to start with is the design and production of a bright, noticeable sign for the store;
  • if the point is located far from crowded places, make sure there are signs that will easily lead them to the store;
  • You can also distribute advertising flyers in places where there are large crowds of passers-by (this works especially well if the bearer of the flyer receives some kind of bonus);
  • but advertising the business of selling alcoholic beverages in the media is prohibited by law; but no one is stopping you from advertising a store selling draft beer on the Internet.

Only they will be able to turn random customers into regular ones and force people to tell each other about you.

Quality can be ensured thanks to a full range of high-quality equipment, properly selected personnel, and the purchase of the best raw materials.

We will discuss in more detail what is needed to comply with all these points below.

Staff for a draft beer store

The staff of a draft beer store will depend on its size, format, and work schedule.

Therefore, only the project initiator can answer the question of how many employees will be needed.

Typically a business requires hiring two bartenders. This is enough to organize shift work small store and will provide an opportunity to implement a bar-shop.

To monitor the work, install a video surveillance camera or several (some may be fake).

Sometimes come with personal verification, but don't overdo it.

If employees feel strong pressure from you, the quality of work will drop. After all, in this business, as in any other, team members are the face of the enterprise.

If they are satisfied with the level of salary and working conditions, they will serve customers at the proper level. This means that clients will leave satisfied and come back to you again, telling their friends about your services.

You should look for bartenders with work experience, but enterprising beginners with a high level of learning ability, who can be brought up to speed from scratch, are also suitable.

Because business does not require accountant and cleaning services on an ongoing basis; they can be ordered “outsourced” from the relevant organizations.

It is important to convey to store employees the importance of following the laws.

The most important is the ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. If the client looks young, the bartender is required to ask for identification.

It is better to listen to the grumbling of an offended customer than to sell beer to a teenager.

In addition to the consequences in the form of possible fines, such an act carries great moral weight. No amount of profit is worth the healthy and fulfilling development of youth.

As for adults, sellers must strictly comply with the law on trade alcoholic products in stores after 23:00.

True, the initiator of the project should also think about this: why make it work at night if beer is the main source of income for the outlet?

How to open a draft beer store: financial section

The cost of organizing a point that sells beer on tap is influenced by too many factors to give an exact figure.

Some voice the amount of 150,000 rubles, while others invest 800-900,000.

Such a big difference arises due to differences in the location of stores, the size and purpose of establishments, and the share of participation in the process of the entrepreneur himself.

How much does it cost to open a draft beer store?

In order for you to be able to draw a conclusion about the cost yourself, it is easier to provide a list of the basic costs that this business requires:

Costs of opening a draft beer store

Experienced entrepreneurs and experts shared tips on how to open a draft beer store and bring it to the breakeven point.

Please take note.

After all, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

  1. To increase the number of store customers, locate a beer sales point near dormitories or public recreation areas.
    The location outside the city also has a positive effect on the number of visitors.
    But in this case, revenue will peak in the summer, and in the winter it may fall to a critical minimum.
  2. Remember that sometimes it is better to refuse service to a client who has clearly had too much to drink and lose a hundred or two rubles.
    How to pour him more, and then become a witness or, in the worst case, a participant in an emergency situation.
  3. Set store employees not a fixed rate, but a percentage of sales.
    This will add more motivation to their work.
  4. Suppliers of equipment for this specific work should provide training in its use to draft beer store employees.
  5. Provide proper care and preventative maintenance to the equipment in your store at least once a month.
    It is better to prevent trouble than to suddenly find yourself without working equipment and, accordingly, revenue.
  6. Experienced business owners advise starting activities in the spring.
    Then, during the summer, which is the peak of payback, you have the opportunity to recoup the costs of the store and break even by the time sales fall.

where a novice entrepreneur talks and shares his experience,

how he opened his own draft beer store.

He did it and you can too!

To summarize, it is worth noting that a business selling alcohol and food products in any case turns out to be profitable. After all, the demand for these goods has always been and is, and the figures are growing every year.

Therefore, if you are ready to face all the risks and have the required amount of the initial budget, it is worth trying your hand at this field and opening a store.

In addition to starting capital, you will need to create an organization plan for opening a draft beer store.

It will include the following stages: obtaining the necessary permits, completing related documentation, searching for premises and selecting personnel.

All these steps require dedication and constant monitoring from the entrepreneur.

But if you take into account the tips given in the article, a draft beer business can become its own goldmine.

Good luck in your endeavors!

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One of the most consumed drinks in our country is beer, so a great solution would be to open a beer outlet. Because of this, most aspiring entrepreneurs who have at least some start-up capital, turn their attention to this product. And all the same, even to start such a business, you should think about everything and carefully plan it. The first step is to carefully study the business plan for selling a range of beer, and only then begin to implement it. The business plan on our website covers all aspects of running a business related to the sale of beer products.

This business plan discusses several types of beer business. This is the opening of a beer outlet selling beer on tap; retail sale of beer through a stall or small store.

Overview section.

This business plan proposes opening a beer outlet within close proximity to sell beer on tap.

It is assumed that the main contingent for purchasing such a product will be individuals, therefore, the most optimal option for the organizational and legal form would be an individual entrepreneur.

Beer is the most consumed drink at any time of the year. Almost any beer outlet quickly achieves a stable income, even despite the fact that there is a lot of competition in this market segment. Therefore, the project is highly successful.

Description of the enterprise.

With round-the-clock operation for the sale of beer products on tap. This is the most optimal operating mode for points of walking distance.

Description of services.

We offer the sale of live beer for consumption at counters that are installed directly on the territory of the outlet, as well as for individuals to take draft beer with them.

Market analysis.

In this section of the business plan, you need to analyze the market for beer outlets in the specific area where you want to open an outlet. Indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of competitors and try to avoid identified disadvantages in your business.

Production plan.

The first step in the process of implementing your plans to sell beer will be the process of searching and selecting premises suitable for running a business. Most often, for a beer outlet that sells beer on tap, one chooses from the following types of premises: small room on the ground or first floor of a building with a separate entrance; renting space in a supermarket or large grocery store; independent organization of a beer stall. Let us immediately note that the best option would be to organize a stall, since this type will require the least organizational costs.

Still, we will consider all three options.

1) Room on the ground or first floor with a separate entrance. Pros. The room is located separately from others; You can sell beer in any weather. Minuses. Rents are generally high; The cost of the premises is also high.
2) Rented space in another store. Pros. The flow of people is large; the rent is not high. Minuses. The store sells bottled beer, which means it is a competitor; Most of these stores already have similar outlets.
3) Own beer stall. Pros. The cost of the stall is low; There are no monthly rent payments. Minuses. In bad or rainy weather, it will not be possible to sell beer on tap for consumption next to the counters.

From all of the above, it is clear that the most economical option is the last one, so we will focus on it. The simplest solution for purchasing such a kiosk would be to purchase a ready-made kiosk (on wheels). But you can still build a kiosk yourself if this option is cheaper.

The next step in realizing your idea is design necessary documents. To organize the operation of a beer kiosk, as a rule, the following package of documents is required:

Permission from the territorial government to install a stall

Conclusion of the SES

Conclusion of the State Supervision Authority

One more small detail: the beer outlet should be located no closer than 100 meters from educational institutions.

The next important step is recruitment. The following qualities are required for a beer seller: conscientiousness, adequacy, cleanliness. Also, the seller must have a medical record issued in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise, you will constantly have financial problems.

So, the point is ready to receive its first visitors. But for the best results, it is better to conduct a small advertising campaign. Big investment It’s not worth doing this. It will be quite enough to make an attractive, beautiful sign that can be seen from afar; Place an advertising stand at the entrance. And if the beer is always fresh and tasty, then the necessary advertising will be done by word of mouth.

Also, together with the sale of beer, you can start selling related products such as chips, nuts, and a variety of fish products. You can also sell kvass.

Financial plan.

Here we will look at the financial side of a business plan for opening a beer outlet.

What will be the costs:

Rent a room, or your own stall from 100*000 rubles

Staff salaries (two salespeople in shifts) 360*000 rubles per year

Costs for purchasing goods 50*000 rubles

The total is: 510*000 rubles

Income from beer sales 120*000 rubles per month

Income from the sale of other goods 40*000 rubles per month

Total: 1*920*000 rubles per year

From these small financial calculations it is clear that the beer stall will pay for itself in 3-4 months. Therefore this kind small business can be considered highly profitable and risk-free.

We hope that our draft beer business plan will help you without much hassle.