Installation of flexible busbar 110 sq.m. Complete block transformer substations. Terms and Definitions

Selection of busbars RU-10 kV

RU-10 kV busbars are selected according to the following conditions:

According to permissible current:

Rated current of busbars, A.

The rated current of the busbars is determined by (8.1.3).

By rated voltage:

By thermal resistance:

The selection of 10 kV busbars is presented in Table 18.

Table 18 - Selection of 10 kV busbars

Name of equipment

Calculated data

Technical data

Busbars KRUN-10 kV (MT-50x5)

Selection of 10 kV conductor

Current conductors with voltage 6-10 kV are intended for electrical connection transformer with cabinets of complete distribution devices (KRU), installed in three-phase alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 and 60 Hz. Current conductors can also be used at other energy, industry, transport facilities, Agriculture and so on.

Current conductors are selected according to the following conditions:

According to permissible current:

where is the long-term permissible bus load current, A;

The maximum calculated current of the half-hour maximum load, which occurs when one of the two circuits of a double-circuit current conductor fails and the entire load is switched to the circuit remaining in operation, A.

The maximum design current of the conductor is determined by (8.1.3).

By rated voltage:

According to electrodynamic resistance:

By thermal resistance:

On the 10 kV side, we accept for installation a closed three-phase current conductor of the TKS-10 kV type (T - current conductor; K - round; C - symmetrical). Manufacturer: PJSC "ABS ZEiM Automation" (Cheboksary).

The choice of 10 kV current conductor is presented in Table 19.

Table 19 - Selection of 10 kV conductor



Calculated data

Technical data


Selection of flexible busbar ORU-110 and ORU-35 kV and support insulators

The connections and jumpers between the equipment are made of flexible non-insulated wire of the AC grade.

Let us determine the economically feasible cross-section of the conductor:

where is the economic current density, A/mm2;

Estimated continuous network current, A.

The calculated continuous network current is determined by the formula:

where: - the sum of the rated power of consumers, kV;

Load distribution coefficient on busbars (- with the number of connections less than five).

Rated network voltage, kV.

For the 110 kV side, the economically feasible conductor cross-section will be equal to:

The resulting cross-section is rounded to the nearest standard value: . However, according to the PUE, the minimum permissible wire diameter for a 110 kV overhead line under corona conditions is . Based on this, we select AC-70 brand wire.

Similarly, we determine the economically feasible conductor cross-section for the 35 kV side:

The resulting cross-section is rounded to the nearest standard value: . We select one wire of the AC-50 brand.

Flexible busbar of ORU-110 and ORU-35 kV are selected according to the following conditions:

By heating:

where: - permissible current of the selected wire cross-section, A.

For 110 kV:

Thermal resistance test

Calculation for testing flexible non-insulated wire of the AC brand for thermal resistance will be made according to.

We carry out the calculation in the following sequence:

In Figure 8.9, we select the curve corresponding to the material of the conductor being tested, and using this curve, based on the initial temperature of the conductor, we find the value at this temperature. Temperature - is taken as the initial temperature, then:

The Joule integral under the design short circuit conditions is determined by the formula:

where: - three-phase rated short-circuit current on the line, A;

Relay protection operation time, s;

Equivalent decay time constant of the aperiodic component of the short-circuit current, s.

Let us determine the value corresponding to the final heating temperature of the conductor using the formula:

where: - area cross section conductor,

Based on the found value, using the selected curve in Figure 8.9, we determine the heating temperature of the conductor at the time the short circuit is turned off and compare it with the maximum permissible temperature (for a steel-aluminum wire).

Thermal resistance of the conductor is ensured since the following condition is met:

Checking the cross-section for electrodynamic resistance during short circuit

We will carry out calculations for testing flexible non-insulated wire of the AC brand for electrodynamic resistance according to.

When testing flexible conductors for electrodynamic resistance, the calculated values ​​are the maximum tension and maximum approach of the conductors during a short circuit.

The electrodynamic resistance of flexible conductors is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where is the permissible tension in the wires, N;

Distance between phase conductors, m;

Estimated displacement of conductors, m;

The smallest permissible distance between phase conductors at the highest operating voltage, m;

Phase splitting radius, m.

When testing flexible conductors for electrodynamic resistance during a short circuit, in which the sag exceeds half the distance between the phases, determine the value of the parameter:

where: - initial effective value of the periodic component of the two-phase short circuit current, kA;

Estimated short circuit duration ();

Distance between phases ();

Linear weight of wire (taking into account the influence of garlands), N/m;

A dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the influence of the aperiodic component of the electrodynamic force.

The schedule is shown in.

Decay time constant of the aperiodic component of the short-circuit current, s.

If the condition is met, then the calculation of the displacement of the conductors need not be carried out, since there is no danger of their excessive approach:

For 110 kV:

The maximum possible tension in a conductor should be determined by assuming that all the energy accumulated by the conductor during a short circuit is transformed into potential energy of tensile deformation when the conductor falls after turning off the short-circuit current, raised by electrodynamic forces above the initial equilibrium position.

This amounts to:

where: - modulus of elasticity ();

Cross-sectional area of ​​the wire, m2;

Energy accumulated by the conductor, J;

Tension (longitudinal force) in the conductor up to short circuit, N;

Span length, m.

The energy accumulated by the conductor is determined by the formula:

where: is the mass of the wire in the span, kg;

Estimated electrodynamic load on the conductor for a two-phase short circuit, N.

where: - span length, m.

where: - sag of the wire in the middle of the span ();

The length of the conductor in the span, which can be taken equal to the span length, m.

For installation, we select suspension insulators of type LK 70/110-III UHL1 with minimum breaking load. The permissible load on the insulator is:

For installation, we select suspension insulators of type LK 70/35-III UHL1 with minimum breaking load. The permissible load on the insulator is:

Corona check:

where: - initial critical tension electric field, kV/cm;

Electric charge intensity near the surface of the wire, kV/cm;

The initial critical electric field strength is determined by the formula:

where: - coefficient taking into account the roughness of the wire surface hole ();

Wire radius, cm;

The electric charge intensity near the surface of the wire is determined by the formula:

where: - linear voltage, kV;

Average geometric distance between phase wires, cm.

Let's make a calculation for a flexible conductor of 110 kV:


Let's do the same calculation for a 35 kV flexible conductor:


Based on the above calculations, we can conclude: the selected wires and suspension insulators for flexible busbars 110 and 35 kV satisfy all conditions.

“SVEL Group carries out the construction of block-packaged transformer substations (KTPB) for voltage classes 35, 110, 220 kV (TU 3412-001-63920658-2009), performing the functions of a general contractor (turnkey).

KTPB are designed for reception, conversion and distribution electrical energy three-phase alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz, which can be used in the territory Russian Federation and abroad for power supply to industrial facilities in the oil and gas and mining industries, mechanical engineering enterprises, railway transport, urban and municipal consumers, agricultural areas and large construction projects.

Typical versions of KTPB were developed based on the album “ Typical schemes fundamental electrical distribution devices with voltage 6-750 kV, substations and instructions for their use" No. 14198tm-t1, Institute "ENERGOSETPROEKT", Moscow - 1993.

KTPB are designed for outdoor installation at an altitude of no more than 1000 m above sea level and operation in conditions corresponding to the UHL and KHL versions of placement category 1 according to GOST 15150.

Modular complete transformer substations for voltage class 35; 110; 220 kV, developed by specialists of the SVEL group (OKP code 34 1200), are modern layout solutions that meet the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), as well as the requirements and recommendations of JSC FGC UES.

The main parameters and characteristics of the KTPB correspond to the values ​​​​indicated in the table " Technical specifications KTPB".

This catalog contains a description, main characteristics, diagrams and other technical information on the KTPB as a whole and the components included in the substation.

Product designation:

Example of substation designation:

KTPB - 110 - 4N - 16 - UHL1

KTPB - Complete transformer substation block;
110 - Rated voltage = 110 kV;
4H - diagram of electrical connections of the switchgear;
16 - Transformer power = 16000 kVA;
UHL1 - climatic modification UHL, placement category 1 according to GOST 15150.

Technical parameters of KTPB

No. Parameter name Characteristic Note
Outdoor switchgear 220 kV Outdoor switchgear 110 kV Outdoor switchgear 35 kV Side 6(10) kV
1 Rated voltage, kV 220 110 35 - -
higher 220 110 35 - -
average 35, 110 35 - - -
inferior 6, 10, 35 6, 10 6, 10 - -
2 Power transformer power, kVA Up to 125000* Up to 63000* Up to 16000* - *Accepted in accordance with the requirements of the project on the PS
3 Rated current, A
outdoor switchgear cells 1000, 2000 630, 1000, 2000 630, 1000 - According to schemes: 110-12…13; 220-7…14.
switchgear input cabinets - - - 630, 1000, 1600, 2500, 3150 See catalog "Complete switchgears"
line and jumper circuits max 1000 max 630 max 630 - -
power transformer circuits 630 630 630 - -
busbars 1000, 2000 1000, 2000 630, 1000 - -
4 Through short circuit current (amplitude), kA 65, 81* 65, 81* 26 51, 81* *For outdoor switchgear cells and busbars with In=2000A
5 Thermal resistance current for 3 seconds, kA 25, 31,5 25, 31,5 10 - -
6 Climatic modification and placement category U - HL accommodation category 1 GOST 15150
7 Downwind area I - V PUE (ed. 7)
8 Icy area I - VII PUE (ed. 7)
9 Degree of air pollution I - IV GOST 28856
10 Seismicity of the Construction site, points 7 — 9* According to the MSK-64 scale; *reinforced design of supporting metal structures
11 Average service life of KTPB, years 30 -



KTPB may include:

  • power transformers (autotransformers);
  • open distribution devices (hereinafter referred to as outdoor switchgear) 220, 110, 35, 6(10) kV;
  • rigid and flexible tires;
  • cable structures;
  • secondary switching cabinets;
  • contact and tension fittings;
  • complete distribution devices for outdoor installation of switchgear switchgear (10) 6 kV;
  • general substation control point (SCU);
  • portals;
  • lighting towers and lighting;
  • grounding;
  • foundations;
  • lightning protection (lightning rods, etc.);
  • PS fencing.

The complete set of KTPB can be changed in accordance with the individual requirements of the project and the customer and must be reflected in the questionnaire for the substation.

Power transformers

Power transformers installed at KTPB, developed and manufactured by the SverdlovElectro Group enterprise (SVEL Power Transformers), are used for energy facilities, electrified transport and substations industrial enterprises power up to 250 MVA for voltage classes up to 220 kV (types TDN, TRDN, TDTN) according to the nomenclature of GOST 12965-85. Power transformers manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers can also be used.

Consumers of converter transformers are plants for the electrolysis of non-ferrous metals and chemical products, electric drives rolling mills and electric arc furnaces in metallurgy, electrified railway and industrial transport, special electrophysical research facilities. Transformers comply with all requirements of GOST 16772-77.

Open Switchgear (Open Switchgear)

ORU 6 (10), 35, 110, 220, as part of KTPB, are switchgears, which include supporting metal structures with high-voltage equipment installed on them, rigid busbars, flexible busbar elements, cable structures, secondary switching cabinets, grounding elements . Supporting metal structures for high-voltage equipment are manufactured in block and block-modular designs (TU 5264-002-63920658-2009 “Metal structures for block-type complete transformer substations for voltage 6(10) - 220 kV).

The supporting metal structures are certified in accordance with the GOST R system, the quality and load-bearing capacity of the metal structures are confirmed by calculations and test reports:

Test report No. 19-10 dated 03/16/2010 of the Stavan-Test Test Center of the Ural Institute of Metals OJSC, reg. No. ROSS RU. 0001.22EF05 dated 05/28/2007

Test report No. 15.04.10 dated 04/05/2010 of the UralNIIAS Test Center of OJSC Ural Research Institute of Architecture and Construction, reg. No. ROSS RU.0001.22SL07 dated 04.12.2009

Outdoor switchgear 110 kV (Scheme 110-4N)

  1. Support blocks.
  2. High voltage equipment, including HF communication equipment.
  3. The tires are hard.
  4. Contact and tension fittings.
  5. Cable structures.
  6. Secondary switching cabinets.
  7. Support insulators.
  8. Portals.
  9. Grounding and lightning protection elements.
  10. Service sites

Figure 1 — Composition of outdoor switchgear-110 kV developed by the SVEL group

Figure 2— An example of the layout of a 110 kV outdoor switchgear (scheme 110-4N) developed by the SVEL group

The supporting metal structures, depending on the design, are designed to withstand seismic loads corresponding to the seismicity of the construction site up to 9 points inclusive on the MSK scale - 64. The metal structures have an anti-corrosion coating to protect against external sources exposure, performed using hot or cold galvanizing methods, or paint coating.

The outdoor switchgear is equipped with high-voltage equipment of domestic and foreign production, certified by JSC FGC UES, which is provided in the electrical connection diagrams of the main circuits (see section “Main Connection Diagrams”). Units with high-voltage equipment 110, 220 kV are delivered to the site disassembled. Units with equipment for a voltage class of 35 kV can be supplied both in a disassembled state and in an assembled state of high factory readiness (supporting metal structures, high-voltage equipment, busbar elements, secondary switching cabinets, secondary switching circuits (piping), cable trays, etc. ).

Metal structures can be manufactured for any type of high-voltage equipment, both domestic and foreign, taking into account individual requirements project. Blocks with equipment, which are used as the main solution in the construction and reconstruction of 6(10) - 220 kV switchgears, are easy to install, which is explained by the use of bolted connections instead of site welding.

For blocks with equipment included in outdoor switchgear of various voltage classes, a wide product range of “blocks” has been developed (see below), which is constantly updated.

Each standard block has a symbol that contains information about the composition and relative position of the equipment placed on the metal structure, the height of such a block and the interphase distances of the equipment. The use of such a designation is convenient for selecting the required design of the block and for correctly placing an order for its production without wasting time on additional approval.

A metal structure with installed high-voltage equipment has the following designation:

Abbreviations in the names of high-voltage equipment:

VZ - high-frequency jammer
VK - switch
ZZ - ground electrode
Short circuit - short circuit
KM - cable coupling
KS - coupling capacitor
OD - separator
OI - support insulator
SHO - tire support
Surge arrester - surge suppressor
Surge arrester - neutral surge suppressor
PR - fuse
RZ - disconnector
SI - pulse counter
TN - voltage transformer
CT - current transformer
TSN - auxiliary transformer
FP - connection filter

Example of block designation:

B. 110. VK - 25 / 14.5 - UHL1

B - support block,
VK - switch,
25 - height of the supporting metal structure 25 dm = 2500 mm.,
14.5 - distance between phases in the switch 14.5 dm = 1450 mm.,
UHL1 - climatic modification UHL, placement category 1.

Figure 3 - Disconnector block B.220.R3.2(1)-25.8/35.7-UHL1

Figure 4 - Block of disconnector, current transformers, support insulators B.220.R3.2/TT/OI-25/35.7-UHL1

Figure 5 — Block of coupling capacitors B.220.VL-25.8/35-UHL1 and Switch block B.220.VK-18/23-UHL1

Figure 6 — Switch block B.220.VK-25.8/35.7-UHL1

Figure 7 - Switch block B.110.VK-0.7/14.6-UHL1 and disconnector block B.110.R3.2(1)-25/20-UHL1

Figure 8 — Switch block B.110.VK.-22.3/17.5-UHL1 and Support insulator block B.110.OI-24.5/20-UHL1

Figure 9 — VL receiving unit B.110.VL-24.6/26-UHL1 and Current transformer unit B.110.TT-21/20-UHL1

Figure 10 — Neutral grounding block B.110.3N-32/00-UHL1 and Voltage transformer block B.110.TN-22/20-UHL1

Figure 11 — Block of coupling capacitors B.110.KS-24.6/20-UHL1 and Block of surge suppressors B.110.OPN-26.6/20 UHL1

Figure 12 — Switch block with surge arrester (for a two-winding power transformer) B.035.VK/R3.2/OPN-14/10-UHL1 and Switch block with surge arrester (for three-winding power transformer) B.035.VK/TT/RZ/OPN-14/10-UHL1

Figure 13 — Voltage transformer unit B.035.TN/R3.1/PR/OI-20/10-UHL1 and Voltage control unit B.035.TN/R3.1/PR/OI-20/10-UHL1 (compact )

Figure 14 — Disconnector block B.035.Р3.2.(1)-21/10-УХЛ1 and Support insulator block B.035.ОI-35/10-УХЛ1

Figure 15 — Block of support insulators B.010.ОИ-23/05-УХЛ1

A metal structure with installed high-voltage equipment has the following designation:

An example of a designation for a block-modular design:

KBM. 110. VK/ RZ/ TT – UHL1

KBM - block-modular design,
110 - rated voltage 110 kV,
VK / RZ / TT - Switch / Disconnector / Current transformers,
UHL1 - climatic modification UHL, placement category 1

Busbar is rigid

The rigid busbar, developed by specialists of the SVEL group, is intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy between high-voltage devices as part of both open (OSU) and closed KTPB switchgears. Rigid busbars are manufactured according to technical specifications 0ET.538.002 TU “Rigid busbar for open switchgears for voltage classes 6 (10) - 220 kV.” The use of rigid busbars makes it possible to abandon the use of busbar portals, installing foundations for them, and laying flexible busbars; this leads to a reduction in the land allocation of the switchgear, a reduction in construction and installation work, and savings in materials.

Figure 16 — Rigid busbar according to scheme 110-4N

Designation of rigid tires:

Hard bus parameters

Structurally rigid busbars are made from the following elements and assemblies:

  • Tubular and flat tires made of aluminum alloy 1915.T, which, with good electrical conductivity, has a fairly high strength;
  • Busbar fastening units, which are made in the form of steel brackets of round or flat cross-section, located on the support plate. Fastening units allow for rigid fastening of the tire (console), or free fastening, which allows longitudinal movement of the tire when thermal deformations occur (hinge);
  • Temperature deformation compensators are made of aluminum wire grade A in accordance with GOST 839-80. The wire cross-section is selected based on the rated current value. Compensators also serve as current-carrying flexible connections between busbars.

Tire mounting points:

110 kV bus fastening unit.
The horizontal busbar is fastened to the support busbar plate using round-section steel brackets with threads.

Figure 17 — 110 kV bus fastening unit

220 kV bus fastening unit.
Horizontal busbars are fastened with bent sheet steel brackets

Figure 18 — 220 kV bus fastening unit

The rigid busbar is designed for rated currents from 1000 A to 2000 A.
The outer surface of the tires can be painted with a paint coating, or color marking is done with marking rings, which are made from heat-shrinkable tubing. Color in accordance with phasing, according to the PUE.
The busbar is designed for outdoor installation at an altitude of no more than 1000 m above sea level and operation in conditions corresponding to the UHL and KHL versions of placement category 1 according to GOST 15150.
Currently, rigid busbars using cast busbar holders are being developed.

Figure 19 — Designs of cast busbar holders

Figure 20 — Rigid busbar on cast busbar holders

Advantages of busbars with cast busbar holders

  • Increased mechanical reliability

The use of bolted connections instead of welded ones during the installation of tires avoids the danger of annealing the metal and reducing the mechanical strength of tires in areas with welded seams.

  • High operational reliability of electrical contacts

Since all mechanical forces arising in the busbar connection nodes are absorbed by cast busbar holders, this eliminates the negative impact of such forces on the state of electrical contacts in flexible connections.

  • Compensation for thermal expansion and foundation deviations

Cast tire holders provide the possibility of free movement of tires during temperature changes in length, as well as with slight deviations of foundations that arise during construction and operation.

  • High speed and ease of installation and dismantling of the busbar

The busbar has high degree factory ready. The use of cast busbar holders and bolted connections allows installation quickly and without the use of welding equipment, as well as quick replacement of tires.

  • Durable color designation (marking) of phases

Phase marking is carried out using pieces of high-voltage heat-shrinkable tubing produced by WOER™. This color coating has a wide range of operating temperatures, moisture resistance, long service life while maintaining color properties and versatility (marking is possible on any section of the tire of any length at the request of the customer). This color designation meets the requirements of the PUE.

  • High damping properties

The use of cast tire carriers makes it possible to significantly reduce or completely dampen the amplitude of wind resonant vibrations of a rigid tire system due to the dissipation of vibration energy over a large friction surface in the cast tire carriers (they act as a damper).

Contact and tension fittings

Contact and tension fittings are used for electrical connection of high-voltage devices. Substations produced by the SVEL Group use certified contact-tension (linear, coupling, supporting, tensioning, protective, connecting) fittings, which do not require maintenance, repair or replacement during the entire service life.

Includes the following components:

  • conductive flexible connections: aluminum or steel-aluminum wires in accordance with GOST 839-80. The type of wire, cross-section and number of wires in a phase are determined based on project documentation at the substation depending on the rated currents and requirements of the PUE;
  • contact hardware clamps: standard certified products, used for connecting flexible connections to the contact terminals of high-voltage equipment. Selected depending on the cross-section of the wire, as well as the type and material of the contact plates of the equipment;
  • tensioning and supporting elements: standard clamps designed for laying flexible connections within the outdoor switchgear in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Code, as well as for connection to power lines.

Cable structures

  • The distribution of power and control cables is carried out using suspended cable structures (trays), both foreign and domestic. Hanging trays are mounted directly on supporting metal structures. Cables are lowered into terrestrial cable routes using descents. The use of hanging cable trays makes it possible to avoid laying ground cable routes along the outdoor switchgear, which saves installation time and costs for the substation.
  • The laying of secondary circuit cables from equipment to cable trays, and from trays to terminal cabinets, is carried out in metal hoses or in plastic corrugated pipes.
  • The need to include overhead cable structures in the supply is specified in the substation questionnaire.
  • The location of the cable route is determined by the design organization.

Complete switchgears (KRU) 10 (6) kV

10 (6) kV switchgear developed by specialists of the SVEL group are used as distribution points of KTBM. KRU - SVEL is equipped with separate cabinets, each of which houses equipment for one connection to the busbar.

The developed switchgear has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to install any type of equipment inside cells;
  • the design of the switchgear - SVEL is made of blocks, which facilitates the quick implementation of customer wishes (it is enough to change the block);
  • small dimensions, which is achieved through maximum use of internal space;
  • the design does not have welded joints, connections are bolted or riveted, which allows the use of galvanized sheets in all elements of switchgear - SVEL;
  • Double coating of metal structures with metal powder coating allows you to avoid the appearance of corrosion for 25 - 30 years.

More detailed technical information on switchgear is contained in the catalog “Complete switchgears of the KRU - SVEL series”.

General substation control center

General substation control points (SCP) are designed and used for uninterrupted operation of the transmission and distribution of electricity. The control center is a modular building that houses substation equipment for auxiliary relay protection circuits, automation and control, high-frequency communication equipment and telemechanics.

The control center consists of separate functional blocks that are joined together and assembled into a separate room. In this room, low-voltage complete devices (LVDs) for auxiliary needs of alternating and direct current, relay protection, automation, control and alarm devices are installed. The point provides everything necessary for normal operation: electric heating, lighting, ventilation, as well as the supply of cables and internal communication wires.

The number of blocks in the control unit module, the layout of auxiliary rooms and the type of control panels are determined by the design organization individually for a specific facility in accordance with the recommended layouts.

As a rule, the OPU equipment includes:

  • Differential protection panels for power transformers;
  • Panels automatic regulation power transformers under load;
  • Control panels for sectional switches;
  • High voltage line protection panels;
  • Voltage protection panels;
  • Input and distribution of the substation's own needs;
  • Operating current control cabinet;
  • Uninterruptible operating current supply kit;
  • Central alarm system;
  • RF communication panels;
  • Remote control panel;
  • Terminal cabinets.

To connect external control cables, intermediate terminal cabinets are provided, which are installed in each row of the NKU RZiA.

The control room is illuminated by luminaires with fluorescent lamps. Heating is provided by electric heaters located along the walls and in the floor of the boxes. Heating control - manual or automatic.

The control room is equipped with natural supply ventilation through special louvered windows and forced exhaust ventilation using a fan. It is possible to install air conditioners in the control room.


The portals are designed and manufactured on the basis of standard albums “Unified steel portals of open switchgears 35-150 kV” No. 3.407.2-162, “Unified reinforced concrete and steel portals of open switchgears 220-330 kV” No. 3.407.9-149, developed by Severo -Western branch of the ENERGOSETPROEKT Institute; portals can also be manufactured according to individual customer requirements.

Portals can be coated by hot galvanizing according to GOST 9.307, or by cold galvanizing (soil TsINOL TU-2313-012-12288779-99, then ALPOL TU-2313-014-12288779-99).

Bolted portals are currently being developed.

Lighting towers and lighting

For technological lighting of KTPB, lighting installations with two lamps directed in opposite directions along the cells with a power of 1000 W each are used. Lighting installations, as a rule, are attached to the supporting metal structures of the receiving blocks of the supporting insulators, at a height of about 7 meters from the planning level. The design of the installations allows luminaires to be serviced directly from the ground.

Also, for lighting KTPB, floodlight masts are used, manufactured according to the standard album “Floodlight masts and free-standing lightning rods” No. 3.407.9-172, developed by the North-Western branch of the ENERGOSETPROEKT Institute.


Grounding of metal structures with high-voltage equipment, power transformer housings, switchgear cabinets and other metal parts is carried out with a 4x40 GOST 103-76 steel strip, one end of which is attached to the equipment using grounding bolts, and the other is welded to beams or frames for electrical equipment of the supporting metal structure. The supporting metal structure is grounded directly to the substation grounding loop by welding. The grounding strip is covered locally in black. The substation grounding loop is calculated by the design organization.


KTPB elements can be installed on various types of foundations. The type of foundations, as well as their location, is determined by the design organization based on engineering and geological surveys.

The following types of foundations are used:

  • recessed;
  • semi-recessed;
  • shallow;
  • monolithic columnar; pile (USO racks, screw piles, bored piles, driven piles);
  • single bed;
  • double bench.

When installing supporting metal structures on pile foundations and beds, transition elements (grillages) are used to which the support plates of the metal structure racks are screwed.

When installed on other types of foundations, the support posts of metal structures are installed directly on the anchor bolts of the foundations. The support plates of the racks have holes Ш35 mm for an M30 anchor bolt, 400x400 mm square.

It is possible to install supporting metal structures on foundations based on individual project requirements.

Lightning protection

The function of external lightning protection at the facility is performed by rod and cable lightning rods (lightning protection cables), which provide protection against direct lightning strikes. Lightning rods are installed on bus portals 35-220 kV and power line supports 35-220 kV.

The external lightning protection system, organized according to the principle of a lightning protection grid, is designed individually for each specific structure.


KTPB fencing is manufactured according to our own design documentation. The fencing consists of mesh panels (shields), which are mounted directly on the object by welding to posts made of steel pipe. Along the entire upper contour of the KTPB fence, a barbed, spiral fence OKS 54/10 according to TU-1470-001-39919268-2004 was installed.

Registration of the questionnaire

  • The questionnaire is completed in the prescribed form. Changing the shape, size and content of the questionnaire is not allowed. The form of the questionnaire for KTPB is given on pages 40-41 of this catalogue. Questionnaire forms for switchgear and control gear are filled out in accordance with the catalogs for these types of products.
  • The questionnaire, certified by the signature and seal of the customer, is sent to the manufacturer in 1 (one) copy.
  • All columns of the questionnaire must be filled in; if there is no data in the columns, a dash must be added.
  • In the “Equipment to be installed” section, you must indicate the type and full description equipment, reflected in the column “Additional. requirements" conditions affecting the completeness and design of products included in the KTPB.
  • In the section “Requirements for rigid busbars”, it is necessary to indicate the values ​​of thermal and electrodynamic resistance currents and the permissible long-term current of rigid busbars. It is also necessary to indicate the version of the rigid busbar (welded version or on cast busbar holders) and the marking option (marking rings or continuous coating).
  • In the “Climatic conditions of the construction site” section, it is mandatory to fill in all columns, with the exception of the “Additional” column. requirements". The design and material of supporting metal structures, as well as the design and diameter of tires in rigid busbars, depend on the correct completion of this section.
  • In the “Additional requirements” section, you must indicate the type and height of the foundation from the planning level (+0.000), and when ordering suspended cable structures, you must fill in the appropriate fields.
  • In the “Delivery Contents” section, the block designations are indicated in accordance with the designation indicated above (see the outdoor switchgear section). When ordering portals and floodlight masts, indicate their full designation in accordance with the standard albums for these products (see section Portals).
  • The questionnaire must be accompanied by a single-line diagram, plan and sections of the substation, a field of foundations and supports.

    Valid from 12/22/2015 to 12/21/2018.

    Obtained a license from RosAtom to design equipment for a nuclear installation. License conditions:

    Equipment for a nuclear installation classified as safety classes 2 and 3
    — complete block transformer substations of the KTPB series for voltages of 35, 110, 220 kV;
    — complete transformer substations of the KTPP and KTPN (BM) series with a capacity from 25 kVA to 2500 kVA;
    — complete distribution substations of the KRUN (BM) series for voltages from 6 kV to 35 kV;
    — complete distribution devices of the KRU series for voltages from
    6 kV to 35 kV;
    — low-voltage complete distribution, control and protection devices of the NKU type.

    Valid from 07/04/2016 to 07/04/2026.

    Reducing project development time

    • Use of catalogs for standard products.

    Convenient ordering procedure

    • Usage symbols for the main components of the KTPB, which reduces the order approval procedure.


    • The versatility of the blocks means the ability to install any type of high-voltage equipment, taking into account the individual requirements of the project.

    Reconstruction of existing switchgears

    • The blocks are adapted for any type of equipment.
    • Rigid busbars can be installed on a wide range of support insulators and disconnectors.
    • Development of outdoor switchgear layout taking into account individual project requirements.

    Reduced delivery times

    • Availability of developed design documentation.

    Reduced installation time

    • The use of bolted connections instead of welded ones, both in blocks with equipment and in rigid busbars.
    • Carrying out control assembly at the manufacturing plant, which in turn allows you to: eliminate incompleteness of delivery to the site; check the assembly of products.
    • The use of rigid busbars allows you to avoid bus portals, installing foundations for them, and laying flexible connections.

    Reducing the area of ​​distribution facilities

    • The use of rigid busbars eliminates the need for bus portals, which ultimately reduces inter-cell distances.
    • The use of block-modular design allows you to reduce the number of foundations compared to block structures.
    • The use of suspended cable structures eliminates the cost of additional work on laying of ground cable structures.
    • The location of secondary switching cabinets directly on the supporting metal structure of the blocks eliminates the cost of installing separate foundations for them.
    • Allows you to eliminate the cost of installing separate foundations for them.

Busbar supports of flexible busbar type SHOSK 110 are designed for insulation and fastening of busbar wires in switchgears power stations and substations for rated voltage up to 110 kV. As insulators in busbar supports, support rod insulators with a solid-cast silicone protective shell of type OSK 110 are used. The busbar supports of busbar supports are made of aluminum alloy. The use of SHOSK type busbar supports allows you to avoid mistakes when selecting appropriate insulators and busbar holders. The connecting dimensions of the busbar supports shown in the figures are recommended for the purpose of unification and can be changed upon request if necessary.


Parameter name


Rated voltage, kV

Highest operating voltage, kV


Full lightning impulse test voltage for bus supports of pollution degree 2 and 3, respectively, kV

Test alternating short-term voltage in dry condition, kV

Test alternating short-term voltage in the rain, kV

Radio interference level, dB, no more

Normalized mechanical destructive force for bending, at the level of the upper flange, kN, not less than:

Mechanical destructive force during compression, kN, not less 140

Permissible wire tension, kN

Maximum mass of fixed wires or apparatus components, taking into account ice conditions, according to the condition of ensuring seismic resistance 9 points, kg *

Degree of pollution according to GOST 9920

Seismic resistance with rated and maximum loads from the weight of wires and device components on the MSK-64 scale, points, not less *

Permissible wind speed without ice, m/s

Permissible wind speed during ice conditions with a wall thickness of 20 mm, m/s

Note: *) More detailed information on the seismic resistance of busbar supports for various masses of fixed elements of the electrical installation can be found at


Designation of flexible busbar support


Wire cross-section, mm 2, brands:

Wire diameter,

N page,

Creepage distance, mm, not less


automatic transmission,


SHOSK 110-1-4-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-4-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-4-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-4-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-1-5-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-5-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-5-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-5-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-1-6-2 UHL1



SHOSK 110-1-6-3 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-6-2 UHL1

SHOSK 110-2-6-3 UHL1

Busbar supports are manufactured according to TU 3494-026-54276425-2014

By agreement with the customer, it is possible to manufacture busbar supports for three wires, for wires of other diameters and for any distance between wires in phase.

Open switchgear (OSD) - distribution

a device whose equipment is located outdoors. All

outdoor switchgear elements are placed on concrete or metal bases.

The distances between elements are selected according to the PUE. At voltages of 110 kV and above under devices that use oil for operation

(oil transformers, switches, reactors) oil receivers are created - recesses filled with gravel. This measure is aimed at reducing the likelihood of a fire and reducing damage during

accidents on such devices. Outdoor switchgear busbars can be made both in the form of rigid pipes and in the form of flexible wires. Rigid pipes are mounted on racks using support insulators, and flexible pipes are suspended on portals using hanging insulators. The territory on which the outdoor switchgear is located must be fenced.

Advantages of outdoor switchgear:

Outdoor switchgear allows you to use arbitrarily large electric

devices, which, in fact, explains their use at high voltage classes.

When producing outdoor switchgear, no extra construction costs are required


Open switchgears are more practical than closed switchgear in terms of modernization and expansion

Visual inspection of all outdoor switchgear devices

Disadvantages of outdoor switchgear:

Difficulty working with outdoor switchgear under adverse weather conditions.

The outdoor switchgear is much larger than the indoor switchgear.

As conductors for outdoor switchgear busbars and branches from them

stranded wires of grades A and AC are used, as well as rigid

tubular tires. At voltages of 220 kV and above, splitting is required

wires to reduce corona losses.

The length and width of the outdoor switchgear depends on the selected station layout, location

switches (single-row, double-row, etc.) and power lines. In addition, access roads for automobile or

railway transport. The outdoor switchgear must have a fence at least 2.4 m high. In the outdoor switchgear, live parts of devices, busbar conductors and

To avoid intersections, branches from busbars are placed on

different heights in two and three tiers. For flexible wires, busbars

placed in the second tier, and the branch wires in the third.

Minimum distance from the first tier conductors to the ground for 110 kV

3600 mm, 220 kV - 4500 mm. Minimum vertical distance between

wires of the first and second tiers, taking into account the sag of the wires for 110 kV - 1000 mm, for 220 kV - 2000 mm. The minimum distance between the wires of the second and third tiers for 110 kV is 1650 mm, for 220 kV - 3000 mm.

Minimum permissible insulating distances (in centimeters) in the clear

on air open installations between bare wires of different

phases, between live parts or insulation elements located

energized and grounded parts of structures:

Complete switchgear with gas insulation


Complete gas-insulated switchgear consists of cells whose space is filled with SF6 gas under pressure, connected into various switchgear circuits in accordance with technical design standards. GIS cells are made from standardized parts, which makes it possible to assemble cells for various purposes from the same elements. These include: poles of switches, disconnectors and grounding switches; measuring

current and voltage transformers; connecting and intermediate compartments; busbar sections; pole and distribution cabinets, pressure control system cabinets and voltage transformer cabinets. Each type of cell consists of three identical poles and control cabinets. Each pole of a linear, sectional or busbar connecting cell has a switch with a drive and its control elements, a disconnector with a remote electric drive, grounding switches with a manual drive,

current transformers and pole cabinets. Voltage transformer cells do not have switches or current transformers. Cells and their

The poles are connected by one or two single-pole or three-pole busbar systems.

Linear cells have terminals for connection to current conductors and

outgoing cables. The cells are connected to power cables using specially designed cable glands, and to overhead lines using gas-filled glands.

The safety and reliability of power supply depends on the switches,

protecting electrical networks from short circuits. Traditionally on

power plants and substations installed air circuit breakers

isolation. Depending on the rated voltage of the air

switch, the distance between live parts and ground may

be tens of meters, resulting in the installation of such a device

requires a lot of space. In contrast, the SF6 circuit breaker is very compact, and therefore the switchgear takes up a relatively small usable volume. The area of ​​a substation with switchgear is ten times smaller than the area of ​​a substation with air circuit breakers. The current conductor is an aluminum pipe in which the current-carrying busbar is installed, and is designed to connect individual cells and gas-insulated gas-insulated equipment of the substation. Also, current and voltage measuring transformers, voltage limiters (OSL), grounding switches and disconnectors are built into the switchgear cell.

Thus, the cell contains all the necessary equipment and

devices for transmission and distribution of electricity of various voltages. And all this is enclosed in a compact, reliable case. The cells are controlled in cabinets installed on the side walls.

The distribution cabinet contains all the equipment for remote electrical control, alarm and interlock circuits

elements of cells.

The use of switchgear can significantly reduce areas and volumes,

occupied by the switchgear and provide the possibility of easier expansion of switchgear compared to traditional switchgear. Other important advantages of GIS include:

Multifunctionality - busbars are combined in one housing,

switch, disconnectors with grounding disconnectors, current transformers, which significantly reduces the size and increases

reliability of outdoor switchgear;

Explosion and fire safety;

High reliability and resistance to environmental influences;

Possibility of installation in seismically active areas and areas with increased pollution;

Lack of electric and magnetic fields;

Safety and ease of use, ease of installation and dismantling.

Small dimensions

Resistance to pollution.

Cells, individual modules and elements allow switchgear switchgear to be configured according to various electrical circuits. The cells consist of three poles, cabinets and busbars. The cabinets contain equipment for alarm circuits, interlocks, remote electrical control, control of SF6 gas pressure and its supply to the cell, and power supply of drives with compressed air.

Cells for rated voltage 110-220 kV have a three-pole

or pole-pole control, and 500 kV cells - only pole-pole


The cell pole includes:

Switching devices: switches, disconnectors, grounding switches;

Current and voltage measuring transformers;

Connecting elements: busbars, cable glands (“oil gas”), feedthroughs (“air-sulfur hexafluoride”), gas conductors and

The cost of switchgear is quite high compared to traditional types of switchgear, so it is used only in cases where its advantages are extremely necessary - this is during construction in cramped conditions, in urban environments to reduce noise levels and for architectural aesthetics, in places where it is technically impossible to place switchgear or closed switchgear, and in areas where the cost of land is very high, as well as in aggressive environments to protect live parts and increase the service life of equipment and in seismically active zones.

Rigid bus-new complete production of LLC "T-ENERGY" is intended for the fulfillment of electrical connection between you-so-volt-us ap-pa-ra-ta-mi open-closed (OSU) and closed-closed (ZRU) distribution -de-li-tel-nyh devices 35-500 kV. A rigid bus can be used together with a flexible one, for example, in the form of rigid busbars with flexible internal connections.
Set of rigid buses for rated currents from 630 A to 4000 A from the same as for ty-po-outs , and for non-network circuits of distribution devices.

In combination with hard-new errors, unique ones are used, from the point of view of reliability, connected tel-elements are shi-but-holding-with flexible connections. Shi-no-der-zha-te-li serve for the restoration of me-ha-no-che-efforts, working in the knots of co- Single, flexible connections are used to create reliable electrical connections between -ve-du-schi-mi-part-sti-mi. Li-tye buses with flexible connections are used to connect buses between each other and for connection to the equipment. For better adaptation to the conditions of mutual distribution of tires, specifically -but-the-structure-tion of high-voltage ap-pa-ra-tov and other designs-ra-bo-ta-but several mo-di-fi-ka-tions shi -but-keep-ja-te-lei. In 220 kV distribution devices, flexible bus connections are connected - press-ki.

Teh-ni-che-skie ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki up to 110 kV

6(10) kV OZhK 35 kV OZhK 110 kV
6 (10) 35 110
7,2 (12) 40,5 126
Nominal current, A up to 2500, 3150, 4000 1000, 1250, 1600,
2000, 2500, 3150, 4000
3 3
up to 50 up to 50
<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 128
32 32
20 20
Ka-te-go-ria placement 1 1,3
16 16
until 9 until 9

Tekh-ni-che-skie ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki 220 - 500 kV

On-name-no-va-nie pa-ra-met-ra
OZhK 220 kV OZhK 330 kV OZhK 500 kV
Nominal voltage, kV 220 330 500
Highest working voltage, kV 252 363 525
Nominal current, A 1000, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150 1600, 2500, 3150
Time for ter-mi-che-stability, sec. 3 3
Nominal short-term current thermal resistance (3 sec.), kA up to 50 up to 63
The highest current of electrical resistance (shock value<0,1 сек), кА up to 128 up to 160
Maximum speed of wind pressure, m/s 32 36
Up to the thickness of the ice on the walls, mm 20 25
Ka-te-go-ria placement 1,3 1
Cli-ma-ti-che-use and ka-te-go-ria placement according to GOST 15 150 U, HL, UHL U, HL, UHL
Max-small-speed wind pressure at ho-lo-le-de, m/s 16 16
The seismicity of the district in points on the MSK-64 scale until 9 until 9