When is the social worker's day? World Day of Social Work. How the holiday is celebrated

Among the many different types labor activity, a special niche is occupied by those that require a person to manifest and apply in practice not so much professional qualities, how many personality traits, actions at the call of the soul. A striking example is a profession social worker. It has become widespread both in our country and abroad. That is why today there is in the calendar of professional holidays. In 2019, it is celebrated on March 19th.

Holiday Information

Specified professional holiday, World Day social work, of an international character, appeared on the initiative of two world-famous organizations. These are the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers. Special merit in the establishment of the date belongs to the International Council for Social Security, which approved the idea put forward by the communities mentioned above.

In addition, the spring holiday, World Social Work Day, received active support from various social organizations with national status, operating in almost a hundred states. Our country is one of them. In particular, a large role in the implementation of international programs in this area is played by the activities of a domestic organization called the Union of Social Educators and Social Workers of Russia.

Holiday tasks

The celebration of World Social Work Day is designed to solve several important problems. The most significant of them are:

  • exchange of experience between representatives of the commemorating states in the field of social work;
  • monitoring the compliance of activities carried out by social workers in different countries existing international standards;
  • compliance legal regulations in the process of implementing social programs developed by the organizers of the holiday and the institutions that supported their idea.

World Social Work Day is a holiday not only for representatives of the profession "social worker". The date is also dedicated to people who are in need and actively use the services of social workers of a state and commercial nature. The holiday falls every time on different days, since it is customary to celebrate it on the third Tuesday of the first month of spring. Russian social workers and their wards also have their own national celebration, which is listed on the calendar.

Features of social work

On this important spring holiday for many - World Social Work Day - it is worth giving Special attention social work profession.

This kind professional activity, as social work, is distinguished by its versatility. The fact is that social workers, on duty, deal with representatives of the most different categories citizens. For most Russians given profession is associated primarily with the elderly, pensioners and the disabled.

However, a social worker also works with children from low-income families with many children, with low-income families and individuals, with war veterans; homeless people and those who, due to circumstances, found themselves in a difficult life situation.

We can safely say that the main goal of social work is to provide the needy with outside help a person needs support, especially moral, so that he does not acutely feel his loneliness, his limited abilities. The existence of the profession of a social worker and social services in which such specialists work gives hope to each of us for a bright future for the country and the world, for humanity as a whole, as well as for a worthy old age.

In addition to its versatility, social work is characterized by such features as the complexity of performing official duties. A social worker should be a psychologist, a good listener, a sensitive interlocutor, and an efficient housekeeper. People served by social services are, as a rule, individuals with a difficult character, their own troubles, unpredictable, capable of offending inadvertently. This is due either to age, if the person is elderly; or a difficult life and bitter experience behind them, which is typical for those who went through the war, people without a permanent place of residence and homeless children, as well as difficult teenagers. The vocation of a social worker is to facilitate the existence of such citizens, solve their problems, improve their psychological state and well-being, and this, you see, is far from being possible for everyone.

Job Responsibilities

So, what are the specific steps to take? labor activity social worker?

  • Arrangement of the dwelling of the ward. The social worker brings cleanliness and order in the house / apartment of the person he serves (wet and dry cleaning, including washing floors, windows, dishes, dusting); performs feasible repairs (wallpapering, painting, whitewashing, etc.).
  • Duties of a courier An employee of the social service buys for the client's money and delivers food, household goods, medicines to him with the obligatory provision of a report on the money spent. This also includes the delivery of clothes and other things to the laundry and dry cleaning, followed by their receipt and return to the ward.
  • Rendering elementary medical care. The duties of a social worker may include measuring the body temperature of a sick ward, measuring blood pressure. He will also give the person pills at the latter's request and a glass of water to take the medicine down; he will put mustard plasters, bring a basin of hot water so that he can steam his feet; prepare herbal tea or decoction.
  • Payment for utility services. This means filling out receipts, bills for the use of electricity by the client, gas heating, plumbing, apartment. Naturally, cash provides serviced.
  • Performing horticultural work. If the client of the social service has a personal plot, he can ask the social worker to weed and water the beds, pick berries or fruits in the warm season of the year. In our country, these services are provided by state centers social assistance are provided for an additional fee.
  • Cooking food. The social worker also performs the duties of a cook. True, he is not obliged to prepare pickles - the client has the right to demand the preparation of only the simplest, elementary dishes: mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, soup, boiled meat.
  • Conversations with the client. As noted above, the social worker, first of all, provides the person he serves with moral, psychological support. For the ward, this is very valuable, since many clients of social services are lonely, withdrawn people, and therefore lack communication.

A social worker should be a responsive, attentive, very patient person. Also among the necessary personal qualities social worker belong to sociability, goodwill, the ability to behave in, conscientiousness, responsibility, decency, sensitivity.

Special education is not required to work in a social assistance center as a service staff.

We congratulate all social workers on the kind, disinterested spring holiday World Social Work Day and wish you good health, family well-being and a bright future.

Day of the social worker belongs to the category of annual holidays. It is usually celebrated on the eighth of June. The date is not from the weekend category, and therefore is not marked in red in production calendars. The professional holiday is becoming increasingly important in Russia every year, since the work of social workers has become more appreciated and noticed by many, including government officials.

history of the holiday

Social Worker's Day was established several years ago. In the number of professional Russian holidays, the date was officially introduced by the President of the Russian Federation. It happened on October 27, 2000. But it was proposed to celebrate the celebration at the beginning of summer. The date was chosen by the head of state himself. This is very succinctly and transparently indicated in the Decree he signed. Choosing such a day for celebrating the professional holiday of workers social sphere is not random. The number is directly related to the history of the activities of such people in Russia.

The fact is that almost 300 years ago, on June 8, the first Russian emperor issued a decree that spoke about the arrangement of almshouses for the elderly, the sick, and the poor. Peter the Great established that according to the regulations, there should be one healthy person for 10 weak people. He is simply obliged to help the sick and infirm, providing them with all kinds of moral and physical support.

Today, on this day, it is proposed to honor the activities of social workers. Employees of nursing homes, various shelters, social services, rehabilitation centers, psychologists, medical staff, and lawyers call it their professional holiday. The date has become significant for scientific staff, students, teachers educational institutions whose profile is the social sphere.

Social Worker's Day is a holiday celebrated annually in our country on June 8th. This day was established on October 27, 2000 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1796 "On the day of a social worker." The history of the holiday goes back to the era of Peter the Great, when in 1701 Peter I signed a decree on the creation of almshouses for the elderly, the poor and the sick. Similar establishments were opened at churches and had state support. To help the elderly and the sick, physicians were hired to work in these institutions. The profession of a social worker appeared in Russia only in the 1990s. The main task of employees is to provide social assistance to needy categories of citizens, which include pensioners, low-income families, the disabled and other people who are in a difficult situation. life situation.

Noble and honorable
Your service and your work.
Every day with hope people
They come to you for help.

I wish you strong nerves
selfless kindness,
Endless patience
Faith, happiness and love!

So your holiday has come,
social worker,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
We have normal salaries.

Let the boss never
Do not swear without work,
Let at least sometimes
You are admired!

At work, let things
Everything is easily solved
What do you think, always
It works the same way!

Working with people is one of the hardest things to do. Who, if not you, will warm and comfort? Will it help lonely people or those who are in trouble? We thank you on your professional holiday. Love and peace in the family, full dedication to work, good people on a way!

Doing good is what your job is,
And this is truly incredible work!
You are ready to give both affection and care,
After all, many of them are very, very waiting!

We wish you success, positive,
As much light and heat as possible,
Live very bright and happy
May the lives of others be happier!

In the sea of ​​life
Full of misfortune
Someone always
Your help is waiting.

Your job,
The warmth of your hands
For a better world
Change around.

We wish you
We are the sea of ​​patience
bright sun,
Bird singing.

In families - love
And moral support.
Happy service holiday
you social!

Your work is not easy:
Listen to us all, understand.
Despite the character
Accept all documents.

Sometimes it's hard
No more patience
But, having heard gratitude,
It will become easier on the soul!

Here comes one grandma,
He will simply say: “How without you?”,
And we won't argue
After all, our work is class!

Happy social worker's day!
Happiness to you, love and prosperity,
Tenderness sparkling and cheerfulness
And for your wards pride!

The sun is radiant and warm,
The world is very kind outside the windows,
words of gratitude, greetings
And service to the cause of the selfless.

More than great mood
And something very unusual
Easy way, just a little tart
And long and strong health!

Happy professional holiday
Everyone who is in the field of social
Working year after year
Let life be hassle-free.

Don't let your patience run out
The mood will be better
Work will bring you joy
And good luck will come to the house.

Accept congratulations today
All those who have dedicated their labor
social protection of the population,
Who spares no time and effort.

Let the good that you gave to people
It comes back to you, doubled.
So that more often you "Thank you!" spoke
Because you have a big heart.

Honor and respect for people whose work is
Give warmth, hope and care.
To be protection for the weak and sick,
They are worthy of such words:
We know a lot of high-flown speeches,
How much do we really help?
You are the ones who do not waste words,
Will help and talk about the beautiful.
When there is no one whose help is so needed,
Your work is more important than ever for people.
Good luck in life, never be sad!

Come, help, talk -
What else does the old man dream of?
Take care, give good
Yes, hot tea.
The work is definitely not easy.
And you have to do it - who else?
After all, who can not - he throws.
Those who walked with heart will stay!
When this holiday comes...
... beginning of summer and warmth...
There will be a lot of work
Help, solve problems.

There are professions whose representatives are not in the public eye, but play a huge role in people's lives. Among them are social workers. Today, more than 630,000 social workers help 26 million of our fellow citizens live, of which almost 15 million are elderly and disabled people of various groups. Their work is difficult and sometimes thankless, but they do a great job. And they fully deserve the establishment of their own holiday.


The history of the holiday goes back to the distant XVIII century. And we owe its appearance, like many other innovations in the history of Russia, to Peter the Great. In 1701, then just the king, and not the emperor, issued a decree on the creation of a charity system, that is, a network of almshouses and nursing homes. Until that time, there was no single organization of this kind in the country. The date of issue of the Decree was June 8th. Therefore, it is by no means accidental that this day was chosen for the newly established holiday - the Day of the Social Worker in the modern Russian Federation.

The decree on its establishment was signed by President Putin in 2000. It consisted of only two lines, but the effect of the document with such conciseness was quite significant. Workers in the social sphere felt that their work was appreciated and that the state was closely following it. And today this holiday has already become an indispensable attribute of the activities of the Ministry social protection, which has concentrated in its hands the relevant functions.


Initially, the solemn date was understood rather narrowly and only those employees who were directly involved in working with the population met the holiday. However, many organizations and enterprises, and even commercial firms, are tied to the activities of the Ministry of Social Protection. Without them successful work social workers would be impossible. And today they, together with regular employees of the social sphere, celebrate the holiday under discussion, perceiving it as their own.

On Social Worker's Day, all structures of the Ministry of Social Protection:

  • receive congratulations from the heads of the department;
  • the first persons of local social protection bodies congratulate colleagues and business partners.

It should be said that the meeting of the professional holiday is not particularly pompous, all events are held rather modestly. Meetings are held, diplomas, awards, gifts are handed out.