How to organize the removal of garbage and solid waste from the private sector. Garbage collection - as a business, how much can you earn Small business for the delivery of trash containers

Rubbish - promising business and besides, eternal, I came to him out of greed and still have no regrets. In order for the garbage business to generate income, it is necessary, if possible, to be present at all stages of the technological chain: to take out, sort, deposit and recycle. So far we are present at the first three, but our business model assumes that we will definitely engage in processing, increasing sufficient volumes of incoming raw materials. If you control the entire chain, you can collect added value at each stage. We take out the garbage - we get a margin of 10-15%, we sort - another 15%, we recycle - plus the same amount. The most high competition goes on the logistics market, and with each new municipal competition it increases, bringing new players to the market, and the country's real need for sorting complexes, processing plants and high-quality landfills. There are still no full cycle factories in Russia.

Today, companies of different levels and with different approaches work in the field of waste management. Someone is exploiting the infrastructure inherited from the Soviet times, without investing in modernization and without developing new directions - this is an approach that is fatal for our ecology. Russia is choking on garbage. And the Moscow region is perhaps one of the most problematic. What is needed is complex solutions to the problem: it is necessary to build new modern infrastructure facilities in accordance with European standards, at the same time, it is necessary to update the container fleet, sites and vehicles.

Influential competitors

The Russian model of public sector management differs from the European one. In Europe, the municipality is independently responsible for the quality of utilities, collects money from the population and hires contractors on a competitive basis. In our country, management companies are responsible for this, which are the link between residents and enterprises in the utilities sector - that is, they negotiate with everyone directly, without any participation of the state.

As a result, the heads municipal government there is practically no leverage over the companies providing garbage collection services. In order for the mayor to make any company work well, he needs to go through a difficult procedure: create a courtyard inspection, together with the local precinct police officer, conduct an inspection, prove that the service is of poor quality, fine or sue the company. Now Moscow is trying to change the system towards the European model, abandon the institution of management companies and take over the right to hold contract tenders.

Separate waste collection is not yet very popular in Russia, while in Europe it helps people save significant amounts

For me, as an entrepreneur, this is a risk, because it is one thing when my customers are sixty management companies, and quite another when it is a municipality, which will be both a customer and a controlling body.

The largest Moscow company in our sector is GUP Ecotechprom. They control 50% of garbage collection from the residential sector, and 80% in recycling and deposition. The second largest garbage collection company is MKM-Logistics, owned by the Chigirinskys family. They are followed by Gennady Timchenko's Ecoline.

The priority for us is the construction of new modern facilities - MSCs and landfills. Now there are 13 enterprises in 6 regions. We recently acquired the largest operator for the collection and disposal of medical waste in Moscow, so in the very near future Eco-System will create its own infrastructure for the management of medical waste in the Moscow region.

Drinking staff

The communal sector traditionally suffers from a shortage of qualified personnel, and without the training of professional personnel, it is difficult to imagine its further successful development... There is also an acute problem of the prestige of the profession. Since Soviet times, people have been thinking that losers, drunkards, limiters, and now migrant workers also go to janitors. When I came to the company, I had to conduct a personnel audit and completely change the personnel policy. We have changed the principle of remuneration so that employees understand what exactly they are being rewarded for and what they are being punished for. You can evaluate the work of employees in different ways, for example, based on how much they traveled and transported, and not on how well they provided the service. Therefore, we first of all formulated what exactly our service is, and then translated this understanding into the system of employee motivation. We are not an ordinary freight company, and our clients do not pay us for the fact that our cars have driven 100 km with some kind of cargo. We are paid for a quality and timely service provided, that is, for maintaining cleanliness, which has measurable parameters - everything must be done on time, quickly and accurately.

When people go to work, there should be no garbage. In any civilized city, cleaning takes place in a short period of time, from 5:30 am to 6:30 am. It is believed that if you do not take out the garbage within three days, it will lead to an environmental disaster. The city can be easily destroyed by paralyzing the waste disposal system. So, for example, it happened once in Naples. The owners of the landfill and the logistics company could not agree on a price in any way, as a result of which the garbage collection system was paralyzed for a month, and during this time Naples turned into a landfill. The city was rebuilt for a whole year.

Separate collection

V Soviet time no one appreciated either human or even more natural resources, so no special landfills were planned during town planning. Throwing garbage into the forest, into a ravine near the city was considered completely normal. There were experiments with the collection of scrap metal and waste paper, but it was more of a fashion than an indicator effective work with waste. We have not developed a habit of thinking about what and how you throw out.

Europeans perceive garbage as a raw material and understand that waste recycling is a complex and expensive process. For comparison: the average Russian family now pays about 600 rubles a year for waste disposal, and the average Austrian family - 500 euros. And here you need to take into account that they have this - the cost of removing already sorted waste. If the shipping company finds paper or food waste in the glass container, a fine will be issued. Not separating waste in Europe is expensive and simply indecent. Russia can come to this in an evolutionary way, but several conditions must be met. First, the cost of garbage collection should rise. Second, there must be competition among garbage companies.

Finding good employees to work in the garbage business is not easy. In order to put things in order, Yakimchuk used a special rating system

Companies could offer residents savings by separating garbage at home. We have such experience in Astrakhan and Ryazan. This service has not yet received mass distribution, but it is already very popular with educational institutions, which is important, since it is necessary to form a culture of waste management, as they say, "the sooner the better." While we are selling secondary raw materials. To start recycling on our own, we need to start serving about 5 million people.

Plastic, metal and pure cardboard are highly competitive raw material fractions: they are actively bought, they are in short supply. Plastic has become actively popular recently, because many new factories have appeared in Russia that are engaged in its processing. One ton of PET costs 380 euros in our country, and 500 euros in Europe. China is actively buying secondary raw materials. The trouble is that the garbage that has passed through the container and the garbage truck is mixed in such a way that it is very difficult to separate them, and such dirty raw materials are cheap. Therefore, sorting before shipment would be beneficial to everyone. In fact, many janitors earn extra money by sorting trash. They stack bundles of cartons or bags of bottles next to the containers, and they are then collected by representatives of the recycling companies.

Landfills in the forest

Moscow produces from 6 to 10 million tons of garbage per year, and this is only domestic waste, and add medical, biological, construction waste to them - and all this needs to be stored somewhere. As a resident of Moscow, I, of course, may not care where the garbage is taken out - the main thing is that it is not in my yard, but as a person who often visits the Moscow region, this is already important to me, because this is where he ends up. Half of the existing landfills in the Moscow Region have long expired, and the number of unauthorized landfills continues to grow. As before, and now, landfills appear spontaneously - without a plan and appropriate permits.

Ask any Russian mayor what their main headache is, and they will answer that these are landfills. Often, the garbage is simply taken out of the city and dumped where necessary. For example, we once undertook to close unauthorized landfills in several regions - it turned out that it is even difficult to count them. Near Barnaul alone, they counted about sixty operating objects, none of which has a license. And how many we haven’t found yet!

Once some guys organized a dump right in a residential area of ​​Astrakhan, and the tenants blamed us because we were taking out garbage from this area. The law enforcement agencies did not want to do this - we had to organize surveillance ourselves, find out who was behind it. As a result, six months later, they just took it and left - they probably found a new place. In the garbage business, the shadow sector is very large. Companies conclude a contract for garbage disposal, and nobody cares where it is poured. Most often, either to the forest or to long-closed landfills.

Russian companies are just beginning to develop the waste recycling market. But unauthorized dumps in the forests have long become a tradition.

The tallest mountain of waste I have ever seen reached 25 meters. A rammer can still drive to such a height. But the worst thing about the landfill is not what is outside, but what is inside. In the process of decomposition of waste, a poisonous liquid is formed, which flows down and, if there is no protective geomembrane or clay castle at the base of the landfill, it enters the groundwater. After the dump is filled, it is reclaimed: the garbage is allowed to settle for a year, it is tamped as much as possible, then covered with a layer of earth. So that the methane that appears as a result of decay does not blow up the landfill from the inside (and this has happened), pipes are driven into it to different depths to remove the gas.

In Russia, I have not seen a single enterprise that collects landfill gas, so it is freely released into the atmosphere. For comparison, deep processing of waste is actively used in Europe, as a result of which a certain set of completely inert fractions, similar to sand, from which everything possible has been squeezed out, comes to burial at the landfill. Glass, plastic, wood are selected at the stage of collection. They use the remaining food waste for needs Agriculture and generating electricity.

Waste incineration plants

Waste incineration does not destroy waste, but only reduces its volume at the expense of safety. From one ton of waste, 300 kilograms of ash are obtained, while the waste itself has the fourth-fifth hazard class, and the ash is the second: it is poisonous and requires a special storage. Only radioactive and chemical waste is more dangerous than it. 60% of the cost of a modern waste incineration plant is spent on cleaning air emissions. There is a factory in the center of Vienna, where a stork lives on a chimney as proof of the safety of emissions.

There is one scandalous and anecdotal story about the emissions from Moscow incineration plants. Mayor Luzhkov wanted to prove to journalists and environmentalists that the plant he built was safe, but during an interview, acrid pink phenolic smoke poured out of the factory chimneys. Not at a loss, the mayor explained: "Don't be afraid, there is such a wind rose here that all the smoke is carried away outside Moscow."

I do not even want to think about where the ash from the Moscow factories is transported, because it is known that we did not build any special storage facilities for this. But somewhere she's disappearing! Metropolitan factories burn about 12% of all municipal waste in the city, which results in at least 300 thousand tons of ash.

Photo provided by the press service of "Eco-system"

There are several stages of development, without taking into account which a garbage collection business may turn out to be unprofitable or simply will not recoup the investment.

Naturally, you need to start with the registration of all required documents, as well as obtaining a license to work with hazardous types of waste materials, if in the future there is an opportunity to earn money on their transportation. In the case of a license, it is necessary to purchase the necessary equipment in advance and hire trained personnel.

In all other cases, you need to be based on the following points:

At first, you need to understand the difference in the price range of services for ordinary residents of houses in neighborhoods or settlements and construction sites, organizations, etc. In the first case, the provision of services will cost much less, but will require lower costs.

Secondly, the main fact to which you should pay attention is the availability of transport. After all, the initial profit will directly depend on its tonnage and capacity for overall solid waste that can be loaded onto it.

As an example, you can consider the next option with the purchase of a new dump truck, for a fairly large amount. Such a car will be very useful for the removal of construction waste and oversized products.

If the field of activity will only partially affect such sites, and the main source will be residential buildings in the private sector, then such a car will be completely unprofitable, since the income will not cover the cost of fuel and personnel, let alone profit.

For working with household waste, there will be a more suitable Gazelle type machine, it will have such advantages as:

  • fuel economy;
  • high speed of transportation, and, therefore, more completed orders;
  • lower repair costs;
  • less tax;
  • and, most importantly, the purchase price is much lower.
  • From this it follows that it is necessary to draw up a business plan for garbage collection by choosing a suitable car for a certain area of ​​work.

Like any other business, this type of activity requires an initial investment. Of course, you can have tens of millions, but the example will include the minimum amounts for initial development Affairs.
The initial budget should be not less than 400,000 rubles.

Since funds will be allocated from this amount for the purchase of a car, as well as for all subsequent expenses, then you can count on the following vehicles:

  • Second-hand gazelle - 200,000 rubles;
  • Second-hand ZIL - 100,000 rubles;
  • Used Kamaz - from 250,000 rubles.

This type of transport must necessarily be either a dump truck or onboard, since the booth will complicate the loading and unloading procedure.
Further, there will be waste in the amount 20,000-40,000 RUB... for a diagnostic check and preparation of a garbage truck.

Even if you independently take part in the work, you still need to hire one or two employees, although ideally, there should be at least three people per car, one driver and two loaders. For the salary of each, you need to take away at least another 15,000 r.

For rapid development, you need to invest in advertising, with a newspaper, radio and distribution of leaflets, you still need about 20,000 RUR.

Every week you will need to allocate more RUB 25,000... this amount will include the cost of fuel and other petty waste.

As a result, the first week of work will cost 250,000-300,000 rubles.... and, therefore, you need to start actively looking for a client base so as not to go bankrupt and to provide hired employees with a salary in the first month.

Garbage collection price

If you start from construction sites, then the removal of the container is in the area 6,000 - 10,000 rubles / month... This amount can be influenced by the weight and hazard level of the waste.

Garbage collection price from 8 m 3 RUB 6000 up to 40 m 3 14500 rub.

Residential complexes are not so profitable, but they do not require large expenses, the price fluctuates around 3000 rub / month... All detailed nuances, for example, the time when the brigade will arrive, is negotiated in advance.

Perhaps the most profitable view scrap, this is hazardous waste, of course, if work with them does not require a special permit and license, then the cost will be 15,000-30,000 rubles. the difference is influenced by the complexity of the task.

Eventually, if you collect up to 50 orders and, on average, pick up containers or tanks in each of them 3 times a month, at a minimum cost of 3,000 rubles, then 150,000 rubles comes out. From which salaries and car maintenance costs are deducted, and 50,000 rubles remain clean. from one garbage truck. And over time, you can purchase a whole fleet of vehicles.

Additional earnings for recyclable materials

A garbage collection business idea is not uploaded, this material contains 100%:

  • PET containers 40%;
  • waste paper - 20%;
  • glass containers - 10%;
  • scrap metal - 5%
  • textiles - 5%;

The rest will have to be taken to landfills for burial. But, nevertheless, such an amount of secondary material will provide a starting organization with a pretty good additional income.
It is necessary to start by finding a suitable warehouse and site where it will be possible to sort recycled materials.

Assembled dimensional products, like plastic bottles or cardboard boxes themselves are very light, but dimensional, so you need to buy a press for them so that in the future they can take up a minimum of space and load as much as possible for delivery to collection points.

It also requires expenses, about 100,000 rubles... on a standard press and from 50 000 rub... on the rent for the room. In addition, three to four people are also required to perform direct sorting and loading the press with recyclable materials. Salary is negotiated individually, but this is at least 15,000 - 20,000 rubles / month.

Further, you can even open your own recycling plant, the raw materials for its work will be provided by previously purchased garbage trucks, in the future, such a business can make not only its owner quite well-to-do, but also make a huge contribution to the cleaning of the ecological system of the natural environment. Company carries out according to the above described scheme.

Watch the video: Business Idea Garbage Removal

When running a garbage collection business, you should pay attention to some of the features inherent in this case:

  • At first You must understand the fact that the price range for residents of houses and for construction companies, for example, will differ significantly and in the first version it will be much lower.
  • Secondly you should also take into account the fact that not the quality of your employees will determine the specifics of the client base, but your car, with the help of which waste disposal will be carried out.

Let me give you a simple example. Let's say you spend a lot of money and get yourself a brand new dump truck.

If you focus on garbage collection from the private sector, then the point in the above machine disappears immediately.

Well, think for yourself, why would you buy a huge car for the job that Gazelle can easily handle.

It will simply not be cost effective. Otherwise, if you are going to provide services for the removal of construction waste, then you cannot do without a large car.

So in this case it is worth initially thinking ahead and determining the vector of further development.

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Garbage collection business plan calculations

Let's not languish with anticipation and try to compose exemplary business plan for the case. Go:

Garbage collection business costs:

Total budget: 200,000 rubles.
Purchase of a used dump truck: 80,000 rubles.
Preliminary diagnostics of the vehicle for suitability: 40,000 rubles.
Hiring workers: we will hire three people, including a driver, with an initial salary of 15,000 rubles: 3 * 15,000 = 45,000 rubles.
Advertising costs: 10,000 rubles initially.
Balance for initial expenses: 25,000 rubles.

Garbage collection service prices:

  1. Removal of a container with construction waste: 5000-9000 rubles / month. Depending on tonnage and hazard.
  2. Take out the container from the residential complex: 1000-3000 rubles / month. Negotiated in advance.
  3. Removal of hazardous waste at the place of destination: 10,000-20,000 rubles. Again, depending on the complexity of the work.

Let's imagine by example:

In total, if you have about 50 addresses available and these clients are only from a residential complex. Let's say departure to one address is carried out 3 times a month. In total, from 50 clients per month, we will receive: 3000 * 50 = 150,000 rubles.

After deducting wages, risks and car maintenance, we will receive from 70,000-100,000 rubles a month. Thus, the business is very interesting and should not be put on the back burner. I hope the information is useful to you.

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Not every settlement or district has resolved the issue of solid waste disposal. Today we will consider the organization of garbage collection, starting with the rules for creating a cooperative of residents, ending with finding a contractor and establishing relationships with him.

What is the problem of cooperation

At its own pace, the development of residential areas often outstrips the development of infrastructure. In small settlements far from civilization, municipal services may be completely absent as such. In both cases, the task of organizing the removal of solid household waste (MSW) completely falls on the shoulders of the residents.

Unfortunately, not every resident of a certain village considers it his duty to properly organize garbage collection. Someone simply burns it, someone reduces the volume of waste by sorting and composting organic matter, and then occasionally only takes out non-decomposing waste. And if in the first case the illegal "crematorium" can be covered up under penalty of administrative responsibility, then the everyday habits of other people are much more difficult to overcome.

While there is no slender and clear legislative framework, it is almost impossible to oblige residents of the private sector to dispose of waste in accordance with all the rules. To organize the removal of solid waste, it is required to conclude an agreement between an enterprise engaged in waste disposal and a specific natural person... Solving this issue alone is beneficial only if the waste collection point is within direct accessibility of the service company's vehicle fleet.

If the object is very remote, then the removal of one container may cost an amount that goes beyond reasonable limits. In such cases, the right option would be the cooperation of several dozen families who understand the benefits and convenience of this method of waste disposal. Only in this case is it possible to ensure full loading of the garbage truck and distribute the costs among several members of the cooperative, reducing the cost of services to acceptable values.

Who is responsible for garbage collection

The collection and disposal of garbage to the landfill is carried out by enterprises that have a license for this type of work and their own technical base... These can be private companies: in cities with a population of over 100-150 thousand people, this is a fairly profitable type of business. In small settlements and individual districts, garbage collection can be carried out by the economic services of the municipality.

For clarification, you can contact the city administration or the local council of deputies. Also, it will not be superfluous to visit the nearest collection points for solid waste: many companies leave contact information directly on garbage containers and place advertisements on the bodies of garbage trucks.

Please note that city and suburban areas may have multiple contractors approved by the local city council. The terms of interaction with them sometimes vary greatly, some companies simply do not demonstrate a sufficiently responsible approach to their work. The freedom to choose a contractor for garbage collection is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Contractor working conditions

As a rule, two clauses are the subject of an individual or collective agreement. The first is the organization of a place for temporary storage of solid waste, the second point is the registration of this point to call the collector. The garbage truck can be visited either at regular intervals (once every 2-3 days), or by phone call. Each of the options can be convenient in its own way in different situations.

Arrangement of a site for temporary storage of waste, purchase and installation of containers can be carried out by the residents themselves. This is often much more profitable in financial plan, it is enough just to get the necessary technical conditions... This mainly concerns the height of the fences and the pedestal, the number and format of containers.

Some private enterprises practice separate waste collection. This provides for the preliminary sorting of waste into organic, recyclable and others. It is clear that in this case one or two containers are simply not enough.

Sometimes the contractor implements rather unusual waste collection schemes that do not provide for the equipment of a public site. The collector drives down the street and empties a number of individual containers, each of which is written on the itinerary. In this case, special containers can be used as garbage cans, which are technically adapted to work with a particular type of car.

How to conclude a collective agreement

To indicate the second party to the agreement, the cooperative of tenants will require registration of the HOA. The procedure for creating a partnership is periodically changed, for this moment the solution of this issue is in the competence of the executive committees and bodies local government dealing with the registration of individual enterprises.

To create an HOA, an application for registration of a partnership is required and one application from each homeowner to join a cooperative. After that, the charter of the partnership is drawn up according to the established model and the entrance fees are collected to the general fund.

To conclude a collective agreement for the removal of solid waste, a protocol of the meeting of the HOA participants should be drawn up, at which 2/3 of the votes confirm the choice of a certain contractor and the conditions for working with him. To conduct a vote, you will need a sample contract taken in legal department a company engaged in the collection and disposal of household waste, as well as a preliminary estimate or calculation of the cost of services. After adoption general solution the protocol and the application for the conclusion of the contract are transferred to the consumer department of the contractor company.

There is another type of contract conclusion. In a separate case, it is allowed to sign a unilateral appeal by a representative of the HOA and register a waste collection point with the company. In this case, the guarantee of the provision of services is a paid check or receipt, but from a purely legal point of view, it is somewhat more difficult to bring an unscrupulous contractor to responsibility.

Where to place trash containers

Individual garbage cans should be placed directly in front of the site, right next to the carriageway. There are no special rules as such, it is much more important to personally solve the issue of anti-vandal protection. In some cases, the issue of placing the container in a specially equipped place on the site adjacent to the street area through the fence may be discussed. Almost always, a house or lot number or other special designation is required on the container.

Public containers have stricter placement rules. The arrangement of populated areas is regulated by the norms of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. In the communal sector, containers should be located between 20 and 100 meters from the building where the residents use them. In the private sector, such distances are of little use, usually the length of one residential block exceeds 300-500 meters, and no one will allow a garbage collection point to be located right in front of their windows.

For these reasons, it is better to agree on the location for the installation of containers with the representative of the urban architecture and sanitary service. Containers in the amount of no more than 5 pieces should be placed on an asphalt or concrete plinth right next to the carriageway, where there is still accessibility for the side entrance of vehicles. On the other sides, the site should be fenced with green spaces or a fence that prevents the spread of unpleasant odors. Usually its height is 50-70 cm higher than the tanks themselves.

Rules for the use of trash cans

The terms of cooperation are spelled out in the agreement with the waste disposal company, or in integral annexes to it. According to the established rules, it is forbidden to unload construction waste, oversized items and toxic substances into containers for solid waste. Examples of prohibited waste include mercury lamps, lead-acid batteries, car tires, containers with fuels and lubricants, etc.

Separately, the procedure for sorting waste, ensuring access to containers for maintenance personnel and responsibility for keeping the site clean can be regulated. So that residents of neighboring plots who do not participate in the HOA do not use containers, the latter are allowed to be locked. It is also possible to secure the tanks to the platform by means of chains or cables with locks to prevent theft. Such issues are discussed with the contractor on an individual basis.

To put things in order and get a decent profit for it, you should pay attention to the garbage collection business. Let us briefly consider whether a license is needed for this type of activity, as well as where to start for an entrepreneur who does not yet have the proper experience in the implementation of promising projects.

And although this direction seems unattractive due to the fact that you will have to deal with garbage, household waste and dirt, but thanks to this, you can count on stable and high income. One has only to take into account some of the features when organizing a company and obtain all the necessary permits.

The urgency of the problem

Ten years ago, only state organizations... But today, many enterprising people are paying attention to the idea of ​​making a profit from performing unpleasant but so necessary functions. To do this, it is enough just to offer high-quality service and get the job done in a timely manner.

Modern technology makes it possible to minimize labor costs for waste collection and disposal, as well as to save on transportation costs. You just have to find or organize a landfill where you can store waste or set up a recycling plant to ensure a full cycle of activities.

Setting up a garbage collection company has the following advantages:

  1. Many companies that do this do not comply with sanitary standards and work execution time, therefore, by offering high-quality service, you can count on a stable growth of the client base.
  2. With machines created using modern technologies, the whole process becomes simple and aesthetic.
  3. By collecting waste, you help keep the city clean and have a positive impact on the environment.
  4. The demand for this type of service will never disappear and does not fluctuate even from political and economic factors.
  5. If you also install a waste processing plant, then the profitability of the business increases significantly.

Of the minuses, one can single out only the high cost of special transport and the duration of the paperwork.

Where to begin?

Starting a garbage collection business is not easy. To do this, you will need to allocate enough time, collect all the necessary papers and pay the state fee and license. First, contact tax office and submit documents for creation legal entity... The best option would be a limited liability company (LLC).

This gives you an advantage when concluding contracts, since the owners of companies have less trust in a private entrepreneur. Also, this step will protect you from the risk of losing all personal property in case of failure, because you are responsible to creditors only with the amount from the authorized capital.

Please note that garbage collection activities have several options for issuing OKVED codes. It is better to choose all the available ones at once or decide exactly on the services offered:

  • 00.2 - removal and processing of solid waste;
  • 00.3 - refers to the cleaning of territories;
  • 11 - collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 12 - in the case of removal or disposal of garbage that belongs to I-IV hazard classes;
  • 41 - regulates the activities of special freight transport.

If, in addition to this, you will still be engaged in the destruction or processing of recyclable materials, then you will have to significantly expand the range of designated functions. And in order not to contact the administration twice, think over all areas of future activity in advance.

The form of taxation in this case is simplified, in which you can pay 15% of the difference between the income and expenses of the company. After all, the monthly costs of maintaining a business and wages employees will be significant.

Do not forget to obtain permits from regulatory authorities - SES, GPI and Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you should initially find out all their requirements and prepare the office, transport and equipment in accordance with the established norms and standards. Please note that garbage collection activities are regulated by Law No. 203-FZ.

You will also have to obtain a license that is issued Federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management. To do this, they prepare a waste passport, collect the legal documentation of the company, conduct special training for employees and pay the state duty. The licensing process can take up to 2.5 months.

If you do not want to spend energy on paperwork, you can use the help law firms who will take over all the bureaucratic issues. And although such a service involves a high cost, you can deal with other organizational issues at this time.

Do I need a room?

Aspiring entrepreneurs believe that since the activity of garbage collection is connected only with its transportation, then they will not have to rent any office. In fact, it is better to equip a small room to accommodate administrative personnel, store documents, draw up contracts and communicate with clients.

Its dimensions are not regulated by any regulations. It is important that you can comfortably place office equipment and furniture for staff. The total area is 40 sq. m should be enough for everything you need. For freight transport, you will also have to equip a parking lot, parking or garage. The size of the territory will depend on the number of cars in the fleet. Don't forget about storage space for empty containers.

Work equipment

The main technique for garbage disposal is special garbage trucks. Moreover, it is not recommended to purchase used old-style cars. It is better to immediately lease or rent modern vehicles that have a built-in press. This will help you save a lot on your gasoline bills, as you can collect a lot more waste and take fewer flights at a time.

In order to collect garbage in an organized way, it is better to take care of containers. You leave some of them on the customers' premises, and keep the empty ones in the warehouse. If subsequent processing of waste paper or other types of recyclable materials is expected, then it will also be necessary to provide a warehouse for storage.

Where to take your garbage?

This is the most difficult and painful issue at the national level. Even those pits that were recently set aside for garbage disposal are already overcrowded today and look more like mountains. Before concluding an agreement on waste collection with companies or individuals, you need to agree with the city administration on the place where it can be sent.

In some settlements, or rather, outside of them there are ready-made landfills for garbage. In other cases, you will have to independently organize such a territory. It should be located far from residential areas and meet other requirements of environmental organizations.

If in your region there are factories for and recyclable materials, you can agree on mutually beneficial cooperation... Sometimes it is worth finding or organizing a special waste disposal workshop, which will also be useful and profitable.


Several people will be needed to carry out the main activity. It is more convenient if they have a driver's license at the same time, then there is no need to hire drivers separately. If you have several garbage trucks, it is advisable to hire your own mechanic for the fleet.

Also, the staff should have such employees as an accountant and an administrator, sometimes a dispatcher and a logistician are needed. The first accepts orders from customers, and the second makes a more successful route for each car. When organizing a processing workshop, the number of employed people increases significantly.

Client search

The main potential audience in this area of ​​business is divided into:

  1. Individuals.
  2. Commercial enterprises.
  3. Utilities.

The largest and most permanent source of income will be cooperation with various shops, hotels and catering establishments. Although the removal of garbage from the residential sector may also be profitable business... To attract as many clients as possible, you need to draw up a competent and flexible tariff scale for different customers.

For the most part, the owner of the garbage disposal company will have to make so-called cold calls to conclude the first contracts. And only with the expansion of the client base and the provision of high-quality and timely services, you can count on high profits.

In order to attract the attention of those who wish to their activities, you should use more standard advertising methods:

  • place advertisements in local print media;
  • create a business card website that lists all the terms of service;
  • to order billboards or banners;
  • register the contacts of the company on its own freight and specialized transport;
  • post ads in private sectors.

Overcoming difficulties

As with any business in this area, there are certain risks, foreseeing which you can safely move on.

So, according to marketing research, the garbage collection company faces the following difficulties:

  1. In some regions, the competition is too strong. For example, in Moscow alone, more than 500 operating organizations are registered in this direction. For comparison, there are about 10 services per city abroad. But this problem is solved by the provision of services at a high level, timely waste disposal, compliance with the specified deadlines.
  2. Congestion of special landfills, which is solved by searching and organizing new free territories. You can also pay attention to the creation of a plant for recycling and incineration of garbage, or to start recycling.
  3. Individual entrepreneur with limited start-up capital it is difficult to compete with larger and more serious competitors. After all, for this you need to have enough trucks modern sample... Therefore, initially calculate your financial capabilities or enlist the support of reputable investors.

Additional income

Garbage collection activities are considered quite promising and profitable. If you want to increase the profitability of your business, you can pay attention to the following related activities:

  • Sorting and processing of recyclable materials - some of its types or all waste.
  • Disposal.
  • Removing not only containers from the residential or commercial sector, but also the collection of construction waste, precious metals, computer components, medical substances, etc., which will require additional permission and licensing.

In each case, it is worth analyzing the market at the regional level, assessing the demand for certain types of services, and also calculate in advance how profitable it is to organize such an enterprise.

The financial side of the issue

To start collecting garbage and achieve high income, you must first draw up a business plan with calculations. The exact numbers will strictly depend on the number of vehicles purchased, as well as on a number of other factors.

In addition, you will have to pay monthly taxes, employees' salaries, utilities, the Internet, telephone connection, spend money on gasoline and maintenance of cars, etc. With established channels and a formed client base, you can get about 200 thousand rubles net profit every month. But be prepared for the fact that such income will begin only after a long active search for orders.

The profitability of this direction is estimated at 10-17%, the payback comes in about 2-3 years. But it all depends on the region of your activity, the number of machines used, their initial cost, the level of competition and the successful conclusion of long-term contracts.

Video: how did garbage collection become an elite business?