Geometric kernels of the cae system. Journey to the center of sapr. requirements for the management of the project information model

    This is true :) this is nonsense :) in TF you can do it both ways =) there will be no noticeable difference in speed, you can even then take any copy and repaint it, change the holes, remove the holes, whatever... and the array will still remain an array - will it be possible to change the number of copies, direction, etc., cut the video or will you believe it? :) That's right, but what is the task? How to translate SW splines by points into splines by poles or something, if you think about it, this is also some change in the original geometry - are there any comments on this? :) as I understand it, the TF only translates 1 to 1, the rest can already be configured in the TF template before export in DWG - see the pic under the spoiler, or scaled in the form of AC, which in principle does not contradict the basic methods of working with AutoCAD, and since in view of the prevalence of AC in the early stages of the peak popularity of CAD implementation, it is even more familiar to the older generation: And if I still need to dig into the possibilities of exporting/importing different CAD systems: 1) how can I export only selected lines to DWG from a 2D SW drawing? (SW is more or less suitable for 3D documents, but you still have to manually clean up the excess in a small preview window). Delete in advance everything that is not needed, and then export -> somehow not modern, not youthful :) 2) And vice versa, how to quickly import selected lines in AutoCAD into SW (for example, for a sketch, or simply as a set of lines for drawing)? (for TF: select a set of required lines in AC -ctrl+c and then in TF just ctrl+v - that’s all)

    What detail are we talking about, otherwise maybe this detail should not be mirrored, but simply tied differently and it will be just right.

    A mirror part is the same configuration only created by a machine; you can make the configuration of the part yourself, and in some cases this may turn out to be more elegant and easier to edit later.

    Good afternoon, I need help with the following situation. There is a MIKROMAT 20V machine (3+2 axes) with a Sinumerik 840d rack. On the machine, in addition to automatic tool change, there is also an automatic change of milling adapters: SPV extension UhFK adapter with two rotary axes “B” and “C” Wbfk - with one rotary axis “C” DE - main cover for contact plugs and hydraulic output on the spindle head for the remaining adapters.
    In this regard, the machine manufacturer has redefined cycle M6 as L6, for calling the tool together with the adapter. L6("DRILL_8","UHFK"); example of calling a tool change cycle in auto/mda mode The HPOS subroutine is designed for orientation of UHFK and Wbfk, namely mechanical rotation of the axes with recalculation of the actual position of the spindle from the main spindle. The subroutines HAWEX, WEWEX, HATRALIM mentioned in HPOS are responsible for performing this. HPOS(180.0); example of a positioning block in auto/mda mode Approximate order Actions during HPOS: Spindle orientation occurs Hirth gear release Rotation of axis Clamping of Hirta gear Coordinate system recalculation On this moment point 2 and the beginning of point 3 occur, namely under-rotation of positioning. In this case, the channel is active, there are no failures, but the spindle power drops to 0% and the message “Wait, impact on feed”.

If there are good people, I will be glad to add any information. WEWEX.SPF L6.SPF HPOS.SPF HAWEX.SPF HATRALIM.SPF

Recommendations set
General requirements

to the architecture of the CAD core as a whole and its constituent parts. The recommendations are intended for use at all stages of the development of design and technological CAD systems for general mechanical engineering applications.
(Gosstandart of the USSR)

All-Union Scientific Research Institute

on normalization in mechanical engineering
Approved .

By order of VNIINMASH
No. 395 dated 12/16/1987


System-wide CAD core

mechanical engineering applications.

General requirements

R 50-54-38-88

Moscow 1988

1 These R establish general requirements for the architecture of the CAD core as a whole and its constituent parts. The use of P allows you to solve problems of design and technological design in CAD that arise during the development of integrated production systems.

1.1 . The CAD core is a software and methodological complex (PMK “CAD Core”), designed for constructing object-oriented automated design procedures for design and technological design.

1.2 . An automated design procedure created using the CAD Core software tools includes operations performed by the end user.

1.3 . The tools of the PMK "CAD Core" are used to create three types of procedures.

1.3.1 . Definition of an object. In this case, when executing a procedure, the system memory sequentially builds information structure, displaying the design of the designed object (parts, assembly unit). A design is created from a set of structural elements focused on a given subject area.

1.3.2 . Transforming an object. Procedures of this type have such effects on the object, as a result of which changes in its shape, design and (or) scale occur. Conversion operators are part of the CAD Core software.

1.3.3 . Establishing relationships between a given object and others. This procedure allows you to create complex compositions from elementary objects by specifying various types of relationships between them. Sets of such relations, oriented to a given subject area, are performed using the "CAD Core" software. Thus, the “CAD Core” PMK combines a set of instrumental and technological means for constructing design procedures.

By using tools object-oriented CAD components are created using a specific method. Technological tools are ready-made CAD components updated by the end user.

1.4 . The "CAD Core" software management system should include the following functionally related components: the design process management system, the project information model management system, and the "Basic Processors" software management system.

1.5 . Compatibility of components with each other, as well as software, making up the whole PMK "CAD Core", is carried out at two levels: at the component level - by using a unified information model of the designed object and at the software level - based on international standards for the presentation of graphic and geometric data, as well as network standards for protocols and interfaces between them.


2.1 . The PMC for design process management is designed to ensure high-quality assembly of computing processes into a single whole and control their functioning automatically according to the original task or based on interactive interaction with the user.

2.2 . The PMC in question must carry out:

customization for the end user's thesaurus;

generation of dialogue programs based on a formalized description of the dialogue script;

translation of user-entered design tasks;

issuing information about the results of completed tasks, the state of the object or the design process;

adjustment of the design scenario based on its results;

connecting design and maintenance tools to a set of computer-aided design tools.


3.1 . The PMK for managing the project information model is designed for organizing, storing and manipulating design data in the process of computer-aided design.

3.2 . This PMC is created according to the principles of constructing database management systems (DBMS).

3.3 . The PMC is designed to provide:

performing operations to form the structure of design data according to user requirements;

manipulation of design data and connections between them;

issuing reference information about the state of the design data structure;

physical organization of design data;

multi-access to design data;

restoring the integrity of design data in case of system failures;

exchange of design data with external databases;

entering information about the design object (OD) in a formal language, its control and editing;

independence of DBMS tools from applied PMCs.


4.1 . PMK "Basic processors" is designed to perform design maintenance procedures.

4.2 . The initial composition of the "Basic Processors" PMK of the CAD core includes the following basic processors: geometric modeling, visualization of design results; documenting design decisions.

4.2.1 . The core geometric modeling processor is designed to provide:

formation of a geometric model of the OP;

converting geometric information into other design data structures;

performing geometric calculations to calculate the inertial-mass, volumetric and projection characteristics of the OP;

preparation of data for performing strength, thermophysical and other general technical calculations;

connection with a graphical database.

4.2.2 . The basic design results visualization processor provides:

displaying the requested information about the OP on graphic output devices;

input and editing of graphic information while simultaneously making changes to the geometric model of the OP;

prompt tracking of changes in the geometric model of the OP when visualizing design results.

4.2.3 . The basic processor for documenting design decisions provides:

formation of information models of working drawings of designed objects;

creation of information models of specifications of designed objects;

issuance of documentation on design solutions in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD.


DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

PERFORMERS: V.P. Vasiliev (topic leader), V.I. Bogdanovich, A.K. Kulichenko, O.I. Semenkov, L.G. Milkayan.

№1 General information about CAD

The designer's activity is based on the design process, that is, the choice of a certain method of action.

Automation of design processes– this is the compilation of a description of what is necessary for the creation under given conditions of a non-existent object or an algorithm for its functioning with possible optimization specified characteristics object or algorithm.

Construction – is part of the design process, and comes down to determining the properties of the product. Automation of the design process, technological preparation of production technologies industrial production (CCI) at the initial stages comes down to the creation of separate software packages, and at the final stages the creation of systems (CAD).

CAD term – is the semantic equivalent of the English CAD (Computer Aided Design).

CAD– a set of design automation tools interconnected with departments of a design organization or a team of specialists performing computer-aided design.

Automated is called design in which the description of an object and the algorithm of its functioning, as well as the description in various languages, is carried out by the interaction of a person and a computer.

Automatic is design in which all transformations of object descriptions and functioning algorithms, as well as descriptions in various languages, are carried out without human participation.

-History of CAD development-

It is divided into several stages:

Stage I – formation theoretical foundations CAD began in the 50s of the XX century. It is based on a variety of mathematical models (B-spline theory by I. Schaenberg 1946), modeling of curves and surfaces of any shape 60g.

During this period, the structure and classification of CAD (Geometric, aerodynamic, technological, thermal) was formed.

To work with CAD, graphic terminals are used, connected to the main frames (the first graphics station Sketchpad in 1963) used a display and a light pen.

At the same time, CAM systems (CCI Automation System) were developed. In 1961 The APT programming language was created, which became the basis for programming CNC equipment.

The first programs for calculating cutting conditions were created in the USSR.

Stage II – associated with the use of graphic workstations running Unix OS. In the mid-80s, the PC based on the Intel 8086 processor appeared, and it became possible to perform complex operations of both solid and surface volumetric modeling in relation to parts and assemblies.

By 1982, solid modeling began to be used in IBM's products, Computer vision, and Prime.

In 1986 Autodesk released AutoCAD. Parasolid (developer of Unigraphics Solution) and ACIS have become widespread. The Porosolid core (88) became the core of solid modeling CAD/CAM Unigraphics, and since 1996 the industry standard.

Stage III – the development of microprocessors (MP) begins, which led to the possibility of using CAD/CAM systems top level on a PC computer.

In 1993 In the USA, the company Solidworks Corporations was created which developed the Solidworks solid parametric modeling package based on the Parasolid kernel. In 1999 SolidEdge was released in Russian. A number of mid- and low-level CAD/CAM systems were developed in the USSR and Russia: Compas, T-Flex CAD, etc.

Stage IV – since the late 90s, characterized by the integration of CAD/CAM systems, with design data management systems (PDM) and other tools information support products.

The design and production processes were based on a geometric model of the product, which was used at all stages of production.

In the 90s, PDM products for mechanical engineering CAD were developed. One of the first was the Optegra system from Computer Vision. The ENOVIA and Smarteam packages were created. Among Russian systems PDM the most famous are:

1) Pilot: PLM by Askon.

2) PDM STEP Suit (NPO Applied Logistics).

3) Party Plus by Locia-Soft, etc.

Extending the function of PDM systems to all stages of the product life cycle turns it into a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system. The development of the PLM system ensures maximum integration of the processes of production design, modernization and support of enterprise products.

No. 2 CAD classification (01/14/2013)

CAD classification is carried out according to a number of principles:

· By application.

· Purpose.

· Scale (Completeness of the tasks to be solved).

· The nature of the basic subsystem of the CAD core.

By application the most used are the following groups:

In addition, there are many specialized CAD systems, for example: CAD aircraft, CAD for electrical machines, CAD for large integrated circuits (LSI).

By purpose There are CAD systems or CAD subsystems that provide different aspects of design, so MCAD includes CAE/CAD/CAM systems:

1. Functional design CAD (CAE) Computer Aided Engineering - designed for engineering calculations.

2. Design CAD systems for general mechanical engineering (CAD) – solving design problems and design design documentation.

3. Technological CAD for general mechanical engineering (CAM) Computer Aided Manufacturing.

By scale distinguish between individual software methodological complexes CAD, for example:

1. A complex of strength analysis of mechanical products in accordance with the finite element method.

2. Complex of analysis of electronic circuits.

3. PMC system.

4. Systems with unique architectures, not only software, but also technical equipment.

By the nature of the basic subsystem:

1. CAD based on the computer graphics and geometric modeling subsystem - focused on applications where the basis is design, that is, the determination of spatial forms and the relative position of an object. This group includes the majority of CAD graphics cores in the field of mechanical engineering (Parasolid, ACIS).

2. CAD based on a DBMS, focused on applications that process a large amount of data with relatively simple calculations. Such CAD systems are mainly found in technical and economic applications. For example, when designing business plans, it also occurs when designing objects similar to control accounts for automation systems.

3. CAD based on a specific application package - in fact, these are autonomously used complexes (PMK), for example, simulation modeling production processes, strength calculation and finite element analysis, synthesis and analysis of systems automated control etc. (Often such CAD systems refer to CAE). For example, the mathematical package MathCAD.

4. Complex or integrated CAD systems - consist of a set of subsystems of the previous types. Typical examples of complex CAD systems are CAE/CAD/CAM systems in mechanical engineering or CAD BIS.

No. 3 Principles of CAD design (01/16/2013)

Basic principles of CAD design

When creating CAD at various stages, as well as its subsystems, the following principles must be taken into account:

1. Man-machine system(solving informal problems) – the team of developers and users of the system is its main part, and interacts with technical means to carry out design. At the same time, some design procedures cannot be automated and are solved with human participation. We can talk about automatic design only in relation to individual tasks

2. CAD developing system– CAD should be created and function taking into account the content, improvement and updating of its subsystems and components, a group of specialists should be created that should improve and develop the existing CAD.

3. The principle of system unity of CAD– is that when creating and operating CAD systems, connections between subsystems must ensure the integrity of the entire system. The greatest effect from CAD is achieved with end-to-end automation of design at all levels, which eliminates the multiple description of information about design objects, ensuring its continuity for various subsystems.

4. Principle of compatibility of CAD components– is that languages, symbols, codes, information and specifications structural connections between subsystems using CAD tools should ensure the joint functioning of the subsystems. Particularly important is information and software compatibility, for example, information compatibility ensures the operation of individual subsystems with the same database.

5. CAD standardization– consists in carrying out unification, typification, and standardization of subsystems and components, as well as in establishing rules for the purpose of streamlining. This opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of CAD and its adaptation at various enterprises.

6. The principle of independence of individual CAD subsystems– this principle is the opposite of the principle of compatibility. Determines the possibility for subsystems, implementation, and their functioning independently of other subsystems.

7. CAD Openness Principle– determines the possibility of making changes to the system during its development and operation. Changes may involve adding new ones or replacing old ones. Elements of software, technical, or linguistic support.

8. The principle of consistency between traditional design and CAD– should be taken into account when implementing CAD for already operating enterprise, with an established structure, forms and methods of use project documentation. At the same time, the implementation of CAD should not disrupt the normal functioning of the enterprise.

No. 4 CAD structure (01/16/2013)

Like any complex CAD system, it consists of subsystems:

Ø OS and Network software.

Ø CAD System Environment: User Interface, PDM, CASE, Design Management.

Ø Design subsystem.

There are design and maintenance subsystems.

Design subsystem– directly carry out design procedures, examples include subsystems of geometric three-dimensional modeling of technical objects, production of design documentation, circuit analysis, etc.

Service subsystems– ensure the functioning of the designed subsystems and their compatibility. Often called the CAD system environment or shell.

Typical service subsystems are:

· Project data management subsystems (PDM – Product Data Management).

· Design process management subsystem (DesPM – Design Process Management).

· User interface subsystem for connecting developers with computers.

· CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) subsystem – for the development and maintenance of CAD software.

· Training subsystems for users to master technologies implemented by CAD systems.

No. 5 CAD support tools (01/19/2013)

There are the following types of CAD software:

1) Technical (TO). Includes various hardware (computer, peripheral, network switching equipment, communication lines, measuring instruments).

2) Mathematical (MO)– combines mathematical methods, models and algorithms to perform design.

3) Software. Represented by CAD programs.

4) Information (IO). It consists of a database, a DBMS, as well as other data used in other design activities (the entire set of data used in design is called the CAD information fund, and the database together with the DBMS is called a data bank).

5) Linguistic (LO). They include design languages ​​between designers and computers, programming languages, and languages ​​for data exchange between CAD technical tools.

6) Methodological (MetO). Includes various design techniques; sometimes MO is also referred to as MetO.

7) Organizational (OO). Presented by staffing schedules, job descriptions and other documents regulating the work of the design enterprise.

-Technical support of CAD (TOSAPR)-

Includes, various technical means, used to perform computer-aided design.

The technical means used in CAD must provide:

1. Carrying out all necessary design procedures for which appropriate software is available.

2. Interaction between designers and computers. Support for interactive mode of operation. The requirements refer to the general interface. And above all, devices for exchanging graphic information.

3. Interaction between team members working on this project. The requirement drives the networking of hardware.

As a result, a common CAD system represents a network of nodes interconnected by a data transmission medium.

Knots(data stations) are designer workstations (AWS), workstations (Main frames, individual peripheral and measuring devices). It is in the workstation that there must be means for communication between the designer and the computer. Computing power can be distributed among different network nodes.

Data transmission medium– represented by data transmission channels consisting of communication lines of switching equipment.

Each node can have a data terminal equipment (DTE) that performs specific design work. And data channel termination equipment (DCH) - designed to connect the DTE with the data transmission medium.

The DTE can represent a PC, and the AKD can represent a network card inserted into the computer.

Data link– a means of two-way data exchange that includes an ADC and a communication line.

Communication line– refers to a part of the physical medium used to propagate signals in a certain direction (Coaxial cable, twisted pair wires, fiber-optic communication line, etc.).

CAD software is usually distinguished:
1. General system software.
2. System environments.
3. Application software.

General system software includes OS and network software.

General software includes OS and network software.

There are operating systems with built-in network functions, and shells over local operating systems. There are peer-to-peer network operating systems.

Main functions of network OS:

1. Managing file directories.

2. Resource management.

3. Data exchange.

4. Protection against unauthorized access.

5. Network management.

-Purpose and composition of CAD system tools-

CAD be among the most complex, knowledge-intensive, automated systems. The CAD system environment is designed to perform the actual design procedures and design management. And also for the integration of CAD, with enterprise management systems, and turnover documents.

In the typical structure of software system environments, modern CAD systems, the following can be distinguished:

1. Core– is responsible for the interaction of components of the system environment, access to OS and network resources, configuration for a specific CAD system using special extension languages.

2. Project management subsystem– also called the subsystem of end-to-end, parallel design. Performs the functions of monitoring the status of the project, coordination and synchronization of parallel procedures performed by different performers.

3. Control subsystem design methodology– presented in the form of a knowledge base. This database contains information about subject area, as an information model, hierarchical structure designed objects. Description of typical design procedures. Typical fragments of design routes, correspondence between procedures and available packages application programs, restrictions on their use, etc. This knowledge base is complemented by training subsystems used to train specialists and CAD users.

4. Modern systems project data management (PDM)– intended for information support of design. The main component of PDM is the data bank. PDM provides ease of access to hierarchically organized data, servicing queries, issuing answers not only in text but also in graphic form, tied to the design of the product.

5. Integration subsystem software – designed to organize the interaction of programs in design routes. It consists of a kernel responsible for the interface at the subsystem level, and procedure wrappers. Coordinating specific software modules, or software and methodological complexes, with the design environment.

6. User Interface Subsystem. Includes text and graphic editors.

7. CASE subsystem– designed to adapt CAD to the needs of specific users! Development and maintenance of application software. It can be considered as a specialized CAD system, in which the design object is new versions of the CAD subsystem, adapted to the requirements of a specific customer. The most famous CASE system currently included in CAD is: CAS.CADE, with the help of which the next version of EUCLID QUANTUM was developed.

-Special or application software-

Software – implements an algorithm for performing design operations and procedures. Programs in CAD are formed in PPP, each PPP is focused on servicing the tasks of a separate CAD subsystem and are characterized by a certain specialization.

The software, along with the software developed by humans when creating CAD systems, also includes work programs compiled automatically on a computer for each new object and its design route.

No. 6 CAD information support (01/28/2013)

Information means some information or a collection of any data that is the object of storage, transmission and transformation.

In relation to CAD, data is understood as: information presented in a formalized form, that is, in the form of a sequence of symbols, letters, numbers, symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, and the like.

Information Support CAD is a collection of data presented in in a certain form, and used when performing computer-aided design.

Design is implemented by a set of tasks associated with the processing of numerous arrays of information of various types. Therefore, AI is one of the most important components CAD, and the costs of its development account for more than half the cost of the system as a whole.

Types of CAD information:

1) Original– called information that exists before the execution of the machine. It is divided into variable and conditionally constant. The variable includes the following information: when designing a part - loads on it and external restrictions, in CAD TP - geometric and technological information about a specific part.

The encoded part information consists of 4 parts:

Ø Information of a technological, constructive and economic nature about the part as a whole (manufacturing method, production conditions, equipment, heat treatment, etc.)

Ø Technological and design information about individual surfaces of the part (manufacturing method, heat treatment, type of coating, etc.)

Ø Geometric information about the entire part as a whole (dimensions, manufacturing accuracy, surface roughness, etc.)

Ø Geometric information about the shape, size, accuracy and quality of individual surfaces of the part and their relative position.

This information is entered every time when designing a new TP for a specific part.

Conditionally permanent information includes reference and methodological information about the normalized units or parts available in production, equipment, tooling, cutting and measuring tools, methods for obtaining workpieces, their processing, etc. This information is quite stable and is permanently stored in the computer memory.

2) Derived information– is formed at various stages of the design process, and in relation to technological process contains information about the route of processing the workpiece, technological operations and transitions, cutting modes.

No. 7 Linguistic support for CAD

LO includes:

1) Programming languages– for creating software, not for operating CAD systems.

2) Design languages– designed to represent and transform source information when performing design procedures using software. These languages ​​are used by CAD users in the course of their engineering activities.

-Programming languages-

CAD uses: machine-oriented languages ​​such as Assembly and high-level algorithmic languages.

Compared to machine-oriented languages, high-level algorithmic languages ​​are convenient for implementing algorithms. Numerical analysis, which is easier for engineers to master, allows them to increase the productivity of programmers when developing programs and adapting them to various types of computers. However, assembly languages ​​are more universal, that is, they have greater capabilities for describing codes of various formats, logical operations and procedures. Using these languages ​​requires less computer time and memory.

-Design languages-

To support the process of designing objects in CAD, input base and output design languages ​​are used.

The input language is intended to represent the design task. In this language, for specifying initial information, means must be provided for describing design objects in a form convenient for display and input into a computer.

These tools should describe not only mathematical objects - numbers, variables, arrays, but also different kinds graphic information.

-Basic languages-

Serve for presentation additional information to the primary description of the design object: design solutions, description of design procedures and their sequence. This language, called the task description language, is created to be similar in capabilities, symbolism and grammar to universal algorithmic languages. In this case, it is advisable not to develop a new basic language, but use a universal algorithmic language, supplementing it separate elements, characteristic of the design process being developed.

-Output language-

It is used to present any design solution, including the design result, in a form that meets the requirements of its further application.

This language includes various tools, description of design results in the form of drawings, technical maps, setup diagrams, tables, text documentation, as well as a means of presenting intermediate design results. Used in various CAD subsystems.

The design languages ​​developed when creating CAD systems must meet the following requirements:

1) Be universal – that is, have the ability to describe any design objects.

2) Have a problem orientation - be comfortable describing design data.

3) Unambiguity of interpretation.

4) Have opportunities for development.

5) Be compatible with other input and output languages.

No. 8 CAD software (01/30/2013)

MO CAD includes: mathematical models, numerical methods, algorithms for performing design operations and procedures, etc.

Project procedure– this is a formalized set of actions, the implementation of which ends with a design decision.

Project operation– call an action or a formalized set of actions that form part of a project procedure. An algorithm that remains unchanged for a number of design procedures.

Unified Design Procedure– a procedure whose algorithm remains unchanged for different design objects, or different stages of design of the same object.

The basis of MO CAD is a mathematical apparatus for modeling structure synthesis, single-variant and multi-variant analysis, structural and parametric optimization.

MO consists of 2 parts:

1) Special MO - reflects the specifics of the design object, the features of its functioning, and is closely tied to specific design tasks.

2) Invariant software - includes methods and algorithms that are loosely related to the features of the math. Models and used in solving various tasks design.

Requirements for MO:

1. Universality of MO– determines its applicability to a wide class of designed objects.

2. Algorithmic reliability– the property of MO components to produce correct results when applied, and within previously defined restrictions. Reliability is quantified by the probability of obtaining correct results. If this probability is 1, then this method is reliable.

3. Accuracy– is the most important property of all MO components.

4. Cost-effective (computational efficiency)– is determined by the cost of resources required to implement the models, and is characterized by the cost of computer time and memory.

Stages of task preparation:

1) Mathematical formulation of the problem (Problem Statement).

2) Selection of numerical methods for solving the problem.

3) Development of the algorithm.

4) Compiling a program and debugging using an example.

5) Preparation and recording of data.

6) Solving problems on a computer and analyzing the results.

MO CAD includes the first three stages.

The mathematical formulation of the problem includes:

· Mathematical description of its conditions.

· Definition of analytical fortune-telling and formulas that are called mathematical model

Numerical methods– allow you to solve various problems by sequentially performing 4 arithmetic operations. Based on the obtained mathematical dependencies, the sequence of performing mathematical operations is written down in the form of algorithms. The development of algorithms involves determining the sequence of solving a problem based on a mathematical formulation and choosing a method for a numerical solution.

Today, the level of a 3D graphics editor is determined not only by a set of commands for creating and editing 3D models or drawings.

The most important characteristic of a modern CAD system, along with modeling tools, is the ability to use standard elements and quickly and correctly exchange geometric models and drawings between different CAD systems.

In my opinion, there are two main points that influence the relevance of this problem.

The first is that software developers do not always have the opportunity to take into account the features and cover all existing areas in mechanical engineering, construction, energy, and also satisfy the needs of all users. Therefore, at present, the CAD architecture is formed in such a way that any user can easily bring it as close as possible to their requirements.

The second is that the Internet is literally filled with offers of “pirated” copies of software. And this leads to the fact that the user himself chooses the one project program which will be used. In addition, often an enterprise cannot manage with one system due to the specifics of production. As a result, even at one enterprise several completely equal design systems appear that must interact.

Therefore, of course, it would be convenient and reasonable to use universal components with a common format for data exchange. A common format will help ensure data consistency between internal applications.

The format is determined by the geometric kernel. The kernel is a library of basic mathematical functions of a CAD system that defines and stores 3D shapes, awaiting user commands. A geometric modeling package is a set of libraries with a program interface (API) that allows you to use geometric modeling functions. The kernels implement approximately the same set of functions and use similar data models and algorithms. However, transferring data between multi-core CAD systems is a rather labor-intensive task and takes a long time.

In the literature, such formats are often called “intermediate”. The choice of format is of great importance because... determines what options are available when using the data.

So, let's look at the main universal formats.


Parasolid is based on the professional STEP extension – PROSTEP. These are commercial formats (, - most modern CAD/CAM/CAE systems are based on them. For example, they are used by NX, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, ANSYS, T-FLEX, etc.

Parasolid's object-oriented program library is designed to be easily integrated into CAD/CAM/CAE systems at various levels.

From Wikipedia: “A common format ensures data consistency between internal clauses and commercial systems. The concept of data exchange is known as "Parasolid Pepeline" and means the exchange of solid models saved in an open file format.x_t, another format.x_b is a binary format that is less hardware dependent and does not produce errors during conversion...Importing data from other CAD systems supported thanks to Tolerant Modeling technology (modeling with a given accuracy)"

Supports huge assemblies with hundreds of thousands of components.

(ISO/IEC 10303 Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) is a series of formats originally developed by Dassault (Catia) to store information about the assembly and structure of a product. In accordance with the name of the standard, STEP defines a “neutral” format for presenting product data in the form of an information model. This is a very mature format, standardized for a long time. Product data includes: product composition and configuration; geometric models different types; administrative data; special data. The geometry of an individual part is described by application protocols AP203, AP214. Today STEP ISO( is recognized international standard.

STEP is most often used for data exchange between CAD, CAM, CAE and PDM systems

On the official website of the STEP format developers

IGES(International Graphics Exchange Standard) – under development National Institute US standards and technologies (NIST). 2D/3D vector format graphics; used by many CAD programs. The most common format for storing the geometry of complex surfaces is quite cumbersome. Many systems do not support all the features of this format, which creates difficulties when exchanging data. IGES ISO is recognized as an international standard. Supports traditional engineering drawings and 3D models.

a general name for the data with which the licensed (that is, available to third-party developers) core of the ACIS geometric modeling system works. The ACIS kernel is used in particular by Autodesk Corporation (Inventor, Mechanical Desktop) for its programs. SAT and SAB formats are used for output data.

ACIS is an object-oriented C++ geometry library that consists of over 35 DLL files and includes wireframes, surfaces, and solid modeling. It gives software developers a rich selection of geometric operations for constructing and manipulating complex models, as well as a full range of Boolean operations. The ACIS core outputs to the SAT file format, which any ACIS-enabled program can read directly.

(HOOPS Stream Format is a new open, XML-based and compact format for exchanging visual 3D information between various engineering applications. Widely accepted by developers for visualizing 3D models (more than 200 modern systems: SolidWorks, Catia, Unigraphics, etc.).

(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)

virtual reality modeling language.

How graphic format is based on a subset of Open Inventor File Format from Silicon Graphics. Allows you to describe three-dimensional interactive objects (worlds) with which users can interact via WWW. To view VRML files, you must have a special VRML browser, or an additional module to a standard browser.

Each neutral 3D format has its own advantages that make it advantageous in one or more of the application areas discussed.

The main characteristics of any neutral 3D format are versatility and the ability to use 3D data not only by the engineer, but also outside the design departments, and the ability to expand the format to cover future needs.

General requirements

All-Union Scientific Research Institute
on normalization in mechanical engineering


By order of VNIINMASH

R 50-54-38-88

These R establish general requirements for the architecture of the CAD core as a whole and its constituent parts. The use of P allows you to solve problems of design and technological design in CAD that arise during the development of integrated production systems.

The software and methodological complex of the CAD core can be used both by CAD developers when creating standard design procedures, and by CAD end users when solving specific design problems.

Terminology according to GOST 22487-77.


1.1. The CAD core is a software and methodological complex (PMK “CAD Core”), designed for constructing object-oriented automated design procedures for design and technological design.

1.2. An automated design procedure created using the CAD Core software tools includes operations performed by the end user.

1.3. The tools of the PMK "CAD Core" are used to create three types of procedures.

1.3.1. Definition of an object. In this case, when executing the procedure, an information structure is sequentially built in the system memory, displaying the design of the designed object (part, assembly unit). A design is created from a set of structural elements focused on a given subject area.

1.3.2. Transforming an object. Procedures of this type have such effects on the object, as a result of which changes in its shape, design and (or) scale occur. Conversion operators are part of the CAD Core software.

1.3.3. Establishing relationships between a given object and others. This procedure allows you to create complex compositions from elementary objects by specifying various types of relationships between them. Sets of such relations, oriented to a given subject area, are performed using the "CAD Core" software. Thus, the “CAD Core” PMK combines a set of instrumental and technological means for constructing design procedures.

Using tools, object-oriented CAD components are created using a specific methodology. Technological tools are ready-made CAD components updated by the end user.

1.4. The "CAD Core" software management system should include the following functionally related components: the design process management system, the project information model management system, and the "Basic Processors" software management system.

1.5. The compatibility of components with each other, as well as the software that make up the entire software package "CAD Core", is carried out at two levels: at the component level - by using a single information model of the designed object and at the software level - on the basis of international standards for the representation of graphic and geometric data, as well as network standards for protocols and interfaces between them.


2.1. The PMC for design process management is designed to ensure high-quality assembly of computing processes into a single whole and control their functioning automatically according to the original task or based on interactive interaction with the user.

2.2. The PMC in question must carry out:

connecting design and maintenance tools to a set of computer-aided design tools.


3.1. The PMK for managing the project information model is designed for organizing, storing and manipulating design data in the process of computer-aided design.

3.2. This PMC is created according to the principles of constructing database management systems (DBMS).

3.3. The PMC is designed to provide:

performing operations to form the structure of design data according to user requirements;

manipulation of design data and connections between them;

issuance reference information about the state of the design data structure;

physical organization of design data;

multi-access to design data;

restoring the integrity of design data in case of system failures;

exchange of design data with external databases;

entering information about the design object (OD) in a formal language, its control and editing;

independence of DBMS tools from applied PMCs.


4.1. PMK "Basic processors" is designed to perform design maintenance procedures.

4.2. The initial composition of the "Basic Processors" PMK of the CAD core includes the following basic processors: geometric modeling, visualization of design results; documenting design decisions.

4.2.1. The core geometric modeling processor is designed to provide:

formation of a geometric model of the OP;

converting geometric information into other design data structures;

performing geometric calculations to calculate the inertial-mass, volumetric and projection characteristics of the OP;

preparation of data for performing strength, thermophysical and other general technical calculations;

connection with a graphical database.

4.2.2. The basic design results visualization processor provides:

displaying the requested information about the OP on graphic output devices;

input and editing of graphic information while simultaneously making changes to the geometric model of the OP;

prompt tracking of changes in the geometric model of the OP when visualizing design results.

4.2.3. The basic processor for documenting design decisions provides:

formation of information models of working drawings of designed objects;

creation of information models of specifications of designed objects;

issuance of documentation on design solutions in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD.


DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

PERFORMERS: V.P. Vasiliev (topic leader), V.I. Bogdanovich, A.K. Kulichenko, O.I. Semenkov, L.G. Milkayan.