Gas station business plan - how to open a gas station from scratch and own a gas station network within a year? Business plan for a gas station Business plan for trading diesel fuel

Car filling station(gas station) is a set of equipment on a roadside area designed for refueling Vehicle.

Gas station, with the right approach, is a very profitable business. Many who have invested their capital in this business today have great profits. Gas stations will be relevant for a very long time, since this is a product that is used by a large number of the population, because the number of vehicles is only increasing every year.

Types of gas stations and their equipment

The most common gas stations are those that refuel vehicles with traditional types of hydrocarbon fuels - gasoline and diesel fuel ( gas stations).

Less common are the Automobile Gas Filling Compressor Station (CNG Filling Station) - refueling with compressed natural gas (CNG) and the Automotive Gas Filling Station (AGS) - refueling with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). There are also several types of hydrogen filling station.

Container gas station(KAZS) - a technological system of which is designed for refueling vehicles only with liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground arrangement of tanks and placement of fuel dispensers in a fuel storage container made as a single factory product.

Stationary ones are equipped with lighting and lightning protection systems.

Based on their location, gas stations are distinguished between road and city gas stations. Urban residents are subject to more stringent safety requirements; in particular, the permissible distances to residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and public buildings are strictly regulated.

At modern gas stations, the service is often not limited to the sale of fuel. Often at such stations there is, less often - a snack bar, as well as an ATM, a car wash, etc. In the USA, truck stops or travel centers are common in which the gas station itself is only part of a complex that includes parking services for heavy truck drivers, recreation centers and leisure, and shopping.

In Russia, the organization of food at gas stations to this day leaves much to be desired, since the assortment usually has nothing in common with traditional food.

What is more profitable - coffee or gasoline?

Briefly about coffee:

In the first half of 2016, Gaprom Neft (the fourth oil production company in Russia) received 1 billion rubles from the sale of coffee at its own gas stations. revenue, said the company’s regional sales director Alexander Krylov in an interview with the Gazprom corporate magazine. The same amount – 1 billion rubles. – Gazprom Neft earned money for the whole of 2015.

Moreover, the coffee should be really tasty and be either on par with or better than your competitors, since the client remembers this nuance.

Instructions for opening a gas station

To open your own gas station you need to go through many levels where you will need to collect everything Required documents and permissions. Practice says that opening your own gas station requires at least 6 million rubles. Before you invest money in this business, you need to be prepared for various difficulties that may happen in the process.

Where to begin? It is necessary to draw up a business plan (example at the bottom of the page), thanks to which you can plan all the necessary expenses, it is advisable that you have an amount slightly larger than that indicated in the business plan. Choose a good place, it could be a highway, highway or other place where a large number of cars pass. Also open a gas station away from competitors, this will avoid various troubles and will allow you to gain more customers. Please note that the place must be outside the residential area; the nearest house must be at least 40 meters away.

Once the location has been selected. Decide what fuel you will trade. Contact responsible suppliers. It is advisable that the supplier is good, otherwise no one will refuel at your gas station. As a rule, all gas stations sell AI-98, AI-95, AI-92, AI-80, diesel fuel and gas, but gas, as a rule, is sold most often at individual gas stations. Do not forget that now these brands are additionally assigned Euro standards (Euro-2,...5), for example, since July 1, 2012, Lukoil has been producing gasoline of the AI-92 and AI-95 brands, only class 5 (“Euro-95”). 5"). All of these types of fuel are in demand, so they should be at your gas station.

In addition, organize trade on the territory various goods and a cafe. You definitely need to make a toilet. Many large gas stations open a parking lot on their premises. It depends on your capital and the chosen location.

For gas station opening The following documents are required:

  • License from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. This license will allow you to store different kinds fuel.
  • Permission from local authorities. Typically, this permission is given for the use of a specific area on their property.
  • Land lease agreement, which is issued by local governments.

Do not forget that any gas station must have convenient entrances. The markings and organization of traffic at the gas station itself must be coordinated with road services and traffic police authorities.

Once you have received all the necessary permits and documents, you can begin construction. To do this, you need to find a company that will do this work. Purchase the necessary equipment, namely, dispensers, fuel storage tanks, building materials and other elements necessary for the work. Construction can last from 2 months to a year. It depends on the pace of construction.

To work, you need to hire approximately 8 people, including:

  • gas station manager, supervising the work of the station and operators and having absolute knowledge software;
  • repairman responsible for premises and equipment; it is desirable that he also understands software;
  • operators responsible for dispensing fuel, working with revenue, incl. handing it over to collectors.

You definitely need to hire an electrician, who can be signed under a contract. At first, you can do without tankers.

It is important to train these people and give them a good salary so that they carry out their duties honestly. Also for work you will need to hire:

  • Sellers-cashiers – 1-2 people.
  • Security guards – 1-2 people.
  • Refuelers - depending on the flow.

This quantity may vary based on your preferences and the total area of ​​your gas station. The guards need to be addressed Special attention, because they will protect your business from various attacks, so it is better to work with a good security company that is responsible for its reputation.

Useful video:

Having opened a gas station, provide your customers with good service And quality fuel, in this case, you will acquire a large number of clients and perhaps in the future, you will be able to create a whole network gas stations.

Gas station business plan

We present to you for free ready-made example gas station business plan with all approximate calculations. But remember that this is just an example, as in your case things may be completely different.

If you decide to open a gas filling station, then in this example simply change the data to suit you.

  • How I opened a gas station // KP.RU - the story of the experiment of Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Valery Butaev
  • Gas station partnership. Part 1 . Part 2 // BUYBRAND Inform – about franchising in this area

By accepting all the calculations given in this business plan, the founder assumes full responsibility for their compliance.

Project Summary

A gas station business plan with calculations is aimed at practical implementation ideas to open a gas station with a two-year turnover. At the same time, the project provides for solving the following social and economic problems:

  • Creation of new jobs at the opening enterprise.
  • Meeting the demand of motorists for fuel and other consumer goods.
  • Making profit.

The construction of the gas station is financed using a commercial bank loan in the amount of 45 million rubles. Interest payments and loan repayment begin from the 1st month from the start of the project. This condition greatly simplifies the understanding of flow control techniques financial resources and discounting calculation methods.

Borrowed investments come from the bank under interest rate at 17.5%. It is possible to revise the rate downward in accordance with current trends in the banking market for financial services.

During the investment period, the total amount of accrued interest to the lender is 3 million 066 thousand rubles.

Payback period:

  • From the start of work on the project - no more than 4 months.
  • Taking into account discounting – 2 years.

Project life cycle when existing conditions management and economic situation in the country is 2 years. During this time the total economic effect from its implementation will amount to 208 million 339 thousand 791.2 rubles.

Main stages

The project implementation deadlines given in the business plan, as well as other information on its implementation, are also relevant for force majeure circumstances.

Brief market analysis

The domestic automobile fuel market is at the stage of gradual saturation. In such conditions, the main thing becomes not so much its quantitative characteristics as its qualitative ones.

According to experts, the discovery successful business in this industry is possible only if a vertically integrated structure is built: refinery - oil depot - gas station. Delivery of fuel directly from oil refineries is not always profitable due to the remoteness of the refineries. The most acceptable option is to sign an agreement with a nearby oil depot on periodic supplies of fuel in volumes that ensure continuous work gas station in accordance with the stated schedule.

Currently, after the crisis of 2008-2010, the country is actively working to modernize oil refineries, which will saturate the market with high-octane gasoline. All the largest oil producing companies in Russia are involved in this process, which has made it possible to increase revenue from fuel sales by 30% or more over the past 5 years, depending on the region.

Thus, the supply of gas stations with gasoline and diesel fuel is no longer a factor hindering the development of the gas station network.

Object Summary

The number of gas stations being built by the most important players in the fuel market is constantly increasing. Thus, Gazpromneft alone increased the number of its gas stations built in Russia and the CIS countries to almost one and a half thousand.

A gas station is a complex of facilities integrated within a single business structure created to provide services for refueling cars. The list of categories of consumers is very wide, they include all car enthusiasts, office workers and public transport, in a word - all car owners.

The most important activities for the creation of a gas station are the search for the location of the gas station, the construction of its infrastructure, and the selection of personnel.

In addition to the gas station itself, the project involves the construction of:

  • Auto parts and automotive fluids store.
  • Vehicle washing station.
  • Tire service point.
  • Retail facility for sale related products and food products (on its premises there is a room for the work of gas station cashiers and operators).

The buildings being constructed must be provided with modern engineering systems, supply and exhaust ventilation, automated equipment control systems, power supply, fire protection and alarm systems, air conditioning and heating.

For the smooth operation of gas stations, it is necessary to ensure the ability to receive and store directly on site at least 8 tons of petroleum products for daily sales.

Administration Features

Opening a gas station in Russia is a rather troublesome undertaking from a business administration point of view. The state has established strict standards for the construction of facilities and complex procedures for approval and obtaining permits. For this reason, there is practically no opportunity in the country to create a container gas station, which can also bring significant profits, especially in cramped urban areas. Current SNiPs allow the construction of gas station facilities no closer than 30 meters from houses.

Administration of the creation of a gas station also includes the need to obtain various types of permits and carry out many approvals for the allocation of land, the construction of infrastructure facilities, and the laying of communications.


Personnel is one of the main problems that will have to be solved in the process of creating an enterprise. This is especially important for gas stations located at a distance from settlements. In accordance with established rules, gas station employees must have special certificates indicating vocational training. Therefore, the selection of personnel for the station is carried out with the condition that employees are trained at special courses organized by the oil inspectorate.

Cashiers, fuel attendants and drivers must complete the training course. On average, the cost of such courses is about 2,000 rubles per employee. After completing the training, specialists are certified.

The selection of candidates for employment is carried out on a competitive basis. It will also apply to employees representing other areas of activity. The duration of the competition is 1 month.

The salary fund for specialists is reflected in the table of project expenses.

In some cases, it will be necessary to hire security guards or enter into an agreement for the security of the facility with a private security company. The average cost of this service is:

  • 1500 rub. per month (if the object is located outside the populated area).
  • 7500 rub. per month (if the gas station is located in the city).

The number of operators is calculated based on the planned volumes of sales of services and the operating mode of the enterprise.

Marketing and advertising

As the number of gas stations increases, the number of potential fuel consumers grows slowly. This gives rise to increasing competition in the market and, in turn, requires increasingly significant investments in effective marketing and advertising activities.

To do this, the business plan under consideration provides for the need to formulate among consumers the belief that at this station it is possible to purchase fuel directly from the manufacturer. Advertising costs are used to carry out the following activities:

  • Publication of articles in specialized and local publications.
  • Development of your own website.
  • Advertising in local media.
  • Advertising on television and radio.
  • Carrying out promotions and developing special offers individual categories consumers.

According to experts, a service acquires significant status when the number of its users exceeds 1% of the economically active population. Thus, within even a medium-sized city, a gas station may well become a profitable facility and perform the functions assigned to it.

It should also be taken into account that among some segments of the population there continues to be an opinion about the criminal nature of of this business. Therefore, all marketing efforts should be directed toward creating a positive image of the enterprise and improving the quality of customer service.

List of required equipment

To effectively perform your tasks and ensure uninterrupted functioning of the gas station, you must purchase the following equipment:

  • Fuel and gas dispensers.
  • A set of equipment for managing gas station systems.
  • Pressure measurement system.
  • Modular fuel filling station.
  • Gas filling stations (gas filling stations).
  • A fuel tanker based on a KamAZ vehicle with a tank volume of 10.7 cubic meters. m.

The exact number of pieces of equipment is indicated in the table of planned project costs.

The general equipment of a gas station should contribute to increased productivity in the provision of services, fully comply with the requirements in the field of safety, help improve the reputation of the enterprise and compensate for the investments provided for in this business plan.

Financial plan

The financial plan of the enterprise is calculated on the basis that during 2017, retail prices for various types of motor fuel in the country will increase by 8-12% compared to last year and reach a level of 41.5-43 rubles per liter.

Financial year for providing accounting and tax reporting starts in January. Main types of taxation:

Tax name Tax base used Payment period Bid
By the amount of profit Profit amount m-c 20%
VAT Value added m-c 18%
For property The amount of the cost of the acquired property according to schedule 22%
Approachable Payroll m-c 13%
Social payments Payroll m-c 34%

Given the current trends in the domestic automobile fuel market, the projected income structure is as follows:

Period Services (sales of motor fuel by type) Quantity Revenue
AI-95 55 1 million 385 thousand 918 rubles.
1-12 mc (investment period) AI-92 291 6 million 800 thousand 320 rub.
1-12 mc (investment period) AI-80 290 5 million 914 thousand 318 rubles.
1-12 mc
(investment period)
DT 750 13 million
634 thousand 475 rub.
13 mc
(period of operation)
AI-95 60 1 million 582 thousand 560 rub.
AI-92 380 9 million 295 thousand 104 rubles.
13-24 mc (period of operation) AI-80 380 8 million 111 thousand 936 rubles.
14-24 mc (period of operation) DT 1100 20 million 931 thousand 680 rubles.

The fuel price per 1 liter is based on the average forecast for 2017, which is based on:

  • Analysis of demand for specific types of fuel.
  • Averaged data on the number of services provided at gas stations.
  • Provision of services by gas station enterprises.
  • Generalized data on the state of the domestic market for gas station services.

The calculations take into account the minimum profitability of the enterprise's services.

Potential Risks

The most significant risks in this business are:

  • The complexity of project administration, especially at the stage of opening an enterprise.
  • High level of competition.
  • The need to obtain borrowed money in large size.
  • Initially, low qualifications of personnel, the need for training.


The given example of a gas station business plan shows that opening a gas station is a highly profitable activity. The profitability of an enterprise is largely determined high degree potential risks of an objective and subjective nature. Business development prospects are determined by the location of the gas station, the level of vehicle traffic, effective management enterprise and competent marketing policy.

At the initial stage of project implementation, the founder will be required to significantly concentrate his intellectual and psychological potential on solving complex problems in organizing the enterprise.

Due to rising gasoline prices, many motorists prefer natural liquefied gas- as the main fuel. To explore the nuances of this industry, let's look at an example - as a way to implement entrepreneurial endeavors. It is profitable and profitable business, if the location is chosen correctly and all organizational issues are worked out.

The main thing is to ensure demand, fuel quality and safe operation of the enterprise. Despite the high level of competition, there are many opportunities to form and capture market segments, since networks of such stations are distributed on a much smaller scale in comparison with their gasoline “counterparts”.

Key Features gas filling station business plan

Scope of a gas filling station business plan

Aspiring entrepreneurs are often faced with the need to describe and defend their ideas to investors, who carefully evaluate the expected results of their activities before investing money. In order not to miss important details and get Full description your business, you need to use proven methods, which include gas station business plan.

The method allows you to combine all the variety of information about subject area and ideas into a single system design, which actually represents step by step plan actions to start a business. And the presence of a part containing digital calculations economic indicators efficiency, makes the document indispensable in the processes of attracting external financing.



Features of the industry and stages of activity

Opening a network of natural gas filling stations on a regional scale will require studying the specifics, identifying the target segment and understanding the main integrated stages of operation. If everything is more or less clear with the target segment - these are owners of cars with gas equipment, then to describe the main stages and reflect them in gas station business plan, you will need to seriously study the market and industry.

Example of business phasing:

  • construction of a gas station, obtaining a license and operating permit;
  • conclusion of an agreement for the supply of liquefied gas;

sales of fuel.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch a gas filling station

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Gas station development sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of gas stations

7 – Conclusions

The gas station business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - in financial model parameters are highlighted - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on gas station business plan

The business plan is made as correctly and competently as possible: all calculations are justified, the formulas are clear and you can substitute numbers into them, all sections of the plan are well worked out. If you need to make an edit, this can be done easily without compromising the integrity of the document. Thanks for the very high quality work. Thanks to the business plan, we were able to see the weaknesses of our project and improve them.

Vera Vasilievna, deputy fin. Director, Rostov region

Feedback on the business plan transport company for cargo transportation

Very neatly executed business plan allowed us to attract investments in the amount of 35 million rubles. to expand the freight transport company. Thanks to the professionalism, responsibility and attention to detail of the specialists from Plan-Pro, the issue of investment was resolved positively.

Rostislav Birin, Samara

Feedback on the business plancar service

Sberbank approved a loan of 8 million rubles for the creation of a private car service center . Thank you consulting company Plan-Pro for good business plan: elaborate marketing research, detailed financial model, production and financial plans are reasonable and realistic.

Rozozhina L. Novosibirsk

Start of work on a business plan for a gas filling station

After the summary, which contains a general description of the project and information about its initiator, all the main stages of implementation are given, supported by corresponding calculations of financial and economic indicators.

The essence of the project

A network of gas filling stations in the amount of XXX pcs. for servicing personal and official transport in the region.

Preliminary stages of preparatory work for the implementation of a gas refueling business plan

Before you begin implementing the main content gas station business plan, it is necessary to think through and implement all organizational and functional measures that will ensure the further smooth implementation of the main work:

  1. Creation and registration in government agencies legal entity.
  2. Tax registration and conclusion of an agreement to open a current account.
  3. Obtaining permits and licenses.
  4. Searching for suppliers of equipment and fuel for such facilities and determining the terms of cooperation.
  5. Choosing a site for construction.

Project structure

The structure of a gas refueling business plan will contain a description of the following stages of project implementation:

  • industry-wide research aimed at understanding the reasons for the dynamics of the main trends and forming a business development forecast for the coming years;
  • investment component of the project;
  • technology and equipment used;
  • operating costs;
  • revenue from fuel sales and factors of its formation;
  • issues of personnel and their financial motivation;
  • features of fuel network promotion;
  • calculation of the period after which the enterprise will reach self-sufficiency.

The importance of industry-wide research when developing a business plan for a gas filling station

In order for our gas station business plan started to make a profit, we need to carry out qualitative analysis market, assess the volumes and dynamics of sales of the main competitors and understand under what conditions customers will be willing to consume services and purchase fuel from this company.

The result similar studies will identify those key success factors that will allow you to occupy the desired market share and build long-term relationships with consumers:

  • accessibility and convenience of location;
  • fuel safety and quality;
  • competitive prices;
  • experienced refuellers;
  • no queues.

Determining the amount of external financing required

Money loves counting - this old saying fully reflects the position of most successful investors. To make them believe in the project and invest their savings as a partner, you need to accurately and completely describe the business and produce everything necessary calculations investments and planned returns from them. To do this, download a sample on our website gas station business plan, which contains calculations of all necessary financial and economic indicators, which will allow short time justify the project and interest potential investors.

Investment structure :

  • rent or purchase of land plots – XXX rub.
  • construction of refueling complexes – XXX rub.
  • purchase and installation necessary equipment– XXX rub.
  • delivery of fuel from suppliers – XXX rub.
  • office furniture and office equipment, display cases and equipment for sale in a mini market at a gas station - XXX rub.
  • reserve fund for unforeseen expenses - XXX rub.

In general, to open a business, you will need from 70 to 150 million rubles.

You will need a significantly larger amount of investment if you decide to create your own airline. contains all the necessary calculations, the approximate amount of investment to launch the project and other necessary data.

Reflection of technological stages and equipment composition in the gas filling business plan

Stages of implementation of the technology: site development and construction of a gas station, delivery of the necessary commercial and other equipment, supply and refueling of containers, hiring and training of personnel, opening and start of sales.

For full implementation gas station business plan, it is necessary to provide its material base, with an approximate list of equipment:

  • industrial containers and cylinders for refueling cars;
  • compressor and measuring equipment for monitoring the pressure and volumes of gas released;
  • fire extinguishing systems;
  • cash registers, office equipment and a complete list of mini-market equipment;
  • security and video surveillance systems;
  • design and branding elements – signs, signs, etc.;
  • other types of equipment.

Income and expenses, project payback period

Operational financial support for a gas filling station business plan

Financial support for current activities presupposes the availability of free Money to implement all operating expenses. So these costs significantly affect the overall efficiency gas station business plan, maximum efforts must be made to optimize them and meet the current needs of the company.

Example of operating expenses:

  • rental and maintenance of buildings and structures;
  • energy resources and services of utility companies - XXX rub.;
  • settlements with suppliers and contractors – XXX rub.;
  • depreciation charges - XXX rub.;
  • staff maintenance - XX rub.;
  • commercial expenses – XXX rub.;
  • administrative and representation costs – XXX rub.;
  • taxes and fees – XXX rub.;
  • other components of financial operational support – XXX rub.

In total, XXX rubles will be required to implement the project. monthly expenses.

Revenue structure and its characteristics

Revenue covers operating expenses and should be gradually withdrawn gas station business plan to self-sufficiency, when accumulated income begins to exceed total expenses from the first stages of the project. To do this, it is necessary to ensure sales volumes that correspond to planned values.

The following competitive business factors will influence demand:

  • choosing a site for construction;
  • high-quality gas from trusted suppliers;
  • price level and availability of bonus savings programs;
  • polite service staff;
  • minimal queues compared to competitors.

Sales revenue structure:

  1. Individuals – XXX rub.
  2. Legal entities – XXX rub.

The planned revenue portion of the project is formed from XXX rubles. monthly revenue.

Taking into account the specifics of personnel and wage costs in a business plan for a gas filling station

The main problem of such companies is high staff turnover, caused by not always decent levels of remuneration, hazardous working conditions and rigid schedules. To select truly reliable and dedicated people, always consider average level material rewards in the industry and lay them in gas station business plan corresponding wage fund.

Approximate company structure:

  • director – XXX rub.;
  • chief engineer – XXX rub.;
  • specialist in industrial safety– XXX rub.;
  • accountant – XXX rub.;
  • hiring and training manager – XXX rub.;
  • marketing specialist - XXX rub.;
  • specialist in attracting corporate clients – XXX rub.;
  • fuel quality control service - XXX rub.;
  • gas station gas station attendants and cashiers – XXX rub.;
  • drivers - XXX rub.;
  • cleaners – XXX rub.

Determining the return on investment period

In case of execution planned indicators expenses and revenue, the payback period for the project will occur within 3 to 5 years. There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

Cash flow statement - the most important document any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Differences between a professional approach to business planning

What is the difference between a independently compiled project and a similar document prepared by specialists? professional company? The main thing is the level of elaboration, attention to detail and significant experience in the field of designing new types of businesses.

To appreciate all the advantages of a professional approach to planning, download a full-fledged ready-made gas station business plan, with all calculations of financial and economic indicators necessary to attract investments. Or order an individual “turnkey” business plan, which will allow you to take into account as much as possible all the issues related to the activities of your enterprise. This approach will allow you to obtain a high-quality justification for your business and appropriate financing for its implementation.

Gas filling stations are an area that will continue to develop for many years to come, against the backdrop of rising prices for oil and its refined products. To get into the groove and launch your business efficiently, use the services of professionals who have developed dozens of high-quality business plans.

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    In the current economic climate, when gasoline prices are becoming prohibitively high for a large number of people, and the environmental situation in large cities leaves much to be desired, this type of alternative fuel, such as propane-butane, is becoming more and more relevant. This gas station business plan will help you form your own idea of ​​this business and start it from scratch. An example will indicate the main subtleties and difficulties when opening.

    Justification of the business plan

    It is planned to organize this business on average or big city with a population of more than 200 thousand people. On this moment in the current region there are two federal brand gas stations and five gas stations regional companies. The saturation of the supply market for this type of fuel can be assessed as average. We list the main requirements of potential clients:

    • Fuel quality.
    • Compliance with the market price of fuel.
    • Convenient location and access.
    • Possibility of working with organizations via non-cash payments.

    To ensure a stable position in the market, it is necessary, first of all, to install information boards with the price of gas and its name. It will also be quite effective to place outdoor advertising on roads with a large number of passing cars with directions and other information about the new gas station. Work with corporate clients will also be a relevant part of developing the base regular customers. Next, let's look at the risks that may arise in our business plan:

    • Interruptions in fuel supplies.
    • Low profits or poor demand related to pricing.
    • Low sales volumes.

    To mitigate the first risk, it is necessary to conclude agreements with several suppliers supplying gas stations with gas. To overcome the second difficulty, it is necessary to monitor gas prices from competitors with sufficient frequency and, by analyzing demand and the information received, to implement an optimal pricing policy. To solve the third problem it is necessary to carry out promotions to attract new customers, consider a system of discounts for regular customers and enter into agreements with organizations that have vehicles in their fleet that use liquefied gas as fuel.


    In this case, it is planned to attract investor funds in the amount of 70%, and use own funds for the remaining 30%.

    Since in our case we plan to work with both individuals, and with legal, the form of ownership is chosen as LLC.

    The optimal taxation system in this case is the simplified tax system of 15%, since most of the costs are for the purchase of fuel, wages and power supply.

    For the work of the organization, the main OKVED 50.50 " Retail motor fuel."

    To obtain licenses and permits from various inspection organizations, as well as personnel training, it is planned to use the services specialized organization, the cost of these services will be 1,000,000 rubles.

    Personnel search

    For full operation of the gas filling station, three operators and three tankers will be required, the work schedule is variable. Before starting work, employees must undergo training and receive supporting documents. You will also need a part-time accountant and a director.

    Renting premises

    It is planned to rent space next to a gas station with convenient access for cars. In this case, there are no plans to rent additional office space. The following requirements apply to the leased plot of land:

    • Asphalted entrance and the site itself.
    • Three-phase power supply.
    • Possibility of installing a gas storage tank and a pavilion.
    • Possibility of installing an illuminated information board at the entrance.

    The total area is 100 sq. m. m.

    The average rental cost is 20,000 rubles. It is expected to prepay rent three months in advance.

    To start operating a gas filling station, it will be necessary to install a cashier-operator pavilion and a container with a distribution column for two hoses. Equipment commissioning will also be required. To carry out the above work, it is planned to contact an organization engaged in the sale and installation of equipment for gas stations on a turnkey basis.

    In total, at launch you will need 1,713,000 rubles.

    Business promotion

    It is planned to promote the business in two directions: online and offline.

    An offline type of promotion for this business is outdoor advertising.

    It is necessary to place banners on the main roads and highways of the city, indicate directions and post information about discounts and special offers. It is also necessary to send commercial offers in organizations that have a fleet of vehicles equipped with gas equipment.

    For online promotion for the B2B sector, it is planned to create a landing page. The following tools are used to promote it: SEO, targeting and contextual advertising.

    In total, in the first three months it is planned to spend 150 thousand rubles on advertising. After this period, monthly costs will be 20 thousand rubles.

    Cost calculation

    To launch

    As originally planned, 70% of the funds are allocated by the investor, and 30% from own funds.


    How much does the business bring?

    The tax base will be:

    1,110,000 – 1,041,000 = 69,000 rubles.

    Let us subtract the costs of unified social tax from it and get: 69,000 – 31,600 = 37,400 rubles.

    37,400 x 0.15 = 5,610 rubles will be the monthly tax.

    The net profit will therefore be:

    69,000 – 5,610 = 63,390 rubles per month.

    Business profitability is:

    (63,390 / 1,110,000) x 100 = 5.71%.

    This indicator is quite acceptable for this type of business at the first stage. When conducting a competent pricing policy, acquiring regular customers, profits will only increase. Methane filling brings stable income year-round, seasonality has little effect on demand. In addition, the use of gas as the main motor fuel causes less harm environment and, with proper operation, increases the service life of the internal combustion engine.

    Since the driver is required to unload passengers when filling gas, a quick service cafe can be set up. Warm room in winter period and cool weather in the summer will attract people who, in turn, will buy coffee and food fast food, which will bring additional income to the gas filling station.

    Starting from a profit of 63,390 per month, we will calculate the payback period, taking into account the fact that 70% of the profit is received by the investor, the remaining 30% will be used to return their own investments: 3,075,000 x 30% = 922,500. This is an investment of one’s own funds for the opening .

    Profit: 63,390 x 30% = 19,017 rubles per month.

    922,500 / 19,017 = 48.5 months. Full payback occurs in a little more than 4 years.

    Business prospects

    There are several directions for business expansion: creating a network of gas filling stations in the region; with an increase in the number of gas stations, the attractiveness of the offer increases, since brands are trusted to a greater extent, and consequently, sales at each existing gas station increase. Second profitable direction– opening a cafe for passengers and drivers. The third direction is to open specialty store for the sale of components and replacement parts for gas equipment.

    As an addition to the store, it is possible to carry out diagnostics, repairs and Maintenance HBO systems, this does not require a specially equipped box; it will be enough to install a canopy on one of the walls of the store and carry out diagnostics and maintenance under it. At the same time, gas demand at gas filling stations will increase.


    Opening a car gas filling station is a stable source of income with minimal risks subject to all standards applicable to such organizations. The liquefied petroleum gas supply market does not have much competition, and at the same time, more and more motorists are switching their cars to this type of fuel, which opens up prospects.

    Note that this business plan for a gas station with calculations takes into account the loading of gas stations below average; accordingly, with an increase in sales volumes, there will be an earlier payback and, accordingly, greater profits.