Firewood harvesting as a business. Selling firewood as a business

Currently, gasification occupies a leading position in the heating system. However, one should not think that wood as a fuel is irrelevant. On the contrary, country houses and cottages are heated only with wood. In addition, owners of private houses like to build baths and saunas on the site. What's a sauna without wood? If you live in rural areas, then this area is simply ideal for starting your own business. The firewood business is profitable for several reasons: you don’t need to invest a large amount of money, quick payback and low competition. These factors are very important for the development of an entrepreneur in the market.

Business profitability

It is worth noting that the firewood business has a high level of profitability. If there are many orders, then all investments will pay off in one season. Among the positive aspects is the fact that firewood can be stored for a long time. In this case, all properties are preserved. Many people prepare large quantities of firewood and then sell it during the year.

The demand for these products is quite high and is unlikely to fall in the near future. Custom firewood for fireplaces, stoves, etc. is especially in demand among the population. If you provide such services, then business will go up. The greatest profit can be obtained by carrying out the full cycle of firewood procurement: felling the forest, sawing it into logs, then into logs, splitting and selling the resulting firewood to the population.

It is recommended for a novice entrepreneur to engage in organizational issues and searching for clients. The work itself should be entrusted to local loggers, having agreed on payment. If you chop wood yourself, the business will develop slowly. In addition, this is a high physical activity that not everyone can withstand.

Search for clients

You need to take into account all the nuances when developing a business idea. You need to sell firewood to someone, which means you need to actively look for clients. Despite prejudices, it is quite easy to find people who need this product. It is necessary to search in the following directions: use as fuel for fireplaces, use for heating boilers, enterprises, saunas and baths.

There is a high probability that a private house has a fireplace, and the owner of the property will be happy to purchase chopped firewood. It should be noted that such products are not cheap. As for rooms heated by a boiler, firewood is also needed there. True, their price will be much lower, but no one can find fault with the quality.

Enterprises buy firewood in large volumes because they need this raw material. Often they enter into a contract for the supply of material. The quality requirements are low, the price is average. For saunas and baths, firewood is ordered in small quantities.

Where to begin? Registration

How to organize a firewood business? As in other areas, there are some nuances that you need to be aware of. First, you need to officially register your business. As is known, in Russia this moment two most popular organizational forms: IP ( individual entrepreneur) and LLC (company with limited liability).

If you plan to open a small business, it is recommended to choose an individual entrepreneur. This form is easier to register, and there is no need to submit a lot of reports and documents. If long-term work is planned, including with state enterprises, it is better to opt for LLC. Despite certain difficulties with registration, large companies are willing to make transactions. Many companies do not agree to work with individual entrepreneurs for various reasons.

Storage room

Starting a firewood business is impossible without having a room where you can store it. If you are planning a large-scale business, it is recommended to use a spacious warehouse or hangar. The main requirement is the absence of moisture; no one needs damp firewood. Where can I get such a room? Everyone decides the question depending on their capabilities. The warehouse can be rented or purchased as property. If planned small business on wood, you can build the room yourself.

It is recommended to select the warehouse area so that there is free place. Sometimes even a spacious room is not enough to accommodate long firewood or whole logs. To begin with, you can build a small canopy and fence off the room. In the future, as far as possible, the warehouse can be improved and improved.

Raw materials

Here we mean, of course, the forest that will be used for firewood. First you need to arrange a place for cutting down. To do this, you need to come to an agreement with forestry. After all the issues have been resolved, the forester will show the place, and you can start working. Birch, oak and aspen firewood are in demand; special attention should be paid to this.

Raw materials can be found at sawmills and sawmills. A large number of scraps accumulate there, which are also in demand. Small firewood can be cut and packaged in bags. Cheap raw materials can be obtained from old wooden houses. Now a large number of such buildings are being dismantled. Of course, not all of this firewood meets quality standards, but there will be a buyer. You can also ask the administration if there are any plans to cut down trees. This is very profitable, since in addition to raw materials, you can also get cash for assistance in the case.


This business cannot be organized without the presence necessary equipment and equipment. First you should purchase a large number of gloves, safety glasses and other Supplies. The tools you will need are sharp axes, crowbars, etc. If you are chopping wood, you should take care of metal wedges for chopping tree stumps.

The main tool is a chainsaw, which is available in a large number of different types on the market. It is up to the entrepreneur to decide which one to buy; it depends on financial capabilities. If they allow, then it is better to take a tool from a quality manufacturer: “Shtil”, “Partner”, etc.

The equipment also includes a wood splitter, which passes stump through itself and chops it into logs. This inventory is also presented different types. The average cost of a wood splitter is about 20,000 rubles. However, such a tool will not be very powerful.

Firewood category

There are three most popular categories of wood products:

  1. Unsplit firewood. To make a profit, you don't need to put in any effort here. It is not even necessary to draw up a business plan for selling firewood. the main task- transport to the warehouse and carry out sales from there.
  2. Chopped firewood. This is the most popular and profitable view business. Such firewood can be sold different ways. You should organize their chopping and packaging on your territory. Business with chopped wood is not easy, but if you put in the effort, you can make a good profit.
  3. Branded firewood. These products belong to the premium class, and the cost of the bar increases significantly. Such firewood differs in that an exclusive logo is applied to the end part. They are popular among owners of country houses and cottages.

Chopped firewood. Business plan

When organizing a business, you must have at least minimal knowledge about the income and expenses of this business. We'll consider sample business- plan for the sale of chopped firewood.

On average, the cost of 1 cubic meter is about 1000-1500 rubles. If you produce 3 cubic meters per hour, then in a working day their quantity will be equal to 24. If we take the minimum cost, then 24,000 rubles worth of firewood can be produced per day. Having made some simple calculations, we find out that in a month you can get approximately 530,000 rubles, taking into account two days off a week. Of course, this figure is relevant if there are sales channels and products are constantly sold.

This amount does not reflect net income. From it you need to subtract the costs of transport, the purchase of raw materials, wages to workers, etc. Even if you take into account that you can receive half of this amount per month, this is quite decent income. It is necessary to keep in mind the seasonality of this production.

It would seem that in the 21st century, such a type of fuel as firewood has long been replaced by alternative energy sources, and in the age of gasification and electrification, firewood is fading into the background. But this is far from true, because many people still heat their houses with stoves, wood-burning (or combined) boilers, use wood for fireplaces, heating baths, greenhouses, etc.

If you are looking for a business idea that can be implemented in rural areas, then procurement and sale of firewood- one of the most suitable types of business in the village. It does not require large financial investments, pays for itself quickly and has low competition in many regions.

The profitability of the business is quite high. Depending on the number and frequency of orders, the initial investment can be recouped in one season. TO positive aspects It is also worth mentioning that firewood is stored for a long time and, if properly stored, does not lose its properties. That is, you can prepare a large amount of firewood and sell it throughout the year.

The demand for products is quite high, and firewood can be prepared to order, that is, according to certain sizes (for fireplaces, stoves, boilers, etc.). Prices for this type of fuel are constantly rising. There is no need to be afraid of the falling cost of firewood.

The highest profitability will come from the full cycle of firewood procurement: felling, sawing into logs, then into logs, chopping and selling chopped firewood to the public.

If you don’t have the funds for such a scheme, you can do it differently - buy unsplit hemp, chop them and sell them. But in this case you can’t expect big profits, unless, of course, you have very cheap suppliers of raw materials.

You can also organize your own business by chopping wood, for example, by looking for clients and organizational issues. It is better to entrust the process to local workers, having agreed with them on payment. You can, of course, do it yourself, but after waving a cleaver for a couple of days, you will understand that such a business will become not only low-income, but also painful.

Therefore, below in this article we will consider in detail all the nuances and important points of the wood business. We will pay attention to organizational and registration issues, find out what you will need to sell firewood, where to start, how to draw up a rough business plan, etc.

Where to sell

Before you start producing firewood as a business, you should “feel out” the sales channels for your
future products. You can ask how often and in what volumes firewood is purchased in localities near you. In villages and villages, almost every house has a bathhouse. Are there supermarkets nearby that sell small quantities of firewood, boiler houses and enterprises that use wood fuel, greenhouses heated with wood, etc. In other words, you need to think carefully and create a list of potential consumers.

By the way, it’s not a bad idea - in the summer, a large number of people relax around lakes and on river banks and, as a rule, in such places it is difficult to find even armfuls of branches for a fire or barbecue. Therefore, if the territory is private and guarded, then you can agree with the owners to put up your own tent with firewood. In this case, you yourself will regulate the prices for your goods.

How to start a firewood business: where to start

For a confident start and successful further work You should study some important points and nuances regarding this type of business.

Official registration

Legal registration of any legal entrepreneurial activityrequired condition. You can register as an individual entrepreneur if you plan to operate on a small scale. To cooperate with state-owned enterprises or large supermarkets, it is necessary to register an LLC, which can be simplified (the latter do not always agree to work with individual entrepreneurs).

If you are counting on a large scale of work, then you will need a spacious warehouse or hangar in which there is no moisture and you can safely store firewood. The question is purely individual, because you can rent such a room, purchase it, or build it yourself (at first, a canopy will do).

It is advisable that there is a free area next to the warehouse, because it is possible that you will (or will) bring long logs or even whole logs for sawing.

Where to get raw materials

That is, where to get the wood that will be used for firewood. This issue is easily resolved with forestry. There you can arrange a plot (a place for cutting down). After the registration procedure, the forester will show you your territory where you can start working.

The most common firewood is birch, so when choosing a plot, this issue should be given special attention. Oak and dry aspen firewood are also in demand.

Another source of raw materials is sawmills and sawmills. Such enterprises accumulate a large amount of scraps, which are also in demand, mainly for kindling. Such firewood can be cut and packaged in bags.

Advice! Road companies that cut down forests to build roads, energy (for laying power lines), can be excellent suppliers of raw materials for firewood. construction organizations(for the construction of objects). Keep an eye on the situation in your area or region, and if the circumstances are successful, you can find a very cheap source of wood for firewood.

Another source of cheap raw materials is old houses. Nowadays there are many abandoned villages or settlements, in which old buildings are being dismantled. Of course, not everyone will buy such firewood, but still...

Ask the administration if there may be some kind of logging planned in parks, on the streets, along the roads. In addition to raw materials for firewood, you may also be paid for your work.


To transport logs, sawn logs or already chopped firewood you will need truck. You can buy a used ZIL, GAZ, GAZelle, etc. or rent (rent) equipment. By the way, transporting firewood by truck is much easier and faster than by tractor. Graying can be useful only when removing whips from hard-to-reach places.

In general, the issue of transport is individual and depends on financial capabilities and seriousness of intentions. If you want to organize a permanent firewood business, then it is better, of course, to buy your own transport, it will always be at hand. For small volumes in summer season It might be more profitable to rent equipment.

Another consideration when it comes to transportation is how much space your truck will hold. Most often, the first question clients ask is what brand of machine and how many cubes it holds. It all depends on the installation method. A body of the same volume can be loaded with 4, 5 or 6 cubic meters of firewood.

This feature of the firewood business is very important, since the reputation of your business depends on your professionalism, and clear answers to questions asked- a confident step towards successful development affairs.

You can stack the firewood in the body “stacked”, that is, log to log with minimal space between logs. To determine the actual volume, a coefficient of 0.7 is used (you need to multiply the volume of the body by 0.7).

Another method is bulk. That is, firewood is loaded into the body “at random”. The actual volume of firewood loaded using this method is more difficult to calculate. It is necessary to first convert “loose firewood” into “folded” firewood, and then into real wood. There is a special table with coefficients for this:

We translate the volume according to this table, multiplying the resulting result by 0.7.

For example, we need to find out how many cubic meters of firewood (0.5 m logs) are loaded “in bulk” into a body whose volume is 12 cubic meters. m.

We perform the following actions:

  1. We count how much is loaded “for stacking”. According to the table (log length 0.5 m), 12 cubic meters. m (car body volume) must be multiplied by a factor of 0.75. As a result, we get 9 cubes “in the stack”.
  2. The next step is to multiply the resulting 9 cubes by a factor of 0.7 and get 6.3 cubes. m.

Thus, in a body with a volume of 12 cubic meters. m is loaded with 6.3 real cubes of firewood.


It is impossible to cope with the preparation and sale of firewood alone. This is quite hard and exhausting work. For work it is better to attract local residents who are used to work or students who are looking for part-time work during the summer holidays.

Advice! It is best to hire separate people for harvesting and loading. For example, two work with chainsaws, the other two immediately load firewood into vehicles. With intensive work, four harvesters can saw, chop and load 2-3 “lawns” of firewood in 1 day.

As for payment, it is individual in different regions. But, as a rule, many local workers can name the cost of their services.

Inventory, tools, chainsaws, equipment

It is impossible to organize a firewood business without inventory and tools. First of all, it is necessary to provide workers with personal protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, impact-resistant shoes, etc.)

Sharp and reliable axes, crowbars, ropes and other devices are always needed from the inventory.

If we are talking about splitting, then in addition to the splitting axes, metal wedges for cutting stumps from the butt or knotted part of the trunk will not hurt.

Which chainsaws will be used to harvest firewood depends on your financial capabilities. Of course, it is best to purchase professional saws from reputable manufacturers (Shtil, Husqvarna, Partner, etc.).

Equipment may include wood splitters. These are special devices that pass hemp through themselves and chop them into logs.

There are many types of wood splitters, with different types: wood splitter, which carries out a full cycle of work on sawing (crosscutting) logs and cutting stumps, as well as wood splitter- a device intended only for cutting already sawn logs

Wood splitters can be hydraulic, rack and pinion, chain, screw, gasoline,
work from a 220V or 380V network, generator, etc.

The cost of a typical household device is about 15-20 thousand rubles. But such a wood splitter has low productivity, which will not allow you to organize a serious wood business.

Video: homemade wood splitter

Video: professional wood splitter

Sample business plan

To draw up a business plan, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of the income and expenses of the procurement and sale of wood fuel.

The cost of 1 cubic meter of chopped firewood costs on average 1000-1500 rubles. If, for example, 3 cubes of chopped firewood are produced per hour, then in one working day you will get 24 cubes. Thus, in a day you can prepare firewood for 24 thousand rubles (at the minimum price per cubic meter). We receive 520-530 thousand rubles a month (taking into account two days off a week), this is provided that there are sales channels and the products are constantly sold.

Of course, the income is not pure. From this amount you will need to deduct workers' salaries, transportation costs, including fuel, purchase of raw materials, etc. Let it be half of the amount received and this is already a good income. Of course, you also need to take into account the seasonality of this business.

Firewood procurement as a business: important nuances

If you want to produce and sell firewood at professional level, then you need to know everything about your products. At the end of the article we will give a few useful tips who will help you in organizing a firewood business.

  • Hardwoods produce the most heat;
  • Dried firewood is much more expensive than fresh firewood;
  • The most common wood is birch. Less commonly, but still possible, you can sell oak, linden, and alder firewood. Aspen firewood helps clean the chimney.
  • Pine firewood burns faster and can shoot, which is quite unsafe. Pine is rarely used for firewood.
  • Take an individual approach to each client, even those who ordered a small batch. In the future, he may become permanent or start “word of mouth”.
  • Firewood can be packed in bags or on pallets. By the way, we recommend an article about organizing a business on pallets:.
  • Personally inspect the supplied raw materials and finished firewood that is sent to customers.

You can leave your feedback on this business idea in the comments. We also recommend subscribing to our communities on social networks or email newsletters so as not to miss the most interesting things.

Despite the fact that gasification occupies the main position among heating structures, wood heating of country houses or cottages is no less popular. It is especially popular to build bathhouses and saunas in suburban areas, and what would a bathhouse be without firewood? Therefore, the wood-burning business does not lose its relevance, despite modern trends in heating systems.

Where to begin?

First you need to think through the entire process. Where to find customers for this material, which firewood is more profitable to sell and where to get raw materials, as well as many other nuances that need to be clearly thought through.


Finding clients is quite simple; you need to determine the direction in which this material is used.

Firewood for burning

The main directions are:

  • Using wood for heating in fireplaces.
  • Application for heating boilers.
  • Enterprises or thermal power plants.
  • Baths, saunas.

Fireplaces are mainly used by owners of private houses; they require firewood with even splits. This category has a fairly high price.

Wood-fired sauna

To heat the room with a boiler, you also need firewood. Their price is an order of magnitude less than the first category. But they must fit certain sizes. There are usually no complaints about the quality of the material.

For industrial use, such raw materials are needed in large volumes. That's why large companies enter into contracts for large supplies of material. They have low demands on the quality of the material, so for cutting you can use a special machine that turns the wood into chips. Typically, such products are used for stoves, so the material is quite popular.

As for saunas and baths, these can be either private properties or commercial ones. For commercial purposes, naturally, more firewood is needed.

Raw materials

Where to get raw materials is an equally exciting question.


You can purchase wood from the forestry department, but this will require a special permit. In addition, you need to stock up on special equipment for logging.

By partnering with small sawmills, it is possible to sell culled logs that do not meet certain criteria. As a rule, the price for such material is set low, so it sells out quite quickly.

The remaining timber is cut into firewood of a certain size, which can be sold.

Types of wood

To obtain more heat, it is necessary to use hardwood logs. Aspen is in less demand, but birch and oak will significantly increase your profits.

The most popular oak firewood, it has the highest combustion temperature

Birch logs emit 15% more heat than pine logs, and 20% more than aspen logs.

The leading positions are occupied by oak logs, as well as firewood that was harvested and sawn in the summer.


A business needs a premises or warehouse. You can use a ready-made premises and rent it, or you can take a plot of land, fence it off and install a small shed that will serve as an office.

In addition, it is necessary to be equipped with special equipment. The minimum that should be present is a chainsaw, a hacksaw, an ax and a rope. If you are planning an enterprise with a large volume of work, then you cannot do without specialized equipment for chopping and splitting.

Firewood category

The length of the logs is usually indicated by the buyers themselves, based on the size of their stoves or fireplaces. Typically, the standard log length is from 15 to 35 cm.

The firewood is split into several parts, the diameter of each part is from 4 to 12 cm.

Wood chopping machine

Unchopped firewood

This type allows you to earn money without putting any effort into it. The main task is to deliver firewood to your warehouse. In addition to the main sale, you can rent out your equipment so that the buyer can saw and chop the firewood purchased from you. When selling unsplit firewood, the price for it is double the purchase price.

Chopped firewood

The chopped type can be sold by delivering it to clients. Then it is necessary to organize sawing and splitting, as well as their packaging, on your territory. This requires additional people; it will be very difficult to do this on your own.

If the development process goes up, then a manager can be hired as a staff member who will be directly involved in sales. To increase sales, you can resort to advertising. Especially during cold weather, when people massively buy firewood for heating.

Branded firewood

Branded firewood

In addition to split and unsplit options, premium firewood can be produced. In other words, this is branded firewood, which is mainly bought by owners of large houses for heating fireplaces, saunas and baths.

By appearance These are ordinary chopped firewood, washed and dried, with the manufacturer’s logo on the end. Packaging for this option is selected from beautiful and durable boxes.

In terms of cost they have highest indicator. Along with big profits, there are also big costs. First of all, for registering a brand and creating an exclusive logo.

Business registration

In order to be able to sell firewood, you must register your enterprise with the relevant authorities. Large companies give preference not to individuals, but to LLC enterprises, but this is not fundamentally important; it is quite possible to get by with individual entrepreneurs.

Preparation of the necessary documents

Purchase a warehouse space and equip it with all necessary tools and equipment.

It would be a good idea to purchase a car. A truck class car with a large capacity is quite suitable.

Be sure to provide your company with good advertising. It can be varied, and as newspaper advertisements, or advertisements on various Internet resources. You can use your car and place advertising text directly on it.


To understand what results to expect after a certain time, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Firewood can be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, and it will not lose its properties. Average customers order a machine with a full material capacity. For example, ZIL - 130 includes 5 cubic meters of material. It is not difficult to calculate how much profit will result.

Based marketing research, the demand for wood products is very high, and, therefore, profitability will be high. Typically, a firewood business pays for itself in a year and a half.

Video: Wood splitting machine

Can they bring firewood? stable income? It's no secret that the cost various fuels Today, it is constantly growing, so many people have begun to actively use stoves. In addition, most private sector houses are heated with wood. Residents of populated areas often install fireplaces in their homes, which serve not only as a fashionable piece of furniture, but also as an additional source of heat. In addition, using firewood allows you to significantly save on gas bills. They are also widely used for lighting baths and heating greenhouses in winter.

All this suggests that the firewood business is promising direction activities. Organize your own business literally from scratch, without having much starting capital, almost anyone can do it, and besides, competition in this niche is minimal.

Selling firewood as a business

Where to start organizing own business selling firewood? First of all, you need to understand the intricacies of its management. Wood is in great demand among the population because it is needed for combustion in fireplaces, stoves and solid fuel boilers. Firewood is used to produce thermal energy. Compared to other types of fuel, they are much cheaper and can be stored for a very long time without losing their physical characteristics. This allows entrepreneurs to prepare firewood in the summer to sell it.

This trend has not lost its relevance to this day. As practice shows, the maximum income can be obtained if you engage in a full cycle of firewood collection. It includes:

  • timber purchase;
  • sawing logs;
  • chopping and chopping of workpieces;
  • storage and sale of finished firewood.

New entrepreneurs are advised to think in advance about how to run a business. It’s worth noting right away that to achieve success in this niche, you should be involved in promoting the company, finding buyers and organizational issues. It is also recommended to hire workers who will cut and prepare firewood. If you perform these duties yourself, you don’t even have to think about high profits, since one person cannot cope with such a difficult task.

Despite the fact that the firewood business is seasonal, such activity allows you literally without having your own procurement workshop. This is primarily due to the fact that during the warm season, many people stock up on natural fuel for the winter, and with the onset of cold weather, the demand for it increases many times over.

Business registration

If size initial investment minimal and there are no plans to open a large organization, the best option would be to register individual entrepreneurship. It is better to register a large company as an LLC. Businessmen who register as an individual entrepreneur will not have to experience difficulties in handing over a large amount tax reports. Opening a limited liability company is much more difficult, since the co-founders will be required to submit to the tax authorities the Charter of the enterprise, information about the managers and evidence of capital.

When registering a business, beginners may be faced with a choice of OKVED classes. In this case, it is recommended to select 16.10 – “Planing and sawing of wood” or 02.20 – “Logging”. But please note that not every enterprise will cooperate with individual entrepreneurs, but deals are concluded more readily with organizations.

Important: many people have already appreciated the prospects for a full cycle of firewood procurement and sale. If a newcomer wants to introduce it into his activities, he must obtain permission from the forestry department to cut down the forest.

Search for premises

To get started, you need to find suitable premises for storing a supply of firewood. Its size will largely depend on the scale of the enterprise. For these purposes, warehouse space or hangars are suitable, which can be rented at an affordable price if they are located on the outskirts of the city or in an industrial area.

In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to organize a summer cottage by adapting a spacious barn or outbuilding for storage. General requirement All storage facilities are characterized by the absence of moisture in them, since firewood must be dry, otherwise there will be difficulties with its sale.

It is advisable to have a spacious area near the structure where the wood supply will be stored. This is necessary so that long workpieces can easily fit outdoors. It is recommended to make a canopy to prevent precipitation from getting on the firewood. In addition, from an open space it is easier to load them for sending to the customer. The cost of renting warehouse premises with an area of ​​100 m² varies within 30 thousand rubles per month.

Equipment purchase

If an entrepreneur is thinking about organizing, the procurement and sale of firewood will be one of the best options. To operate, the company will need to purchase special equipment for sawing and splitting wood. A sample list of equipment might look like this:

  • safety glasses;
  • mittens;
  • axes;
  • saws (hand and gasoline);
  • crowbars;
  • ropes;
  • safety belts;
  • helmets

Harvesting firewood is closely related to splitting it, so you need to purchase special wedges and a mechanical wood splitter. The total cost of purchasing equipment varies within 25 thousand rubles.

Advice: The main tool when preparing firewood is a chainsaw. It allows you to perform a large amount of work and saves a lot of time. You should not save on the purchase of such equipment, since low-quality equipment quickly breaks down and leads to downtime in the work process. It is better to purchase professional tools from foreign and domestic manufacturers of well-known brands.

If funds allow, an entrepreneur may consider opening a business. Today, such products are in good consumer demand, and are also capable of generating good additional income.

Recruiting staff

Most often, firewood harvesting enterprises located far from the city employ people living nearby or visitors. How many people will be required for the organization? production process? In a small enterprise, 4-6 employees can do all the work. Two people must be assigned to sawing workpieces. 2 more workers are needed to chop wood. It is also worth taking two people who will pack, stack and load the finished material.

Typically, firewood is packaged in mesh bags or placed on pallets for further transportation. As for remuneration for their labor, the total monthly costs will be 120 thousand rubles for 6 staff. For reference financial accounting The company and payroll for employees will need an accountant (if necessary, such a specialist can also handle the company’s debts). Its services can be outsourced, which will reduce costs. They will cost about 7 thousand monthly.

Conducting an advertising campaign

It is extremely important for a firewood procurement company to properly organize marketing and decide on product sales channels, since the stability of work and profit margins depend on this. First you need to submit advertisements to television and radio channels. It is also worth taking care of advertising in the printed press. A large number of potential buyers view information on the Internet every day. For this reason, you should take advantage of selling firewood and post offers on bulletin boards.

Problems with the sale of firewood should not arise during the work process. They are purchased in large quantities by reseller companies. In addition, ordinary consumers buy firewood at a high price. People stockpile firewood for the winter in large quantities and buy it for themselves in bulk. It doesn't hurt to offer your products production organizations who use wood to heat industrial furnaces. To do this, you need to set a good wholesale price and commit to delivering the goods. Cost advertising campaign will vary within 20 thousand rubles monthly.

Wood burning business - financial plan

Let's look at an example of compilation financial plan for an enterprise for the preparation and sale of firewood. It represents calculations to determine the volume capital investments to open a company, monthly costs and potential profits.

To open a business, the following costs will be required:

  • business registration (as an LLC) – 15 thousand rubles;
  • rental of warehouse premises (for 1 year) – 360 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​25 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs – 15 thousand rubles;
  • consumables (bags, pallets) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of blanks - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - the starting investment will be 505 thousand rubles. This amount can be reduced if you rent warehouses for a shorter period and in the future, as profits become available, extend it. Now let’s calculate the company’s monthly expenses:

  • advertising campaign – 20 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary – 127 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 15 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles;
  • additional costs – 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, mandatory expenses will amount to 192 thousand rubles. We did not include monthly costs for the purchase of wood in the calculations, since its quantity should be determined based on the enterprise’s turnover. Such expenses can start from 50 thousand rubles.

As for the possible income of the enterprise, it is easy to calculate them using some data. Thus, the average cost of one cubic meter of firewood varies within 1.2 thousand rubles. In one work shift, they can produce 24 m³, which in monetary terms is equal to 28.8 thousand rubles. In a month (including 2 days off) you can sell finished products by 720 thousand. From this amount we subtract the purchase price of wood and mandatory monthly payments, and in the end we get net profit.


Let's look at frequently asked questions on the topic.

Where to get wood for firewood?

To organize the sale of firewood, businessmen need to find suppliers of raw materials. The main sources of its production are sawmills, furniture factories and sawmills.

Important: It wouldn’t hurt for entrepreneurs to know what categories of firewood exist so that they can offer customers a product upon request. Unsplit logs are popular among residents of towns and villages. They are inexpensive and designed for self-chopping. As a rule, such products, after delivery to the warehouse, are immediately sold without pre-processing. Chopped firewood is the most valuable product because it is in great consumer demand and brings maximum income to the business owner. Typically, material splitting and packaging are carried out near the enterprise warehouse. In addition, there are branded firewood. Such logs are a top-class product that is in great demand among owners of country cottages and mansions. In fact, they are ordinary firewood, but with the logo of the manufacturer. Wood chocks are packaged in mesh bags and go on sale in this form.

In addition to purchasing timber from specialized enterprises, a businessman can organize sawing of trees. In this case, income will come from providing utilities, besides, you won’t have to pay for wood.

Is it possible to sell trimmings and wood chips?

Trimmings and wood chips are hot commodity because their cost is low. Sawmill waste burns quickly and produces a large amount of thermal energy. They are usually purchased for lighting stoves and fireplaces. In addition, wood chips are an environmentally friendly material that is harmless to humans when burned.

The main supplier of this product is sawmills. If there is not enough money to develop a firewood business, you can start your business resale of wood scraps and chips, since such products are always in demand. Let's calculate the approximate income from the sale of wood chips. If you purchase a whole truck of wood waste at a price of 6 thousand rubles, its volume can be distributed into bags. Their number will be within 190 pieces. The cost of one bag of wood chips and trimmings is on average 290 rubles. Thus, the proceeds from the sale of this volume will be equal to 55.1 thousand rubles. From the amount you need to subtract transportation costs and the cost of purchasing bags, in the end you get about 45 thousand rubles net profit. The benefits of selling wood waste are obvious.

Let's reveal a few secrets of this business. Hardwoods are expensive because they produce a lot of heat and burn much longer. The cost of dry blanks on the market is much higher than freshly sawn products. Small businesses that deal retail sales firewood are regular customers procurers. Small discounts should be assigned to them, which will allow them to cooperate for a long time and receive a stable income. It is also recommended to make large packs of firewood. This will make it possible to receive maximum earnings, since they are more expensive. IN mandatory It is necessary to check each logging batch in order to avoid possible troubles with further sales.

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To summarize, we note that the business of collecting and selling firewood has good prospects, is not afraid of competition, and such products will always be in great consumer demand. But do not forget that selling wood is still a seasonal activity, so when the enterprise reaches a stable income, you can think about scaling it (for example, opening your own sawmill, which will increase profits many times over).

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