Volunteer on coffee plantations. Seasonal work abroad Seasonal work abroad without intermediaries

Any avid coffee lover will tell you that coffee is not just a drink, but a whole philosophy. But how much do we know about the path coffee beans take before ending up in our coffee maker? How many hands are involved in its cultivation, processing and transportation? And what subtleties are involved in the production of the world's most popular drink?

Especially for readers with a healthy dose of adventurism, our editors have prepared a selection of volunteer programs that invite participants to become part of the multi-stage coffee production process and spend a vacation rich in coffee experiences.

Not long ago we wrote about a volunteer program in a fishing village in Ecuador (“”). But if you love coffee and learn Spanish, you won't want to miss the volunteer program organized by Colorful Ec uador, a Spanish language school and volunteer platform located near Ecuador's capital, Quito.

Although Ecuador does not export as much coffee compared to coffee giants like Brazil, Vietnam and Indonesia, it is nevertheless one of the 15 countries natural conditions which allow you to grow two of the most popular types of coffee in the world – Arabica and Robusta.

Ecuador's mountainous terrain means that in an area of ​​just 283,560 km2, many different ecosystems coexist, suitable for growing different types of coffee. Throughout Ecuador, about 200,000 hectares of land are occupied by coffee plantations, employing the population of 16 provinces.

Among the many various programs Colorful Ecuador invites everyone to spend a week on a coffee plantation in the Northern Andes. According to the organizers of the program, here you can not only try yourself as a coffee farm worker, but also enjoy the unique nature of the Northern Andes, climb mountain waterfalls, visit the Yacurí National Park and, of course, enjoy a cup of coffee collected with your own hands.

This program is valid all year round, which means that its members can be a part of any stage of coffee production, be it collecting the coffee beans, removing the pulp, washing, drying, sorting, roasting or grinding. In order for potential volunteers to better plan their trip, the organizers have compiled a table that clearly shows the time frame for each stage of coffee production.

The coffee industry has always played a key role in Costa Rica's history, and coffee is still one of the country's three main exports. Costa Rican coffee has a high caffeine content and is used to create various coffee blends. Coffee grown in Costa Rica is famous throughout the world and is rightfully considered one of the best. The Costa Rican government does its best to encourage coffee producers not to lower the bar and to constantly work to improve the quality of their products. The results of such a policy are not long in coming: in 2012, it was the Costa Rican coffee variety Tarrazú Geisha that became the most expensive coffee variety sold by the famous Starbucks chain.

A large charitable trust, the Global Volunteer Network, which has been organizing volunteer programs around the world since 2001, offers to become a member of the Coffee Cooperative program and work on one of the coffee farms in mountainous Costa Rica. Volunteers will also be able to become directly involved in coffee production and see how the coffee market functions.

In addition to learning about the coffee industry, volunteers are also offered the opportunity to help run orphanages and hospitals, work as an English teacher for Costa Rican children, care for unique leatherback turtles, and much more. You can get detailed information about programs, accommodation and food conditions on the website.

The history of coffee production in Guatemala goes back more than 150 years. Throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries, Guatemala was the largest supplier of coffee in Central America. Today, the mountainous regions of Guatemala produce the best coffee varieties known in the world. Coffee grown in Guatemala has a rich aroma and thick consistency.

Under the auspices charity company Volunteer International HQ in Guatemala hosted a volunteer program that allowed participants to experience life in a non-profit farming community. You can work on a plantation from 1-2 weeks to a whole year, and the cost of the program includes all expenses. Additionally, a trip to Guatemala can be beneficial for those learning Spanish, as working on coffee plantations involves constant contact with native Spanish speakers. More detailed information can be obtained on the program website.

For Nepal, growing coffee is a relatively new idea. The culture was brought into the country only in 1938, but within just a few decades it managed to gain great popularity. Today, all coffee grown in Nepal is Arabica of one kind or another. According to experts, Nepalese coffee has a special aroma. Also, Nepalese coffee producers are proud that the collection and processing of coffee beans is carried out here manually and does not harm the environment in any way.

Agriculture in Nepal, a farming community dedicated to promoting organic farming in Nepal, invites volunteers to learn about and become a part of the process of growing organic coffee in the highlands of Nepal. Organizers promise breathtaking views of the Himalayas and direct involvement in the work of a coffee farm. Agriculture in Nepal will especially appeal to those who care about fate environment, because this community promotes the most environmentally friendly way to grow coffee without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

You can learn more about the community's activities on their website. Also, anyone can contact the organizers and ask all their questions.

Seasonal work in Europe- this is not only an option to earn good money per season (wages are 2-3 times higher than in the CIS countries, and there are always current offers), but also an excellent opportunity to get to know a new country, improve your language skills, gain new skills, useful acquaintances to stay in the country afterwards. Everyone pursues their own goal. But the disadvantages are the same for everyone - it's hard physical labor in greenhouses or construction sites, little time for rest and perhaps only 1 day off per week.

Possible vacancies with seasonal work in Europe in 2018 in the following areas:

  • tourist resorts (summer);
  • ski resorts (winter);
  • agriculture and farms;
  • nature reserves;
  • care for children and the elderly;
  • volunteering.

If you find a good place, you can earn up to 1000 euros in the service sector, up to 600 euros in the agricultural sector, up to 1200 euros in construction, up to 800 euros working as a helper at a construction site, up to 600 euros in families.

Seasonal work in Finland

The main type of seasonal employment in Finland is in agriculture (picking berries, vegetables and fruits). Raspberries are harvested in July-August, strawberries - in June-July, wild blueberries - in July, blueberries and blueberries - in July, lingonberries - in August, potatoes - in September. But more often it all depends on the weather and harvest.

For legal employment in Finland, it is better to apply for a work visa in advance (2-3 months in advance). The visa is issued on the basis of a contract with the employer. We recommend looking for just such options, since traveling abroad illegally is dangerous and there is a possibility of not receiving payment.

Before your trip, check out labor code countries, specify the terms of payment, accommodation, transport. Invitations are sent free of charge, so if you are offered paid services, refuse - this is a scam. Find out in advance where your country's embassy is located in Finland so that you can be prepared for all unforeseen situations.

Seasonal work in Poland

Seasonal work on farms is also common in Poland. The advantage of working in this country is its close location, favorable conditions for obtaining a visa, and a similar language. Most people come to Poland from May to September to pick apples or cut champignons. You can also find vacancies as an animator, kitchen assistant, waiter, maid, administrator, packer, and so on.

Seasonal work in Norway

In Norway, seasonal work is in demand on agricultural and livestock enterprises and farms. The following vacancies are popular:

  • garden pruning;
  • weeding;
  • harvesting;
  • harvest packaging;
  • cleaning up after animals;
  • fish ripper;
  • salting and packaging of fish products.

It is also possible to find work as a waiter in a hotel or restaurant.

A work visa is valid for 90 days. This is enough to work out the season, and it is almost impossible to extend the permit. Before going to the country, familiarize yourself with the working conditions and wages. Check the employer on our blacklist website if you have any doubts.

Seasonal work in Spain

The main type of employment in Spain is agricultural work and service staff in hotels or homestays. The following vacancies are always relevant in the country:

  • fruit and vegetable picker (mainly oranges, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes);
  • administrator or maid;
  • waiter or bartender;
  • guide or animator (with good knowledge of the language);
  • builder.

At agricultural enterprises and farms, work is paid either hourly or by the amount of harvest. You can earn more on construction sites, especially for qualified employees. Payment for work at the hotel depends on the season.

Seasonal work in France

In-demand seasonal work vacancies in France are in agriculture, parks and hotels. The season depends on the area of ​​activity, climate and location of the province. Particularly popular work in France is grape picking (September-October, Pyrenees, Beaujolais, Laura Valley, Burgundy), cherry picking (May-June, Rhone Valley), strawberry picking (May-June, central part and Perigoret), vegetable picking (July-September, Auvergne, Actavia). Work in the Disneyland and Asterix parks is also in demand - up to 12,000 employees are hired here during the season.

To travel to France, you must request a visa 3 months in advance based on a contract with your employer; the permit is issued for 90 days.

Seasonal work in the Netherlands

The most popular seasonal jobs in the Netherlands are work in greenhouses with flowers, fruits and vegetables. In second place - construction vacancies(qualified installers, welders and fitters). The visa can be issued for 6 months.

Where to find seasonal work in Europe

To quickly search for work for a season in the EU, use the website. here you will find current job offers in Europe directly from employers without intermediaries, as well as from employment agencies. We recommend checking the contacts of employers (on the black list on the website, on forums on the Internet). Read the contract carefully and do not pay any fees for housing, paperwork or flights.

Question Answer
- in the field tourism business,

- in supermarkets,

- in agriculture.

This is an excellent opportunity for students to get temporary employment. However, this is not a permanent source of income.
It is strictly unacceptable to transfer your passport to another person.
- work visa;

- valid international passport;

— medical insurance;

labor agreement;

- permission to labor activity.

Agriculture and forestry.
Up to three months.
AIESEC, Work&Travel USA, Au-Pair.

Seasonal work abroad – affordable way get a job legally even without knowing the language, see the country and improve your financial situation.

But you need to be prepared for heavy physical exertion and know the local nuances of legislation so as not to run into troubles that could lead to refusal of payment or wrongful dismissal, fines, failure to provide medical care or deportation.

Main types of seasonal work abroad

Temporary vacancies outside the cordon are conventionally divided into several types:

1. In the tourism business:

  • By specialty:
  1. hotel animators;
  2. administrators;
  3. guides;
  4. tour guides;
  5. translators;
  6. diving, skiing, yoga instructors;
  7. massage therapists;
  8. dancers;
  9. circus performers (acrobats, illusionists, jugglers);
  10. maids;
  11. waiters;
  12. cooks;
  13. bartenders;
  14. kitchen helpers;
  15. dishwashers;
  16. souvenir sales managers;
  17. drivers.
  • By season:
  1. summer: seaside resorts, city tourist routes;
  2. winter: hotels in the mountains; holidays and carnivals.

2. In supermarkets:

  • By work:
  1. goods displayers;
  2. cleaners;
  3. packers and packers.

In the summer, when the load from tourism increases, the owners retail chains and enterprises are hiring additional employees.

  • Seasonality depends on the influx of tourists:
  1. in coastal cities - warm season;
  2. in northern countries - the Christmas holiday period;
  3. in large cultural and historical centers - summer holidays, vacations or specific city holidays, such as beer festivals in Germany, the Venice Carnival in Italy and similar events.

3. In agriculture:

  • By type of work:
  1. harvesters;
  2. sorters;
  3. packers;
  4. drivers.
  • By product:
  1. fruits and berries;
  2. vegetables;
  3. mushrooms;
  4. meat or fish.

The season in this case depends on the agricultural cycle, rainfall, and climate.

Pros and cons

Advantages and disadvantages

The principle of seasonality itself is an advantage for some, but a negative factor for others:

  1. for people who do not have a regular source of income, this is a minus;
  2. for those who just want to make money during the holidays or holidays - a plus.

The advantages also include:

  • a large number of offers;
  • getting to know the country and the prospect of finding a permanent job;
  • optional knowledge of the language with simultaneous practice in it;
  • low qualification requirements for many areas of activity;
  • opportunity:
  • official employment for a period of 3 to 9 months;
  • obtaining a work multiple visa;
  • employment planning throughout the year.

Among the shortcomings that can not only ruin your mood, but also undermine your health:

  • hard physical labor;
  • weak social security or lack thereof;
  • in the case of harvesting, work in open space and regardless of the weather, which can lead to colds, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and joint diseases;
  • daily schedule 12–16 hours;
  • limited rest time;
  • strict production standards;
  • requirements for presentation fruits and berries;
  • fines for poor quality of collected and packaged products;
  • high expenses for accommodation and food that can exceed earnings;
  • danger of being kidnapped and enslaved.
Important! Before signing an employment agreement, it is advisable to carefully read all its clauses, especially the fine print. You need to soberly assess your capabilities for compliance with the proposed conditions.

Although seasonal work may not require high professionalism, you need to have some knowledge in the legal field, for which you should not only carefully read the contract, but also understand how it complies with the legislation of the country where the vacancy is offered.

Knowledge of the administrative and criminal codes will not hurt, because even if everything goes well with the work, violations general may result in repressive sanctions and deportation. Noting this will prevent you from visiting other Schengen countries for five years. You should not break laws and participate in dubious adventures.

Registration of the appropriate entry document. If a vacancy is offered with the condition of having a guest, student or tourist visa, this is a violation of the law. If you have a document permitting work activity, this will protect you from deportation and other troubles.

If you plan to get a job through an intermediary, you need to verify the legality of the activity by checking the license, which should contain the following information:

  1. about countries where it is allowed to recruit personnel;
  2. from which states it can be recruited;
  3. types of work and qualifications.

If the intermediary is a tour operator offering to go abroad with a tourist visa, you need to change it.

Conclusion of a formal contract. For example, in Finland a non-contractual oral agreement is often offered. This can lead to deception regarding payments, and in the worst case, to coercion and even slavery.

Must have with you contact information embassy (consulate) in the country where you intend to work. The telephone numbers and addresses of public human rights organizations that help in cases of human trafficking will also be useful. In critical situations, you should also contact the local police. You cannot give your passport to either an intermediary or an employer, under any pretext.

You need to have photocopies of all documents with you and store them in a secret place. If your passport is taken away, this will help you verify your identity at the consulate and law enforcement agencies.

It is advisable to try to contact a farmer or company manager on your own, which will allow you to save on intermediary services.

What documents are needed

In order to officially get a job, Russians must have:

  • work visa for the duration of the contract;
  • a foreign passport with a validity period exceeding the period of stay in the country;
  • health insurance;
  • labor agreement;
  • work permit (if required by law).

Popular vacancies by country


Agriculture and forestry are developed here; additional labor is required on farms during the berry picking season.

It is difficult to accurately determine the time frame due to unstable climatic conditions, but approximately they look like this:

Obtaining a work visa takes 2–3 months. It is issued on the basis of a contract. Therefore, everything needs to be taken care of in advance.


The period of temporary work begins in May and lasts until September. But, for example, in greenhouses for cutting champignons, people are needed all year round.

This geographical direction is very popular among students, since they are in demand both on farms and at work in entertainment centers, hotels and attractions, where vacancies are offered as a guide, animator, waiter and bartender.

The agricultural work schedule is more predictable than in Finland:

Norway, Iceland

Seasonality in these countries is conditional, since greenhouses are widely used in agriculture, and vacancies can be found throughout the year:

  • without knowledge of the language:
  1. weeding gardens;
  2. garden care;
  3. hay making;
  4. picking berries;
  5. care for small and cattle and poultry;
  6. sorting and packaging of meat;
  7. gutting and packaging of fish.
  • for those who speak English:
  1. assistants in summer children's camps;
  2. maids in hotels.

Foreigners are allowed to be recruited from the age of 18 and only if there is an employment agreement.

Spain, Portugal, Greece

These states are located in the same climate zone and are similar in economic structure.

The season begins in April–May and lasts until October. Guides and hotel staff with language skills are in demand. In agriculture, you can get by with knowledge of common everyday phrases.

Common collection activities:

  • oranges;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberries;
  • olives;
  • grapes


People are needed not only for agriculture, but also for parks, hotels, and attractions. The season begins in May and varies depending on the location of a particular province. But on average it is:


Here you can find temporary vacancies all year round, since the country has a large number of greenhouses where the following are grown:

  • flowers;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms.

Many proposals in construction:

  • fitters;
  • welders;
  • installers.

Six-month contracts are common.


The hot season begins at the end of April and lasts until October. For those who know Turkish or Azerbaijani and English languages offered:

  • service personnel in hotels;
  • animators, guides, tour guides;
  • cooks;
  • bartenders;
  • baristas.

In the agricultural sector, people are in demand at the gathering:

  • melons;
  • various fruits and vegetables.

Egypt, UAE and other Arab countries

In this region, the tourist season lasts all year round. Needed here hotel staff, animators, diving instructors, massage therapists, dancers.

Interestingly, Russian oriental dancers are in great demand. The point is that they worked new style in this direction, characterized by finger techniques and complex acrobatic tricks, which are in demand in professional shows.

Internship programs

This option of searching for work in other countries is available to people with higher or incomplete degrees. higher education V age group from 18 to 32:

  • management specialties - for senior students and young professionals;
  • within social projects– from second to third year.

The duration of the internship ranges from one and a half months to one and a half years.


  • educational;
  • managerial;
  • technical;
  • social.
  • a fee is paid - 10,000 rubles;
  • searching for a vacancy takes from 1 to 2 months, less often up to 6.
  • job not found, 5000 is returned to the applicant;

Countries for internship:

  • Türkiye;
  • Germany;
  • India;
  • China;
  • Latin America.

You can get acquainted with the details on the website: http://aiesec.ru

Work&Travel USA

An agency searching for temporary work for students in the USA on a paid basis offers vacancies in different states of the country:

  • for those who speak English:
  1. waiter;
  2. housekeeper;
  3. housekeeper;
  4. bartender.
  5. without knowledge of the language:
  6. porter;
  7. construction worker;
  8. security guard.

More information about vacancies and conditions: workandtravel.org/ru

Au Pair

Another student program covering all European countries. Allows you to practice English and other languages. Within its framework, work is provided in a family where a young person helps around the house and acts as a babysitter. He is provided with housing, food and small amounts of pocket money.

Participation in the program is also paid, but quickly pays off.

Current offers on the website: www.aupair.com

How much can you earn and how much do you usually spend on living?

Before signing a contract, you should read it carefully to determine whether the terms include the provision of housing and food. Otherwise, you can end up in an unpleasant situation where the amount of income barely covers the costs.

Approximately, you should count on the following indicators:

Country Salary (USD) Expenses (%)
Poland 600–800 20–30
waiter 800–1300 20–30
cook 1300 0
assistant cook 900 0
Finland (agricultural) 10-15
harvest 900–1000 10-15
farm worker 2000 10-15
Greece / Spain / Portugal
animator 800–1000 20–30
waiter 1000 20–30
housemaid 1000 20–30
Türkiye and the Middle East
waiter 500–600 0
barista 900–1000 0
fitness and diving instructor 600 0
lifeguard 600 0
housemaid 500–600 0
dancer 1000–1200 0
English speaking guides 400 0
waiter 1000 50
housemaid 1000 50
Farm worker 2800 50
Lifeguard (beach) 3500 50

Specific amounts and conditions must be negotiated with the intermediary or employer.

Women can find employment abroad without knowing the language and work in the service sector, this includes the following vacancies: cleaners, cooks, laundresses.

Seasonal work in Europe – great way earning money abroad. Harvesting does not require special skills and, by the standards of the CIS countries, is well paid. From this article you will learn the specific conditions for employment in Poland, Spain and Finland.

Work on picking strawberries in Poland is paid from production. The harvest is counted in baskets, payment for one basket is up to 2.5 zlotys, although such conditions are difficult to find. Usually they pay 1-1.5 zlotys. In principle, the daily salary will be the same as for harvesting apples and pears. Compared to Finland, seasonal work in Poland is less profitable, but you will have to spend less on food, travel and accommodation.

This country is also attractive because it is easy to independently obtain a work permit or. For this you need a minimum. And if you want to speed up the process, you can contact an agency.

For your convenience, we have collected everything.

Work in Spain picking citrus fruits

The citrus harvest in Spain begins in January and continues until April. To calculate your salary, your employer counts how many boxes of oranges, lemons or tangerines you collected per day. The price of one box is from 1 to 1.5 euros. You can collect 30-50 boxes per day. The only negative is that the box holds 19 kg of fruit, so the work is physically difficult.” . There you can also find job search sites in Spain.

Features of seasonal work in Europe

In order to find your first seasonal vacancy, you will have to contact an agency. At the same time, you will be employed absolutely legally and will be helped with paperwork. But you will have to spend money on the services of intermediaries. Next season everything will be easier - you will be able to collect and complete all the documents yourself. If the employer is satisfied with you, feel free to count on increased pay, improved living conditions, and you will work directly next year.

There is a category of professional harvesters who do nothing but travel around Europe. In the summer they are in Finland, in the autumn in Poland, and in winter and spring in Spain. Moreover, people receive good money and on it they can live comfortably in their home country for several free months.

Seasonal work have many positive and negative sides. They allow for short time get a good income, this is an excellent option for those who do not have a permanent job. Seasonal work abroad provides an opportunity to practice foreign language, get to know the country, see how people live. The disadvantages include hard physical work, little time for rest, as well as the most unforeseen circumstances that an employee may find himself in. In order for seasonal work to bring only positive results, you should take the choice of a company or employer seriously, discuss all the issues of interest, and it is best to trust only trusted places. You also need to decide on the choice of work that you have to do, soberly assess your capabilities and health, the work should be according to your strength. Seasonal work is a great experience and acquaintance with the country, and if immigration is in your plans, then maybe this step will be the first in making your dream come true. Going and seeing everything with your own eyes in the country where you are going to immigrate is much better than listening to stories from people.

Main options for seasonal work abroad

For the summer period, you can find seasonal work at tourist resorts. During the winter season, workers are always needed at ski centers. These could be vacancies for animators, waiters or kitchen assistants. Large selection of fruit and vegetable harvesting jobs. Picking strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, and apples are the most popular work options offered in Europe. This is good because it does not require extensive language knowledge, it allows you to earn money and get to know the life of people in another country.

Working abroad is an easy option for people who do not have special skills or are taking a break from their previous routine.

Another option for seasonal employment is working in nature reserves, caring for children, the elderly or sick people. You can try yourself as a volunteer. This type is poorly paid or there is no payment at all, but only food and housing are provided. This option is suitable for those who want to learn more about the chosen country, get acquainted with the culture, gain good life experience, learn the language and possibly enroll in training or look for other job options in the future.


Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, and cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland. You can also go to the country to visit strawberry plantations or pick potatoes. If you are planning to get a seasonal job in another country, you should start preparing documents in advance. The beginning of the berry and vegetable picking season is impossible to determine with certainty. It all depends on weather conditions and the speed of berry ripening, but still approximately the periods look like this:

  • For strawberries - late June, early July (duration up to four weeks)
  • For raspberries - late July, early August (duration three to four weeks)
  • For wild blueberries - from July 10 (only two weeks)
  • For blueberries and garden blueberries - period from the end of July (duration from four to six weeks)
  • For lingonberries and cloudberries - from the beginning to the end of August
  • For harvesting potatoes - early September

Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, and cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland.

For seasonal work in Finland, you must obtain a work visa; it is issued on the basis of an employer's contract. Be sure to take care of submitting documents for seasonal work in advance, since its registration takes much longer than a regular tourist one. It is best to do this two to three months before the start of the employment contract.

Someone also needs to pick northern berries

Tips for those traveling to Finland for seasonal work:

  • Read the rules labor legislation countries
  • Invitations from farms are sent free of charge, there is no need to overpay intermediary companies for them
  • An employment contract must only be in writing describing the working conditions
  • Find out the cost of accommodation, transportation, food, whether these expenses will be deducted from your salary or you will pay for them yourself.
  • Be sure to write down the phone number of your country's embassy in Finland

Poland is a great place for Russian students to work

Poland is one of the most popular countries for seasonal work. It is to Poland that the largest number of workers come from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Poland is attractive because of its relatively close location, which means you won’t need a large amount of money for your trip. In addition, the Polish language is quite similar to Ukrainian and Russian, which makes it easy to overcome the language barrier. What vacancies are offered in Poland for seasonal employment? Most often this is agricultural labor. Every year thousands of people come to the country to work in apple picking. Almost always, workers are required in greenhouses to cut champignons.

Poland is attractive because of its relatively close location, which means you won’t need a large amount of money for your trip.

May - September is the main period of seasonal work in Poland. Seasonal work in Poland is very popular among students. For the period summer holidays you can find vacancies on agricultural farms, as well as in hotels and facilities catering. In the summer, workers are required for amusement parks, waiters, and bartenders. It is imperative that if you are applying for seasonal work abroad to specialized firms, request an agreement with the employer on the hiring of labor in your country. The contract must be concluded directly with the foreign employer, and not with an intermediary company.

Students can work as hotel employees

List of the most popular vacancies in Poland for seasonal work:

  • Maids and administrators in hotels;
  • Cooks, kitchen assistants, dishwashers;
  • Packers, packers;
  • Supermarket cleaners;
  • Workers in meat processing plants, fish factories;
  • Workers on agricultural farms;
  • Builders.

Such a different Europe: work in Norway

In Norway, seasonal workers are most often required for agricultural or livestock farms. The main types of work are weeding, pruning the garden, picking berries, making hay, caring for and cleaning animals. In this country you can also get a rather exotic job, like a fish ripper, and there are also jobs offered for salting and packaging fish products. For students with With good knowledge, you can get a job for the summer in holiday camps for children or as service personnel in hotels. For seasonal vacancies that do not exceed 90 days, a work visa will be sufficient.

In this country you can also get a rather exotic job, like a fish ripper, and there are also vacancies offered for salting and packaging fish products.

Norway specializes in fish, so you will have to deal with it

In order to get a seasonal job in Norway, you must be at least 18 years old and have an employment agreement with the employer. Basic requirements for working conditions for seasonal workers in Norway:

  • The salary must correspond to the pay scale in the given industry or the collective agreement of the enterprise (if both are absent, the payment is equal to the minimum hourly rate)
  • Labor relations must be approved and authorized by the Norwegian Labor Administration
  • The job must be full-time, and it is also possible to split it into several offers from different employers.

What does Spain have to offer?

Spain is one of the countries where you can go for seasonal agricultural work. In this regard, it is attractive to foreigners with different countries peace. Favorable climate, good pay labor and the opportunity to watch one of the most beautiful countries Europe - these are the main advantages of seasonal work in Spain. Workers are needed here to collect olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes. If you have a good knowledge of Spanish, you can get a job in a hotel as a service staff or find a vacancy as a guide for tourists. The amount of payment for collecting vegetables or fruits depends on the amount collected. It is necessary to deduct expenses for housing and food from your salary, but even under such conditions you can earn good money.

Workers are most often needed to collect olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes.

Working on a plantation is the easiest option to go abroad at least for a season

Approximate salary amount

  • Workers in the service sector (maids, waiters, kitchen workers) - from 700 to 1000 euros
  • Agriculture (picking vegetables, fruits) - piecework wages from 500 euros
  • Skilled construction trades - 1000–1200 euros
  • Helper workers at a construction site - 500-800 euros

Heading to France for the summer

Seasonal workers in France are most often required for agricultural work, parks and hotel business. The labor period can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate. So for picking cherries and strawberries - May-June. The period for harvesting vegetables lasts from June to September. Apple picking season is September-October. A lot of seasonal workers are hired to harvest grapes; this work occurs in September-October.

French wine is distributed all over the world: for such a quantity of drinking you definitely need more hands capable of handling huge baskets of grapes

The period of work can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate.

For a trip to France for seasonal work, a three-month period is requested based on a contract with the employer. If the period of work is more than ninety days, then a residence permit is issued for the period of validity of the work contract. The main regions of France where you can go for agricultural purposes:

  • Pyrenees, Beaujolais, Laura Valley, Burgundy - vintage
  • Rhone Valley - cherry picking
  • Center and Périgord - strawberry picking
  • Auvergne and Aquitaine - collecting vegetables, corn

The largest employers in the tourism sector are Disneyland Paris and Asterix Park. If you want to get a job at summer season in this industry, then you should start searching in February.

Interesting facts: Disneyland Paris employs more than 12,000 seasonal workers for summer jobs.

Video: The Netherlands - as the most popular option for traveling abroad

Finding seasonal work in the Netherlands is not so difficult, because this country is famous for the widest variety of vacancies for seasonal workers. Most often, workers are required in greenhouses, after all The Netherlands is a country that occupies a leading position in the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The contract, in most cases, is issued for six months, the payment starts from approximately 6 euros per hour. A key link in the Dutch economy is farming, which is why workers are always needed for livestock farms.

In addition to the agricultural sector, in Holland you can get seasonal construction work. Particularly in-demand professions are assemblers, welders and fitters. You can find seasonal work either independently or through special companies with vacancy banks.

Working abroad is an interesting experience that does not require special skills, new acquaintances and an opportunity to take a break from everyday life in your homeland.