Business opening and closing statistics. Moscow State University of Printing. Profitable business areas

There is an opinion among novice entrepreneurs that the most profitable business in Russia is the one you have your heart set on. When opportunities and desires coincide, this is good. However, the cornerstone economic activity is its payback. Therefore, you should enter the market with careful preparation. And it’s not a fact that in your favorite field.

Profitability criteria

The level of “profitability” of a particular direction is determined by a number of factors:

  • quick return on investment (capital) - ideally, the operating cycle should be as short as possible: the return of money from the resale of previously purchased products/goods occurs within a short time;
  • initially high demand - potential consumers ( the target audience) are interested in the service or product offered and are accessible;
  • acceptable cost of resources (raw materials, materials) - the lower it is, the higher the final profit of the entrepreneur;
  • high return on assets - investments must be effective.

Examples in practice

Suppose an entrepreneur decides to open a profitable business selling essential items (food and household goods):

  1. Bread purchased from several suppliers is sold out within a day. Is the investment turnover rate high? Undoubtedly.
  2. The soap, matches and salt presented in the store’s assortment will always be in demand, even in conditions of harmonious economic development, even in a crisis.
  3. The items listed are inexpensive and can be purchased from a wide range of suppliers.
  4. The higher the sales volume, the higher the profit.
  5. Investments are characterized by high efficiency: the goods offered are sold out well, regardless of the season and the state of the economy.

Profitable business areas

Of course not. The well-being of the vast majority of Russian families continues to remain at a high level. You can build a profitable business in Russia in 2018 in the following areas:

  • construction and repair work;
  • public catering;
  • medicine;
  • provision of intermediary services.

Don't be afraid of failure. Private enterprise, as opposed to clumsy and overly bureaucratic big business, is characterized by mobility, freedom and ample opportunities for experimentation: it adapts to changing economic conditions quickly and with minimal losses.

What business to open. Profitable business in a short time. How to understand what business to open: Video

22.12.2015 00:52

In Russia, many more small businesses are dying than new ones are appearing. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the GDP in our country accounts for about 20%, while abroad, only for small businesses this figure reaches 50%.

In developed countries, supporting small enterprises is considered a strategically important task for economic development.

According to statistics, only 3.4% of small businesses in Russia last more than three years, the rest close earlier.

The growth rate of the number of registered individual entrepreneurs in our country remains low - their number increases annually by 4%, while the number of individual entrepreneurs who ceased their activities increases by 11%. According to the Federal Tax Service, as of April 2015, 3.5 million individual entrepreneurs were registered in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs, and 7.7 million people ceased their activities over the entire period.

The main reasons for this negative trend are administrative and economic barriers. Firstly, this is quite complex and voluminous legislation, which also changes extremely often. At the same time, there is no full information about the changes taking place, and using the services professional lawyers It's expensive in a small business. As a result, entrepreneurs often make mistakes and violate the law, resulting in high fines.

Constantly rising prices for raw materials as a result of fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate and high loan rates are one of the main economic reasons for the underdevelopment of this segment of entrepreneurship.

Finally, with the development of opportunities for earning money on the Internet, for many people the desire to register an enterprise has completely disappeared, because in this case it is easier to evade taxes. The last straw for many enterprises was the more than doubling of contributions to the pension fund.

Let us recall that from January 1, 2013, contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia with individual entrepreneurs amounted to 32,479.2 rubles, regardless of the income received. Later, in 2014, they were reduced to 20,727.53 rubles. But as a result of this measure, more than half a million entrepreneurs closed in the country, and new ones were in no hurry to register.

The year 2015 greeted entrepreneurs with sanctions, declining demand for goods and services, and rising prices. Contributions to the pension fund have increased, now they amount to 22,261.38 rubles + 1% of revenue if it is more than 300 thousand rubles. However, on January 1, the so-called law on tax holidays, Federal Law No. 477 of December 29, 2014 “On amendments to Article 346 and Chapter 26 of Part Two” also came into force Tax Code Russian Federation" According to the document, individual entrepreneurs who open their own business in the production, social and scientific spheres can be exempt from taxes for two tax periods. In addition, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2015 No. 98-r “On the plan of priority measures to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability in 2015” was adopted, which also provides for a number of tax benefits for small and medium-sized businesses. This significantly motivated many, and as a result, already in January the number of registered individual entrepreneurs began to increase sharply - by 14% compared to December 2014.

True, the number of those who ceased their activities, unfortunately, also increased.

The introduced amendments to the legislation are designed to stimulate production. In Russia, small businesses are still mainly engaged in trade; in 2014, the total number of enterprises in this area increased by 2% and amounted to 813,593.

Wholesale and retail trade enterprises also take first place in terms of turnover in small businesses - over 15 trillion rubles in 2014. In second place are enterprises involved in real estate transactions - almost 3 trillion rubles.

The share of small enterprises in the manufacturing sector is 2456.84 billion rubles in terms of capital, healthcare and social services- 194.36 billion rubles.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in general from January 2014 to April 2015 increases monthly by an average of 2%, i.e. for 50 thousand entrepreneurs.

At the same time registration farms, is growing much faster - by more than 3% to 2 thousand farms per month on average, with the main peak occurring at the beginning of 2015.

An interesting fact is that it was in the area of ​​agriculture and forestry that the largest number of small and micro enterprises decreased in 2014 by 6,614 to 55,990. However, the registration of new farms in 2015 increased sharply - in 2015, subsidies for farms in the amount of 3,439,000 are expected thousand rubles. At the same time, the main forces will be directed at the farms of the south of Russia and in particular the North Caucasus Federal District ( total individual entrepreneurs and farms in the region have already fallen by 5% compared to April 2014).

Significant funds will also be allocated to support farms in the Siberian Federal District.

Despite the growth of newly registered enterprises, the state is practically unable to retain existing ones. In 2014-March 2015 alone, the activities of 647 thousand individual entrepreneurs and 21,928 farms were ceased.

On average, 43 thousand individual entrepreneurs cease their activities every month - this is less than the number of registered ones, however reduction is underway at a faster pace, even taking into account benefits (on average, the number of individual entrepreneurs decreases by 5% every month, while the number of new ones grows only by 2%). The main reason is the decision to cease operations, in total as of April 2015 this decision Over the entire period, the activities of over 5 million individual entrepreneurs were terminated.

The dynamics of farm closures also confirms this trend. On average, 1,462 farms cease to operate every month, and the growth rate of such enterprises is also 5%.

High cost of feed, great difficulties with the sale of products and low profits are still forcing farmers to close. For many enterprises, the problem of selling products is acute, since they are located far from cities and large towns, it is difficult to deliver fresh products, or it is associated with high costs.

The quantity has also changed foreign citizens that operate in Russia. Thus, since the beginning of 2015, their number began to decrease by an average of 1.5%.

At the same time, the reduction now affects almost all regions that account for the largest share of such enterprises - Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, Moscow, Rostov region etc.

According to Rosstat, the number of small enterprises in Russia has sharply decreased. Experts, however, argue that the real picture in the field of small and medium-sized businesses is currently impossible to assess. Only in a year will it become clear how business survived the reduction in state support against the backdrop of the difficult economic situation in the country. Moreover, the volume of state support will continue to decline.

The number of small enterprises in Russia decreased by 69.8 thousand: according to Rosstat, in the first half of 2015 there were 242.6 thousand, and in the first half of 2016 there were 172.8 thousand. In fact, assess the dynamics of the development of small enterprises Based on statistics, it is now almost impossible, because a little over a year ago, by a decree of the Russian government, the classification was changed, and a significant part of small businesses fell into the category of micro-businesses, and part of medium-sized businesses were classified as small. How many enterprises closed during this period, how many new ones appeared - there are no such statistics.

According to the data Unified register small and medium-sized businesses published on the website of the Federal tax service(Federal Tax Service), now a total of 5,671,909 enterprises with revenues of up to 2 billion rubles are registered in Russia. Most of them belong to micro-businesses - 5,380,768. Data on small businesses differ from Rosstat calculations: as of September 10, the Federal Tax Service counted 270,540 enterprises. There are only 20,601 medium-sized business organizations.

According to the vice-president of the all-Russian public organization medium and small businesses “Support of Russia” by Marina Bludyan, statistics from the Federal Tax Service are the most accurate indicators that will make it possible after some time to assess how the number of entrepreneurs is changing.

In the meantime, based on Rosstat statistics, we can say that since the beginning of the year the number of small businesses has not changed: the figure of 172.8 appears both in the results of the first quarter and in the results of six months of 2016. However, this is too short a period for the data to be indicative.

As a result of the adoption of Resolution No. 702, the number of small and medium-sized businesses formally increased, although in fact their number may not have changed or even decreased, explains the deputy executive director“Supports of Russia” Ivan Efremenkov. - However, now there are many more applicants for benefits, because micro-enterprises and small businesses equally benefit from government business support programs. Received preferences former enterprises medium-sized businesses that have acquired the status of small businesses. Now they can claim benefit programs, for example, participate in special auctions, rent property at special rates, count on consulting support and various subsidies. However, the financial part of the program to support small and medium-sized businesses is being reduced from year to year.”

According to Efremenkov, a year ago the state allocated about 17 billion rubles for these purposes, this year - only 12 billion rubles.

We see multidirectional trends: on the one hand, more and more enterprises can apply for state support, on the other hand, this state support is being reduced,” the specialist notes. - Thus, the lack of government support is obvious. We are receiving complaints that the usual support measures are no longer available. At the same time, further reductions in funding are currently being discussed.

According to Efremenkov, the fact that the number of small enterprises has not changed in six months does not mean anything - at that time the regions were still implementing the 2015 budget. The effect of the 2016 budget cuts will be felt in 2017. Perhaps it will not be pronounced, because financial state support goes to an extremely small number of entrepreneurs: no more than 3%. In addition, the state is taking other measures to support entrepreneurship.

Tax holidays are being introduced for individual entrepreneurs (we believe that this is why their number has increased by 5% over the past year and a half); supervisory holidays have been introduced for small businesses, that is scheduled checks are not carried out,” says Efremenkov. These are trends with a positive sign, so we cannot definitely expect a reduction in the number of small businesses as a result of curtailing funding.

Marina Bludyan is sure that government financial support should not be provided to business at all:

Entrepreneurs themselves decide to open a business, and they themselves must know where to get funds for it. Why they need to be provided with financial support at the expense of taxpayers, I don’t know. Our society is very infantile. I understand when scientists, teachers, and doctors want to receive grants. But it’s strange when an entrepreneur asks for money. What is your entrepreneurial essence?

Bludyan appeals to the experience of Germany, which subsidized the development of small businesses in its eastern territories, but came to the conclusion that they still continued to develop only in the western part of the country.

According to the specialist, the state should financially help only businessmen from socially disadvantaged segments of the population: the disabled and those with many children. Other entrepreneurs also need to be supported, especially in times of crisis, but in a different way.

The specialist explains that now in Russia, enterprises pay taxes on all profits, but if we want to achieve business growth, we need to tax only that part of the income that is taken from the business.

Everything that is invested in business development cannot be taxed. Then entrepreneurs will have an incentive to develop it. Such measures will have a positive impact not so much on increasing the number of entrepreneurs, but on strengthening the business of existing enterprises. And in the current conditions, investing in business is unprofitable.

Economic growth can also increase significantly due to exports, Bludyan believes.

Now Russia accounts for only 2% of consumption. All other consumption is abroad. We need to help exporters. Look at the boom China has created. But he also gave incredible benefits to exporters. And we have exchange control and a huge number of quitrents, that is, non-tax payments that must be paid within the country: for some measurements, calculations, declarations, accreditations. And all this paid services. We have 197 types of control and supervision. Entrepreneurs must maintain special staff who work with these people. There is no such thing abroad. As a result, our product turns out to be uncompetitive. The state must carefully examine how to help enterprises. But not with money. Do you remember there was a parable - which help is better, a fish or a fishing rod? I'm convinced it's a fishing rod.

Izvestia Help

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 702 of July 13, 2015 “On the maximum values ​​of revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) for each category of small and medium-sized businesses” doubled the indicators for classification as small and medium-sized businesses. Since that time, micro-enterprises include organizations with revenues of up to 120 million rubles (previously 60 million rubles), small businesses - with revenues of up to 800 million rubles (previously 400 million rubles), medium-sized businesses - up to 2 billion rubles (previously 1 billion rubles). ).

The economy of our country is currently not in the best condition. Small businesses, and individual entrepreneurs in particular, become the most vulnerable during this period. Due to these circumstances, the question of how many individual entrepreneurs were closed as of 2018 is of interest to many.

2017 and the beginning of 2018 were marked by a continuing downturn in the country's financial and economic markets. This was due to many reasons. Political conflicts in which our country was somehow involved gave rise to additional economic sanctions, which led to a new round of decline. As a result, the first to suffer were industrial production. In its turn, low prices oil prices hit the ruble exchange rate against the dollar, which aggravated inflation and, accordingly, led to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.

For these reasons, the first to economic market the weakest - micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs - fell. However, economic crisis periods are often a means of accumulating capital, therefore, along with the closure of many individual entrepreneurs, requests for their opening do not decrease.

Be that as it may, but still, as of the beginning of 2018, the number of bankrupt and closed micro-enterprises prevails.

According to Rosstat statistics, starting from 1993 for the period of the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018, about 600,000 individual enterprises ceased to exist. Comparing statistical figures for 2017, it can be established that the number of closed enterprises is much greater than the number of open ones during the same period.

From this we can conclude that in 2017-2018 the trend associated with the opening and closing of individual entrepreneurs was depressing. In numbers, this trend looks like this:

  • On average, 9.1 thousand individual entrepreneurs closed;
  • On average, 7 thousand individual entrepreneurs were opened.

Unfortunately, small businesses account for only about 20 percent of gross domestic product. This is an insignificant part compared to what the industrial giants bring. But the loss of so many individual entrepreneurs also hits the economy hard, since it is small businesses that determine the country’s well-being.

Therefore, answering the question of how many citizen entrepreneurs decided to stop their activities, we can answer that this figure is significant, and for 2017 - 2018 it is about 9.1 thousand entities.

It is important to know that most closed microenterprises and individual entrepreneurs are a consequence of the entrepreneur’s independent decision to cease his activities. However, according to the same Rosstat, about 30 percent of closed microenterprises and individual entrepreneurs ceased to exist due to bankruptcy. Basically, the cause of bankruptcy was the inability of individual entrepreneurs to cope with the increasingly complex economic conditions in the country, the inability, in conditions of inflation, to fulfill its obligations to creditors and state tax authorities.

Video: Why individual entrepreneurs are closing

Reasons for the closure of small businesses in 2017-2018

Analysis of the reasons why small businesses cease to exist is important for novice entrepreneurs, since they provide an opportunity to analyze the mistakes of others and prevent them from happening later in their own business.

In order to answer the question why there are more closed individual entrepreneurs than open ones, you need to analyze three main factors:

  • legal;
  • economic;
  • state.

The legal factor means legislative regulation activities of individual entrepreneurs.

In conditions of an unstable economy and not fully developed legislation, frequent changes and additions to legislative framework, the publication of a large number of regulations and provisions that repeal the previous ones.

Of course, an individual entrepreneur, if he does not have legal knowledge and does not have a full-time lawyer, cannot keep up with legal innovations. Moreover, regional regulations often contradict federal ones, and vice versa. But ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, and individual entrepreneurs, without knowing it themselves, often become subjects of offenses for which they receive punishment in the form of fines, penalties and other sanctions. Often, a fine can ruin an individual entrepreneur and, as a result, the entrepreneur closes his business.

Therefore, the legal factor, although not the main one, occupies a leading place in the ranking of factors that force people to close down their business.

  1. First of all, this is the general stagnation of the economy caused by the imposed sanctions, the outflow of capital from the country, as well as a sharp jump in the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar and other foreign currencies.
  2. The low cost of oil and other resources, which forces the state to reduce its spending on raising pensions and other social payments, which in turn drains cash from vulnerable segments of the population.
  3. Loss of purchasing power of the population. This is one of the main reasons. The population begins to lose jobs as manufacturing and other sectors of the economy begin to perform poorly. The bulk of raw materials are purchased for foreign currency, naturally the price of goods begins to increase, and salaries and pensions do not keep pace with exchange rate fluctuations. All this leads to the fact that the population has less money supply, and it cannot buy the volumes of goods that it could purchase in 2013 or 2012.

It follows from this that small businesses, which are primarily focused on the population, automatically begin to incur losses and curtail their activities.

The next factor is the activity of the state. Most experts in the field of economics believe that it is possible to increase the number of entrepreneurs who have decided to stop their activities even with a stagnating economy, but the state should be directly involved in this.

If we draw analogies with European states, then the share of small enterprises in GDP is about 40, or even 50 percent. Therefore, the priority of states is to support small businesses. The government of the Russian Federation also began to think about this and some changes have already begun.

State programs to support small businesses in 2018

According to changes in tax legislation, individual entrepreneurs Those who register and begin working in certain sectors of the economy in 2018 are guaranteed tax holidays.

In addition, the mandatory contribution to the pension fund, as well as the amount of some taxes, have been reduced. Greater concessions for small businesses are provided in the simplified taxation system and in the possibilities of manipulating income.

Worthy of attention government programs cooperation with commercial banks in terms of lending and refinancing of small businesses.

As part of measures to improve the situation with individual entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises that developed in 2017-2018, a number of additional measures are being taken. In particular, several Federal programs to support small businesses have been launched.

  1. Regional Employment Centers have been entrusted with organizing free business training courses.
  2. In pursuance of Federal Law No. 209 of 2007, in 2018 it is planned to increase the number of government grants to small businesses. For 2018, the maximum grant amount is set at 300 thousand rubles.
  3. State guarantee funds began to operate on the basis of state and regional budgets, acting as guarantors for obtaining loans for small businesses.
  4. In 2018, venture centers will evaluate business projects submitted by individual entrepreneurs. Based on the assessment of the project, a decision will be made to subsidize the activities of individual entrepreneurs from the federal budget.
  5. The government of Moscow and the Moscow region has developed plans to support small businesses in 2018. At the same time, subsidies are provided for opening an individual entrepreneur in the amount of 60,000 rubles, and for opening a SPD - 25,000 rubles.
  6. In the regions in 2018, subsidies are provided only for opening an individual entrepreneur in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Another problem that the state must take on is reducing interest on loans for small businesses. Today's offers from banks, to put it mildly, are not affected by the dynamics of the general economic downturn, and remain at the level of 2010-2013, when it was more profitable for private entrepreneurs to work.

But in 2017-2018, the Government of the Russian Federation began to create programs to boost business in some regions, and many citizens believed in them and began to become more active in starting their own business.

In general, the state factor is one of the main indicators that influence the decision of entrepreneurs to curtail their activities. If we analyze the areas of the economy where small business money circulates most, then the first place belongs to the wholesale and retail trade. In second place is production, and in third place is Agriculture. That is, those areas where profit will directly depend on the favorable economic situation in the country and the good purchasing power of the population.

It's important to know that modern programs governments are designed primarily for such areas as agriculture, science and social areas.

Having analyzed how many small businesses were closed in 2017-2018, we can come to the conclusion that individual entrepreneurship is experiencing a crisis, and only thoughtful public policy can help it survive it

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Otkritie may cut up to 20% of its staff in 2016. This is slightly less than in 2015, when the group laid off almost 27% of bank employees

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Otkrytie Financial Group Vadim Belyaev (Photo: RIA Novosti)

​Otkritie Financial Group may cut up to 20% of its staff in 2016, said the largest shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of Otkritie Financial Group Vadim Belyaev in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

“We will continue to downsize,” Belyaev said, answering a journalist’s question about whether the group will cut staff in 2016. The reason for the cuts, he said, is the consolidation of the group’s banks and the elimination of duplicate positions. “When a bank merges, at least some of the positions can be reduced. In principle, quite a large part,” he said.

The group may cut staff by about 20%, Belyaev said. “It all depends on how events develop.<...>A big number, but times are tough. The fastest survive,” he added.

We are not talking about a target indicator - the group has no plans to reduce a certain number of employees, the Otkritie Holding press service responded to RBC’s request. “This is a rough estimate based on our previous experience. The group is increasing efficiency by eliminating duplicative positions that emerged as a result of the integration of a number of banks into the group,” the response says.

Currently, Otkritie’s banking business includes FC Otkritie Bank, KhMB Otkritie Bank and Trust Bank, which is undergoing a financial recovery procedure.

The reorganization of Trust Bank “turned out to be the most difficult test for the group,” Belyaev said in an interview. “It was, in my opinion, a huge factory for producing false documents; there was no banking business there as such. This structure collected contributions from the population, and then, using a large number intermediate companies, reinvested this money in maintaining its own balance sheet,” Belyaev said, adding that 75% of the Trust’s assets were “cunningly arranged investments within themselves.” Belyaev added that the money received from the Central Bank and the DIA was not enough to save the bank.

In June 2015, FC Otkritie Bank acquired Petrocommerce Bank. According to the banks' quarterly reports, the number of bank employees after the merger decreased by 40.8%. At the end of 2014, 5.1 thousand people worked at FC Otkritie Bank, 4.1 thousand people worked at Petrokommerts; in a year general staff of merged banks decreased to 5.4 thousand people.

Other banks of the group also cut staff: the rehabilitated Trust laid off almost half of its employees in a year, or 3 thousand people, but KhMB Otkritie - only 329 people (10.3 thousand people at the end of the first quarter of 2015 versus 10 thousand . people at the end of the fourth quarter of 2015).

Vadim Belyaev emphasized in an interview that he could continue to merge the group’s banks this year. “Difficult times of crisis are the right time to merge banks and save on costs. I think that as soon as we are ready and this idea will be approved Central Bank“, we will merge the banks of the Otkritie group,” he said.

“We are currently considering various options for an integration strategy, none of which is final yet,” the holding’s press service responded to the question of whether all banks are planned to be merged. Earlier, Vedomosti, citing its sources, reported that the Otkritie group is considering the possibility of merging its two banks - KhMB Otkritie and Trust.

The development and integration of banking assets is one of the core competencies of the Otkritie group, the press service added. "Our banking business formed by integrating more than 10 banks of various sizes. As a result of consolidation processes, their number was reduced to three. But further increases in efficiency, especially in current conditions, may require deeper integration,” the press service said in its response.