Mechanical engineering specialist. Specialist in mechanical engineering technologies. Is it easy to get a job?

general characteristics

All mechanisms - from food processors to robots, racing cars and spaceships, and even a fantastic time machine - consist of simple and complex parts. To manufacture these parts today, knowledge of both traditional and high technologies is required. You will be able to obtain such knowledge while studying in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”.

Mechanical engineering is the most common and universal specialty required in any mechanical engineering, instrument making, repair and many other industries. Mechanical engineering technology is a specialty for those who want to learn how to do something with their own hands, who are ready to manage modern machines CNC and industrial robots, make drawings on a computer, sharpen parts on a machine, organize your own business.

Today, the profession of a technologist is more relevant than ever, and this is not surprising - production is being restored, and where they start producing something, they immediately need a person who knows how to do it, i.e. a technologist. To ensure the competitiveness of their products, today enterprises need specialists who are involved in the development of new technologies, and to attract such specialists today, large amounts of money are allocated and a decent amount of payment is offered for their intellectual work.

Also, within the framework of the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, issues of organization and production management are studied. A technologist will be able to professionally manage his business, work as a production manager in large and small enterprises, in design bureaus and research institutes, organizational and management structures.

Qualification of a specialist (graduate) – technician. The duration of training based on 9 classes is 3 years 10 months.

Region professional activity graduates:

Development and implementation of technological processes for the production of mechanical engineering products;

Organization of work of a structural unit;

Materials, technological processes, technological equipment;

Design and technological documentation;

Primary labor collectives.

The technician prepares for the following activities:

Development of technological processes for manufacturing machine parts.

Participation in the organization production activities structural unit.

Participation in the implementation of technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts and technical control.

Carrying out work in the profession of "Turner".

Qualification characteristics of the graduate:

The specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” trains specialists for enterprises and organizations involved in the design, manufacture and repair of machines and devices used in various industries.

Modern development of mechanical engineering requires specialists in mechanical engineering technology with deep knowledge in the field of design of technological processes and technological equipment, new forms of organization and production management, comprehensive automation of production processes, modern machines with numerical program controlled(CNC) and robotic systems, advanced methods of materials processing, use computer technology for research, design and control of technological processes.

Field of professional activity: technician the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” is the organization and implementation of work on the creation of products, metal structures, control of production of the workshop, machining area.

The specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” belongs to the “Human-Technology” type..

Professions of this type are associated with the creation, installation, assembly and adjustment of technical devices, with the operation technical means, with equipment repair. The peculiarity of technical objects is that they can be accurately measured and calculated, therefore professions in this group require a person to have a combination of a practical mindset and creative abilities, accuracy, and good health.
The specialty can be classified as “performing”, since it requires compliance with existing rules and regulations, instructions, and standards. At the same time, the work is associated with planning, organization, management, and making non-standard decisions, which allows us to classify the profession as “creative.”


In the process of studying specialized disciplines, students will learn to work with objects in mechanical engineering production, technological equipment and instrumental technology. They will gain an understanding of production processes and will also be able to develop and master new technologies. Upon completion of training, bachelors will be able to:

  • control technological discipline at the enterprise during the manufacturing process of products;
  • use the most popular and widespread methods to control the quality of products;
  • configure, adjust and test equipment and software;
  • draw up instructions describing the principles of operation of equipment and test programs;
  • organize the work of small teams;
  • check the technical condition of products and carry out the required repairs;
  • draw up technical documents;
  • analyze and evaluate non-production and production costs;
  • realize technical training for certification of systems, processes, tools, materials and equipment;
  • carry out organizational and planning work if it is necessary to create or reorganize production units;
  • carry out research activities;
  • calculate and design parts and assemblies on machine-building structures.

Who to work with

Mostly, bachelors are employed as technologists, junior engineers or technicians in companies operating in the mechanical engineering sector. They monitor compliance with regulations and standards and monitor production process. The acquired level of knowledge allows you to grow to a middle manager in one of the selected departments. Enterprises have the most lucrative positions oil and gas industry- level on them wages, as a rule, is an order of magnitude higher compared to other organizations. Successful career can be built while working at one of the large automakers that regularly needs specialists in this profile.

Mechanical engineering technology specialist is more of a qualification than a profession. Obtaining an education in this specialty opens up the possibility of employment as a technician.




Entry barrier



Technical knowledge is the source of almost all professions. The term “technology” appeared in Ancient Greece. IN literal translation meant art. Over time, they began to emerge from it different kinds crafts. Development stopped during the Middle Ages. In the “dark times,” everything new was considered bad and was severely punished by the Inquisition. With the advent of the Renaissance, rapid development of technology began. There is a public demand for various mechanisms and tools. The work of artisans is no longer enough. As a result, the first manufactories appeared. This is how mechanical engineering technology specialists were born. They mastered the complexities of production, working with equipment and honed their knowledge over the centuries. Modern technicians have the broadest classification and have not been identified as a separate profession for a long time.


Mechanical Engineering Technology Specialist whole group technical specialties, united under one specialization. It includes the following subgroups:

  • Aviation technician. This is an aircraft maintenance specialist. He works in ground hangars and takes care of the serviceability Vehicle. To achieve this, regular diagnostic inspections of equipment are carried out upon arrival and before departure on a flight. The specialty is quite extensive and complex. It assumes a high level of responsibility, because mistakes can lead to serious disasters and loss of life.
  • Technician-programmer. This is a master involved in servicing the technical components of computers. It assumes a low salary and the opportunity to obtain a qualification as a programmer.
  • Dental Technician. This is a specialist in the creation of crowns, dental prostheses or maxillofacial devices. This master rarely meets with patients, performing mainly technical processes.
  • Sanitary technician or plumber. This is a specialist who ensures the proper operation of heating, sewerage and water supply systems. This master is engaged in carrying out work aimed at replacing and repairing pipelines of varying complexity.
  • Housing and communal services technician. This is a master who performs work to ensure the comfort of residents living in the territory of a certain housing and communal services. These are the plumbing, repair and electrical processes required to improve homes. Assessing damage and the need for repairs is also included in the technician’s range of work. He rarely sits still, almost constantly visiting objects.
  • Nuclear technician. This is a specialist in working with particularly dangerous equipment. Usually such masters work for nuclear power plants and are responsible for the serviceability of the technical components of the atomic energy extraction process.

A specialist in mechanical engineering technology is a very broad concept, which combines a number of technical areas.

What specialties to study?

To obtain this profession, you should choose one of the specializations:

  • Specialist in mechanical engineering technologies.
  • Relay protection and automation of electrical power systems.
  • Acoustic devices and systems.
  • Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry).
  • Operation of inland waterways.

Where to study

To obtain one of the specialties that gives the right to work in a technical field, you can choose almost any educational institution. The most prestigious are:

  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
  • Russian State University oil and gas named after. THEM. Gubkina.
  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".

These are the five most prestigious technical higher educational institutions in the country. It is difficult to get into them, but their diploma guarantees quick employment.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

Any specialty with a technical focus involves a fairly large amount of work with equipment. The range of daily responsibilities consists of a number of processes:

  • Development of a technology project. This is the creation of new mechanisms designed to facilitate and automate human processes in order to reduce the likelihood of errors to a minimum.
  • Equipment installation. It’s not enough just to create, it’s important to adapt the devices to the specifics of the company. Improper installation can result in rapid breakdown of expensive devices.
  • Equipment setup. This process is necessary to ensure correct operation of the equipment.
  • Monitoring the condition of equipment. For this purpose, periodic equipment diagnostic work is carried out.
  • Troubleshooting. This process includes repair work of any level of complexity.
  • Training of personnel in the rules of equipment operation. Proper use will minimize damage caused by negligence.
  • Drawing up operating instructions. This is necessary so that in the absence of a technician, the staff can independently find out the answers to their questions.
  • Maintaining technical documentation and preparing reports.

These responsibilities may be supplemented by individual specific components.

Who is this profession suitable for?

These specialties are suitable for people with a technical mindset. They are characterized by a good memory, a high level of attention and the ability to concentrate on complex processes. Perseverance and accuracy will be indispensable.

After all, a technician is often faced with painstaking work and the smallest components of mechanisms. Technological process It is quite difficult to control, so this specialist must be able to independently organize his work so that it is as effective as possible.


Technical professions have always been and will be popular, because with the development of progress, the range of activities of specialists in mechanical engineering technologies is expanding.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The income levels of technicians vary. It all depends on the narrow specialization and level of the company in which you are employed. On average, earnings range from 5 to 45 thousand rubles per month. The lowest incomes are in provincial towns. Developed cities provide fairly large earnings.

Is it easy to get a job?

The employment process begins when completing an internship. Typically, graduates are taken by enterprises where they have proven themselves. Mechanical engineering technology specialists are in demand mainly in factories and industries. Given the dynamics of development of these enterprises, there are always vacancies.

To get hired, you just need to pass an interview and provide your diploma.

How does one usually build a career?

Building a career directly depends on the place of work. So, it mainly manifests itself in an increase in discharge. With each such increase in the indicator, the level of income also increases, which is important, given the fact that earnings are not too high.

At high performance A labor technician can easily grow to become a foreman or shift supervisor. This will not only provide more high income, but also additional responsibilities. In addition, new horizons open up for the shift supervisor. Over time, such a specialist may apply for the position of workshop manager or production manager. These vacancies already promise a consistently high level of income.

Many mechanical engineering technology specialists continue their education with the goal of becoming an engineer. This provides an opportunity for faster career growth.


The profession of a specialist in mechanical engineering technology is considered promising. This is due to the constant introduction of new techniques and the emergence of modern inventions. These specialists have a lot of opportunities for successful career building and development, which will open up new prospects for them in building a career. In order to get the opportunity, it is important to constantly improve your skill level, strive to achieve higher performance and career growth. Anyone who puts in the best effort will be rewarded over time.

Also our level of education in technical specialties provides employment opportunities in more economically developed countries. This is also due to the lack of such personnel abroad.

Any mechanisms that we use in everyday life consist of simple or complex parts and connections. All of them are products of mechanical engineering - areas National economy, which produces a variety of mechanisms and machines. Mechanical engineering technology is a specialty that allows you to acquire knowledge and skills that allow you to work in the mechanical engineering industry.

The beginning of the development of this direction of the national economy in our country is usually associated with the name which, back in the 18th century, was invented by the first Russian lathe. At that time, there were only a few engineers, mostly enthusiasts and pioneers of their field. But mechanical engineering technology received its main impetus for development largely thanks to the wars of the 19th and 20th centuries, when victory often depended on the technical equipment of the army. For Russia, the heyday of mechanical engineering occurred during the Second World War, when almost all enterprises in the country began to produce weapons, ammunition and equipment. And it was precisely at this time that mechanical engineering technology was in dire straits, as factories experienced an acute shortage of qualified and competent engineers.

Unfortunately, nowadays mechanical engineering is also developing due to competition between countries for the best weapons and defense systems.

Mechanical engineering technology is a specialty that remains in demand: every year at least 4 people apply for one budget place. It is worth noting that engineers are trained only by state universities and technical schools, for commercial organizations this specialty is too expensive. Mechanical engineering technology requires the availability of educational institutions special different types), laboratories, computers with special programs - for developing drawings, creating 3D models, etc. That is why non-state educational institutions cannot compete with state universities, which have a good material base, a staff of highly qualified teachers (many of whom are candidates and doctors of science) and long-term teaching traditions.

Today, the functions of a process engineer have changed significantly. Factories have implemented them everywhere automatic lines, CNC machines, equipment directly controlled by a computer, computer-aided design systems. All this has led to the fact that engineers must have a high level of computer technology. With this level of automation, a process engineer can control everything from the development of a product drawing to testing Ready Technology mechanical engineering is a rapidly developing and changing specialty that is constantly adapting to new technologies emerging in production. Therefore, students who choose this profession need to know that they will have to study not only before receiving a diploma - engineers must improve their skills throughout their lives.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important industries in any state. The degree of its development determines how high the level of the economy is in a particular country. Mechanical engineering technology studies the manufacture of machines and their parts, safety precautions when working with equipment, as well as the ability to reduce the cost of parts and mechanisms without compromising the quality of manufactured products.


The specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology" makes it possible to obtain the qualifications of an engineer, which allows you to work in many directions. For example, a mechanical engineering technologist carries out quality control of manufactured products and performs necessary calculations. The machine operator turns parts manually on special machines. The operator works on CNC machines, enters the control program and sets its operating mode. The commissioning and testing engineer is responsible for the serviceability of equipment, maintains a calendar schedule for inspections and repairs, helps machine operators set up mills and calculates recommended settings for working on them. He is also responsible for technical documentation on the equipment on his site.

One more is enough interesting direction, which studies the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology" - this is the development of new parts and equipment. As a rule, this is done by a design engineer. Many mass production facilities have design bureaus that develop new parts and cutting modes.

For example, a metallurgical enterprise receives an order for a huge batch of twist drills. The equipment allows the production of only 10 thousand drills per shift and it is necessary to speed up this process. The design engineer must:

  1. Make a drawing of the finished product.
  2. Calculate the cutting mode of one unit of a twist drill.
  3. Find a way to speed up the production of this part with minimal financial costs.

How long and where does it take to study to become an engineer?

You can enroll in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology" on the basis of 9 or 11 grades. The duration of training, respectively, is 4 and 3 years, and upon completion, the student receives a secondary technical education. For this specialty, there are both budgetary and commercial forms of training. If you wish, you can go on to study further in your specialty for a bachelor's or master's degree.

The specialty (02/15/08) “Mechanical Engineering Technology” can be obtained at metallurgical technical schools and colleges. Depending on the educational institution, the methods of accepting documents also differ. In some technical schools, you must pass exams for admission.

There are also correspondence and evening courses in this specialty, however, as a rule, these are commercial groups. The training period for them is the same as for full-time students. Many boys and girls dream of getting a specialty in Mechanical Engineering Technology. The college educates and prepares such specialists in accordance with the requirements of the main professional educational program.

Educational process

The educational process based on 9 classes includes 4 courses. Those admitted after 11th grade, as a rule, go straight to the second year.

The first course includes general education subjects and only basic initial knowledge of the specialty. Having completed it, the student receives a certificate of basic general secondary education.

The second course consists of several general education subjects (such as higher mathematics, physics) and most specialty subjects: metal science, management, cutting theory, technical mechanics, etc.

III and IV courses consist only of special courses. items. Students study electrical engineering, specialized equipment, basic ecology, technical processes for manufacturing machines and parts, basic economics, etc.

At the end educational process and during practice, students write thesis and receive a diploma.

Internship in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology"

As a rule, during the entire educational process you need to undergo 3 different internships related to the profession of “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. The specialty of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education) requires not only knowledge, but also basic skills in working with parts and mechanisms.)

The first practice is metalworking, and students are admitted to it after completing the second year. In addition, admission requires passing a safety exam. Locksmith workshops are usually located on the territory educational institution. At this stage, students are first introduced to technical equipment and try to work on it. During practice, students need to do several tasks, such as sharpening a cutter, cutting internal and external threads, and marking parts. Most often, students perform work on metalwork benches and machines.

Second practice for students III year- mechanical. If there is no mechanical section on the territory of the educational institution, then students undergo internships in factories and enterprises. The standard of the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” at this stage requires the study of machine tools, such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding, etc. The student is assigned to one of the machines and works at it together with a mentor. It is also possible to practice on CNC machines. In this case, the student becomes familiar with control programs and how to enter them.

Undergraduate practice

In the fourth year, students will have pre-diploma practice. It lasts about two months. As a rule, students are assigned to mechanical sites depending on the topic of the thesis. For example, if a student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology (specialty - "technician") was given the topic "Calculation and design of a worm spline cutter", then he is sent to the fur. area where cutters are made. At the end of the internship, students take an exam for the rank and receive a state-issued certificate of assignment of the rank.

Electronic engineering

Recently, our country has been actively developing the industry for the production of new equipment and machinery. Development in such an area as electronic technologies in mechanical engineering does not stand still either. The specialty of a modern engineer includes mandatory knowledge in this field of science. Electronic technology study electrovacuum devices and mechanisms. They work on the principle of an incandescent lamp: there is no air in the working space of such a device, which allows them to amplify and transform electromagnetic energy.

What knowledge do students gain during the learning process?

The specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology" gives the opportunity to work in many directions. This is due to the fact that during training a technician receives a huge amount of baggage. necessary knowledge. During the educational process, students study methods of processing parts, learn to calculate manufacturing time, choose the required cutting mode, study equipment in mechanical areas and the principle of its operation. In addition, young specialists are trained to work in many computer programs, such as Compass and AutoCAD. These are universal applications for creating and designing any fixtures and parts in a three-dimensional modeling system.

Job prospects

It's hard to remember a time when good engineers were not in demand. Any industrial enterprise always requires qualified technologists who know the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. Anyone who has ever encountered such a profession knows who they can work with. industrial enterprises. The work of a young engineer, as a rule, begins with the manufacture of parts on machines and workbenches. Over time, you can advance in your career - become a foreman of the area where the part is made, or you can transfer to work from a dusty workshop to a clean office. Office technologists are designers and implementation engineers new technology and equipment.