Scenario for New Year's corporate party, cool year of the dog. How to hold a corporate event in a company so that no one is embarrassed. Dance “for the mood” at a corporate party

We are offering to you possible variant holding a corporate celebration of the 2018 New Year of the Dog, including funny Games and competitions. The hosts of the holiday are Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Dog.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year of the Dog 2018

Father Frost:
-Good evening, gentlemen! The long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived: welcoming the New Year.

Snow Maiden:
– We are pleased to inform you that today there was a meeting between the patron of the old year – the Rooster – and the mistress of the new year – the Dog. The transfer of the symbol of power and rights of government took place in a solemn atmosphere. The inauguration of the 2018 patroness will take place on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018.

Father Frost:
– What will the coming year be like – the year of the Yellow Earth Dog? Her character, frankly speaking, is not easy. On the one hand, she is characterized by honesty, nobility, friendliness and perseverance in achieving her goals. Its other qualities make the Dog not the most predictable sign. However, as always, a lot depends on you and me.

– I can assure you that I am very hardworking, so the whole year will be spent in fruitful work, which will bring good profits to many. The symbol of the Earth gives me solidity as the patroness of 2018. And the bright yellow color gives wisdom. Astrologers unanimously say that next year will be much better than previous years.

– The dog doesn’t ask for too much
And he doesn’t harbor grudges in his soul,
The dog will not leave you in trouble,
She will save and protect.
I sincerely wish you:
Let your friends be true!

– A dog is a faithful guardian:
Properly guards the garage,
Protects the house and garden,
Without asking for big rewards.
With her we rest our souls,
After all, the ringing bark scared away the trouble...
We wish you happiness and peace
In the gentle year of the dog!

Then, according to the scenario of the New Year's corporate party for 2018 of the Yellow Dog, the presenters will conduct a fun quiz among the guests. Participants will need to answer the following questions:

– What was Sharik from the cartoon about Prostokvashino interested in?
a) fishing, b) alcoholic drinks, c) photo hunting (the correct answer is c).

– Which dogs were the first to fly into space?
a) Belka and Strelka, b) Bobik and Barbos, c) Palma and Date (the correct answer is a).

– What was the name of Malvina’s dog from the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio”?
a) Polygraph Poligrafovich, b) Sharik, c) Artemon (correct answer is c).

Next, at the celebration of the arrival of the 2018 New Year of the Yellow Dog, the Snow Maiden will take the floor:
– The dog is one of the very first domesticated animals. Its wild ancestor was tamed by people several thousand years ago. Apparently it was a wolf or its smaller relative, the jackal.

Father Frost:
– There are currently about 400 known breeds of dogs. They are divided into service, hunting and decorative. Dogs help people by serving in the police, customs, army, at the border, helping to find injured people after natural disasters and disasters. There are also herding dogs, sled dogs, and guide dogs. Dogs have even been to space!

Yellow earth dog:
– Dear guests, you did an excellent job with the previous tasks. Now I ask you to answer the following questions:

  • What dog breed's name literally translates to "dog" in English? (Dog).
  • What breed of dog got its name from the name of a European country? (Spaniel - from Spain).
  • The name of which breed is translated from English as “bull dog”? (Bulldog).
  • What breed of dog has the same name as an island belonging to Canada? (Newfoundland).
  • Which breed's name means "tasty-delicious"? (Chow-chow. This breed of dog was bred in China for gastronomic purposes in former times).

The corporate event scenario for the New Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 may include messages about interesting facts from the life of these wonderful animals. Hosts can tell guests of the holiday about the following:

– Did you know that in Greece you should never allow a black dog into your house on New Year’s Eve? And white dogs are specially brought into the house so that the life of the household members can be prosperous.

– The tallest dog standing on its hind legs reaches a height of 2 meters 20 centimeters. This is a Great Dane. And the growth itself small dog– Chihuahua – is a little more than 10 cm.

– It’s not for nothing that dogs are called our little brothers. After all, genes in dogs and people have 97% of the same structure. And 45% of dogs even sleep on their owners’ beds.

– The average dog can understand up to 250 words, count up to 5 and even perform simple mathematical operations. The thinking of these animals approximately corresponds to the level of perception of two-year-old children.

– Dogs can drive cars! Such an experiment was carried out by the New Zealand Society for the Protection of Animal Rights. As a result, three dogs learned to drive a car in a straight line and even turn.

Corporate holiday on New Year According to the script, the dogs will continue the fun games and competitions, which should be interspersed with music so that the guests have the opportunity to dance and chat.

Naturally, it will be possible to please everyone - different people have different taste preferences. Therefore, it is worth choosing in advance musical compositions, which are performed more often than others.

To play the Tail of the Dog game, guests line up one behind the other, and each person places their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The person standing in front is the “face” of the dog, the person standing last is the “tail”.

After the Snow Maiden says the word “tail,” this participant begins to catch up with the “muzzle,” which, in turn, tries to run away. At this time, the dog’s “body” should not fall apart.

You can hold a singing competition. Participants will need to list songs that talk about dogs, for example: “Dogs can bite”, “The dog is missing”, “Lussie”, “Don’t tease dogs”, “Man is a dog’s friend”, “Song about a dog” from the movie “Adventures” Electronics" and others.

The New Year of the Dog 2018 scenario for a corporate party may also include a fun lottery.

Buy inexpensive, cool gifts for her in advance. These could be souvenirs or toys in the shape of dogs of different breeds, dog collars, balls or food bowls. Put the gifts in one bag, and in the second - tickets with the numbers that each gift corresponds to. Each participant will pull a piece of paper with a number from a hat and receive their prize.

And the New Year's corporate event dedicated to the coming 2018 of the Yellow Dog will end with a dance program.

If you work in a company with a staff of five or more people, then most likely a noisy corporate party awaits you before the New Year. Even if the director of the company saved money and did not organize a holiday for his employees, then in this case the employees themselves often gather to celebrate the main event of the year. And in order for the evening to be a success, and the feast to leave a good impression, you need to prepare for it.

To prevent the evening from being boring, you need to create an entertainment program, competitions, skits, invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden (or dress up yourself).

We offer an example for a corporate party with jokes.

For a corporate party with jokes for the New Year 2018 you will need:

  • scenario;
  • gifts for winners of competitions (chocolate, notebooks, pens, calendars, bottles of alcohol, symbols of the coming year - Dogs, etc.);
  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • paper clips;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • elastic band, one and a half meters long;
  • scotch;
  • ribbons;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • two apples;
  • sheets of paper with the names of dances and songs;
  • attributes for dogs: food, collar, leash, etc.;
  • chairs.

The hosts of the event come out to those gathered in the banquet hall; at this moment you can turn up the music louder.

Father Frost:

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Today we have come to you to paint this evening with bright colors!

Snow Maiden:

Today the smile will not leave your faces, because we have prepared an incredibly interesting program for you!

Father Frost:

Enough time to get drunk! After all, there is no need to hide why we have gathered here today!

Snow Maiden:

Well, what are you saying, grandpa! And we have gathered here to unwind our souls, have fun from the heart and spend a difficult year. Let's give the floor to our leader, who will sum up the passing year!

(the head of the company is given the floor - this sounds like the first toast).

Father Frost:

Thank you, dear (name and patronymic of the manager). Such words are worth drinking a glass of champagne!

(guests fill glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Now, let's get straight to the competitions. We have prepared the most for you interesting quizzes! Grandpa, start!

Father Frost:

Dear ones, what is the most important thing on the New Year's table?

(the audience is trying to answer - the correct answer is: menu, food, snacks)

That's right, menu. I’ll ask you to be smart: I’ll voice out a letter, and you tell me the name of dishes that start with that letter. The one who names the most dishes will win a prize!


Snow Maiden:

What kind of housekeepers our girls are, how many names of dishes they know!

Father Frost:

Knowing that is one thing, you still need to prepare them! Let's raise our glasses to ensure that our beauties remain wonderful housewives!

(raise glasses)

You can take short breaks between competitions, during which time guests can have a drink, a snack and a little chat. Presenters can also join the table. The main thing is not to delay such pauses, otherwise the guests will get bored or quickly get drunk, and it is unlikely that they will be able to play.

Father Frost:

We've decided on the menu, now let's move on to drinks.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, there’s champagne on the tables...

Father Frost:

My dear child, champagne is just for warming up, as they say. For real men you need something stronger! So, for those who want to drink something stronger, I suggest you solve the riddle!

Riddles with jokes are made. It’s better to write the options into the script right away. The one who gives the most correct answers wins a prize.

Options for riddles for corporate parties for the New Year 2018

  1. Quenches thirst quickly.
    They drink from a mug. This is (beer).
  2. Burns the mouth and throat.
    They drink from a glass. This is (vodka).
  3. Delicate scent. Delicious, but
    My head hurts. (wine).
  4. Cuties drink, bitches drink too,
    Add ice and juice - (vermouth).
  5. Replaces sleep and bromine.
    Drink with cola, - this is - (rum).
  6. Dispels gloom and spleen,
    If it pours (gin) into the tonic water.
  7. The smell of bedbugs is absolutely delicious! –
    French vintage (cognac).
  8. Having adopted the lordly manners,
    We drink cold (champagne).
  9. No medicine, no bed
    Will not be cured (hangover).

Father Frost:

And now, I would like to give the floor to all those who have something to say and wish each other! Let's do it while we still remember!

(those who wish come out with congratulations, or raise a toast from their place at the table)

Snow Maiden:

I propose to play a game that our beautiful ladies will enjoy!

Dress-up competition: those who wish will be given scissors, ribbons, tape, a marker, paper clips, cardboard or paper. From the proposed props you need to come up with a dog costume and put it on yourself. The winner receives a prize. You can also choose “Miss Audience Choice”, for which the majority of guests of the evening will vote.

Father Frost:

You've worked hard, now you can have a drink and a snack!

(guests raise their glasses, after which you can take a short musical break)

Snow Maiden:

We ate, rested, and now I suggest you strain your brain and solve a few more riddles.

Examples of riddles

  1. What is it - small, white, flies and buzzes?
    With the letter B. (Fly. Why with B? Because blonde)
  2. Why don't elephants fly? (By air)
  3. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
  4. What is it: green, bald and jumping? (Soldier at the disco)
  5. What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  6. What can't be done in space? (Hang yourself)
  7. How does day and night end? (Soft sign)
  8. Small, gray, looks like an elephant (Baby Elephant)
  9. What is it: power lies, but water runs? (The deputy is given an enema)
  10. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

Since the riddles all have a trick, one of the presenters must help and answer. The point of these charades is not who will guess correctly, but to make the audience laugh.

Father Frost:

We've already drunk and eaten almost everything, but haven't danced yet. Come on, let's shake off the fat that we have accumulated over this year so that we can enter the next one with a thin waist!

Snow Maiden:

We are offering a dance competition! Anyone can join us in the center of the hall.

Pre-prepared cards with the name of the dance are drawn out by the competition participants one by one. The music can sound completely different, even not suitable for the chosen type of dance. This is the essence of the competition: to dance a certain dance to any music. Men can also participate, it will even be more interesting. The winner gets a prize.

Dance options:

  • lezginka;
  • striptease (light);
  • polka;
  • break;
  • waltz (you can invite a partner);
  • cancan;
  • Boogie Woogie;
  • tap dance

You can supplement the list with other types of dances.

Father Frost:

Let's find out which of us is the most flexible? I'm sure it is me!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, slow down! Just look at the men sitting at the table. How can you compete with them?

Father Frost:

And we will find out now!

The tape or elastic band is pulled between two chairs at the level of the person’s waist. The point of the competition is to walk under the tape without touching it. You can't crawl, you can only bend forward or backward. Anyone who touches the tape or falls is immediately eliminated. The remaining participant wins.

After the competition, you can take a musical break so as not to tire the guests and allow them to catch their breath and relax a little.

Snow Maiden:

We found the most flexible one, but who is the coolest of our team? Let's find out!

For the next competition, boiled eggs will come in handy. How many eggs - so many participants. Competition for men only! The eggs are placed on a plate and participants are informed that one egg is raw. Everyone must take an egg and break it on their head. Who gets a raw egg? No one, because he doesn’t exist! But the contestants don’t know this! Therefore, the tension will increase with each broken boiled egg! Based on the results of the competition, small gifts can be awarded to all rejected participants.

Snow Maiden:

These are the kind of men we have! One is cooler than the other! Let's drink to the strong half of our wonderful team!

(raise glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Do you know how much work we did when preparing this script for the corporate event? For a long time we came up with jokes and competitions with gags. And the smiles and laughter on your faces today are evidence that our efforts were not in vain! We want the New Year 2018 to be as easy and happy for you as this evening!

Father Frost:

You can’t praise yourself, no one will praise you! Right, Snow Maiden? Is this what you were hoping for? Okay, we ate and drank, now let's start the next game. No celebration is complete without this have a fun competition. I just ask you in advance not to push or fight too much, otherwise we’ll break the dishes and they’ll demand money from us!

Chairs are placed in a circle in the center of the hall. The number of chairs should be one less than the number of participants. The chairs are placed in a circle, with the seat facing outward. To the music, guests begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the song ends (the DJ can press the stop button at any time), the participants quickly sit down on an empty chair. The person who does not get a seat is eliminated from the game and takes one chair with him. The one who manages to sit on the last chair wins.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, do you love me very much?

Father Frost:

You know, granddaughter, sometimes I love you, sometimes not so much.

Snow Maiden:

Will you kiss me?

Father Frost:

What’s wrong with you, my child, I’m your grandfather, and not some kind of betrothed!

Snow Maiden:

Then I announce a competition in which I will also participate, since you don’t want to kiss me!

For the next competition two teams will be needed. Each team has 4-5 participants. If you don’t get that many, you can put together one team. The point of the game is for the guest to take an apple into his mouth (the fruit must be washed in advance) and pass it to the second participant, but not with his hands, but with his mouth. It turns out to be a kiss through an apple. The one whose apple falls is eliminated. The winner is the pair or one person who doesn't drop the apple.

Don’t forget that a successful corporate party should consist of costumed heroes, in our case the presenters are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Can be done themed party and replace the costumes, for example, with the image of Jack Sparrow and his beautiful companion.

Since the coming New Year 2018 will be the Year of the Dog, it is worth taking this point into account in the script. A corporate party with jokes will be more fun if you come up with some interesting and funny facts about dogs, or a dog competition.

Competition about dogs

Guests name as many dog ​​characters as possible famous films and cartoons. If the names of animals are difficult to remember, then you can only name the name of the film or cartoon. The winners will receive dog gifts: bones, collar, leash, etc.

List of films and cartoons featuring dogs:

  1. Kitten Woof.
  2. Prostokvashino.
  3. Catdog.
  4. Once upon a time there was a dog.
  5. 101 Dalmatians.
  6. Visiting Barbos.
  7. White Bim Black Ear.
  8. Scooby-Doo.
  9. White Fang.
  10. Belka and Strelka.
  11. Kashtanka.
  12. Dog in boots.
  13. Barboskins.
  14. Pluto.
  15. PAW Patrol.

At the end of the corporate party, you can announce a white dance. Or give the floor to the manager again. It is not necessary to follow all the points in the scenario for the New Year 2018. A festive dinner with jokes will be perfectly decorated with spontaneous jokes that can arise in a conversation with guests. You need to act according to the circumstances. Perhaps one of the guests will prepare their own competition, or the invitees will not show interest in the quizzes.

There is no need to go too far and arrange one game after another. This will likely quickly tire the people who came to relax and unwind in the first place.

Regular readers of the website “Holiday Again” have appreciated one thing about me for many years now: important quality. As it turned out, I know how to charge with inspiration and awaken imagination.

I hope the same will happen with this selection of competitions for the Year of the Dog. If you don’t mind, write your ideas in the comments so that everyone can benefit from the results of our collective work!

As usual, all tasks are simple and kind, children and adults can participate at the same time.

I tried to play with all the dog associations that came to my mind at the time of writing the article. Most often, I make additions before 15:00 on December 31, so I recommend visiting the page again before the holiday night.

Dog Waltz or "I love you, that's a plus"

A win-win family dance at the very beginning of the holiday, in which couples are selected by lot. Every year we never cease to be amazed at how harmoniously the dancers are chosen: a 70-year-old grandfather and a one-year-old granddaughter, a grandmother with a 16-year-old grandson, a mother with her younger sister, a father with his father...

In the Year of the Dog, I propose to identify couples by matching the dog breed in the picture (cards can be placed under the plates before the start of the holiday, or simply offer to draw lots from a hat). Dachshund with dachshund, bulldog with bulldog, poodle with poodle!

These couples remain faithful to each other throughout new year party. They not only dance together during the disco, but also take pictures and participate in competitions.

If someone did not get a partner (an odd number of guests), place him third in the pair that included the smallest guest of the holiday. Kids go to bed early even on New Year's Eve.

Puppy delight

Personally, my puppies are delighted with all sorts of special effects that are acceptable for an apartment. These can be tabletop cold fountains, spring crackers with different fillings, and special pistols with cartridges that shoot streamers and confetti.

As a goal, you can offer a small spare artificial Christmas tree without decoration. Just give it free... In just a couple of minutes it will be covered with paper springs, fake money, petals and sparkles.

Puppy delight-2

We are holding a win-win lottery. To do this, children can collect personal belongings of guests in one box before the start of the holiday, and small gifts in another box. You don’t even need to wrap them in wrapping paper, it’s more interesting.

Place two children with their backs facing each other. One pulls out a gift at random, the second at the same moment - an object from another box. A New Year's candle - for mom (she handed over lipstick), a chameleon mug - for dad (he threw a tie into the box), etc.

At the end of the lottery, we give equal prizes to children for their diligence, since kids often react sharply to all this random luck.

101 Dalmatians and many other breeds

This is a standard guessing table game in which the guest who names the number closest to the correct answer wins (usually the host shows a transparent jar of change and gives the prize to the person who names the amount most accurately).

We will show you a picture with dogs (can be any breed). Five seconds is enough, let them guess!

If the prize is nice, the activity of the guests is very high.

There are 104 dogs in this picture. .

Camera gun

This competition is dedicated to the beloved Prostokvashinsky Sharik and his photo gun.

Have a few guests open their smartphone camera and get ready to take photos. We will have children as hares that we have to “run for half a day to give away a photograph.”

Stretch the blanket on both sides at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor (there will be something like a screen). Children wearing bunny masks hide behind a screen and jump sharply for a split second, then hide back. How often you should appear on camera is the choice of the hares themselves.

Adjust the height of the screen according to the ears of the largest hare. When they are sitting, they should not be visible.

You need to take 10 photos per minute (if more, the first 10 photos are counted). The winner is the one whose photo gun caught the most hares. Prize for him!

During the “hunt” we turn on New Year’s music.

To make the photos different and funny, show your children funny hand movements and expressive facial expressions in advance.


A catdog is a cartoon character who has the image of a cat on one side and a dog on the other. We don’t care much about how they get along in one body, the main thing is that they complete the New Year’s task together.

We select pairs of participants and invite them to do one simple thing together. To do this, you need to sit next to each other and hug.

The right hand of one and left hand another one is molded into this same cat from a burdock construction set (they fold a paper airplane, make a dog out of a snake puzzle, braid a pigtail, tie a bow on a box, dress a doll, make dumplings or dumplings, etc.)

It must be some kind of action that is usually performed with both hands. How difficult it is for the participants and funny for the audience...

“Yes, I ate the dog on this matter”

This is a mini-interview with a comic microphone that guests give to the host of the holiday while sitting at the table. Round. Everyone needs to remember some business in which they “ate the dog” this year.

The most striking answer needs to be confirmed visually (the presenter does not inform about this in advance, of course). Eat a dog. Chocolate. 55 In front of everyone.

"Dog in Boots"

This is perhaps the most “singing” dog cartoon; with its name I hint at a karaoke battle. Personally, when I prepare guests for a performance, I suggest deciding on a number a couple of weeks in advance so that there is time for rehearsals. Only then will people enter on time and sing as artistically as possible, without peering at the running line with the text.

Here’s what I remember from the hits about our symbol of the year: “Man is a Dog’s Friend,” “Lucy,” “A Dog Named Friend Has Missed,” “Everyone Knows That (from the film “Adventures of Electronics,” all the hits from the cartoon “Dog” in boots”, “Dogs can bite”, “Walking with Doggy” (Lolita once sang).

You can also remember “Blue Puppy”... A strange attitude towards this color tarnished the reputation of the great cartoon musical, but the essence is good and the music is gorgeous.

There is no creature more fun than a dog!

A win-win “Crocodile” on the theme of our symbol of the year. Each guest must show with their movements an object from a dog’s life. Here's the first thing that comes to mind: collar, muzzle, bone, walk with the owner, kennel, chain, haircut, bowl, leash, breed, fleas, team, training, dog show.

Oh how hard it is to show some of these words... Try it in front of a mirror!

There are also a lot of humorous poems about dogs on the Internet, here is one of them that I am going to learn with my son:

I decided to buy a dog.
And I want to ask everyone:
Like the name of the breed
What do I dream of buying?
To cost three rubles,
and had lunch once every three days!
But at the exhibition anyone
The championship title is MINE!
So that it's scary on the street,
To protect the car,
But at the same time (very important!)
I didn’t take up any space!
To be very fluffy,
But don't scratch my fur!

So that I could before the threshold
Wipe all your paws yourself!
To have a switch in it:
Click! - plays. Clicked - asleep,
So that I never know
What and where do dogs hurt...
To write once a week,
and still knew how to fly,
Walking around the yard together
in puddles so as not to step!
So as not to bark loudly in your ears,
So that you don’t chew your slippers...
THIS is the kind of dog
I gladly took it!

A dog named Druzhok has gone missing

You need to hide a dog (plush, plastic, edible or any other), and then give the children a small quest of three steps. Twice they find a clue, the third time - the dog itself or several dogs according to the number of children at the holiday.

Riddle options:

  1. Common riddles (for children aged 3 to 6 years), the solution to which is pieces of furniture or Appliances. For example, we give the first riddle in verse: “The house is windowless and closed, But it’s cold inside. If a cat is sitting next to you, it means the cat is hungry...” Children guess the word “refrigerator”, find the second riddle there: “He has a big back, And on it he allows you to write and draw, And sculpt, and cut out...” It is clear that the third clue is somewhere near the desk. They find the text again: “Everyone is happy about her for the New Year, Although her outfit is scratchy...”. Children find dogs under the Christmas tree, naturally.
  2. Mini-quests (for children 7-11 years old). This is a series of puzzles with ciphers that will also lead to a festive find. It would take a long time to describe all this, take the appropriate tasks

Beethoven and others

This task is for savvy lovers of well-known dog names. We will guess nicknames from pictures.

For example, in the figure balloon. The players remember a dog named Sharik (he appears in “Heart of a Dog”, in the cartoons “A Kitten Named Woof” and “Prostokvashino”).

In the picture there is a squirrel and an arrow next to each other? Well, yes, these are the cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka.

Also: Mitten - the fictional dog Mitten, a portrait of Beethoven - a charming St. Bernard with such a nickname, a picture with a big tooth - White Fang, a plump middle-aged woman - the dog Aunt (Kashtanka), a pirate - a smart dog from the cartoon "Notes of a Pirate".

Not purebred dog

There are dog breeds that know everything. There are some that only lovers of these animals know about.

We call two participants. We give an orange to our right hand (meaning the word “Yes”), and to the other hand a pickled cucumber on a fork (the word no). This is me as an example, of course. Just two different objects with which players express their opinion about the real existence of such dogs.

We read out a list that contains the real names of dog breeds and three fictitious words. There is a prize for the one who recognizes the unoriginal words!

Here are the real ones: Alaskan Malamute, Basenji, Brial, Boerboel, Keeshond, Shorthaired Pointer, Italian Greyhound, Miniature Schnauzer, Shih Tsu, Japanese Chin. Here it is correct to raise an orange (“Yes, there is such a dog”)

Well, come up with three things: Siberian Losharik, Tut-on-boor, Hryun-terrier. Here we raise a cucumber (“No, there is no such breed”)

Mix up words to confuse participants.

Trained dogs

To participate in the task, we take all the children and one adult (for example, a large man). We take them into the next room for a minute and tell them about the special alarm system.

You will show them these signals in different sequences behind the backs of the spectators, and the “trained dogs”, looking at you, will carry out commands.

For example:

You unclench and clench your fists - you need to jump and dance;
join your hands in the form of a large ring - stand in a round dance
press your palm to your lips - it’s time to run and kiss your mother (an adult large man should also have his mother at the holiday)
shake your hands - everyone falls to the floor and jerks their arms and legs
put your palms under your cheeks and close your eyes - everyone freezes in the position in which they saw your team
hug yourself with your arms - the dogs rush to each other with hugs
and so on in different sequences to the music.

Like a cat and a dog

This is a relay race, two teams participate - cats and dogs. You need to compete for something worthwhile... For a sausage.

It is difficult to organize an active competition in a standard room with a set table, so a team competition for speed is needed.

For example, give each team clothespins, string, and individual cardboard letters that spell out "Happy New Year" (I usually buy and cut up inexpensive pre-made garland). Place teams opposite each other so they can see each other's progress.

Teams of dogs and cats must quickly hang the letters in the correct order.


Guide dogs are very smart and trained dogs that help blind people. Admiration and low bow to these animals.

At your New Year's party at home, you can play a fun obstacle course. Place on the floor plastic bottles with water, stretch a rope between the chairs, arrange piles of soft toys, bags, etc. Let the first player see all this and evaluate the complexity of the route. Then blindfold him and let him walk through the entire obstacle course, listening to the “guide”’s commands: “Now raise your right leg, step 40 cm to the left, walk sideways in small steps, bend down, etc.”

We show the second player a new obstacle course, but while he is being blindfolded, quietly remove all objects from the path. The “guide” continues to give recommendations in the same spirit: “Bend down, take a big step, to the right, another right, another right, bend down.” It's fun to watch a player make his way through invisible obstacles.

Dog in the manger

I have prepared 2 A4 pieces of paper for you. There are stills from films and cartoons, places to write down the names of these masterpieces.

Divide the guests into groups of 4-5 people (each team has 2 pieces of paper, a total of 16 pictures, whoever gives the most answers).

These films and cartoons are: “101 Dalmatians”, “Lady and the Tramp”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos”, “Scooby-Doo”, “Kashtanka”, “Bring Back Rex” "", "Dog in Boots", "Blue Puppy", "Belka and Strelka", "Pluto", "Heart of a Dog", "Dog in the Manger", "Hachiko", "Come to Me, Mukhtar", "K-9" , “Mumu”, “Beverly Hills Baby”, “White Bim Black Ear”, “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross”, “Beethoven”, etc.

Divide the guests at the table into two teams, alternately show the frame, count the points. To avoid thinking for a long time, sound a bell on the count of three. Prize for the winning team!

dog's heart

Creative master classes, which are fashionable nowadays, are also held at home. There are many wooden dog-shaped blanks in craft stores, but you can do without them.

For example, I'll bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of hearts (no connection with Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”, I’m just using a popular phrase) and I will offer children to paint gingerbread cookies with sugar pencils.


All guests can sit at the table, but ask one child over 4 years old to go “on stage” and turn away. He must guess his family and friends by their voices, but they will not speak, but will bark in different dog voices. Rough, squeaky, drawn-out or abrupt, with anger and joy. The voice needs to be changed as much as possible to confuse the player.

Naturally, the child must know all the guests by name.

Symbol of the year or Amazing transformation

The point is this. Place all the guests in a circle with their backs facing each other and hand out opaque bags with different accessories and outfits. Of course, it will be impressive if everyone has bright New Year’s accessories: caps, hats, masks, ears, wigs, unusual glasses, etc.

If you didn’t have time to buy all this beauty for all your guests, collect baby bibs and pacifiers, diving masks, kitchen aprons, shower caps, etc.

The main thing is that one of the packages contains a dog mask!

On command, guests quickly take out the contents of the bags, put them on and wait for the host’s command to turn around and admire each other. It's fun!

The guest who got the role of the symbol of the year comes to the center of the circle and shows him performing the lucky dance)).

Named GAV?

Comic guessing of an object in a box. Basically, you can just put all the guests in a circle and the surprise box in the center. Let everyone take turns expressing their guesses, and the prize goes to the one who is closest to the truth and somehow guessed that there is a mug with a picture of a dog, for example.

The other option is more complicated. Say that you hid an object that contains the syllable “WOOF.” There are few such words in the Russian language, I remembered these: gavotte, harbor, agave, Hawaiian, tomahawk. Of all the above, only a small hatchet, reminiscent of an Indian weapon, can be put in the box. Tomahawk.

For children and adults, only one word with the syllable “woof” comes to mind in the first seconds of the prank. No one speaks out loud, but everyone is having fun.

PAW Patrol

Eh... I only came up with a name for this competition)).

Stray Dog Blues

If among my readers there are representatives of the generation that loves and remembers the hits of the beat quartet “Secret”, this New Year you must definitely include these blues. Put the kids to bed, sit comfortably in the chair and listen!

More ideas for a home party

Look at collections of my works from past years. There will be repetitions here and there, but you will definitely find a lot of new and interesting things:


This is my traditional request. If there interesting idea, write in the comments. Let's gather all the fun stuff and spend the New Year at home so that the children remember our efforts with warmth and joy 30 and 40 years later.

Tamara Chukardina, Vice-President of the People's Insurance Company "Rekon", Moscow

  • What corporate events in the company bring the maximum benefit?
  • How to organize a corporate event for staff
  • How to stimulate employees

Practice shows: the smaller the company’s team, the more united and friendly it is. At the same time, on corporate events in the company They don’t spend too much money - usually employees just drop off and celebrate the event right in the office or all go to an entertainment venue together. With the growth of the company and the formalization of all aspects of its life, certain goals are set for corporate events for staff; accordingly, new problems arise related to the organization of holidays.

Purpose of corporate events

Formation of a unified corporate spirit, support of the company’s ideology. First of all, corporate events in the company should be held for top and middle managers. If these people are clearly given common goal and private tasks are agreed upon, they will be able to convey them to their subordinates. To feel like part of a team, sometimes it’s enough just to do game exercises together.

For example, in our company, we invited psychologists from the corporate training center to an offsite event organized for the best salespeople and directors of network territorial agencies. They conducted a training whose main goal was to unite people. The teams were tasked with playing on a specific topic (“accident insurance”, “pet insurance”, etc.). Participants were given whatman paper, colored paper, felt-tip pens, and in an hour they had to make a drawing on their topic.

Establishing connections between employees and between departments. If management spares money on corporate events, negative changes may begin in the company. For example, the strengthening of isolated groups between which there is an unhealthy competitive struggle. To learn how to identify an informal subculture that has developed in a company, read the material in the “Problem - Solution” section. Unnecessary competition greatly interferes with work. At any event (training, reporting, etc.), in addition to the “mandatory program,” people should have the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting.

Incentives to achieve better results. When a person feels that the company is interested in him, he adjusts accordingly. For example, after holding corporate events for agents, sales volumes increase. And not only for experienced agents, but also for beginners. You can focus your team on better results through various activities, for example: open competitions, corporate training, internal conferences, etc. (see Types of corporate events).

  • Corporate governance at an enterprise: examples of effective implementation

Types of corporate events

Educational: team interaction trainings (on the formation of internal communications), corporate seminars and conferences.

Business: presentations, dealer meetings, award ceremonies. The main thing in this kind of event is to withstand strict business style, emphasize the importance of the company’s partners and friends.

Entertainment parties: all corporate events. Plays a key role interesting scenario, uniting all employees and colleagues of the company. Recently, the minds of Russian organizers of corporate events have been conquered by the direction of team building - specially designed for corporate recreation games and trainings.

Intellectual - events based on the personal development of each employee. This could be a company-organized trip to historical places (for example, the Golden Ring), intensive tours, competitions between departments, etc.

TO Which corporate events in the company bring maximum benefit?

The answer to the question about the benefits of corporate events for staff depends on the type of activity of the company, the number and average age of its staff. All companies, including large ones manufacturing enterprises with a large staff, it is worth holding general events (for example, a holiday or sports competition) at least once a year. Small and medium-sized companies have more choice: with a small team size, employees can all participate together in almost any event.

The sales department will benefit from events that are based on the spirit of healthy competition (sports competitions, team tournaments, go-karting, paintball). For management level a “ropes course” is suitable, allowing you to demonstrate leadership and organizational skills. For IT department employees, perhaps the best option is to simply gather together at one table for an informal chat. The effectiveness of the event is influenced by the correct attitude of the staff. It is necessary to prepare employees morally (to arouse interest, create positive expectations) and technically (participants must imagine what awaits them).

Some types of corporate events for staff and the cost of organizing them


Average cost of third party services for organization

Examples of companies practicing the event

Celebration in a restaurant

Hall rental (including menu) - from USD 15,000 (an external organizer selects a restaurant for free)
Food, drinks - from USD 10 per person
Concert program: Presenter - $250
Music - from $350
Dance numbers (2 people) - from $200
Show ballet (8 people) - from $350
Parodists - from $100
Rooms with animals (crocodiles, monkeys, pythons, dogs, weasels, cats, pigeons) - from USD 70 (for each block of rooms)
Butterfly rain - from $20 per butterfly
Sound equipment, lighting equipment, radio microphone, etc.) - from $300
Photography: One film (with proof printout) - from $30
digital photo - from $50 per hour
studio photo - from $200
photo album - from $200
photo printing - $0.5/piece
Videography: VHS format - from $15 per hour
Digital video (DV, DV Pro, Betacam) - from $25 per hour
Editing of footage - from $100
DVD production - from $30
Multi-camera shooting with broadcast - from $1,500
Video congratulations famous people- from 500 USD
Interior decoration: Flower arrangement for the buffet line - from $40
Floral decoration of columns and balconies with garlands - USD 60 per meter
Floor-standing flower arrangement on a stand - from $80
(data from companies: art studio "Focus", Maximum Show Group, agency "Sunny Day").

"Afisha" organizes holidays twice a year in a restaurant for employees for 2000-3000 people with several concert venues
Publishing house "Kommersant" celebrates every New Year in a restaurant with concert program
Alfa Bank celebrates New Year in a restaurant
Insurance Company"Garmed" celebrated its tenth anniversary at the "Akter" restaurant with all the attributes: a birthday cake, a ballet show, congratulations from the artists and the release of balloons into the sky
The Artlife company celebrated its eighth anniversary at the Festival of Success restaurant

Catering (off-premise restaurant)

Cocktail, coffee break - from USD 5 per person
Buffet - from USD 10 per person
Buffet - from USD 40 per person
Banquet - from USD 40 per person
Comprehensive option: from USD 20 per person (price includes menu, chefs, transportation, cutlery rental)
You can order separately for the holiday in the office:
Loaf - from $15
Classic cake - from $15/kg, multi-tiered or with logo - from $20/kg, exclusive - from $30/kg

Catering is practiced by many companies, for example MTS, ROSNO, Rusal, Sibneft, AFK Sistema, Sistema Telecom, Slavneft, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, Independent Media, Philip Morris

Sport competitions

Single lane rental - from $10 per hour
Field rental - from 500 rub. at one o'clock
Entrance ticket per person - 100 rubles.
Equipment rental - 400 rub.
You can also rent (purchase):
Box of balls (2000 pcs.) - 3000 rub.
Grenade - 200 rub.
Camouflage, body armor, helmet, weapons - free
Renting a tent, barbecue, volleyball court - free
(data from the Sabotage paintball club)
Hourly payment(playing field, equipment for the team) - from 3000 rub. at one o'clock.
American - 50 rub. per token
Russian - 200 rub. at one o'clock.

Tomsktransgaz LLC holds winter sports competitions with the participation of all divisions
GC "Gradient Alpha" organizes a rally
Belomortrans organizes competitions in football, volleyball, and motorsports; the company established its own football cup "Belomortrans"
"Weld" holds paintball competitions
Publishing house "Kommersant" holds weekly football matches and has its own team
EuroChem holds a volleyball competition
On Metallurgist Day, the Rusal company held a mini-golf game and organized a pig race with betting

Picnic in nature

Order a bus - from 40 USD per hour
Order a motor ship - from USD 200 per hour
Food - from $20 per person per day
Boat and bicycle rental - from 80 rubles. and from 130 rub. respectively
Tent rental (includes tables, chairs, disposable tableware, barbecue, skewers, coal, firewood, toilet, washbasin) - from RUB 3,000. (for a maximum of 20 people)
Chef services - from 800 rubles.
Rent of part of the beach (includes barbecue, skewers, disposable tableware, coal) - from 1000 rub. (for about 10 people)
Secure parking - 100 rub.
(data from Paintball club company)

Moregrand employees go on picnics in the Moscow region on the shore of the Pirogovskoye Reservoir
The Grand Cherokee company held a festive picnic on the occasion of the presentation of the new car model; pop stars and photo reporters were invited
In honor of the company's birthday, GC "Laura" held a festive picnic at a beach restaurant on the shores of the Gulf of Finland

Team-building training

One-day training program (script development, costumes, equipment) - from $50 per person
(data from Super Team)
If a buffet is added to the game, the cost will increase by $20 per person

The trainings were ordered by the following companies: Apex Group of Companies, Rosgosstrakh, Rosinter, Rusal, TNT television company, IKEA

Departure to the holiday home

Holidays in boarding houses in the Moscow region - 1500-3000 rubles. per person per day
Transport rental - from 750 rubles. at one o'clock
(data travel agency"Dreams Tour")
The average cost of renting a meeting room is $30

The company's birthday was celebrated in holiday homes by Garant, Russian Coal, etc. Some companies, for example Audio Visual Systems, include paintball, bowling, a visit to a water park, a banquet, and fireworks in their recreation program

Holding an internal conference

Average cost of an event (including rent, coffee breaks, lunch, mineral water, service) - from $40 per person
(data from the InfoProstranstvo company)
Rent of conference rooms in Moscow (area from 25 sq. m.) - from 250 US dollars per day (from 9:00 to 18:00) or from 45 US dollars per hour
Additionally you can order:
Screen - $10
Flipchart with paper and markers - $15
Sound reinforcement system (with one wireless microphone) - $150
Wireless microphone - $50
Plasma panel - $150
Internet access - from US$90 per day
Technical support (one service manager per hour) - $25

Many companies (for example Rehau, VEKA Rus) hold employee meetings to summarize the results of the year.
The company "Avers-Vet" (veterinary services) holds internal conferences on issues of therapeutic practice

Tourist trip

River cruise - from $500 per person (six days, with meals, on the route Moscow - Yaroslavl - Uglich (Rostov) - Moscow)
Bus tour (two days) around the cities of the Golden Ring - 3,400 rubles. per person (travel on a tourist bus with a coffee maker and video, hotel accommodation, meals, excursion program, guide)
Excursion trip to St. Petersburg (two days) - from 3,400 rubles. (train (compartment), excursions, accommodation in a three-star hotel)
(data from the Aizorel travel agency)

Kelly Services employees annually go on a joint tour abroad
CompuTel celebrated the company's tenth anniversary with a tour of the cities of the Golden Ring
The St. Petersburg electrical engineering company organized a premium tour “to the three seas” in Israel for a group of employees

Holidays. We, like most companies, celebrate two traditional holidays: New Year and the company's birthday. Optimal shape holiday - feast and entertainment. We tried other options, for example, going to the theater together. But this is a waste of money, since everyone in the auditorium is still on their own: this event does not unite people. In addition, people have different tastes and it is very difficult to please everyone. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on such an event, then it is worth getting together and sharing your impressions of what you saw.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Experience shows that the most popular and effective (in terms of team building) are two annual holidays - New Year and the company's birthday. In addition to these events, employees gather in a narrower circle to celebrate their local events. This usually happens within the same division or with the participation of employees occupying approximately equal positions in the company structure. For example, the whole department goes bowling. Maintaining friendly connections outside the company has a positive effect on work - the team becomes more united.

Competitions and awards. Such events are an important method non-material incentives. For example, we traditionally announce competitions for sales departments. Thus, at the end of last year, tough and largely unfair competition in the sale of MTPL policies emerged in the insurance market. We were faced with the task of maintaining the portfolio and increasing sales volumes in these conditions. We did not raise the commission for agents, but chose a different path. For the agent who renegotiated (extended) the largest percentage of MTPL contracts, we established a prize - a plasma TV. At the same time, a second competition was announced - sales volumes of CASCO contracts were taken into account - also with prizes (laptops, digital cameras, Cell phones). The goal of this competition was to orient agents not only to the sale of compulsory motor insurance, but also to a more complex type of auto insurance. Once a quarter, we gather agents to sum up the results of their activities (the so-called agent club), and we also sum up the interim results of competitions.

  • Organization of corporate training: 13 steps from idea to implementation
A practitioner tells

Natalia Orlova,

Our company had experience in holding the “Battle of Minds” competition. Any employee could put forward a decision or idea regarding the development of the company, the development of a new product or service. A jury of managers and key employees selected the winner whose solution was interesting and practical. Our goal was not so much to obtain a valuable business idea, but to involve employees from different departments in the development of the company's strategy and decision-making process. As a result of such competitions, the employee experiences a sense of ownership, develops the ability to develop and evaluate business solutions and think creatively. From experience I can say that it is advisable to hold such a competition no more than once a year.

We celebrate general holidays, and also try to congratulate employees on their personal memorable dates: the anniversary of starting work in the company, successful completion of probationary period, implementation of an important project. Each enterprise has its own traditions, but the very fact of attention to the employee is important. Our congratulations are usually accompanied by gifts (corporate souvenir, book, certificate for a sum of money).

Trainings, education and advanced training. Training should be periodically organized for different categories of personnel. For example, for insurance agents this is a powerful incentive to work. To sell something, you need to have a good understanding of the product or service and its updates, which is impossible without regular training.

General Director speaks

Alexander Shumovich,

Events with team building elements are an underdeveloped topic. Despite the possibility of getting a high effect (unity, raising team spirit), such events should be approached quite carefully. It is necessary to clearly understand the tasks and goals of the training and correctly assess the situation. For example, it makes sense to conduct it when team interaction is notably not going well in one of the departments or there has been a massive change of employees or expansion of the team.

Sports events. Sports competitions are one of the most exciting types of corporate events. Their goals, like other events, are positive emotions, unity, raising the morale of the team, and inspiring high achievements.

A practitioner tells

Natalia Orlova, Head of the NutUniversity training center of the Moscow Nut Company

Our company annually hosts bowling and volleyball tournaments, and has had experience in karting and football competitions. The choice of sport depends on the goals of the tournament. If the goal is to increase employee commitment to the company, then bowling or karting tournaments are suitable. If the goal is to strengthen team spirit, you can hold football or volleyball tournaments.

It is worth announcing in advance about the upcoming sports tournament and regulations, then the event will be more beneficial. The list with the names of the teams and the names of the captains can be posted on information boards, on the intranet, or sent to e-mail. You could even set up a corporate “bookmaker” to increase general interest in the event. Information about the tournament and photographs of the winners can be placed in a corporate newspaper or on a corporate website.

Corporate holidays, cultural and sporting events play a major role in the formation of corporate solidarity among employees, their sense of commitment to the company and pride in its achievements, as well as in spiritual and physical development. When organizing them, the company tries to take into account the traditions that have developed in the teams and the wishes of the people.

A special place in this series is occupied by the annually celebrated company day, in which we invite best workers, New Year, as well as professional holidays and anniversaries of subsidiaries. As part of the company day celebrations, corporate awards are given to employees who have achieved the highest results.

Among the company's employees there is a large proportion of young people, and Special attention is devoted to the development of youth creativity.

For six years, there has been a children's club that brings together children of enterprise employees. The goals of the club are to show the younger generation distinctive features and the advantages of the main professions of the company's employees, instill a sense of pride in the work of parents.

Corporate competition has become traditional children's creativity"The Road to Tomorrow" More than two thousand children take part in it. Job children's club is covered on a special children's website, the number of visitors per month reaches 5,000 people.

An important aspect of strengthening corporate culture- assistance to employees in physical education and sports, propaganda healthy image life. This direction finds full support from the company's top management. Conducting corporate sporting events coordinated by the company's physical education and sports development council. Its members include representatives of enterprises, the sports community and regional administrations. Based on the results of employee surveys, people's preferences regarding a particular sport are revealed and the types of upcoming competitions are determined.

Almost all employees take part in mass physical culture and sports events held in the company and its subsidiaries.

Advice for managers on organizing corporate events for staff

Choosing the “face” of the event. An event is often remembered thanks to one or another person who became the “face” of the holiday.

This could be the General Director, an entertainer or even a security guard. I was at the presentation in the photo gallery. Everything was organized very well. But the “face” of the event for me was a two-meter security guard in black camouflage. At first he gloomily asked if I had an invitation card. It was minus 20°C outside, I was wearing a coat, the invitation was in the inside pocket of my jacket, I couldn’t find it right away. The security guard asked me to move away (even though there was no line). When I found the invitation, it was obvious that he doubted whether he should allow such a strange type to the event. The security guard remained for me the “face” of that event.

Think about who will greet guests. Will it be a silent security guard or a company leader shaking hands with participants.

  • Internal personnel marketing: step-by-step algorithm for implementation and implementation
General Director speaks

Alexander Shumovich, General Director of Eventum, Moscow

The frequency of corporate events typically depends on national and local holidays.

It is best to hold two to four events per year. Be sure to celebrate the New Year, a summer trip to nature with elements of team building, as well as joint trips, for example, to play bowling or billiards, or karting competitions (once or twice every six months).

Ironically, staff need to be encouraged to participate in corporate events. This is especially true for “non-holidays”. The following incentives can be used:

  1. Incentives. Our mentality has a special sensitivity to praise and moral encouragement. That is why on the company’s birthday we reward employees in different comic nominations, which necessarily reflect the merits or personal qualities of a person.
  2. For example, at the last event we had the nominations “Discovery of the Year” (the best newbie agent won), “The Mighty Handful” (the best territorial agency). For full-time employees - “Hope and support” (vice president for property risks), “Skillful hands” (chief economic department), "Golden Lady" ( financial director), "Perpetual Motion" (energetic head of the HR department). We present diplomas and gifts that reflect the essence of the nomination.
  3. Present. A memorable gift, especially if it is well thought out and selected for a specific person, is much more pleasant to receive on a holiday than money in an envelope. If desired, the envelope can be attached to the gift.
  4. Interest. If we are not talking about a feast, but, for example, about training, it is worth thinking about how to interest employees in what they have to study. After all, sometimes you have to schedule training outside of working hours. For example, when we took agents to a holiday home for training, they expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that they had to sit in the hall with notebooks at nine in the morning. They said: “We’ll sit for a couple of hours and go skiing, the weather is amazing.” But during the training it became so interesting that we worked for two days in one go, without even remembering that we were going to do something else.

How to get rid of uninteresting corporate events

In small companies, various kinds of “gatherings” are common on the occasion of March 8, February 23, and birthdays. But with an increase in the number of personnel, an increase in the volume and quality of work, “friendship ties” can simply turn into “ties.” How to leave this tradition painlessly?

Step one. The next “get-togethers” will be held at the employee’s dacha. The management will actively assist in organizing the event so that everything goes “at the level”; the first manager will also take part in the celebration.

Step two. The next collective holiday will again be held not on the territory of the enterprise, but, for example, in nature. The management is again participating in the organization, but the first manager can no longer attend the holiday “due to obvious busyness.”

Step three. The management friendly approves of the initiative to hold another holiday, but only if the employees organize everything themselves. And the tradition, taken outside the company, will disappear by itself. And if it remains, it will be as a private affair of a group of enthusiasts.

  • Corporate culture of an organization: examples and formation

Tamara Chukardina Graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. She began her career at the Admiralty and Baltic factories. Served as Deputy General Director at CJSC Guta-Strakhovanie. Vice-President of NSC "Rekon" since 2005. Personally oversees the organization of corporate events.

LLC "People's Insurance Company"Recon» works for Russian market since 1993. Offers 75 types of insurance services to legal and individuals. Authorized capital- 700 million rubles. There are 24 branches in 19 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to RBC.Rating, in the list of the Top 500 largest insurance companies in 2005, NSK Rekon took 28th place.

OOO"Trial Market" founded in 2001. Distributor in the field of packaging and Supplies, household chemicals, stationery and household goods for enterprises and offices. Works in Moscow and regions. The number of employees is more than 160 people.

Moscow Nut Company- one of the leading manufacturers of packaged nuts, sunflower seeds, dried fruits. Founded in 1994. The following are available on the market today trade marks: “Jazz”, “Gifts of Nature”, “Skorozub”, “Kuban Seeds”, X-treme, etc. The number of staff is 700 people. The company operates The educational center NutUniversity. The company has awards in the field of personnel management: in 2005 it won the “Golden HR (Human Resource)” competition in the “Development and Personnel Planning” category.

Company Eventum has been operating on the Russian market since 2002. Organizes consulting seminars and conferences. Acts as an organizational partner of large enterprises holding conferences for their own purposes. Engaged in consulting in the field of organizing business events (event management).

With the advent of 2018, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, will hand over the reins of power to the Dog, friendly, loyal, hardworking and simple. That is why the script for a corporate party should contain cheerful toasts and competitions for a strong collective spirit and friendly relations with each other. We offer you an excellent scenario for a corporate party for the New Year.

New Year's scenario "The friendliest team"

We offer you both active and intellectual competitions for the Year of the Dog. Competitions and conversations by presenters should be interspersed with music so that guests of the evening have the opportunity to dance and chat.

It will also be good to dilute the script with performances by guest artists (singers, dance groups, showmen).

A great idea would be to hold a fire show or a performance with liquid nitrogen, a bartender show, or invite unusual dancers. See all ideas for shows for corporate events here.


  • Leading
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Santa Claus.

What will be required for the script?

To hold a New Year's corporate party, you should definitely prepare songs and melodies, examples of which will be demonstrated below. As well as any moving music for competitions, general background, screensavers and character appearances.

You should prepare the props for dressing up and playing in advance:

  • garland (paper chain or paper serpentine);
  • a piece of fabric;
  • pouch;
  • several things (tie, glasses, hat, skirt, beard, socks, stockings, high-heeled shoes, bow, Panama hat, huge bodice);
  • small prizes for guests for winning competitions.

Host: Good evening, gentlemen! The most long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived: seeing off the Old Year and welcoming the New Year. Are you happy about this event? Were you looking forward to it? Have you prepared for the holiday? I can’t hear your answers well, perhaps we’ll try differently. I will ask questions, if you agree, you answer: “Of course, yes,” otherwise, when you disagree, I want to hear the answer: “This is nonsense!”

Q: Were you and I waiting for the New Year? Together with your best friends (Answer: yes)

  • It takes place three times a year - this New Year holiday! (er-yes)
  • , do we dress up all the needles? (Yes)
  • We’re not expecting anyone to visit, and we’re not going ourselves (er-yes)
  • We cook, we set the table skillfully! (Yes)
  • We give flowers and cards, then we count the losses! (er-nda)
  • Do we summon the merman and invite the mermaid? (er-nda)
  • Santa Claus comes to us, to our children and friends! (Yes).
  • We celebrate New Year on the street without wearing boots and fur coats? (er-yes)
  • Are we expecting gifts from loved ones, in bright packaging? (Yes).
  • We can’t stand this holiday, we are waiting for Ivan Kupala in the summer! (er-yes)
  • We love to meet the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the frosty forest (yes)

V-shchiy: Well, now I figure out who is happy and what. (The sound of the wind and music are heard, Baba Yaga comes out to the song “I Love Pasta”, walks and dances in front of the viewer).


I love parties
Where you can have a lot of drinks and snacks!
Dressing up like a picture
You can't kick me out, you can't defeat me!
I'll have a great dance with you,
And then I’ll kiss you too!

Pour me some champagne
And pour some cognac,
I am a cheerful Yagusya,
You warm me up... (music plays quietly, B.Ya dances).

Vs: Hey, grandma (can’t hear) - hey, Grandma-Yagusya, we’re having a corporate party (grandma looks surprised), an event in a narrow, limited circle!

B.Ya: - Oh, come on, Narrow? Why am I so wide? I won't come in? Limited... oh, really narrow-minded, or what? Oh, I'm already upset! And if I’m upset, oooh, I’ll definitely ruin your corporate party! Both the holiday and the year!

V-shchiy: - Well, why are they narrow-minded, I’ll ruin the holiday! Calm down, Grandma, everyone here is distant, don’t swear!

B.Ya: Oh, really? Come on, let me check people, and then I’ll think about whether to swear or not! Here is my first test for your “New Year’s corporate party,” or rather a riddle: “12 apostles are sitting, they don’t get along with each other, but they give way to each other”! (Answer, 12 years, 12 zodiac signs).

B.Ya: Well, okay, I just had a question, but now tell me what they are by next year.

  • 2019, who's the boss? Pig.
  • 2020 – Rat
  • 2021- Bull
  • 2022 – Tiger
  • 2023 – Cat
  • 2024 – Dragon
  • 2025 – Snake
  • 2026 – Horse
  • 2027 – Goat
  • 2028 – Monkey
  • 2029 – Rooster

B.Ya.: - Well done, what year are we celebrating? 2018 is... Dog.

Ved.: - Why, Grandma, haven’t you checked us yet?

B.Ya.: - What are you, what are you. It was only for the sugrevu! And the main thing is just beginning, not a single scenario for a corporate event is complete without competitions. I need activists, I choose (he spins around and points his finger at whomever with his eyes closed, he comes out, about 5-8 people in total, the last one is looking).

"Find the Mistress of the Year"

Baba Yaga holds a small toy dog ​​in her hands. She gathers people in a circle or semicircle, puts some on the floor, some on a chair, some on a chair, the level should be different. The person who will search is blindfolded. They hide the Mistress of the Year anywhere: in a bosom, under a skirt, in a sleeve, in a bodice. The seeker must find it with his eyes closed.

V-shchiy: What Bab-Yaga, have you calmed down? Can we start?

B.Ya: – Not at all! This is just the beginning for me! But you can raise a toast!

Fill your glasses,
And listen to a toast from me!
In the New Year, do not know sadness,
Not a bit, not a single day!
Well, for “not sadness”!

We continue our New Year's corporate party, not according to the script! (dances) So, I want to see how friendly you are, otherwise maybe you don’t need to work together next year? The Mistress of the Year, by the way, is a very friendly animal!

"Island of Friendship"

The maximum number of players is called. A piece of fabric approximately 2-3 m long is laid out in front of the guests, depending on the number of players. Cheerful music sounds, the players stand on the fabric and dance, the music stops for exactly 15 seconds, during this time the fabric should be folded by one third and again mark the guests who must dance again, then the fabric is folded in half, the actions are repeated, etc. The presenter himself must determine how many times he can roll, the main thing is that the participants fit in and dance. The winner is the one who does not step on the floor, but remains dancing on the fabric.

V.: - Well, how’s Grandma, have you played enough? What else can you think of?

B.Ya.: – I’ll come up with an idea! Let's have some toast first, otherwise you're thirsty, do you have a toast in mind?

V.: Of course, there is.

I want to raise a simple toast,
Here's to the New Year's Eve party!
Let the Year of the Dog be simple,
And it doesn’t lead to despair!

Let your health increase
Adventures, happiness, laughter!
And the salary goes up
So that there is enough for fun!

Bab.Yaga: Ay. Well done! Let me kiss you! We continue our corporate event! I want to know if colleagues will be able to free each other? (6-8 players are invited and divided in half, preferably 4 girls and 4 guys).

V.: From where?

Bab.Ya.: Well, from where, from the chain, of course, as the patroness of the year!

"On a chain"

“Today there was an official meeting of two important people: the patron of the Old Year of the Rooster and the patroness of the New Year of the Dog. The transfer of the symbol of power and rights of government took place in a solemn atmosphere. The Rooster congratulated his successor and honorably handed over to her a package of large and small matters. The inauguration of the 2018 hostess will take place on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Hurray, my friends! (Explosion of firecrackers and lighting of sparklers).

– Well, friends, on behalf of the representative of the government number 2018 and, of course, on my own behalf, I congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year! I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort and warmth! May all your dreams come true!

Host: I propose to fill your glasses and raise them to our bright future!

B.Ya.: Grandfather, have you prepared any gifts?

D.M.: I have prepared it, but first you need to respect me, play with me, as I like!


Frost hosts the game. Invites you to stand in a round dance and hold hands. The game is played to fast music, the last word is not spoken, the players must guess for themselves what exactly Santa Claus will cover and hide, like in a children's game.

I walked through the forest and field,
Scattered a lot of snow,
The snow froze the Christmas trees, the river,
I'll freeze the little man!
Come on, don't be foolish,
Cover quickly... (ears).

(Repeat intro)

Just left the hut
I froze you... (top of your head).

I found a little man in the forest
I zam-zil him... (hangers)

There is no boredom in our forest,
I’ll freeze you... (hands).

Today at Larisa and Lenka's
I'll freeze... (knees)

Don't play hide and seek with me
I’ll freeze it or not... (heels)

Not even a fly will fly past me,
Take care of your neighbor on the right... (ear)

There are many bunnies in the forest
Close the person on the left... (fingers).

I will sweep paths in the forest,
I’ll freeze the neighbor on the right... (legs).

My wind pierces your skin
Total neighbor... (deputy)

D.M.: Well done, you have a friendly team!

B. Yaga: I realized it right away, it’s not for nothing that I stayed here!

Eh, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye,
New Year's time is coming!
I have a lot of work
I should congratulate everyone!

I wish you a happy year,
There is absolutely no adversity in it!
Everyone's wishes come true
And daily loud laughter!

And for me, my dears, it’s time to say goodbye,
I was glad to play with you!
May there be happiness in your home,
And no misfortune will come your way!

And on my own behalf I want to add,
To be able to correct mistakes,
to you in this new year,
Let his owner take the trouble away!

The presenters say goodbye, inviting everyone to go to the table, the New Year's corporate party and the meeting of the Year of the Dog continues.