Psychological training "personal self-development". The best free personal growth trainings The best self-development and sales seminars

Psychological training "Personal self-development" 08/22/201 2 Almaty

Sadyrova K.K.


I -stage: approximate

II -stage: developing

III -stage: fixing

Our group rules.

4. Sincerity in communication.

10. Respect for the speaker.

Game “Who are we thinking about?”

Game "BEEP!"

Group discussion "Hat"

Green hat.

Red hat.

Black hat.

White hat.


Psychological training "Personal self-development" Psychologist of gymnasium No. 15 Sadyrova K.K. 08/22/201 2 Almaty

Psychological training “Personal self-development”.

Sadyrova K.K.

Target: To help children get to know themselves better, their strengths, develop self-esteem, overcome uncertainty and fear. To realize oneself most and fully in behavior and activity, to assert one’s rights and one’s own value.

I -stage: approximate

Purpose of the stage: Emotional unification of group members. (psychotechnical exercises)

II -stage: developing

Goal: Activation of the process of self-knowledge. Increasing your own importance and value.

III -stage: fixing

Goal: Increasing self-knowledge in order to strengthen self-esteem and actualize personal resources.

Psychologist: Hello, I'm glad to meet you.

A) for quick acquaintance, each of you will now make yourself a business card, i.e. will indicate his name on the card, which he will use throughout the training.

At the same time, you have the right to take any name for yourself: your real one, which you have had since childhood, a game name, for example, a hero of your favorite cartoon or literary character: your name close friend or a good friend. You are given complete freedom of choice. Decide!

The name must be written legibly and in a large enough size. Next, you need to attach your business card to your clothing. In the future, throughout the lessons, you must address each other by these names. You have three minutes to make your business cards and prepare for your introduction. You are then given five minutes to say hello, perhaps large quantity participants, starting the dialogue with the words: “Hello, I’m glad to meet you...” (followed by the name of the person you are greeting, according to his business card).

When greeting, you need to emphasize your individuality, say it in such a way that your partner will immediately remember you, For example: “Hello, I’m glad to meet you. My name is Sasha. Most of all, I love computer games and am learning to write programs for them myself.”

Everyone listens carefully to each other to remember individual qualities interlocutor. Then, when the greeting is completed, each group member names all their friends in a circle. At the same time, everyone’s individuality is remembered.

Music is playing. (Melodic, quiet, relaxation)

Each person, to varying degrees, has a certain reserve life positions. Each person is, of course, individual.

I am me. There is no one in the entire world exactly like me. There are people who are somewhat similar to me, but there is no one exactly like me.

Therefore, everything that comes from me is truly mine, because it was I who chose it.

I own everything that is in me: my body, including everything it does; my consciousness, including all my thoughts and plans; my eyes, including all the images they can see; feelings, whatever they may be - anxiety, pleasure, tension, love, irritation, joy, my mouth and all the words it can utter, polite, affectionate or rude, right or wrong, oh voice, loud or quiet, everything my actions addressed to other people or to myself.

I own my fantasies, my dreams, all my hopes and my fears.

All my victories and successes belong to me. All my defeats and mistakes.

It all belongs to me. And therefore I can get to know myself very closely. I know that there are things about me that puzzle me, and there are things about me that I don't know. But because I am friendly with myself and love myself, I can carefully and patiently discover in myself the sources of what puzzles me, and learn more and more different things about myself.

When I look into my past, I look at what I saw and felt, what I said and what I did, how I thought and how I felt, I see that I am not completely satisfied.

I can give up what seems unsuitable, and keep what seems very necessary, and discover something new about myself.

I can see, hear, feel, think, speak and act. I have everything it takes to be close to other people, to be productive, to bring meaning and order to the world of things and people around me.

I belong to myself and therefore I can build myself.

I am I, I am wonderful.

Children gradually open their eyes. Become your own emotions, sensations that occurred during relaxation.

Our group rules.

After we have met, we will begin to study the basic rules of the training:

1. Confidential communication style.

2. Communication based on the “here and now” principle.

3. Personification of statements (we refuse impersonal speech.)

4. Sincerity in communication.

5. Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group.

6. Definition strengths individuals (each group member - at least one good and kind word.)

7. Inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person (We do not say “You bad person”, but simply emphasize “you did something bad.”

8. As many contacts and communication with different people as possible.

9. Active participation in what is happening.

10. Respect for the speaker.

Game “Who are we thinking about?”

The driver goes out the door. Those remaining in the room agree on which of the training participants present “they will think of.”

The driver enters and begins to ask, “If this person were a tree, what kind?” (If it’s the weather, then what kind? You can guess up to 3 times.)

This training helps the driver to find out what kind of team, is it united? And we definitely need to know this. The children like this training and express their opinions about the “planned participant”

Game "BEEP!"

The whole group sits in a circle. The driver, blindfolded, walks inside the circle, periodically sitting on the participant’s lap. His task is to guess who he sat with. Feeling is not allowed. The person sitting must say: BIP in a voice other than his own, so as not to be recognized; if he is recognized, then he sits down.

During this training, the psychologist learns about team cohesion.

Group discussion "Hat"

Participants are divided into 4 subgroups. A representative from each group chooses a piece of paper with the “hat color” written on it.

When the colors are distributed, the task is given: each of the subgroups prepare a review of the last seminar, based on following values colors.

Green hat. Describe the seminar from the point of view of reason. What knowledge and skills did the training provide, what seems most useful and what is not so useful? Where and how can you use the acquired knowledge and skills?

Red hat. Describe the training with the position of emotions and feelings. What caused positive experiences and what caused negative ones? What moments of the seminar were the most emotional?

Black hat. Give negative feedback: note what you didn’t like, what turned out to be unpleasant, boring or useless, what should have been done differently.

White hat. Give positive feedback: note what you liked about the seminar, what was successful, what was useful, what the participants see as their main achievements.

5-10 minutes are given for discussion and preparation. Briefly tell about the last seminar with the position of the color they received.

Game "Past Present and Future"

A volunteer sits on a chair. So that it can be seen by others. The rest watch him for a while, look at him, peer at him, study him.

Then we share the impressions that the player evoked among the participants.

1. What was this person like in early childhood?

2. What pet names and diminutive names did his mother and relatives call him?

3.How was he teased at school, what was his character?

The player does not engage in conversation. Does he listen and mentally note for himself the coincidence, accurate or inaccurate guesses, experiences, emotions?

4.Then what is a participant like in a family, in a team?

5. What will it be like in 10 years, in 20 years. What will it achieve?

After this, the floor is given to the person who was sitting in the hot seat. He comments on what others have said.

Psychologist: The process of personal self-development can and should be activated with the help of special pedagogical means.

Self-development is creative process, in which a person creates the purity of his true essence, and in the whole world there is nothing more important than this.

Exercise for personal growth training “Me in the future”

Each participant draws himself in the future. The participants defend their drawing.

Exercise for personal growth training "Syringe"

The purpose of the exercise: to help participants more deeply feel and experience the situation of persuasion, to develop “immunity” to psychological influence.

Every teenager has a natural psychological barrier to drugs, especially intravenous drugs. It is not so easy to decide for the first time to puncture a vein or introduce a substance into the body whose effects are unpredictable. It is at this stage, before the teenager has undergone “initiation”: made the first injection or smoked the first cigarette, it is necessary to develop self-defense skills in him.

The exercise is done in a circle. Instructions: the one who has a syringe in his hands must invite the neighbor on the right to inject himself with the drug supposedly in the syringe; the task of the second is to refuse; 3 attempts are made, after which the syringe is given to the one who refuses, and so on in a circle. At the end, a short discussion is held, those options for refusal that were the most convincing, and those cases when the “tempter” retained a persistent desire to continue persuasion are noted.

Exercise for personal growth training “Suitcase for the road”

The group sits in a circle.

We are finishing our work. Now each of you will take turns placing this chair in front of you (the leader places the chair in the center of the circle). All group members, in the order in which it is convenient for you, will come up to you, sit on a chair and name one quality that, in their opinion, helps you, and one that hinders you. At the same time, we must remember that those qualities that emerged during the group’s work and can be corrected should be named. After everyone has expressed their opinion, the next participant takes a chair and places it opposite him. The exercise is repeated, etc.

Exercise for personal growth training “Color of Emotions”

We choose a driver. The leader closes his eyes as the gong strikes, and the rest of the participants quietly think of some color among themselves; for starters, it’s better to use one of the main ones: red, green, blue, yellow. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, through their behavior, primarily their emotional state, try to depict this color without naming it, and the driver must guess what color it is. If he guessed right, then another driver is chosen, if not, then the same one remains. So, on command, one player closes his eyes, and everyone else silently guesses the color. Then the player opens his eyes, and everyone else depicts the intended color with their behavior. The driver must guess it. All clear? Attention! Thanks, game over.

Exercise for personal growth training "Taboo"

Purpose of the exercise: to help participants understand how they relate to various types of prohibitions and restrictions. Often, curiosity or the desire to taste the forbidden fruit or the desire to demonstrate his courage guide a teenager in his actions. It’s good when he knows what feelings control him, this allows him to make an informed choice.

The leader places a small box or box in the center of the circle containing an unknown object. “There lies something that is not allowed,” says the presenter. Then he invites everyone to somehow express themselves in relation to this subject. Participants can stand or remain in place, expressing attitude through facial expressions or gestures; they can approach the box, pick it up, look inside - everyone does as they see fit. Even if someone remains in place without doing anything, this will also be a way to respond to the situation. When performing the exercise, it is important to remember that this is an exercise of action, not explanation, so if someone tries to simply verbalize their position, the task of the facilitator is to encourage him to “show” his attitude.

Exercise for personal growth training “Self-presentation”

Goal: inclusion of adaptive mechanisms, development of skills for displaying emotions that contribute to the process of professional adaptation.

1) The trainer invites each participant to talk about himself and about events that are significant to him from the perspective of what caused:




2) The procedure goes in a circle and may include an assessment of the self-presentation of the previous participant according to the same “surprise-interest-joy” scheme.

3) At the end of the procedure, you can discuss the results of self-presentation in the group (if necessary).

Exercise for personal growth training “Pessimist, Optimist, Jester”

Goal: creating a holistic attitude of a person to a problem situation, gaining experience in considering the problem with different points vision.

1) The trainer invites each participant to describe on separate sheets of paper in several sentences the situation that causes him stressful state or strong negative emotions, or a situation that the participant finds difficult to accept. The written story should not contain any emotional descriptions, only facts and actions.

3. The trainer reads out all the options for stressful situations to the group, and the group selects 2-3 of the most typical ones that are significant for everyone.

4. The trainer invites the group to divide into three subgroups and distributes one story to each subgroup. The task for the subgroups is as follows: you need to fill each story with emotional content - pessimistic (for the 1st subgroup), optimistic (for the 2nd subgroup) and clownish (for the 3rd subgroup). That is, to complete the proposed story and supplement it with details characteristic of a Pessimist or an Optimist, or a Jester.

6.After all situations have been read and everyone has been expressed possible options relationship with them, the coach offers to discuss the results of the game and that real help, which each participant received for himself.

Exercise for personal growth training “What step am I on?”

Purpose of the exercise: to help participants build adequate self-esteem

Participants are given a form with a ladder of 10 steps drawn on it. The instructions are given: “Draw yourself on the step you think you are on now.”

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

Steps 1-4 - self-esteem is low

Stage 5-7 - self-esteem is adequate

8-10 step - self-esteem is inflated

Exercise for personal growth training “Thrift store”

Purpose of the exercise: - developing skills of self-analysis, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through revealing the qualities of each participant.

It is suggested to play thrift store. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example: kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants write down their character traits, both positive and negative, on a card. Then they are invited to make a trade, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks effective living eloquence, and he can offer for it some part of his calm and poise.

At the end of the task, results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

The exercise takes 20-25 minutes.

Exercise for personal growth training “But...”

Goal: reducing levels of frustration or stress. Search possible ways her permission.

1) The coach invites each participant in the game to briefly describe on a piece of paper any unfulfilled desire, any current stressful or conflict situation, unresolved on this moment or remembered as intractable (anonymity of authorship is allowed).

2) Then the trainer collects all the sheets, mixes them and offers the participants the following discussion procedure:

Each written situation is read out to the group and the participants must give as many reasons as possible that this situation not at all intractable, but simple, funny, or even beneficial with the help of connectives like:

“but...”, “it could have been worse!”, “I didn’t really want to, because...” or “great, because now...”;

After all the situations have been read out and all possible options for dealing with them have been expressed, the coach offers to discuss the results of the game and the real help that each participant received for themselves.

Exercise for personal growth training “What am I lucky about in this life”

Purpose of the exercise: increasing the level of optimism in life, creating a good mood for work.

Group members are divided into pairs. The presenter offers the task: “For three minutes, tell your partner about how lucky you are in this life. After three minutes, switch roles.” After the exercise there is a short exchange of impressions.

Sunday Evening Technique

This technique will contribute to your personal growth and crystallization of interests. If you are “worried” by circumstances, that is, you cannot boast of balance, using this technique can help you. In addition, technology can help you tune in in the optimal way for the coming work week.

The essence of the technique is extremely simple. All that is required of you is to accustom yourself, your loved ones and friends to the fact that Sunday evening is your personal time. Time when you take care of yourself. During this time, you can isolate yourself from people in a separate room. You can go for a walk, go to the park or - say - to the cinema. You can do whatever you want. In fact, the only limitation here is not to be bound by any obligations to anyone this evening. Theoretically, you could dedicate a Sunday evening to spending time with your spouse or child. But one way or another, they will still demand something from you. Therefore, the best thing is to just be alone with yourself, your hobby.

An adult is under very strong pressure from the factor of obligation: he owes at work, he owes in the family, he owes to friends, he owes to acquaintances and distant relatives... And it is likely that under these “slabs” the green shoots of your interests and hidden abilities are ripening. All you have to do is occasionally give these sprouts sunlight... After a month or two, it will be difficult for you to imagine how you used to live without a free Sunday evening.

Role-playing game"Seduction"

The purpose of the exercise: to allow you to explore the situation of “seduction” in a playful way. Participation in discussion allows a teenager to develop a reasoned position and refusal skills.

Two willing people take on the roles of girlfriends who met one evening in an apartment while their parents were not at home. The task of one is to persuade the other to drink alcohol with her, using all kinds of arguments. The other must refuse at all costs. The duration of such interaction is 15 minutes. At the end, the remaining participants give “feedback” to the friend who refuses, in order to highlight the moments that were most successful in terms of defending their position, and what was unconvincing.

In another version of the same exercise, the guy can be the persuading party, but the girl refuses; it is assumed that there is mutual sympathy between them.

During the general discussion, participants are asked to answer two questions:

Which refusal options were the most convincing for you?

What was inside of you that helped you give up?

The self deserves special attention. Emotional and professional. Where can you find the strength not to break down, but to develop and grow above yourself, especially in moments of internal or external crisis? How to start realizing a dream that has been living in your soul for many years? How to focus on opportunities instead of regretting lost chances? Personal growth training will help you get a professional guide to solving your impasse in life.

What is personal growth training

Personal growth training- these are instructions for own life. Clear guidance on achieving personal goals. People accumulate energy for years to take the first step, which they never dare to take. The future is viewed through the prism of past experience. Personal energy is spent on rehashing old troubles or worrying about the distant future, which, in fact, may not come. Internal resistance is so great that strength is spent fighting with oneself. Self-development training will introduce you to techniques that allow you to start changes here-and-now.

Personal growth training is a real opportunity to start making your dreams come true. Take the first step, albeit small, but visible. Stop blaming external circumstances and find answers to questions within yourself. Look around for solutions offered by professionals. Add new acquaintances and sensations to your old habits. The experience of people who have already achieved heights in life, coupled with the skill of the coach, is inspiring. After all, if one person could do Something Cool, then surely others can do it too. Self-development training will show that in addition to pleasures in life there is joy, pride in one’s achievements and happiness. And then the world will just become a little wider.

Why do you need personal growth training?

Every person lives life with their own stereotypes in their heads. Life along a well-trodden track is reassuring with its predictability. But at one point, the usual actions no longer bring the expected result. The surrounding reality is less and less stable, so such moments come more and more often. You can fall into depression, calling what is happening a “crisis of age.” You can pull yourself together to benefit yourself and those around you. And remember that the word “crisis”, written in Chinese characters, consists of two meanings: “danger” and “opportunity”.

Personal growth begins with going beyond comfort. Do something you've never done before, get new experience– the growth process is never painless. What steps need to be taken on the path of self-development?

  1. Honesty towards yourself. Excuses can be found endlessly. Honestly admitting to yourself that you are standing still is only the first step. Many take a wait-and-see attitude, hoping to return to the past. Those who are not ready to justify their own idleness start looking for a coach.
  2. Changing daily habits. There is a psychological technique called “pay it forward.” Before you get what you want later, you need to “pay” the advance today. For example, get rid of bad habit. Or buy a useful one. Moreover, the desire and the payment for it can be in different areas of life.
  3. Work on mistakes. Dependence on stereotypes and public opinion constantly put a fence around a person. Fear of error freezes the body and mind. But every new failure increases the chances of success. You can make a mistake in anything, even in the choice of training. But consider the mistake as an experience, albeit a negative one, and continue to move on.
  4. Showing feelings. People “conserve” dreams, feelings, and experiences within themselves. They consider love to be the most important thing in life, but they do not know how to express it. Sincerity of feelings becomes a bigger problem than lack of money. The ability to express emotions without harming others is an art that is also taught in trainings.

Overcoming internal resistance is part of personal growth. Even a clear goal setting does not save you from long period waiting. After all, people pass all the facts of life through their own filter. Filter personal experience and your own beliefs. Personal growth trainings do not provide guarantees. They provide a chance to try on the glasses of a different reality in which success exists.

What types of personal growth courses are there?

Courses are a more familiar word than training, especially for older people. Courses are rarely intensive; they are characterized by a more measured pace. This category may include lectures or seminars where the trainer provides information without engaging the group in active dialogue.

The training, which lasts 2-3 days, is presented in the form of abstracts. Companies invite famous trainers to proofread a short course. In this case, the activity of the participants is important. A timely raised hand and asked question– This is an opportunity to get an answer to a personal question. Passive listening is a reason to make sure that nothing can be changed.

Personal growth courses are distinguished by:

  • Subject. Business growth or communication skills development. You can develop in the field of a healthy lifestyle or in the spiritual sphere.
  • Format. Indoor and outdoor events are sponsored by corporations or individuals. On-site courses on the seashore or webinars that participants take in front of a computer monitor.
  • Methods. Some people prefer meditation, while others run through the streets in search of money, following the instructions of the trainer. Some people imagine the day of their own death or fall into a trance state. When choosing a training, you should pay attention Special attention on the moderator's working methods.
  • Degree of preparation of participants. Basic courses provide general information. Participants learn to interact with each other and with the leader. The prepared audience communicates with each other on professional language terms. Trainers give complex tasks designed for experienced participants.

There is no ready-made solution. No personal growth course will provide a specific answer like: “you have to do this... to get this...”. Learning provides opportunities. The goal of the participants is to take advantage of them. After all, any, even the smallest achievement raises self-esteem. And success is built on the foundation of failure.

How to choose a personal growth coach

There is no universal recipe for personal development. To get more on the scale of life, you will have to pay the most expensive thing - personal comfort. Conscious choice a coach will help you overcome the journey with fewer losses (but you still can’t do without them). How to choose a coach in absentia? Here are a few ways to get to know him better:

  • author's blog or page on social networks;
  • materials that are in the public domain;
  • real reviews on forums from participants who attended the author’s trainings;
  • advice from people who have already undergone this type of event will help evaluate the promises from the point of view of common sense.

Personal development trainer – psychologist and coach rolled into one:

  • Tough, but not rough. He does not set himself the goal of humiliating the participant. But a timely “kick” is a justified and win-win psychological technique.
  • Attentive, but not lisping. He will grasp the essence of someone else's problem without listening to complaints about life.
  • With a sense of humor, but without vulgarity. An appropriate joke can defuse the situation. The trainer avoids indecent jokes and suppresses them from the audience.
  • Persistent, but not intrusive. Resistance to innovation is a natural reaction to change. The coach will persistently strive to complete the task, but will not impose his conclusions or point of view.
  • Motivating, but not forcing. Participants take their steps independently. The coach may point out mistakes, but will not provide a clear action plan. Even if they ask him about it.

By paying for courses from a famous trainer, participants buy his experience. Knowledge is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. Nobody says it will be easy. No one can tell you how to succeed the first time. The trainer will provide participants with more than just information. He will provide them with that “kick” that will lead to specific actions. And any action is a win-win option.

Personal change begins with recognizing the fact that safety is much worse than risk. It's not just about knowing. The important thing is to do it. The next day after the training, normal everyday life begins again, and only daily work on yourself will help you get what you want. Personal growth training helps you put together fragments of individual abilities and goals to assemble a personality constructor. One participant will fold a bicycle, and the other will build a spaceship.