Principles of rational organization of production processes. The basic principles of the rational organization of production processes for the manufacture of products are different - abstract Principles of the rational organization of the production process

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A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements and be based on certain principles. Characteristics of the principles of rational organization production processes and formulas for calculating the coefficients are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6 - Principles of rational organization of production

Principle and its characteristics Formulas for calculating odds
Specialization - minimization of the variety of works and operations, processing modes and other elements of the production process k cn = n i /c, where n i - the number of performed detail operations for the planned period; c - the number of pieces of equipment employed in the production process of products
Proportionality - consistency of all elements of the production process, primarily in terms of productivity and production capacity k prop. \u003d M n / M n +1, where M n and M n +1 - the production capacity of a pair of associated stages, with M n \u003d M n +1 K pr \u003d 1 (an integer - const)
Parallelism - simultaneous execution of operations and parts of the production process k pairs = t i *n/T pc, where t i - the complexity of the work performed; T pts - duration production cycle; n is the processing batch size; m is the number of operations (works) in the production process; for complex production processes k psl \u003d T pts / T psl, where l is the number simple processes in complex
Continuity - the movement of the object of labor in production without lying and waiting for processing, the work of workers and equipment; elimination or minimization of all types of interruptions k np \u003d (T pc -T oj) / T cp or k np \u003d ( T c i) / T pc, where T oj - the time of waiting and waiting for processing; T c - the duration of the technological part of the production cycle, m - total redistribution; discontinuity coefficient - k pp \u003d T cool / T pc,
Straightness - spatial convergence of operations, process stages, excluding return movements of the object of labor in the production process k pr \u003d ( T tr) / T pc, where T tr - duration transport operations, j is the number of transport operations
Rhythm of release - the release of the same volume of products for equal intervals of time k r = ( V f i) / V p i , where V f i - actual output (within no more than planned target) for individual segments of the analyzed period, V p i - the planned volume of production for a given period, m - the number of segments of the analyzed period
The rhythm of work is the performance of equal volumes of work in terms of quantity (total in standard hours) and composition (types of work) for equal time intervals k rr \u003d D pr /D r, where D pr - the number of working days (hours) in the analyzed period, during which the products were produced, D r - the total number of working days (hours) in this period

Variety of operations as an indicator specialization, depends primarily on the range of products assigned to one production unit. Frequent changeovers, restructuring are the reasons for the loss of working time. Their reduction contributes to the perfection of the system operational planning and constructive and technological unification. It leads to a reduction in the range of products and diversity technological processes(typing). At the same time, the increasing volume of production of similar products contributes to the stabilization of production conditions and an increase in the level of organization of the production process.

Proportionality in the organization of production implies the correspondence of the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all departments of the enterprise - workshops, sections, individual jobs for the production finished products. The proportionality of production eliminates the overload of some sections, that is, the emergence of "bottlenecks", and the underutilization of capacities in other links, is a prerequisite for the uniform operation of the enterprise and ensures an uninterrupted course of production.

The basis for maintaining proportionality is the correct design of the enterprise, the optimal combination of the main and auxiliary production units. However, with the modern pace of production renewal, the rapid change in the range of manufactured products and the complex cooperation of production links, the task of maintaining the proportionality of production becomes constant. With the change in production, the relationship between production links, the loading of individual redistributions change. The re-equipment of certain divisions of production changes the established proportions in production and requires an increase in the capacity of adjacent sections.

One of the methods for maintaining proportionality is operational scheduling, which allows you to develop tasks for each production link, taking into account, on the one hand, the integrated output of products, and on the other, the fullest use of production capabilities. In this case, the work of maintaining proportionality coincides with the planning of the rhythm of production. Proportionality in production is also supported by the timely replacement of tools, an increase in the level of mechanization and automation of production, through changes in production technology, etc. This requires a systematic approach to resolving issues of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, planning the development and launch of new production capacities. To maintain proportionality, it is necessary to optimize the nomenclature-quantitative tasks according to the criterion of the completeness of equipment loading. Proportionality also contributes to the introduction of complex mechanization and automation of production.

Violation of proportionality is disproportions in the organization of production, the formation of "bottlenecks", deterioration in the use of equipment and working hours, an increase in production reserves, lengthening of the production cycle and, as a result, a decrease in production efficiency.

The complication of products, the use of semi-automatic and automatic equipment, the deepening of the division of labor increases the number of parallel processes for the manufacture of one product, the organic combination of which must be ensured, that is, it complements proportionality with parallelism.

Parallelism- the simultaneity of the execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts of the total batch of parts. It can take place during the execution of the operation itself, during the course of related operations, during the performance of all types of processes. The wider the scope of work, the less, with other equal conditions, production time. It is expressed in the simultaneous operation of several machines for an operation, in multi-subject processing on machines, in the combination of machine-automatic processing with the performance of manual or auxiliary elements of the operation.

Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. At the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure of the technological operation, and, first of all, by technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the execution of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machine processing with the time of installation and removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading the apparatus with the main process, etc.

When organizing a complex production process, technologically possible simultaneous execution of simple partial production processes is provided. The possibility of this depends on the degree of unification and interchangeability of structural elements, allowing their independent production.

In the context of a complex multi-link manufacturing process, it is becoming increasingly important continuity production, which ensures the acceleration of the turnover of funds. Proportionality creates objective prerequisites for continuity. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intraoperative breaks), at the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (interoperational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, minimizing breaks, intershop aging .

The continuity of work within the operation is ensured, first of all, by improving the tools of labor - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, the use of special equipment and devices.

The reduction of interoperational breaks is associated with the choice of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes in time. One of the prerequisites for reducing inter-operational breaks is the use of continuous vehicles; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use working time. Ensuring the continuity of the movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for readjustment, waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires an increase in the uniformity of work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quick-change equipment (machines with program management), copy machines, etc.

One of the prerequisites for continuity of production is direct flow in the organization of the production process, which is the provision of the shortest path for the product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the release of finished products. For this operation and partial processes spatially arranged in the order of the operations of the technological process, as a result of which the time of passage of the product in production is reduced, as well as cargo flows are streamlined and cargo turnover is reduced. Then the problem of optimizing the arrangement of equipment and the location of jobs arises.

In accordance with this requirement, the location of shops and services on the territory of the plant, the placement of sites in the shops are designed. The mutual arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be forward and shortest, without counter and return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located closer to the main workshops they serve. This principle can be most fully implemented with a stable range of manufactured products and advanced typification of technological processes.

To ensure the full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time, it is important production rhythm. It is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and the implementation at each workplace at equal intervals of the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different. The principle of rhythm implies a uniform output. Their interrelation determines uniformity of production.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. With rhythmic work, the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, the use of material and energy resources and working hours is improved. Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all divisions of production - the main, service and auxiliary shops, logistics.

The methods of organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the manufactured products and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as its timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

The current level of scientific and technological progress implies compliance with the principle of flexibility organization of production. In the context of the rapid renewal of the product range, the production technology is changing. Meanwhile, the rapid change of equipment, its redevelopment would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; also impossible to change often production structure, spatial organization. This put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In the element-by-element section, this means, first of all, a quick changeover of the equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created a technique capable of a wide range of uses and performing automatic self-adjustment if necessary.

Wide opportunities for increasing the flexibility of the organization of production are provided by the use of standard processes for the implementation of individual stages of production, compliance with typing principle. The construction of variable production lines is well known, on which various products can be manufactured without their restructuring. So, now at the shoe factory on the same production line, various models of women's shoes are made with the same method of attaching the bottom; on auto-assembly conveyor lines, without readjustment, machines are assembled not only in different colors, but also in modifications. It is effective to create flexible automated productions based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology.

Standardization provides great opportunities in this regard. Most complete standard principle in the organization of production is reflected in the application of technological regulations approved for each technological process. The regulations define the requirements for the parameters of the technological process, for the system of connections in the technological chain, as well as the requirements for the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and products. Under such conditions, when switching to the issuance new products or the development of new processes, there is no need to rebuild all partial processes and production links. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to organize the production process in the conditions of complex technological and production-economic relations.

One of essential principles modern organization production is its complexity, cross-cutting . Modern manufacturing processes are characterized by splicing and interweaving of main, auxiliary and service processes, while auxiliary and service processes occupy an increasing place in the production cycle. This is due to the well-known lag in mechanization and automation of production maintenance in comparison with the equipment of the main production processes. Under these conditions, it becomes more and more necessary to regulate the technology and organization of the implementation of not only the main, but also auxiliary and service processes of production.

The principle of prevention(fr. preventif from lat. praevenio - ahead of, I warn) follows from the connection between technological redistribution and the proportionality of their capacities. This principle involves the prevention of possible deviations in the course of production processes. This is achieved by the operational management of production, carrying out preventive repairs, balance planning material flows etc. The production process organization system must have the necessary reliability, that is, the ability to withstand various interferences that disrupt its normal operation. To do this, the system should provide for self-regulation mechanisms based on quality regulatory framework, optimal methods of planning and management, the necessary reserves to ensure the continuity of the process in case of random interference, etc.

Economy principle provides for the saving of working time and such a construction of the production process, which ensures the reduction of losses, energy and fuel savings and an increase in production efficiency.

Economy principle when organizing production processes, it is provided with the minimum cost for a given result or the maximum result at a given cost.

Methods of rational organization of the production process.

Depending on the nature of the movement of objects of labor, there are in-line (continuous), batch, individual methods of organizing production processes.

inline production in the course of the technological process is characterized by the continuous and consistent movement of objects of labor from one operation to another.

With batch and single(discontinuous) methods, the processed product after each operation is switched off from the technological process and is waiting for the next operation.

The most progressive method of organizing the production process is the in-line method. Its main features are:

High degree continuity;

Location of jobs in the course of technological processing;

High degree of rhythm.

The organizational basis of the flow method is the production line, which has the most important parameters such as tact and flow rate.

The flow cycle is the average estimated time after which one product or a transport batch of products is launched into or out of the flow.

Principles of rational organization of the production process.

At any enterprise, the organization of production processes is based on a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes. However, with all the variety of forms of this combination, production processes are subject to general principles.

The principles of rational organization can be divided into two categories:

  • general, not dependent on the specific content of the production process;
  • specific, characteristic of a particular process.

Specialization means the division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs, which involves their cooperation in the production process.

Proportionality ensures equal throughput of different jobs of the same process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

Proportionality is determined by the formula

  • M min - minimum throughput, or parameter of the workplace in the technological chain (for example, power, category of work, volume and quality of information, etc.);
  • M max - maximum ability.

Continuity provides for the maximum reduction of interruptions between operations and is determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process

  • T p - duration of working time;
  • T c - the total duration of the process, including downtime and lying of the object of labor between jobs, at jobs, etc.

Parallelism characterizes the degree of overlapping operations in time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-serial.

The parallelism factor can be calculated by the formula

where T ts.par, T ts.posl - the duration of the process, respectively, with parallel and sequential combinations of operations.

Straightness provides the shortest path for the movement of objects, piles, information, etc.

The straightness coefficient can be determined by the formula

  • t transp - the duration of transport operations;
  • t tech.c - the duration of the technological cycle.

Rhythm characterizes the uniformity of operations in time.

The technical equipment is focused on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful labor.

Flexibility lies in the need to ensure quick changeover of equipment in the face of a frequently changing product range. Most successfully implemented on flexible production systems ah in conditions of small-scale production.

One way to improve listed principles rational organization of production processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. Their most complete implementation is achieved with the optimal combination of the following factors:

The main task of the process of organizing production at the enterprise is the rational combination in time and space of all the production processes occurring on it and their constituent parts, providing the most effective of its (enterprise) functioning.

The main principles of the rational organization of any processes are: specialization, proportionality, continuity, parallelism, straightness, rhythm, flexibility(Fig.5.4.) .

Rice. 5.4.

Principle specializations is to increase productivity by assigning homogeneous parts of the production process to individual elements of the production system. The principle allows you to reduce production costs by increasing the productivity of workers (the effect of the learning curve) and the concentration of production.

Specialization is one of the main factors determining the production structure of the firm, as will be discussed in paragraph 1. 5.4. Here we note only the fundamental features of the two types of specialization.

Specialization can be organized on subject or technological principles (Fig. 5.5.).

Proportionality- the principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of various operations of the production process, corresponding to the production task.

Production capacity of 4 operations for the manufacture of a batch of parts

Capacity determines the throughput of each operation. In this case, the throughput of the entire system is determined by the so-called. "bottleneck" ( bottle neck - narrow neck), i.e. operation with the least power. In this case, it is Operation 3, which results in a production system with a similar structure of 6 parts per shift. Then the production capacity of other operations will not be fully used:

Operations 1 and 4: 6*100%/10=60%

Operation 2: 6*100%/15=40%.

Proportionality will be ensured if the productivity (production capacity) of each technological operation is equal.

For the example under consideration, we determine the LCM of production capacity for each operation:

NOC (10, 15, 6, 10)=30 (pcs/shift).

Then, if at the 1st and 4th operations organize 3 jobs each, at the 2nd operation organize 2 jobs, and at 3-1 operations - 5 jobs, then the productivity of the entire production system will increase to 30 pieces / change. In this case, the production capacity of each operation will be fully used (subject to the need for a similar number of parts).

Continuity - a principle that ensures continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and workers, and continuous (without soaking) processing of parts in the production process.

The continuity of the processing of parts can be characterized by the indicator:


where Trab - the duration of the working time for the manufacture of the part;

Tts- the total duration of the part in production, including spending time on separate operations, between jobs, etc.

The implementation of the principle of continuity consists in the elimination or minimization of all types of aging of products in the process of their manufacture. Compliance with this principle largely depends on the implementation of the principle of proportionality, since if equal productivity of adjacent operations is not ensured, then between them there will inevitably be product ages. Therefore, to ensure maximum continuity of the production process of any type of product, it is necessary to ensure the proportionality of this process at the level of individual operations. In addition, products can also be left lying due to the shift operation of departments, when products are transferred from one department to another, before they enter the assembly, i.e. due to various organizational reasons, minimizing which is an important reserve for increasing the continuity of the production process.

Parallelism- the principle that ensures the combination of operations in time. It provides for the simultaneous execution of all or part of the operations for the manufacture of a product of one or more items at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the time spent on parts.

The parallelism of various parts of the production process in the general case may include the following particular types:

1) parallelism in the processing of products of the same type in one operation due to duplication of jobs and the use of a batch method for processing products;

2) parallelism in the processing of a batch of the same type of products in various operations;

3) parallelism in the processing of various components of the same product;

4) parallel execution of the main and auxiliary operations and their elements.

Direct flow- the principle that provides for the shortest routes for the movement of objects of labor in the production process (through workplaces, sections, workshops).

Direct flow is achieved by arranging production units and workplaces in the sequence of operations and eliminating return movements of products. The greatest degree of straightness can be achieved when the products have the same or similar sequence of operations and the same stages of the production process. The implementation of the direct flow principle streamlines cargo flows and reduces the turnover at the enterprise and its divisions, as well as reduces the time it takes to move products during their manufacture. The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of in-line production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Rhythm– the principle characterizing uniformity and repeatability individual elements production process over time.

Distinguish the rhythm of production, work, production:

ü release rhythm- release of the same or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products for equal time intervals;

ü rhythm of work- performing an equal (or proportionally changing) amount of work at equal intervals of time;

ü production rhythm- Compliance with the rhythmic release of products and the rhythm of work.

Flexibility- the ability of the production system to quickly and economically switch to the production of new products.

The implementation of the principle of flexibility is to create such production systems that are specialized in the production of a wide range of products and can quickly and economically change from the production of products of one type to the production of products of another type within the established this moment nomenclature, and can also change the range of their products without significant re-equipment. AT modern conditions In the fierce competition, the implementation of this principle is especially important due to the high rates of scientific and technological progress in the instrument-making industries and the rapid change of products and their generations.

Basic principles of rational organization of production:

1) parallelism;

2) continuity;

3) proportionality;

4) rhythm;

5) direct flow

The principle of parallelism- simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process. In parallel, related operations are performed to process a batch of parts, as well as operations of the same name at several workplaces.

The level of parallelism of the production process is characterized by the coefficient of parallelism (Kprl), which is determined by the formula:

Kprl \u003d Tpar ​​/ Tpos,

where Tpar ​​is the time of the technological cycle with a parallel combination of operations (movement of objects of labor); Tpos - the time of the technological cycle with a sequential combination of operations.

The economic significance of using the principle of parallelism lies in the fact that uniform loading of all production shops and sections is achieved, the duration of the production cycle and, above all, its technological part is reduced.

Continuity principle- involves working without any interruptions or minimizing them. In production, there are breaks due to the serial and batch loading of equipment, inter-operational and inter-shift aging. To assess the level of continuity of the production process, the coefficient of continuity of production (Kn.p.) is calculated according to the formula:

Kn.p. = 1 - Tper / Tc,

where Tper is the time of breaks for various reasons, h; Tts - the duration of the production cycle, h.

The economic significance of using the principle of continuity lies in the fact that the best use of production capacity is ensured, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, and the share of time in it for performing technological operations increases.

Proportionality- the principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput of different jobs of one process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, personnel, etc. The higher the degree of proportionality, the more perfect the system, the higher its efficiency.

Proportionality is determined by the formula:


where Mmin is the minimum throughput, or the parameter of the workplace in the technological chain; Mmak. - maximum ability.

The economic significance of the principle of proportionality lies in the fact that uninterrupted and rhythmic work of all departments of the enterprise is ensured.

Rhythm- the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the uniformity of their implementation in time. Determined by the formula:

Crit. = åQif/åQin,

where Qif - the actual amount of work performed for the analyzed period within the plan and less than the plan; Qin is the planned amount of work.

Direct flow- the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the optimal path for the passage of objects of labor and information, etc. Determined by the formula:

straight. =Zopt/Zact.,

where Zopt. - the optimal length of the path of passage of the object of labor, excluding unnecessary links, returns to its original place; Zfact. - the actual length of the path of passage of the object of labor.

Types of movement of objects of labor in the production process

When determining the duration of the production cycle, the duration of its three components is calculated: the duration of the technological part of the cycle, the time of breaks for various reasons and the time of natural breaks, if they are provided for by the technological process.

The duration of the technological part of the cycle depends on the complexity of the operations performed and the method of transferring batches of workpieces from operation to operation, from one workplace to the next, that is, on the type of movement of objects of labor in the production process. There are three main types of movement: serial, parallel and parallel-serial.

Sequential type of movement of objects of labor in the production process is characterized by the fact that during the manufacture of a batch of parts in a multi-operational technological process, it is transferred to each subsequent operation ( workplace) only after the completion of the processing of all parts in the previous operation.

On fig. shows a graph of the sequential type of movement for a batch consisting of four parts.

Fig 5. Graph of a sequential type of movement

batches of parts in the process

The duration of processing with a sequential type of movement (Tcont.) is directly proportional to the size of the batch of parts and the processing time of one part for all operations:


where t is the processing time of one part for all operations, min or h; n is the number of parts in the batch; m - number of operations.

The sequential type of movement of objects of labor prevails in industries where a small number of objects of labor (details) of the same name are processed in batches. Each part, after being processed at the workplace, before performing the next operation, is delayed (lays) here in anticipation of the completion of the processing of all parts of the batch. In this regard, the duration of the passage of a batch of parts through all operations increases, i.e. technological cycle, and consequently, work in progress is growing. Compared to the other two types of movement, it has the least efficiency.

Parallel movement characterized by the fact that each part is transferred to the next operation immediately after the previous one is completed, regardless of the movement of the remaining parts included in the batch.

Fig 6. Graph of the parallel type of party movement

details in the process of processing

The duration of the processing cycle of a batch of parts with a parallel type of movement consists of three segments: ac, cd and db. Sum of segments ac + db equal to the processing time of one part for all operations. Line segment cd is equal to the processing time of the entire batch of parts without one on the longest operation, called the main one. Hence the formula for determining the duration of the cycle for a parallel type of movement:

Tparal.=åt + tch(n-1),

where t is the time of the longest operation.

The parallel type of movement provides the maximum reduction in the duration of the production of a batch of parts. However, in the process of processing in a parallel way, on all operations, except for the main one - the longest one (in this case, operation 4 on the chart), downtime may occur. Such downtime is inevitable when the operations of a given technological process are not equal in their duration. The duration of operations is specially aligned only on production lines. Therefore, the use of a parallel type of movement turns out to be rational only with a streaming organization of production.

Parallel-sequential type of movement characterized by the fact that the processing of a batch of parts at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of all parts of this batch at the previous operation ends, i.e. provides for a partial combination of the execution time of adjacent operations, but in such a way that the manufactured batch is performed on each of them without any interruptions.

Fig 7. Graph of a parallel-serial view

movements of a batch of parts during processing

There are two cases of parallel-sequential combination of operations:

a) when the previous operation is shorter than the subsequent one;

b) when the preceding operation is longer than the subsequent one.

In the first case, one-by-one transfer of parts to the next operation as they are ready is used, since only one part is enough to start the next operation without fear that downtime may occur in the future.

In the second case, it is necessary, in order to avoid interruptions in the passage of the entire batch of objects of labor at the subsequent operation, so that the last part passes the subsequent operation after the entire batch of launching objects of labor has passed the previous operation. For this, instead of a piece-by-piece transfer, a preliminary accumulation of a certain backlog of parts is required, so that its size ensures the continuity of work on a subsequent shorter operation. Accordingly, the beginning of the processing of a batch of parts on short operations will be carried out with a certain shift in time in comparison with the parallel type of movement. By this value, the duration of the cycle of their processing will exceed the duration of the cycle with a parallel type of movement.

The duration of the processing cycle of a batch of parts with a parallel-sequential type of movement (TPP) can be determined by the formula:

Тpp.=åt + thl(n-1) + å(tdl -tkor)(n-1),

where tdl and tkor are the total duration of adjacent long and short operations.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of processed objects of labor is widely used in medium and large-scale production.

Duration natural processes, control and transport operations included in the technological process is determined by calculation or according to observational data. Based on the results of special observations and their processing, the time limits for interruptions in the production process are determined.

Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle

When calculating the production cycle, it is necessary to develop organizational and technical measures to reduce its duration. These include:

1. Improving product designs - simplifying them, improving manufacturability, expanding the use of unified units and parts in various designs.

2. The use of progressive technology and advanced technology, the expansion of the use of special tooling to further increase labor productivity and reduce the labor intensity of products.

3. Improving the organization of labor, production and management in order to reduce both technological time and break times.

Rational planning of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and improvement of the organization of the transfer of parts from operation to operation within the site, workshop;

Organization of the preparatory shift, during which the equipment is adjusted, preparation for the production of materials, tools, fixtures;

Implementation of shift-daily planning and organization of work on an hourly schedule;

Improving the organization of production in service and auxiliary farms.

4. Reduction of time for natural processes.

For example, the natural drying of painted parts can be replaced by drying in the field of high-frequency currents with a significant acceleration of this process.

5. Reduction of time for transport and control operations due to their automation, combination with the performance of technological operations and the time spent by objects of labor in anticipation of processing.

6. Expansion of the use of parallel-sequential and parallel types of movement of objects of labor in the organization of production.

7. Reducing the preparatory and final time (achieved by the introduction of a flow method of organizing production, standard and universal fixtures).

8. Reducing the duration of the production cycle is facilitated by photographs of the working day of those employed in various stages of the production cycle, which make it possible to determine the actual duration of the working cycle time and the time of breaks, both dependent and independent of the worker. To identify opportunities to reduce the duration of the production cycle, data from special observations or data from planning and accounting documentation can be used.

Production types

Type of production- this is a classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the breadth of the nomenclature, the stability of the volume of output and the specialization of jobs. There are three main types of organization of production: single, serial and mass.

One of the main characteristics of the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations, which is understood as the ratio of the number of all technological operations performed or to be performed within a month to the number of jobs.

single called production, characterized by a wide range of manufactured products. These products are either not repeated at all in production, or are repeated irregularly. The fixing coefficient for this type of production is not regulated. This type of production includes heavy machinery plants that manufacture unique machines.

Serial called production, characterized by a limited range of products manufactured periodically repeating batches and a relatively large volume of production. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production is distinguished. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for small-scale production is 20-40, medium-scale production is 10-20, large-scale production is 1-10.

Enterprises with massive The type of organization of production produces products of a narrow range in mass runs, continuously produced over a certain period of time. For example, most garment factories, textile mills.

Features of a single production :

Unstable and varied product range; products, the production process is carried out individually;

Lack of assigning certain operations to workplaces;

The use of universal equipment, grouped into sections of the same type of machines;

High qualification of workers;

Frequent readjustment of equipment;

Significant specific gravity in the total labor intensity of products of manual operation;

Significant labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle; decentralization of operational planning.

Series production features :

Stable nomenclature of products repeated in production; production of products in series, a certain size;

Specialization of jobs in the performance of several periodically recurring operations;

Grouping of equipment and workplaces mainly on the basis of the subject principle;

Application along with universal specialized and special equipment, tooling;

Widespread use of the labor of workers of medium qualification;

Low share handmade in the overall complexity of manufacturing the product;

Reduction in comparison with a single production of labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle;

Peculiarities mass production :

Permanent nomenclature of manufactured products;

Specialization of jobs in the performance of predominantly one, permanently fixed operation;

The use of special and specialized equipment located along the technological process;

Wide use of special technological equipment;

A sharp reduction in comparison with single and serial production of the share of manual work and a high proportion of mechanized and automated processes;

The use of labor workers specialized in a limited number of operations;

Significantly less labor intensity and duration of the product manufacturing cycle in comparison with single and serial production;

Centralization of operational planning and production management.

Mass production is the highest type, providing the maximum in comparison with other organizational types production economical production. The main significance of mass production is that it forms the basis for the transition to automated production.

The principles of rational organization of the production process can be divided into two categories: general, independent of the specific content of the production process, and specific, characteristic of a particular process.

General principles- these are the principles that the construction of any production process in time and space must obey:

The principle of specialization, which means the division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs and their cooperation in the production process;

The principle of parallelism, which provides for the simultaneity of the implementation of individual parts of the production process associated with the manufacture of a particular product;

The principle of proportionality, which assumes relatively equal productivity per unit of time of interconnected divisions of the enterprise. - the principle of direct flow, providing the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials or semi-finished products to the receipt of finished products;

The principle of continuity, providing for the maximum reduction of interruptions between operations. The continuity coefficient is defined as the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process, including downtime or lying of the object of labor between jobs, at jobs;

The principle of rhythm, which means that the entire production process and its constituent partial processes for the manufacture of a given quantity of products must be strictly repeated at regular intervals. The coefficient of rhythm is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of work performed to the planned one;

The principle of technical equipment, focused on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful to human health labor;

The principle of process susceptibility. The susceptibility of control makes it possible to increase the number of controlled parameters and to increase the degree of certainty of the system. At the same time, purposeful influences should be distinguished from random ones;

The principle of adaptability of production and management processes. Allows you to quickly change production and management processes to new consumer requirements at the output of the system or its subsystem;

The principle of improving the management system of the organization. Improving the organization's management system will improve the quality and efficiency of the management system by reducing uncertainty, increasing organization and other factors;

The principle of a scientific approach to processes. Application scientific approaches to the development and implementation management decisions in the field of organization of production will improve the organization and efficiency of production and management processes, economically use resources and improve the quality of products;

The principle of professionalism of the management team. Allows you to increase the organization, reliability and efficiency of the organization;

The principle of innovation. It consists in development based on the development of innovations and their implementation for the sake of improving activities in any field, obtaining a technical, economic, social effect, etc.

The principle of information security. Information as the "blood" of the system allows you to feed management, establish various patterns, make and implement high-quality management decisions.

Production cycle- this is a calendar period of time during which the material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and turns into finished products. It is expressed in calendar days or, with a low labor intensity of the product, in hours.

§ T p.c,T tech - respectively, the duration of the production and technological cycles;

§ T lane- duration of breaks;

§ T time of natural processes.

The structure of the production cycle.

8. Indicators characterizing the use of equipment and production capacity.

The production capacity of an enterprise is defined as the sum of the production capacity of production lines available in the main production. In the case when the main production consists of several workshops with subject specialization, the production capacity of the enterprise is the sum of the capacity of these workshops. The power of each workshop is obtained by summing the power of its production lines. The production capacity of an enterprise may change throughout the year. The reason is a number of factors: the introduction of new equipment, the modernization of old equipment, the removal of worn-out equipment, the change in industry standards used in the calculation (technical standards for the productivity of leading machines, standards for repair stops), etc.

There are three indicators of production capacity: input capacity (at the beginning of the planning period); output power (at the end of the planning period); average annual capacity.

10?Methods production organizations are a set of methods, techniques and rules for the rational combination of the main elements of the production process in space and time at the stages of functioning, design and improvement of the organization of production. Organization method individual production used in conditions of a single production or its production in small batches and implies: lack of specialization in the workplace; the use of universal equipment, its location in groups according to its functional purpose; sequential movement of parts from operation to operation in batches. Flow production method used in the manufacture of products of the same name or design range and involves a combination of the following special methods of organizational construction of the production process: the location of jobs along the technological process; specialization of each workplace in the performance of one of the operations; transfer of objects of labor from operation to operation by the piece or in small batches immediately after the end of processing; Method of group organization of production used in the case of a limited range of structurally and technologically homogeneous products manufactured in repetitive batches. The essence of the method is to focus on the area various kinds technological equipment for processing a group of parts according to a unified technological process. Characteristic features such organization of production are: detailed specialization of production units; launching parts into production in batches according to specially developed schedules.

12? Essence, content and tasks of preparation of production.

The production preparation process is a type of activity that combines the development of scientific and technical information with its transformation into a material object - new products.

According to the type and nature of the work, the production preparation processes are divided into research, design, technological, production and economic. The identification of these processes is based on the form labor activity. Processes of scientific research, technical and organizational developments and other works of an engineering nature are the main ones for the preparatory stage. They include: research, engineering calculations, design of structures, technological processes, forms and methods of organizing production, experimentation, economic calculations and rationale.

Fundamentals of organizing the preparation of production.

The main task of pre-production is the creation and organization of the release of new products.

Organization of preparation of production is expressed in the following activities:

– definition of the purpose of the organization and its orientation towards achieving this goal;

- establishment of a list of all works that must be performed to achieve the goal of creating specific types of new products;

- creating or improving organizational structure production preparation systems at the enterprise;

- assignment of each work to the corresponding division of the enterprise;

- organization of work on the creation of new types of products in time;

– ensuring the rational organization of work of employees, necessary conditions for the implementation of the entire range of work to prepare production for the release of new products;

– establishment of economic relations between the participants in the process of creating new technician

13? The efficiency of the development process is largely determined by the chosen method of transition to the production of new products, i.e., the replacement of designs mastered in production with new ones. With a variety of processes for updating engineering products, three characteristic methods of transition to new products can be distinguished: sequential, parallel, parallel-sequential. At consistent the transition method, the production of new products begins after the complete cessation of production of products discontinued from production. Parallel the transition method is characterized by the gradual replacement of products removed from production by newly developed ones. In this case, simultaneously with the reduction in production of the old model, there is an increase in the production of the new one. Its main advantage in comparison with the sequential method is that it is possible to significantly reduce or even eliminate losses in the total output during the development of a new product. Parallel-serial method transition is widely used in mass production when developing new products that differ significantly in design from those discontinued. The enterprise creates additional areas where the development of a new product begins; the release of the first batches of new products is organized. After a short stop, during which the re-planning of the equipment is carried out, the production of new products in the main production is organized.

15? instrumental the economy at the enterprise is created to perform work on providing production with tools and technological equipment, organizing their storage, operation and repair. The structure and organizational forms of the tool economy are very diverse and depend on the type of production, the type of products manufactured, its design and technological complexity, and the volume of production. The tool economy at the enterprise includes: * production links (sections, workshops) for the manufacture of tools; * warehouse and component parts (central tool warehouse, workshop tool-distributing storerooms); *divisions for the restoration and repair of tools; subdivisions on tool supply of workplaces. Main task transport economy at the enterprise is timely and uninterrupted maintenance of production by vehicles for the movement of goods during the production process. According to its purpose vehicles can be subdivided into: External transport provides communication between the enterprise, its material and technical warehouses, warehouses of finished products with supplying enterprises, contractors, stations of railway, water and air transport. Intershop transport performs the functions of a link between the shops of the enterprise, its warehouses, services and other production facilities. Intrashop transport will mix goods in the workshop during the production process, moving raw materials, materials and components and assemblies not only from the warehouse to workplaces, but also between workplaces, as well as control posts. main task energy economy is a reliable and uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy of the established parameters at minimal cost. The volume and structure of consumed energy resources depend on the capacity of the enterprise, the type of products manufactured, the nature of technological processes, as well as connections with regional energy systems. The task of the energy economy also includes the implementation of the rules for the operation of power equipment, the organization of its Maintenance and repair, carrying out activities aimed at saving energy and all types of fuel, as well as measures to improve and develop the energy facilities of the enterprise. Repair household-in-operation technological equipment subject to physical and moral deterioration and requires constant maintenance. The performance of the equipment is restored by its repair. Moreover, during the repair, not only the original state of the equipment should be restored, but it is also necessary to significantly improve its basic specifications through modernization. The essence of the repair lies in the preservation and high-quality restoration of equipment performance by replacing or restoring worn parts and adjusting mechanisms. Functions warehouse farms: *acceptance material assets; * preliminary preparation of materials for production consumption (unpacking, sorting, etc.); * ensuring the safety of material assets; * sub-assembly of materials for their subsequent complete delivery to work areas; * organization of issuance and delivery of goods to consumers; * supply of production with all necessary materials; *Shipment of finished products.

17? The Logistics Service is headed by the MTS Department (OMTS). OMTS task- uninterrupted material support of production in accordance with the production plan. The logistics plan is a set of settlement documents that substantiate the enterprise's need for material resources and determine the sources of their coverage. It is compared in the form of an MTS balance sheet. The MTS plan is developed taking into account: 1. the production program; 2. norms of stocks of material resources; 3. norms of consumption of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel, components; 4. plans capital construction, reconstruction, preparation for the production of new products, work on the repair and operation of equipment, buildings, structures, household facilities, etc.; 5. balances of material resources at the beginning and end of the planning period; 6. established and newly established relationships with suppliers; 7. prices for all types of material and technical resources. 20. Organization of labor at the enterprise.

The organization of labor at enterprises includes a system of measures aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for effective use working time, materials and technology in the interests of increasing production, raising labor productivity and creating normal, healthy working conditions.

The main elements of the organization of labor are: the division and cooperation of labor and, as a result, the placement of workers in production; organization of jobs; setting a working time schedule; technical regulation of labor; organization of wages; organization of socialist competition.

The main task organization of labor is to create conditions for a steady increase in labor productivity. An increase in labor productivity is the main indicator of technical progress and the most important source of growth in the people's well-being.

One of the tasks of the organization of labor is to strengthen labor discipline. Of great importance for strengthening labor discipline at the enterprise are the "Internal Regulations". They define the duties of the administration, workers and employees of the enterprise.

The main direction in the field of improving the organization of labor is: the distribution of workers in shifts, instructing workers, tightening the working day and ensuring better use of equipment, improving the skills of workers, and implementing measures for labor protection and safety.

21) Technical regulation of labor

Technical regulation of labor is the process of setting a specified time for the performance of work processes (operations) in certain organizational and technical conditions based on the rational use of the production capabilities of equipment and the workplace, taking into account best practices.

Given work time, established with the help of technical regulation, are based on organizational and technical parameters production process, and also take into account the physiological factors of a person (the need for rest breaks and personal needs). An additional broader consideration of, for example, neuro-psychological, emotional stress, social, economic factors leads to a scientifically-based predetermined time.

The main tasks of labor rationing is to establish a measure of labor costs, a specific expression of which are:

Time limits;

production standards;

Service standards;

Number norms.

Norm of time - the time allotted for the production of a unit of output or the performance of a certain work (in hours, minutes, seconds).

The output rate is the amount of output that must be produced by a worker per unit of time.

The service rate is the number of pieces of equipment, production space, etc., established for servicing by one or a group of workers.

The service time rate is the necessary and sufficient time for servicing a piece of equipment during a certain calendar period (one shift, month).

The headcount rate is the number of employees established to service the facility or perform a certain amount of work.

Question #22: Foreign experience production development. Kanban system.

Foreign firms are making every effort to reduce production costs in accordance with the principle of "reducing costs by eliminating waste". This means the introduction of such a system of organization that will completely exclude losses on the basis that any excess of the minimum necessary equipment, stocks of materials and components, as well as the number of workers is a source of increased costs.

In order to avoid an unbalanced inventory, an excess of equipment and workers, a system of organization of production has been created that can be adapted to fluctuations that occur due to disruptions in production or changes in demand. A system that provides operational control of the quantity production products at each stage of production, was called "Kanban", or "just in time".

The "just in time" system was first developed and put into practice in the Japanese automobile company Toyota. At first glance, the principles of the "just in time" system are in conflict with the traditional principles of the organization of production. Its essence boils down to the rejection of production in large batches and the creation of a continuous multi-subject production. At the same time, the supply is carried out in such small batches that, in essence, it turns into a piece.

The meaning of work according to the "just in time" system is that at all phases of the production cycle the required semi-finished product arrives at the place of the subsequent production operation exactly when it is needed. The system is focused on producing finished products and delivering them only when required. commercial network, deliver the product to the next stage of the production process when it is needed there.