Why has the parcel been in Vnukovo for a long time? Why did my parcel from Aliexpress get stuck at customs in Vnukovo? What to do if a parcel with goods from Aliexpress is stuck in sorting at the post office? How to understand that a parcel has been detained at customs

On December 7, the Federal Customs Service of Russia introduced new rules for processing parcels from foreign online stores. The problems started immediately.

Now, in order to receive the parcel, you will need to indicate your tax identification number and links to the purchased goods. On social networks, users complain about parcels stuck at customs, and delivery services say that until the Federal Customs Service signs an addition to the order on the list of those affected by it, the parcels will remain stuck.

Delivery services have already sent out warnings to their users that when making purchases in foreign online stores, they must indicate their tax identification number along with their passport data (the requirement applies only to Russian citizens) and links to the pages of the online store with a description of each product. This innovation will not affect parcels, delivery of which from the sender to the recipient is carried out through Russian Post.

Anastasia Solopeko writes on Facebook that her order from an English online store, placed on November 29, has been “stuck” at customs since December 1, and only after calling the delivery company did she find out that now it is impossible to receive the parcel without a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

“So if you ordered something and this “something” is not coming to you, call and figure it out. For some reason, they themselves do not send messages demanding that they fill out the customs form again,” she warns.

In service Boxberry delivery The BBC Russian service was told that the parcels will remain in a “frozen” state until the Federal Customs Service signs an addition to the order on the list of services in respect of which it applies.
When asked when it will be signed, Operations Director Yaroslav Polishchuk found it difficult to answer. “We have no understanding, they don’t tell us anything,” he said.
Polishchuk said that about 25-28 thousand Boxberry orders They are now at customs without a tax identification number. “It accumulated over three days,” he says.

The BBC Russian service was unable to promptly contact the Federal Customs Service with the question of when the additions would be signed - the press service's telephone numbers were unavailable all day.

At the same time, DPD services in Russia and SPSR Express have no delays with parcels from foreign online stores, the head of the department told the BBC Russian Service international transport Evgeny Privalov.
The Pony Express delivery service reported that on December 4 they began notifying customers about the need to provide a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), so they received “a fairly high response.” The company found it difficult to provide exact data on “stuck” parcels.

Seven month experiment
Letters from delivery services say the new data is needed to “confirm the stated value of the goods.” The operators refer to the FCS order dated November 24. Requirements apply only to orders individuals for personal use.
The press service of the Federal Customs Service told Kommersant that the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and references to goods are needed to determine their value and weight, as well as to reduce the risks of importing goods using dummies. This way, customs will check whether the duty-free import threshold is exceeded. Now it is no more than 1000 euros and 31 kg per month.
The BBC Russian service was unable to find the order published by the Federal Customs Service. A copy of it was posted on its website by the Boxberry delivery service.

According to the document, the innovations will be in effect until July 1, 2018; the initiative is called an “experiment.”

It follows from the text of the order that this experiment is being introduced to strengthen control over the accuracy of the documents provided in the customs declaration. The order establishes the need for the Federal Customs Service's main anti-smuggling department to conduct a quarterly analysis of passport data. Information about invalid passports must be submitted to analytical management customs service.

So, no matter how sad it may sound, “let’s stock up on popcorn”...

08.12.2017 20:15:43 / 68768

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and new package it's been traveling for more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, don’t worry, the package is not a courier who brings the package from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. in the next sorting point or a post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

IN this moment In China and throughout the world, the coronavirus is actively spreading, for this reason air exchange and delivery are severely limited parcels are coming slower than usual, but as of March 1, 2020, postal traffic has not been (completely) suspended with any country.

Don't worry if the status of the mail/order does not change for 1-2 weeks and is in the following condition:

  • Treatment
  • Waiting to be sent
  • Sent to destination country
  • Export / Export international mail
  • Import / International mail import
If the package has already been sent and is on its way, it will most likely be delivered.
While the protection is in effect, wait and don’t worry, if the order is not in a hurry, you can even extend the protection period.
Keep an eye on the order protection counter, and if the parcel does not arrive within the time specified in the order details, extend the protection period or open a dispute.

P.S. Do you have anything to add to this section? Write to support@site

You are on the postal tracking site “site” and are required to comply with the rules established by its Administration.

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Moderators and Administration

  1. Moderators ensure compliance with the rules.
  2. The moderator may edit or delete any user message if deemed necessary, without giving reasons.
  3. The moderator may block or delete the Profile of a user who has violated these Rules without giving reasons.
  4. A moderator can block a user's profile for trolling visitors, moderators, or administrators.
  5. These actions can also be carried out by the Administration.
  6. The Administrator and Moderators have the right to decide a certain problem at its own discretion, if it is not reflected in these rules.

Get stuck in sorting.

Often, buyers, when they see that their parcel is being sorted or in the import process for too long, worry and do not know how to speed up the process. In reality, postal services have many operational nuances that may explain why goods with Aliexpress It takes a long time for them to be sorted.

Why do parcels from Aliexpress get stuck in sorting?

For the most part, the worries turn out to be in vain, especially if you understand that packages getting stuck is a normal situation. Let's look at how the delivery process happens:

  • Every day, up to 11 vehicles arrive at the sorting center, fully loaded with shipments. Moreover, each truck holds 20 tons. With each such machine, workers receive approximately 300 bags containing approximately 200 parcels. The bag has a tag with a special code, which says the number of items inside.
  • Of course, it is impossible to quickly process such volumes. So postal workers remove the tags from each bag and enter them into a database. And the bag code has data about all the parcels inside. After the data enters the system, a status appears in the tracking that the goods are in the sorting center.
  • It is worth saying that newly arrived bags are not processed immediately, since employees first deal with other mail that arrived earlier. But the status of the recipients shows that the goods are already in Vnukovo. It turns out that the bag itself was brought into the database as if it were being processed, but in reality it lies aside and awaits its turn.
  • The situation is complicated by the fact that there are seasonal traffic jams, something may break down or technical problems may arise. This leads to even more bags and workers do not have time to process them.

This is the picture in the photo below with parcels usually seen at sorting centers:

What to do in this case? There is only one answer - wait.

Video: “Educational film”: how a parcel sorting center works

06.09.18 112 614 25

Instructions from a person who goes to customs like going to work

In July, I spent 12 hours at Moscow customs, snatching my parcels from abroad from them.

Maxim Ilyakhov

former chief editor of T-Zh

I already know the local inspectors by sight, I come well prepared and can resolve issues, if not quickly, then at least the first time. Here's what I learned about getting packages through Russian customs: Read this if you're ordering anything from abroad.

What will you learn

How are parcels and customs connected?

To get to Russia, parcels from abroad must go through customs: this is a special service that monitors the import and export of goods across the border. There are customs offices at airports, sea ​​ports, at post offices. When you arrive in Russia and walk along the “green corridor” at the airport, this is also customs.

When international parcel flies to Russia, she also goes through customs. This applies to all parcels without exception, even those sent by courier services. The customs officer checks the contents of the parcel (using an X-ray, using documents and sometimes even in person) and if everything is in order, he allows the parcel to continue into the country. In most cases, this happens unnoticed by us: we simply receive the package in the form in which it was sent. We don't even know she got through customs.

Why are customs delaying parcels?

Customs has many reasons to delay a parcel, but in our case, most likely, it will be one of four:

  1. the customs officer suspects that the goods are commercial, although they are declared as a private purchase;
  2. the recipient has used up the monthly limit on duty free shopping abroad - in 2019 it is 500 € per month or 31 kg;
  3. the customs officer did not understand what was in the parcel, he needs an explanation;
  4. The customs officer decided that there was something prohibited in the parcel.

In these cases, the recipient will be invited to the local customs office to provide clarification and pay duties.

If you suspect that you have exceeded the limit, check whether the store or courier knows your Taxpayer Identification Number. At the time of writing this article, customs considers purchase limits only for those parcels for which the recipient’s TIN is requested: usually these are parcels from courier services. If the courier service does not know your Taxpayer Identification Number, they will send you a letter: “Indicate your Taxpayer Identification Number.” Courier services know these features Russian legislation and they don’t even send parcels anymore without knowing the recipient’s TIN.

If you order something that comes via regular mail and doesn't require your Taxpayer Identification Number, customs probably won't count the item in the limit. But this is now. They will introduce some kind of control system, and then everything will be counted.

How to understand that a parcel has been detained at customs

If customs holds your package, two things will happen:

  1. The track number of your parcel will show that it is ready for delivery, but not where you usually receive it, but in some unfamiliar place. In Moscow, this is a branch of the international post office at Varshavskoye Shosse, 37. But there is no need to go there yet, it will be a waste of time. Alternatively, the parcel tracking will say “Sent with customs notification.”
  2. Customs will send you ordered letter at the place of delivery of the parcel. In the envelope there will be a template letter from customs, they say, come, my dear. The reasons for the delay will most likely not be indicated - the letter is template and vague, but it may be different in different customs departments. A notification of receipt of the parcel with its track, weight and shelf life will be attached to the letter.

If you receive a registered letter, collect your documents and get ready to take time off from work.

It's bad: the track shows that customs in St. Petersburg sent my parcel to Moscow with a notification. One of these days I will receive a letter...

Pay attention to the shelf life of the parcel: if it is about to expire, you need to arrive as soon as possible. There is a danger that between the first arrival at customs and the actual release parcels will pass 2-3 days - you will have to collect some additional documents or you will not be accepted on the first day. During this time, the storage period may expire and the parcel will be sent back.

Do not receive a letter if you are not going to customs

By the notification in your mailbox you will understand that the letter has arrived from the main post office.

If you understand that you will not go to customs for economic reasons (read about this below), you can simply ignore the letter. Then the parcel will return in two weeks, and you will be able to order this product again after some time, for example, when the duty-free import limit is reset.

What to take with you to customs

Since we don’t yet know why customs detained the parcel, we need to prepare for the worst. Here's what to take with you from the documents.

The letter and notification that was sent to you. This is the basis for the customs officer to talk to you. You will need to give the letter, and upon notification you will be given a package if everything goes well.

Passport copies: first page and registration. You'll only need one copy, but it doesn't hurt to have a few on hand. When you order goods from the Internet, it can be difficult to stop. In Varshavka there is a photocopier right at the post office, 15 R per copy.

Copies of documents of relatives. If the parcel contains a lot of goods that you ordered for family members, you will need copies of their passports to prove that you ordered the goods not for sale, but for your relatives. It should be clear from the copies that these are your relatives. If it is not clear - copies of documents that establish relationship: marriage certificates, birth certificates.

Purchase Confirmation- invoice from the online store and confirmation of payment. The invoice is usually downloaded on the store’s website, and the receipt is downloaded from the Internet bank. It should be clear from the invoice and receipt that you paid for the goods.

Descriptions of what is in the parcel. You need to be prepared to explain to the customs officer what is in the parcel, with pictures. Photos of the product from the website and printouts of online store pages are suitable. If there are a lot of different things in the parcel, documents are needed for everything: the customs officer may have questions about a specific item. The last time I went to customs, I had a dozen photographs of the goods in the parcel, the customs officer studied them with great interest, asking, “What is this? And here? How does this work? The photos helped a lot.

14 days

shelf life of the parcel at customs

Cash to pay the fee: if the value limit has been exceeded - 30% of the value exceeding the limit; if you exceeded the weight - 4 € for each kilogram of excess. Everything is converted into rubles. In Moscow, Varshavka does not accept cards, but there is one Pochta Bank ATM. Whether it will work and whether there will be money in it is unknown.

Here's something else worth taking from household items.

Thermos of tea and snack. You can easily spend 5-7 hours in line to see the inspector. You can go out, you can drink coffee from the machine at the post office, but I prefer to take my own.

A set of bright Post-its stickers and a fancy marker. You will be surprised why they are useful. For now, just throw it in your bag.

In Varshavka, according to my observations, Mobile Internet catches poorly. If you planned to watch TV series via the Internet, it is better to download them to your tablet in advance. If you work with Google Docs, install the Chrome extension to work without the Internet.

Please pay attention to customs opening days and opening hours. In Moscow, Varshavka does not accept individuals on Monday, and Saturday is a short day. It is better to arrive from Tuesday to Friday right at nine in the morning, or even at half past seven.

What to do in line

Different customs offices work differently: in some places it is complete hell, in others it is a civilized place. I’ll tell you about the customs office on Warsaw Highway, 37, where parcels are received by those who ordered them to Moscow. My best years were spent there.

The customs office on Varshavka is a dozen windows, of which at best two were working in my time - they say there is not enough staff. The line moves slowly. Scoreboard with electronic queue They hang but don’t work, so every time I was there I had to stand in a live queue.

The peculiarity of the live queue at this customs office is that it moves monstrously slowly (in my case, 3-4 people passed through two windows per hour), and people often leave without waiting. Decent people leave, having previously introduced those behind them to those in front of them. But it happens that 2-3 people from the middle of the line silently give up, and then you can’t find out who was behind whom. Screams, hysterics and waving of arms begin.

500 €

limit on duty-free purchases abroad per month

Advice. Bring along a set of brightly colored Post-its and a brightly colored marker. If there is a queue at your customs, write numbers on these bright pieces of paper and hand them out to everyone as if it were an electronic queue.

You are not obligated to do this, but with this gesture you will make life much easier for everyone, especially for yourself. When a person has a bright piece of paper with a number in his hands, he feels calm in the queue, no one asks: “Girl, who are you following?”, there is no problem that “There was a young man behind me, but he left, but you are holding on.” here are the women in red.” Be the person who cleans up the queue. You won't be thanked, but you will spend the next 3-4 hours in peace. If not you, then who?

If it's stuffy. If you are in Varshavka and feel stuffy, look for an air conditioning panel near the information stand. She works. Press the button - everyone will feel better.

What to do with the inspector

When it’s your turn, give the inspector a notice. He finds your business and starts working with you. He will ask questions and ask for clarification about the items in the package. Show him all the documents that you have prepared in advance.

The inspector does not have any parcels; he has never seen them and will never see them. He only looks at the documents. Therefore, inviting the inspector to open the parcel and see for himself will not work. The parcel itself lies somewhere in a warehouse two floors below; completely different people will give it to you.

All the inspectors I encountered were calm, methodical and friendly. They worked slowly but carefully. If there was something unclear, everything was explained to me. When they were rude and snapped at because of the long wait, they threw up their hands in resignation. I didn’t encounter any hellish scoop or rudeness, although people in line constantly complained about rule changes and inaccurate instructions.

Here you need to understand that we are dealing with people who, in turn, deal with papers and regulations. They must comply with all formalities and rules, this is their task. If the inspector breaks something or makes a mistake with the papers, he will be punished for it. However, he is human and can make mistakes. But in the end, we don't need him to do everything right - we need to understand what specific actions this particular inspector expects from us in order to release our particular package.

Advice. Try to do as much as possible on the spot, without moving the work to the next day. For example, the inspector may ask you to write some kind of explanation. Agree that you will come back without a queue in 10 minutes.

If you postpone the matter until tomorrow, then you may come across another inspector, and instead of clarification, he may ask for another document or even send you to some mysterious department that no one has ever heard of. All the people who returned the next day with me always started the proceedings from the beginning and were very annoyed that each new inspector demanded some new things from them.

What not to do at customs

Don't mention the words "for sale". The inspector will decide that this is a commercial shipment and you are not paying duties.

You should not use the words “surveillance”, “tracker”, “hidden audio recording”, “encryption”. All encryption tools must undergo special inspection by the authorities. If, for example, you ordered a computer or microcontroller from abroad, keep quiet about the fact that something can be encrypted on it or something can be monitored.

Don't joke about guns and drugs. Imagine how many times the inspector heard this joke.

Don't freak out and get hysterical. The inspector works according to regulations and sits behind glass. He doesn't care about all our crazy people. But if your proceedings with the inspector drag on, your colleagues in turn will see that you are slowing down the whole process - they can arrange a people's court.

Payment of duty

A likely development of events is if you ordered something expensive from the Internet and exceeded the duty-free import limit, which is now 31 kg and 500 € per month. In case of excess, you will have to pay an additional duty of 30% of the value exceeding the limit, or 4 € for each kilogram of excess. Most likely, even with this additional payment, the purchase will be cheaper than in Russia.

The fee is paid by postal money order, which can be issued immediately at the post office. They charge a commission.

To pay, you will need a passport and a duty invoice, which will be issued by the inspector. The post office operator will accept the money and issue a check. With the check, you need to return to the inspector and get his blessing to release the parcel.

What if you don't go

If you don’t go to customs before the parcel’s shelf life expires, it will most likely be sent back to the store. Most often, stores refund the cost of the product, but keep the shipping cost. Perhaps this makes economic sense, look.

Let's say you ordered a product for 490 €, but it so happens that this month you have already bought goods for 500 € and have exceeded the duty-free import threshold. You will need to pay an additional fee of 150 € and spend time at customs.

Five hours at customs costs you some money. Let's say you earn 500 rubles per hour. A trip to customs, not counting transport and overhead costs, will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles. But the goods will be available immediately.

On the other hand, you can ignore the product, wait for it to return to the store, get a refund, and order it again when the limits are reset. The goods will arrive in 1.5-2 months, but they will immediately appear at the post office near the house.

Two saving options

Go to customs and pay the duty:

  • −150 € duties;
  • −2500 R per time;
  • −5 hours of life.

Total:−23,200 R, −5 hours of life, goods immediately.

Do not go to customs, re-order the goods:

  • −60 € for return delivery;
  • −60 € for re-delivery;
  • +5 hours of life.

Total:−8600 R, goods in two months.

How to keep your sanity at customs

  1. If you are waiting for an expensive parcel from abroad, add its track to your Personal Area on the Russian Post website to be aware of the fate of that parcel. This way you won’t miss the moment when it gets stuck at customs.
  2. Don't hesitate until it comes to you official letter from customs. Go there without a letter only if the parcel's shelf life is about to expire. Currently the shelf life is 14 days.
  3. Take a copy of your passport, cash, and all imaginable documents about the purchase, including a bank statement about the purchase. Photos of the product, screenshots from the website - print everything out.
  4. Collect as many documents as possible to resolve shipping issues in one trip. It’s better to print ten extra pages than spend ten extra days visiting inspectors.
  5. Prepare for 5 hours in line. Organize a live queue yourself so that no one freaks out.
  6. First study what is prohibited for import into Russia, and if possible, do not provoke the customs officer with these words.
  7. If the problem is duties, consider what is more profitable: pick up the goods at customs now or re-order it in a month or two.