Very unlucky what to do. Psychology. Unlucky with work and money. One of the reasons

Among friends, acquaintances and just casual interlocutors, we often hear about how unlucky they are in life, in love, with work and money. People are used to constantly talking about their problems, without thinking at all that they have the power to eliminate their bad luck.

To be born absolutely happy man no one can, but everyone can manage their life and happiness by understanding one simple truth: big success- This daily work above oneself.

If you are unlucky in life, the advice of a psychologist will be a guiding star for you on the road leading to success and luck. Any psychologist, listening to your complaints about life, will first of all talk about the need to understand the root of the problem.

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After all, in fact, bad luck is a consequence of a problem that has remained unresolved for you for many years, many of which may arise in early childhood.

Luck most often goes to people who work on themselves, not only intellectually and physically, but also improving morally. Taking into account their weaknesses, analyzing the mistakes of the past and eliminating them, people begin to improve all areas of their lives.

To understand yourself why you are unlucky in life and set out on a long and sometimes difficult path of self-improvement, psychologists strongly recommend perform the following simple algorithm:

  • Sit at the table and take writing instruments;
  • Focus on your problems for half an hour, remember the most striking cases of your failures;
  • Write down in the column the most striking examples of your failures that have had a significant impact on your life in some unfavorable way. Then, opposite your “failures,” write an objective reason that, in your opinion, contributed to the problems that occurred. The main thing when analyzing is to be openly honest with yourself.
  • Don't blame other people for your problems! Carefully analyze what happened and try to draw the most correct conclusion. Try to describe the reason for failure in one word, for example, laziness, complexes, etc.
  • After you have identified the most significant failures and identified their causes, quantify the leading causes of failure. For example, you failed because of laziness - 5 times, because of complexes - 8 times, because of lack of concentration - 2 times.
  • Pay attention to those problems that are most often repeated. For example, you constantly fail due to laziness and complexes. Engage in your “re-education” by trying to eliminate these two problems weighing on you.

Why you have no luck in life and how to deal with it

If you are unlucky and you don’t know how to deal with it, you need, in addition to recognizing the problem and your weaknesses, you also need to abstract yourself from the failure that has arisen. As you work on yourself, remember to turn on the little switches in your head and allow yourself to move away from the problem.

You shouldn’t constantly reproach and punish yourself for being unlucky in life. You should get away from problems, let them go for a while, so as not to get hung up on the current circumstances.

As a rule, depressive thinking attracts even more troubles. It is not without reason that they say that wounds heal faster on winners. Think positively, do not program yourself for the bad, because a person will only be lucky when he himself tunes in to luck.

Psychologists often advise reconsidering your preferences. For example, if you like dramatic films, try to replace them with comedies, because very often, without knowing it, a person copies the behavior model of the character they like. And the heroes of dramatic films are very often unlucky in life, in love, with work and in other areas of life, so replace the characters with those who are in any, even the most difficult situations find a way out.

Take advantage advice one of the best psychologists of our time D. Carnegie– live in a compartment for one day. It is necessary to understand that yesterday has already passed, and tomorrow has not yet come. Today you can correct the situation and make every effort so that luck turns your way.

You must understand that by fixating on a problem, your plans and dreams begin to crumble due to subconscious resignation to failure. A person must fight for his life and place in the sun, so if you are unlucky in life, do not give up, but look for another way to solve the current situation.

Unlucky in life - reasons why unlucky in life

Why am I unlucky in life? What should I do? These are some of the most frequently asked questions. To understand the reason for your failures, you need not to shift responsibility onto others, but to honestly admit to yourself your weaknesses.

To the main reasons for bad luck include the following:

1. Laziness– the most common reason for bad luck. Lack of action on the part of the individual leads to another failure. The psychology of such people is based on the fact that everything should happen by itself, luck - in their opinion, this is an innate quality that does not require one’s own efforts. However, such an opinion is self-deception. You will never prepare for the exam if you don't start studying the lectures.

2.Thinking– Pessimists are most often unlucky in life. The materialization of thoughts can attract our expectations into the world. Where optimists continue to struggle, pessimists give up. Let us remember the famous words of W. Churchill: “Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.”

3. Complexes- a significant reason why you have no luck in all areas of life, which are affected by complexes and fears. Complexes are always preceded by fears, which are often deeply rooted in a person’s childhood.

So, for example, a person will be embarrassed to speak in front of an audience if, once in his distant childhood, he was interrupted or laughed at when he was reading poetry or singing songs. The sooner an individual gets rid of his fears and complexes, the faster he will be lucky in any area of ​​life.

4. Diffidence and low self-esteem - until you realize your worth, you will never make people appreciate and respect you. The crowd can see an insecure person a mile away. The way you behave and how much you value is transmitted to others.

You can raise your self-esteem by playing sports or developing some abilities that are inaccessible to a wide range of people. For example, you can take care of your facial expressions so that, unlike other people, you can quickly, in a special way and present yourself beautifully.

To better understand why you have no luck in life, psychologists advise watching an excellent documentary, the link to which is provided at the end of the article.

Men are unlucky with men - what to do if you are unlucky in love?

The lack of personal life for a woman leads to the fact that she has many complexes associated with her appearance, intelligence and character.

While other more “lucky” representatives of the fair sex go on dates, single women spend their evenings looking for flaws in themselves. What should a woman do if she is unlucky in love? First of all, stop looking for negative sides in yourself and love yourself for who you really are.

In addition, a single woman should understand that having a man does not always guarantee happy life. Very often girls are silent about what kind of relationships and feelings are present in this union.

Frequent dates are not a reason for envy, because quantity does not mean quality. Before you envy someone or start blaming yourself for being unlucky in love, decide what you want - a one-time date or a strong and reliable relationship.

Advice for women on what to do if you have no luck with men

If a woman is unlucky in her personal life with men, she should pay attention to the girl’s environment, image and lifestyle.

Advice for girls and women on what to do if you have no luck with men:

Long gone are the days when there were balls and other social events. Today, modern girls have to constantly be in society, among people, in order to meet the one and only.

It is foolish for a lonely and self-contained woman to wait for a prince on a white horse who will burst into her apartment and take her to the Maldives. No, such a woman should first of all change her lifestyle.

If a woman decides that she wants a relationship, then it is not enough to mature morally for this; she also needs to make some efforts. So, for example, instead of spending the evenings knitting, go to some cozy cafe with a friend or good mood, and order a cup of coffee. You may not meet the one this very evening, however, you will make an effort to change something in your life.

Try to communicate with a large circle of people. It is not necessary to walk in the park with only the same friend; no, on the contrary, invite a colleague from work to go somewhere or remember about a classmate. What do you communicate with big amount people, the higher the likelihood of meeting someone. After all, for example, while walking through a store with a classmate, she may accidentally meet her colleague or relative, whom she can easily introduce you to.

Expand your hobbies and social circle. Have you been wanting to join a gym for a long time, but time is running out? Then it's time to do it if you need the other half. Meet new people, visit different places, because it is unclear when and where that very meeting will take place.

Unlucky in your personal life - why is a person unlucky in love?

A man, like a woman, can experience difficulties in his personal life. On the one hand, it seems that the man chooses, but, on the other hand, that the woman chooses. This is how most men and women remain lonely, afraid of being misunderstood and not accepted.

Main reasons Reasons why men are unlucky in love are:

  • Choosing the wrong type of woman - often men say that they want to see a beautiful, well-groomed, smart, socially active woman next to them, but at the same time they want her to be a wonderful housewife, pay all her attention to him and spend her evenings at home. But this is actually not one type of woman, two. If a girl likes to spend time outside the home, it is impossible to force her to watch some old movie for the tenth time with you. And the girl at home will not be delighted that you force her to go to discos every evening.
  • Best friend - the transition from friendship to love is extremely rare. If she is used to using you as her best “friend” or as a vest for tears, in a relationship with her, you are clearly out of luck. She should first of all see you as a man, not as a best friend.
  • Wrong choice of meeting place - it’s hard to imagine that an activist or a regular at a bar or disco will want to soon become your wife and mother of your children. Usually, such women need to “get over it” and then start families.

What should a guy do if he has no luck with girls?

If a guy has no luck with girls, he shouldn’t give up. First of all, start working on yourself:

1. Forget about past failures - every person is looking for his soul mate. It is not always possible to please everyone. If you were in a relationship and got rejected, don't take it personally. Perhaps the woman needed a pumped-up athlete or a brutal man.

2. Try to give compliments more often - a woman loves with her ears. Any representative of the fair sex simply melts when a man praises her. Try to compliment the girl you like more often, then she will probably be interested in you.

3. Improve your skills - even at the first stage of dating, try to show yourself as courageously as possible. Not every person has innate coquetry skills, but still try to improve.

Watch how your friends or colleagues flirt with the opposite sex, learn from the heroes of the films. After all, most often a woman feels desired when a man shows genuine interest in her and knows how to take the initiative. The main thing is just not to overdo it.

Often we catch ourselves thinking that we are catastrophically unlucky in life, as if we are being pursued by an evil fate. But the reasons for such bad luck are much closer than is commonly thought. Why are you unlucky in life? The cruel truth for everyone who considers themselves unlucky.

“Each of us is the son of his own deeds” Don Quixote

Why are you having no luck? Why are you at this point where you don’t want to be at all? Why is life not the way you dreamed? Everything that happens in life is the result of your thoughts, desires and deeds. If you want to change everything, then you need to find the root of all problems. This will be an epiphany and a brutal truth. But it will be true.

A modern person who is constantly unlucky in life can be compared to a literary hero. The famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, back in 1605, wrote the popular book “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha.” It tells the adventures of an impoverished nobleman, Don Quixote, who dreams of becoming a knight errant.

Don Quixote made the classic mistakes of the modern unlucky man. Which ones exactly? The problem with most people is that we live in our own fantasy world. We see an incorrect picture of reality, distorted by our desires and rose-colored glasses. We do not see the real situation and are happy to deceive ourselves so as not to suffer from the cruel reality.

Don Quixote wanted to be a knight errant and therefore saw everything through the prism of chivalry. Don Quixote saw a giant in a mill, a castle in a tavern, and decent, noble and innocent girls in prostitutes.

The modern unlucky man sees everything wrong. He considers fate, other people or evil fate to be the main culprit for his troubles. But the unlucky one is to blame for his own bad luck.

The answer to the question “why is there no luck” should be sought in erroneous behavior. Why couldn't I pass the exam? Bad luck? And if I learned everything well, then I would be “lucky”? Couldn't get a job? Bad luck? Or maybe he didn’t have enough knowledge and experience? Having trouble learning to snowboard? Or maybe you don't train enough? Couldn't meet a single girl the whole evening? Maybe you don't know how to do this? Having no luck in relationships with the opposite sex? Or maybe you haven’t learned to understand people and you’re meeting people you shouldn’t?

It’s easy and pleasant to attribute everything to bad luck. This way you will protect your self-esteem. So you will consider yourself the best, like an unrecognized genius. But why deceive yourself? The reason for bad luck is that you are not good enough. You do not have the necessary qualities, knowledge and skills to be “lucky”. As soon as you change, you will become “lucky” more and more often.

“Fate always leaves a loophole in adversity so that you can get out of it.” Don Quixote

It's a hard truth, but it's the truth. Stop hiding behind rose-colored glasses. You are not the ridiculous Don Quixote. Get rid of any shortcomings that may be present in you. What makes a person unlucky? His negative character traits. Think carefully about each shortcoming. Maybe you are suffering from this? Check the box where you have difficulties. Just don't lie to yourself.

  • Fear
  • Apathy
  • Indecisiveness
  • Weak character
  • Forgetfulness
  • Cowardice
  • Spoiled
  • Pride
  • Irresponsibility
  • Pessimism
  • Complexity
  • Talkativeness
  • Envy
  • Carelessness
  • Narcissism
  • Limitation
  • Inertia
  • Disorderly
  • Extravagance
  • Vanity
  • Alarmism
  • Snobbery
  • Shortsightedness

Where there are problems, they need to be corrected immediately. It's time to face reality straight in the eye. There are always opportunities and chances to improve everything. As the cunning hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha said: “Except death, everything in the world is fixable.” If you are unlucky, then you need to correct yourself...

A series of failures can deprive any person of self-confidence and block the path to well-being and prosperity. Fortunately, there is reliable way get rid of the black stripe once and for all.

Folk wisdom says that trouble does not come alone. Even in ancient times, a pattern was noticed according to which one failure certainly leads to another. Many people have felt this own experience: unlucky at work - problems with money begin, financial difficulties lead to problems in the family, and after a while stress provokes deterioration in health. As a result, a real dark streak begins in a person’s life, and it seems that there is simply no way out of it.

However, it is quite possible to break this vicious circle. The main thing is to decide in a timely manner to change your life once and for all and let happiness into it.

How to get rid of problems and failures

The first step to getting rid of a problem is to find its root cause. Sometimes failures appear in our lives so unexpectedly that it seems as if there is no reason and the matter is only in the injustice of the Universe. However, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is convinced that this is not so, and every problem has a source that a person is not always able to notice.

Often a series of failures turns out to be a consequence of a negative impact on a person’s energy, and this impact does not always come from the outside. Sometimes people bring problems on themselves: negative thoughts and words, as well as negative emotions, can deal such a powerful blow to the biofield that luck turns away from a person. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as self-evil eye. The destructive program that we, unwittingly, “plant” in our subconscious, deprives us of our chances of success and gradually destroys our lives.

However, a negative impact can be carried out by a stranger, and most often this happens unnoticed. Even a completely harmless phrase said with envy or irritation can cause a blow to our energy. This is exactly what is called damage.

To protect yourself from any negative influences, and therefore from failures, you need to strengthen your energy. According to Vasilisa Volodina, a personal talisman can help with this. A thing charged with positive energy will repel negativity from you and will attract good luck to you.

Of course, not every thing can become a strong talisman. For a talisman to really attract good luck to you and repel troubles, three conditions must be met:

  • the talisman should be made of natural material, preferably wool, because it is considered the best conductor of positive energy;
  • the talisman must be charged in a special place of power;
  • The talisman must be charged by a person with special abilities.

Finding an amulet on your own that meets all the requirements is quite difficult. However, Vasilisa Volodina knows such a talisman. She herself has been using it for decades, and therefore is completely convinced of its power.

The most powerful talisman for good luck and money

The red thread from the Holy Land combines all the qualities necessary for a talisman to be truly strong. It will protect you from negative energy, attract good luck and help you get out of a series of problems. The red thread has a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life: all undertakings are easy, success accompanies in business and work, and in family life harmony comes. In addition, the red thread is the strongest amulet: it will repel any negative influences from you.

To receive the red thread, and with it the opportunity to get rid of problems and change your life for the better, you need to write to Vasilisa Volodina on her website.

Let the problems remain in the past. With a powerful talisman from the Holy Land, you can find your way to happiness and prosperity. We wish you well-being and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2017 02:24

Without love, complete happiness is impossible, so every person strives to find a companion for life. ...

Many people ask this question.

For example, the neighbor’s appearance is no better, and she has no more money, but she got married so successfully - her husband is loving, not a fool, and wealthy. For what? And why doesn’t it work out for me?

Or again: my colleague is clearly more stupid than me, how many mistakes have he already made? But it was he who was promoted. Why? Probably connections. Who helped him? And why are fools so lucky?

Navigation for the article “Why am I unlucky?”:

Unlucky in life: how does this relate to the picture of the world?

Why does it make sense to notice feelings and, above all, negative ones? Because negative feelings are the mechanism that triggers bad luck.

A simple example. Night, outskirts of the city. There are 10 people walking along the road from the metro, all one at a time, at more or less equal intervals, going to their homes. Robbers are sitting in the bushes. And out of 10 people they attack one.

Why this particular one? " Why am I unlucky"? – the victim asks. Because, whether we like it or not, we perceive the world not only at the level of logic and analysis, but also at the level of intuition, feeling, reading unconscious information through non-verbal signals.

A robber cannot thoroughly see in the dark who is dressed, whether there are any valuables on a person, whether he is strong enough to fight back, etc. But he can feel the person's condition.

Posture, gait, mood, which is expressed through a mass of “imperceptible” (primarily not noticeable to consciousness!) signals - all this tells a lot about a person. About his ability to resist, about the number of his fears, about his degree of self-confidence, etc.

And as a result, the robber, most often without consciously realizing it, can, nevertheless, have a good sense of who is “ready” to become a victim.

If you are willing to become a victim, this does not mean “it is your own fault” (as statements of this kind are often interpreted). You simply bear your part of responsibility for what happened. You participate in the situation, including the information that you communicate about yourself at all levels, including non-verbal.

Need I say that the more uncertainty you have, the feeling of being a victim, fears, helplessness, feelings that you are a toy in the hands of fate or an accident unknown to you, the higher the likelihood of becoming a victim in reality?

If you have any questions about the article “You can ask our psychologist on duty: pochemu-mne-ne-vezet /

What to do if you have no luck in life, love, or work? How to get rid of the role of a “loser” and finally achieve success?

As one of the wise men said, success is as intolerant of bad luck as bad luck is intolerant of someone else’s success. Why are the most unhappy people in the world those who literally have everything out of their hands? After all, while they are trying to understand what’s going on and licking their own wounds, the luckier ones are already ahead of them in no time and receive their prize. But you don’t need to hate them for this - it’s better to learn something.

After all, human psychology is such that we are accustomed to confidently believe that the success of others is pure luck, but our own certainly came from exceptional hard work. In the same way, pathological bad luck and black streaks in the lives of other people seem to be a well-deserved punishment and a natural consequence, but your own mistakes can only be due to damage or the treachery of enemies.

Let’s look at the problem “why am I always unlucky in love, at work and in life” from the other side.

Chronophages and their accomplices

There are 24 hours in a day. We devote only 8-9 to sleep, and let another 5 to our natural needs, such as food, for example. There are about 10 hours of personal free time left. What are we doing with him? Are we using this resource rationally? Do we know about time management?

Just remember one thing - if the concept of “killing time” still exists in your vocabulary, you will never achieve success.

Because time is a very valuable resource, sometimes much more valuable than even money. After all, you can earn unlimited amounts of money: hit the jackpot, for example, marry a millionaire or, at worst, rob a bank. But you won’t be able to get more of the allotted time. That’s why American business psychologists love to describe this resource this way: imagine that every morning $86,400 is deposited into your bank account (that’s exactly how many seconds in a day). And until the next morning, the balance on this account is canceled, no matter how much it is. And there is no guarantee that tomorrow morning this amount will be in the same place. How much money from this account would you put to good use today?

That's why "chronophage" is for successful businessman– one of the most insidious phenomena. What it is? These are people, things and habits that steal time. This is a chatty friend who definitely needs to drop into the office and retell yesterday's reality show for an hour, this is a friend who is always late for an appointment, this is a personal vehicle that loves to break down at the most inconvenient time. And finally, the chronic habit of putting everything off until later, which is slowly stealing “today” from us. And tomorrow a person will wonder: “Why am I unlucky in love, with men, or at work?”...

Do you want to be successful? Don't waste a minute! Learn English in the car, read good educational books on the subway, communicate with a chatty friend only on the way somewhere, organize your personal time and try to live every day as if it were your last.

Life scenario “No to happiness!”

Sometimes we ourselves set out to live a half-life, in the style of a “loser,” as Americans like to say. Of course, unconsciously. This happens when the following words are heard in a family from the very birth of a child: “Well, the Petrovs bought an apartment for their daughter, and a car for their son. But we will always be poor, and our children will be poor, and our grandchildren! Because that’s how life is”, “I look today, Ivanova went to work - so happy, in a new fur coat. But we will always get sick and work for medicine, because this is the standard of living in the country!” But the growing child himself constantly hears how clumsy, stupid and “all like a drunk daddy” he is.

It is not surprising that in adult life such a person will be content with a mediocre position, low earnings and unpleasant friends. And from all the luring of networkers according to the principle: “We will make you a millionaire!” he will shy away as if from a rattlesnake.

How can I change this? Convince yourself. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people, and drive all critics and whiners down the drain.

“Man does not seek luck, luck seeks man.” Turkish proverb

And finally: read these bad tips, smile and never do it again.

Step 1. Set a goal to please everyone

There is most likely nothing more disastrous than this idea. Although because it is impossible! There will always be dissatisfied people, but trying to please everyone has never been respected. It’s much better to follow the example of modern marketers - choose your target audience ( target audience). And already do everything in order to win her favor - whether through creativity, sold goods or leadership.

Step 2. Work day and night

Oddly enough, workaholics do not achieve much success. But natural lazy people (in the reasonable sense of the word) are more likely to be lucky. Agree, it’s not so important how many hours were spent on new project– the result is important. How important it is not participation, but victory.

And chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and exhaustion will no longer bring happiness or satisfaction from success.

Step 3. Say “Yes” to everyone!

For real successful people always know who, what and when to say “No!” They say "No!" to all those who:

  • simply tries to use them;
  • openly pisses them off and tries to feed off their energy;
  • inspires doubt and own pessimism.

And also all those who succeed thanks to their own work, every morning they say “No!” your weak character, laziness, fear and uncertainty.

“Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

Step 4. Cherish yourself, feel sorry for yourself and whine more

Unfortunately, pity cannot beg Fortune for happiness. She doesn't like whiners, just as those around her don't like them. No, she prefers dedication, courage and determination. She loves hard workers and dreamers. But if you cherish yourself and are afraid of everything, then you can stay in the pupal phase forever.

Step 5. Become a miser - no charity!

Now we will really surprise you - every single millionaire in the world is incredibly generous. They constantly donate huge sums to the poor and to various foundations, finance the culture of their native country and are always responsive when they are asked for something. And - incredible! - they only get richer from this. Because all of them, no matter who you ask, believe that any of their donations will return to them a hundredfold. Moreover, for them it does not matter who does it - the Universe, God or some Higher Power - the main thing is that this law of good always operates. Try it!

And, no matter how hard it is for you, no matter how often the question arises: “Why are you unlucky in love, at work and in life?” - fight. Maybe this is your path?

"Always choose the best one hard way“You won’t meet any competitors on it.” Charles de Gaulle.