Equipment for nut business. Walnut processing. Profitable small business. Growing walnuts for sale

This business The project is the construction of a walnut processing plant on the territory of Moldova and the purchase of land in the amount of 100 hectares for planting intensive walnuts, which have been generating income for the 4th year. The gross harvest of nuts per hectare is 3 tons. The walnut processing plant will work intensively during the entire period of growth of the orchard, that is, the purchase of peeled or unshelled walnuts from the population will be reduced at a price below the market price. All collected products will be sold in Europe and the CIS countries, where the cost of these products is an order of magnitude higher, and the quality is at the level of foreign analogues. After a walnut garden of 100 hectares bears fruit, the volume of production will be 300 tons of walnuts and the cost of this product will be 5,000,000 euros. Business plan: Walnut orchard (walnut)


1. Planting and operation of a 100-hectare walnut orchard


CONCLUSION - According to these calculations, the payback period for a walnut orchard is within the critical maximum of 5 years! - Project participants form and strengthen the nut business. - European partners provide their region Business plan: Walnut orchard (walnut)


A business plan for a comprehensive closed-loop program is being considered nut business:

1. Planting and operation of a walnut orchard with an area of ​​100 hectares,

2. Walnut processing (hulling, sizing, pre-sale preparation).

3. Making walnut oil and grinding walnut shells for further use.


The business will be successful due to the following:

1. The potential client has an urgent need for the product;

2. Waste-free business production (wood, leaves, branches, roots are raw materials for the light, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries);

3. Long-term profit (100-120 years);

4. Long shelf life of the product, no special conditions storage and simple transportation conditions.

PRODUCT - Walnuts calibrated and packaged for sale on the European market. - Walnut kernels calibrated for quality in vacuum packaging for European sales. - Walnut oil for the food, perfume and pharmaceutical industries. MARKET AND COMPETITION Annual shortage of product in Europe -100,000 tons. The taste of our product (Ukrainian walnut) is superior to existing ones, except for the USA (California).

The business is exposed to the following risk factors:

1. Climatic conditions (global climate change);

2. Human factor (vandalism, theft);

3. Natural pests: Nut moth (Gracillaria rosciopenella), nut moth (Cydia pomonella)


On this moment potential client has an urgent need for the product and offers 1.2 euros/kg of unshelled nuts. The price before the crisis was 1.6 - 1.8 euros/kg. Tonnage from 100 hectares of walnut orchard (4 years old) is calculated based on 3 t/ha. Total from 100 hectares. We collect 300 tons of dry walnuts. When chopping a nut, the yield of a marketable kernel is 50%, that is, we get 150,000 kg. nut kernels. The wholesale cost of the nut kernel is about 4 euros/kg. The price before the crisis was up to 6 - 8 euros/kg. Pumpkin can be a green manure in a walnut orchard before the tree crowns close. According to the adopted sowing scheme, the gross pumpkin harvest from 100 hectares will be 2,000 tons. Minimum cost 200 euros/t.

Income from the sale of unshelled nuts after 4-5 years for 100 - 120 years will be: 300,000 kg. x 1.2 euros = 360,000 euros. Income can be increased if the product is stored for 3-4 months after harvest. When selling a chopped nut kernel (½ and ¼), the income will be:. 150,000 kg. x 6 euros = 900,000 euros. Additional income from the sale of pumpkin products from the first year of planting the garden will be: 2,000 tons x 100 euros = 200,0000 euros Annually for the first 3-4 years.

COSTS 2015: - Costs for drawing up a walnut garden project - 1200 euros. - Preparation of land (plowing, harrowing, cultivation) - 11,000 euros. - Preparation of planting holes (digging, filling with fertilizer) - 1300 euros; - Purchase of planting material (12,000 seedlings, the average cost of which is 18 euros) - 216,000 euros. - Transportation, customs clearance of planting material to the landing site - 25,000 euros. - Planting seedlings, watering 11,000 euros. - Installation of a fence and a building for a watchman - 48,000 euros. - Salary - 18,000 euros. Total: 331,500 euros.

2016: GARDEN MAINTENANCE COSTS 1. Before purchasing planting material (We assume a survival rate of 80%) - 43,200 euros. 2. Plowing, disking between rows (weed removal, moisture retention) - 3000 euros. 3. Plowing of near-trunk soil (manually 5 UAH/unit) - 4100 euros 4. Watering (Delivery of 4 m3 of water - 250 UAH. We accept 0.5 m3 per 1 tree) - 3250 euros. (further watering is at your discretion); 5. Protection of the garden area in spring and summer (average 5 months) - 3000 euros. 6. Insurance Total: 56,350

Costs for sowing green manure - pumpkin variety "Stofuntovaya": 1. Cost of seeds: seeding rate - 2000 seeds per hectare + 25% per 80 hectares = 16,000 seeds or 160 kg. x 60 UAH/kg. = 9,600 UAH. 2. Sowing with SBN-3 seeder 20,000 UAH. 3. Manual two-time weeding with hilling and crown formation 620 people/day x 50 UAH = 31,000 UAH. 4. Feeding, fertilizers, pest and disease control 12,000 UAH. 5. Pumpkin harvesting - 62,000 UAH. 6. Pre-sale preparation, processing: 120,000 UAH. Total: 254,600 UAH = 26,000 euros Total 413,850 euros. of which 106,650 euros are the costs of the Ukrainian partner. Taxes and overhead costs are not taken into account (costs of the Ukrainian partner)

2017: Proceeds from pumpkin sales amounted to 200,000 euros. Compensation of costs for design, purchase of seedlings and creation of a garden (50%) - 240,200 euros. Total: 440,200 euros Costs: Maintaining the garden and growing pumpkins - 72,350 euros. Land rent, taxes, insurance - 41,150 euros. Loan repayment - 307,200 euros. Total 420,700

2018: Remaining profit of 2017 - 19,500 euros. Proceeds from the sale of pumpkins are 200,000 euros. Total: 219,500 Costs: Maintaining the garden and growing pumpkins - 29,150 euros. Land rent, taxes, insurance - 42,000 euros. Purchase of equipment and construction of a walnut processing workshop: 100,000 euros. Total 171,150 euros

2019: Remaining profit of 2018 - 48,350 euros. Proceeds from the sale of pumpkins are 200,000 euros. Proceeds from the sale of nuts are 600,000 euros. Costs: Garden maintenance - 14,000 euros. Land rent, taxes, insurance - 42,000 euros. Purchase of equipment for automatic walnut harvesting in the garden.

Starting from 2020, income is 1,200,000 euros. 2. OBTAINING WALNUT KERNEL (Hearing, calibration, pre-sale preparation). 3. COMPLEX WALNUT PROCESSING (Production of walnut oil and grinding of walnut shells for further use).

CONCLUSION - According to these calculations, the payback period for a walnut orchard is within the critical maximum of 5 years! - Project participants form and strengthen the nut business. - European partners provide their region with a high-protein product for the prevention of health and longevity.high-protein product for the prevention of health and longevity.

1 950 usd / pcs.

We offer walnut processing lines of various configurations and performance.

Preliminary calibration of the walnut is NOT REQUIRED!

On the line, the nut goes through the following processing stages:

1. Crack the nut shell

2. Separation of the kernel from the shell, cleaning

3. Calibration of the nut kernel into fractions

4. Aspiration – cleaning the kernel from dust, debris, small particles and small shells

Butterfly yield, %: 20 - 60

You can see and evaluate the operation of walnut processing equipment by coming to us.

We produce equipment for walnut processing: calibrators, nut crackers, walnut splitting machines, vibrating sieves, aspirators, FULL CYCLE, Line for walnut processing. Any configuration with your characteristics.

You can get more detailed information by calling. Video of the line in operation:

"NPP Service Pack" produces and offers industrial equipment for processing walnuts and hazelnuts different performance for large processing enterprises and for small businesses.

We offer machines for cleaning nuts from green pericarp with subsequent washing and drying of nuts, nut calibrators, nut cracking machines different types splitting walnuts, beating out walnut kernels from “dense” walnut shells of the “bone, hollow” type, one and two-level sorting and sorting conveyors and inspection tables, vibrating calibration sieves with aspiration for sorting kernels (butterfly, quarter, eighth, grain ) and removal of shells, drying cabinets and drying tanks “one and a half tons”, vacuum packers for kernels, disintegrators for grinding nut shells into grits for making pellets and into powder up to 40 microns for abrasives and cosmetics, etc.

European workmanship, European and North Korean components. Real guarantee for equipment-1...

2 900 - 3 000 usd / pcs.

"NPP Service Pack". We offer the MKO-03 walnut peeling machine, recognized by many experienced walnut processors as the best. The machine is designed to break the walnut shell to obtain the optimal amount of whole kernel. Machine productivity - 140kg/hour. "MKO-03" has many technological settings for working with nuts of different sizes; the machine destroys the nut shell at least at six points, which can significantly increase the quality of splitting and obtaining a whole kernel. "MKO-3" consumes 0.55 kW and can operate on a 220V or 380V network, is equipped with reliable electronics and an Italian gear motor. MKO-03 is used both as a separate unit and in industrial walnut processing lines. We also produce equipment for separating nuts from the green pericarp with subsequent washing of nuts, calibrators, vibrating sieves with aspiration for separating the shell and separating the kernel into fractions, crushing machines for working with the “dug”, inspection stations...

We produce equipment for walnut processing. Our nut cracking machines provide optimal production of a whole kernel of a nut and a real “butterfly” (75%). We also produce calibrators for nuts, vibrating sieves with the function of shell aspiration, kernel beaters from nut shells of the “Cleaver”, “Greedy”, “Bone” type, sorting and sorting conveyors for 8 places or more, disintegrators for grinding shells into meal powder, packers kernels.

We customize the equipment, provide assistance with delivery to anywhere in the world, perform commissioning, warranty, and service.

Viber: +38 067 776 38 39; +38 050 257 45 35

Email: [email protected]

A line for processing (splitting and sorting) of walnuts and hazelnuts is for sale. The equipment is located in Rostov-on-Don. Warranty service until October 2014.

Price: Negotiable


Brief description of the equipment:

Machine for cracking walnut shells “MKO”

We present to your attention virtually new equipment for processing walnuts and hazelnuts. PLEASE NOTE that the equipment is factory certified and has a technical passport. It is a line (full cycle) of processing - from calibration to packaging of the finished kernel. The line includes 5 machines that can work together or separately. This equipment processes more than 1000 kg of raw materials per work shift, a large % of kernel yield! Individual units are capable of performing a volume of about 5-6 tons per work shift. The complex also includes 2 cleaning (aspiration) systems for removing debris and shells. The main components of this line (motors, gearboxes) are made in Italy and have a guarantee. The price is negotiable, barter (exchange) is possible. You can find out all your questions by calling 89614106107, 89185210874 or e-mail [email protected] [email protected].

Nowadays, many people are looking for what kind of business to start. There are many general options. Can be traded, produced, processed, etc. In general, there are many directions, but few specific ideas. Many people do not trust the ideas of outsiders. Some people search and add their own to them.
Here's one idea. Read on, you might want to take a chance and give it a try. As they say, “if you don’t try, you won’t know.” This idea is not universal, it will not suit everyone due to certain third-party factors. Perhaps, based on it, you will come up with something that suits you personally.
The idea is simple. Business with minimal investment. It all depends on how much work you can or want to do. This directly depends on the class of equipment and the number of clients.

If this article interests you and you decide to take a step, then I want to give advice. You need to start small, don’t immediately aim for grandiose achievements.
And so, the idea is to process walnuts. Surely, when you came across advertisements, and when you heard offers to buy a nut, you had questions, “why?” and “what should I do with it?” I'll give you short description what is the essence of this business.

This market is developing and in demand. Walnut grains, that is, shelled walnuts, are bought by confectionery companies, packaged and sold in stores at quite high prices. Its export to Europe has also been established. In every region there are people and companies that buy nuts, from small entrepreneurs who buy nuts, in villages to large companies that grow them. But they process them and extract grain units. The work is painstaking, many do it manually, and it is long and difficult. But we now live in a century of high technology, where manual labor is replaced by machines that facilitate and speed up the production process.

We briefly figured out the essence. Now let's move on to a description of the work process itself.

First, about material and labor costs.

An industrial nut cracker costs from $1,000. Of course, the more expensive the nut cracker, the more and better it can crack the nut. I don’t recommend models that cost more than $2,500; you simply won’t be able to use their full power right away. The principle of industrial nut crackers is simple (a frame on which everything is mounted, a body with 2 milling shafts, an electric motor and a container for pouring nuts). As you can see, everything is simple, there are no particular difficulties with its operation and maintenance. In more expensive nutcracker models, the processing process is more automated and the mechanism is much more complex.

To begin with, you will need preferably a heated non-residential space, since you will have to work from the beginning of autumn, and if you find many clients, then until the end of winter! if you have private sector, then it’s good, you’ll save on renting the premises. If you rent a room, it must be spacious, because you will need to store raw materials somewhere.
To work, you will need from 3 to 5 people, depending on your volume, of course. The nut cracker does not peel the nut on its own, but only breaks its shell, so manual labor is still required. Only expensive models clean the shell themselves.

Now about receiving finished products and estimated income.
The simplest nut cracker can process about 100 kg/h. This is the most difficult thing to process. Separating the shell is not difficult and quick.
According to average data (depending on the quality of the nut), the yield is 1 kg of grain from 3 kg of unshelled nut. Therefore, discuss this issue with the client in advance. If the nut is of poor quality, it is better to underestimate the product yield ratio.

Payment for finished products fluctuates around 0.5 dollars per kilogram. It all depends on the quality of cleaning. If you have a lot of “butterflies” (that’s half a nut), the price will be higher. The lowest paid grain is considered to be grain, which does not even contain whole “quarters”. Therefore, by processing the 6th tone, which is a little less than two weeks, you will recoup the costs!
Walnut shells are also in demand, but are cheap. If customers do not take it from you, then the shell can either be sold or used as fuel for the boiler.

Of course, you can buy nuts yourself, process them and sell them. The cost of one kilogram of nuts in purchase fluctuates around 1 dollar/kg. The nut is purchased from the population, so you will need a truck and, accordingly, additional fuel costs will arise. You can sell the finished grain for $5/kg. But at the same time, companies that purchase grain are looking for suppliers who can supply at least 1 ton of grain per week. The income is of course solid, $2000 per ton. The difficulties and inconveniences lie in the fact that there are many people who want to buy nuts, and purchasing them will take a lot of time and money.

Based on all of the above, recycling is a more profitable business. You don't risk your cash, you do the work and get paid for it. Your costs are minimal and quickly recouped.
Consider this idea, good luck!

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Do you have a Business Idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability Online!

For processing walnuts are used different types equipment - from manual devices for peeling to units specializing in deep processing of raw materials, including equipment for the production of oil and extracts from leaves.

Growing walnuts for sale

For example: 1 hectare will accommodate 200 trees. Costs for soil treatment and site preparation, purchase and transportation of planting material and fertilizers average $2500-3000. This figure will increase if a hired worker takes care of walnut trees (watering, crown formation, hilling, weeding, fertilizing).

With an average yield of 18 kg per tree, 1 hectare will produce at least 3.2 tons of fruit.

The purchase price for 1 kg of unshelled nuts is $1-$2, which gives an income of $3200-$6400. Thus, the investment will pay off in a couple of years, and in the future will provide a net profit.

The maximum income comes from the sale of shelled kernels, especially halves (butterflies). If a kilogram of round timber costs on average $0.9-$1.4, then a kilogram of peeled kernels costs $6.1-$6.8.


A walnut growing business does not guarantee quick profits. Contrary to numerous articles on the Internet, it will not be possible to open your own processing plant in 5-6 years. This business plan is for the long term.

Its risks include weather conditions, pests and plant diseases. Changes in temperature observed in recent years disrupt the natural timing of fruit ripening and reduce yields.

Reduces its pests (nut moth, nut moth) and diseases (white spot, bacteriosis). The fruits are losing marketable condition and taste, in the worst case it comes to the death of the plant, which requires the manufacturer to spend additional money on processing seedlings or purchasing new ones.

It is more profitable to organize the purchase of round timber from the population. This will save not only money, but also time.

In this case, the costs will be minimal, and you can make money by selling shelled halves of kernels.

Main types of processing equipment

In small and medium-sized businesses, units are used for both primary (chopping) and deep processing of raw materials, making it possible to obtain an extract from green fruit, nut oil or tea from leaves.


The drum-shaped device removes the pericarp, speeds up the process of processing round timber and does not damage the shell.

At the same time, it washes away the iodine present in the green peel, preserving the light color of the kernel, and preventively cleans the fruit from dirt and dust.

Nut calibrator

Divides round timber into fractions by diameter before processing on nut crackers, which require calibration of raw materials, increasing the percentage of butterfly yield. Can be linear (with flexible system settings) and rotary (the holes are fixed and cannot be adjusted).

Nut crackers

Designed for accurate splitting of round timber, which ultimately determines the cost of the product.

Nut crackers used in processing are divided into:

  • Manual – characterized low level profitability and productivity (up to 5 kg/h). Suitable for home use only.
  • Mechanical - calibrated round timber enters a hopper and falls under a press, which is operated by a hand lever. The rate of kernel extraction is up to 30 kg/h. Used in everyday life and small business.
  • Electric – processes 50–200 kg/h. Suitable for small and medium businesses.
  • Industrial – kernel extraction speed – up to 1t/h. They clean round timber from the shell without preliminary calibration, which saves time and money.

Vibrating sieve

The chopped round timber goes to a sieve, where it is separated into fractions. The uncracked nut is returned for chopping. Butterflies, quarters and eights are fed into the aspiration system to blow out shells, dust and foreign debris. At the end, both the shell and the kernels (depending on the fraction) go into separate containers.

Industrial lines

A walnut processing line is a comprehensive solution, a “turnkey workshop” for a beginning entrepreneur. In the basic version, it includes a calibrator, an industrial nut cracker, a finishing machine, tools for kernel extraction, a vibrating sieve and a business plan.

Such a simple system allows you to process up to 1.6 tons of raw materials per day. Depending on the client’s wishes, the line can be supplemented with a vibrating sieve, an aspiration system, and a belt conveyor.

Leading manufacturers of processing equipment

The leading equipment manufacturer in Europe is AMB ROUSSET (France). Since 1970, it has been producing powerful full-cycle lines.

In the USA, Jessee Equipment Manufacturing is the leader. Over its 60-year history, the company has earned a reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable equipment. The company is actively introducing various innovative technologies, such as calibration of raw materials using a laser.

"Tekhnika-Rostov" collects modular systems equipment that is easy to install and transport and meets the requirements of each client. The big advantage of this manufacturer's products is their affordable price and after-sales service.

Pine nuts

When buying nuts in a store or market, we usually don’t think about how the process of cleaning the kernels from the shell occurs. Of course, at home we chop them manually using special tongs, but peeling nuts on an industrial scale is a completely different matter, and here you can’t get by with tongs.

Nowadays, there is modern equipment for processing nuts, thanks to which the labor-intensive manual process is replaced by a mechanical one, which allows you to clean large quantities of nuts in just one minute. short term. In this article we will tell you how nuts are processed on factory lines.

Cleaning walnuts – complex procedure, which is carried out in several stages:

  • drying;
  • separation into fractions and waste screening;
  • separation of kernels from the shell;
  • drying.

Various technologies are used to clean nuts. The simplest of them involves the use of a machine consisting of a crushing compartment and sieves of different calibers. First, the nuts are compressed by metal profiles, as a result of which the shell is destroyed, and then the kernels are separated from the husk using a fan and sifted through sieves with different sizes holes.

Large factories use more powerful equipment lines and high-tech methods for cleaning nuts using high temperatures and pressure changes. In the first method, they are calcined in a special machine, which leads to an increase in pressure inside the nut and to the destruction of the shell. In the second case, the nuts are placed in a special chamber in which the pressure is first increased to several atmospheres and then quickly decreased. As a result of strong pressure changes, the shell also bursts, while the kernels remain intact.

In rare cases, nuts are cleaned using liquid nitrogen. With this technology, the nuts are preheated and then quickly cooled with liquid nitrogen, causing the shells to crack.

In accordance with GOST standards, walnut kernels after cleaning are calibrated according to their composition:

  • highest grade - whole kernels and halves, with the number of halves not exceeding 10 percent;
  • first grade - it is allowed to contain no more than 15 percent of quarters and smaller pieces in the total mass of whole kernels;
  • third grade - 60 percent of the nut mass consists of halves of kernels and parts of ¾ and quarter sizes.
  • fourth grade - small pieces of kernels.

Special machines are also used to sort walnuts. In addition, there are requirements for the humidity of the kernels - it should not exceed 10 percent. Drying is carried out using drying equipment, after which the nuts are sealed in vacuum packaging.

Processing of cedar

Pine nuts are also cleaned at the plant using specialized equipment.

The nut processing line consists of machines used for the following actions:

  • drying and cleaning nuts;
  • separation of nuts into fractions by size;
  • peeling of nuts;
  • separation of kernels from the husk;
  • cleaning kernels from film;
  • washing and drying kernels;
  • sorting.

After all stages are completed, the cedar kernels are placed in film and sold. The use of technological equipment allows us to process several tons of pine nuts per day. At the same time, the disadvantage of the mechanical method of processing pine nuts into kernels is that rough parts of the mechanism can disrupt the integrity of the kernels, which negatively affects the quality.

Business ideas

Nuts are famous for their nutritional value, so own production of their processing can bring good income. While creating small production You can avoid purchasing a powerful line, limiting yourself to purchasing simpler devices that perform the same actions, but with less productivity. And to organize a business at home, you can assemble a hulling machine yourself using simple circuits which are available on the Internet.

When developing production, you can focus not only on nut kernels, but also on other processed products: oil, cake, shell powder. These products (especially oil) are also in demand on the market, while competition in this area is relatively small. However, to obtain oil you will need to additionally purchase a special press and filters.

In addition, you can purchase already peeled walnut and pine nut kernels in bulk and set up a small packaging line for them. Considering the high cost of nuts, this business can also bring a stable profit. At the same time, no matter what method of processing nuts you prefer, you need to remember that the enterprise will be successful only if you use competitive advantages: High Quality products, a wide range (raw and roasted nuts, oils, etc.) and attractive packaging that ensures the safety of the goods.