Three-dimensional drawings made of plasticine. Paintings from plasticine - a technique for performing planar, volumetric and flagellar painting. Painting with plasticine from a syringe

Plasticine perfectly develops fine motor skills of the hands and at the same time also children's imagination. Gradually gaining momentum the new kind decorative and applied arts – plasticineography. Some consider this type of activity close to painting. But, in any case, no matter what anyone calls it and no matter what they think, children's applications and crafts made from plasticine are an excellent opportunity to keep your child busy and introduce him to the world of beauty.

How to make an applique from plasticine?

1. First, let's prepare everything you need:

  • plasticine, take soft and pliable (it will be easier to work with), and, of course, bright, so that it is more interesting for the child;
  • colored and white cardboard;
  • a plastic knife for plasticine (most often they are included in the kit);
  • glass (we will talk about the technique of appliqué from plasticine on glass below).

2. Now you need to select a plot. You can come up with it yourself, or you can take any picture you like. Many mothers, making appliqué pictures from plasticine with their children, come up with their own fairy tales with them, thereby captivating the child even more.

3. We decide on the working technique, how and on what you will create your masterpieces:

  • plasticine applique on cardboard;
  • applique made of ball or flagellated plasticine;
  • three-dimensional applique made of plasticine;
  • reverse applique – application performed on smooth and transparent basis(glass or plastic, you can use transparent lids from dairy products).

If you want, you can try combining several techniques together.

4. When the plot and materials have been selected, we transfer the picture to the base. If you decide to work on glass or plastic, then for safety reasons, seal the edges with tape. Another nuance of working with glass is to degrease it before starting work, simply wash it with soap or a special product, then dry it with a napkin or paper. You can transfer the outline onto cardboard using carbon paper. With transparent surfaces it’s even easier: just place the original under the glass and trace the design with a marker.

5. Now, depending on what technique you chose, apply plasticine to the picture. All details of the drawn picture must be filled with plasticine. You can simply cut out a figure and put it on the picture, you can put a small piece and smear it with your finger. Interesting works are obtained from plasticine rolled into small balls or sausage flagella, so you can try rolling several colors together, ultimately getting an unusual result.

6. Completing the picture. If you worked on glass, then place a sheet of colored paper on top and another glass of the same size, insert it into a finished frame or create your own. If you drew on cardboard, you can simply place the work in a transparent “file”.

Application from plasticine “Winter”

If you can’t find inspiration yet, but really want to play with your child, then we suggest you work on a winter plot, especially since all the winter paraphernalia: snowdrifts, trees in the snow, an elegant Christmas tree - evoke a fairy-tale mood. By the way, By choosing a Christmas tree as your debut work, you can immediately try out several techniques and not have to worry too much about sketching the design. Try simply covering the greenery of the Christmas tree with green plasticine, make the leg and star on the top with flagella, and make decorations: balls and garlands from plasticine rolled into circles. To add a “holiday” feel to decorating your Christmas tree, you can use glitter.

Everything worked out? If you and your baby liked this kind of leisure time, then start improving and imagining. We are sure that soon all your loved ones will have souvenirs made by the hands of your young genius!

22.01.2018 Yulia Tatarinova

Modeling is a great way to develop fine motor skills, perseverance, perception, imagination and intelligence. It enriches the baby’s sensory experience and helps in dealing with stress and aggression.

Therefore, it is already important early age regularly engage in this useful creative activity.

In this article I will talk about how to sculpt with children aged 1–3 years, about materials, techniques and techniques. You can also download templates for modeling lessons with your child.

  • Start as early as possible. Is your baby almost a year old? - it's time to introduce him to dough or soft mass for modeling. Let him just pinch off pieces or make dents. This is very useful for the baby. In any case, much more useful than learning to “read from the cradle.”
  • The younger the child, the softer the material for modeling should be. Start with salt dough or a special modeling compound such as Play Doh.
  • Plasticine allows you to do things that cannot be done with dough or mass. Therefore, do not delay your acquaintance with this material. But for starters, also choose the softest one possible, for example, Beam Krokha (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).
  • At first, classes can last 5–15 minutes, but over time the duration of the class can be increased.
  • Prepare materials and tools for sculpting in advance. Remove everything unnecessary from the table.
  • Come up with a plot for each lesson, play it out. This way you can keep your child interested in modeling.
  • Repeat activities that your child especially liked. But don't forget about diversity.

Store your child's crafts in a special folder, and don't forget to show off your work to guests.

I find most of my modeling ideas in a book. Elena Yanushko “Modeling with young children”(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

In this manual detailed description progress of each of the 153 lessons. This includes what you can say to your child to get him involved in a particular activity.

They are designed for children from 1 year old to at least 3 years old. They do not require complex preparation.

Modeling with children 1 – 3 years old

What can a child do with plasticine anyway? Below I will talk about the basic techniques and methods of sculpting with children 1 - 3 years old.

At this age there is no question of complex crafts. But you can come up with a huge number of simple activities that will certainly captivate your baby.

You can download and print the basis for all types of crafts listed in the article.

So, while modeling, we teach the baby:

Divide plasticine. You can do this in the following ways:

  • pinch off small pieces and feed them to the birds;
  • tear off a large piece to feed a large animal;
  • Twist the sausage to separate it for the two dogs.

Flatten finger press down palm. First you make the balls, then the baby himself.

Print, color, cut out or draw the base and have your child:

  • make spots on a fly agaric, giraffe, and ladybug;
  • put vitamins in a jar, sweets in a plate;
  • turn on the lights at the traffic lights;
  • attach wheels to a car or locomotive;
  • make it snow;
  • stick apples to an apple tree, berries to a rowan branch, petals to a flower, seeds to a watermelon, leaves to a tree, balls to a Christmas tree, eyes to a fish or other animal

The child can sculpt elements either in any order or in specific places.

Smear fingers or palm. Draw a small picture of an animal and ask your child:

  • hide the animal, make a den for the bear, etc., by smearing plasticine over a small drawing.

Roll out with a rolling pin modeling mass or plasticine.

Play Doh modeling kits come with embossed rolling pins. Kids love to roll out the mixture and see interesting prints on it.

Make prints various items. You can do this with anything you can get your hands on. It is advisable to use modeling clay or soft plasticine.

Press in various objects in plasticine.

For such activities, we prepare the base in advance - roll out a cake about 3 mm thick in the color we need (green for grass, blue for water, etc.). We offer the baby:

  • plant mushrooms or mosaic flowers;
  • push pasta in the shape of cars into the plasticine road, turtles into the sand, etc. Make rays for the sun from spaghetti, worms from curled pasta, lay out shells on the sand, then collect them in a bucket, which can be fashioned in advance from plasticine;
  • make a path out of beans, make beads, plant potatoes, lay out letters and numbers (closer to 3 years);
  • press seeds or buckwheat into a sunflower;
  • use beads, buttons, sequins to decorate a plasticine base in the form of a butterfly, fish, Christmas tree, dress;
  • Use matches to make a fence for a cow and thorns for a hedgehog.

Roll the balls, big and small. This is how you can make it from plasticine:

  • pies, sweets, vitamins, apples, oranges, berries, eggs, buns, snowballs.

Roll out the sausage. When rolling out the sausages, we do:

  • stripes for zebra, tiger, bug;
  • stairs, fence, sleepers;
  • rays of the sun;
  • sausage, bananas, dryers, pretzels for the doll;
  • worms, snake, snail.

Draw on plasticine in a stack. Roll out the plasticine and show your child how to draw stripes, circles, and patterns on it.

Cut plastic knife, scissors. Divide plasticine, applying the ruler edgewise.

  • let the child make a sausage and cut it into pieces, feeding you and the animals;
  • Make cookies and geometric figures from a flat piece.

Scrape off plasticine stack or ruler.

  • Cover small images of animals and cars with plasticine. And invite your child to find out who is hiding there.

Use a mold for bas-reliefs. Play Doh modeling kits are ideal here, but I'll talk about them below.

  • Print out a coloring page for little ones or draw a simple image. Invite your child to color it by smearing the plasticine with his finger.

The main thing is that the base is small, because the child will not have the patience for a large craft.

Connect plasticine parts together. Simple crafts from plasticine:

  • fungus, carrot, apple, tumbler, snowman, rattle, candy;
  • beads, grapes, caterpillar made of plasticine balls.

Stringing plasticine on a wire, match or thin stick:

  • caterpillar, beads;
  • lollipops, cherries.

Sculpt letters and numbers. Plasticine can be stuck to printed outlines of letters and numbers, or simply sculpted without outlines.

We do all this, of course, by coming up with an interesting plot and playing it out.

Modeling from Play Doh

The Play Doh modeling kit (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop) appeared with us when Antoshka turned 2 years old. I should have bought it much earlier!

Modeling became my son’s favorite pastime for several months; he could sculpt 5 times a day!

We had a set "Cookie Shop"(Ozone, My-shop). It is ideal for kids.

Much later we bought a set "Pizza"(Ozone, My-shop), it is also for the little ones.

For children aged 1.5 - 2.5 years, it is better to buy simple Play Doh modeling kits, and older children will like all sorts of “Cake Factories”, “Mr. Nibbler”, etc.

Different sets contain different modeling accessories. These can be embossed rolling pins, cutting molds, a syringe, bas-relief shapes and much more. And, of course, the modeling mass itself.

This is one of the most useful purchases for any child.

Modeling tutorials

It is convenient to use ready-made manuals for modeling. They are colorful and will interest any restless person, save you time and diversify the game.

Antoshka always practices them with great pleasure.







All the ideas for modeling classes presented in the manuals are actually easy to implement without them. But children love bright pictures, so if you don’t have time to prepare templates for class, albums like these will always come to the rescue.

Children enjoy working with plasticine: babies under 3 years old willingly knead it with their fingers, roll it into sausages on the table, and form balls with their palms. By doing this kind of modeling, children develop fine motor skills of their hands, and accordingly, the speech and intellectual development of children occurs. With the help of plasticine applications, you can instill perseverance in preschool children and develop creativity in the child.

Children love to do things with their own hands. They especially like a variety of crafts where they can show their imagination. Such crafts also include applications made from plasticine. A mother can give her child an idea for a craft or help with its implementation. Joint creative activities bring all family members closer together and help the foolish child feel protected. While the baby is busy sculpting, the mother can calmly go about her business.

What is needed for sculpting

In order for little fidgets to get accustomed to order, it is necessary to prepare in advance workplace for creative activities. Modern views plasticine does not stick to the table and does not leave greasy marks, but it is still better to cover the table with oilcloth or film.

So, for modeling you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Plasticine. The choice in stores is huge. The colors are bright. If possible, it is better to purchase plasticine with the addition of wax.
  • Templates for crafts.
  • Cardboard or a sheet of paper that will become the basis of needlework. It is better to choose colored cardboard and colored paper so that the child does not have to create the background of his work.
  • Stack is a small stick for working with plasticine. You can use toothpicks instead. They are very convenient for drawing veins on flowers and tree leaves.
  • A board for rolling out plasticine. You can use a silicone stand. After rolling out one color, the remaining material must be removed with a stack or a knife.
  • A container of water and wet wipes. Although manufactured according to modern technologies plasticine does not stick to your hands, it is better for the baby to wet their hands before sculpting the next detail of the picture. It is convenient to clean your hands with wet wipes.

Types and techniques of execution

Plasticine applications can be made three-dimensional or planar, using thick colored cardboard as a base. The little man can come up with what exactly he wants to make. But most often the baby needs to be provided with a template according to which the fidget will do its job.

Contour drawings help children respect boundaries and instill a sense of precision and scrupulousness. Templates can be coloring books depicting cartoon characters, cars, animals, and flowers. Templates for the drawing can be drawn by either the mother or the baby himself. When the fidget already confidently understands the complexities of modeling, he will be able to create his own works.

Plasticine applique on cardboard can be made using a variety of techniques. The most common of them:

  • Smearing technique. The child should knead the plasticine, trying to make it as soft as possible. Smear a small piece on cardboard or paper, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing. Usually the sea, grass, sky or clouds and the sun are depicted in this way. New types of plasticine with wax themselves are quite soft. With this material you can draw like a felt-tip pen.
  • Mosaic. To make appliqués using this technique, children will need a lot of patience and perseverance. The baby will need to roll a lot of colorful balls. Then carefully, without going beyond the contours of the drawing, fill all the details of the template with small plasticine balls.
  • Flagellar technique. The mother and the child sculpt and roll out flagella of different shapes and colors. Then they are folded into the details of the picture and fixed on a sheet of paper or cardboard. The result is an unusual and bright plasticine picture.

It is rare that only one sculpting technique is used. Usually the fidget uses several similar techniques for his masterpieces. Rolls out the grass and sky with his finger. It creates trees and flowers from flagella. Depicts leaves and berries with small balls.


Plasticine is one of the favorite materials for children's creativity. With its help, you can sculpt original crafts and even create drawings. Plasticineography is an unconventional artistic technique that involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard or other dense base. Finished works can be flat, semi-volume or volumetric. By doing plasticineography, the child develops fine motor skills and finger movements are differentiated. This good preparation to learning to write.

Plasticine painting technique

The technique of plasticine painting is a bit like oil painting - colored plasticine is rolled into balls and applied to cardboard with strokes. Young artist develops its color perception and sense of harmony. For good work, you need to choose high-quality plasticine of the appropriate type.

The assortment is large: there are denser varieties, and there are soft, smooth, easily melting ones. In the sets you can find any palette: both just basic colors and including many shades. If you are using plasticine as paint, you can mix two colors to get the desired tone.

When working on paintings from plasticine, you need to subtly roll out all the folds and irregularities. If somewhere the layer turns out to be thick and uneven, the excess can be removed using stacks. Strokes on plasticine panels can be different. It is not necessary to work with your fingers, you can use tools - stacks, a knife, a toothpick, a roller, syringes with and without needles, sticks for pressing. To make a picture from plasticine, you need to prepare a base, and attach parts of the desired shape and color to it.

Planar modeling

A small child can be taught to make pictures from plasticine using the same principle as using paint. The first stage will be planar modeling - the creation of paintings of varying degrees of relief. There are forms with protruding and recessed images:

  • High relief (the image protrudes strongly above the surface).
  • Bas-relief (details protrude slightly above the base).
  • Counter-relief (an image recessed into the surface of the base: the design is scratched or pressed onto the plane with a stack or stick).

This way you can depict a picture that has been previously outlined on a cardboard or glass base. The child can use his finger, learning to calculate the force of pressure and strokes, or use improvised tools. In kindergartens, they offer to depict, for example, recognizable scenes from favorite fairy tales or cartoons using the flat modeling technique or make plasticine comics.

Volumetric paintings made of plasticine

When your child learns to make simple flat images, you can try to make a three-dimensional picture that looks like a work of art. The essence is not so complicated: you need to separately sculpt the details of the work (tree, fruit, animals), and then fix them on the surface.

Parts can have any shape and size. For their manufacture, various techniques are used: rolling, flattening, rubbing, smoothing, pulling the part from the general shape. You need to remember that if you are going to place plasticine drawings under glass, the material may become crushed and the work will lose its original volume.

DIY plasticine paintings

Drawing with plasticine is well suited for self-study with a child, as well as for labor lessons for primary schoolchildren or fine motor skills exercises in kindergarten. While working, the child learns to make both large and very small details (eyes, leaves). For sculpting you will need:

  • Base (you can use glass, unnecessary disks, a sheet of plywood).
  • A board for rolling out plasticine and for sculpting parts.
  • Knives for cutting and applying small parts.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Water for periodically wetting hands.

First you need to draw a template of the future picture (field, green forest) using a pencil. To do this, you need to rub small pieces of plasticine with your fingers. Parts can be formed from round or elongated pieces of different sizes. You can use a separate stencil for each part. Then they must be carefully pressed into the background.

If there are any unevenness, smooth them out with your fingers previously soaked in water. In addition, remember the rules of composition: those details that will be in the foreground should stick out more than others and be executed more clearly (for example, bright flowers, pebbles on the seashore, animals). You need to fasten them on top of the other parts (the last one can) and add some pattern applied with a needle or toothpick.

On cardboard

A picture made of plasticine on cardboard for children can be the first step towards making more complex crafts. It is not necessary to buy special material; you can use, for example, cut sheets from a shoe box or household appliances. It is recommended to varnish the finished painting to prevent it from becoming dusty.

The work will require the same materials as for any other sculpting technique. Remember that it is more difficult to wipe off excess stains from cardboard, so keep napkins at the ready. The step-by-step algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We apply a drawing to the cardboard (you can buy a ready-made stencil with a picture in a special store, then fill it with plasticine).
  2. Making the background of the picture. First, let's define the background color. Small pieces are plucked from the block and applied to the surface in the form of strokes.
  3. We rub the plasticine strokes with our fingers within the boundaries of the drawing.

On paper

To create a picture from plasticine on paper, it is better to choose a dense base, because too sudden a movement can tear a thin sheet. For the first works, it is recommended to start with the simplest pictures, for example, kids will like the image of a cheerful rainbow, white clouds and a bright sun in the sky, green grass with cornflowers or daisies. For a preschooler’s first work, it is better to choose a small size (about a quarter of an A4 sheet).

You need to pinch off small pieces from the bar and apply it to the base in accordance with the plan. In this case, they are used different ways sculpting - rolling or smoothing, smearing, sometimes pinching, flattening or flowing one color into another will be required. If your plan involves clearly drawing a large number of small objects, a medical syringe without a needle will be useful for your work. They use it like this:

  1. Place a piece of plasticine inside the syringe and heat it carefully (on a hot radiator or in a cup of warm water);
  2. Pipe into thin threads (if you want thicker, use a pastry syringe).
  3. Soft transitions of shades can be obtained if you first mix the necessary shades of plasticine in your hands, and only then load them into the syringe. Do not mix more than two colors at the same time.

On glass

Plasticine applications on glass are an easy-to-make but dangerous form of creativity. You must follow safety rules to avoid injury. To create an application you will need:

  • Multi-colored plasticine.
  • Frame.
  • Black ink or black marker.
  • A sheet of paper with a printed design.
  • Cotton wool and alcohol.

Since few people manage to create pictures on glass for plasticine printing the first time, it is better to watch the master class on the Internet step by step with your child in advance, and then follow the recommendations:

  1. Find drawings (it is better to choose simple black and white ones). Remember that the younger the child, the larger the parts should be.
  2. Remove the glass from the photo frame.
  3. Degrease the glass by wiping it with cotton wool and alcohol.
  4. Place the printed sketch under glass.
  5. Draw an outline on the glass with a black marker.
  6. Get the drawing.
  7. Decide what colors you will use. For children preschool age The task can be simplified - leave a colored drawing under the glass. This way the child will see what color plasticine should be taken.
  8. Separate small pieces of plasticine of the desired color, stick them on the glass, rub them without going beyond the outline of the picture. The more the material is rubbed (into a thin layer), the weaker the pigment will be.

You can choose a working method: either first fill in places of one color with plasticine, and then move on to others, or first complete small elements (separately sculpt the eyes of an animal, leaves, small flowers or ladybug), then move on to the main plasticine drawing.

When the entire base is filled with plasticine, you will need the help of an adult. The picture must be turned over with the front side facing you, flaws examined and corrected (gaps between pieces of plasticine, going beyond the contour). Then wipe the glass with alcohol again, without touching the drawing, and insert the work into the frame.

Pictures made from plasticine flagella

If the child’s fine motor skills are already well developed, you can try a more elaborate, painstaking version of the work using medical or pastry syringe. To do the job you will need hot water.

To get flagella of different lengths, you will need a syringe, the nose of which must be cut off in advance (this will make it easier to squeeze out). A separate syringe is used for each color so that there is no layering of color: a little plasticine will remain in the tube. Before placing the plasticine into the syringe, you need to warm it in your hands. If the material is still squeezed out tightly, try putting the syringe in hot water.

If you don’t have a syringe at hand, you can carefully roll the flagellum with your hands. First, make a flat cake, then roll it into a sausage in your palms and use your fingers to bring it to the flagellum of the required thickness and length. It is necessary to take into account the texture of the material: varieties that are too plastic can tear if you overdo it. Such flagella simply need to be rolled in the desired direction to obtain any detail or stroke. The figures are attached to a base made of thick paper, resulting in pictures for plasticine printing.


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For preschool children, you can come up with many entertaining activities; modeling from plasticine occupies a special place among them. Thanks to this type of creativity, parents will be able to instill in their child a love of creativity, develop fantasy, imagination, and fine motor skills. In addition, by making figures from plasticine, the baby learns to be independent.

What to make

Before starting a lesson, every parent thinks about what can be made from plasticine. Fantasize a little, imagine yourself as a child, think about what will interest your son or daughter most. Children's crafts may involve the use of many additional materials, which include: flowers, leaves, acorns, cones, and chestnuts.

Take note of what you can make from plasticine:

  1. and birds. Interesting and funny hedgehogs, bunnies, and turtles will delight your little one. In addition, such plasticine crafts for children are made very quickly and simply.
  2. Thematic figures. Undoubtedly, for every child it is a special, long-awaited event, because it is associated with toys and various gifts. Simple crafts from plasticine in the form Christmas decorations, a snowman and, in fact, the Christmas tree itself will lift your spirits on the eve of the holiday.
  3. Flowers. Mesmerizing compositions made with a child will look as if they were alive. Depending on the age of the baby, you can make flowers with a minimum number of details, as well as more complex volumetric compositions.
  4. Trees. Having mastered easy crafts from plasticine, you can move on to more complex figures. Of course, a child will not be able to mold a tree on his own; he will need the help of an adult. But after taking a few steps in creating a craft, the child will be able to easily complete the job he started.
  5. Vegetables, fruits, sweets. Even novice craftsmen will be able to master the process of creating miniatures of their favorite delicacies. Select the necessary colors of plasticine, then you can safely start creating.
Isn't it fun and interesting to make crafts from plasticine with your own hands? Let's get started with this exciting activity right now. Prepare plasticine, glass, cardboard and some available materials and you can start working. We will teach you how to make a wide variety of crafts from colored plasticine; such an activity for kids will be entertaining and will cause a lot of positive emotions. Well, let's get down to business?


A small forest animal with thorns will end up right on your table. Even you can make a cute rodent Small child. Modeling from plasticine for children is incredibly exciting fun.

How to make:

Kitten with a heart

On Valentine's Day, you can give not only valentines, but also original crafts. We recommend that you make a kitten from plasticine step by step according to the photo instructions provided.

Sculpting technique:


Make a small plasticine craft with your child, with step by step instructions you will very quickly master the entire manufacturing process. A funny turtle will complement your collection of crafts.

How to sculpt:

Angry Birds

“Angry” birds are known to almost all children. Learn how to make such a craft from plasticine from our photo tutorial.

Sculpting process:

Rowan tree

Making a beautiful tree is very simple. This does not require spending too much time; the characteristic fruits will decorate the lush green foliage.

Features of creation:


Make lollipops from plasticine; the finished products cannot be distinguished from the real thing. The kids will definitely love this kind of fun.

How to do:

Bouquet of flowers

Give a touching gift for the holiday - a bouquet of roses. An original craft can be dedicated to the day.

How to make:

New Year's crafts

During the winter holidays, get your child interested in creating beautiful crafts from plasticine. You can place each molded figure on cardboard.


This easy-to-make craft will truly decorate the interior of a child’s room; start making it together with your children.
Features of creating crafts:

Christmas tree decoration

Preparations for the New Year can begin with making original crafts; the whole family is guaranteed a festive mood.

Modeling stages:


Even from ordinary plasticine You can make a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree, using available materials you will need scissors and a bamboo stick.

How to do:

And a few more interesting ideas for inspiration, crafts on paper/cardboard: