Start a business selling water. Water delivery business. Sale of drinking water through vending machines

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 200,000 ₽ (vending)


from 270,000 - 375,000 ₽

Net profit:

from 100,000 ₽

Payback period:

Every year the demand for drinking water increases. Therefore, business on water is relevant and promising. We will look at how to make money out of water: from the simplest ideas to large-scale production.

It is impossible to drink tap water in many regions. This problem is especially acute for residents of large cities, where drinking running water is harmful to health. Installed filters do not solve the problem, since they only purify the water, but do not make it useful for the human body. The only way out is bottled water from natural sources, artesian wells.

Therefore, Russians have long stopped drinking untreated running water, having felt the difference. Ordering water has become commonplace for almost all offices and businesses, and many families order water to their homes. After all, human health depends on the quality of water, and people don’t skimp on health. Bottled water is reasonably priced and this product is popular in great demand. So business on the water is a relevant and profitable business.

Every year the need for clean drinking water increases, and the number of consumers increases. Every third family in a big city has a cooler with bottled water in their apartment. According to experts, about 65 million bottled water is sold per year in Moscow alone.

RBC experts predict that the annual growth of the drinking water market will be about 15-16%. Currently, bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service line for the delivery of water in 5 and 19 liter bottles to offices and private apartments is also developing at an accelerated pace. The growth of this market segment is 20-30% per year.

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The market is expected to slow down only by 2020, but this will require increased production capacity water 3-4 times. Therefore, there is still time to find your niche and enter the market.

But it should be taken into account that competition in the drinking water market is already quite high. A newcomer to this business will have to fight for his clients. A simple price reduction will not solve the problem of competition: prices are already low, and there is no point in working at a loss. Therefore, if you decide to implement this idea, you will need a business plan to plan all stages of enterprise development: from determining the business format to methods of promotion in the market.

There are different options for making money on water. You can only extract water from a well, only purify it, or only deliver water of other brands. There is also an option to open a point of sale of bottling water or a water pavilion. There are a lot of options - it all depends on the market structure and available capital. The minimum cost to open such a business will be 200 thousand rubles - this amount will be enough to organize a water delivery company or open a kiosk. If you want to establish a full cycle of water production - from extraction to delivery of products - then get ready for more significant costs.

Let's try to figure out how much a water business costs and what is required for this. Let's start with the simplest format, which will require minimal investment.

Sale of drinking water through vending machines

Selling drinking water through vending machines is an interesting and relatively new idea. People are used to buying hot drinks and snacks from vending machines, then why not sell drinking water by the bottle? Vending allows you to reduce the cost of 1 liter of water by 4 times. Therefore, using such a system, you can reduce prices and attract buyers. In addition, for competitive market this option seems to be one of the most suitable. According to experts, this niche is available in 80% of Russian cities.

How the system works

The machine has a water tank. The buyer brings the container with him, contributes required amount money, puts the bottle down and draws water. It's simple. Water vending machines have a vandal-proof housing, a reservoir with a water supply, a filling system for consumer containers, as well as a cash and card payment system.

Using a billing system via remote access, you can monitor the operation of the machine. The data reflects the collection history and the amount accumulated in the device. Through this system, you can block the machine, monitor the temperature in the machine and receive information about the condition of the equipment.

Ready ideas for your business

The range of slot machines is quite wide. They differ in design and performance (from 750 to 3000 liters/day). The machines can operate stably at temperatures from -30 to +35 °C. Finding a manufacturer and purchasing equipment will not be difficult special labor. The average cost of one vending machine is 180 thousand rubles.

Servicing the device is easy if you do everything on time. Basically, the service consists of replacing the cartridge once every six months and replacing the sterilizer (once a year).

What are the features of vending water trade?

The income of a vending machine depends significantly on a good location.

Locations for installing water vending machines:

    in the courtyards of residential complexes;

    in crowded places from bus stops to residential buildings;

    at points of “exit” from the road to the residential area;

    in actively visited stores, shopping centers, in markets;

    in the halls of apartment buildings.

The number of installed machines must be correlated with the number of potential buyers: approximately one machine for five high-rise buildings. You need to make sure that there is always water in the machine, otherwise you will lose some of your customers.

Despite the fact that the main advertising engine is the successful location of devices, it is necessary to consider other promotion options. For example, you can distribute leaflets, place advertisements in elevators and on notice boards, leave advertising brochures in mailboxes, brightly design the device itself so that it attracts the attention of passers-by.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling water through a vending machine



    there is no need to hire workers, you can run the business yourself;

    vending business does not require much labor. It is enough to devote a few hours a week to servicing the devices;

    minimum investment volume;

    high profitability;

    quick payback;

    low level of costs;

    the machine operates 24 hours a day;

    a water vending machine takes up no more than 1 sq.m, which means renting it will be cheap;

    simple business organization

    the machine cannot be filled with containers, and people may forget to take a bottle with them. This will prevent you from making a purchase;

    there is a risk of vandalism, which may entail costs for equipment repairs

How much can you earn by selling water through vending machines?

According to statistics, approximately 10 families will use the services of one device every day, purchasing about 250 liters of water per month. That is, in a month the machine is capable of selling 10*250*30=75,000 liters. At average price 5 rub. per liter, the revenue of one device will be: 75,000 * 5 = 375,000 rubles. And if you open a whole network of vending machines in the city, you can earn many times more.

Such a business can pay for itself within 3-4 months. This time is enough for potential consumers to notice the devices, get used to them and appreciate the ease of use.

Water kiosk or pavilion

A more complex trading option drinking water– opening of the water pavilion. A water pavilion is usually located in shopping malls or in free-standing kiosks in the parking area of ​​shopping malls.

Documents for opening a water pavilion:

  • documents confirming legal status. persons or individual entrepreneurs;

  • documents for the plot of land where the kiosk will be installed, or the premises where the pavilion will be opened;

    approval of the type of object, layout of the object, permission to install a kiosk or pavilion in the urban planning architecture department;

    sanitary passport of the trade object, confirming compliance with all sanitary standards and ensuring the implementation of all preventive measures (disinfection, deratization, disinfestation);

    sanitary and epidemiological documentation, including conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor;

    other documents (contracts for the removal of solid waste, technical waste, etc.).

What equipment is needed for a water kiosk?

A kiosk for selling bottled drinking water consists of a metal frame and a concrete base. It must be installed on a horizontal sand cushion with a thickness of at least 200 mm. The outer shell, made of galvanized sheet with RAL coating, gives the kiosk an attractive appearance. You can place advertisements on it to further attract attention. The stall is insulated and protected from moisture. Trade stained glass windows are equipped with metal shutters.

Ready ideas for your business

A kiosk for selling water consists of the kiosk itself and a container installed on it. The capacity of the container is 5 cubic meters. m. Filling the container with water is carried out through a pipe system through a technological door provided in the wall of the kiosk. A pump is used to supply liquids high pressure(usually not included in the equipment package and must be purchased separately).

Water is sold to consumers through the dispensing window. To install such a kiosk, you will need approval from the land owner and 6 sq.m. free space. Today, there are several manufacturers from whom you can purchase such equipment. The average cost of a kiosk for selling drinking water is 300 thousand rubles. The average sales volume through such a kiosk is 1.1 tons of water per day.

When choosing equipment, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer provides appropriate quality certificates for all materials that come into contact with drinking water. In addition to the kiosk building, you need to purchase water containers. 5 liter plastic bottles. The average cost of packaging is 120 rubles/piece. Service life – up to 1 year.

Where to find a drinking water supplier

To open a drinking water bottling kiosk, you need to find a supplier of quality products. The market offers a wide selection of drinking water manufacturers. Before concluding a cooperation agreement, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the quality of water and relevant certificates, the conditions for delivery of water to the point of sale, additional conditions cooperation, as well as with feedback from entrepreneurs and consumers.

Starting investment for opening a water kiosk:

  • decor legal entity or individual entrepreneur – 20 thousand rubles;

  • rental of premises (area 7 sq.m.) – 12 thousand rubles;

    equipment (kiosk, pump, plastic container) – 350 thousand rubles;

    purchase of the first batch of goods – 50 thousand rubles.

    wage for sellers for the first month of work (2 sellers working in shifts) – 35 thousand rubles.

In total, according to estimates, an entrepreneur will need about 470 thousand rubles to open a pavilion for bottling drinking water.

What costs should be taken into account when planning

This business, like any other, has its pitfalls. There are many costs for a water bottling kiosk that are not obvious at first glance, but eat up a significant portion of the budget. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan and drawing up estimates, it is recommended to take into account the following costs:

    transportation costs for equipment delivery. Some equipment manufacturers do not include the cost of delivery in the overall price tag. It is necessary to discuss this point with the manufacturer before signing the contract and choose cooperation with those who are geographically closer in order to minimize transportation costs. Their value can be significant and depends on the mileage, the amount of equipment supplied and other factors;

    transportation costs for water delivery. You should also consider how water will be delivered from the manufacturer to the point of sale. Water carriers are used for this purpose. The cost of such a car is 5 million rubles. If you are organizing a mini-business selling drinking water, there is no need to purchase an expensive car, but you should immediately find out from the manufacturer: at whose expense and under what conditions the water is delivered to the point of sale. There is a possibility that you will be responsible for some of the shipping costs.

    equipment maintenance costs, incl. carrying out sanitation of water storage tanks. The frequency of sanitation is established by the Program production control. According to the standards, kiosks must be washed once every two months. This is enough to keep the water in the container clean and safe. The tank is treated in a non-contact manner using a special CIP cleaning device designed for internal cleaning of pipe containers without the need for disassembly. The cost of such equipment is 140 thousand rubles. You can also contact cleaning companies that provide industrial sanitation services. The cost of services can be clarified by sending a request on the cleaning company’s website.

    installation of the kiosk and landscaping of the area around the kiosk. In order to install the kiosk, it is necessary to carry out work on pouring the foundation. The cost of installation will be, on average, 15 thousand rubles, including costs for landscaping the adjacent territory.

    connection to the electrical network. Since the kiosk requires electricity to operate, you should budget for the cost of connecting to the power grid. These expenses will amount to approximately 10 thousand rubles.

How much can a water kiosk earn?

The cost of 1 liter of water at a kiosk is slightly higher than at a vending machine. On average, 5 liters of water will cost the buyer 50 rubles. Based on the fact that such a kiosk can sell up to 1000 liters of water per day, the monthly revenue of 1 kiosk will be about 200*50*30=300 (thousand rubles). Taking into account the cost of drinking water and all additional expenses, the business will pay for itself within a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling bottled water at a kiosk

Drinking water delivery

One of the most common water businesses is the delivery of bottled drinking water. The potential of this area is very high, because this type of service is used by both individuals and companies. Water delivery is a simple business. It does not require a license or special knowledge, or specific equipment. But you should be prepared for a large amount of initial investment, because the main equipment for delivery services is a car.

What you need to start a water delivery business

    Thus, it is advisable to open your own drinking water production if you have a good water source, funds to purchase an automated line and established sales channels that will allow you to quickly sell your products. The table shows the pros and cons of such a business, allowing you to weigh the pros and cons.

    Advantages and disadvantages of business for the extraction and sale of drinking water

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    Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Getting money from water - what could be simpler at first glance? But in fact, in such a business there are many nuances that should be taken into account when planning it.

Water delivery service implies a complete production cycle from water extraction to its delivery to the client. The activity involves the organization of several responsible areas at once: a production workshop, a sales and dispatch department, a finished product warehouse and a vehicle fleet.

The interaction of four sections is so important that if one fails, the entire process will be affected.

In order to start a water business from scratch, you need to be prepared to resolve documentation issues and large capital investments.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the extraction of water and its use for commercial purposes involves paying taxes on subsoil use and obtaining the appropriate permit. No one has yet canceled paperwork in the country, which means you should be patient.

Further business organization involves the following steps:

  • Well drilling;
  • Purchase and installation of equipment (leaders in the production of water treatment equipment - Japan, USA);
  • Office and warehouse rental;
  • Purchase or rental of vehicles;
  • Purchase of plastic containers and mineral additives;
  • Obtaining a certificate of conformity for water and registering a trademark;
  • Hiring;
  • Search for clients.

Attention must be paid to the fact that simply purified water cannot be sold. Bottled water must have a chemical composition permitted by law, which means that it is necessary to purchase a ready-made mineral supplement or hire a laboratory chemist on staff.

Advantages of this activity:

You can configure your business for yourself. For example: purchase a personal fleet of vehicles or use hired vehicles, purchase equipment for the production of bottles or purchase ready-made ones;
Selecting equipment that is most optimal in price or renting or leasing it. It is worth considering that if the filtering equipment breaks down, its repair is quite expensive.


  • It will take a lot of time for everyone organizational issues, obtaining certificates, searching for personnel;
  • It's difficult to find clients from scratch if your brand is not known.
  • In this case, it may take a lot of time to reach the break-even point.

Purchase of a ready-made water supply business

Option ready-made business- franchise. Its purchase makes it possible not to waste time on documentation issues and get a ready-made trademark, a brand, and therefore clients who are already familiar with it.


  • Saving time on paperwork;
  • Provision of equipment by the franchisor or consultation on its selection;
  • Training in all the nuances of business from the franchisor and consultation on its management;
  • Availability famous brand and interested clients.


  • There is no choice of equipment. You will have to work with what you have if ready-made equipment is provided and this aspect is strictly specified in the commercial concession agreement;
  • Payment of royalties and entrance (lump sum) fees;
  • The presence of restrictions on the freedom of action on the part of the franchisor within the framework of the cooperation agreement.

The easiest option is dealership. Finished products shipped to the warehouse, you just need to organize its sale and delivery. This method requires minimum costs: hiring an operator, forwarder, renting premises. But in this case, you can hope for a smaller profit from the three presented options.

The main advantage of this activity is its non-seasonal nature. A slight drop in orders is not observed even in the summer, when people go on vacation, since at the same time, due to the heat, the number of orders for water delivery from other clients, such as business centers, is growing. But seasonal differences are not as large as, for example, in the flower or tire business.

Water advertising has a specific character. On the one hand, this is the most important product of life, which will always be in demand. Bottled water is several times superior to boiled water and is absolutely safe. A significant advantage is also the use of reusable packaging, which reduces the need to purchase large quantities plastic bottles, aggravating the already disastrous environment.

But at the same time, water that does not have a pronounced taste and smell is difficult to distinguish from its competitors. Need a strong one advertising campaign and a customer loyalty program that can convince customers that your water is better than the rest.

To make the sale profitable, you should pay attention to a couple of tips:

  • Focus on corporate clients, for example, by offering a special price for the entire business center or for a trading house;
  • Provide large clients with a batch of bottles for rent. Thus, there is no need to exchange bottles every day, but instead, products can be delivered once a week;
  • Don't dump on price. Water is not a product where you should reduce the price by all means. At high quality product, potential buyers will purchase water even at a low price.

♦ Capital investments – 425,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 7–10 months.

Real businessmen can make a business out of anything, even out of thin air.

If you dream of joining the ranks of entrepreneurs, but can’t decide what kind of activity to engage in, think about what people always and everywhere need?

These are food and, of course, water.

Business on the water– easy to start, does not require large capital investments and pays off fairly quickly.

Specifics of business on water

In an unstable economic situation, it is quite difficult to find a business that would bring good money no matter what.

The business of selling drinking water is one of these types of entrepreneurial activities.

Today, companies supplying bottled water are experiencing a kind of boom, and experts predict that this trend will continue in the near future.

If you decide to join those who do business on the water, it would be a good idea to learn about the features of this sector of business activity:

  1. The business based on the production, bottling and delivery of drinking water is recognized as one of the fastest growing.
    Over the past year alone, its share in Russia has increased by over 40%.
  2. On average, one office employee consumes half a liter of water per day and about 10 liters per year.
    Just imagine the money you can make if you build a wide customer base.
  3. The prices for drinking water and gasoline are not too different, but setting up a water bottling company is much easier than setting up an oil plant.

Two water business options

If you want to do business on the water, you must decide what exactly your company will do, because there are two options for this type of business activity:
  1. A plant that extracts water from a well and bottles it into glass or plastic container and delivery to end customers.
  2. A company that bottles and sells “foreign” water.

The first option is more expensive in terms of money and requires a lot of time to launch, because you will need special equipment, qualified personnel, machinery, factory premises, and the need to pay for expensive lab tests, and also special permits for the extraction of water from sources.

In addition, today it is quite difficult to find a free source of mineral or table water that is not already occupied by more efficient competitors.

If you don’t have too much money, then it is better to start selling drinking water by concluding an appropriate agreement with the manufacturer.

This business can be done even by businessmen who do not have a large amount of start-up capital.

What should water be like to do business with it?

It doesn't take much effort to do something; it takes much more to decide WHAT to do.
Elbert Hubbard

The business of selling bottled water is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Only water that complies with GOST standards, is packaged in hygienic containers and can be used by humans for drinking or cooking is considered bottled.

You can't just take water from the tap, bottle it and start delivering it to offices.

If you want to save money, you will simply lose customers and destroy your business in the bud.

Drinking water should not contain more than 1% of various artificial additives (for example, flavors or essences).

If one of your clients conducts a chemical analysis of the drinking water supplied by you and finds out that it does not comply with GOST, then the least that can happen to you is the loss of a client, although everything can end much worse, for example, with the discovery a criminal case against you for fraud.

The sale of drinking water cannot be carried out until you enter into an agreement with the manufacturer (the company that extracts water from wells) or purchase equipment that can completely purify the water from harmful additives.

The first option is easier and cheaper for beginner businessmen.

Business on the water: advertising and finding clients

A business selling water, like any other, needs good advertising, because the number of your customers depends on it, and, accordingly, the amount of profit.
  1. In mass media.
  2. With help outdoor advertising in high traffic areas.
  3. Distributing flyers and business cards.
  4. IN in social networks and on the Internet forum of your city.

Since the main clients of companies selling drinking water are offices, a good advertising move would be to go around office premises your city with an offer to enter into an agreement with you for the supply of bottled water.

If you manage to get several large clients who are satisfied with the quality of the water you supply, then word of mouth will advertise your water business in the future.

Calendar plan for opening a business on the water

It won't take you long to start selling bottled drinking water.

Of course, you have to carry out the traditional stages of starting a business (registration, searching for premises, purchasing equipment, hiring staff, advertising campaign, etc.), but all this will not take more than 3-4 months with the right approach.

Agreement with the manufacturer
Warehouse rent
Purchase of equipment and transport
Starting a business


You will not be able to enter into a formal contract with a drinking water provider until you have legally registered your business.

You can choose one of two forms (IP or LLC).

Both forms have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The most acceptable form of taxation is UTII.

In addition, you will have to officially employ your employees (you will not be able to run a water business on your own) and register a cash register.


Companies that deliver bottled water do not need luxurious offices, since you will communicate with clients mainly by phone, but what you will definitely need to worry about is a warehouse space of at least 60 square meters.

It must be heated (the air temperature should not fall below +5 degrees) and air-conditioned (if the water is stored at a temperature higher than +20 degrees, then you risk causing customer dissatisfaction by supplying them with warm water).

The location of your warehouse does not play a big role, the main thing is that it is not too far from your consumers, otherwise you will incur high costs on gasoline.

Its size depends on how many liters of water you are going to store in the warehouse and what supply volumes you are targeting.

You can negotiate with customers and accept orders directly from the warehouse by purchasing a minimum set of furniture and a telephone set.


In fact, the only thing you will have to spend a large sum on is the transport with which you will deliver drinking water.

If you are just starting to develop your business on the water, then it is quite enough to purchase one used Gazelle for 300,000 rubles.

There is no need to equip a warehouse - water bottles can be stored directly on the floor.

In addition to transportation costs, you will also have some other equipment costs:

Expense itemQtyCost (in rub.)Total amount (in rub.)
Total: 100,000 rub.
Cash machine
1 20 000 20
Telephone set
1 1 5000 1 5000
Mobile phone
1 5 000 5 000
1 4 000 4 000
3 2 000 6 000
Empty 20 l bottles

300 200 60 000
other 3 500


Many entrepreneurs, wanting to save money, want to do business on the water independently (without assistants) or with only one assistant.

This is the wrong step.

Even at the initial stage, you should hire at least two team members: a driver and a forwarder.

You yourself will be able to take on administrative responsibilities, taking orders, communicating with customers, and accounting.

In this case, monthly expenses for staff salaries will be as follows:

If your business begins to expand and you see that your employees cannot cope with the volume of orders for the delivery of drinking water, you will have to purchase another car and hire another team consisting of a forwarder and a driver.

How much does it cost to open a business on the water?

A water sales business is not one of those startups that requires a huge amount of money to launch.

In fact, the biggest expense you should incur is purchasing a gazelle to deliver bottled water to homes and offices.

If you have such a car, then it is quite possible to start doing business on the water with only 100–125,000 rubles. starting capital.

If you don’t have a suitable car, then the amount of capital investment increases by another 300,000 rubles.

Do not forget about the mandatory monthly expenses that await entrepreneurs who decide to do business on the water.

Their amount will fluctuate at the level of 60,000 rubles:

How promising is the water business and how much can you earn from it?

see also in the video:

How much can you earn doing a water business?

Experts estimate the profitability of the business selling drinking water at 15–25%. The purchase price of 1 liter of water is 2 rubles, but the sales price is 6–8 rubles.

That is, you buy a 20-liter bottle from the manufacturer for 40 rubles, and sell it (let’s take average figures) for 140 rubles.

Let's say that you deliver 50 bottles a day and earn 7,000 rubles.

Your company selling bottled water operates with one day off per week, which means that in a month (taking into account that on average you will have 25 working days) you will earn 175,000 rubles.

Naturally, this is “dirty” profit, because from this amount we need to subtract 50,000 rubles (the purchase price of water) and 60,000 rubles – the amount of expenses for servicing your business.

That is, net profit you have 65,000 rubles left.

The amount of our capital investment (including the purchase of a car) was 425,000 rubles.

Earning 65,000 rubles monthly, we can make our water business self-sustaining in 7–8 months, if we don’t spend too much time building a client base.

As you can see, business on the water- a fairly profitable business that does not require any special knowledge, nor the purchase of complex equipment, nor large investments.

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Today there are a lot current ideas For profitable business with and without attachments. People usually choose the area of ​​entrepreneurship that is most popular among the population. What does a person constantly need? The first thing that comes to mind is water. It is on this popular product that you can open own business. Many people believe that its cost is not high enough to make good money. On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other hand, water is always in demand.

Is it possible to make money selling bottled drinking water? Yes it is possible. Every year people's need for drinking water is growing, from this we can conclude that business in it is profitable and profitable.

But in order for the sale to bring the desired result, and not losses and disappointment, you need a clear, well-written business plan.

What does it take to open a bottling plant? First you need to decide on the source of water, there can be several of them: natural, from the tap, purified with special filters using your own well.

Water from central water supply

  • Need to find suitable premises, it can be bought or rented. Be sure to make repairs in accordance with all SES requirements.
  • Prepare the place where the production of such water will be located for the installation of equipment.
  • The next step will be permission from the CJEU to use this premises for the manufacture of this product.
  • Obtain a CES water testing report. Based on the results of the analysis, purchase equipment for filtration and purification of liquids. It’s better not to skimp on equipment, even small production must be modern and meet all requirements.
  • After installation of the equipment, another CEC certification for manufacturing is required.