Notes on the topic of poultry. Notes "Poultry" Cognition lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic. Surprise moment “Find the egg with the chick”

Class on speech development in a senior speech therapy group.

Topic: "Poultry".


1. Consolidate vocabulary on the topic.

2. Systematize children's ideas about poultry, their habitats, how they call, their nutrition, members of bird families, and benefits for humans.

3. Improve children's ability to form singular and plural nouns.

4. To develop in children the ability to agree adjectives with nouns, to form relative and possessive adjectives.

5. Improve the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.

6. Strengthen children's ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

7. Develop memory, attention, thinking, speech.

Equipment: Bird yard made of toys, pictures and illustrations on the topic, magnetic board, ball, doll in a scarf and with a bucket.

Progress of the lesson:

Today, guys, we will go to the poultry yard. We will meet there a cockerel with his family, a turkey, geese, ducks, together with the hen hen we will feed all the poultry, we will remember who gives their voice, how they are similar and how they are different different birds and much more.

And now - visit the poultry yard!

Articulation gymnastics

Guys, when you meet your friends and acquaintances, do you smile?

We will also smile at the poultry when we meet. But first, let's brush our teeth so that our smiles are beautiful. Let's play the game “Whose teeth are cleaner?”: open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile, and use the wide tip of your tongue to “clean” your upper teeth from the inside, moving your tongue up and down. Make sure that your lips do not cover your teeth and that your lower jaw does not move (children do the exercise).

And now let’s smile at each other and the poultry worker Varya, who works in the poultry yard and greets us.

Conversation on questions on the topic studied.

Well, here we are in the poultry yard. Whose house is this?(Poultry)

- What birds do we see here? (Name the poultry)

What else do they call home?(Poultry farm)

Who takes care of the poultry here?(poultry house or poultry house)

What do the poultry house and poultry house do?(They feed, water, clean, look after)

What do the birds eat here?(From the feeder)

What do they drink from?(From the drinking bowl)

What do poultry eat?(Special food, grain, millet, bread crumbs, worms, midges, bugs, caterpillars)

Didactic game "Who talks like that?"

Guys, how do birds talk to each other?


rooster crows,
chicken - cackling, clucking,
chicken - squeaks,
duck - quacks,
the goose hisses,
the turkey is chattering,
the dove is cooing.

Didactic game "Who has who in the family?"

Now let's remember the family members of each poultry.(The speech therapist shows pictures, and the children name)


rooster - hen - chicken.
goose - goose - gosling;
duck – drake – duckling;
turkey - turkey - little turkey;
dove - dove - dove.

Physical exercise: The teacher informs the children that dancing is starting in their poultry yard and invites everyone to dance. Children imitate the movements of poultry and perform the “Jolly Ducklings” dance.

Didactic game: Whose feathers?

The speech therapist says that during the dance, each bird dropped a feather. The guys need to determine who these feathers belong to (goose, rooster, chicken, duck, turkey).

Didactic game "One - many".(The speech therapist throws a ball with a word, the child returns the ball, answering)

I saw a chicken in the poultry yard, but when there are more than one of them, how shall we say?


chicken - chickens, chickens,
rooster - roosters,
chicken - chickens,
goose - geese,
goose - geese,
gosling - goslings,
duck - ducks,
drake - drakes,
duckling - ducklings,
turkey - turkeys,
turkey - turkeys,
turkey poults - turkey poults,
dove - pigeons,
dove - doves,
dove - baby doves.

Didactic game "Look and name."

What kind of poultry did we meet here?(The teacher shows pictures with: rooster, chicken, goose, duck, turkey, pigeon)

Let's remember what the rooster has.(The teacher points out the parts of the rooster’s body with a pointer in the picture, and the children name: head, torso, tail, paws, spurs, claws, beak, feathers, wing, eyes, comb, beard.

Didactic game "Who has what?"

Let's take a closer look at our birds. What can they boast about?(Children look at toys or pictures)


at the rooster (what is there? ) - red scallop,
the turkey has a beautiful tail,
the chicken has colorful feathers,
the goose has a long neck,
the dove has a small beak,
The duck has wide legs.

Didactic game "Right - Wrong." I have a funny story. I am now

I’ll read it to you, and you correct any mistakes if you notice them.

The cockerel lives in the forest and sings “coo-coo-coo-coo”

(No, that’s wrong! The cockerel lives in the poultry yard and sings “cuckoo.”)

The rooster has a flat beak, a green comb, and a long neck. (No, wrong! The cockerel has a sharp beak, a red comb, a long beard and a short neck.)

The cockerel's feathers are multi-colored. (That's right. The cockerel's feathers are multi-colored.)

The cockerel has two red webbed feet. (No, incorrect. The cockerel has two legs with sharp claws and spurs.)

The rooster has four wings and flies high. (No, the rooster has two wings, but it flies poorly.)

The rooster laps up milk and looks for worms. (No, the cockerel is pecking at the grain and looking for worms in the ground.)

The cockerel and hen have a lot of yellow fluffy ducklings. (No. The cockerel and hen have a lot of little fluffy

A seamstress takes care of the cockerel. Is this true? (No, that’s incorrect. The henwoman takes care of the cockerel.)

How does she look after him? (She gives him food, lets him out for a walk, cleans the chicken coop.)

Well done, you noticed all the mistakes in this story.

Didactic ball game "Name it affectionately."

Guys, let's show the birds how kind you are - let's turn to them kindly.


chick - chick,
rooster - cockerel,
chicken - chicken,
goose - goose,
duck - duck,
chicken - chicken,
dove - little dove,
turkey - turkey,
little turkey - little turkey.

10. Didactic game "Count":

Now we will try to count poultry.(The teacher lays out cards with numbers from 1 to 5 and a picture with poultry on a magnetic board, and indicates the sequence and order of counting with a pointer)

Sample: one rooster – two roosters – three roosters – four roosters – five roosters,

one dove -
one duck -
one chicken -
one goose -
one nest -

Lesson summary:

Well, it's time to say goodbye to the birds. Let's say thank you and goodbye to them and the bird-keeper Varya.(Children speak in chorus, the teacher removes the pictures and the toy bird yard)
- Guys, what birds did we visit today?
– Who did you help?
– Which domestic birds have you met?
– Are poultry healthy for humans?
- How?
(They give meat, eggs, feathers, fluff)
– Does a person need to take care of birds?
- Why?
– We remembered and repeated a lot today. Well done.

Oksana Dobler
Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory school group “Poultry”

Target: Develop an active vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech on the topic « Poultry»



Enrich your vocabulary topic: “Poultry”.

Form a desire to express your opinion during the discussion.

Practice using prepositions in independent speech;

Practice word formation (nouns by combining stems, using diminutive suffixes, possessive adjectives)

Practice inflection (naming entities in the plural instrumental case).

Clarify children’s ideas about the polysemy of words;

Develop attention, visual gnosis and mnesis;

Automate assigned sounds in independent speech;


Develop memory, imagination, thinking, creative imagination, interest in conducting experiments;

Develop children's communication skills and imagination.

Develop voluntary attention.

Developing friendships through play, developing empathy.

Work on developing self-control.


Develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor’s answer, not interrupt, and not shout out your answer;

Foster a caring and responsible attitude towards poultry.

Develop the ability to work in a team;

To develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, and the ability to work in a team.

Pedagogical intent

In the area "Cognitive Development":

Exercise in understanding the polysemy of words,

Learn to draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment,

Development of thinking in kindergarten "The Fourth Wheel".

In the area "Speech development":

Practice word formation (using diminutive suffixes; by merging stems;) and the formation of possessive adjectives, improve the skill of presenting an answer in a complete sentence.

In the area “Socialization – communicative development”:

Develop the ability and desire to actively participate in the process classes, answer, listen to the opinions of others, justify your answer.

In the area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Exercise children in transferring a graphic image onto sand using various natural or waste material

In the area "Physical development":

Development of kinesiological skills and fine motor skills

Form of organization: subgroup lesson

erased dysarthria, EVN, attention deficit)

Forms of work:play, conversations, listening, discussion,


Audio recordings (song "My chickens", "baby cry", "vote poultry» , "Song of the Chicks", "Pee-pee-pee-food",

Slideshow "Bird Families",

Presentations( "4 extra","Polysemantic word")

Demonstration illustrations with poultry,

Psychotherapeutic Jungian sandbox,

Figurines poultry and animals, house from designer"Chicken Coop"

Glove doll "Girl Katyusha",

Small sandboxes with kinetic sand,

Material for working in the sandbox (decorative pebbles, beans, natural and waste material,

Contour dotted image of a chicken,

Equipment for the experiment (paper pens, vegetable oil, hard brushes, boards (oilcloth) for working with oil containers with water - according to the number of children,

Colored fragments of a fence (according to Luscher,

Paired cards,

Illustrations poultry.

Progress of direct educational activities

Children playing group. The phonogram sounds "Baby Cry"

There is a psychotherapeutic Jungian sandbox on the table. It has 1 house ( birds, screen, glove doll (girl, toy figures poultry and animals.

Psychologist and children stand around sandboxes:

Guys, who do you think is crying? (girl)

Look at the animals and birds and try to guess what she is upset about?

Speech therapist. Phonogram - the noise of a poultry yard

Children: ….because, birds and the animals got confused.


Safe or small poultry walk among the big ones pets? (dangerous)

What do you think should be done? (drive away)


So why are you Katyusha? you can't drive away the birds?

The psychologist leans towards the doll, as if the doll is whispering.

Guys, it turns out Katyusha doesn’t know the name poultry. Shall we help Katyusha?

Guys, what safe place in the poultry yard can we hide poultry(in a house, chicken coop)

So that the birds are not afraid, let’s call them to the house tenderly?

1."Call me kindly"(word formation)

Children complete the task by calling the bird affectionately, they put her in the house.

Speech therapist:

Well done, you completed this task. We sent all the birds into the house, and their families were waiting there.

Now let's name them.

Illustrations are placed on a magnetic board with pronunciation birds.

1. Word formation (naming chicks and possessive adjectives)

Duck and drake with... ducklings

Whose family does the duck have? (duck)

Goose and goose, with….goslings

Whose family does the goose have? (goose)

Turkey and turkey with... turkey poults

Whose family does the turkey have? (turkey)

Chicken and rooster with... chickens

Does the rooster have a family? (cock)


You guys are great, you know the names birds. Katyusha listens to you and remembers everything. Here's the next thing for you exercise: Standing in one place, find where the cockerel is hiding. (the cockerel stands on interactive table) .

2. "4th wheel"

Look carefully which picture does not fit.

Well done, let's take a rest, take some pads and play with the tongue

3. Articulation gymnastics

Pull the beaks forward

Let no one lag behind. (smile - tube)

We are sitting behind the fence (show teeth)

We look in all directions. (Watch)

Our turkey chatters loudly

He probably wants to scare you. (patting the upper lip with the tongue)

Chubby turkey poults

Life is very simple. ( "BBW")

And the baby ducklings

They drink water from the heart ( "Skinny" suck in cheeks)


Let's play with our fingers and remember the name again poultry(children continue to sit on the cushions).

4. Finger gymnastics

The thumb touches the others in turn.

The hen has a chicken,

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling.

The thumb touches the others one by one, starting with the little finger.

Every mother has babies

Everyone is beautiful and good!

They clench and unclench their fists.


5. Playing with kinetic sand, beans, decorative pebbles "Who Plays in the Sand"

Chicks love to play in the sand. What about you? Who is attentive, who noticed where our sandboxes are?

Today we will work in sandboxes in pairs. Take the pictures and find a mate and hold hands tightly. (Children look for each other using paired cards)

Let's come to the Little Sandboxes. We will work without breaking hands. Look, next to the sandboxes there are very unusual pictures. Who do you think is depicted on them?

(on the table there are small sandboxes designed for working together two children, etc. outline dotted image of chickens, decorative and waste material for laying out outline images in the sand).

Take the picture and the material that you like best.

Children use beans and decorative pebbles to lay out a picture according to the pattern. Speech therapist turns on music (Children's songs about chickens)

Speech therapist:

What wonderful chickens you have turned out to be! Now let's figure it out beautiful words to describe what they are.

6. Word formation by adding stems

The chicken has a sharp beak, which means it... (sharp-billed)

The chicken has a short tail...

The chicken has a short neck...

The chicken has short legs...

The chicken has bright and yellow fluff...

While the children are finishing their work, the speech therapist starts the presentation "Polysemantic word"

7. Working with ambiguous words

How beautiful and different all the chicks are. Let's remember the names of body parts birds...(the last ones are the wings)

Let's remember, is it only birds have wings? (airplane, bicycle fender, nose wings)

Do you want to see what else is fashionable to call "wing" or "wings". (Yes)

Then go to where you see a huge wing (on projector)


Guys, what are the names of words that have many meanings? (Multi-valued)

8. Experiment with feathers


Oh, I think Katyusha whined again. ( "whispers" in the psychologist's ear)

Katyusha asks us what the saying means "Like water off a duck's back" and invites us to watch the geese swim

The speech therapist plays a video clip


Does a goose come out of the water wet? (dry)

He wets the feather with water and finds out that water does not stay on the feathers.

What happens to the water? (rolls down)

Why does the water roll down?

To understand this proverb, let's do an experiment. Do you want to take part in it?

Children come to the table and look at the feathers (goose, chicken)

In waterfowl birds There is a special fatty gland, with the fat of which geese and ducks lubricate their feathers with the help of their beaks. That's why they say "Like water off a duck's back"

What do you think should be done with paper feathers to make them fat? (must be moistened with vegetable oil)

Children apply vegetable oil to paper, moisten the sheet with water, and see what happens. (the water rolled off, the paper remained dry) (children's reasoning)



Guys, do you remember why they say "Like water off a duck's back"?

So Katyusha says thank you for helping to understand the saying. And they taught me a lot. Now Katyusha will not cry.

Speech therapist:

What did we teach Katyusha to say? (call affectionately, call chicks, etc.)


How can you do it so that poultry Katyusha no longer ran away to pets? (need to build a fence)


Right. We need to build a fence. Take the fragment of the fence, the color you like best.

9. Luscher fence.

Look what a bright little fence you got? This means that from this classes you leave in a good mood...


Target: Systematization of children's ideas about poultry: their habitats, how they call, members of bird families, benefits for humans.


ICorrectional educational:

To clarify children’s knowledge about poultry and their young:

Their appearance, structure; peculiarities of movement (walking, running, flying); How do you vote? (formation of verbs from onomatopoeia: chattering, cackling, etc.)

What do they eat?; Why are they called poultry? Where do they live? What benefits do they bring?

Practice the genitive case of a singular noun with the preposition -у - in the game “Who has who in the family?”

Introduce the complex word “waterfowl” into the children’s dictionary

To help improve the skill of agreeing nouns with numerals in the genitive case, using the adversative conjunction –no- (d/game “Count”)

To consolidate knowledge about the graphic representation of letters. Practice the ability to correlate sounds in words with letters. (for the manual “Colored rubber bands”)

Consolidating the skill of forming possessive adjectives in the game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Continue to teach children to describe a living object based on a plan diagram through the use of elements of theatrical activity. Establishing an emotionally positive contact with children, interest in joint activities with adults, and a desire to participate in general improvisation.

IICorrectional and developmental:

Development of logical thinking (guessing riddles);

visual attention. gross motor skills

Development of speech breathing (strength and duration of speech exhalation)

Development of fine motor skills

Development of phonemic hearing.

IIICorrectional and educational:

- create conditions for the formation of a motive for changing activities, a positive attitude towards participation in speech therapy session.

Cultivate a kind attitude towards poultry, a feeling of gratitude for the benefits they bring;

To develop in children a friendly attitude towards their comrades, the ability to evaluate and control their actions

Equipment:"poultry yard" layout, poultry (duck, goose, rooster, hen, turkey), pictures depicting the family of each poultry (goose, goose, goslings; duck, drake, ducklings; turkey, turkey, turkey poult; rooster, hen, chickens), pencils; envelopes with tasks, audio recording of the voices of poultry, tape recorder, feather, paper masks, bi-ba-bo dolls (grandfather and grandmother), ICT, manual “Colored Rubber Bands”

I. Org. Moment

Look at each other. Give each other your smiles. What's your mood now? And if the mood is good, then we can start our lesson.

Guys, this morning I saw a letter in my office, how could it have gotten to us? (children's answers)

Where do you think it came from (there is a picture of a poultry yard on the envelope)

II. Main part

Let's see what's in it? (task - listen to the sounds of poultry and guess them)

Who do you think we will talk about today?

How can you call them in one word?

What kind of birds are these? (Domestic.)

From what word (House)

Who builds a house for them? Where do poultry live?

Who looks after them? How (Cleans the chicken coop, lets the birds walk in the yard, meadow, pond)

What do all birds have? (Head, neck, body, two wings, tail, two legs)

Which poultry can swim? What can we call them (waterfowl)

Do you want to go on an excursion to the village? (Yes)

How can we get there (children's answers)

Today we will go on a journey with the help of a magic feather

It's worth blowing on it

And it will show the way -

Which way to go?

To find the owner

The speech therapist places a feather on the palm of his outstretched hand and extends his hand to the children; On command, he asks everyone to blow on the magic feather “One.” two, three, fly a feather.” Raise and ask the children, holding hands, to follow the speech therapist to where the feather points. Walking like a snake, bring the children to the table where there is a model of a “poultry yard”, but without poultry.

Here we are in the poultry yard. The poultry hid from us in the poultry house, but if we complete their tasks, we will see them.

Do you agree? (Yes)

The speech therapist takes an envelope, reads a riddle to the children, and a task that needs to be completed

1.- To find out who the first task is from. you need to solve the riddle:

I'll eat a worm and drink some water.

I'll look for bread crumbs,

And then I’ll lay an egg -

I’ll feed the kids... (Chicken)

Chicken's task:

Guys, tell me which of the poultry gives the voice.

Sample: rooster crows.

chicken - cackling

duck - quacks

goose - hissing, cackling

turkey - chattering

chicken - squeaks

Well done! You did this task very well!

A flat image of a chicken is placed on the layout

2. And the second riddle awaits you

The time is marked loudly.

The sun greets you in the morning.

The last ray has gone out.

It's time to sleep! - sings... (Rooster)

Assignment from the cockerel:

Gymnastics “Cockerel”

Method of implementation: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale), and then pat them on your thighs with the word

“ku-ka-re-ku” (exhale)

Number of repetitions: repeat 2 times.

Smart guys.

3. Listen to the next riddle

He walks importantly through the meadow,

It comes out of the water dry.

Wears red shoes.

Gives soft featherbeds... (Goose)

Assignment from the goose:

Remember the family members of each poultry (there is a picture on the table with a labyrinth for each child, it is proposed to assemble the family by connecting them with a line)

rooster - hen - chicken.

goose - goose - gosling;

duck – drake – duckling;

turkey - turkey - little turkey

4 .And the next task lies ahead

Pied mallard

Catches frogs.

Waddles and stumbles (Duck)

Duck's task:

My ducklings love to play, please show me a game for my ducklings

Speech game “Poultry”

Our ducks waddle in circles in the morning.

Quack - quack-quack! Imitating the gait of ducks.

Quack - quack - quack!

Our geese by the pond - Walking in a circle with their necks stretched out

Ha - ha - ha! Forward and leaving

Ha - ha - ha! hands - “wings” back.

Our chickens through the window - Stop, stand up

Ko-ko-ko! face in a circle, beat with hands

Ko-ko-ko! on the sides.

And like Petya the cockerel, they stand with their backs in a circle.

Early in the morning they stretch their necks upward.

He will sing to us: ku-ka-re-ku! rise on tiptoes

Very good.

5. Next riddle

The body is covered with feathers.

The beard hangs angrily.

The tail is almost like a peacock's

The claws are sharp, the legs are long.

I'll disperse everyone around.

And my name is... (Turkey)

Task from the turkey:

Didactic game "Whose, whose, whose?" (ICT game slide show)

- Oh, guys, whose tail is this? Answer in complete sentences and make sure to pronounce the words correctly.

– This is a rooster’s tail. (shows a picture)

Whose head? - This is a chicken head.

Well done! You said everything correctly.

6. Next riddle

Yellow lumps

They run after the quotation.

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko -

Don't go far! (Chicks)

(envelopes are on the table, the child takes out a card, counts and answers with a complex sentence with an adversative conjunction BUT (work in pairs)

Let's play the game "There is and there is not"

One child says: “I have 3 chickens.” Another child answers him: “I don’t have three chickens, but I do have 5 goslings.” Children speak in chains.

Now determine what the first sound is in the name of your bird and what letter it will be denoted by. Use the guide to write your letter

They did an excellent job.

7 .And here is the very last riddle

Amazing child!

Just came out of diapers,

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother. (Duckling)

The duckling asks to remember fairy tales where there are poultry (The Ugly Duckling, Ryaba the Chicken, Kolosok, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, etc.)

Remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? The duckling was small, did not know the inhabitants of the poultry yard, so he approached everyone and asked “Who are you? Tell me about yourself"

The speech therapist approaches the child and asks a question.

The child in the mask replies: “I am a goose. I have a head, neck, torso, wings, paws. I poultry, I live in a poultry house, I like to eat grain and grass. My babies are called goslings. I can cackle. I give man meat and fat.

The speech therapist on behalf of the duckling says: “Thank you birds, now I know everyone.”

3. Summary

Our excursion has now come to an end. And we need to part with the inhabitants of the poultry yard. Let's say goodbye to them. Tell me, who did we talk about today? (We talked about poultry). What did you find out about them? What have you learned? (children answer questions). You all answered my questions very well and listened to me carefully. I'm very glad that you learned a lot. The poultry have prepared a surprise for you.

1. Organizational moment.
a) the game “Who is more attentive?”
- Guys, let's play the game “Who is attentive.” We will sit down on the chairs after we hear the polite address.
So, listen: “Sit down, everyone,” “Quickly, everyone sat down,” “Please sit down.”
b) number, date.
- Who remembers what day of the week it is, what date, what month?
- Today is Tuesday, the seventeenth, and the month is January.
- Who will repeat the date again?
c) creating a positive emotional mood
- In what mood did you come to school today?
- What needs to be done to be in a good mood, so that everything works out? (look at the sun)
- What helping words should you repeat so that everything always works out? (I can! I can do it! You just have to try! Everything will be fine!)
2. Repetition of material from previous lessons.
- Let's remember where the Hedgehog and the Little Fox took us at the last lesson? (in a cowshed, in a pigsty, in a rabbitry, in a sheepfold, in a stable)
-Who lives in the sheepfold? In a pigsty? In the rabbitry? In the barn? In the stable?
- Name the baby animals that you see in the textbook picture p.2 on the slides.
(foal, lamb, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, pig, etc.)
- How can you name all the animals we talked about in one word? (domestic)
-Why are they homemade? (Because they live with a person, at home or near the house, and the person takes care of them)
3. Updating knowledge.
- And now I invite you to guess the riddle
Flew through the forest
Fell into the water
Dangling in the water
And it remained dry.
- What is this? (feather)
- Where do you think it came to us from? (children's answer options: from birds)
-Who do you think this feather belongs to? (to the bird)
- Where could it have come to us from? (from the forest, etc.)
4. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson:
- Let's listen to a short fragment and try to guess where we can hear such sounds and who they belong to? (to the rooster, in the yard)
- Could the feather that flew to us belong to a rooster? (Yes)
- Why do you think so? (rooster - bird)
- Why do you think so?
- What other birds do you know?
- How does a rooster differ from, for example, a crow?
- What else besides appearance, are these birds different? (Rooster poultry)
- What birds still live with humans?
- So, today we will talk about birds that live on people’s farms. Let us repeat once again, what are these birds called in one word? (pets) So, let's talk about poultry.
5. “Discovery” of new knowledge:
a) conversation on the topic

Which birds in the picture are domestic?
- Why do people raise chickens, geese, ducks?
-Where do they live, in the city or in the village? (in the village, in the poultry yard)
- Why can’t these birds live in the city?
- How does a person care for them? (feeds, gives water)
- What do poultry eat?
b) work with mosaics (in pairs)
Now let's play a little. Each of you has cut pictures on the table. You need to collect the whole picture. We work in pairs. Whoever puts the picture together faster, raise your hands together.
1) Independent work of children.
2) Checking children’s independent work.
- What kind of pictures did you get? (chicken, duckling, gosling, turkey, egg)
- Who are they? (chicks)
- Is there anything extra? (egg)
- Why?
- How is the egg related to other chicks? (all chicks emerge from the egg)
Physical education minute
c) game “Find the parents”
Guys, our chicks are lost, they are still small and cannot live without their parents for long. Look, the chicks are ready to cry. Let's help them and find their parents.
- Who are the chicken's parents? (rooster and hen)
- And the parents of the turkey? (turkey and turkey)
- Parents of the gosling? (goose and goose)
- What are the names of the duckling's parents? (duck and drake)
- Who can be the parents of the egg? (All)
- Why? (because all chicks come from eggs)
- So, let's repeat it again: at the goose? - goslings
-at the turkey? – turkey poults
- the chicken? – chickens
- at the drake? - ducklings
d) Working with a drawing (pages 4-5 of the textbook)
- What kind of birds do you see in the picture? (rooster, turkey, goose)
- Name the body parts of a rooster, turkey and goose.
- Compare the heads, necks, feathers, wings, tails and paws of these birds.
- Why does a goose have such paws? (he floats)
- What are the names of birds that can swim? (waterfowl)
- Who else do you know among domestic waterfowl? (duck)
e) Independent work with drawing (p. 4-5)
Take magic pencils and circle only those pictures that show what a person receives from birds.
- Explain why you circled the pillow, down jacket and arrow.
Finger gymnastics “Cockerel”
The cockerel stands all bright,
He cleans the comb with his paw.
(Palm up, the index finger rests on the thumb. The remaining fingers are spread out to the sides and raised up)

6. Reflection:
a) “Guess the riddle”
1. He walks importantly through puddles
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds (goose)
2. He will knock his nose on the ground,
He flaps his wing and screams.
Even sleepy he screams,
The screamer is restless. (rooster)
3. Amazing Child:
Just got out of diapers,
Can swim and dive
Like his own mother. (duckling)
4. Eat a worm, drink some water,
I'll look for bread crumbs,
And then I'll lay an egg,
I'll treat the kids. (chicken)
5. All day on the water,
And he won’t get enough water.
6. It may break,
It might get cooked.
If you want, into the bird
It may turn. (egg)
7. Yellow lumps,
Light as cotton wool
They run after the quotation.
Who is this?... (chickens)
- Who were the riddles about? (about poultry)
b) ball game “One - many”
Please everyone stand in a circle. Let's play ball. I throw a ball to one of you and say a word, for example, “chicken.” You catch the ball, then throw it back to me, calling this bird, as if there were many of them, “chicken” - “chickens”.
Now let's play! (chicken, rooster, turkey, duck, drake, etc.)
c) Guys, let's remember fairy tales. Name those in which the main characters were poultry.
7. Summing up the lesson
a) conversation
- Who did you talk about today?
- What new did you learn about birds?
- What games did you play?
b) Now draw today’s mood in the sun in the textbook.
- At home, please think about who came first, the chicken or the egg?

Presentation on the topic: Poultry

Goal: to identify the current level of children’s specific ideas about the world around them.

1. Study the level of formation of: - ideas about poultry, their habitat, benefits for humans;

Ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns;

2. Intensify the use of words in children’s speech: poultry, poultry house, feeder, drinking bowl, look after, special food, grain, millet, crows, clucks, squeaks, quacks, chatters;

3.Develop cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking), curiosity, cognitive interest;

4. To foster a good attitude in children towards poultry and the work of people on a poultry farm.



Topic: “Poultry and their young”

Goal: to identify the current level of children’s specific ideas about the world around them.


1. Study the level of formation of: - ideas about poultry, their habitat, benefits for humans;

Ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns;

2. Intensify the use of words in children’s speech: poultry, poultry house, feeder, drinking bowl, look after, special food, grain, millet, crows, clucks, squeaks, quacks, chatters;

3.Develop cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking), curiosity, cognitive interest;

4. To foster a good attitude in children towards poultry and the work of people on a poultry farm.

Materials and equipment: model of a poultry yard, illustrations of poultry, ball, magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, we have an unusual activity today. Today we have guests, let’s all greet them together: “Hello guests, we are glad to see you.”

Guys, listen, what are these sounds? (voices of poultry).

Whose voices are these? Guys, today I will not just be Ksenia Vyacheslavovna, today I will be Varya the poultry keeper! Look guys, what do you think this is? (poultry yard), but you see that there are no birds on it at all, now I’ll tell you riddles, and you help me guess them.

Spreads its tail like a peacock,

He walks like an important gentleman,

Feet knock on the ground,

What is his name - ... (Turkey)


Who sings so loudly

About the fact that the sun is rising?


Clucking, clucking,

Convenes children

He gathers everyone under his wing.


There was a white house

Wonderful house

But something knocked inside him,

And he crashed, and from there

A miracle ran out alive.


He repeats one thing - ha-ha,

Who offended? Where? When?

I'm not afraid of anyone

Well of course it is...


Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats,

There's a ship ahead,

Leads them with him.

(Duck with ducklings)

A conversation about poultry and their young.

(showing children a model of a poultry yard)

Well, here we are in the poultry yard. Whose house is this? (poultry)

What else do they call home? (poultry farm)

Who takes care of the poultry here? (poultry house and poultry house)

What do the poultry house and poultry house do? (feed, water, clean, look after)

What do the birds eat here? (from the feeder)

What do they drink from? (from the drinking bowl)

What do birds eat? (special food, grain, millet, bread crumbs, worms, midges, bugs, caterpillars)

Game: “Who is screaming?”

I will name the bird, and you will say how it “talks”, what sounds it makes?

The rooster crows;

Chicken - cackling, clucking;

Chicken - squeaks;

Duck - quacks;

The turkey is chattering;

Game: “Who has who in the family?”

I will show poultry in the picture, and you will name the family members of each poultry.

Rooster - hen - chicken. Where do they live? (in the chicken coop)


Turkey - turkey - little turkey.

Finger gymnastics: “Ducklings”.

We will bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb, and with the words “pi-pi-pi” we will rhythmically bend and straighten the fingers of both hands.

First, second, the ducklings walked.

Third, fourth - for water

And the fifth one trudged behind them,

The sixth man ran behind,

And the seventh fell behind them

And the eighth one is already tired.

And the ninth one caught up with everyone,

And the tenth one was scared.

He squeaked loudly:


Not food, look!

Game: “One – Many”

I throw the ball and say the word, and you return the ball by answering. I saw a chicken in the poultry yard, but when there are more than one of them, how shall we say?

Chicken - chickens; rooster; Chicken – chickens; goose-geese; duck - ducks; drake - drakes; turkey - turkeys.

Guys, let's look into the chicken coop and see how the chickens have babies.

Game: “What first, what then?”

Arrange the pictures in sequence:

Perch – nest – egg – chick.

What does a chicken do first (lay eggs)

And then? (Hatches the chicks, when the chicks hatch, feed them).

Look what beautiful birds grow from chicks.

Guys, let's show the chicks how kind we are, let's address them kindly.

Ball game: “Call me kindly”

Chick - chick; rooster - cockerel; chicken - chicken; goose - gosling; duck - duck; chicken - chicken; turkey - turkey; little turkey - little turkey.

Game: "Count"

On a magnetic board there are cards with numbers from 1 to 5 and pictures of poultry. Invite the children, following the pointer, to name one by one.

One rooster - two roosters - three roosters - four roosters - five roosters;

One duck-

One chicken-

One goose-

One nest-

Physical exercise: “Turkey”

A turkey walks around the yard

(Steps in place)

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rook

(Stop, look down in surprise)

Got angry in the heat of the moment.

He stomped in the heat of the moment

(Stomp your feet)

Flapping his wings

(Use your hands like wings to pat yourself on the sides)

All swollen up like a balloon

(Hands on belt)

Or a copper samovar

(clasp rounded hands in front of chest)

Shake his beard

(Shake your head, saying “bala - bala - bala”, like a turkey)

He rushed like an arrow.

Running in place

Game: "Helpers"

Guys, help me find the right excuses to tell poems about poultry. Follow my pointer, he will help you find the answer to the toy bird yard.

Yellow chickens are looking for grain (on the ground);

The turkey showed the turkey a lot of grains (in the feeder);

Tomorrow the sun will come out again! - the rooster crowed (from the fence);

The ducklings will sleep warmly, the duck will hide them (under the wing);

Chicks are not allowed to play pranks - they can fall out (from the nest);

The birdwoman took out a beautiful turkey feather (from under the pillow);

When you decide to walk barefoot, you don’t need to stand... (in front of the turkey);

The ducklings are walking cheerfully in single file to a distant pond (for a worm);

A small squad of insects is looking for chicks (between the ridges);

Oh guys, look how the poultry has taken over. They are bragging about something.

Game: "Boasters"

I will point to the pictures to show the part of the body that the bird is bragging about, and you will praise this bird.

The turkey does not have a tail, but a tail;

A duck does not have paws, but paws;

The goose does not have a neck, but necks;

A chicken does not have a wing, but a winglet;

The drake does not have a beak, but a beak;

The goose does not have a feather, but a feather.

Are poultry good for humans? How? (they give meat, eggs, feathers, fluff).

Does a person need to take care of birds? Why?

Now it's time for you to return to kindergarten, and I can become Ksenia Vyacheslavovna again!

Where have we been today? Did you like the poultry yard?

Now it's time for us to say goodbye to our guests. "Goodbye!"