Customer card sample ip. Enterprise registration card. Why do you need a company card?

The main mission of any commercial organization(companies, enterprises, LLC) or a private entrepreneur who has registered an individual entrepreneur - making a profit. And according to the paradigm modern market, the only way to achieve this goal is to interact with counterparties, which are government agencies, legal and individuals. It goes without saying that the stronger and more friendly the connection between business partners, the more fruitful the cooperation will be.

There are many ways to strengthen commercial relationships: from drawing up to jointly hosting receptions, shows and other special events. However, every acquaintance begins with mutual introductions, and The best way immediately receive complete information about a potential client or partner - look at his card. What is an enterprise card, how is it drawn up and where can you see a sample - see below.

What is a company card?

A card, or a company map, is a relatively free form a table containing information that will help a potential counterparty get an idea of ​​the company.

Important: as follows from the provisions of Article 52 Civil Code Russian Federation, an enterprise card (LLC or individual entrepreneur) does not apply to mandatory documents, and, therefore, its absence will not be a reason for the imposition of penalties or suspension of the company’s activities, not to mention its forced dissolution. However, nowadays, when information can be transmitted not only from hand to hand, but also over the Internet, the presence of such a card is a sign of good form. And since drawing up a document is not difficult (no more difficult than a cooperation agreement between legal entities), then why not do it?

An example in favor of drawing up a card can also be given from the opposite: the conclusion of a cooperation agreement in most cases does not occur on the basis of a public offer, and therefore, a counterparty who, based on general practice, requested an enterprise card and did not receive it, has every right to refuse it and cooperation that has not begun.

In addition, having a company card is simply convenient. It contains information necessary for the work of the accounting and legal department of the counterparty and, as necessary, further decisions controversial issues through going to court.

Advice: It doesn’t hurt to check the accuracy of the information contained in the enterprise card. Even if the counterparty is exceptionally decent, an error may creep into the document (due to the fault of the originator or during subsequent revisions). In particular, you can obtain or check each code given in the document on the Internet; There are many ways, and it is up to the inspector to decide which one to prefer.

As already mentioned, there is no legally established form of an enterprise card. Theoretically, it can be composed in any way; The main task is to make working with the provided information as comfortable as possible for the other party (client or partner). The card issuer of an LLC or individual entrepreneur can act at his own discretion, based on general practice and following the wishes of the authorities; if necessary, the structure of the document, a sample of which in the form Word document can be downloaded from the links provided in the following paragraphs, it can be easily changed. In addition, there is an opportunity, rarely used to this day, to create a card automatically in the 1C: Enterprise program.

Important: although this advice is not supported by law, it is highly recommended that when changing the data of an organization (LLC, company, firm) or individual entrepreneur, send cards with corrected data to all counterparties: this will help in the future to avoid annoying misunderstandings associated with the use of outdated information by business partners.

How to fill out a business card?

The card of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur is usually drawn up in the form of a table on an A4 sheet: this will make it easier to print in the future. There are no formal restrictions on sheet size; but since it is the default, there is no point in changing it.

In the most general case, a card, no matter whether it is an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, may contain the following information:

  1. Logo, emblem or characteristic recognizable image. They are placed at the very top of the sheet, and not in the table. If the logo itself is a trademark, there should be a corresponding icon next to it; if not, it is better not to mislead the counterparty, exposing your reputation to a blow at the initial stage of cooperation.
  2. Full official name of the company. Despite the apparent obviousness, this is one of the most important fields in the table; You need to very carefully read the entered data, eradicating all the errors that have crept in. Of course, a typo will not be a reason to go to court (and if it does, the plaintiff will not win the case), however, it is unlikely that a reputable entrepreneur will want to deal with an LLC or individual entrepreneur who does not even know how to “introduce himself” without making a mistake.
  3. Abbreviated official name of the organization. Like the complete one, it must be indicated in the document without errors - exactly as in the statutory documents (without surprises or innovations).
  4. Name of LLC, JSC or individual entrepreneur on foreign language(if any). This column is primarily necessary if the company or self employed works with foreign counterparties - it will be much easier for them to obtain ready-made information rather than try to translate the Russian name. However, the presence of such a line in any case adds solidity to the organization, and translating a few words will not become a serious problem - therefore, the name in another language is recommended in any case, regardless of the international ambitions of the company. If the organization is not strictly focused on a specific country or region, international English should be preferred; otherwise, the ideal option would be to combine two languages ​​- local and English.
  5. Information about the leader. It is not necessary to provide detailed information and describe a biography; It is enough to provide the last name, first name and patronymic, optionally - TIN and the name of the document on the basis of which the specified person is vested with authority (for example, the Charter of the company). In addition to the director, this column may include:
    • Chief Accountant;
    • executive director;
    • heads of departments;
    • other authorized persons.
  6. Address of LLC or individual entrepreneur- the one under which the enterprise is registered. In accordance with general practice, in this case one should start with the index, however, if exclusively intraregional activities are planned, it is enough to start the listing (in descending order) with the name of the subject of the Federation.
  7. Postal address of the organization- actually the one where the offices (buildings, workshops) are located legal entity.
  8. Telephone and, if available, fax. There is nothing complicated here: just provide the available numbers, not forgetting to indicate the domestic Russian codes.
  9. E-mail address. IN modern world Almost every enterprise or individual entrepreneur has a virtual mailbox - its address should be entered in this column of the table.
  10. Basic codes and numbers according to Russian classifiers. The more detailed information the company card compiler provides, the better; usually indicate:
    • OGRN;
    • OKATO;
    • OKPO;
    • OKTMO;
    • OKVED and other codes.
  11. Bank details:
    • checking account;
    • correspondent account;
    • name of the bank or branch;
  12. It is highly advisable to tell in a separate field about the main activities of the company and, if any, awards and insignia.

Advice: Before registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur, it would be a good idea to study it - the more impressive the top row of the table looks, the better.

Enterprise card - download form

As already mentioned, there is no single form for a business card. Using the links below you can download samples of filling out cards for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs; Having previously studied them, you can use them as forms by entering your information in the appropriate fields.

Sample enterprise card for individual entrepreneurs

Sample company card for LLC

Let's sum it up

The company card allows you to immediately familiarize the counterparty (client or partner) with the company’s mission and provide him with the data necessary for the work of accounting and legal departments. There is no single legally approved form of the form: the compiler can act at his own discretion, independently developing the structure or using ready-made samples.

The more useful information is provided in the company card, the better. However, you should not overload the document: the counterparty can obtain detailed information after preliminary review by requesting the Charter and other open documents.

The customer card is not prerequisite in conducting business activities, but many organizations and entrepreneurs still formalize it. This is something between a business card and advertising brochure. The presence of such an attribute is not at all necessary, but it enhances the image of a businessman and allows you to convey to your partner not only contact details, but information regarding business activities.

When establishing business contacts, a client card may be useful; a sample for an individual entrepreneur can be taken online or developed independently. It is provided to the partner once at the beginning of the relationship, but if changes occur, you need to inform about this additionally in order to enter them into the database.

This attribute makes it possible to obtain information about the partner, allowing you to make a final decision on cooperation.

  1. Information about areas of business, services and goods offered.
  2. Financial position of the company or individual entrepreneur.
  3. Information confirming registration with regulatory authorities.
  4. Payment details.
  5. Contact Information.

This information is taken from registration documents, for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

It's just general sections, which the individual entrepreneur details card contains, the full sample has detailed information about the entrepreneur.

Such a card allows you to fill out a cooperation agreement, invoices, acts and other documentation necessary in business activities.

Individual entrepreneurs are not required to have such a card, the law does not require this, but it increases the status of individual entrepreneurs and simplifies contacts with counterparties.

Many companies and individual entrepreneurs produce or sell the same goods, provide similar services, but each company is individual. To focus on your features and advantages, it is worth developing a unique company card.

The information provided is divided into four types:

  • advertising;
  • official;
  • formal;
  • informal.

Any type of information is used for development and profit. This does not apply to official information, they are needed only for document flow and external control government agencies.

Official information is provided to facilitate contacts. This includes the registration data of a businessman: name, address, codes, payment details, contacts. This is exactly the information that will be needed to generate documents, such as an agreement, payment order, invoice, act of completed work, etc.

With the help of informal information, you can focus on your partners’ opinions about the company’s products, operating principles and achievements. A company with a good reputation is always in demand and makes it easier to conclude new profitable deals. Trust is the key to the success of any enterprise or individual entrepreneur.

There are special requirements for advertising information. It must attract customers and increase the profitability of the company. Products and services are offered in the most favorable light, only the advantages of cooperation are described.

There are no standard requirements for what an enterprise card should look like; you can download a sample for an individual entrepreneur on the Internet, and use it to develop your own version.

Mandatory information:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur and TIN;
  • legal and actual address;
  • bank details (bank name, current account);
  • type of activity according to OKVED;
  • contact information: telephones, fax, e-mail, website address if available;
  • information about the director, chief accountant, manager or leading manager;
  • schedule;
  • information about the goods or services offered;
  • At the bottom is the signature of the individual entrepreneur and a seal imprint.

Legal entities need more sections; they have their own organizational and legal features that differ from individual entrepreneurs. Additionally indicated: form of ownership, subordination, production industry, company size, capacity. In addition, the addresses of branches or divisions, contact information with the heads of subsidiaries and much more are indicated.

If a legal entity conducts foreign economic activity, then the name must be written in English or the language of potential partners.

The form indicates the document on the basis of which the economic activity. For a legal entity this will be the Charter, and for an individual entrepreneur an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

It is recommended to indicate the company’s achievements or profitable offer that will attract new partners. There are no strict data requirements, so enter into the document any information that positively characterizes the company.

There are no regulated requirements for what an individual entrepreneur’s card should look like; the sample can contain any information. If you approach the issue creatively, this document will become a good advertisement for individual entrepreneurs.

Of course, it is easier to indicate the information in the form of a table on a white sheet of paper. But such a card will be just a formality and will not attract special attention. And if you create a bright template with a picture, photo or company logo, this will add solidity and arouse interest.

How to get attention:

  1. If you have your own website, provide a link to visit and describe what information clients will be able to receive. For example, by subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive messages about new offers, promotions, sales and changes in the entrepreneur’s activities by email.
  2. Image. Any photo or picture related to the direction of your business arouses interest and attracts partners.
  3. Trademark or logo. This move gives recognition.
  4. Indicate your type of activity not just in the form of a code, but specifically state what the company does and why cooperation will be beneficial.
  5. Tell us how many years the company has been on the market, what successes it has achieved.

Such information should be presented in a friendly manner, in clear language without dry official phrases. Design may be at the discretion of the owner.

If you are creating an individual entrepreneur card for the first time, the sample can be downloaded in Word format. Next, enter your details and format as you wish. You can print it on a printer, but if you do it in a printing house, the card will look more attractive and presentable.

If you wish, you can use the services of a specialist who will offer examples and develop a layout, taking into account the client’s wishes, and send it online by email for approval. If necessary, he will make adjustments.

An individual entrepreneur card can become a business card of a company that gives not only contact information, but also useful information for attracting partners.

Using partner cards

Cards received from partners should be stored in such a way that it is convenient to use and the information is always at hand. This could be a folder in which each client has its own file or an alphabetically organized file cabinet if there are many contractors. Sometimes the cards are stored with the contract and copies of registration documents of suppliers or buyers.

Typically, companies and individual entrepreneurs use special accounting programs, for example, 1C. In this case, you can organize the information in electronic format, do it quickly and easily.

Filling out a partner form in 1C:

  1. In the “Payments” tab, select the “Counterparties” section.
  2. Click “Create new” and enter the information received: name, codes, address.
  3. The “Bank Details” tab will allow you to record settlement data for the automatic generation of payment orders.
  4. You can download additional useful information in the "Advanced" section.

You can always edit a map in 1C or make additions. This way, information about your partners will not be lost and will allow you to quickly generate any documents: contracts, invoices, acts, cash orders and much more.

Good day! Today I continue to write articles about business for my business website

The topic of the article that I want to write today is an enterprise card, why it is needed, and I will also post samples of an enterprise card for an organization and an entrepreneur.

What is a company card

This internal document organization (if, of course, it can be called that) in which all the basic data of the LLC or individual entrepreneur are indicated.

  1. The name of the organization or individual entrepreneur (in the case of an LLC, both full and abbreviated names are indicated);
  2. Legal and postal addresses;
  3. TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
  4. checkpoint of the organization (entrepreneurs do not have a checkpoint);
  5. OGRN for an organization, OGRNIP for an entrepreneur;
  6. The bank in which the current account of the LLC or individual entrepreneur is opened;
  7. BIC (bank identification code) of the bank;
  8. Correspondent bank account;
  9. Contact numbers, fax;
  10. Email;
  11. Full name of the director of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
  12. On what basis does it operate (Charter for LLC)

The appearance of the company’s personal card is made in free form, you can go to.

Why do you need a company card?

A company card is needed to work with your future partners (counterparties). When, for example, you order some product from a company with which you have never worked before, you will definitely be asked for a company card.

This will be required so that they can enter your data into their database and accounting programs. It is on the basis of the company’s card that they will issue you an invoice, and subsequently they will send you the documents that come with the goods (invoices, etc.).

It will also ask you for a company card and transport company which you will carry the goods.

In general, to work with any new organization You will need a business card.

The same goes for you, if a buyer appears who will pay for your goods by bank transfer, you will need to request from this organization a card of their enterprise, so that other documents (invoices and delivery notes) can be based on it.

The same applies to services; with one difference, you will prepare a different set of documents (work completion certificates, contracts, etc.).

Company cards are used everywhere. You only need to provide a company card once to organize a partner, after which you will be entered into the database and your data will be used from it.

ATTENTION! In case of any changes (current account, address, etc.), you will need to notify the partners with whom you work so that they correct the data about you in their database.

Sample individual entrepreneur card

For you, I am posting my individual entrepreneur card, the so-called company letterhead. There are no restrictions regarding fonts and the type of card itself. The main thing is that it contains reliable data.

Sample LLC company card

The company card is prepared once and you already send it to all future partners with whom you will work, the only thing the company card changes is if any data changes, for example: legal address, bank details, directors - in general, with any changes, you must notify your partners about this by sending them a company card with new data.

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That's basically all. If you have any questions, please contact my group