How to make production more efficient. How to make production profitable. Toys and attractions

In an attempt to figure out how to make baking production more efficient, owners and top managers of bakery and confectionery enterprises seek advice, experiment with business processes, and attend seminars. In fact, the answer lies on the surface. High-quality baking peripherals solve several production problems at once. The main thing is to be able to choose correctly.

Not a single bread production can operate without bakery peripherals. These are auxiliary equipment: baking trays, baking and proofing dishes, ovens, transport carts and carts for blast freezing, oven planters and much more. Although these things are called secondary in production, any baker will tell you how important they are.

Firstly, baking sheets and molds are constantly in contact with baked goods. This means that the quality of the final product directly depends on the quality of this equipment. Secondly, production employees use baking peripherals every minute, and in order not to wear out quickly, they must be reliable. Finally, thirdly, on functionality and quality auxiliary equipment depends on whether the baking process will be convenient, fast and, most importantly, economical. Therefore, well-chosen peripherals for bakeries are half the success of production.

And the main point in choosing it is a reliable supplier. In Russia, equipment from Russian Trapeza is suitable for this role. The company's line includes all auxiliary tools for bakeries.

Baking trays from “Russian Trapeza” - easy and reliable

Smooth and perforated baking sheets can be with or without non-stick coating. The material used to make the baking sheet plays a key role.

"On Russian market Standard baking sheets made of simple carbon steel are very common,” says RT specialist on peripheral equipment Denis Skidanov. “But they have a number of significant disadvantages: fragility, heavy weight, low thermal conductivity, deformation.”

“Russian Trapeza” makes baking trays from high-quality aluminum alloys Almg3 and AlFe (aluminized steel). These alloys retain all the properties of food-grade aluminum (thermal conductivity, weight), and at the same time they are more resistant to temperature and mechanical influences, and are also less susceptible to oxidation and the formation of microcracks.

“As a result, the service life of the baking trays increases significantly, because it is not for nothing that these materials are used in aircraft and shipbuilding,” notes Denis. “In addition, baking trays made of aluminum alloys have much better thermal conductivity, which means that energy and time costs for baking are reduced.”

For baking trays used in the production of hot dogs, hamburgers, and automatic lines, aluminized steel is best. It is much stronger, so it is used where the periphery is subject to high loads.

Another important advantage of baking trays made of aluminum alloys is their lightness. Most often, women work in baking, and it is simply difficult for them to rearrange massive carbon steel baking sheets. Adding to this problem is the increased risk of injury to such periphery.

“My mother used to work at a bakery and constantly walked around with bandaged fingers,” Denis continues. “We have also provided for this point: our baking sheets are light and without sharp corners.”

Separately, it is worth mentioning baguette baking sheets. Usually the manufacturer makes them with 3 mm perforation. “Russian Trapeza” performs micro-perforation of 1.8 mm. For the average person, this difference is almost imperceptible, but for production, every millimeter is significant.

“When proofing on a baking tray with 3 mm perforations, the dough passes through the holes, which causes the product to burn. When the finished product is removed, it simply sticks to the surface and must literally be torn away from it. As a result, the pan becomes clogged and its thermal conductivity is significantly reduced,” says the technologist large production Sergey M. - The product loses its attractiveness appearance, and we are losing money. But with the equipment from “Russian Trapeza” the problem is solved: the dough does not leak, as a result, the products are baked evenly and “lag behind” well.

Let us add that baking sheets of standardized sizes are always available at the Russian Trapeza warehouse. At the same time, the company can manufacture equipment to order, taking into account all technical specifications required by a specific customer.

Which bread pans save money

Bread forms seem to be a simple product, however, there are many technical aspects and nuances, each of which must be taken into account and worked out with high quality. As in the case of baking sheets, only important role plays the material from which the periphery is made. The forms of “Russian Meal” are made from AlFe alloy (aluminized steel).

“The wall thickness of our molds is only 0.8 mm. Thanks to this, the molds quickly warm up and transfer heat to the product, in contrast to cast molds with a wall thickness of 5 mm, commonly used in Russian bakeries. You save both energy and time,” notes Denis Skidanov.

Row Russian companies have already appreciated the advantages of baking peripherals made of aluminized steel. According to Denis, one of the largest factories, having switched to Russian Meal forms, noticed that energy efficiency indicators improved by 24%. While this is unnoticeable for small bakeries, for large manufacturers the use of such forms is an effective means of saving significant money.

Aluminized steel goes well with a non-stick coating, and this affects the service life of the product and the quality of the final product.

“In practice, Teflon non-stick coating performs well,” says Denis. - It is more expensive, but there is no need to use oil. And this saves time and labor, as well as hygiene at the enterprise.”

The fact is that during baking, the oil evaporates and settles on ovens and forms. The equipment becomes coated with a thick layer of sticky grease that is difficult to get rid of. The plant is forced to hire a cleaning company and spend money on cleaning. With Teflon coating these problems go away forever.

Proving forms: important points

Proofing is a necessary step when baking bread and other flour products. At this stage, the dough “rests” for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 25-40 degrees so that the product turns out airy, soft and tasty. For any bread production, it is important to choose convenient and high-quality proofing forms so that this process does not go down the drain.

“Russian Trapeza” offers proofing dishes made of natural materials (wicker, rattan) and plastic. Please note that proofing pans are not used for baking: the dough is placed in the pan, proofed, and then carefully transferred to a baking sheet or under the oven.

Each of the materials has its own advantages. For example, wicker or rattan allows the dough to “breathe”, the crust has an interesting spiral pattern, and the bread itself is fragrant and soft. But molds made of plastic are cheaper and last longer than those made of natural wood. At the same time, the product turns out to be of no less quality.

“I like that the uniform from RT can be ordered in any size and any model. For example, I ordered one with the logo of my bakery in order to prepare our signature bread in it,” bakery owner Konstantin L. shares his experience.

According to Denis Skidanov, the client can indeed request a proofing form that he specifically needs. The production will promptly produce it according to the customer’s sketches.

Correct carts and riders

Another type of peripheral equipment in bakery production is planters and carts. Factories are often faced with inconvenient and frequently broken carts. “Russian Trapeza” offers a solution - oven and transport carts made of high-quality stainless steel.

To ensure that the equipment lasts a long time, the wheels are made of wear-resistant and temperature-resistant material. “The most convenient thing is that we make the carts in prefabricated form,” explains Denis. “And their prices are low, because due to the prefabricated structure we optimize the costs of delivery to the client.”

It is worth noting that carts can be made of a special design, which will allow them to occupy a significant amount of space. less space at the enterprise, while fully maintaining their functionality.

"RT" manufactures planters and carts of standard shapes and sizes, as well as to individual orders.

“With the purchase of carts and planters for Russian Trapeza, productivity increased by 7%,” says Tatyana, bakery production technologist. - The speed has increased, the equipment does not break down in principle, while with equipment from previous partners this happened almost every week. We are very pleased."

Cleanliness is the key to profitability

For everyone serious food production Obviously, keeping equipment absolutely clean is one of the most important tasks, because the quality of the product directly depends on it. “Russian Trapeza” has prepared special solutions for its clients here too. The company has a range of cleaning machines for baking peripherals, which will allow production to stop thinking about cleaning equipment as torture.

“Before offering solutions for cleaning machines, we carefully clarify at enterprises such issues as: the design of baking trays and molds, their sizes, material, degree and types of contamination, how and where they are stored, and in what quantity they are used in the enterprise, etc. .,” explains Denis. “Only based on this information and taking into account all the features of production, we present a solution for a specific enterprise.”

“The cleanliness of the bakery periphery should come first,” says baker Anton Krapivin. - I will not work on equipment that is covered with a thick layer of grease. It’s good that there are solutions like RT’s. The guys and I now bring cleanliness and order to the production site many times faster.”

Individual approach

To summarize, let’s say that “Russkaya Trapeza” in our conditions can be called an ideal supplier of baking peripherals:

  • firstly, it can supply the entire range of auxiliary equipment necessary for baking production;
  • and secondly, it will be able to offer each production exactly the solution that will be suitable specifically for it.

It doesn't matter if it's a small bakery or a large one automated enterprise, - there is a solution for everyone.

The company has been working in the food production equipment market for many years. 20 thousand enterprises in Russia, far and near abroad have trusted “Russian Meal”. And it is this vast experience that allows RT to offer customers a variety of comprehensive solutions for baking peripherals.

Natalya Vershinina, especially for the site

199178, St. Petersburg, Maly Prospekt V.O., building 57, bldg. 3
Email: [email protected]

Effective production (and indeed an enterprise) satisfies four simple requirements:

  • Produces what the market needs
  • Produces it with quality
  • Produces it quickly and on time
  • Produces this at minimal cost

Here I will focus on two of the four requirements:

  • how to produce quickly and on time
  • how to produce at minimal cost

Both of these questions are brilliantly answered by Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints, to the study and implementation of whose algorithms I have devoted the last few years. This is a kind of enterprise management system. Primarily a manufacturing enterprise. The effectiveness of which has been noted even by such production management “gurus” as Toyota.

It is impossible to put this entire system into one post, but I will tell you about the principles. And if someone considers it necessary to study it more deeply, he will read the books of both Goldratt himself (“that same goal”) and the same Schragenheim (“production at incredible speed”). I am sure that reading these books will give you an answer to the seemingly rhetorical question “How to make production efficient.”

Why does it happen that the “pure” production time of a product and the actual product release time differ by tens or even hundreds of times? Obviously, because there is a loss of time. They come in three types:

  • waiting for resource
  • waiting for components (assemblies)
  • losses in logistics

Imagine some production area. For example, a painting area. There are always some pieces coming to the site that need to be painted. The key question that needs an answer is: “what to paint now, and what later” ?

If you don’t understand this, then the workpiece that needs to be painted right now will, as luck would have it, lie at the very bottom and they will remember about it only when the customer is in hysterics because his product has already been overdue for a week.

And it will be exactly the same at every site.

This is waiting for a resource. The workpiece lies waiting for the resource until it becomes available. But...he is constantly busy with something else.

A system that clearly defines the sequence of tasks must be present in literally every production area. It must unambiguously determine which task must be performed first, which second, etc.
The order of tasks is determined by the complexity of completing the task and the date of release of the final product from production. As the release date approaches, the importance of the task increases and it moves up in priority.

Here you have a product. It consists of three nodes (which also consist of something): U1, U2, U3. I won’t draw, I’m not much of an artist. Moreover, in the video I depicted it on the board. The product must have been manufactured on February 10, 2013. It takes an hour to complete its final assembly. This means that 08-09.02.2013. (the exact date is determined by a combination of labor intensity and production factors) all three units must be in the final assembly area.

The presence of the U3 unit at the final assembly site a month before is a completely undesirable phenomenon. This is even worse than being late. Because, firstly, this will not in any way affect the delivery date of the finished product (there are no other two units), and secondly, this means that:

  • components have been used up that could have been spent on something really needed.
  • the place is occupied.
  • you wasted your money (on producing this unit). They had to be spent much later.
  • resources were wasted (for the production of this node), and some REQUIRED node lay waiting.

The brilliant Theory of Constraints not only tells you what you SHOULD do at any given moment, but also what NOT to do.

The production of unit U3 must be linked to its delivery date. That is, from 02/08/2013. Depending on the labor intensity of this unit, a date is set before which this unit cannot be produced. And starting from that date, the node changes color as date X approaches. First it is green, then yellow, then red. If 02/08/2012 has already arrived and it is not done yet, then it will be black.

At each site, all tasks must be completed in reverse order. First black, then red, then yellow, then green. White tasks are not worth completing at all.

Waiting for components is an even more unpleasant situation that can completely disrupt all deadlines.
Let's take our notorious knots. Morning 02/08/2013 The assembler is on site. U1 and U2 too. U3 does not. Nobody knows where he got stuck. The trial begins. It turns out that he is somewhere in the initial stages... For the reason described above. So the production foreman will run around plugging such holes.

But waiting for nodes is not so scary. Waiting for purchased components is much worse. Because, as a rule, procurement takes much longer than production itself.

I will not delve into procurement management, because on this occasion. The main thing in procurement is to strictly adhere to the principles of priorities laid down in the Theory of Constraints. Always buy WHAT you need and WHEN you need it. Thus saving precious working capital.

I mentioned losses in logistics in the video, and I regularly describe such things on LiveJournal. The brilliant Henry Ford, for example, came up with a conveyor belt to avoid these losses. A hundred years ago. To avoid losses in logistics, it is necessary to minimize the loss of time when transferring products from site to site.

There is one more nuance. The production management system must be simple and sustainable. Resistant to external changes, first of all. I once wrote about such changes. The simplicity (external, of course) of the Theory of Constraints lies in the fact that you must always complete the top task, that is, the highest priority. If you can't do the top one, do the second one from the top. All.

Production efficiency is the main condition of its activity and the purpose of its organization. It is provided only through effective management. The efficiency of management, as well as production itself, must ensure quality standards; this is the most important criterion by which one can judge not only the current state of affairs in a given production, but also the prospects for its development, the viability and competitiveness of the enterprise.


Include in the enterprise management process senior management manuals. It is in his hands that the ability to develop quality standards is in his hands. of this enterprise and levers that will motivate employees to strictly implement them. These may also be measures of a repressive nature, but they should be used only along with incentive measures.

Personnel and employees must also be included in the management process production and take part in production meetings on issues of improving the quality of products or services provided.

Consumers should also participate in the management of truly efficient production. Ultimately, they are the ones who determine the need for a given product and evaluate its quality. Set it up feedback with the consumer, and you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

Ensure quality control of the services, goods or products provided at each production stage. Train mid-level specialists and managers, create an internal audit system.

Analyze factors that may affect the quality of your products. They can be uncontrollable and those that can be controlled. The latter include the normal functioning of equipment, the quality of raw materials, and the qualifications of personnel. Your task is to ensure a decent level of these factors and minimize the influence of uncontrollable ones.

The question of whether it is effective worries almost all entrepreneurs. In fact, prosperity and life of any production company directly depends on quality. However, problems with production should not be considered separately from other processes in the enterprise. Because a business must always function as a whole, otherwise measures taken in just one sector may not bring the expected results.

Main problems of manufacturing enterprises

Virtually all organizations face the same types of problems. In most cases, they are quite easy to identify, especially since many employees are well aware of them.

Considering that many businesses are suffering from similar problems, we can conclude that the cause of such phenomena is quite difficult to identify. Unfortunately, there are very rare cases when the solution to a problem is in plain sight, or this solution is simple enough to quickly get rid of all negative manifestations.

Most often you have to do quite complex work, analyze and check all stages production cycle. Moreover, the analysis cannot be done in isolation from other company processes. Thus, supply, sales, and accounting should be subject to detailed study. To identify the weak link of any company, not just a manufacturing one, it is necessary to examine the entire order path under a magnifying glass: from the receipt of an application to the manager until the moment the goods are shipped to the client.

In fact, identifying the root cause that negatively affects the enterprise is the most important goal. And when deciding how to make production efficient, it is first necessary to identify the root cause in order to focus efforts on it.

Causes of inefficient production

Very often, identifying the main problems is complicated by incorrect formulation of the question. On the one hand, it is reasonable to reduce costs. The main expenses of any enterprise on which you can save:

  • Save on rent.
  • Save on raw materials.
  • Save on salary.
  • Save on material assets.

However, such cost reduction methods can lead to very negative consequences.

In turn, measures such as increasing the number of employees or purchasing new machines can also have little effect on production efficiency. Its essence lies not in general or revenue. It is much more correct to calculate this parameter based on each person working in the enterprise.

This approach allows you to immediately see many weak points in production. In fact, the main problem of low profitability of any business quite often lies in the poor organization and coherence of all processes, as well as their opacity for the participants themselves.

What is needed for production success

The natural goal of every business owner is to achieve maximum profit while minimum costs. Moreover, this issue is relevant for any sphere of production. Basic methods of achievement high profitability work in almost all industries. For example, how to make grain production efficient? Or how to increase the profitability of manufacturing school desks? When answering these questions, it is necessary to take into account similar performance indicators, as well as carry out common basic optimization measures. further work When improving production, the specifics of the enterprise will come first.

Considering that there is a reasonable limit for cost savings, beyond which cost cutting can cause serious harm to the enterprise, a logical question arises: “How to make production efficient using other methods?”

Enhancement Methods

The most important method is to evaluate the effectiveness of each individual process and employee. There are several necessary conditions, the implementation of which allows you to understand how to make production efficient:

  • Each employee performs his or her duties. That is, you should not have universal people who are responsible for many areas of work and ultimately begin to make mistakes.
  • Testing of all processes. This must be done to identify the most optimal work options.
  • Remove repetitive actions. For example, when at the stage of working with a client, each person working with him enters data about him into his database. Usually this is the manager, then accounting, lawyers, etc.
  • Transparency of all processes for employees. Let’s say a manager who has accepted an order from a client must know whether he has paid for it or not, at what stage the order is being completed, etc. At the same time, the shop manager must also know what orders will arrive in the near future, whether there are any delays raw materials.


Thus, the personal productivity of each employee comes first, which allows for truly efficient production. Russia has still come a short way in terms of business development. Often a lack of information forces implementation manufacturing enterprises methods copied from foreign companies.

However, this approach can have negative consequences, since many methods are simply not adapted to our realities.

>> Brief conclusions to the chapter


1. Economy how science studies the use of limited resources of society for the production of material goods in the face of constantly growing needs of people. Economic activity is aimed at solving a key problem for society effective use limited resources. Rational behavior the main subjects of the economy - producers and consumers - is one of the conditions for a successful solution to this problem. Application for measurement economic activity various indicators allows you to get an idea of ​​the state, quality and results of economic processes in society.

2. The economic growth - the most important criterion for the progress of the economy and society, its pace allows us to judge the level and quality of life of people. It is possible to reduce the gap between rich and poor countries if the latter understand the goals and methods economic development, the need for changes in economic life and the structure of the economy. When analyzing factors and ways to achieve economic growth, as well as forecasting economic processes, it is important to take into account the cyclical nature of the development of a modern market economy.

3. The market is an important regulator of economic processes in society. Economic laws of the market and competition contribute to increasing production efficiency and rational use of limited resources. Modern economics - a socially oriented mixed economy, in which state and market mechanisms for regulating economic life are simultaneously used.

4. Free enterprise - important factor effective development of the economy and social production. The state is interested in creating favorable legal and social conditions for support and development entrepreneurial activity citizens. The success of an entrepreneur is facilitated by the presence and rational use various sources of business financing, knowledge of the basics of management and marketing.

5. The state fulfills important economic functions V modern society, influencing economic processes in order to ensure stable development of the economy, its efficiency and achieving economic growth. To do this, it uses, in particular, methods of fiscal and monetary policy, redistributing the social product produced in the country and national income, reducing the negative consequences of inflation. The role of the state is significant in those areas where the market mechanism shows its failure: regulation of employment and the fight against unemployment, production of public goods, compensation of external effects, social protection population

6. Individual countries are connected with each other by a system of international economic relations. The unification of countries into a single world economy, along with other factors, is facilitated by international trade. The state uses various methods its regulation, applying policies of protectionism or free trade. Currently, many countries are transitioning to open market economy contributes to strengthening the free trade policy and deepening the process of globalization of the world economy.


1. What is the role of economic activity in society?

2. Why the economic growth is one of the criteria for the progress of the economy and society?

3. What are the features of market regulation of the economy?

4. How to make production efficient?

5. What is necessary for success in business?

6. What economic objectives decides the modern state?

7. Who regulates cash flows in the economy and how?

8. Why does the economy need a labor market?

9. Why are countries forced to trade with each other?

10. How can producers and consumers make rational economic choices?

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