How to conduct a charity event in 5 minutes. Charity and marketing: how to help an orphanage and increase profits. Wet and wild



About the charity event "City of Good Deeds"

In accordance with paragraph 33 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, as well as on the basis of clause 7 of Art. 18 Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations" I decide:

1. Conduct charity event"City of Good Deeds"

2. Approve the attached:

2.1. Regulations on the procedure for conducting the charity event "City of Good Deeds".

2.2. The composition of the organizing committee of the charity event "City of Good Deeds".

3. The press service department of the Astrakhan city administration shall publish this Resolution of the mayor of the city in the means mass media and ensure that the population is informed about the progress and results of the charity event.

4. The organizational and information department of the city administration should post this Resolution of the city mayor on the official website of the authorities local government administration of the city of Astrakhan.

5. The Department of Control and Document Flow of the City Administration shall forward this Resolution of the City Mayor to the Control and Legal Department of the Administration of the Governor of the Astrakhan Region for inclusion in the register of municipal regulatory legal acts within the period prescribed by law.

6. I reserve control over the implementation of this Resolution of the city mayor.

Mayor of the city

Regulations on the procedure for conducting the charity event "City of Good Deeds"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The city charity event "City of Good Deeds" (hereinafter referred to as the charity event) is held to attract public attention to solving the problems of children in difficult situations. life situation, as well as intensifying the process of reviving the traditions of charity, popularizing the idea of ​​charity and various forms its manifestations, encouraging townspeople to social activity aimed at helping children.

1.2. These Regulations have been developed on the basis of clause 33 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".

2. Goals and objectives of the action

2.1. The purpose of this charity event is to provide social support to children, including improving the financial situation of children from low-income families.

2.2. During the charity event the following is planned:

2.2.1. Collection of charitable donations in cash and in kind.

2.2.2. Providing specific financial assistance to orphans, children left without guardianship, students of boarding schools, children from low-income and large families.

2.2.3. Development of the material and technical base of boarding schools.

3. Organizer and organizing committee of the charity event

3.1. The organizer of the charity event is the administration of the city of Astrakhan.

3.2. The direct work on preparing the event is carried out by the organizing committee of the charity event “City of Good Deeds” (hereinafter referred to as the organizing committee).

3.3. The composition of the organizing committee is approved by the mayor of Astrakhan.

3.4. The decision of the organizing committee is considered adopted if at least 50% of the total number of members of the organizing committee vote for it.

3.5. The Organizing Committee holds meetings as necessary, but at least 2 times during the promotion period.

4. Timing of the charity event and Plan of the main events of the charity event

4.1. The charity event is held from 08/15/2012 to 09/15/2012.

4.2. The main events of the charity event are carried out in accordance with the attached plan.

5. Financial transactions, distribution of received material assets

5.1. Cash, received from benefactors as a result of a charity event, are credited to the account charitable organization, determined by decision organizing committee, with the purpose of indicating the payment “For the city charity event “City of Good Deeds”.

5.2. The collection of charitable donations in kind is carried out on the basis of the district administrations of the city of Astrakhan.

5.3. Donations in kind collected during the charity event are transferred to public organization, determined by the organizing committee.

5.4. Information about the results of the charity event is brought to the attention of the population of the city of Astrakhan through the media by the press service of the administration of the city of Astrakhan.

Application. Plan of main events of the charity event

to the Regulations on Procedure
holding a charity
"City of Good Deeds" promotions


│ N │ Name │ Duration │ Performers │

│p/p│ │ │ │

│ 1 │ Informing about progress │ from 08/15/2012 │ Management │

│ │charity event and the results │ up to 09/15/2012 │ press service │

│ │ carrying out │ │ administration │

│ │ │ │ cities │


│ 2 │ Work to ensure collection and │ from 08/15/2012 │ Heads of district │

│ │ safety of the donation in │ until 10.09.2012 │ administrations │

│ │ natural form for subsequent │ │ │

│ │ donation to charity │ │ │

│ │ organizations │ │ │


Composition of the organizing committee of the charity event "City of Good Deeds"

M.N. Stolyarov - mayor of the city, Chairman of the committee

A.B. Vybornov - vice-mayor of the city;

V.G. Sitnikov - vice-mayor of the city;

E.I. Simeonova - Chairman of the City Duma of the Municipal Municipality "City of Astrakhan" (as agreed);

V.V. Kolomin - Deputy Mayor of the city for social issues;

I.V. Subbotin - deputy mayor of the city for the territory - head of the Kirovsky district;

A.A. Lazarev - deputy mayor of the city for the territory - head of the Leninsky district;

I.A. Redkin - deputy mayor of the city for the territory - head of the Sovetsky district;

V.G. Kurbatov - deputy mayor of the city for the territory - head of the Trusovsky district;

O.V. Chervotkina - Chairman of the AROROO of disabled people "Russian Diabetic Association" (as agreed);

N.V. Kostyuchenko - Chairman of AROO for providing assistance to disabled children and their families (as agreed);

E.A. Dorokhova - Chairman of the JSC "Let's Help Children" (by agreement);

A.N. Generalov - head of the regional headquarters of the ARO VOO "Young Guard of United Russia" (as agreed);

Do you know what the main advantage of charitable events is? They contribute to the achievement of many goals. For example, you can raise a very substantial amount for a good cause, attract public attention to a problem, or increase the image and recognition of an NPO.

But it is worth remembering that the success of any event will depend on its careful preparation. So, what items must be included in the plan?


Before you start preparing, ask yourself the following question: Why am I doing this? Are you planning a fundraising event exclusively or are you pursuing other goals? Perhaps your NGO is hoping to raise a certain amount, but that's just nice bonus, and your main bet is on promoting the project or attracting an audience.


If you are focusing on fundraising, clearly define the format of the event (fair, charity ball, concert, etc.) and the amount you plan to raise after deducting all expenses.


A budget implies a detailed description of the expenses that you will face. These include rent and decoration of premises, payment for staff services, invitations, equipment, food, entertainment, transport and much more. Be sure to add 20% to the amount received for unforeseen expenses - you can’t live without them.

Attracting funding

When the estimate is drawn up, you need to decide on sources of financing. Their choice will depend on the type and format of the event. This could be a sponsorship budget, government grant, crowdfunding, pro bono services, financing commercial companies etc.

The target audience

You can plan a wonderful event, but if you invite the wrong people, you won't achieve the desired result. you have in mind general fee means in which everyone can take part or the event is aimed at certain group people (donors, businessmen, parents, young professionals)?


Don’t forget about the organizational nuances: venue, equipment, refreshments, entertainment, printed materials (flyers, posters, booklets), dress code, event program, etc. You need to think about all this in advance and include the expected cost items in the estimate.

Attracting an Audience

Any event needs advertising. Start with announcements on the organization’s website and social networks. Contact your subscribers and partners with a request to repost as much as possible. Prepare an informative and colorful press release for journalists and formally invite them to cover the event.


If you are planning such a large-scale event as a concert or charity ball, you cannot do without a preliminary run-through. All participants must know in advance what they are responsible for, where they stand and what they are doing. This way you can avoid unnecessary fuss and confusion at the most crucial moment.


“But they didn’t even say thank you,” is one of the most common phrases that can be heard from guests and volunteers of fundraising events. Don't forget about Thanksgiving letters, addressed to all participants, including guests, volunteers, suppliers and service personnel.

In such a matter as help, oddly enough, one must be guided primarily by reason, and not by feelings. How to properly present, design and conduct a charity event? Let's share our experience!

First, define a clear, transparent goal for the event.

It's no secret that any charity is, first of all, good intentions. Often the goals of such events are described as “helping” a certain segment or “social responsibility of the company/society.”

In fact, charitable events should have two clear goals: to generate investment in a specific project and to draw attention to the subject of the problem.

Once you realize this, planning your next steps will become much easier. Define the recipients of your project clearly - the more specific those who need help, the more likely they will be helped.

Highlight the main conditions of participation and make them as transparent as possible.

You have a project, which means you have a goal. All that’s left to do is tick the boxes on the checklist.

  • Participants
  • Budget
  • Format
  • Sponsors and partners
  • Media
  • Feedback

1. Participants

Define your target audience. Who are these people who are ready to spend their time and resources for a good cause? Organization, individuals, philanthropists, public of a particular city? You shouldn't even start without having specific information about the intended participants.

2. Budget

The main problem at this point: the profit received from the event (sales of tickets, auctions, activities, etc.) obviously must exceed the investment. Investments must be sufficient to attract the required number of participants and conduct the event itself. You will have to work hard and calculate from how many participants the funds raised will exceed the costs of a given event format on a specific site.

3. Format

Answer yourself one question: having investments and social responsibility, would you rather attend a presentation of a socially important project or an art gallery followed by a presentation?

You already know about the event's participants, so it won't be difficult for your creative staff to choose an unusual but appropriate format. The main rule: “Charity should not be boring!” Leave the charity dinner in the past, think about a charity marathon, performance or creative evening.

Make sure this is an event that people actually want to attend, rather than having to attend out of a sense of duty. Study the site carefully, pay attention to the atmosphere and the appropriateness of every detail!

4. Sponsors and partners

Here they are - those who will help you reduce costs and increase the recognition of the project. This means getting more funds for those in need. Fortunately, every year more and more companies participate in socially significant projects and charity.

Don’t be afraid to also address your proposal to contractors, non-profit organizations and funds. If you are holding a large-scale event, volunteers will be happy to help you. The main thing is that they all know about your event in time. All that is required from you is gratitude and publicity.

Don't forget to pull out your trump card - a celebrity. As soon as a famous person will be involved in your event, traffic will increase, Information support, image characteristics.

5. Media

Returning to the purpose of the charity event: in addition to material assistance, attracting attention to the problem is of great importance. The greater the media coverage of your event, the more caring people will learn about the situation in a particular orphanage or about patients with a particular disease.

The most covered problem in the media always generates discussion of possible solutions. Design outdoor advertising, printed materials or timing on social networks will directly affect the number of participants and interest in your project.

Participants willingly share information about the project if they also receive something in return: for example, a photo. An original photo zone works wonders when we're talking about about photos on Instagram and creating a positive image of the event.


One of the key components that many people forget about. Rate your event after completion. To what extent were your expectations confirmed by real indicators? Was the format appropriate for the event? What could have been changed in the timing? What difficulties did you encounter? Your client, partners and participants will help you answer these questions. Be sure to ask feedback and analyze!

It was the retrospective and analysis that helped the “TOGETHER!” team. come to important conclusions and ensure the perfect balance of activities, impressions and the official part.

Conducts a charity event for children from an orphanage. We will talk about how such shares affect the company’s revenue and profit in this article.

The first time the idea to donate toys and necessary things to an orphanage came to the mind of our Internet marketer, Dmitry Zhabin, and everyone supported him.

We formulated several tasks:

  • help the orphanage
  • evoke positive feelings in customers so that they feel involved in a good deed
  • not to lose profit and maintain profitability

The essence of the action

Usually we have package offers: you top up your balance with one amount, and you get 5% more. During the promotion period, we canceled all discounts and bonuses (the goal is not to lose profits), and we decided to credit the same 5% to help the orphanage.

The user was asked to top up the balance by as much as possible so that SMS Aero would donate 5% of it to an orphanage.

For example, 3,000 rubles were credited to the user’s account, and 150 rubles “fell” into the stock piggy bank. We carried out the first campaign within 3 weeks before the New Year, the second - within 10 days before June 1st.

During the New Year's campaign, we planned to collect at least 100,000 rubles.

Selecting a picture for the promotion

At first we wanted to post photos with real children from an orphanage that we decided to help, but we abandoned this idea due to the fact that such an image could cause pity or sadness among users.

But we had a goal - to evoke a feeling of joy and involvement in good things. So we settled on a photo of happy children playing.

On the website you could see how much money had already been collected and how many clients had already participated: so new clients also wanted to become part of the action. The picture shows the layout of the action.

How the text was written

We did not include the phrases “orphans”, “donate funds”, “no one to help”, “poor children” in the text. They also decided not to use the standard names of the campaigns “Give a fairy tale to children”, “Children’s happiness”, “Magic without borders”. No loud or solemn names. Everything is clear and understandable so that the user understands what exactly will be purchased:

  1. On New Year we raised funds for a children's development complex
  2. By June 1, we donated a set of furniture and a playground.

Promotion results

New Year's promotion:

  • Collected: 159,927 rubles
  • Purchased: shoes and clothes, toys, Montessori educational modules, pool equipment
  • On the days of the promotion, our revenue was 17% higher than in common days. And even after gifts were purchased for the Orphanage, the profit plan remained exceeded by 6%.

Most quick way make money for charity - organize an event. If a food fair or formal tie dinner isn't quite what your foundation needs, here are 10 more ideas that will not only inspire you to create your own unique events, but also easily attract new donors.

Changing clothes

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is an annual event held in Wisconsin by the Sojourner Family Peace Center, an organization that fights domestic violence. It involves men who literally have to walk this distance in high heels and thus raise money for the foundation's program. In the second year of its existence, the event has already attracted more than 600 participants. It became the main source of funding for the organization.

What to do: organize an original charity event that will help its participants experience the problem that you raise with your activities.

Animal instincts

The London Great Gorilla Run is an 8km race organized by The Gorilla Organisation. In September, about 600 people took part in it, running this distance in monkey costumes. Their path lay through such significant places for the city as St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower. They all paid an entry fee of £58. Thus, they, in fact, paid for their suit, which they then got. Celebrities such as Bill Oddie and Uri Geller also took part in the race. They awarded the runners with medals. This charity race raised money for a fund to help endangered animals. Total amount: £100,000.

What to do: come up with something funny and interactive topic for your charity event.

Appetite comes with eating

The Four Pound Burger Challenge is an annual burger-eating competition in support of MENCAP, a foundation dedicated to educating people with mental illness. Participants must eat giant burgers. In 2012, when the competition was held for the first time, 109 people took part, but only one of them was able to eat the burger offered. To attract more people to the competition, the organizers later came up with a second prize for eating burgers that weighed half as much.

What to do: Everyone loves a challenge, try incorporating one into your charity event.

Monster Help

TCCL, a foundation to help children with cancer and leukemia, organized the “March of the Monsters.” It was attended by kindergartens, students primary classes and youth organizations. The task was to come up with a little monster costume and walk through the city streets in it. Each person paid £1 to take part and the total went towards opening a rest home for sick children. At the end of the parade, schools had to choose one costume, which then went to the regional Little Monsters competition.

What to do: come up with an event in which each participant could express themselves creatively and feel involved in a common cause.

King of the Hill

Forget about sleds and skis, slide down the slope on a chair! In the town of Cable (USA), just such competitions are held annually. Participants balance on bar stools that are attached to skis. This is how the local snowmobile club raises money for its activities.

What to do: frivolity and courage are what make people not only have fun, participate in all this madness, but also donate money for it. If you organized such a competition once, and it turned out to be successful, feel free to hold it annually.

Even more tender

The Heart Foundation Western Australia organized a romantic event on February 14th. 2m LOVE letters were erected in Perth city centre, allowing couples to attach a special heart-shaped padlock and write a love message on it. The $10 they paid for the lock went to an organization that fights heart disease. Last year, the event attracted about 7 thousand couples and received wide publicity on social networks through a special hashtag.

What to do: come up with a way to integrate social media to your event so that more people know about you.

Practical jokes

This is not exactly a charity event, but it is also suitable as an example worth taking note of. Pennsylvania students decided to raise money for childhood cancer research through raffles. They were selling people the ability to put their friends on their lawn.

What to do: pranks can be very risky, but practice shows that people are willing to pay for them. Come up with some harmless prank to earn money for your organization.

Furry friends

Dog shows - serious business. Great Falls Animal Shelter, one of America's animal shelters, decided to make a fun twist on one of these shows. He introduced several additional nominations into the competition program: for a musical number, for the similarity between a dog and its owner, for the best dog vocals, for the most beautiful catch of a cookie, for the best trick, for the most beautiful hairstyle and costume.

What to do: Participation in animal charity is always a success.

Mix but do not shake

A themed event will always be more advantageous than a regular one. A chain of charity shops in Hampshire have come up with one to raise money to support children's hospice Naomi House. The theme of his event was James Bond films. The organizers hired a brass band, which played musical themes from spy films. Visitors could take photos in front of Bond's car, a Jaguar DB9. On that day, the stores received twice as much revenue as on their normal business day.

What to do: recognizable brands and movie characters can do wonders in attracting people to your event. But remember that sometimes the copyright holder will have to pay for the use of certain images.

Wet and wild

The traditional costume bathing on Boxing Day, which follows Christmas, raises large sums of money for charity each year. People dress up as pirates, princesses, angels and Santa Clauses and take the plunge into the cold waters, raising thousands of pounds for charities.