How to open a dental clinic. Opening a dental office from scratch: where to start? Purchase of equipment and recruitment of personnel

For many years, work in public clinics, clinics and hospitals has not brought the desired material results. Doctors do not have the pleasure of working for low wages wages. Most quit and go to work in a private clinic or open their own business. One of the most profitable medical industries is dentistry. Owning a luxury car is prestigious, just like having a beautiful and healthy smile.

There is an increasing trend in the opening of dental offices. Figures show that more than 60% of doctors employed private practice, they open just such a case. It is generally accepted that the most important thing in business is the location; it determines the profitability of opening. Most often, dental offices are opened in residential areas of the city, where the population density is higher. This allows you to as soon as possible build a client base, which accelerates the influx of clients. The remoteness of the clinics also speaks in favor of the small format of the dental office, because a person with acute toothache is more likely to go to his place of residence or to a neighboring area rather than look for a private multidisciplinary medical clinic somewhere in the center. Another argument in favor is the fact that prices for services in a dental office are several times lower than in private medical centers and clinics. So how to open a dental office?

Cost calculation for opening a private dentistry

Let's consider the question in more detail. Mini-dentists are opening in residential areas of the city. This applies to both the capital and the regions. This means that the future owner will need office space. Let us note that the sanitary and epidemiological service is not asleep, demanding that entrepreneurs strictly comply with the regulations regarding the squaring of the office. For one dental chair - at least 7 meters, for the second - 14, and so on by analogy. For medical centers and medical clinics, the calculations are twice as high. Work will require communications, so it is more convenient to rent or buy premises with provided amenities; for this, renting an apartment on the ground floor is suitable. The second factor is cost. For example, the average cost in Moscow is 90 thousand rubles/sq. m, in the regions - from 52 thousand rubles/sq.m. The cost of renting housing in Moscow is close to 30-35 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, the price may decrease depending on the area and distance. Let's ask ourselves how much it costs to open a dental office. As a result we have the following:

  1. Dental chair - 180-360 thousand rubles,
  2. A set of tools at the rate of one set per one chair - 45-75 thousand rubles,
  3. Consumables - 60-90 thousand per month,
  4. Enclave for sterilizing instruments - 150-210 thousand rubles,
  5. Equipment for a prosthetic laboratory - 450-750 thousand rubles,
  6. X-ray installation - 300-450 thousand rubles.

For comparison, in order to do so, you need to spend four times more money than on an office. Equipment is a key point in the work of a dentist. It is not recommended to save on equipment, because the quality of the services provided depends on it. Many practicing doctors open their own business with an established client base.

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Legal aspects and registration

You need to start working by submitting documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The registration procedure is established by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs."

According to the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 “On licensing individual species activities”, it is necessary to obtain a license to engage in medical activities. To obtain it, the following must be submitted to the licensing and certification body:

  • application for a license (application form approved by letter Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development dated July 27, 2005 No. 01I-374/05);
  • certificates for installed equipment, personal medical passports of employees, copies of documents on their education and qualifications.

PS. In the office or medical clinic equipment must be located with strict requirements prescribed by the BTI.

Let's imagine for a moment that you have opened your own clinic. We purchased equipment, rented or purchased premises, carried out repairs on it, and received the necessary certificates for work. The moment of licensing comes. It is highly recommended to study everything government documents, acts and regulations before submitting to the SES to purchase a license. Please note that when expanding the range of services, you need to go through the procedure for obtaining a license again. You can obtain a license yourself or entrust the labor-intensive process to a specialized company. If you are not confident in your abilities, trust the professionals. For a nominal fee of 30 thousand rubles. the company will prepare and carry out all the necessary activities to obtain a license.

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Personnel and advertising are powerful business assistants

In every enterprise, employees play a key role. The most expensive resource is personnel. You need to select people carefully; the quality of the services provided and your future profit depend on this. Personnel selection is carried out on the basis of one dentist per dental chair. The doctor may need a nurse. The standard working time for a doctor is about 6 hours. If you plan to open a 24-hour office, you will need at least 4 doctors per chair. The clinic requires more staff, based on this, the figure will be proportional. When hiring a person, check whether the employees have documents on education, qualifications, international internships and trainings. Introduce a competitive basis into the enterprise charter before hiring workplace test practical skills based on the competitive principle. The higher the qualifications of the employee, the higher the quality of his work, respectively, and more positive reviews clients.

During the first time your business operates, you will need effective advertising campaign. You shouldn't skimp on advertising. You can promote different ways, use different marketing moves and strategies. Can be published advertisement in the newspaper, run the slogan on television, order banners and hang them around the city. Keep a journal of suggestions and reviews so that visitors to your office respond to the quality of the services provided to them. It would be a good idea to display diplomas and certificates (if any) in the reception area. People gain confidence in a company with a name. The system of discounts will be no less effective. For example, 5-10% discounts on various dental services. The clinic can also introduce a system of discounts aimed at VIP clients. Promotions have a positive effect on the flow of people; clients, having heard the word “promotion,” will definitely come to you, this cannot but affect the attendance of your dental office.

Modern people already know for sure: you need to go to the dentist twice a year, even if everything is fine with your teeth. If any problems or illnesses arise, you should contact a specialist immediately. Dental treatment, straightening, prosthetics, professional cleaning, whitening – the services provided by modern dentists can be listed and listed. This means that today a qualified dentist will not be left without work, and a good dental office will not be left without patients. And if you want to start in demand and profitable business, perhaps it is worth considering this option. How to open a dental office, equip it, select staff and register a business? Let's try to figure it out.

Where to go for treatment?

Answering this question, our fellow citizens today choose one of three options:

  1. State dental clinics. This is the lowest-cost way to solve dental problems, but they are becoming less and less popular among the population. Outdated equipment, poor quality materials – all this makes the treatment process painful and the results short-lived.
  2. Private dental clinics. They can be both large, where patients are provided with almost any service - from diagnostics to complex surgical interventions, and small, in which several dentists, a surgeon, and possibly an orthodontist work.
  3. Dental offices. 1-2 doctors and a nurse can work here. As a rule, not many services are provided here (preventive examinations, treatment, cleaning, whitening).

Opening a multidisciplinary dental clinic is not easy: it will require large investments and considerable effort. In addition, you will have to obtain a separate license for each type of dental activity.

Opening a private dental office will be much easier, and most importantly, much cheaper.

Premises for private dentistry

Finding a suitable room for an office will be quite difficult: it must meet certain requirements. First of all, this premises must be non-residential, with all communications - electricity, water supply, sewerage. In addition, all this will need to be brought permanently to the dental chair, which is mounted on the floor.

According to standards, if there is one chair in the office, there should be at least 14 square meters next to it. meters of free space. If you have two or more chairs, add another 7 square meters. meters for each.

Since the costs of equipping an office are quite significant, the premises for it should either be rented for a long term or purchased - moving such an office will be a costly undertaking.

To know exactly what requirements apply to private dental offices, you should familiarize yourself with regulatory documents: SanPiN and SanPiN 2956a-83. In addition, you need to keep in mind that in some regions there are additional legal acts regulating this issue.

Regarding the size of the room, Rospotrebnadzor established the following minimum requirements: total area - 30 sq.m., while at least 14 sq.m., as already mentioned, should be occupied by the room where the dental chair is located, at least 10 sq.m. by the hall and at least 5 sq.m. by the toilet. The height of the ceilings should be three meters or higher, the depth of the room should not be more than six meters.

But in practice, a dental office requires more space. For productive and comfortable work, additional premises may be needed:

  • a room for sterilizing equipment is required if there are three or more dental chairs in the office. Its area should be from 6 square meters. meters.
  • X-ray room and developing room. Their minimum area is 11 and 6 sq.m. respectively.
  • additional offices (orthodontist, pediatric dentist, surgeon, etc.) – 15 sq.m. every.
  • auxiliary premises (staff room, warehouse, accounting, administration office, etc.).

Repair and equipment

There is a special need for repairs in a dental office. First of all, you will have to connect water, electricity and sewerage to the dental unit. It is better to entrust these works only to trusted craftsmen: if it later turns out that the work was done poorly, you will have to tear down the floor and redo everything, which will result in additional costs.

When calculating how much it will cost to open a dental office, you need to specifically focus on equipment - this is one of the main expense items. The price range here is quite significant, as is the difference in quality - from used and obsolete instruments to ultra-modern designs.

When choosing dental equipment, you should first of all be guided by sanitary rules dated December 28, 1983, clause 2956a-83 and SanPiN, and then - market prices, your capabilities and needs.

Here is a list of necessary equipment with average prices:

  • dentist chair. A good installation, equipped with everything required for work, costs about 300-350 thousand rubles. Its maintenance will cost about 3 thousand rubles per month.
  • replaceable tips. An additional set of tips must be purchased so that if one of them malfunctions, the cabinet can continue to operate. Cost – 4.5-5 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables(sealing compounds, hygiene, chemical products) for a month - about 5 thousand rubles.
  • dental instruments – from 30 thousand rubles.
  • solar-curing lamps – 10 thousand rubles.
  • apex locators – 30–40 thousand rubles.
  • autoclave (container for sterilizing instruments) – 60 thousand rubles.

As additional equipment, you can purchase a radiovisiograph - an analogue of an X-ray machine; the device takes an image and displays it on the monitor. Cost – about 250 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget that the office will need furniture (including cabinets for storing tools and medications).

Thus, the cost of the equipment necessary to start work will be about 600 thousand rubles (excluding the price of the visiograph).


For a dentist who opens an office “for himself” and plans to personally treat patients, the easiest way out will be. For an entrepreneur who is going to hire doctors, optimal shape business organization - .

Licenses for dental activities are issued only in the name of a dental specialist.

For this type of activity - 85.12 - medical practice and 85.13 - dental practice. To accept patients and charge money for services, you will need cash machine. It must be registered with the tax office.

Dental office staff

The success of the entire enterprise will depend on how professional and qualified the staff of your dental office is: it is no secret that patients are ready to wait weeks for an appointment with “their” doctor, and, on occasion, recommend him to friends and acquaintances. However, there are also General requirements see a dentist.

The general practitioner must have:

  • certificate in therapeutic dentistry;
  • diploma of completion of internship and residency.

In addition, his work experience in his specialty must be at least five years.

If you plan to include an orthodontist, surgeon, etc. on your staff, you will need to obtain a separate license for each of the selected areas and the requirements for specialists will also be separate.

An average person can also work in the office medical staff, his responsibilities, among other things, may include the independent provision of certain services. Such employees can carry out hygiene procedures (cleaning, whitening, etc.) and administer medication injections. To do this, the doctor must have an average medical education and a certificate in the specialization “Preventive Dentistry”.

In addition, medical staff with secondary medical education can assist dentists. To do this job they must be certified " Nurse in dentistry."

When deciding on the number of medical staff, we must not forget that according to the standards, a dentist cannot work more than six hours a day. Therefore, a dental office must have at least two doctors, two nurses, as well as an administrator-cashier and a nurse to clean the room.

Counting expenses

In addition to the costs of tools, equipment and furniture, the business plan for a dental office will have to include:

  • purchase or rental of premises (it is difficult to give even an approximate figure here: it all depends on the parameters of the property);
  • repair costs – from 150 thousand rubles and above: depends on the size of the room and how luxurious the decoration you are planning;
  • licensing – about 50–70 thousand rubles, depending on the number of dental services that your office will provide.

Along with one-time costs when opening, there will also be running costs: employee salaries, advertising costs, public utilities, telephone, etc.

As practice shows, the closest answer to reality to the question of how much it costs to open a private dental office is from 1 to 3 million. This is if you do not purchase the premises as your property, but rent it. Such a business pays for itself in approximately 2–5 years.

Many are of the opinion that opening your own dental clinic without a medical education is pointless.

But are restaurants opened only by successful chefs, and hair salons by talented hairdressers? A clinic is first and foremost a business, and then a healing process. Since now public clinics barely staying afloat, many entrepreneurs are asking the question: “How to open a dental clinic and how profitable is it?”

How to create a clinic?

A dental clinic is one of the most promising directions in medicine. With the rise in living standards, Russians began to monitor their health more carefully, so there are more and more clients at private medical institutions, where they practice an individual approach to each client.

Despite its great attractiveness, the dental business requires large investments. For example, to open a clinic with 5 chairs you will need approximately 300-400 thousand euros. If you break this amount down, you get the following:

  • the equipment will cost approximately 135-160 thousand euros;
  • renovation of the premises: on average, about 140-190 thousand euros will be needed;
  • additional costs (documentation, advertising) will cost 20-50 thousand euros.

If you don’t have the means to open a clinic, you can simply open a dental office, which will naturally cost several times less. What do you need to open a dental office? To do this, it will be enough to open an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and register with tax office.

Choosing a room

To open a clinic, you will need a room measuring at least 180-200 square meters. m, which necessarily meets the requirements of the SES. There should be one window per dental chair.

If possible, it is best to purchase the premises rather than rent them. After all, if the landlord asks you to leave the rented space, then while you find a new place, you will suffer big losses. During this time, you can lose not only clients, but also staff.

Of course, if for the purchase of premises Money not enough, you will have to rent space. In this case, it is better to carefully study the terms of the lease agreement in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. To prevent the landlord from constantly raising your rent, insist that the agreement include a clause stating that the rent can change no more often than once a year. It is also necessary to demand clear justification for increasing the rental price.


Many beginners make the mistake of investing a lot of money in luxurious renovations, because then they have little money left to buy good equipment. As a result, the quality of the services provided suffers.

The second mistake is entrusting the design to a fashionable architectural bureau, which, however, has no experience in medical institutions. Remember, the design of dental clinics must be carried out by an organization that knows the specifics of the technology and the requirements of the SES.

Therefore, invest more than 700 euros per sq. m. the meter is not worth it. People will come here for treatment, and not to admire expensive marble or paintings. A significant part of the money will have to be spent on communications; each office must have sewerage, water, electricity, and ventilation.


As a rule, the most troublesome thing when opening any medical institution is obtaining permitting documentation in supervisory authorities. While you collect all the documents to open a dentistry, a lot of time will pass. You need to go through many authorities: SES, architecture department, fire service, district administration and others. Here is an approximate list of required documents:

  1. Evacuation plan.
  2. BTI plan.
  3. Contract for washing clothes.
  4. Examination of the sterility of air, washings, and water.
  5. Agreement on recycling of waste and fluorescent lamps.
  6. Explication.
  7. Document of ownership of the premises or lease agreement.
  8. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  9. Agreement on disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  10. Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Obtaining a medical license is a completely separate matter. If all legal requirements are not taken into account, a license may not be issued, and then the opening of the clinic may be delayed. By law, a license can be issued no later than 45 days from the date of submission necessary papers from the applicant.

Those who plan to add a surgeon, therapist or orthodontist to the clinic staff will need to obtain a license separately for each type of medical activity. If you are not sure that you can arrange everything correctly yourself, it is better to contact a lawyer or even a specialized company that helps in obtaining a license and other permitting documentation.


Before opening a dental clinic, you also need to purchase necessary equipment. Even if you visit a couple of medical exhibitions, it will be difficult to understand dental equipment. Each supplier will naturally praise their devices.

Even most dentists are not very knowledgeable about equipment, they have usually worked on one or two models, so it is quite difficult for them to compare their equipment with others. For businessmen, the choice of medical equipment is generally a “black box” that only whistles, buzzes and flashes lights. In addition, the price range for dental equipment is quite wide. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you will need a specialist who is well versed in professional equipment.


For a dental clinic with 5 chairs, it is necessary to hire 10 doctors, 10 nurses, 1-2 administrators, 2 nurses and an accountant at 0.5 rate. The dentist’s salary should be approximately 20-25% of revenue, for nurses a fixed rate should be provided - about 300-400 euros (for the capital), and for nurses - 200-250 euros.

Private medical services are used in great demand among the wealthy population. One of the most expensive procedures is dental care. How to open a dental office and how much does it cost? To answer this question, you need to draw up a business plan with calculations of investments and profitability of the project.

It is possible to organize a dental office both with a medical diploma and without specialized education. In any case, it will not be possible to carry out activities independently - you need assistants, nurses, specialists various types manipulation.

Business plan

You need to start opening a dental office by writing a business plan:

  1. Concept development.
  2. Search for premises.
  3. Study of regulatory requirements.
  4. Purchase of equipment and materials.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Registration of an enterprise.
  7. Business advertising.
  8. Calculating the amount of investments, expenses and income.

A detailed business plan with calculations performs several functions - it helps an entrepreneur launch his project, and will be required in case of attracting credit funds or working with partners.


All other stages of opening a dentistry depend on the basic decision - what range of services will be provided. Usually in Russia they open either a small office or a clinic.

The office requires a minimum area, one assistant and a limited range of services:

  • installation of seals;
  • whitening;
  • stone removal;
  • gum treatment;
  • prevention.

This choice is made by specialists from public hospitals. With an established client base and established reputation, the dentist has a good personal income.

The clinic is distinguished by a large selection of equipment and specialists who receive patients in different time. Due to this, a wide range of services is provided in two or three offices:

  1. Treatment of teeth and gums.
  2. Tooth extraction.
  3. Surgical operations.
  4. X-ray.
  5. Hygienic and aesthetic procedures.
  6. Prosthetics.
  7. Children's dentistry.

Clinics are more in demand and profitable, as they give the patient the opportunity to solve several problems in one place. Opening a clinic from scratch will cost much more than an office.

To avoid promotion own brand, you can purchase a franchise. However, in dental business this option does not have the same benefits as in other industries, because specialists bring income to the enterprise. The franchisor does not provide employees; the entrepreneur recruits the staff himself. If a patient does not receive quality services in a well-known clinic, the reputation will be damaged and the investment will not pay off.

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When searching suitable premises For the placement of a dental office, it is important that it is convenient for visitors to get there both personally and public transport. Often, when there is an urgent need, people first go to a hospital near their home or work, and then become regular customers.

A common location for an office is the first floor of a building or residential building. If an ordinary apartment is purchased for business purposes, then it must be transferred to non-residential stock and obtain the consent of neighbors for arrangement.

The procedure for re-registering an apartment for a dental clinic is multi-stage and lengthy:

  • Urban architecture compiles a list of documents that must be provided.
  • BTI, SES, traffic police, housing authority, the city council issues certificates of the established form.
  • Based on the collected package of documents, the architecture makes a conclusion and architectural planning task.
  • The project is carried out according to the instructions specialized organization.
  • The architectural department approves the reconstruction project, for which it is necessary to obtain permits from a number of city organizations.
  • After completion of the repair work, it is necessary to issue a commissioning certificate. It is signed by: fire supervision, sanitary station, state traffic inspectorate, committee for nature protection and environmental management, service for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

Purchasing the property is the most correct decision, since dental equipment is rigidly mounted and communications are connected to it.

If the entire structure is located in a rented building, and the contract is terminated, then you will have to spend a lot of time and money on dismantling, transportation and installation in a new location. In conditions of shortage starting capital It is better to take out a loan than to expose your business to the risk of relocation.


The premises must comply with the following regulatory requirements:

  1. To accommodate one chair you need 14 sq.m.
  2. For an additional chair in the same room you need another 7 sq.m.
  3. Reception room - 10 sq.m.
  4. Bathroom - 5 sq.m.
  5. Sterilization room - 6 sq.m.
  6. X-ray room - 17 sq.m.
  7. Offices of other specialists - 15 sq.m.
  8. The height of the room is more than 3 m.
  9. The distance from the window to the opposite wall is no more than 6 m.
  10. Availability of running water with hot and cold water, sewerage, electricity, ventilation.
  11. Finishing materials must be certified and comply with sanitary, hygienic and fire safety standards.

Water, sewer and power supplies are connected directly to the dental chair under the floor. It is important that this work is done efficiently, because it will be problematic to correct defects.

The minimum allowable area for a dental office for 1 chair is 30 sq.m. To locate the clinic, you will need a large three-room apartment or a separate building.

Equipment and materials

Modern, high-quality equipment attracts professionals to the clinic, who, in turn, attract patients. As in the case of premises, it is better not to save money and purchase new technology.

The minimum list of equipment needed to open includes:

  • A dental chair with a set of hoses connected to it, providing manipulations: water and air supply, micromotor with straight and angled handpieces, turbine, ultrasound for removing plaque and tartar. A fully equipped installation from well-known manufacturers costs 10-20 thousand dollars.
  • Replaceable spare nozzles. For each procedure, a wide variety of tips are used in shape, materials, and coating.
  • Instrumentation - mirrors, clamps, tweezers, pens, diagnostic probes, spatulas, syringes, needles, trays.
  • Solar-curing lamps for fixing the composition.
  • Apex locators for determining the working length of the tooth root canal.
  • Autoclave for processing and disinfecting instruments.
  • Sterilizer.

In dentistry, it is often necessary to take x-rays of the problem area. It is expensive to equip a separate office, so you can purchase a radiovisiograph, which is a simplified compact version of an x-ray and is connected to the dental chair.

The clinic needs furniture:

  1. Cabinets for storing tools, materials, clothes.
  2. Mobile cabinets on wheels.
  3. Tables.
  4. Chairs and armchairs.
  5. Shelving.

The smallest share of costs consists of consumables:

  • filling compounds;
  • personal protective equipment and hygiene (masks, caps, goggles);
  • disinfectants;
  • medications.

If you intend to provide a wide range of services, then more equipment and working materials will be required.


How to open a dental office without employees? You can't do without salary costs - even a small project founded by a dental entrepreneur needs to hire a nurse to assist in receiving patients and a cleaner. All other functions of accounting, purchasing materials, general management business is usually carried out by the owner of a dentistry.

The clinic recruits specialists of various profiles, depending on the list of services provided. The qualifications of doctors determine the popularity and profitability of the establishment, so they select employees long and carefully. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the license is issued separately for each type of activity, which means that cooperation must be long-term.

Licensing requirements for personnel:

  1. Medical worker- secondary medical education, certificate “Preventive Dentistry” or “Nurse in Dentistry”.
  2. Doctor - higher professional education, residency, internship, certificate in your field of work, 5 years of work experience.

According to labor safety regulations, the working day of dentists and nurses should not exceed 6 hours. If the office plans to receive patients from morning to evening, then the staff should have 2 doctors and 2 nurses for shift work.

Before the clinic gains fame and a constant flow of clients, it will be necessary to pay for the work of highly qualified dentists from the start-up capital. Typically, doctors receive a salary plus a percentage of revenue, nurses and other personnel - a salary and incentive payments.


Providing services in a dental office without permits is illegal. After the premises have been prepared, equipped, and agreements have been concluded with the staff, it is time to register the business and obtain licenses to provide dental services.

The sole owner of the enterprise draws up individual entrepreneurship, several founders choose the form of a company with limited liability. The most favorable form of taxation for dentistry is a simplified system of the “income minus expenses” format. To accept cash payments, you will need to purchase and register a cash register; to use non-cash payments, you will need to open a bank account.

After registration with the tax office, other permits are obtained - from Rospotrebnadzor, fire supervision, SES, and the Federal Service for the Supervision of Social Security. Licenses are issued for an indefinite period, subject to availability medical certificates from specialists, and if the equipment, premises and materials meet the standards.

The documentary stage of putting a business plan into effect requires from 3 to 9 months and 70-80 thousand rubles.

To attract the attention of clients to new dentistry at first, it is necessary to invest considerable funds in advertising:

  • create a website on the Internet and promote it;
  • lead groups on social networks;
  • place advertisements in the media;
  • provide services at dumping prices in the first month of work;
  • provide discounts to pensioners, schoolchildren, and regular customers.

Video: mistakes when opening a dental clinic.

Economic calculations

The cost of purchasing a premises is the most significant part of the costs and depends on the square footage, condition, and area. If you go through the procedure of transferring from residential to non-residential, the costs will increase further.

To calculate the profitability of the project, determine the value fixed costs and calculate planned income. Annual operating costs are approximately:

The average revenue of similar establishments in the industry is 4,000,000 rubles. in year. After deducting expenses, the profit is RUB 2,550,000. in year. The initial investment in the business will pay off in 2.5 years.

There are 3 ways to increase the profitability of a dental office:

  1. Reduced costs.
  2. Price increase.
  3. Attracting clients.

The first two methods are not always used. You can expand your audience by studying demand and offering services that competitors do not have.

The owner of a dentistry, who simultaneously performs the functions of a doctor and an entrepreneur, must not only keep track of medical news, improve his professional qualifications, but also actively develop the business. In this case, the project will become stable, profitable and successful.

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