How to open an optical shop as a franchise. Profitable business. Opening an optics salon Documents required to open an optics shop

In our age of high technology, we are constantly accompanied by gadgets. At work - computers, on the road - phones and tablets, at home - laptops and TVs. Undoubtedly, such close contact with technology significantly increases visual load and damages vision. In addition, hereditary diseases become “younger” every year, and visual impairment is no exception.

According to statistics, every fourth person today suffers from vision problems, some wear glasses, others wear contact lenses. But, in any case, a doctor’s consultation is required to select them. Therefore, people value optical salons with competent ophthalmologists.

From all of the above, it is obvious that optical networks are developing at a rapid pace today. A franchise gives an entrepreneur the opportunity to purchase ready business optics and open a salon under a brand that everyone knows.

Preparation of documentation

Understanding the legal nuances of any business is quite a difficult task. It will be much easier for budding entrepreneurs to buy an optics business, because the franchisor usually provides comprehensive support, including legal issues. Let's figure out what needs to be taken into account.

    Choice of optics format.

    If you plan to sell ready-made glasses and lenses according to prescriptions from third-party ophthalmologists, you will not need a license. If your optician is going to see a doctor, you will need to obtain a license.

    Choosing a form of organization.

    Both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are suitable for starting a business. If you do not plan to have an ophthalmologist on your staff and to select glasses and lenses, it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur. Otherwise, you will need to register an LLC.

    Registration of a license.

    You will need to collect a rather impressive package of documents. Let me remind you that if you decide to buy a franchise and start a ready-made optical business, the franchisor will help you with all this. The package of documents must include constituent and registration papers, a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor, documents for equipment and rented optical premises, as well as documents confirming the qualifications of doctors.

Currently, approximately 30% of the population has serious vision problems. Considering the large amount of time spent in the evening near the TV and computer, these indicators increase almost every year. And glasses become not only a tool for vision correction, but also an attribute modern style. Most people love to use them without having any vision problems at all. This, in turn, increases the number potential clients. Based on this fact, you need to seriously think about how you can create your own points trading point. And in this article we will try to tell you about Surely, our publication will allow you to learn a lot of interesting information.

Market and competition analysis

This publication will help you find out whether it is profitable to open an optical salon in your city. Of course, this is a profitable event, but it is important to take into account many features.

It is worth starting the opening of such a point by conducting a market analysis. But it is worth saying that many entrepreneurs have already done this. And the results of the study of this market turned out to be very optimistic. It turns out that over the past few years retail chain, engaged in the sale of optics, has increased almost 8 times. And, according to many experts in this field, the optics market is only 55% full. But still, there is a limiting factor called the Russian mentality.

Many Russians cannot afford to buy frames that cost several hundred dollars, and very rarely visit an ophthalmologist, while wearing optics for several years that no longer corresponded to their level of vision.

How much does it cost to open an optical salon?


It is excellent in creating an optical salon. In this area there is quite a lot high profitability and fast payback periods. But still, you will need to obtain licenses, special pharmaceutical equipment and have a decent starting capital. And remember that this cannot be done without personal efforts. Therefore, be patient and hope that everything will work out for you.

Current ideas for making money

More and more people around the world are forced to wear glasses. Every bespectacled person knows perfectly well how difficult it is to choose suitable frames or lenses, and you have to do this regularly. Take care of the assortment that attracts different buyers, and you will have regular customers.

The World Health Organization reports alarming data: in recent years, the number of people with poor vision has been increasing. If measures are not taken, in the next ten years 70% of Russians will suffer from visual impairment.

This sad trend is explained by sharply increased visual loads. Computer monitors, tablets, smartphones and permanent job These devices force many people to wear glasses. Already today, every fourth resident of Russia cannot boast good eyesight. These disappointing statistics make us think about opening an optical store as a necessary and promising type of business.

We will tell you how to start opening an optical store, what costs this enterprise will require and how to organize trade so that it is profitable.

Legal nuances

You can choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC as a form of doing business. If you are only going to sell ready-made glasses, you don't need a license, which means you can be quite satisfied. True, in this case you do not need to expect any tangible profit.

We advise you to start right away, that is, LLC. You will be able to obtain a license to practice medical activities, and significantly expand its range of services by offering doctor-prescribed lenses and glasses. To do this, it is necessary to equip a room for making glasses.

Registration of a license requires effort in preparing documents:

  • constituent and registration papers;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • documents for equipment and optical premises;
  • documents on the qualifications of optometrists, etc.

Collecting these documents will take no more than a month and you will have to pay a government fee. If you feel that you cannot cope with the task on your own, use the services of a legal agency.

Selecting a room

The first step before obtaining a license should be to search suitable premises. The choice will largely depend on the range of services that you plan to provide, but in any case, the optician should be located in a place with a sufficient flow of pedestrians.

If you are not going to organize a diagnostic room, an area of ​​40 square meters is enough for a store. m, since placing glasses does not require much space, and warehouse you can get by.

If your plans are more ambitious, and you want to open a large optical salon with vision diagnostics and glasses manufacturing, the area should be much larger. According to GOST, the diagnostic room must have at least 18 square meters. m. You will also need additional space for the workshop. All premises must comply with fire supervision requirements and established sanitary standards.

A well-lit room with stylish display cases and a well-designed interior will create the atmosphere of a modern professional salon. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Having overcome them, you will eventually be able to stand firmly on your feet and make excellent profits from in-demand services.


First of all, decide on the class of buyers who will contact you. It is advisable to rely on the middle class - working and fairly wealthy people prefer to change glasses quite often if they are guaranteed high quality and professional service.

The range of such optics should be as extensive as possible, including products from different price categories. In addition to corrective glasses, it is necessary to sell highly sought-after contact lenses, sunglasses, vision training equipment, glasses cases, chains and other accessories.

Optical store equipment

To equip the diagnostic room, you will need special equipment:

  • ophthalmoscope;
  • refractometer-keratometer;
  • sign projector;
  • slit lamp.
  • a set of trial lenses and much more.

This set of equipment costs an average of 350,000 rubles.

In addition, to purchase a professional glasses assembly line with a device for processing plastic lenses, a machine for processing glass lenses, a diopter, an ultrasonic washer, a centralizer, and other things, you will need an amount of 1.2 to 1.8 million rubles.


To work in a salon with diagnostic services, a qualified ophthalmologist is required. It is advisable that the same specialist be a contact specialist who can also prescribe contact lenses. Opticians usually employ two doctors in shifts. Sales consultants should work in the sales area to help visitors choose glasses frames and a brand of lenses.

The director of the optical salon must be a professional pharmacist with an accreditation certificate. The staff of the store, consisting of a director, two doctors and two sales consultants, will require a wage fund of approximately 150 thousand rubles. About 40% of this amount will go to tax deductions and payments to funds. Separately, it is necessary to say about the glasses collector - the master who makes glasses according to a prescription.

How professional and highly paid it should be will depend on the equipment you purchase. After a little training, a person with manual skills will be able to operate automatic or semi-automatic equipment. To work on manual machine A highly qualified specialist is needed.

Price issue

As you can see, organizing an optical salon is an undertaking that requires serious capital investments. In addition to the expenses already listed for the purchase of equipment and salaries of specialists, money will be needed for:

  • rental premises - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods – 200-400 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses – 30-60 thousand rubles.

Income from this business will largely depend on the location of the store, but in any case, the demand for glasses is quite high and will only increase over the years.

The profit of the enterprise will be noticeable due to the difference in the purchase and sale prices, especially if you can arrange supplies directly from the manufacturer. The average income will be 200-350 thousand rubles. per month, and net profit– 80-200 thousand rubles. Thus, your financial investment will pay off quite quickly.

Almost every fifth Russian resident has vision problems. As a rule, these are elderly people who, unfortunately, cannot always buy high-quality and expensive lenses and glasses. For this reason, although the potential of optics in the middle and high-money segment is quite good, departments involved in the sale of low-budget glasses also have the right to fight for their place in the business. The sale of vision glasses brings good income at any time, and this does not depend on the economic situation in the country and target audience consumers. So what is the sale of optics like? This topic is worth exploring in more detail.

Business concepts

If we do not take into account the capital regions of our country for the possibility of creating premium salons, then there are two options for opening an optical store:

Opening a department with ready-made lenses and glasses that have average bill 350-500 rubles. This store is a budget business. And its opening will not require huge financial investments from you.

Opening a full-fledged store, with an ophthalmologist, production of frames and lenses to order. This type of business will require significant investment investments, the amount of which will amount to millions of rubles.

Yes, it is worth noting that even though a full-fledged store will bring you big profits, its profitability can be compared with a small stand-alone store. The whole point is that when a crisis situation occurs in the country, people begin to save on everything, and it often happens that people use monthly lenses for six months. In addition, our domestic citizens do not like to monitor their own health, and visit an ophthalmologist once every ten years.

Optics department


For shift work, you will need to hire two sales consultants. In a small town, you can easily find a person with excellent qualifications and extensive experience for a salary of fifteen thousand. Since the entrepreneur is registered as an individual entrepreneur, he has the right to do his own accounting. Based on this, on wages Every month he will spend 30,000 thousand rubles, another 10,000 in taxes on employees, and payment for medical and pension insurance.

Initial purchase of goods

An optics salon, as a business idea, cannot exist without a certain set of goods. The markup on all medical and sunglasses, as well as various accessories for them, will be one hundred percent of the wholesale cost. A business plan for opening an optical salon should provide for daily revenue in the region of 10,000 thousand rubles. Half of this amount is the wholesale cost. Based on this, purchasing a batch of products for one month of work will cost an entrepreneur around 150,000 thousand rubles.

Profitability calculations

In general, to start operating an optics department, you will need around 50,000 thousand rubles. Of these:

  • 30,000 thousand will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment for the sale of optics.
  • 5000 – for business registration and documentation.
  • 10,000 – advertising expenses.

About another 150,000 thousand will be spent on purchasing the goods themselves, but you can significantly reduce this amount if you buy the products for sale or use deferred payment.

Every month you will need to spend:

  • 10,000 thousand will be spent on renting the premises.
  • 40,000 will go to the payroll and taxation fund of employees.
  • 5000 – for unforeseen expenses.

As a result, we will receive 55,000 thousand rubles. With a daily turnover of ten thousand, and trade margin 100 percent, the monthly income will be 95,000 thousand rubles. Fifteen percent taxes should be deducted from this. In the end we will get net income, equal to 80,000 thousand rubles.

In less than one month, all expenses can be recouped, and your optics department will begin to generate income. But this is all theoretical. As for practice, everything is much more complicated here. After you open a new business, customer flow will not increase immediately, but gradually, and only after one year of the department’s operation will it be able to reach its maximum.

It is likely that in the first six months the sales level will only cover employee salaries and rental costs. But in any case, five or six months after the opening of the department, the initial investment will be able to return, and the business will begin to bring you a stable profit.

Optical store

Here we talk about how to start selling optics. A full-fledged store will require a large sum of money from a businessman to start. And as for red tape, there will be more. But, nevertheless, the potential profit can easily pay for all the trouble.

Premises and equipment.

In order to open and put into operation a full-fledged optical store, it will be necessary to rent an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters. of which:

  • Twenty meters will go to an excellent ophthalmologist.
  • Fifteen meters to the workshop.
  • And sixty-five meters is the trading floor.

Renting such premises will cost an entrepreneur approximately one hundred thousand rubles. Another two hundred thousand will need to be spent on necessary equipment for trade, tables, cash registers and mirrors.

The largest expense will be for the purchase of medical equipment - at least two million rubles. The dollar exchange rate hit this type of business quite hard. Therefore, it will be possible to use used equipment, but only after its certification and maintenance. For this reason, it is better to purchase a new one in advance.

After purchasing the complete set, you will be able to provide the following services:

  • Selection of frames and lenses.
  • Full vision test.
  • Manufacturing of glasses according to the physiological and optical requirements of the client.

An ophthalmologist may provide treatment for eye diseases. This, in turn, gives the entrepreneur additional profit. Whether or not to charge for a vision test will be decided by the store owner himself. In some optics departments it ranges from two hundred to five hundred rubles for a full examination. As for other departments, then this service is completely free for clients. Both the first and second options deserve their right to implementation.

Registration of permits and licenses

It is worth saying that optics as a business, with the right approach, has positive reviews. But it is worth taking care of paperwork in this matter. Since the glasses sales department also provides medical services, the entrepreneur should go through the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will also need to obtain a special license to provide medical services.

In order to receive it, you must provide:

  • Act on recognizing the premises as suitable for providing medical services. services.
  • Plastic bag registration documents companies.
  • Doctor's qualification document.

Before opening your own optical store from scratch, an entrepreneur must know that the store manager must have pharmacological and medical education. In general, the design of all necessary documents its cost will range from a hundred to a fluke of rubles. This amount will depend on regional legislation and the ability of the owner of the enterprise to resolve issues without the help of lawyers.


A large and reputable establishment will require the same number of employees. Need to hire:

  • Technique.
  • Doctor.
  • Three or four sellers.
  • Accountant.
  • The manager, if the entrepreneur does not have the appropriate diploma.

As a result, there were eight people with a salary of approximately 160,000 thousand rubles, and taking into account fees and taxes, you will have to spend 200,000 thousand rubles on this business.


Assess turnover and profitability large store optics is much more difficult, unlike a small one, since there are a lot of facts that influence the final result.

Perhaps this:

  • Passability of the place.
  • Regional factor.
  • Qualification of doctor and person.
  • Seasonality, in summer time sales are increasing.

But in general, based on experience, the sale of eyeglass frames, their production, sale additional goods and the provision of services can bring a monthly income equal to 300,000 thousand rubles. It follows from this that the initial costs will be approximately three million rubles. This means that the payback for this project will be one year.


Profitability small business much higher, but even opening a network of departments will not be able to generate the same income as opening one large one. The whole point is that one person is not able to monitor a huge network of salons. To do this, he will need to hire an additional staff of accountants and assistants. As a result, this will reduce your income several times.

The most suitable option for development of this business from scratch, is to open several small departments so that you can get starting cash to create a larger business.

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IN modern world The vast majority of people try to take care of their own health and maintain it acceptable level. Today there are enough methods and medications for this. In addition, thanks to scientific progress, every day there are fewer and fewer diseases that cannot be treated.

But what problem arose with the development modern technologies? No matter how sad it may be, due to constant spending time in front of the TV, smartphone or computer, quite a large number of people suffer from deteriorating eyesight. It is thanks to this prevalence of this problem that more and more novice businessmen have become interested in how to open an optical store from scratch.

If you are one of these people, then you probably want to know how much you will need to invest in an optical salon, how to choose the necessary premises and equipment for it and how to hire staff. In addition, it will not be superfluous to learn about legal side of this business and, of course, about when the optical salon will be able to break even. Let's figure this out!

Which room should you choose?

Without which almost no one can exist modern business? Of course, without an office or work space! That is why the choice of a room where shelves with expensive products will be located and where customers will come should be taken with the utmost responsibility and seriousness.

First of all, let's decide on the location of the store. The best choice would be the streets and alleys in the city center, where hundreds, and maybe thousands of people walk daily. In addition, you should pay attention to the area of ​​the room. What area do you need? If you are going to provide diagnostic services, then you will need about 50 square meters. Because, in accordance with GOST, a doctor’s office will need 18 meters, and an optician’s office will need 10 meters. Regarding trading floor, then the minimum area that will not impede the movement of buyers will be a room measuring 20 square meters. If your optics salon does not provide diagnostic services, then a room of 40 square meters will be enough for you.

What equipment is needed?

Second, but no less important factor optics salon is equipment.

For the normal functioning of your store you will need to acquire:

  • autorefractometer;
  • table of signs;
  • ophthalmoscope;
  • a set of trial lenses;
  • ophthalmological table;
  • showcases and racks on which the products sold will be placed.

It should be noted that it is definitely not worth saving on the purchased equipment. The average amount that will be spent on purchasing all the necessary equipment is about 6 thousand dollars.

If you are also going to assemble glasses, then you will also need a device for drilling and painting plastic lenses, a diopter meter, a centralizer, an ultrasonic cleaner, as well as a machine on which the lenses will be processed.

How to select staff for an optical store?

The choice of personnel who will work in your salon should be approached responsibly. Because the health of patients who turn to you for services depends on the doctor’s qualifications. As for the salary of an ophthalmologist, it should be from 20 thousand rubles per month.

In addition to an ophthalmologist, you will also need a technician who will be involved in the production of glasses. His salary is also 20 thousand rubles.

You will also need two more employees who will sell products. Average salary each of them is about 13 thousand rubles.

Hire only qualified specialists. Because, due to their work experience, they will be able to quickly win the respect of customers for your optical salon.

How many products are needed?

As for the initial quantity of goods, for a successful start you will need about 500-700 types of frames. Also don't forget about sunglasses, which cost the same amount to purchase. It should be noted that all products must be designed for both men and women. In addition, it is also important to take care of children's frame sizes.

Include in the range of products sold not only glasses for vision correction, but also glasses designed for computer work, for style, as well as sun protection models.

As for contact lenses, you should have at least ten types in stock. It is best to choose the most common types and purchase lenses with different periods of wear.

Good products that can also significantly increase a salon’s income are various accessories. It will not be superfluous to purchase cases for glasses, laces, chains, as well as special cloths for wiping lenses.

Try to offer your buyer a wide price range. Because some can afford branded glasses from Chanel, while others want to buy something simpler.

What permits and licenses are required?

Don't forget about the legal side of starting a business. As for the optical salon, there are also several nuances. If you are going to sell only ready-made glasses, then you will not need absolutely any license and you will only need individual entrepreneurship. But in this situation, you shouldn’t expect much profit. Well, if you are going to offer your customers the services of a doctor who can prescribe lenses and glasses, then you will need to register legal entity, which will allow you to engage in medical activities.

Yes, of course, with the registration of an LLC you will have to struggle a little and collect the necessary package of documents, but this will allow you to significantly increase the profitability of your optical store.

How much will it cost to open?

But what starting amount will you need to successful opening an optical store from scratch? To open a salon in an average city, you will need about 35 thousand dollars and you will need about a month to purchase all the necessary equipment. As for profit, it can reach an average of 7,500 thousand dollars with a markup of up to 200% and 10 buyers daily.

Don’t forget, the profitability of your business also depends on your abilities. Try to learn more and understand all the intricacies - this will significantly increase the income of your salon.

Let's sum it up

An optics salon is a fairly profitable business that can not only quickly pay for itself, but also bring quite good and, most importantly, stable income. Do not hesitate, if you choose the right strategy and take into account all the above tips, then you will definitely be able to succeed and the question: “How to open an optical store from scratch” will no longer be relevant for you.