History of the development of computers, brief presentation. Presentation on computer science "history of the development of computers." History of the creation of computer technology

History of computers Prepared by: Korotich Ekaterina

11th grade student

The first devices for calculations were probably the well-known counting sticks, which are still used today. primary school many schools for teaching counting. The first devices for calculations were probably the well-known counting sticks, which are still used today in the primary classes of many schools for teaching counting.

When people got tired of counting by bending their fingers and moving sticks, they invented the abacus (abacus). When people got tired of counting by bending their fingers and moving sticks, they invented the abacus (abacus).

The number of items counted corresponded to the number of dominoes of this instrument moved.

In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard invented the "Counting Clock" - the first mechanical calculator that could perform four arithmetic operations. The device was called a counting clock because, like in a real clock, the operation of the mechanism was based on the use of sprockets and gears. This invention found practical use in the hands of Schickard’s friend, philosopher and astronomer Johannes Kepler. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard invented the “Counting Clock” - the first mechanical calculator that could perform four arithmetic operations. The device was called a counting clock because, like in a real clock, the operation of the mechanism was based on the use of sprockets and gears. This invention found practical use in the hands of Schickard's friend, philosopher and astronomer Johannes Kepler.

This was followed by machines by Blaise Pascal (Pascalina, 1642) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Around 1820, he created the first successful, mass-produced mechanical calculator - the Thomas Adding Machine, which could add, subtract, multiply and divide. It was mainly based on the work of Leibniz. Mechanical calculators that counted decimal numbers were used until the 1970s, followed by machines by Blaise Pascal (Pascalina, 1642) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Around 1820, he created the first successful, mass-produced mechanical calculator - the Thomas Adding Machine, which could add, subtract, multiply and divide. It was mainly based on the work of Leibniz. Mechanical calculators that count decimal numbers were used until the 1970s.


In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard developed a loom in which the embroidered pattern was determined by punched cards. The series of cards could be replaced, and changing the pattern did not require changes in the mechanics of the machine. This was an important milestone in the history of programming. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard developed a loom in which the embroidered pattern was determined by punched cards. The series of cards could be replaced, and changing the pattern did not require changes in the mechanics of the machine. This was an important milestone in the history of programming.

In 1838, Charles Babbage moved from developing the Difference Engine to designing a more complex Analytical Engine, the programming principles of which directly traced back to Jaccard's punched cards.In 1838, Charles Babbage moved from developing the Difference Engine to designing a more complex Analytical Engine, the programming principles of which directly traced back to punched cards Jacquard.

In 1890, the US Census Bureau used punch cards and sorting mechanisms developed by Herman Hollerith to process the decennial census data stream. In 1890, the US Census Bureau used punch cards and sorting mechanisms developed by Herman Hollerith to process the decennial census data stream.
Hollerith's company eventually became the core of IBM. This corporation developed punched card technology into a powerful tool for business data processing and produced an extensive line of specialized data recording equipment. By 1950 IBM technology has become ubiquitous in industry and government. The warning printed on most cards, “do not fold, twist or tear,” became the motto of the post-war era.

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By 1900, early mechanical calculators cash registers and adding machines were redesigned using electric motors, representing the position of a variable as the position of a gear. Beginning in the 1930s, companies such as Friden, Marchant, and Monro began producing desktop mechanical calculators that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide. The word "computer" was a job title for people who used calculators to perform mathematical calculations. By 1900, early mechanical calculators, cash registers, and adding machines were redesigned to use electric motors to represent the position of a variable like gear positions. Beginning in the 1930s, companies such as Friden, Marchant, and Monro began producing desktop mechanical calculators that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide. The word "computer" (literally - "calculator") was the name of the position - these were people who used calculators to perform mathematical calculations.

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In 1948, Curta appeared, a small mechanical calculator that could be held in one hand.

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In the 1950s and 1960s, several brands of similar devices appeared on the Western market. The first fully electronic desktop calculator was the British ANITA Mk. VII.

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In 1936, while working in isolation in Nazi Germany, Konrad Zuse began work on his first Z-series computer, which had memory and (still limited) programmability. Designed primarily on a mechanical basis, but based on binary logic, the Z1 model, completed in 1938, never worked reliably due to insufficient precision in the execution of its component parts. In 1936, working in isolation in Nazi Germany , Konrad Zuse began work on his first Z-series calculator, which had memory and (still limited) programmability. Created mainly on a mechanical basis, but based on binary logic, the Z1 model, completed in 1938, never worked reliably enough due to insufficient precision in the execution of its component parts.

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Zuse's next car, the Z3, was completed in 1941. It was built on telephone relays and worked quite satisfactorily. Thus, the Z3 became the first working computer controlled by a program. In many ways the Z3 was similar to modern cars. Zuse's next car, the Z3, was completed in 1941. It was built on telephone relays and worked quite satisfactorily. Thus, the Z3 became the first working computer controlled by a program. In many ways, the Z3 was similar to modern cars

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In 1939, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry of Iowa State University developed the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC). It was the world's first electronic digital computer. The design consisted of more than 300 vacuum tubes, and a rotating drum was used as memory. Although the ABC machine was not programmable, it was the first to use vacuum tubes in the adder. In 1939, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry of Iowa State University developed the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC). It was the world's first electronic digital computer. The design consisted of more than 300 vacuum tubes, and a rotating drum was used as memory. Although the ABC machine was not programmable, it was the first to use vacuum tubes in the adder.

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American ENIAC, often called the first electronic computer general purpose, publicly proved the applicability of electronics for large-scale computing. This became a key moment in the development of computing machines, primarily because of the enormous increase in computing speed, but also because of the possibilities for miniaturization that emerged. Created under the direction of John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, this machine was 1000 times faster than all other machines of the time. The development of ENIAC lasted from 1943 to 1945. The American ENIAC, often called the first general-purpose electronic computer, publicly proved the applicability of electronics for large-scale computing. This became a key moment in the development of computing machines, primarily because of the enormous increase in computing speed, but also because of the possibilities for miniaturization that emerged. Created under the direction of John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, this machine was 1000 times faster than all other machines of the time. Development of ENIAC lasted from 1943 to 1945.

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The ENIAC was able to perform several thousand operations per second for several hours before another failure due to a burnt-out lamp. The ENIAC was able to perform several thousand operations per second for several hours before another failure due to a burnt-out lamp.

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The first working machine with von Neumann architecture was the Manchester “Baby” - Small-Scale Experimental Machine, created at the University of Manchester in 1948; in 1949 it was followed by the Manchester Mark I computer. The first working machine with von Neumann architecture was the Manchester “Baby” - Small-Scale Experimental Machine, created at the University of Manchester in 1948; it was followed in 1949 by the Manchester Mark I computer.

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In 1955, Maurice Wilkes invented microprogramming, a principle that was later widely used in the microprocessors of a wide variety of computers. Microprogramming allows a basic set of instructions to be defined or extended using built-in programs called firmware. In 1955, Maurice Wilkes invented microprogramming, a principle that was later widely used in the microprocessors of a wide variety of computers. Microprogramming allows you to define or extend a basic set of instructions using built-in programs called firmware.

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The next big step in history computer equipment, was the invention of the transistor in 1947. They have become a replacement for fragile and energy-intensive lamps. Transistorized computers are usually referred to as the "second generation" that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s. Thanks to transistors and printed circuit boards, a significant reduction in size and energy consumption, as well as increased reliability, was achieved. However, second generation computers were still quite expensive and therefore were used only by universities, governments, and large corporations. The next major step in the history of computer technology was the invention of the transistor in 1947. They have become a replacement for fragile and energy-intensive lamps. Transistorized computers are usually referred to as the "second generation" that dominated the 1950s and early 1960s. Thanks to transistors and printed circuit boards, a significant reduction in size and energy consumption, as well as increased reliability, was achieved. However, second generation computers were still quite expensive and therefore were only used by universities, governments, and large corporations.

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"Setun" was the first computer based on ternary logic, developed in 1958 in the Soviet Union. "Setun" was the first computer based on ternary logic, developed in 1958 in the Soviet Union.

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The rapid growth in the use of computers began with the so-called. "3rd generation" of computers. This began with the invention of integrated circuits, which were independently invented by Nobel Prize winner Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This later led to the invention of the microprocessor by Tad Hoff (Intel). The rapid growth in the use of computers began with the so-called. "3rd generation" of computers. This began with the invention of integrated circuits, which were independently invented by Nobel Prize winner Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This later led to the invention of the microprocessor by Tad Hoff (Intel).

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The advent of microprocessors led to the development of microcomputers, small, inexpensive computers that could be owned by small companies or individuals. Microcomputers, members of the fourth generation, first appeared in the 1970s, became ubiquitous in the 1980s and beyond. Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple Computer, became known as the developer of the first mass home computer, and later - the first personal computer. Computers based on microcomputer architecture, with capabilities added from their larger cousins, now dominate most market segments. The advent of microprocessors led to the development of microcomputers—small, inexpensive computers that could be owned by small companies or individuals. Microcomputers, members of the fourth generation, first appeared in the 1970s, became ubiquitous in the 1980s and beyond. Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple Computer, became known as the developer of the first mass-produced home computer, and later the first personal computer. Computers based on microcomputer architecture, with capabilities added from their larger cousins, now dominate most market segments.

  • Kondratyeva M.O.
  • Teacher of computer science and ICT GOU TsO 1440
  • Moscow
  • Dear Colleagues! I offer you my development on the topic “History of Computers”.
  • Contrary to the “rules of good manners” when creating presentations, some slides have a lot of text. This is due to the specific application of this presentation.
  • I usually structure my lesson like this:
  • Oral explanation of the topic. Students write down supporting information, leaving empty spaces in their notebooks. For example, PRE-MECHANICAL PERIOD (leave 1 page), MECHANICAL PERIOD (1 page - write down - Chiccard, Pascal, Leibniz, 2 page - Babbage), etc.
  • After the “lecture” part of the lesson, students sit down at the computer and, while viewing the presentation, supplement the lesson summary with facts of their choice, check the correct spelling of dates, names, and terms.
  • One of the main teaching methods that I chose is block-modular. Therefore, this presentation in a more or less truncated form is used in grades 5, 7, 9. This option is intended for 10th grade students familiar with the concepts of electro-mechanical relay, transistor, etc.
  • For reinforcement and control, I use a test created in Excel.
  • Thanks to everyone who is interested in my work.
  • What was the first computer like? Who created it? How was it created, and how did the idea of ​​creating a computer come about?
  • The history of the computer is closely related to attempts to facilitate and automate large amounts of computing. Even simple arithmetic operations with large numbers are difficult for the human brain.
  • Humanity learned to use the simplest counting devices thousands of years ago.
  • The simplest counting was done on fingers, and when they were not enough, any natural objects were used,
  • The oldest artifact of this kind is the “Ishango bone”, found in the Congo (about twenty thousand years old). This is a baboon shin bone covered with serifs.
  • Vestonice brush, named after the place where it was found in the southeast of Vestonice in the Czech Republic. It was a wolf bone with notches on it. Its origin dates back to 300 thousand years BC.
  • Counting on knots
  • Tags
  • About five thousand years ago, a counting board, now known as the abacus, appeared in Babylon. There were dozens of pebbles moving across the field with depressions.
  • In Rome, the world's first hand-made abacus was created - a tablet with movable counters.
  • The next step was taken by the Chinese, who created the sunpan, known today as the abacus, in the sixth to twelfth centuries AD. The large section of dominoes was called "earth", and the small section at the top was called "sky".
  • Yupana, Mayan calculator. Scientists for a long time could not understand the purpose of this small “fortress model” until Nicolino de Pasquale established that the so-called “savages” created a calculator matrix using the Fibonacci sequence and a number system with a base of 40 (and not 10, as in the Old Light).
  • In 1614, Scottish mathematician John Napier invented logarithm tables. Logarithms make division and multiplication very simple. To multiply two numbers, simply add their logarithms.
  • Tables of logarithms were later built into a device that could significantly speed up the calculation process - a slide rule.
  • Napier proposed a non-logarithmic method for multiplying numbers in 1617. An instrument called the Napier stick (or knuckle)
  • One day there was a loss in the house. Suspicion fell on the servants, but none of them could be blamed for sure. And then Napier announced that his black rooster had the ability to reveal secret thoughts to his master. Each servant had to enter the dark room where the rooster was located and touch it with his hand. It was said that the rooster will crow when the thief touches it. And although the rooster did not crow, Napier still identified the thief: he first sprinkled the rooster with ash, and the clean fingers of one of the servants became proof of his guilt.
  • Slide rules have been used by several generations of engineers and other professionals. Engineers of the Apollo program sent a man to the Moon by performing all the calculations on slide rules, many of which required an accuracy of 3-4 digits.
  • In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard, an orientalist and mathematician, professor at Tyubin University, described in letters to his friend Johannes Kepler "counting clock" device- a calculating machine with a device for setting numbers and rollers with a slider and a window for reading the result.
  • "Counting Clocks" by Wilhelm Schickard. Autograph letter.
  • In 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) designed counting device to make his father's work easier - tax inspector. This device made it possible to add decimal numbers.
  • In about 10 years, Pascal built about 50 and even managed to sell about a dozen variants of his car. Despite the general admiration it caused, the machine did not bring wealth to its creator.
  • Arithmometers using the gear principle in their design existed until the 60s of the 20th century.
  • In 1673, the German philosopher, mathematician, physicist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (646-1716) created "step computer"- a calculating machine that allows you to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and extract square roots, using the binary number system.
  • Leibniz also described binary number system, one of the basic principles of modern computers.
  • In 1822 English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792-1871) put forward the idea of ​​creating program-controlled calculating machine, having an arithmetic device, a control, input and printing device.
  • The first machine Babbage designed Difference engine, worked on a steam engine.
  • A difference engine constructed from Babbage's notes a hundred years after his death.
  • Numbers are written (typed) on disks located vertically and set in positions from 0 to 9. The motor is driven by a sequence punched cards containing instructions (program).
  • Working unit of the Analytical Engine
  • Analytical machine Babbage was built by enthusiasts from the London Science Museum.
  • It consists of four thousand iron, bronze and steel parts and weighs three tons.
  • True, it is very difficult to use - with each calculation you have to turn the machine handle several hundred (or even thousands) times.
  • In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard developed a loom in which the embroidered pattern was determined by punched cards. The series of cards could be replaced, and changing the pattern did not require changes in the mechanics of the machine.
  • This was an important milestone in the history of programming.
  • The principle of pattern formation using punched cards
  • Punch cards
  • Ch. Babbage's ideas embedded in the design of the Analytical Engine.
  • Lady Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) worked simultaneously with the English scientist.
  • Lady Lovelace's only scientific work related to "programming questions for Babbage's Analytical Engine" and anticipated the foundations of modern programming for digital computers with program controlled.
  • She developed first programs for the machine, laid down many ideas and introduced a number of concepts and terms that have survived to this day.
  • Lovelace's materials and comments outlined concepts such as subroutine and program library, instruction modification, and index register, which began to be used only in the 1950s.
  • Ada Lovelace coined the terms "work cell" and "cycle".
  • Electromechanical relay
  • In 1884, the American engineer Herman Hollerith (860-1929) took out a patent “for a machine for the census” (statistical tabulator).
  • The invention included a punched card and a sorting machine. Hollerith's punch card turned out to be so successful that it has existed to this day without the slightest changes.
  • The tabulator accepted cards the size of a dollar bill. There were 240 positions on the cards (12 rows of 20 positions). When reading information from punched cards, 240 needles pierced these cards. Where the needle entered the hole, it closed an electrical contact, as a result of which the value in the corresponding counter increased by one.
  • Hollerith's company eventually became the core of IBM
  • In 1941, Konrad Zuse built the world's first operational program-controlled relay binary computer, the Z3.
  • The design of the Z-4 ​​calculating machine resembles the architecture of modern computers: the memory and processor were separate devices, the processor could process floating point numbers, perform arithmetic, and extract square roots. The program was stored on punched tape and read sequentially.
  • Z-4. 1942-1945
  • Description Z-3
  • The development of computers is divided into several periods. Generations of computers of each period differ from each other in their elemental base and software.
  • In our country, the beginning of production can be considered the beginning of the 50s - the appearance of "MESM". "MESM" was developed under the leadership of Lebedev. In 1952-1953, on its basis, BESM-1 (Large Electronic Computing Machine) was developed. And on its basis, the serial production of the BESM-2 machine was made.
  • The American ENIAC, often called the first general-purpose electronic computer, publicly proved the applicability of electronics for large-scale computing.
  • With 17 thousand lamps simultaneously operating at a frequency of 100 thousand pulses per second, 1.7 billion situations arose every second in which at least one of the lamps burned out
  • The total weight of the machine was 30 tons, it had dimensions: about 6 m in height and 26 m in length
  • At the same time, it had a thousandfold increase in speed. In the words of one admiring reporter, Eniac worked “faster than thought.”
  • Representative of the first generation of computers - ENIAC:
  • Programming Eniak's giant ENIAC computer was done by hand, with operators setting about 6,000 switches to the desired position and then switching cables. It sometimes took two days to prepare a problem that the machine could solve in 20 seconds.
  • Origin of the slang word BUG
  • According to legend, scientists testing the Mark-1 computer found a moth stuck between the contacts of an electromechanical relay, and Grace Hopper uttered this term. The extracted insect was pasted with tape into a technical diary, with the accompanying inscription: “First actual case of bug being found.” This fun fact gave rise to the use of the word “debugging” to mean “debugging a program.”
  • Grace Hopper - American military leader, rear admiral, programmer, created software for computer mark-1
  • Numbers were entered into the first machines using punched cards, and software control of the sequence of operations was carried out using plugs and typed fields.
  • They had a disadvantage: they generated a large amount of heat, which required constant cooling and ventilation. In addition, vacuum tubes were bulky, expensive, and consumed large amounts of energy.
  • Most of the first generation machines were experimental devices and were built to test certain theoretical principles.
  • The weight and size of these computer dinosaurs, which often required separate buildings for themselves, have long become a legend.
  • Main characteristics of first generation computers
  • Semiconductors became the elemental base of the second generation.
  • Transistors replaced unreliable vacuum tubes. Transistors significantly reduced computers in size and cost. The most amazing ability of the transistor is that it alone can work for 40 vacuum tubes and at the same time work at a higher speed, generate very little heat and consume almost no electricity.
  • First transistor
  • The famous BESM-6
  • Ural-11
  • Minsk-12
  • Main characteristics of second generation computers
  • Integrated circuits have become the elemental base of third generation computers.
  • An integrated circuit is a circuit manufactured on a semiconductor chip and placed in a package. Sometimes an integrated circuit is called a microcircuit or chip. Chip translated from English is a sliver. It received this name because of its tiny size. The first microcircuits appeared in 1958. Two engineers invented them almost simultaneously without knowing each other. This is Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.
  • In third-generation computers, one integrated circuit could replace up to a thousand transistors and other basic elements. And each such element could replace up to several dozen electron tubes.
  • Elbrus-2
  • Main characteristics of third generation computers
  • Starting with the 3rd generation computers, the development of serial computers has become traditional. Although machines of the same series were very different from each other in capabilities and performance, they were informationally, software and hardware compatible.
  • In 1969 the first global network– the embryo of what we now call INTERNET
  • Many believe that only in 1985, when super-large-scale integrated circuits appeared, should the beginning of a new period be counted. A chip of such a circuit can accommodate up to 10 million elements.
  • The development of 4th generation computers went in two directions:
  • 1 – creation of supercomputers – complexes of multiprocessor machines.
  • 2 – further development of microcomputers and personal computers
  • It was during these years that the term “Personal Computer” was born.
  • Main characteristics of fourth generation computers
  • Years of use
  • 1977 (1985)
  • Element base
  • Number of computers in the world
  • Millions
  • Performance (operations per second)
  • More than 109
  • More than 16 MB
  • Characteristic types of computers
  • Supercomputers, PCs, networks
  • Typical models
  • IBM/360 SX-2
  • Storage medium
  • Flexible, hard, laser disk
  • Specific software
  • Parallel programming systems

The presentation is an interactive guide to computer science intended for 1st year students. The presentation provides an overview of the history of the development of computing tools, generations of computers, development prospects, as well as a test to test the assimilation of material on this topic. The presentation was made in MS Power Point in the form of an interactive poster. Navigation is accomplished using menu buttons and slide icons.

The presentation can be used:

  1. A teacher in computer science lessons on the topic “History of the Development of Computers” as a demonstration material and to consolidate the material covered.
  2. When students work individually or in groups to independently obtain and consolidate knowledge in the classroom (using computers).
  3. Students during independent preparation for classes to expand and consolidate knowledge.
  4. A teacher at extracurricular events and as part of club work.



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Slide captions:

"History of the development of computer technology"

counting all peoples... counting with the help of objects... abacus and abacus... Pascalina... "Arithmetic apparatus" Babbage's machine With olossus Mark 1 What is a computer? 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation 4th generation 5th generation test Development prospects

Finger counting goes back to ancient times, found in one form or another among all peoples even today. Famous medieval mathematicians recommended finger counting as an auxiliary tool, which allows quite efficient systems accounts. "The Account of All Nations"

To make the counting process more convenient, primitive man began to use other devices instead of fingers. For example, the peoples of pre-Columbian America had a knot count. Moreover, the system of nodules also served as a kind of chronicles and annals, having a rather complex structure. "Counting with objects"

Counting with the help of grouping and rearranging objects was the predecessor of counting on the abacus, the difference from previous methods of calculation was that calculations were performed by digits. Well adapted to perform addition and subtraction operations, the abacus turned out to be an insufficiently efficient device for performing multiplication and division operations. "Abacus and Abacus"

"Pascalina" In 1623, the German scientist Wilhelm Schickard proposed his solution based on a six-digit decimal calculator, which also consisted of gears, designed to perform addition, subtraction, as well as table multiplication and division. 1642 "Pascalina" appeared, created by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. It was a six- or eight-digit geared device capable of adding and subtracting decimal numbers.

1673 Thirty years after Pascalina, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's "arithmetic instrument" appeared, a twelve-digit decimal device for performing arithmetic operations, including multiplication and division. "Arithmetic device"

"Bibbage's Machine" 1830-1846 Charles Babbage develops a project for the Analytical Engine, a mechanical universal digital computer with program control. Babbage's brilliant idea was realized by Howard Aiken, who created the first relay-mechanical computer in the United States in 1944. Its main blocks - arithmetic and memory - were executed on gear wheels.

"Colossus and Mark 1" 1942-1943 In England, with the participation of Alan Turing, the Colossus computer was created. It already had 2000 vacuum tubes. The machine was intended to decipher radiograms of the German Wehrmacht. 1943 Under the leadership of the American Howard Aiken, Mark-1 was created - the first program-controlled computer. It was built on electromechanical relays, and the data processing program was entered from punched tape.

A computer is a device or system capable of performing a given, clearly defined sequence of operations. These are most often operations of numerical calculations and data manipulation, but they also include input-output operations. A description of a sequence of operations is called a program. "What is a computer?" computer device

"Computer structure

"1st generation" 1946-1958 The main element is an electron tube. The cars were huge. Every 7-8 min. one of the lamps was failing, and since there were 15 - 20 thousand of them in the computer, it took a lot of time to find and replace the damaged lamp. Numbers were entered into the machines using punched cards, and software control was carried out using plugs and typed fields. Once all the tubes were working, the engineering staff could tune the ENIAC to a task by manually changing the connections of the 6,000 wires. First generation cars

“First generation machines” Machines of this generation: “BESM”, “ENIAC”, “MESM”, “IBM-701”, “Strela”, “M-2”, “M-3”, “Ural”, “Ural- 2", "Minsk-1", "Minsk-12", "M-20". These machines took up a large area and used a lot of electricity.

The main element is semiconductor transistors. The first transistor was capable of replacing 40 vacuum tubes and operates at high speed. Magnetic tapes and magnetic cores were used as information storage media; high-performance devices for working with magnetic tapes, magnetic drums and the first magnetic disks appeared. "2nd generation" 1959-1967 Second generation cars

“Second generation machines In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second generation computer in Europe, “BESM-6” (High-Speed ​​Electronic Calculating Machine 6), came into operation. Also at the same time, “Minsk-2”, “Ural-14” were created. The appearance of semiconductor elements in electronic circuits significantly increased the capacity of RAM, reliability and speed of the computer. Dimensions, weight and power consumption have decreased.

The main element is an integrated circuit. In 1958, Robert Noyce invented the small silicon integrated circuit, which could house dozens of transistors in a small area. At the end of the 60s, semiconductor memory appeared, which is still used in personal computers as RAM. In 1964, IBM announced the creation of six models of the IBM 360 (System360) family, which became the first third-generation computers. "3rd generation" 1968-1974 Third generation machines

“Third generation machines” Third generation machines have developed operating systems. They have multi-programming capabilities, i.e. simultaneous execution of several programs. Examples of third generation machines are the IBM-360, IBM-370, ES computer families ( one system COMPUTER), SM COMPUTER (Family of Small Computers), etc. The speed of machines within the family varies from several tens of thousands to millions of operations per second.

The main element is a large integrated circuit. Since the early 80s, thanks to the advent of personal computers, computing technology has become widespread and accessible to the public. From a structural point of view, machines of this generation are multiprocessor and multi-machine complexes operating on a common memory and a common field of external devices. RAM capacity is about 1 – 64 MB. "4th generation" 1968-1974 Fourth generation cars

“Fourth generation machines” Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times greater speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Every year, almost 200 million computers are produced around the world, affordable for the mass consumer. Large computers and supercomputers continue to develop. But now they are no longer dominant as they were before.

“5th generation” The development of the next generations of computers is based on large integral increases in integration, the use of optoelectronic principles (lasers, holography). The architecture of future generation computers will contain two main blocks. One of them is a traditional computer, but now it is deprived of communication with the user. This connection is carried out by a block, the so-called intelligent interface. Its task is to understand text written in natural language and containing the problem statement, and translate it into work program for computer.

“Prospect for the development of computers” One of the indicated probabilistic alternatives to replacing modern computers is the creation of optical computers, the information carrier in which will be a light bunch. The penetration of optical methods into computing is carried out on three fronts: the first is based on the use of analog interference optical computing; the second direction is connected with the creation of purely optical or hybrid connections that are more reliable than electrical ones; the third direction is the creation of a computer entirely consisting of optical information processing devices. .

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question No. 1. The abacus and abacus are considered to be the counting of all nations. Knot count. Finger counting.

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 2. The first execution of calculations using digits was performed using: Finger counting. Abacus. COMPUTER. Calculator  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 3. A six- or eight-bit geared device capable of adding and subtracting decimal numbers: Pascaline. Calculator. Leibniz device.  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question No. 4. "Arithmetic Instrument" by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz appeared in: 1746. 1673. 1637.  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 5. 1943 Under the leadership of the American Howard Aiken, Colossus was created. Mark-1. Babbage's Analytical Engine.  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 6. The main element of a computer in the first generation was: A plate with gears. Electric lamp. Motherboard.  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 7. In the second generation of computers, the following were used as information storage media: Magnetic tapes. Transistors. Disks.  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 8. Third generation machines include: M-3 MINSK-2 IBM 360  Previous question

Next question → “Test yourself!” Question number 9. In which generation of computers was the integrated circuit the main element? In the second. Fifth. In the fourth.  Previous question

Great Job!!!

The first attempt in history to create a program-controlled computer belonged to Charles Babbage. He never managed to build his "Analytical Engine" using technical base mid-XI X century.

Work on the production of the Analytical Engine was interrupted by the death of Charles Babbage. The complete “Difference Engine” of Ch. Babbage was completed only in our time in 1991 by two engineers R. Crick and B. Holloway at the London Science Museum for the 200th anniversary of the birth of its author.

Punch cards for the Analytical Engine. Late 19th century. Herman Hollerith. Invention of counting and punching machines. He founded a machine manufacturing company, currently called IBM.

30s of the XX century. The predecessors of computers are relay computers. It is based on an electromechanical relay. 1947 – relay machine “Mark-2” (13,000 relays). 1956 – RVM-1 (N.I. Bessonov). Low operating speed.

First half of the 19th century. The basis for the computer is electron vacuum tubes. 1945 - the first computer (USA) - a universal machine using vacuum tubes. ENIAC (Electronic Digital Integrator and Computer). The designers of ENIAC were J. Mauchly and J. Ecker. The basic ideas on which computer technology developed for many years were developed by the greatest American mathematician John von Neumann.

Vacuum tubes from the 40s

In 1946, the journal Nature published an article by J. von Neumann, G. Goldstein, and A. Burks, “A Preliminary Consideration of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Device.” The principles of the design and operation of a computer (the principle of a program stored in memory) are outlined - the architecture of J. Von Neumann.

1949 - the first computer with Neumann architecture - the English machine EDSAC. 1950 – American computer EDVAC. 1951 – MESM – small electronic calculating machine (MESM designer Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev). 50s - BESM-1, BESM-2, M-20 - tube 60s - BESM-3M, BESM-4, M-220, M-222, BESM-6 - semiconductor

Signs that distinguish one generation from another: elemental base; performance; amount of RAM; input/output devices; software.

The first generation of computers (50s) were lamp machines. Counting speed – up to 20 thousand operations per second (M-20 computer). Punched tapes and punched cards were used to enter programs and data. These are rather bulky structures, contained thousands of lamps, occupied hundreds square meters, consumed hundreds of kilowatts of electricity.

1949 - the first semiconductor device to replace the vacuum tube (transistor). In the 60s, transistors became the elemental base for second-generation computers.

Performance has reached tens and hundreds of thousands of operations per second. The volume of internal memory has increased hundreds of times. External memory devices. High-level programming languages ​​(FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL) began to develop. Compiling a program no longer depends on the car model; it has become simpler, clearer, and more accessible.

External memory devices

The second half of the 60s - the third generation of computers. It was created on a new element base - integrated circuits.

Element base of 3rd generation machines

The fourth generation of computers includes microcomputers. They differ from their predecessors in that they are small in size. The most popular type of computer is personal computers. There is another line of development of fourth-generation computers. This is a Supercomputer. Machines of this class have very high speed.

And finally, fifth-generation computers are machines of the near future. Their main quality should be a high intellectual level. Fifth generation machines are realized artificial intelligence.

Background 1642 French scientist Blaise Pascal began to create an arithmetic machine of a mechanical device with gears, wheels, racks, etc. She knew how to “memorize” numbers and do basic 1642. French scientist Blaise Pascal began to create an arithmetic machine, a mechanical device with gears, wheels, racks, etc. She knew how to “memorize” numbers and perform basic arithmetic operations.

Background 1834 The English scientist Charles Babbage drew up a design for an “analytical” engine, which included: information input and output devices, a storage device for storing numbers, a device capable of performing arithmetic operations, and a device that controls the sequence of machine actions. Commands were entered using punched cards. The project was not implemented. The English scientist Charles Babbage drew up a project for an “analytical” machine, which included: information input and output devices, a storage device for storing numbers, a device capable of performing arithmetic operations, and a device that controls the sequence of machine actions. Commands were entered using punched cards. The project was not implemented.

Background 1876 English engineer Alexander Bell invented the telephone. English engineer Alexander Bell invented the telephone.

Background 1897 English physicist J. Thomson designed a cathode ray tube. English physicist J. Thomson designed a cathode ray tube. cathode ray tube cathode ray tube

The first computers 1939 An American of Bulgarian origin, John Atanasoff, created a prototype of a computer based on binary elements. An American of Bulgarian origin, John Atanasoff, created a prototype of a computer based on binary elements.

The first computers 1941 Konrad Zuse designed the first universal computer using electromechanical elements. He worked with binary numbers and used the floating point representation of numbers. Konrad Zuse designed the first universal computer using electromechanical elements. It worked with binary numbers and used floating point representation.

The first computers in 1944. Under the leadership of the American mathematician Howard Aiken, an automatic computer "Mark-1" with program control was created. It was built on electric power. Under the leadership of the American mathematician Howard Aiken, an automatic computer "Mark-1" with program control was created. It was built on electromechanical relays, and the data processing program was entered from punched tape.

The first computers in 1946. Americans J. Eckert and J. Mauchly designed the first electronic digital computer, Eniak (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). The machine was built in 1946. Americans J. Eckert and J. Mauchly designed the first electronic digital computer "Eniak" (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). The machine had 20 thousand vacuum tubes and 1.5 thousand relays. It worked a thousand times faster than the Mark 1, performing 300 multiplications or 5,000 additions in one second.

Second generation of computers 1948. At the American company Bell Laboratories, physicists William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen created the transistor. For this achievement they were awarded the Nobel Prize. At the American company Bell Laboratories, physicists William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen created the transistor. For this achievement they were awarded the Nobel Prize by the American company NCR in 1957. The American company NCR created the first transistor computer.

Second generation of computers 1952 Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev in Moscow built the BESM-1 computer (large electronic calculating machine) at that time the most productive machine in Europe and one in 1952. Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev in Moscow built the BESM-1 computer (large electronic calculating machine), at that time the most productive machine in Europe and one of the best in the world.

Third generation of computers 1958 Jack Kilby from Texas Instruments created the first integrated circuit Mr. Jack Kilby from Texas Instruments created the first integrated circuit.

Third generation of computers 1959 Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev created the BESM-2 machine with a productivity of 10 thousand operations/s. Its use is associated with calculations of launches of space rockets and the world's first artificial Earth satellites. Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev created the BESM-2 machine with a productivity of 10 thousand operations/s. Its use is associated with calculations of launches of space rockets and the world's first artificial Earth satellites.

Fourth generation of computers 1971 Intel developed the 4004 microprocessor, consisting of 2250 transistors placed in a crystal no larger than a nail head. Intel developed the 4004 microprocessor, consisting of 2250 transistors placed in a crystal no larger than a nail head. IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) designed the first hard drive of the Winchester type. IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) designed the first hard drive of the Winchester type.

Fourth generation of computers 1976 Students Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, having set up a workshop in the garage, they realized the Apple-1 computer, laying the foundation for the Apple Corporation. Students Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, having set up a workshop in the garage, realized the Apple-1 computer, laying the foundation for the Apple Corporation.

Fourth generation of computers 1981 IBM released the first Personal Computer IBM PC based on a microprocessor IBM released the first personal computer, the IBM PC, based on the 8088 microprocessor.

New achievements 1984 Apple Computer Corporation released the Macintosh computer 1984 Apple Computer Corporation released the Macintosh computer 1993 Intel released the Pentium microprocessor Intel released the Pentium microprocessor Windows operating system was released Operating system was released Windows 95.Windows 95Windows 95