Mushroom business from scratch. Business idea - Growing mushrooms. Why is the mushroom business attractive?

Many people love mushrooms. Someone loves to collect them, someone loves to cook a variety of mushroom dishes, someone prefers to eat mushrooms. And there is also a rather profitable business - growing mushrooms. Often this business is undertaken by experienced mushroom pickers who understand mushrooms and enjoy working with them.

But you don't have to be a mushroom picker to start growing mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. Of course, first you need to understand the theory: how, where and in what conditions mushrooms grow, what is needed for the harvest to be of high quality and abundant, where mushroom seedlings are taken and how many kilograms of mushrooms are obtained from one square meter of area. In addition, you need to figure out how this business should be formalized legally and how much initial investment will be required.

To begin with, you can try to grow mushrooms or oyster mushrooms for yourself, in your summer cottage or in the basement, if you have private house... After some time, you will have some experience and you will figure out if you enjoy doing it and if you can achieve success in this area. If the answer is yes, then it's time to draw up a detailed business plan for growing mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms or champignons?

The cultivation technologies of these two types of mushrooms are similar, but there are still some differences. Almost all mushroom growers claim that it is more difficult to grow champignons, since these mushrooms are more demanding on the quality of the nutrient medium and the mushroom mycelium from which they are grown. Growing champignons requires more costs than for oyster mushrooms and very careful adherence to all technological processes.

In connection with the above considerations, it is better for a novice mushroom grower to first start the production of oyster mushrooms. And only then master the mushroom growing business. Although, if you are confident in yourself, have studied the technology well and you have all the necessary resources, nothing prevents you from starting with mushrooms.

Where to grow mushrooms

There are a lot of options. Good for growing mushrooms basements, sheds, summer cottages, village houses or any abandoned industrial and agricultural buildings. If you wish, you can grow mushrooms in a city apartment, on a balcony or even in a room. Create necessary conditions not that difficult. But growing mushrooms in an apartment is more of a hobby than a business, so we will take a closer look at the requirements for professional premises.

The temperature in the room should not be lower than 12 degrees and not higher than 25. The air humidity should be high enough - about 85%. Basements perfectly meet all these requirements. There must be electricity in the room. Water is also essential for growing mushrooms, so make sure you get it without interruption. In addition, there should be a drain in the room to remove excess water.

Ventilation and heating are also needed. Heating options for a room can be different: electricity, gas, wood or coal stove. As for the humidity of the air, then, with small volumes of production, the required humidity is easily achieved by simple irrigation of the bags with the substrate in which the mushrooms grow. At large-scale production air humidity is maintained with electronic systems air conditioning and humidification.

When will you find suitable premises, you will most likely have to repair it and install heating and ventilation systems. The floor is best done with concrete, and the walls are simply whitewashed.

The size of the room can be different and start from 15 sq. m. One square meter usually accommodates from three to five blocks - bags with a nutrient substrate in which mushrooms grow.

Soil for mushrooms

The soil for growing mushrooms is a substrate. It can be straw (wheat, rye, barley), sawdust (any other than pine), sunflower husk, corn cobs, tree hemp, flax production waste, bran, chaff.

There are farms that produce and sell ready-made substrate for growing mushrooms. But you can cook it yourself, from raw materials.

The substrate for oyster mushrooms is prepared very simply: straw, sunflower husks or other raw materials are poured with hot water, aged for several hours, then mixed with seed and placed in large plastic bags. V industrial production mushrooms, the substrate after infusion is pasteurized in special chambers.

This applies to oyster mushrooms, now we will consider where and how to grow mushrooms. You need compost to grow mushrooms. You can buy it, or you can cook it yourself. The second option is preferable, as it is more reliable and much cheaper.

Wheat straw is best for champignons. It is dried, then crushed in a special grinder, and then saturated with water. Water absorbs water well, so the proportions of water and straw are approximately 2.5: 1. Then manure or chicken droppings are added to the wet straw and left for two weeks, providing air access. Typically, special aerated containers are used to mature the compost.

In such a compost, mushrooms feel great and give a good harvest. It can also be used for oyster mushrooms, they will also grow remarkably. But composting is laborious, and oyster mushrooms can grow in the substrate, so compost is usually not used for them. Although the mushrooms are of the best quality in it.

Seedling mushrooms

The seed for growing mushrooms is called mycelium. Usually, novice mushroom growers acquire it in large mushroom farms, which make it both for themselves and for sale. Experienced farmers can grow mycelium on their own.

When purchasing mycelium from the manufacturer, you must make sure that it is of proper quality. It should be white, without spots and with a pleasant mushroom smell. Mycelium sellers must be licensed.

Growing mycelium in your own mushroom farm and its further implementation is a very profitable business, but it is difficult and time-consuming. The mycelium is produced from the uterine culture of the fungus, which, in turn, must be regularly renewed so as not to lose quality. You can start growing mycelium after all the processes of mushroom production have been fine-tuned.

Mushroom growing technology

So, we found out that for the production of mushrooms you need a substrate or compost and mycelium. Both of these components are mixed or stacked in layers and placed in containers. Most often, large plastic bags are taken as containers - this is inexpensive and convenient. The bags are filled to the top, holes are made at the bottom to remove excess moisture. The mycelium should now grow through the substrate. To do this, the bags are kept indoors at a temperature of 22-24 degrees and a humidity of 60-70%. There should be no light in this room and there should be good ventilation. After three days, several cuts need to be made in the bags. Mushrooms will sprout through them.

After about two weeks, the bags with the substrate will become overgrown with mycelium. Now they need to be moved to another room, with a lower temperature and higher humidity, where they will continue to grow. The temperature can be between 12 and 18 degrees. It depends on the type of mushroom. Some people like very low temperatures, others - higher. But in any case, the temperature should not exceed 16-18 degrees. Mushrooms grow very poorly in warmth.

The humidity in the fruiting chamber should be kept within 85%. Most often, for this, a pipe system is installed above the bags, in which there are small holes. Through these holes, water enters the bags, moistening them.

Lighting at this stage is mandatory and must last at least 12 hours a day. If necessary, lamps are installed.

Fruiting of mushrooms has three phases. Each lasts 5-7 days, and between them 12-14 days. The first crop is usually the most plentiful, the second and third less. After the third phase, the bag with the substrate is discarded, and a new one is placed in its place.


To organize your business on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms or mushrooms, you need to at least roughly understand what costs await you. It depends on a large number of factors: the size of your plant, the heating system, the type of mushroom you grow, the prices of the components needed for composting, etc.

Consider the costs and incomes of one of the farms that grow mushrooms. Calculations are given for one production cycle, which is two months.

So, first the costs:

  • Components for making 30 tons of compost (compost is made independently): straw, droppings, other components. In total - 20,000 rubles.
  • Mycelium - 10,000.
  • Heating and pasteurization costs - 50,000.
  • The workers' salary is 60,000.
  • Total - 140,000.

Now - income.

One ton of compost usually produces 200 kg of mushrooms.

1 kg of champignons costs 100 rubles.

From 30 tons of compost, you get 6 tons of mushrooms worth 600,000 rubles.

Thus, the income will be 600,000 - 140,000 = 460,000.

But this arithmetic applies only to one production cycle and does not take into account initial costs, i.e. start-up capital for starting a business. We list what you need, ideally, to run profitable production mushrooms:

  • Composting room equipped with straw grinder, mixing grinder, water supply and sewerage system.
  • Room for pasteurization. There should be a steam boiler and a steam supply system, preferably automated.
  • Warm room for mycelium germination with heating, drip irrigation system and ventilation.
  • Cool room for growing mushrooms with heating, ventilation and lighting.
  • In addition, you will need transportation.

These are calculations of a medium-sized mushroom farm, but from them you can get an approximate idea of ​​costs and income. Perhaps you will start growing mushrooms in your country house, in your basement, and your expenses will differ from those given, especially in the part that concerns the start-up capital. If you do everything yourself or with your family, you will not have to pay workers.

Legal aspect

In order to make a mushroom growing business legal, it needs to be formalized. In this case, the option with private household plots is personal subsidiary plots that does not require registration will not work. The requirements for producers of oyster mushrooms and mushrooms are more stringent.

Now about paying taxes. By choosing mushroom growing as a business, you will be classified as an agricultural producer. According to the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity(OKVED) you refer to the number A.01.12.31. Your form of taxation is. This is an advantageous form, it replaces all other forms of taxation. Its rate is 6% of net profit.

Sale of oyster mushrooms and champignons

In order to sell grown products, you need to have:

  • Declaration of Conformity GOST.
  • Phytosanitary certificate.
  • Radiology protocol.
  • Mushroom storage and transportation manual.

So, where can mushrooms be realized.

First, you can sell them on the market yourself. This is a profitable option from a financial point of view, since the price will be retail, not wholesale. But this option takes time and, therefore, money. This can be useful if you are growing a small amount of mushrooms.

Secondly, you can supply your products to shops, cafes and other catering establishments. The price in this case may be quite acceptable, and you will be able to sell large volumes. But you will need to take care of the delivery and the conclusion of contracts.

Third, you can sell mushrooms to wholesalers. The price in this case will be lower, but the implementation process is simplified as much as possible. The volumes of production in this case are not limited.

Is it profitable to grow mushrooms? The answer is simple: the mushroom business is a profitable business. This is not only tasty, but also a healthy food product, which, in terms of the number of fans, can only compete with potatoes. Growing mushrooms is easy, the investment is small. This activity brings pleasure and substantial income. To start growing mushrooms as a business, you should study the specifics of mushroom growing: which variety is the most profitable, what to do to increase the yield, and trade specifics.

Mushroom farming as a business requires special knowledge in this area, so love for mushrooms is clearly not enough. The first thing you need to know is what mushrooms are in consumer demand today. Real profit will be brought by oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons. Oyster mushrooms can be bred all year round and harvest every 2-4 weeks. Due to the excellent fertility of this type of mushroom, the harvest will be stable and the cultivation of oyster mushrooms as a business can bring a decent profit every month. Besides, you don't need a big start-up capital, because growing oyster mushrooms is much easier than, for example, champignons.

Rules for registering your business

First of all, if you decide to grow mushrooms for sale, then you should draw up a business plan for growing a certain variety of mushrooms. The next step will be the procedure for legalizing mushroom growing. This requires:

  • register an individual entrepreneur;
  • select the unified agricultural tax as taxation;
  • register with the pension fund and tax;
  • obtain permission from the SES;
  • draw up a radiology protocol;
  • get a certificate of conformity of products to GOST;
  • obtain a phytosanitary certificate.

Required start-up capital

On average, it will take about 200 thousand rubles to open a mushroom business. The exact amount depends on the volume of production and the region. The main costs include renting premises, purchasing mycelium, equipment, payment for registration of documents, communal payments, fare. In addition, you should always have a margin for contingencies.

How to choose a room and equipment

You can grow mushrooms at home. This can be a personal plot, but then the process can be carried out only in the warm season. If you want to grow mushrooms all year round, you can do it in your basement, warehouse, greenhouse, or even your living room. The main condition is that there is no direct sunlight. The room must be dry and well ventilated. It may be necessary to install radiators to maintain the correct temperature.

Humidity should be around 80-90%. It all depends on which variety you grow. To maintain the required humidity, you can use the simplest technique - place barrels of water. Before starting the process, disinfect the room, then be sure to whitewash, and fill the floor with concrete. Divide the entire room into zones, each of which will correspond to a certain stage of cultivation.

An important detail is the equipment. Make sure you have plastic bags in which you will plant mushrooms, refrigerators, radiators for heating, humidifiers, appropriate product packaging and harvest boxes.

Mycelium purchase

The first stage of the business technology for growing mushrooms for sale is the purchase of mycelium, that is, mycelium. It is from it that mushrooms will soon appear, which will bring you income, so you should carefully choose the product. It should be white, smell good, and free from foreign stains. To begin with, you should make a purchase from different suppliers. This maneuver will help you analyze the results and make a decision. Suppliers should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • availability of certificates;
  • positive customer reviews;
  • profitable price.

What kind of staff is required

If you plan to receive significant income from mushroom growing, then you are unlikely to manage it alone. To begin with, to save on staff, try to involve family members. Next, you will most likely have to hire and train handymen. The main condition is honesty and responsibility. All employees must have a medical record.

Growing mushrooms


White mushroom can be grown outdoors or in a greenhouse. The cultivation technology in the mycelium is the most cost-effective. In this case, almost everything depends on the entrepreneur. It creates and maintains optimal greenhouse conditions. The compost is mixed with fertilizer, insisted for a couple of weeks. Mycelium is added to it, laid out in boxes, which are placed on shelves.

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms as a business is a painstaking process, but does not require special training and special skills.

Oyster mushrooms

Growing oyster mushrooms as a business is a profitable business. You can harvest a stable crop twice a month. The profitability of growing oyster mushrooms depends on the volume of production. This type of mushroom is popular today. If you find a sales market, your income will only grow. The business plan for growing unpretentious oyster mushrooms is quite simple.

Compost and mycelium are packed in bags. The bags are closed, only a few air holes are made in them. The packages are laid out on the shelves. It is important that during the incubation period the temperature regime is maintained and natural light does not enter. When the first fruits appear, the temperature is lowered, the humidity is increased and natural light is allowed in.


Champignon is a popular product, but its cultivation is considered a more complicated process.

The microclimate is important for the champignon, it also needs a special substrate. You can also prepare it yourself from straw, chicken droppings, chalk and ammonium sulfate. All this must be laid out in layers and insisted for 30 days, watering daily and shaking weekly. The mixture is considered ready for planting when the ammonia odor disappears. The compost is covered with earth and mycelium is planted in it. The air temperature in the mycelium should be 25 degrees, and the humidity should be 80%. The first fruits are harvested in 2-3 months.

Sales of finished products

The grown crop must be quickly sold so that the goods do not have time to deteriorate. Fresh mushrooms are often sold according to the following schemes:

  • retail;
  • delivery to supermarkets or markets;
  • sale through catering.

Video "Growing mushrooms at home"

In this video, you will learn how to properly grow mushrooms at home.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

200,000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital



9 months

Payback period

54 919 ₽

Net profit

An oyster mushroom growing project is characterized by a low level of risk due to its simplicity of organization, small start-up investments and low operating costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

Project summary

The purpose of this project is to grow mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) for the purpose of their fresh implementation in Rostov-on-Don with a subsequent increase production facilities and expanding assortment range other types of mushrooms. The oyster mushroom is in constant demand among the population, it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to temperature fluctuations, to the level of humidity and illumination, is easy to care for, and has a quick germination. The costs of growing oyster mushrooms are not high, which makes the business very profitable.

The production has unlimited resources in raw materials (straw, sawdust, corn cobs, seeds, seed husks, etc.) and is located in an ecologically clean area, 15 km from the city, due to which the costs of transporting products without losing their quality for the end consumer are minimal.

The process includes 4 main stages:

    Purchase of seed (mycelium);

    Preparation of the substrate (with a bag with a nutrient medium and mycelium);

    Growing mushrooms;


The cost of the project will be 202,500 rubles, which will be taken from personal savings. Mainly the funds will be spent on the creation and equipment of a greenhouse on the territory suburban area owned, as well as the purchase of mycelium, fertilizers and other Supplies... The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

* data for 12 months from the start of work sales

The term of the preparatory part of the project will be 2 months. The first harvest is planned to be obtained in 40-50 days after planting.

Profitability of growing mushrooms (oyster mushroom)

Oyster mushrooms are cultivated mushrooms. The market for cultivated mushrooms, unlike the market for wild mushrooms, is easily quantifiable. Until 2014, the largest share of the domestic market (about 85-90%) was occupied by imported products. Volume Russian production in 2014 it was limited to 8.02 thousand tons of mushrooms. However, in August 2014, the mushrooms came under the embargo. Imports began to decline for all items. Foreign manufacturers began to leave the market, freeing up places Russian entrepreneurs... According to the Mushroom School magazine, for 9 months of 2015, Russian mushroom growers increased the production of oyster mushrooms by 17% compared to the same period last year.

Similar trends are recorded in the production of other mushrooms, in particular, champignons. As a result of the devaluation of the ruble, the selling prices for cultivated mushrooms increased. Today, to cover the deficit in the market and the transition to full import substitution, at least 158 ​​thousand tons of mushrooms will be required. The current market conditions, as well as a weak level of competition, contribute to the opening of their own production.

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The production itself is located on the territory of a summer cottage, 15 km from the city of Rostov-on-Don. The area of ​​the greenhouse and the premises in which the mushroom growing process takes place is 60 sq. meters. For growing mushrooms, seed (mycelium) is purchased from a specialized company, the cost of which is 50-55 rubles. per kilogram. Further, on-site preparation of the substrate and the process of growing oyster mushrooms with the required level of humidity. Raw materials for the preparation of the substrate are prepared independently or partially purchased (the cost of 1 ton of straw is 2 thousand rubles). The term of one production cycle is about 40-50 days. The goods are sold at a non-stationary outlet in the grocery market of Rostov-on-Don.

Since at the initial stage the enterprise is focused on a small volume of production (about 1 ton of mushrooms per month), maintenance will not require regular and hired personnel. the main responsibilities, including the purchase of mycelium, planting, fertilization and mushroom picking, are carried out by the family members of the owner. The business owner is directly involved in the main production processes, and also carries out retail trade at the vegetable market. An individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system was chosen as the form of ownership - 6% of the income received.

Product description (mushroom oyster mushroom)

Oyster mushroom is an environmentally pure product, for the cultivation of which no chemical treatment is used. Unlike other popular cultivated mushrooms - champignons, which grow on rotted manure, oyster mushrooms prefer trees. The popularity of this mushroom is due to different ways its preparation. Oyster mushrooms can be fried, boiled, salted, pickled. Oyster mushroom is also actively used as an ingredient in various dishes, added to salads. Oyster mushroom is especially in demand during the cold season, when the population's own mushroom reserves are depleted.

Oyster mushroom not only tastes great, but also has health benefits. Oyster mushroom lowers blood cholesterol levels. Oyster mushroom juice prevents the development of E. coli. These mushrooms have a low calorie content (about 38 kcal fresh). Oyster mushrooms contain a large amount of carbohydrates, contain vitamins D2, E, C, B, PP. These mushrooms also contain enzymes that burn fat and glycogen. The mushroom pulp contains calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, biotin and thiamine. Another beneficial property of oyster mushrooms is considered to lower blood sugar levels. Eating oyster mushrooms helps prevent the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, and cholesticitis. Also, doctors recommend eating oyster mushrooms for people who have bronchitis or have undergone chemotherapy.

The main disadvantage of oyster mushrooms its fragility is considered, and therefore it is difficult to transport this mushroom over long distances. Fresh uncooled mushrooms are considered a very delicate cargo that requires a special temperature regime and the fastest possible delivery. Oyster mushroom also has a rather weak mushroom aroma. When spores of oyster mushrooms enter the lungs, they can cause allergies.

The quality of the goods and safety for end consumers are planned to be ensured through the purchase of certified mycelium, disinfection industrial premises and equipment, as well as through the use of modern technologies production.

Growing oyster mushrooms refers to almost waste-free production, since the used substrate is used as a biologically active additive, which is used to feed pigs, as well as fertilizer for gardeners and gardeners. The spent substrate is planned to be sold as an additional source of income.

Sales and marketing in the supply of oyster mushrooms

The main consumer demand for this type of product is freshness, which determines quality. The location of the mushroom farm is 15 km. from the place of sale allows you to organize transportation on your own transport (van "Lada Largus") without loss of quality. The products are sold at the food and vegetable markets of Rostov-on-Don. No special packaging for mushrooms is required. For transportation, plastic boxes are used.

The prices for products are based on material costs of production and fuels and lubricants, as well as the price of competitors, which on average in the city is 150 rubles. per kg. As a competitive advantage, it is planned to set a retail price of 140 rubles for the first time. per kg. Depending on the level of demand and other factors (for example, devaluation of the ruble), an increase or decrease in selling prices is possible.

As a method of increasing sales, it is planned to use advertising on the Internet to attract wholesale companies.

Oyster mushroom production plan

Geographically, the mushroom farm is located 15 km from the city of Rostov-on-Don, due to which the delivery time of mushrooms to the place of sale is no more than half an hour. The process of growing mushrooms takes place in an ecologically clean rural area, on the territory of a summer cottage. Business technology can be divided into several main stages:

At the first stage there is a purchase of mycelium from specialized laboratory firms. The criterion for choosing a supplier is the availability of relevant documents, customer reviews, quality and affordable cost of products (50-55 rubles per kg.). The purchase of mycelium is not made once, but several times a year, since the shelf life does not exceed 3-4 months. At the initial stage, it is planned to purchase mycelium from different suppliers for a visual comparison of the results and making a further decision.

Second phase implies self-preparation of the substrate, that is, a nutrient medium for mushrooms. Due to the lack of experience in commercial mushroom growing, at the beginning of the activity, it is planned to prepare a substrate from various components to determine the best yield. Among them: wheat, rye, barley straw, oats, flax fires, stalks and corn stalks. The substrate should be aerobic, have air gaps between particles, and the ability to quickly assimilate it by the mycelium.

It is also expected to use additives to increase yields: sawdust, shavings, tree bark, chaff and other plant waste. To clean the straw from microorganisms, a pasteurization procedure is used. The raw materials are kept in a special chamber, into which water vapor is injected for about 6-8 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C. The pasteurization temperature must be maintained within 55-60 ° C: a lower temperature does not kill diseases and microorganisms, and a higher temperature contributes to the development of Trichoderma, which will destroy the crop. After that, the temperature decreases, and the raw materials remain in the chamber for another two days.

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Then the substrate is cooled and placed in plastic bags of 10-12 kg and sown with oyster mushroom mycelium at the rate of 150-200 grams per 1 bag. To remove excess moisture, holes are made in the bottom of the bag, after which the bags are placed in the germination chamber.

Stage Three is to provide conditions for growing mushrooms. Direct sunlight is not allowed indoors. For germination, mushroom blocks are placed vertically, and the distance between them is 10 cm. The temperature is about 24 ° C, the relative humidity is about 60-65%. The mycelium germinates within 10-17 days, after which the bags must be transferred to the fruiting chamber. Mushroom blocks are installed in one row in several tiers, the distance between rows along the axes is 1 m. A lower temperature level is maintained in the fruiting chamber - about 12-18 ° C, and humidity at 80-85%.

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A special irrigation system is used to maintain high humidity. If the conditions are met, the embryos of the fruiting bodies appear at 2 weeks. The harvest from each bag is collected in 3 waves, after which the mycelium is replaced with a new one. Mushrooms are harvested by druses (concretions) at a young age. Optimal size caps - up to 40 mm. The minimum yield from 1 wave of offering is 150-200 kg from 1 ton of substrate, 350-400 kg from 2 tons. The total duration of the production cycle is about 2 months.

The final stage involves the implementation of the resulting crop. Mushrooms are perishable foods that can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. The main channels for the sale of mushrooms are the markets, grocery stores, restaurants and catering points, feeding enterprises for farm animals. Due to the relatively small starting volumes of production, it is planned to sell one of the vegetable markets in Rostov-on-Don at a non-stationary outlet as an initial sales option. The rental price per day with VAT is 250 rubles.

The project will require an area of ​​60 sq. meters. To eliminate rental costs, it is planned to organize the cultivation of oyster mushrooms on the territory of their own suburban area. It is planned to equip 2 separate rooms - an incubator, where mycelium will grow, and a germination chamber with a hood. The planned production volume for the production cycle is 2000 kg, for the year (6 production cycles) - about 12000 kg.

The costs of building a greenhouse will amount to 100 thousand rubles. Another 114,500 rubles. required for equipment. Equipment costs are shown in Table. 1. Construction works it is planned to be completed within 2 months.

Table 1. Equipment costs

For the operation of the enterprise, members of the owner's family are involved, who, along with the owner, carry out basic functions, including planting, fertilizing and picking mushrooms. Format family business aims to reduce the cost of payment wages staff. The necessary experience is supposed to be acquired in the course of activities, as well as by reading special literature.

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Current costs are the payment of electricity, the purchase of mycelium (50-55 rubles per kg.), The cost of fuels and lubricants. Mycelium procurement costs may increase or decrease due to seasonal fluctuations in demand. Also, the expenses of the main period include the rent for a trading place in the market - 250 rubles. per day (on average 7600 rubles per month).

Financial plan for growing mushrooms (oyster mushroom)

The main management responsibilities are assigned to the project owner, who carries out business planning, as well as functions to ensure conditions for the germination of mushrooms, their delivery to the place of sale, and also directly manages sales at the outlet. Responsibilities for growing, care, picking mushrooms are also assigned to the family members of the owner.

For the preparatory period, 202,500 rubles will be required. This amount includes the construction and arrangement of a greenhouse (100 thousand rubles), the purchase of equipment (92.5 thousand rubles). The costs of the main period include the purchase of mycelium, payment for housing and communal services, rent point of sale, Fuels and lubricants. The financial indicators of the project are presented in Appendix 1.

Evaluation of efficiency in growing mushrooms

An oyster mushroom growing project is characterized by a low level of risk due to its simplicity of organization, small start-up investments and low operating costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months. The discounted payback period is 9 months. Project performance indicators calculated for a five-year period are shown in Table. 2

The main prospects are: an increase in the selling price for the project's recoupment by 10% (up to 150 rubles per kg), an increase in production volumes, an expansion of the offered assortment, a search for new sales markets and access to wholesale buyers.

Table 2. Project performance indicators

Risks and guarantees

Growing oyster mushrooms is a well-established business. The technology for growing oyster mushrooms is quite simple, moreover, there are many ways to increase yields without harm to the end consumer. The prevailing market conditions somewhat contribute to the reduction of risks. Today in Russia there is a shortage of mushrooms due to the imposition of the embargo. Imported products left the market, as a result, the cost of domestic mushrooms increased without any negative consequences for demand. Consequently, when the price decreases, demand acquires a significant level of elasticity.

The main risks are indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Production plan and basic financial indicators project in five years

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