The newspaper business is an opportunity to make good money. Your own business: how to open a newsstand Open your own newspaper

In this material:

In order to find out how to open your own newspaper, you need to clearly understand the degree of riskiness of this business. There are many newspapers, each of them occupies its own niche, which will be maintained by all available means.

The arrival of a new publication will increase the intensity of competition and force us to look for new forms of manifestation. So, when you decide to open your own newspaper, you should be prepared for hard work, constant research and a lot of risk.

Where is the best place to start?

If you have capital, faith in victory and an idea of ​​how the newspaper publishing system works, then you need to start by developing your concept. You must have a clear idea of ​​what you, the readers and, of course, the advertisers need.

These three components must form a clear model for the new publication, which must be different from other newspapers, otherwise your idea is unlikely to be successful. The following options are possible:

  1. Versatility. The wider the topic of a newspaper, the more readers it has. However, there are many such newspapers, their names are already known to everyone, but you still have to declare yourself. You can overcome such competition only with a special design, good marketing and active advertising.
  2. Specificity. When the market is full, you often have to occupy small niches target audience. This approach will allow you to quickly find your reader and buyer, but the newspaper's circulation will never be large.
  3. Pragmatism. This is a publication based entirely on commercial information, that is, on advertising and announcements. Such a publication can hardly be called a newspaper, because it does not contain the main element - journalism. The target audience is not permanent, but it will always be there. If you are satisfied with the complete lack of creativity, then you can start with such a sheet where people are looking for each other in order to sell, buy something or get the necessary information. However, for such a newspaper to be successful, it will have to overcome competition from existing media. After all, advertisers prefer well-known publications.
  4. Personal sympathies of the founder of the media. It is quite possible that you need a newspaper to achieve your personal political, commercial or creative goals. In this case we can assume that general idea about the content and target audience, all that remains is to work on the commercial side of opening a new newspaper.

These approaches to ideas about your newspaper are separated, of course, conditionally. In practice, a new newspaper can combine all four options. Moreover, their gradual flow from one form to another is possible. For example, for commercial promotion you can start with pure pragmatism. As profits are generated, other information may appear in the newspaper, for example, news, analytical reviews, crosswords, humor, lyrics. Gradually, the newspaper will acquire its own audience and grow with photographs, reports and political material. A newspaper can be considered successful if it is picked up not so much for advertisements and advertisements, but in order to read it from the first to the last page.

What to do next

After the concept has acquired the character of a clear model and the founder knows with whom he will have to develop a new business, a logical question how to open a newspaper. This phrase usually refers to the formal side of the matter.

There are several options here too. It all depends on the planned scale of activity. If you want to start small, for example, with an advertisement newspaper with a circulation of 300-500 copies, then it is better to register as individual entrepreneur. Moreover, to begin with it is better to choose patent system: it is simpler and clearer. There is one more undoubted advantage - a patent is granted for a certain period. If the case fails, then everything will end with the end of his term.

Registration of a newspaper with the Federal Agency for Press and mass communications obligatory only if its circulation exceeds 1000 copies.

This is already a serious and complex production with a large staff, so the status of an individual entrepreneur will not get by here; others are needed organizational forms, where the founder can be either an individual or a legal entity.

Organizational problems of the initial stage

You can make your first leaflet with advertisements yourself, but if you are going to publish a full-fledged newspaper, you cannot do it without a staff. Moreover, it is necessary to create a printing base.

Initially, this may be an agreement with a printing house for the provision of printing services. If these services are inexpensive and of high quality, then the problems of selecting specialists in the field will remain:

  • design of printed products;
  • programming;
  • journalism;
  • text editing;
  • marketing.

In addition, the issue of product sales will become acute. It can be solved through subscription, with the help of sellers on the street and at various points. If you decide to start by publishing a free newspaper with advertisements, you will need couriers to deliver the newspaper door to door.

At the initial stage there is no need to talk about a subscription. Firstly, now this system is in decline, and secondly, no one will subscribe to a new, unknown publication. The most in a real way The distribution of newspapers at the initial stage is street trading.

Nowadays, the best option for promoting new media is the Internet, so immediately after the official registration of the organization publishing the newspaper, you need to open a website dedicated to it. Having become accustomed to the appearance of the publication in in electronic format, people will begin to pay attention to the printed version.

People's attitude towards the newspaper business is ambivalent. Some consider it a hopeless cause, because according to statistics, 9 out of 10 new media outlets close within a year. Others believe that starting this business and making a profit is possible and not that difficult. Apparently, in order to understand who is right, you need to try it yourself.

Investments: Investments 400,000 - 600,000 rubles.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

"... I would like to open a newspaper. I know that now this is a very profitable business, otherwise there would not be so many newspapers and magazines. What can you advise here?"
From a letter

There are already several letters on this topic in my mail. Therefore, I decided to answer in more detail, especially since I am familiar with the newspaper industry first-hand. I warn you right away that I am expressing only my personal opinion, which may be overly biased, erroneous and distorting reality.

As you know, in the public consciousness, the status of the publisher or editor of a newspaper (magazine) is immeasurably higher than, say, the owner of a store or restaurant. Perhaps this is why so many people want to become representatives of the “fourth estate”, and the number of newspapers and magazines will soon approach the number of readers.

Who usually gets it? original idea publish your own newspaper?

1. You are a professional journalist

And it is clear that you are extremely attracted by the opportunity to do what you, and not the owners of the publication, not the editor-in-chief, or your immediate superior, think needs to be done.
There is only one way to achieve such creative freedom: to become the editor-in-chief yourself, and even better, at the same time the owner of your own publication.

2. You are an advertiser

People involved in advertising in the media are gradually beginning to look at the same newspaper no longer as a means mass media, but like a large number of empty pages that can be filled from top to bottom with advertising. Money for air, money in exchange for cheap paper - isn't this a wonderful business?

3. You are an entrepreneur

You have been paying money for years to advertise your company, your products and services. And one day an insight comes to you: why give your money to some other newspaper, when you can make your own newspaper and place all the necessary advertising for free, and in any volume, and also take money from other entrepreneurs?

For example:
You are in real estate. It is quite logical to think about publishing a specialized publication on the purchase, sale and rental of real estate.
You have advertising agency. So why not open a purely advertising newspaper, some kind of “Business Courier”? And now keep all the advertising money for yourself, and not share it with advertisers.
You recruitment agency. If you had your own newspaper, you could publish it paid advertisements on job offers and job search.
You are the owner of a chain of pet stores. Who is stopping you from becoming the publisher of a specialized newspaper (“Four Paws”, “Dog and Cat”, “Our Furry Friends”, “Children in a Cage”)?

4. You are a Big Businessman

As soon as an entrepreneur rises above a certain level - in terms of income, business or political rating - he almost always has an irresistible desire to become a media tycoon. Having your own TV channel, your own newspaper or magazine is, firstly, prestigious, and secondly, you can “influence” through them. What exactly this “influence” will look like is extremely vague for future Rupert Murdochs.
This desire is enthusiastically supported by close journalists - “The newspaper is simply doomed to success!” - who hope to receive money for at least six months of work. As a rule, they have their own vision of the future publication and it rarely coincides with the vision of the investor.


Nine out of ten publishing ventures end in losses. Their size depends on the size initial capital, the ambitions of the initiators and their financial capabilities. If investors get tired of maintaining an unprofitable media outlet six months after launch, the losses are smaller; If out of stubbornness they hold out for a year or so, then the losses will accordingly increase.

How to avoid losing money?

It’s very simple: don’t publish a newspaper unless absolutely necessary. And before you enjoy the opportunities that await you as the owner or editor-in-chief of a newspaper, you should carefully calculate the disadvantages and potential losses.

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that the sale of an edition (even if it is completely sold out) at best only covers production costs. Rare exceptions don't count; they don't make a difference. To make a profit, you need to have advertising.
There are not enough advertisers for everyone. For obvious reasons, they come to the most popular and well-known publications with a large audience.

If you are optimistic about the rapid influx of advertisers, then ask yourself: where will you send your ad - to famous newspaper with a large circulation or to a publication that you have never heard of before? Will you risk your own (not other people's!) money? Of course, you can attract customers with low prices, but low prices– this also means low incomes.
And it takes time for your publication to become known. With luck and an accurate marketing hit - six months at least, a year and a half - optimal. And all this time you will have to publish the newspaper at a loss, and even invest in advertising to promote it (this is an indispensable condition: in order to receive money for advertising, you must first give it to advertising).

Of course, if you have a year's supply financial strength(that is, money to pay for paper, printing services, journalists, editors, layout designers, designers, full-time distributors, etc.), then you can try. Of course, there is no guarantee of a positive result.

Secondly, publishing media is an extremely labor-intensive task. The most difficult work awaits you: creating from scratch an original one, unlike other publications. And this includes the development of the general concept of the newspaper, design, marketing strategy, choosing a printing house, setting up production cycle, inevitable rush jobs on the day the newspaper is delivered (it’s also good if the newspaper is weekly and not daily).
You will have to manage the so-called " creative people“that is, individuals who, by definition, have little discipline and are not required to achieve timely delivery of materials and news.
You will need to create a distribution network, that is, convince newsstand owners and free distributors to take your newspaper for sale - in addition to the dozens and hundreds of publications that are already on the shelves. And they don’t want to get involved with the new newspaper at all, because it’s unclear whether customers will buy it.

Okay, let's say you don't really need to make money from sales. Let's assume that you have enough advertisers (or you have filled it with advertising from your own company) and you are ready to give it away for free.

Giving it away for free is a big problem. Imagine for a moment what it would be like to give away even 5,000 copies. And you need to organize mailing list and distribution through couriers (both mail and couriers also have to be paid) of tens of thousands of copies. Couriers are generally a special issue. Instead of getting overwhelmed running to hundreds of addresses, they tend to leave 30-50 copies in one place. Until you fine-tune this direction, you will not have any confidence that part of the circulation is not thrown into the trash bin closest to the editorial office.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Go ahead. It is necessary to find full-time and freelance advertising agents. But good agents are worth their weight in gold, and they prefer to work with well-known publications. They pay more there and it’s easier to convince advertisers.

Are you ready to negotiate with major advertisers on your own? The difficulty of this work can be easily imagined if you are an experienced entrepreneur, which means you have already encountered advertising agents, letters and requests to place your ad in one publication or another.
What was your usual reaction? - Most likely: “I'm tired of it!”
Now it’s your turn to be bothered and (not) offended by the aggressive reluctance of potential advertisers to meet with you and your employees.

In a word, if we compare the efforts required to publish a newspaper (I mean a real, full-fledged publication, and not a primitive collection of advertising modules, which few people are interested in, and this niche has been occupied for a long time), with work in other business areas, then there, with the same labor costs, you will earn several times more.

Thirdly, if you don’t want to personally publish a newspaper, but decide to limit yourself to the role of investor and owner, then be prepared for the fact that the return on your money (and you will need much more of it than you think) will be very slow - no matter what the person you hired promises you editor.
He didn’t deceive you, he’s just more often than not a person far from real business. He looks at the newspaper from one side of the barricade - from the side of the person writing. And making newspaper materials and making a newspaper are very different things.

Ready ideas for your business

* The calculations use average data for Russia

"... I would like to open a newspaper. I know that now this is a very profitable business, otherwise there would not be so many newspapers and magazines. What can you advise here?"
From a letter

There are already several letters on this topic in my mail. Therefore, I decided to answer in more detail, especially since I am familiar with the newspaper industry first-hand. I warn you right away that I am expressing only my personal opinion, which may be overly biased, erroneous and distorting reality.

As you know, in the public consciousness, the status of the publisher or editor of a newspaper (magazine) is immeasurably higher than, say, the owner of a store or restaurant. Perhaps this is why so many people want to become representatives of the “fourth estate”, and the number of newspapers and magazines will soon approach the number of readers.

Who usually comes up with the original idea to publish their own newspaper?

1. You are a professional journalist

And it is clear that you are extremely attracted by the opportunity to do what you, and not the owners of the publication, not the editor-in-chief, or your immediate superior, think needs to be done.
There is only one way to achieve such creative freedom: to become the editor-in-chief yourself, and even better, at the same time the owner of your own publication.

2. You are an advertiser

People involved in advertising in the media are gradually beginning to look at the same newspaper no longer as a mass media, but as a large number of empty pages that can be filled from top to bottom with advertising. Money for air, money in exchange for cheap paper - isn't this a wonderful business?

3. You are an entrepreneur

You have been paying money for years to advertise your company, your products and services. And one day an insight comes to you: why give your money to some other newspaper, when you can make your own newspaper and place all the necessary advertising for free, and in any volume, and also take money from other entrepreneurs?

For example:
You are in real estate. It is quite logical to think about publishing a specialized publication on the purchase, sale and rental of real estate.
You have an advertising agency. So why not open a purely advertising newspaper, some kind of “Business Courier”? And now keep all the advertising money for yourself, and not share it with advertisers.
You have a recruitment agency. If you had your own newspaper, you could place paid advertisements in it for job offers and job searches.
You are the owner of a chain of pet stores. Who is stopping you from becoming the publisher of a specialized newspaper (“Four Paws”, “Dog and Cat”, “Our Furry Friends”, “Children in a Cage”)?

4. You are a Big Businessman

As soon as an entrepreneur rises above a certain level - in terms of income, business or political rating - he almost always has an irresistible desire to become a media tycoon. Having your own TV channel, your own newspaper or magazine is, firstly, prestigious, and secondly, you can “influence” through them. What exactly this “influence” will look like is extremely vague for future Rupert Murdochs.
This desire is enthusiastically supported by close journalists - “The newspaper is simply doomed to success!” - who hope to receive money for at least six months of work. As a rule, they have their own vision of the future publication and it rarely coincides with the vision of the investor.


Nine out of ten publishing ventures end in losses. Their size depends on the size of the initial capital, the ambitions of the initiators and their financial capabilities. If investors get tired of maintaining an unprofitable media outlet six months after launch, the losses are smaller; If out of stubbornness they hold out for a year or so, then the losses will accordingly increase.

How to avoid losing money?

It’s very simple: don’t publish a newspaper unless absolutely necessary. And before you enjoy the opportunities that await you as the owner or editor-in-chief of a newspaper, you should carefully calculate the disadvantages and potential losses.

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that the sale of an edition (even if it is completely sold out) at best only covers production costs. Rare exceptions don't count; they don't make a difference. To make a profit, you need to have advertising.
There are not enough advertisers for everyone. For obvious reasons, they come to the most popular and well-known publications with a large audience.

If you're optimistic about the boom in advertisers, ask yourself: Where would you send your ad - to a well-known newspaper with a large circulation or to a publication you've never heard of before? Will you risk your own (not other people's!) money? Of course, you can attract customers with low prices, but low prices also mean low income.
And it takes time for your publication to become known. With luck and an accurate marketing hit - six months at least, a year and a half - optimal. And all this time you will have to publish the newspaper at a loss, and even invest in advertising to promote it (this is an indispensable condition: in order to receive money for advertising, you must first give it to advertising).

Of course, if you have an annual supply of financial strength (that is, money to pay for paper, printing services, journalists, editors, layout designers, designers, full-time distributors, etc.), then you can try. Of course, there is no guarantee of a positive result.

Secondly, publishing media is an extremely labor-intensive task. The most difficult work awaits you: creating from scratch an original one, unlike other publications. And this includes developing the general concept of the newspaper, design, marketing strategy, choosing a printing house, establishing a production cycle, and the inevitable rush jobs on the day the newspaper is delivered (it’s also good if the newspaper is weekly and not daily).
You will have to manage the so-called “creative people”, that is, individuals who, by definition, have little discipline and are not required, in order to achieve timely delivery of materials and news.
You will need to create a distribution network, that is, convince newsstand owners and free distributors to take your newspaper for sale - in addition to the dozens and hundreds of publications that are already on the shelves. And they don’t want to get involved with the new newspaper at all, because it’s unclear whether customers will buy it.

Okay, let's say you don't really need to make money from sales. Let's assume that you have enough advertisers (or you have filled it with advertising from your own company) and you are ready to give it away for free.

Giving it away for free is a big problem. Imagine for a moment what it would be like to give away even 5,000 copies. And you need to organize mailing and distribution through couriers (both the post office and couriers also need to pay) tens of thousands of copies. Couriers are generally a special issue. Instead of getting overwhelmed running to hundreds of addresses, they tend to leave 30-50 copies in one place. Until you fine-tune this direction, you will not have any confidence that part of the circulation is not thrown into the trash bin closest to the editorial office.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Go ahead. It is necessary to find full-time and freelance advertising agents. But good agents are worth their weight in gold, and they prefer to work with well-known publications. They pay more there and it’s easier to convince advertisers.

Are you ready to negotiate with major advertisers on your own? The difficulty of this work can be easily imagined if you are an experienced entrepreneur, which means you have already encountered advertising agents, letters and requests to place your ad in one publication or another.
What was your usual reaction? - Most likely: “I'm tired of it!”
Now it’s your turn to be bothered and (not) offended by the aggressive reluctance of potential advertisers to meet with you and your employees.

Ready ideas for your business

In a word, if we compare the efforts required to publish a newspaper (I mean a real, full-fledged publication, and not a primitive collection of advertising modules, which few people are interested in, and this niche has been occupied for a long time), with work in other business areas, then there, with the same labor costs, you will earn several times more.

Thirdly, if you don’t want to personally publish a newspaper, but decide to limit yourself to the role of investor and owner, then be prepared for the fact that the return on your money (and you will need much more of it than you think) will be very slow - no matter what the person you hired promises you editor.
He didn’t deceive you, he’s just more often than not a person who is far from real business. He looks at the newspaper from one side of the barricade - from the side of the person writing. And making newspaper materials and making a newspaper are very different things.

In times of technology and the Internet, print publications often suffer all sorts of difficulties. But having had enough of radio, television and the Internet, people still return to books and newspapers over and over again. For an entrepreneur, such an idea can be incredibly profitable business, but only if an advertising newspaper is compiled. Often newspapers and magazines have to resort to tricks to attract attention, but publications with advertising and announcements always remain in demand among the population, because many companies, even in the age of the Internet, continue to print advertisements in newspapers the old-fashioned way.

Relevance of the business idea

The relevance of a business such as printed products always exists, but in some periods it may decrease significantly. All publications sold on the market operate on the same principle - paid newspapers, often with paid articles and 40% of the content is occupied by advertising entries. The decrease in relevance is often associated with this principle; people get tired of reading the same advertising posts and articles about sponsors’ products.

  • 90% consists of advertisements.
  • Distribution is free.
  • In the future, the costs of printing and publishing a newspaper are covered by advertisers.
  • Reach a large target audience at the same time.

Relevance printed edition exists even in the age of the Internet and high technology, because the newspaper is always at hand and does not require special devices. Also, the newspaper serves for household purposes; people often save the paper in order to pack something in it later: thus, advertisement can be seen even after several months from the date of issue.

How do you make money from advertising newspapers?

The whole principle of an advertising publication is very simple - an entrepreneur creates an informational and advertising publication that attracts potential advertisers, who in turn buy space to place advertisements about goods and services.

The income received from the publication of such advertisements covers the costs of printing and publication, and additionally brings net income entrepreneur.

Competition analysis and possible risks

A business plan for publishing a newspaper must contain an analysis of the competitors’ market; it can be carried out as follows:

  1. Determine the number of advertising publications that are distributed in the selected region.
  2. Divide competitors by the subject of their publications (construction, repair, electronics, private advertisements and complex newspapers).
  3. Assess the level of demand for each category.
  4. Choose the most popular topic.
  5. Choose a distribution method - by mail or delivery by hired employees.
  6. Decide on the frequency of publication (usually 1 or 2 times a week) and the format (brochure, newspaper, magazine).

After such an analysis, it will become clear which products are in maximum demand, the reasons for such demand and ways to achieve it. All the key points, disadvantages and advantages of competitors should be used when starting your own business.

No business exists without risks. Printed products contain the following dangers:

  1. Lack of demand for the services offered.
  2. Business expenses exceed profits earned.
  3. Long payback period for business.
  4. Possibility of opening an unprofitable enterprise.

To minimize risks, you need to think in advance marketing campaign, make a reserve stock of funds, conduct a market analysis.

Organizational structure

After analyzing the market and demand, you need to proceed to the next points of the business plan. Each subsequent step must be treated with due responsibility, because in business every little detail is important.

Business registration

First of all, the entrepreneur must choose the form of business registration - it can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. To register a business you need to contact tax service with a list of specified documents.

To register an individual entrepreneur you will need:

  • Application on form P21001.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Passport, its copy, TIN.

To register an LLC:

  • Application in form P11001.
  • Charter of the organization in two copies.
  • Protocol for creating an organization.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

The processing time for documents does not exceed 5 working days.

Afterwards you need to register the printed publication with Roskomnadzor, for this you will need a package of documents:

  • Application for registration as a media outlet.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (2,000 rubles).
  • LLC registration documents or entrepreneur passport for individual entrepreneurs.
  • Letter written in free form with the specified return address to receive a decision.

The application must indicate:

  • The name of the newspaper.
  • Language used.
  • Editorial address.
  • The form of printed materials, their subject matter.
  • Region of distribution.
  • Frequency of publication and circulation.
  • All sources of funding.

Consideration of the application can take up to 30 days, during which time it is worth taking care of the following steps.

The appropriate form of taxation for this type of business is the simplified tax system (a simplified form with a tax rate of 15% of the difference between income and expenses).

You also need to indicate the appropriate OKVED codes:

  1. 1 – publishing books, periodicals and other types of printed materials.
  2. 13.1 – publication of newspapers in printed form.

Choosing the format of an advertising newspaper

Determining the newspaper format is a very important and difficult stage. The format includes:

  • Number of pages of the publication.
  • Layout.
  • Choice of color or black and white printing.
  • The presence of a glossy cover or its absence.
  • Size of publication pages.

You need to invite an experienced layout designer who will design a newspaper layout based on the entrepreneur’s preferences.

Selecting categories

  1. Real estate.
  2. Electronics.
  3. Construction and renovation.
  4. Various services.

Each of these topics should be divided into subsections from individuals and organizations, and sections with a narrow focus should also be included.

Selecting premises and purchasing equipment

It is important to understand the differences between a printing house and a newspaper editorial office. An entrepreneur does not need to open his own printing house if he can use the services of third-party campaigns.

An editorial office is an office space, the size depends on the number of staff hired. The main requirements for the premises are:

  • Location on the first floor, maximum on the second, to ensure convenient delivery of products from the printing house.
  • Availability of all communications, the main thing is telephone line and the Internet.
  • A place to arrange a utility room for storing products.
  • Area – from 25-35 square meters.

The equipment that needs to be purchased includes office equipment and furniture - telephone, computer, fax, necessary furniture.


At first, the entrepreneur himself can be responsible for everything organizational matters Having hired several assistants, it is advisable that the hired workers have experience in this field (journalism and production of printed materials).

But in the future, for the full-fledged work of the editorial office, the following specialists will be needed:

  • Corrector.
  • Journalist.
  • Advertising specialist.
  • Accountant.
  • Layout designer.

The employees you will hire in the future must have competent speech and writing skills, and understand all the principles of publishing and advertising in general.

After the opening, until there are still enough people willing to order advertising, the newspaper’s content will have to be filled with articles about the life of the city, free reports from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This will be necessary to fill the empty space in the newspaper and also to create visible activity for the authorities.

Choosing a printing house

An entrepreneur should enter into an agreement with a printing house to print publications in the chosen format and quantity.

You should choose a printing house based on the following criteria:

  1. Prices for services – you should not enter into an agreement with the most expensive company.
  2. Printing house experience.
  3. Recommendations.
  4. Print quality is a very important point that you should pay maximum attention to.
  5. Additional services offered by the printing house.

Pay attention to the companies that your competitors use, and choose the most suitable one from this list.

How to distribute a newspaper?

Newspaper development business plan includes distribution method finished products. In most cases, such products are distributed directly to multi-storey buildings. To ensure the delivery of newspapers, you need to hire several people, you can use the services of distribution agencies or negotiate with individuals.

You can also distribute the newspaper by free subscription through Russian Post, but there is one caveat - the newspaper cannot be just an advertisement, it must contain useful articles, otherwise no one will subscribe to it.

Financial part of the business plan

To open successful business you need to calculate the amount of initial investment in advance, current expenses, expected profit and, of course, the profitability of the project.

Start-up investment and running costs

At the start of a business, an entrepreneur will need to invest money in the following items:

  • Registration of a business, registration of a newspaper in the media – 10,000 rubles.
  • Rent office space– 20,000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic renovation of the premises - 40,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture – 150,000 rubles.
  • Additional expenses – 50,000 rubles.

In total, you will need to invest 270,000 rubles.

Current expenses include:

  • Premises rental – 20,000.
  • Salary of 3 employees – 75,000.
  • Payment for printing services (circulation of 5,000 copies twice a week) – 300,000.
  • Additional expenses – 20,000.

Total – 415,000 rubles.

Profit calculation and project payback

At first, the entrepreneur will have to invest additional funds in the development of the newspaper, because the psychology of a person who wants to buy advertising is quite simple - why advertise in a new publication if you can pay for the service in a well-promoted newspaper.

In the future, income will depend entirely on the number of advertisers and the cost of advertising.

The payback of the business will occur in at least 12 months, when the recognition of the printed publication will be at the level and the circulation will increase. In this case net profit per month will be 50,000-75,000 rubles with the possibility of subsequent income growth.

Based on all of the above, a newspaper business plan is not new idea, but still quite relevant. Many entrepreneurs are afraid to face difficulties, but without risk there is not a single profitable business. Creating your own printed publication requires an investment of a large amount, followed by additional investments, and the payback period is quite long. Few businessmen are endowed with the amount of strength and patience necessary to achieve success in this field. But, if you still wait until the moment when the newspaper becomes famous, the profit itself will flow into your hands, simply automatically.

The printing business today is experiencing a rapid decline. Any publication pays for itself in 5-7 years on average, and the publisher has to work practically at a loss, investing huge amounts of money on promoting the newspaper or

The lion's share of our society prefers to study online projects rather than read printed materials. Therefore, it is logical that many publishing houses are switching to electronic form their newspapers and magazines.

An online newspaper is electronic version periodicals, which are published and developed on the Internet. They read such a newspaper directly online on its official website.

What are the advantages of running such a business?

Advantages of an online publication

All the advantages of an online newspaper can be divided into the following groups:

Your own newspaper as a business idea - prospects, risks and pitfalls of business are discussed in this video:

Business plan for an online newspaper

The first step is to decide on the main topic of the publication and the audience for which the information will be intended. It is worth carefully analyzing what type of publication will be of interest to resource visitors.

You can write news articles yourself, or use the services of freelance journalists who work for. For a high-quality and interesting e-newspaper, you need exclusive content that will favorably emphasize the uniqueness of the site against the background of other news clones.

If freelancers have been found, you can safely create a staff of employees who will work on a permanent basis. It is imperative to negotiate with them the terms of payment and requirements for the material.

It's also worth getting technical support, an experienced webmaster, a qualified designer, photographer and other specialists. They will significantly relieve your schedule, and the freed up time can be used to think about ways to develop the newspaper.

The next step is to decide on the frequency of publication. At first, one or two exits per month will be enough, provided that news feed will be updated regularly. During this time, you can identify and correct the mistakes made, and then increase the frequency of publication.

The main source of income for an online newspaper is the placement of advertising posts, banners and various affiliate programs. You can also make a profit by providing additional services.

These include:

  • publication of paid advertisements;
  • placement of a directory of commercial and government agencies cities and so on.

Online newspaper promotion

To develop the resource and receive additional traffic, news aggregators are used. This is a service that collects and structures news in automatic mode. To do this, you need to register your newspaper on large aggregators on the network, on traffic exchangers. You can also look for sites that share traffic yourself.

How to promote an online newspaper and make it popular?

Another powerful way to popularize an e-newspaper is promotion in and in social networks. You can find out how to create a group for the online newspaper VKontakte

Almost everyone is serious now electronic publications have their own account on Facebook and Twitter. These two resources are considered the best in terms of increasing traffic and popularizing the project.

Cost and profitability

Depending on how much work you do yourself will depend start-up capital project. Option one: you create and layout a newspaper yourself, write articles or collaborate with freelancers - the starting capital will be minimal, about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Option two: you hire a full-fledged staff, which includes designers, photographers, layout designers, and journalists. In this case you will have to spend:

  • for design 20 thousand rubles;
  • for layout 25 thousand rubles;
  • writing articles 20 thousand rubles per issue;
  • newspaper advertising 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for photographer services is 20 thousand rubles.

You can also add rent for an office to the list of expenses, which may be needed if the newspaper employs a full-fledged staff. Thus, about 20-30 thousand rubles should be added to the initial cost.

The total amount of capital will be more than 100 thousand rubles. The amount of this amount depends on the number of pages, content, frequency and much more.

The profitability of the project also depends on many factors - the number of provided paid services, number of subscribers, etc. For example, if more than 1000 readers subscribe to an online newspaper, then you can calculate stable income in the amount of more than 90 thousand rubles per month.

Creating an online newspaper is a fairly profitable direction. The secret to success in this case is a competent approach to and careful consideration of each point of this plan.

The topic should be in demand, the design should be interesting and attractive, the information should be updated regularly, and using the site should not be confusing or difficult for the reader. You need to take into account the interests of subscribers and constantly work on the development and promotion of your project.

You can learn how to work with an online newspaper in the following video: