Franchising in the world. The best franchises in the world: profitable business ideas. Asian restaurant franchise

The most popular franchises - 9 of the most popular and proven companies that you can join.

Franchising relatively recently came to the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Some entrepreneurs are wary of this type of business, because sometimes the size initial investment can be impressive.

But know when choosing most popular franchises, you can quickly recoup your investment.

What is a franchise?

First of all, let's look at the concept of "franchise", as well as several terms associated with it.

Franchise is an agreement concluded between the franchisor (the owner of the trademark) and the franchisee (those who want to start cooperation) regarding the production of products or the provision of services under this brand.

To put it simply, this is the use of a trademark on a leasehold basis.

With this type of cooperation, both parties benefit:

  • the franchisor expands the scope of its activities and makes a profit;
  • the franchisee saves time on training and promoting the business, receives clear instructions regarding this, and finally in his hands is a promoted brand that will immediately have its own customers.

When an agreement is concluded between the parties, it contains concepts whose meanings you need to know:

  • royalties are payments for using the brand and assistance from the franchisor; can be presented as a percentage of financial turnover, a percentage of margin, a fixed payment;
  • lump sum- This is a one-time payment for joining the franchise network.

The most popular franchises in the catering industry

No. 1. Subway

This company is a leader in the restaurant industry. fast food.

It was founded in 1965.

Subway restaurants can be found in 112 countries around the world, and in Russia there are more than 670 of them, the first of which opened in 2004.

The popular Subway franchise offers healthy fast food.

Here you can find fresh vegetables, meat, rolls, salads, desserts and drinks.

The specialty of the restaurant is sandwiches, the filling of which you can choose yourself, as well as bread, which is baked every 4 hours.

If you want to become a member of this particular network, you must know the cost of the franchise provided:

No. 2. McDonald's

If you ask someone: “What are the most popular franchises you know?”, everyone will definitely name McDonald’s.

This is a fast food classic that probably every person on the planet knows about.

The company ranks second after Subway in terms of the number of restaurants in the world.

Range of popular franchises in different countries may vary, but still it is represented by sandwiches, hamburgers, fries, various drinks and desserts.

If we talk about cooperation with McDonald’s in Russia and Ukraine, then everything is complicated.

Only recently the company began to work on conditions in these countries.

In Russia, the Rosinter company operates as a franchise.

To become a McDonald's franchisee, you need to work hard.

First of all, you need to have an impressive amount of money, then undergo a long and intensive training course related to technological process and marketing strategy.

No. 3. Chocolate girl

Continuing the topic of the most popular franchises, special attention should be paid to domestic companies.

And a striking example is the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain.

Most of the coffee shops, namely 200 Shokoladnitsa, are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, but they also successfully operate in the regions of the country, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

There are 85 outlets operating as franchises.

The coffee shop offers delicious bean coffee, elite tea, other drinks and delicious desserts.

Also, “Chocolate Girls” have a unique and cozy design.

The company pays a lot of attention to personnel training.

Works for this training center, where classes are conducted by qualified trainers and psychologists.

The most popular retail franchises

No. 4. ZARA

This is a company that designs and sews women's, men's and children's clothing and accessories.

The stores of this chain are represented in 70 countries around the world and their number exceeds a thousand.

They began operating as a franchise in 1988 to expand the market.

It is noteworthy that lump sum there is no cost to join the network, but there is a so-called “franchise cost,” which is essentially the same thing.

It is also worth noting that the condition for this is the purchase of the first batch for a certain amount.

And for a fee, you can become a monopolist in your city or region.

So, to join the popular ZARA franchise, you will need to spend the following amounts of money:

Type of attachmentSum
Lump sum paymentabsent
Investments40 000 $
Franchise cost for opening a stationary store30 000 $
Franchise cost for opening an online store8 000 - 10 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for a stationary store30 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for an online store10 000 $
Training of employees and opening of a turnkey boutique10 000 $
City Monopoly90 000 $
Region monopoly150 000 $

No. 5. IKEA

This is the largest company originally from Sweden for the production and sale of furniture and household goods.

In Russia, this chain is represented independently, but in Ukraine there are no stores at all.

IKEA has been on the market since 1943, and naturally, over such a long service life, it has earned the trust of customers.

The bulk of the stores are represented in Europe; in Russia it operates as its own retail chain.

The company provides a franchise where it is not able to enter the market itself.

Becoming a franchisee of a company is quite difficult.

In addition to large financial investments, which are determined individually, those wishing to join will need to have at least 15 years of successful experience in running a business.

No. 6. Fix Price

One of the most popular franchises in Russia is a chain of grocery stores and non-food products– Fix Price.

The format of such trading is that there is a single fixed price for everything.

Here you can buy:

  • food products;
  • cosmetics;
  • costume jewelry;
  • office;
  • household goods;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes.

There are now more than 2,000 stores across Russia.

And to join them, in addition to financial obligations, you must have a premises of at least 250 square meters. m.

It is also worth noting that in locality The area where this popular franchise will be located must have a population of at least 25,000 people.

The most popular service franchises

No. 7. Mail Boxes

This is an American company that provides express delivery of correspondence and cargo.

To achieve this, Mail Boxes, in turn, cooperates with 9 global delivery services.

They can also print documents and promotional materials.

The network is represented in 70 countries, and on Russian market came out in 2010.

After opening our own branch, 94 franchise centers appeared.

In addition to finances, in order to become a franchisee, you must have sales experience.

Also, a future franchise participant must personally work in an open branch for the first year, and after confirmation, come for special training in Moscow.

No. 8. GeneticTest

The work of this company can be called a popular new product on the market without any evidence.

GeneticTest is a unique technology that allows you to learn about a person’s abilities using fingerprints.

The franchise began operating in 2012, and in 2013 it received the “Best Innovative Project” award.

Many years of research have led to the creation of a hardware and software complex that determines, through a fingerprint scanner, what abilities a person has.

This helps in self-development and self-discovery.

The creators claim that the profit per person checked is 1,000 rubles, so you can recoup your investment in a popular franchise by serving 50 clients.


This is an independent laboratory, which is the largest in the CIS.

It provides medical services in the form of more than 1,000 types of examinations.

Since 2006, more than 300 franchise members have opened.

All rooms are equipped with special equipment.

The collected samples are sent to Moscow for examination.

The franchisee is required to select a premises that will meet the necessary requirements, as well as hire a staff of 5 people.

Since this area is related to medicine, representatives of the main office carry out inspections of franchisees several times a year.

To choose a franchise in the service sector, watch this video:

On this most popular franchises don't end.

This was just a short list.

But remember that even the most popular franchise does not guarantee 100% success.

Much depends on the franchisee himself, on his business skills, ability to lead and adhere to all the rules.

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The leading positions are occupied by retail trade in non-food products and the service sector.

The percentage increases service franchises services provided to businesses (for example, accounting, legal, leasing of personnel, etc.). Among the companies providing services to individuals, children's development and leisure centers, as well as medical organizations, come to the fore.

The franchise continues to develop in retail. Depending on the economic situation, the demand for certain enterprises fluctuates. Fixed price stores, as well as pharmacies and grocery stores with low prices. In crisis conditions, clothing and footwear stores usually experience some decline customer flow and therefore profits.

Restaurant business Since the crisis, it is also experiencing a drop in demand and popularity among potential franchisees. However, franchises are still bought and sold - the choice is often made in favor of inexpensive cafes, often from the fast food sector or to-go coffee shops, investments in which do not exceed 6 - 7 million rubles.

The most unpopular areas for a franchise are Media and manufacturing sector. Next we will look at franchises famous brands.

TOP 10 most popular franchises in Russia


Genetic-test is one of the new trends in the field of education, which allows you to learn everything about a person’s abilities using a fingerprint in a few minutes. The company was based on many years of research and study of available materials about the connection between achievements and human fingerprints.

The franchisee receives in his personal account all the materials necessary to get started. The company's main emphasis is on the desire to help people in their self-development.

Year the franchise was founded: 2011
Lump sum fee: absent
Royalty: from 100 rubles (from 1 client)
Initial investment: from 50,000 – 60,000 rubles
Payback: from 1 month

What is included in the franchise package: Provision of all necessary information materials, including step by step instructions how to run a business.


Mobile communications operator, main region of development – ​​Russia. The company provides services to both private and corporate clients. Tele2 guarantees a high level of service and provision of quality services at low prices.

One of the most successful franchises in Russia can be purchased by both large retailers and entrepreneurs without experience in business development in the field of communications.

Year the franchise was founded: 2003
Lump sum fee: up to 200,000 rubles
Royalty: 4%
Initial investment: from 500,000 rubles
15 m2
Payback: from 1 – 1.5 years

What is included in the franchise package: Providing a ready-made business project, which includes all the nuances of opening and developing a business. Consulting on all issues.

Cheerful day

The chain of coffee shops in the “coffee to go” format is already present in more than 45 cities in Russia and the CIS countries. The attractiveness of a franchise lies in the profitability of the business; in addition, opening such a coffee shop is great idea for a newbie startup or for those who want to do something else in addition to business.

Number of enterprises: more than 120
Lump sum fee: 100,000 rubles
Royalty: absent
Initial investment: from 170,000 rubles
: 2 m2
Payback: from 3 months

What is included in the franchise package: Security information materials for a full coffee shop launch. Providing technical equipment. Low prices for a constant supply of coffee and other ingredients, assistance in finding suppliers. Communication both with the company itself and with other franchisees to exchange experiences.


Independent laboratory, one of largest companies Russia and CIS countries in the field of commercial laboratory services. 2 years after the launch of the franchise, the company entered the list of “TOP - 5 best franchises in Russia”, and also won an award in this area for the first time.

Over 10 years of operation, more than 250 franchisees have appeared, more than half of them have opened and are developing more than one point. INVITRO is a well-known laboratory with which they cooperate as private medical institutions, and state ones.

Year the franchise was founded: 2006
Number of enterprises: more than 800
Lump sum fee from: from 300,000 – 700,000 rubles
Royalty: 28,000 rubles a year after starting work
Initial investment: 2 – 2.5 million rubles
Minimum room area: from 60 m2,
Payback: from 1.5 – 2 years

What is included in the franchise package: The right to work on behalf of the brand. A personal curator who will answer questions that arise in the process of opening and developing a business at any time. Providing consumables. Free shipping biomaterials from franchisees to the main laboratory.


A children's toy store, the network of which has been developing in Russia for 8 years. The range includes products such as own brands, and global manufacturers.

The company is the winner of numerous awards, including for the development of a franchise network.

Year the franchise was founded: 2008
Number of enterprises: more than 900
Lump sum fee: 117,000 rubles
Royalty: absent
Initial investment: from 1,000,000 rubles
Minimum room area: from 50 m2; the franchisor recommends opening a store with an area of ​​100 m2
Payback: from 8 months

What is included in the franchise package: Development of a business project depending on individual characteristics opening region. Assistance in placing an order for equipment and providing discounts. Advertising consultations, assistance in developing layouts. Training in the technology of running this type of business with the provision of materials.


A chain of women's underwear stores founded in 1992 in Belarus. High-quality products are in the middle price segment, the range is wide and varied, and changes frequently - all this ensures constant consumer demand.

In addition to Russia and Belarus, the company is developing in more than 20 countries, including Ukraine, the CIS, the Baltic countries, etc.

Year founded: 1992
Number of enterprises: more than 600 in 23 countries
Lump sum payment: absent
Royalty: absent
Initial investment: from 2.3 million rubles
Minimum room area: from 40 – 50 m2
Payback: from 1 – 1.5 years

What is included in the franchise package: Assessment of the premises, provision of a free design project. Consultation on opening and developing a store. Partial reimbursement of costs for opening a store and window displays. Personnel training, provision of training materials.

Personal solution

A company providing services of general workers, loaders, merchandisers, etc.

A franchise does not require large investments or special skills. Opening a business in a city with a population of 40 thousand or more, with the presence of large trading platforms and manufacturing enterprises, franchisees can count on quick payback and greater profits within a few months after launch.

Year the franchise was founded: 2007
Number of enterprises: more than 100 in 5 countries
Lump sum fee: 179,000 rubles
Royalty: 7000 rubles
Initial investment: from 194,000 rubles
Payback: from 2 – 5 months

What is included in the franchise package: Step-by-step explanation of the start and further development of the business based on the history of the company. Training at the head office. Consultation on finding clients. Providing technical support. Representation on the site and the right to work on behalf of the brand.


One of the leaders in the field catering and fast food. Subway is the largest fast food restaurant franchise in the world.

The assortment includes fresh sandwiches, rolls, salads, the ingredients for which are chosen by the visitor himself. The order is prepared immediately in front of the buyer. The products used for cooking are always fresh and of high quality, since Subway represents fast food that is as harmless to the body as possible.

Year the franchise was founded: 2004
Number of enterprises in Russia: about 700
Lump sum fee:$7.5 thousand
Royalty: 8% + advertising fee 3.5% of turnover
Initial investment: 65 – 150 thousand $
Minimum room area: from 40 m2
Payback: from 1 year

What is included in the franchise package: Assistance in choosing a restaurant location. Full personnel training in a special center in St. Petersburg. Assistance in ordering equipment, providing the design and plan of the cafe to be opened. Assistance in finding product suppliers and their approval. Full consultation on all business issues. Advertising support.


One of largest enterprises in Russia for the production of plastic cards was founded in 2008. When producing cards, special software is used that is capable of creating unique personalized barcodes depending on the wishes of the customer.

Cardzavod products are quite relevant, since more than 90% of companies use plastic cards in one way or another. Due to large production volumes, product prices are relatively low and remain competitive even with franchisee markups.

The franchise operating scheme is as follows: the franchisee looks for clients in his city and sends an order to the main enterprise, which produces plastic cards with the specified parameters. After this, the franchisee can only receive the order by mail and give it to the client.

By gradually building up a customer base, after just a few months you can receive large profits, including passive ones (from “old” clients).

Year the franchise was founded: 2008
Number of enterprises: more than 100 representatives
Lump sum fee: 15,000 rubles
Royalty: absent
Initial investment: 15,000 rubles
Payback: from 1 month

The franchisor provides ready-made presentations to demonstrate to the client the assortment and examples of completed orders, as well as examples of contracts and letters for working with clients. If necessary, a designer will be provided to develop the card design. Full information consultation is provided before and during work.

33 penguins

A chain of ice cream parlors, whose enterprises are represented in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Over the course of 10 years, the franchise opened more than 1,500 cafes of various formats in 170 cities in different countries.

Natural ice cream “33 penguins” belongs to the premium class. The assortment includes more than 50 types of ice cream, prepared according to unique recipes (Italian or in-house developed), and also offers various additives (nut toppings, berry-fruit sauces) and drinks.

Ice cream is served in a cone, cup or special thermal packaging, in which it does not melt for 1 - 1.5 hours.

Franchisees of “33 Penguins” offer to open two cafes under the franchise for more quick payback investments and business development.

Year the franchise was founded: 2006
Number of enterprises: more than 1500
Lump sum fee: 370,000 rubles
Royalty: absent (even if several outlets are opened by one franchisee)
Initial investment: from 1,000,000 rubles
Minimum room area: from 2 – 12 m2
Payback: from 6 months

The franchisor provides a ready-made business project, including free cafe design and equipment. The package also includes ingredients for making ice cream and related products, their delivery, and a menu.

The franchisee guarantees the provision of marketing assistance, advice on various issues of business organization and ensuring compliance with the company's corporate standards.

What other franchises are used? in great demand in Russia?

Other popular franchises

Name Sphere Lump sum payment Royalty Initial investment Minimum room area Payback
MY COFFEE Coffee shop From 1500€ 3% From 450,000 rubles From 1 – 4 m2 From 5 months
KFC Fast food 48.400$ 6% + advertising fees 4 – 5% 700.000$
Yves Rocher Beauty and health Absent Absent From 100.000€ 35 m2 1 – 3 years
1C Information Technology From 30,000 rubles 5% From 100,000 rubles From 1 year
Mangosteen Vending Absent Absent From 199,000 rubles 1 – 2 m2 From 5 months
Kari Shoes 1000 rubles Absent From 4.5 – 6 million rubles To be specified when applying for a franchise From 2 years
Pyaterochka Food products From 450,000 – 550,000 rubles Absent From 6 million rubles From 300 m2 From 6 months
Lukoil gas station 400,000 rubles From 217,000 rubles From 5.950 million rubles To be specified when applying for a franchise
2GIS Information Technology Calculated individually Calculated individually From $200,000 From 2 years
Chocolate dream Event organization services 250,000 rubles 3000 rubles starting from 3 months of work From 350,000 rubles From 3 months

The choice of the most famous franchise primarily depends on the financial capabilities of the franchisee, so most of them choose a business with high profitability and with as little investment as possible. The choice of area for opening a franchise is also important, since potential profits and payback directly depend on consumer demand.

Therefore, franchises in the service sector, retail trade (mid-price stores), as well as restaurant business(small coffee shops and fast food).

Russian franchising follows the outline of international market trends, but with a slight lag of 2-3 years. Those franchises that become the best in America and Europe today set a trend that will appear in Russia tomorrow. So which franchises are thriving in the world today? Those that give customers what they need (such as health care and employment services). Those that give customers what they want (entertainment and beauty services). And those that provide something that the general public did not know about until today (acupuncture, “sushi in a plate”) are a game ahead of the market. We have collected the best franchising concepts in the world, which in their countries are leaders in ratings and expert reviews, and “tried them on” to the Russian market.

Asian restaurant franchise

Despite the fact that consumer tastes change, Asian cuisine has maintained a leading position for many years in the American and European markets. Today, franchises of Asian cuisine establishments offer a wide range of dishes, including not only traditional rolls, but also the recently introduced “sushi in a plate” (the so-called poke bowl, where the visitor can choose the toppings for his dish). Investment in concepts this segment in America range from 3 to 18 million rubles. In Russia, this segment is represented by a variety of WOK concepts and has also become widespread. Asian cuisine, like Italian, has settled in the hearts of Russian consumers for a long time.

Beauty salon franchise

In this segment, both concepts for eyelash and eyebrow care, as well as hair and skin care services continue to be popular. The segment is becoming increasingly diversified and individualized. If earlier these were beauty salons of a standard format, today there are beauty islands where you can only get your eyebrows in order or do only makeup. Or salons where the fair sex is completely prohibited from entering. The segment took as its motto “more beautiful and different services” and actively adheres to it, dividing the beauty industry into smaller and smaller segments and services. Investments to launch a franchise range from 450 thousand rubles to 62 million rubles.

Franchise of an educational institution

It is not surprising that this segment is included in the list of the best franchises in the world and is so popular - parents are always ready to pay for the education of their children in various fields - from programming to cooking, from swimming to scientific experiments. This segment is non-crisis and continues to actively develop. More and more new directions and franchises are appearing: football, volleyball, hockey schools, ballet schools. Two- and three-language kindergartens and additional education clubs. The costs of launching such a franchise range from 250 thousand to 164 million rubles, and the choice is from more than a hundred franchises.

Entertainment franchise

Generally target audience such concepts are children and their parents. The main emphasis recently has been on the latter, which is why the “draw and drink” franchises (combining drawing lessons for children and a restaurant for parents), quests, quizzes, augmented reality attractions and amusement parks are very popular. Investments in launching an entertainment franchise range from 181 thousand to 169 million rubles.

Fitness franchise

Although this segment continues to grow year by year, its structure is changing significantly. Small mobile fitness studios are gaining great popularity, the cost of opening which does not exceed 5.7 million rubles. In general, investments in launching such a concept range from 289 thousand to 290 million rubles.

And now it’s worth talking about those projects that over the past few years have been included in the international list of the best franchises, but are not yet sufficiently developed in Russia.

Frozen dessert franchise

Even though the market was oversaturated with frozen yogurt franchises a couple of years ago, their popularity has not waned and the number of such concepts continues to grow. Today, the trend abroad is frozen custard and gelato. The costs of launching such an enterprise range from 2.8 million to 112.6 million rubles.

Franchise of pest control services

A very recent concept specializing in the extermination of insects (ticks, mosquitoes) outside the home, it continues to grow steadily, thanks to relatively low investments and high consumer demand. The costs of launching such a franchise range from 1.5 million to 6.9 million rubles.

Pet services franchise

A pet is no longer an element of property, but a full-fledged member of the family. Pet service franchises include a wide range of services - feeding, training, grooming and other types of care. According to forecasts, in America spending on pets in 2018 will reach 4 billion rubles. Expenses for opening the concept range from 1.4 million to 73 million rubles.

Franchise of employment services

HR companies employ about 15 million temporary and permanent workers annually; it is not surprising that the growth of this segment is even faster than the increase in the number of jobs. Despite this fact, the segment is developing dynamically. Investments in opening a franchise range from 4.7 million to 17 million rubles.

Almost all of these areas are presented in our FRANCHISE CATALOG, and you can choose the appropriate direction for yourself.

Some argue that franchising was invented by the Queen of Spain when she gave Christopher Columbus a "franchise" in 1492 to develop trade with the New World. Ironically, in this very “New World”, franchising began to develop again in the twentieth century.

In the United States, the first true contract commercial franchise is considered to be that of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, which established its franchise in 1851. To end the "Sewing Machine War" in which four manufacturers went after each other, Isaac Singer and his lawyer partner Edward Clark formed the "Sewing Machine Union" with the first American set of patents, distributing distribution rights to manufacturers.

Like all successful franchisors, Singer was a powerful entrepreneur with a strong business sense. The company was extremely successful and easily sold its products. A very important distribution and marketing concept was created. This concept evolved into the modern franchising we know today.

Franchising continued to grow as the industrial revolution in the United States gained momentum and mass production led to the need to improve distribution systems.

Franchising in the auto industry is one of the oldest types of franchising in the economy. General Motors has had a huge impact on franchising. Not having enough capital to start retail trade, this company began selling its cars through a dealer system that is still used in the automobile industry today. Among the first General Motors franchisees were bicycle shop owners who also sold cars.

When Henry Ford began mass production of the famous Model T, he needed efficient system distribution to deliver their cars to the consumer. Like General Motors, Ford lacked the capital to open many retail outlets in a short period of time, so the company developed a franchise system of dealers wherever possible. Since this system was a success, many car manufacturers decided to implement the same. Today, a significant percentage of franchise sales come from the automotive industry.

The advantages of the franchising concept were confirmed after the Second World War in the restaurant and hotel industries. The first major breakthrough in franchising occurred in the 50s, when they had great success franchises of famous fast food restaurants.

In 1955, a classic franchise emerged - McDonald's. The chain of fast food hamburger restaurants was started by Ray Kroc, a supplier of a product known as the Multimixer. He sold his cars to ice cream parlors and restaurants. When he started selling his products to McDonald's, he was amazed at the number of customers. He decided to monitor the company's activities. What surprised him most was that people stood in long queues to order food at McDonald's. Kroc began to patent the rights to his activities. He has mustered all his insight and strength to ensure that this business is recognized throughout the world for its high standards of quality and service. He used all his capabilities to develop new products and advertising to create a franchising giant. However, the most important thing he really realized was that through franchising, he could harness the energy and potential of thousands of entrepreneurs to make his dream a reality.

At the same time, Harlan Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken, and in 1959, International House of Pancakes began selling breakfast through franchises throughout the country. Thus, in the 1950s, the restaurant industry quietly began its revolution that we take for granted today. Successful restaurant chains changed the way Americans eat and changed the face of cities once and for all, as evidenced by the familiar fast food franchise tags found in almost every city.

The rapid development of franchising began in the USA in the 60s. A huge number of mini-hotels have opened, small shops, laundries, dry cleaners, car service centers, fast food restaurants and cafes, business service points (copying and photography, printing, fast delivery of correspondence, etc.), beauty salons, repair shops, health and entertainment clubs, travel agencies and other small businesses operating on a franchising basis.

In 1970, franchised businesses generated sales of more than $100 billion, more than 25% of total U.S. miscellaneous sales. Franchising doubled in 1975, and sales reached $716 billion in 1990, more than double the 1980 figure. The eighties are characterized as a period of significant reductions in mid-level personnel in large US corporations. At the same time, middle-level managers are ideal candidates for transformation into Franchisees - buyers of the Franchise. They are usually relatively well educated, have career aspirations, have the skills to work hard, hard, but are not ready to start their own business from scratch. By purchasing a Franchise, a former manager receives a unique opportunity to combine the enormous potential of free enterprise with the daily care of the Franchisor, who is vitally interested in the success of the Franchisee.

Today, franchising is the fastest growing method of organizing a business in a market system. Statistics on business development in developed countries show that over a five-year period, more than 85% of small businesses cease to exist for one reason or another. During the same period, less than 12% of franchised businesses closed. Thus, out of 8-9 newly created franchise enterprises, only 1 ceases to exist. According to the International Franchise Association (IFA), a new franchise location is created every eight minutes of the business day in the United States. Here are a few figures characterizing the level of development of franchising in the United States.

There are more than 2,000 franchise systems in more than 75 types of activities. The number of franchise enterprises reaches 767,000. There are an average of 380 franchise points per franchisor. However, most franchisors have fewer than 100 locations. About 80% of franchise systems require investments from 50 to 250 thousand US dollars. However, this does not mean that systems with low levels of investment are not being developed. About 20% of systems have an investment indicator of less than 50 thousand US dollars. Periodic payments, the so-called royalties, which form the basis of franchisors' income, on average vary from 3% to 6% of sales.

In a difficult period for the state economy, many citizens prefer not only to live in the “paycheck to paycheck” regime, but also to look for additional ways to obtain a stable income. The Internet is filled with offers from dubious managers who offer to participate in the development of unknown companies. The idea is to organize your own business, which will allow you to receive maximum finances and manage your earnings at your own discretion.

The perfect way to get organized own business– the best franchises that act as the main object in the process of concluding a contract. The concept represents a whole complex of economic and material benefits, including full rights to use the brand and the finished model, as well as all the necessary tools for doing business.

Before using popular franchises, you should carefully analyze the terms of each offer, compare all the benefits and possible prospects. To make your choice easier, financial experts compile special ratings that detail the conditions, required investments and the expected amount of money. The degree of profitability of a particular option was determined taking into account the average amount of earnings in relation to the amount of initial investments and annual profit. The most popular franchises are included in a special list that will help all novice entrepreneurs and businessmen who want to profitably invest their own money in a profitable business, decide on the idea of ​​​​creating a business.


The InCity brand, which sells branded clothing, launched its activities more than ten years ago, after which a significant number of retail outlets in more than 80 cities of the country. The founders determine the minimum requirements for potential partners:

  • Availability of a minimum retail area of ​​150 m²;
  • The store should be located on the main street of the city or in a popular shopping center;
  • Installation of a single software and use of branded commercial equipment;
  • Introduction of uniform prices.

The most important advantage of the proposal is the absence of a mandatory lump-sum payment, since the founders of the enterprise receive sufficient income from the supply of original goods. On current moment InCity stores are included in official rating Forbes on selling profitable franchises.


The creators of the famous Sabway brand are familiar with the needs modern society, so we are ready to offer customers aromatic and tasty instant food. The franchise has been successfully operating since 1974, and since then the offer has been recognized 16 times as the most profitable and profitable in the world. Branded sandwiches are well known all over the world, since most fast food lovers prefer Sabway food. The founders offer comprehensive assistance in the process of setting up a business:

  • Assistance in the process of choosing a restaurant location;
  • Creation of a design project for the establishment;
  • Consulting on business management issues.

A distinctive feature of the restaurant is the ability to choose toppings and sauces for preparing all dishes; The menu includes vegetables, a variety of meat fillings, and fresh bread, which is baked in the restaurant every 4 hours.


Particularly enterprising and active people try to earn money in the field of entertainment and recreation, so they choose innovative and non-standard ways of generating income(). Great way earnings - signing a franchise agreement with Contrast, which is engaged in opening hookah clubs. The organizers of the establishment have passed state certification, so they can guarantee full compliance with legal requirements. The founders of the franchise note the following advantages of the project:

  • Legality of business in the context of anti-tobacco law;
  • Lack of seasonality;
  • Constant demand for entertainment day and night;
  • High profitability.

The Contrast company is characterized by maximum profitability, which is why the company is included in the list of the most profitable options. Interested representatives of the organization are guaranteed to provide assistance in choosing a suitable location for opening an establishment. In the process of opening the next enterprise, the organizers contribute to the training and growth of professionalism of the staff.

Fashionistas and fashionistas all over the world are very familiar with the Columbia brand, which sells original clothing and shoes and is the largest operator in the sporting goods market in the CIS. Sales started more than ten years ago and since then the owners and partners have been steadily making profits. Sports products belong to the middle price segment and are aimed at men and women from 20 to 60 years old. Considering the sales field, which is focused on supply and implementation sportswear and footwear, Columbia provides assistance in developing an individual store design project that will create a stylish and creative point of sale.

The famous coffee shop CoffeSpace has been opening new franchise outlets for many years, which provide significant profits to their owners. The organizers were a company that specializes in promoting the coffee business. It is worth paying significant attention to CoffeSpace: a coffee shop is fundamentally different from most traditional similar enterprises due to the development of unique design solutions for the design of branded products and trading platforms. Special benefits of the CoffeSpace franchise:

  • Lack of seasonality: hot coffee is sold in the cold season, cold drinks are provided for the summer period;
  • Compactness of the point: for placement trading platform no more than 2 m2 will be required;
  • Possibility of attracting regular clientele;
  • Receipt from the sale of fragrant baked goods.

Specialists provide maximum support during the organization of the business: choosing a location for the coffee shop, design appearance. Mostly CoffeSpace coffee shops are located in places where young people gather: educational institutions, shopping centers, in the squares.


The Well company invites all entrepreneurs who wish to organize own project in the field of tourism and travel. The company offers clients vacation packages in Egypt, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey, Spain, Greece and other countries washed by warm seas.

The franchise startup was established about twenty years ago. The project organizers are convinced that doing business under the name of a well-known company is characterized by ease of document flow, as well as the possibility of obtaining maximum profits. A well-known name is the key to reliability and legality at the time of provision of services travel agency. Due to the significant popularity of "Well", companies are periodically observed that operate under the brand name illegally and illegally.

Particularly popular in the field restaurant service and catering establishments around the world use the McDonalds brand, which has earned the love of all fans of fast food. McDonalds is one of the very first world-class franchising projects, since the program has been organized since 1955.

Over the years, this idea has firmly remained at the forefront of profitable options and deservedly tops the most popular franchises in the world. There is significant competition in this area, but parties to a McDonalds franchise transaction should not worry about financial risks and possible unprofitability of the enterprise. Although the cost of this transaction is quite high, the McDonalds idea guarantees profit in the shortest possible time.

The sale of cosmetics and perfumes is very popular and in demand among the fair half of humanity, so such a project is guaranteed to be successful and profitable. Prestigious European cosmetic brand Yves Rocher developed more than a decade ago commercial offer partnerships for all enterprising people who want to earn a stable income from the supply of high-quality cosmetics and perfumes.

Yves Rocher is the first mono-brand chain of cosmetic boutiques in Russia. The original company provides support in choosing a space for placement retail space, in training staff and employees. Depending on the available capital and space, the founder offers two store formats: mini and standard boutique.

For more than ten years, Lukoil has been providing the opportunity business partners use the rights of the company to exercise independent entrepreneurial activity in the field of gas stations. In the process of doing business, each point is supplied with branded Lukoil fuel, the quality of which corresponds to international requirements. The owner of a Lukoil franchise outlet has the opportunity to independently control the business and conduct independent pricing. To become a partner of Lukoil, it is enough to comply with the following requirements:

  • Availability of a ready-made gas station or site for construction;
  • Design of the site in a corporate style;
  • Purchase and sale of Lukoil fuel;
  • Compliance with all requirements of the commercial subconcession agreement.


Selling children's clothing from the Artel company is a profitable and cost-effective business, so many entrepreneurs prefer to enter into a contract. The company entered the textile supply market several years ago and since then has positioned itself as a supplier of high-quality, branded, practical and stylish clothing for children of all ages and teenagers. Clothes are produced by a domestic factory, which offers new collections of capsule models twice a year. A special feature of the capsule method of making clothes is the ability to combine different collections and price options to select a suitable set.

Based on the state of the sales market, this transaction occupies a leading position, therefore it is considered the most profitable offer to obtain maximum income. Artel provides all partners with the opportunity to fully use a ready-made package of documents and goods accounting. To increase popularity and sales growth, the organizer periodically conducts training and testing for operating personnel.


One of the most famous brands selling quality clothes the average price category is trademark Zara (see). The main distinguishing characteristic of the stores is a significant reduction in the period of development of clothing design before it goes on sale to two weeks. That is why new collections appear not two or three times a year, but much more often. Zara creates about 20 collections of branded clothing and accessories per year, which attracts a significant number of regular customers. The franchise offers projects in two formats: Zara City (sale of clothing from popular European brands) and Zara Home (sale of designer home goods).